Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

III: The Last Day

7.7K 163 28
By kmstories1001

Briana walked into the Salvatore House the next morning after hearing about Elena's alliance with Elijah, "Elena said that the sun and the moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan asked as Briana entered the room. 

"Oh good I see I'm just in time." She said walking over to the couch near the fireplace. 

"You must be Elijah. The not so dead corpse from the basement." Briana pointed out as she stood beside Damon. Elijah looked Briana up and down before giving her a slight smile. 

"Yeah yeah Elijah, Briana. Briana, Elijah." Damon intervened. Briana rolled her eyes. 

"As I was saying, Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting but if he breaks it.. he'll be a true hybrid." Elijah spoke calmly. Briana tried to hide the fear in her eyes. 

"Remind me again, why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie." Damon said looking at the doppelgänger. 

"No Damon." Elena and Briana both started. "Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." Elena finished. 

"I'll write her a great eulogy." Damon said with no hesitation.

 Briana rolled her eyes, "It's not an option dumb ass." 

"Alright." Stefan said stepping between his brother and Briana. "How do we break this curse?" He looked towards Elijah. 

"Well the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients you already know. The moonstone. A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell bound within the stone. Then Klaus being both werewolf and vampire will sacrifice one of each." Elijah explained. 

"And where do I fit into it?" Elena inquired. 

"Then, Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgänger until the point of your death." Elijah stated. Everyone in the room stiffened. 

As Elena released her shoulders, "that's where you come in." She directed towards Elijah. He reached for a box and opened it to reveal a stone like bottle. 

"This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It has properties of resurrection." He said holding the bottle. 

"So.. I'll be dead?" Elena said. Her voice coated with fear 

"And then you won't." Elijah reassured her. 

"Thats your plan? Some magical witch potion with no expiration date?" Damon said. Briana stepped forward. 

"For once I actually agree with Damon. How do we even know this elixir thing will work?" She sighed crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Brown eyes here brings up a good point." Damon said pointing towards Briana which earned him an eyeroll from the brunette, "What if it doesn't work?" He asked

"Then I guess I'll be dead." Elena said nonchalantly. Briana and Damon looked between one another before turning their attention to Stefan who was speechless. Damon stared at Elena before admitting defeat and walking out of the room. Briana sighed following after him, "I'll handle him."

She walked onto the porch to see Damon staring into the yard sipping on a glass of bourbon. 

"Breakfast of champions I see, I'll take some of that."

She walked up and grabbed the glass out of his hard as he was about to take a sip and brought it to her lips. 

"I'm surrounded by idiots. I need all the help I can get." He said not moving his eyes from the lawn as she stood by his side. 

"Oh because you're a such genius." She said sarcastically handing the glass back to him. 

"Elijah's an original vampire. One who just a few days ago we were trying to kill. We're just supposed to believe this guy?" He asked turning towards her. 

"No." She said blankly as he gave her a confused look. "But we're going to have to trust Elena." 

He scoffed, "she's gonna get herself killed."

"She made her decision Damon. She's choosing to trust Elijah. We have to respect that." Briana said looking down.

 Did she agree with this insane plan to trust Klaus' brother? Not at all. But she knew if they tried to stop Elena she would just go behind their backs and end up in more danger than she's already in. 

"Well that makes you the biggest idiot of them all." He sneered towards Briana. 

"Hey don't start with your little attitude towards me I am the only one who can semi-tolerate you. Right now I'm all you've got." She sneered back.

"She chose to trust you too, you know?" Briana looked up at him. Poking at his feelings towards the doppelgänger she was hoping to get some sort of positive or calming reaction from him. But Damon didn't saw a word. He simply chugged the last of his bourbon and made his way back into the house. 

Briana sighed as her phone started to ring: Caroline. 


Briana walked into the grill looking around furiously for Caroline. She pulled out her phone to text her sister as she overheard her mother's voice, "She's not the same. She's a vampire." 

Briana peaked her head around a pillar to see her mother sat at a booth with Matt Donovan. She stayed out of their eyesight while she listened to the remainder of their conversations silently cursing at herself for still not finding a way to get Liz off of Caroline's trail. Between the Klaus and her mom's drama, Briana barely had time to breathe let alone create two diabolical plans. 

