Trusting Love

Od StephenCurryDrake

6.1K 253 31

"Love is what makes the ride worthwhile" Bria Carter, is your average 26 year old woman living in Cali enjoy... Více

Trusting Love


321 11 0
Od StephenCurryDrake

Omniscient POV

"Ooooh don't you look cute." Skye compliments, as Bria looks in the mirror, putting the final touches on her makeup.

"Thanks, I'm lowkey nervous."

"More nervous than the first one?"

"Absolutely. The first one I thought was just a joke or something."

"I see, but obviously it's not if he asked you out again."

Bria shrugs then takes a step back so Skye could see her complete look. Bria didn't know how to feel, she was definitely shocked but definitely trying not to read too much into the dates.

"Purrrr bad bitch." Skye compliments and Bria smiles.

"It's giving casual, right?"

"Thats what he said?" Bria nods and Skye nods back, "Then yes, its perfect."

After a long night at the club and returning home Bria and Jordan had been texting about their upcoming date. Even though she knew it was just a dinner and movie she had to make sure he wasn't taking her to some fancy restaurant where she would be underdressed. Her outfit consisted of a black sweater, some slightly ripped skinny jeans, her Dr. Martens black boots and black Gucci crossbody. It was currently high 50s in San Francisco so a sweater would keep her warm.

Skye watched as her friend fidgeted with her hair in the mirror, "What time did he say?"

"Uh he said he would pick me up at 6:15, movie starts at 6:45 and then dinner after." Looking at her watch she realized it was 6:10 PM, "So that gives me about five minutes to freak out before he gets here." Skye laughs.

"You said the last date was good, I'm sure this one will be too."

"I'm mostly worried about the movie, not even the dinner."

"Why? You literally don't do anything."

"Exactly but like what if he tries to put his hand on my thigh or put his arm around my shoulder. And even before that, what if- not if but when people notice him and then see me standing there."

"Bria you're overthinking it, just live in the moment."

"I don't like this... at all."

"What? A decent man taking you on a date?"

"Yes! I'm not used to this."

"And yall say I'm the drama queen."

"You're not helping and this isn't dramatic, it's nervousness."

"My only advice to you is to relax, it's obvious he likes you, even if it's just a little, you made it to a second date."

"I guess you're right- AHH" Bria screams, making Skye rip her eyes from her tv to the phone, "He texted, he's outside."

"No bitch you are a drama queen, screaming like that got me thinking somebody broke in yo shit." Skye huffs and Bria laughs while picking up her phone and putting her purse across her body.

"Shut up, you were just as dramatic in college."

"Yeah you're right when I was 19, bitch you 26, what's your excuse?"

Bria ignores her friend while shutting off all the lights and locking her door. She walks down the hall to the elevator and gets in. She rides down and as she steps off.

"Okay I'm walking out the building now, wish me luck."

"Good luck best friend, fuck him if you can." Skye says and they both laugh as she goes through the revolving door.

Immediately Jordan gets out of the driver's side and walks around the car to the passenger side as she gets closer.

"Bye Skye." He hears her say as she gets closer. When she finally looks up and they make eye contact a smile breaks out on her face.

"Hi." She says softly and he returns the smile and opens the door. He flicks his wrist in a playful manner, ushering her into the car causing them both to chuckle a little.

A couple seconds later Jordan appeared on his side and got in the car, "You look amazing as usual."

"Thank you, casual right?"


"You look nice too but I bet you already knew that." She says while he pulls off.

"And how would I know that?" He asks while stopping at a red light.

"Have you looked at yourself lately?" She asks rhetorically and he laughs. Yes, she was joking but she was also being very serious. That was her way of saying he was out of her league without blatantly saying it.

"Even though I just saw you early this morning, how was your day?"

"Ehh pretty chill, I got up, finished some work, went grocery shopping and then laid around the rest of the day... probably really uneventful compared to you huh?"

"What is it you think I do all day?" He asks then turns to her with a playful smile, because he was genuinely curious.

"Uh I don't know, hang with celebrities all day, work out, go to yacht parties, something." She shrugs and he laughs.

"A yacht party? In February?" She laughs and he does too. "You want to know what I did today? Slept, got yelled at by my mom because I forgot to come over and went to the gym."

"Well I was one for three, not too bad."

"33%, you're the teacher here, you tell me, is that failing?"

"Ha ha ha." She says sarcastically.

"Seriously though, I think you're overestimating my life."

"Well I don't mean to, I just don't know anything about what NBA players do in their free time."

"Well believe it or not, the exact same thing you do."

"If you say so."

They drive to the movie theater with music playing and occasional small talk before parking in the parking lot. Jordan