Briana smiled as she heard Matt come to her sister's defense, but Liz persisted. As soon as Liz brought up that the vampires in this town are responsible for Vicki's death, Matt's entire demeanor changed. 

"Why are you hesitating sheriff? Why haven't you done anything?" The boy asked. 

"Because I need more time." Liz breathed. Briana let out a breath of relief she had been holding in. She had time to figure out a plan.

"And because in spite of everything I just said, I look at her and I see my daughter." Liz said shyly. Briana couldn't help but smile. That would be the key to her plan. Reminding Liz that despite what Caroline had become, deep down inside she's still the same old Caroline. 

Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone started blaring its ringtone. She internally cursed as she hid behind the nearest table she could find and her mom's head turned in her direction. 

Before she could even say hello Caroline spoke through the phone, "Change in plans. Matt doesn't have a break for another hour so I'm going to go run some errands. You want to join me? We can hit the mall?" 

Briana walked out of the grill, "Actually Care I think we should go back to the Salvatore House. We need to know what we're up against in trying to take down Klaus." 

"Just one day I wish we didn't have to deal with the supernatural crap that goes on in this town." Caroline sighed through the phone. 

"Well if all the vampires were like you maybe we wouldn't have to. I'll meet you there in 5." Briana smiled as she hung up her phone. 


Briana and Caroline walked in the Salvatore House just as Jenna and Stefan were filling Alaric in on what Klaus did while in his body. He was distraught. Briana couldn't help but feel bad for Alaric. He didn't ask for any of this. 

As the group downstairs was talking they heard Elena's muffled screams come from upstairs, "Damon No!" 

Before Briana even noticed Stefan and Caroline were gone. Briana ran up the stairs after them. As she walked into Damon's bedroom Stefan had thrown Damon across the room. Caroline wrapped Elena in a hug. 

"What did you do?" Stefan panted. "What did you do?" 

Briana looked between the Salvatore Brothers while Elena cried in Caroline's arms. 

"I saved her life. She's so bent on dying at least this way I know she'll come back." Damon said coldly as Stefan and Briana rushed towards Elena to comfort her. 

"As a vampire. She'll come back as a vampire." Stefan said. Anger coating his voice. 

"It's better than nothing." Damon sneered. Briana felt like her blood started to boil. 

"That wasn't your call to make. How could you of literally all people take the choice away from her after everything you went through?" Briana stepped forward yelling at the older Salvatore.

Damon stayed silent and Stefan's rage overtook him hearing Elena's cries. He vamped towards his brother pushing him into the wall. 

"Stefan!" Elena screamed. Tears still running down her face. 

Damon shot back holding a fire poker across Stefan's neck as his back was up against the wall. "Admit it. You just wish you had the balls to do it yourself." 

Stefan was beyond angry. He started repeatedly punching Damon. Briana shot Caroline a look as the two sister changed places. Caroline grabbed Stefan by the arm to hold him back from punching his brother as Briana stepped forward. 

"Enough! Both of you!" She yelled. She knew that even in his anger, Damon wouldn't hurt her. Damon stopped in his tracks locking eyes with Briana. He sent her a semi-apologetic look as he stuck a stake into Stefan's stomach. 

"No!" Elena screamed rushing towards the younger Salvatore. "Get out of here!" She shouted at Damon. 

Briana crossed her arms over her chest looking at Damon. She always wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that his feelings for Elena would make him do the right thing for once in his immortal life, but every time she was disappointed. Maybe that the karma she gets for trying to see the best in the monsters she calls her friends. 

Briana and Caroline each grabbed one of Damon's shoulders practically dragging him out of the room as Elena pulled the stake out of Stefan. 

As they returned to the living room where Elijah sat patiently Briana couldn't contain it anymore. Her anger over took her. It was like she has never felt this much rage and it was eating her alive. She looked into Damon's blue eyes and just felt anger and hatred towards his actions. 

Before she even realized what she had done, her hand met the side of his face as she slapped him, "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what you just did-." She sneered as Caroline interrupted her. 

"Bri-" She started but Briana looked towards her sister, "No Care." She turned back to Damon. 

"After the way being a vampire was forced on you why would you do this to her? No wonder she continues to choose Stefan." She spat. 

Damon looked at the human girl. Shocked that she hit him, stung by her words and slightly impressed that she was brave enough to attack a vampire. Damon stayed quiet as Elijah chimed in. 

"Well it sounds like you won't be needed this anymore." He said referring to the elixir, "Feeding her vampire blood rendered it useless. Tell Elena I'll be back before nightfall and we will proceed as planned." As he made his way towards the door. 

Briana made her way towards the door still filled a range of emotions: Anger, Hatred, Fear, Disgust and Shock. She hit him. And she didn't even realize it. It was unexplainable like some higher power took over and all she saw was red. It scared her a little. She felt completely out of body. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by Caroline grabbing her arm to pull her to leave. She stopped in her tracks before turning around as she opened her mouth to speak all she would say was, "She will never forgive you." 


Briana wanted to be alone. She couldn't explain what had just happened and needed time to process. Caroline went to run the errands she planned to earlier before all the chaos ensued and Briana decided to go for a run. 

Running had always been relaxing to her. A way for her to decompress and clear her mind. As she ran through Mystic Falls she was able to calm down. Her heart rate returning to a normal pace. 

She was angry at Damon, but she had no right to hit him no matter how much he deserved it. Her heart broke for Elena who just had the rest of her life taken away from her. 

As she ran past the grill she saw Alaric and Damon sitting at the bar. She hesitate before walking inside. 

"I'll take one of those." She told the bartender as she took a seat beside Damon. 

The three were silent as a drink was placed in front of Briana. She rose it to her lips and took a sip. The burn of the alcohol sliding down her throat. 

"I screwed up." Damon said not taking his eyes off his glass. Briana let out a breathy apologetic grin. She didn't have to say a word. She just placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. 

"Gentlemen, Lady, why so glum?" A British voice asked. Briana looked up next to her to see a man looking down towards her. His light hair and blue eyes like they were staring into her soul. She couldn't help but admit how attractive he was. Maybe it was the confidence in which he carried himself but she was intrigued. 

Damon sighed, "Klaus I presume." Briana snapped her head from Damon to Klaus. Her body filled with a hint of fear. 

"In the flesh. Thanks for the loaner mate." He said looking towards Alaric. Briana couldn't help herself. She picked up her glass and downed her entire drink. 

"It's good to see you again love." Klaus said making eye contact with Briana. She gave him a confused look before realizing he was talking about the dance. Briana was at a loss for words as she looked into his eyes, a slight smirk coming across his face. 

"Yeah uhm bartender I'm gonna need another." She said as she looked away from Klaus holding up her glass. 

"Any reason other than flirting with this one you stopped by to say hi?" Damon said protectively moving to stand in front of Briana. 

"Actually, I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger." Klaus started and Briana downed her fresh drink. "Just thought I'd remind you not to do anything you'll regret." 

Damon slightly laughed under his breath uncomfortably as Klaus did the same. 

"I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement could I?" Damon said in fully serious causing Briana to choke on her drink. 

"You truly are about as dumb as they come aren't you? You think because you ask nicely he's going to postpone something he's been trying to do for literally a thousand years." Briana peaked out from behind Damon causing Klaus to chuckle. 

"So I take it he isn't kidding then?" Klaus asked. The sides of his mouth turning upwards as he looked at Briana. She couldn't help but smile back. 

"No not really." Alaric chimed in. 

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the grand scheme of things?" Damon inquired annoyingly. 

"Let me be clear. I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight." Klaus said in a low tone before moving away from the bar but not before giving Briana an enticing look with a smirk. She felt her heart rate increase. 

"Well that was fun." Damon said sitting back down. "You think if I took this werewolf out of the equation she might get over the fact I tried to turn her into a vampire?" Damon asked in all seriousness 

"I think it won't matter because you will be dead." Alaric said with no hesitation causing Briana to laugh. 

"God willing." She laughed as Damon rolled his eyes. 

"But without a werewolf he can't perform the ritual which means I'll have bought her another month." Damon said. 

"But you'll still be dead." Alaric responded and Briana lost it with laughter. 

"You are really on a roll today Ric well done." She tried to regain her composure. 

"Are you just going to sit there and laugh at me or are you going to actually be useful?" Damon asked looking at the brunette. "Both of you." He turned towards Alaric. 


As the three arrived at Alaric's apartment, Damon and Alaric started upstairs meanwhile Briana tried to call Caroline for what felt like the 400th time. Matt had stopped Briana before she left the grill saying Caroline never came back to meet him during his break and he couldn't get ahold of her. Briana instantly started to worry. 

"Care it's me. Please please please call me back. I'm trying really hard not to worry here but you aren't exactly making it easy. Just call me." Briana hung up the phone, let out a sigh and made her way upstairs. 

As she approached the apartment she heard Damon call out to Alaric, "I got it from here Ric, only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get Bri and get back to the house. Keep Elena from handing herself over" 

Briana rolled her eyes and gave Ric a "he's not serious is he?" annoyed look as she walked into the apartment. 

"I don't think so with the questionable choices you already made today." She entered crossing her arms over her chest. 

Damon let Katherine go from the wall he had her pinned against as he turned to face the Forbes girl. 

"Get blamed for what?" Katherine asked looking between the two. 

"He wants to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf. He thinks if he 'eliminates' the werewolf Klaus will postpone the ritual." Briana stated as Katherine gave her a confused look. "Dumb idea I know. I tried to stop him." 

"You can't do this Damon. Klaus will kill you and everyone you've ever met. Except maybe you Bri." Katherine directed at the two. "Good idea bringing her with you. He does have some weird attractiveness to her. Maybe he will spare you if she says please." Katherine smirked at Damon. 

Briana knew the weird tension between her and Klaus wasn't just one sided and now Katherine had confirmed it. But at the end of the day, no matter what awkward pulls he felt, he was trying to kill her friends and she couldn't let that happen.

"I just need to delay this thing. It will buy you another month of your pathetic life." Damon said as Katherine walked away from him. 

"Right except that I'm not the vampire he's planning on sacrificing." She turned around. "He's got Caroline and Tyler." Briana's eyes got wide. "Sorry Bri, but I'm in the clear." Katherine shrugged in her direction. 

"How do you know?" Briana asked looking at the female vampire who happens to be a known liar and manipulator. 

"I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get out of here." Katherine pleaded as Damon made his way towards her. 

"And what if I told you Elena had vampire blood in her system?" He spoke.  Katherine looked confused and angry. 

"Imagine competing with Elena for Stefan's love for uhm I don't know, ever?" He said poking a nerve. Briana smirked kind of proud of Damon. She knew he could be useful at times.

"The tomb. He's got them in the tomb." Katherine gave in. 

"Thank you." Damon rose his eyebrows at her before Briana pulled him out of Alaric's apartment muttering, "Let's go."


As Damon and Briana made their way through the woods they were stopped by a voice, "Which one are you trying to save? The blonde? Or the wolf?" 

They turned to met with who they can only assume was one of Klaus' 'associates.'

"Where are they?" Briana started towards him  and stuttered through gritted teeth. Damon grabbed her by the arm and pulled her backwards protectively and she shot him an annoyed look.

"Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?" The man stated. 

"Wishful thinking." Damon responded nonchalantly with a shrug. Before vamping towards the man wrapping his arm around his throat. 

The man slowly rose his hand as Damon groaned in pain. A warlock. Briana ran towards the warlock to attack but he rose his other hand and stopped her in her tracks. 

All of the sudden, a shot rang out as he fell to the ground to reveal Matt Donovan with a gun. 

"Matt, what are you doing here?" Briana walked towards him able to move freely again. 

"Where's Caroline?" The boy asked. 

"Listen man. Not a good time to play the hero." Damon stated as Matt approached him. Briana hit Damon's arm lightly as a sign for him to change his tone. 

Matt loaded the gun and pointed it towards Damon, "Where is she? And what did he do to her?" 

Damon put his hands up and Briana stepped in-between the two boys. 

"Matt. It's okay. He came with me to rescue her." Briana pleaded. Matt knew Briana would never do anything to hurt Caroline. He nodded and he lowered the gun. 

In the blink of an eye Damon rushed towards Matt hitting him in the head with the gun, "You're lucky I already screwed up once today. Or you'd be dead." He said unloading the gun over the Donovan boy's body. 

"Seriously?!" Briana started. "Was that really necessary?" She asked with her hands on her hips. 

"I'm already looking out for one human who won't stay out of supernatural crap. How am I supposed to look after you with this moron running all over trying to get himself killed?" Damon looked at her. She couldn't help but smile lightly.

"I can take care of myself you know" She protested. Damon stayed silent and just smirked in her direction and then all of the sudden, he was gone. 


Damon walked into the tomb to see Caroline and Tyler chained to the walls. Completely ignoring Tyler he walked right towards Caroline. 

"Damon?" She asked confused. It was no secret the two had a difficult past so he wouldn't have been her first thought for a rescuer. 

"Your boyfriends outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets and your sister nagging attitude has been driving me crazy for the better part of a day. Let's go." He said ripping the chains off of Caroline. "You have some explaining to do." 

"What Matt-" Caroline started Briana made her way into the tomb. 

"Did you seriously just leave me in the woods with a semi dead warlock and a teenage wannabe vampire hunter?" Briana sauntered into the tomb pushing cob webs off of her shoulder. Damon looked up from her sister in annoyance giving Caroline a 'help me' look. 

"Oh my god Care thank god you're okay." Briana ran to her sister and wrapped her in her arms. Caroline fell into her sisters embraced as a sign of relief. 

As the two pulled away Damon ushered them out of the tomb. 

"Wait, Damon, I'm not leaving without him." Caroline started referring to the Lockwood werewolf. 

Damon sighed and looked at Briana who gave him and 'I don't know what do you think?' kind of look. Over the past year the two had been able communicate with just a single look. Damon looked back at Tyler, "It's getting dark soon. How fast can you get out of here?" 

"I need to get to my family's cellar." He said pleadingly. "I can lock myself up." 

"I'll help." Caroline added. 

"Caroline no-" Briana started as she watched Damon grab the chains holding Tyler. 

"Don't make me regret this." Damon sneered now eye level with the werewolf as he pulled him free. 


Damon, Briana, Caroline, Matt and Tyler were all walking through the woods trying to get to the Lockwood cellar before the full moon rose. Tyler was trying to hold back any signs of transformation as Matt was getting nervous. 

"What's wrong with him?" Matt asked. A hint of fear in his voice. 

"He better not wolf out of on us." Damon replied as his phone started to ring. 

"Ugh what could it possibly be now?" Briana groaned as she held on to her sister's arm. 

"Not a good time little bro." Damon spoke into the phone. 

"Where are you?" Stefan asked on the other side of the phone standing in the foyer of the Salvatore House with Alaric. 

"Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put." Damon said as the group tried navigating where to go next. 

"She's already gone Damon." Stefan spoke. 

"What?" Damon stopped in his tracks. 

"What's going on?" Caroline asked worriedly. Damon looked in her direction the phone still pressed to his ear. 

He groaned, "I'll take care of it." As he hung up. 

"Damon what's going on?" Briana asked in a stern tone. 

Just as Damon was about to respond. Tyler groaned and fell to the ground as cracking sound filled the air. 

Tyler began panting as his transformation started, "I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here." He looked towards Caroline. 

Caroline tried to reassure him that he would be fine and there was still more time before he would fully shift into a wolf, but Tyler persisted that she go. 

On all fours, his neck snapped upwards and his golden eyes lit up the dark forest. He lunged towards Caroline as Damon reacted quick enough to tackle him to the ground. 

Damon held Tyler up by the shoulders and Tyler repeatedly growled and tried to bite Damon. With full force, he was able to push Tyler off of him far enough away to create ground between them. 

"Damon-" Briana started. 

"I'm fine." He snapped back. "Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it can hold him in, it can keep him out. If it doesn't use these." He gave the wooden bullets back to Matt. "It will buy you a couple seconds." Briana looked up and him with worry in her eyes as Caroline nodded. 

 Caroline grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her in the direction of the cellar while Tyler's bones began breaking more rapidly. As Briana ran with Caroline and Matt, she turned back to look for Damon, but he was gone. 


Damon arrived at Alaric's apartment where Katherine was pestering Klaus  with questions. Upon hearing him enter, Klaus turned. 

"I wasn't aware you were invited in." Klaus rose from his seat walking towards Damon. 

"I'm here to tell you need to postpone your ritual." He spoke. 

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Klaus asked. 

"We did. But that was before I killed your witch and rescued your vampire and werewolf." 

"Excuse me" Klaus sneered angrily.

"And you can kill me for it. I don't care. I had some help but help me God if you go near her it will be the last thing you do. But based on the way you looked at her it's clear you won't." Damon stated standing tall. Looking directly into Klaus' eyes. He was fully prepared to die.

 He noticed the change in Klaus' demeanor at the slight mention of Briana. He shifted uncomfortably. It was clear she had a hold on him even with the few brief moments they had spent together. Katherine snickered from across the room. She had called it from day one that Klaus would be fascinated with Briana. 

"Katerina give us a moment." Klaus directed as Katherine made her way into the other room. 

Klaus stepped towards Damon. The two practically nose to nose before he spoke, "I've heard about you. Crazy impulsive vampire. In love with his brother's girl. I knew one of you would try to stop me. It was just a 50-50 guess on who." He walked back towards the table. 

Damon scoffed, "Well if you know so much, why would you use Caroline as your vampire. Briana would never give you a second look if you sacrificed her sister." 

"And what makes you think Briana, who I've only just meant, has any hold on me whatsoever." Klaus scoffed. Deep down, he knew Damon was right. It did cross his mind, but breaking this curse has been his goal for a thousand years. He couldn't throw that all away from a women who he's known for five minutes. No matter how attracted he was to her. How much he wanted to get to know her. 

"Because the way you looked at her today was the same way I looked at Elena the first night I met her." Damon said proudly. Klaus turned his back to Damon. Thoughts of Briana running through his head.

Her beautiful brunette skin. Her dark brown eyes. Even though it was just a slight moment, he had been hanging on to the image of her laughing all day. 

Without saying a word, Klaus pressed play on his computer to reveal live footage of Jules, screaming, mid transformation. 

"The nice thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs." He smirked. Damon looked back at him unamused. 

"Jules." Damon said monotonously. 

"When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse, you learn a thing or two. First rule, always have a back-up. Back up werewolf. Back up witch.." Klaus trailed off becoming face to face with Damon. 

"Back up vampire." Damon said realizing as Klaus lunged forward. 


Briana, Caroline and Matt ran into the Lockwood cellar hearing growls quickly approaching. 

"Care help me with the gate." Briana yelled as Matt was flooding the Forbes girls with questions about his safety. 

Caroline closed the gate behind them and used chains to hold it shut as Tyler entered the cellar in full wolf form. 

"Tyler." Caroline spoke as calmly as she could. "It's gonna be okay." 

But Tyler was angry. He lunged at the gate door as Briana pulled Caroline backwards. 

Caroline continued to try and calm down Tyler with her voice but it was no use. Briana's phone started to ring. She looked down to see Damon as the caller id. She quickly hit answer. 

"Speak fast I'm about the be werewolf food." She spoke into the phone, her eyes locked on the wolf just outside the gate. 

"We have another problem." Damon said leaving Alaric's apartment. 

"Don't we always?" Briana asked as she gulped in fear. Her phone beeped notifying her that her call was disconnected. I'm sure that had nothing to do with her literally being underground. She groaned and tried redialing Damon but nothing went through.

Something bad was about to happen. Briana could feel it in her bones. The ritual was going to happen. It didn't matter that they saved Caroline and Tyler, Klaus was smart enough to have back ups and then back ups for his back ups. 

She needed to get out of this cellar. She stepped in front of her sister who was still trying to coo Tyler with no luck. 

"Tyler." Briana stepped forward talking low and calm. She couldn't let him sense her fear. 

"Tyler it's going to be okay but I need you to listen to me." Briana spoke. The wolf stopped growling. He was taking in what she was saying. Caroline looked at her sister amazed. 

"Tyler I need to get out of here okay? Lives are at stake. I need you to let me go. Please." She pleaded with the wolf. She didn't understand it, but he was hearing her. He was able to calm himself down. 

Caroline looked confused between the wolf and her sister. She had spent the last 20 minutes trying to calm him, and all it took was a few sentences from Briana. 

Briana and Tyler were never close, but in that moment, she felt like they were connected somehow. 

Tyler, still in wolf form, slowly started to retreat out of the cellar. As Briana let out of a big breath and looked towards Caroline. 

"Something is happening. I need to find Damon. Stay here. Once the full moon is gone and Tyler is back to normal. I'll come back. Please just stay safe." Briana said looking at her younger sister, her hands on her shoulder. 

Caroline just nodded and hugged Briana. Briana gave Matt a reassuring look as she opened the cellar gate. She closed it behind her ensuring Matt and Caroline stay safe. 

As she made her way back into the woods she tried calling Damon again. Just as he answered the phone, Briana saw flames lighting up in the distance. 

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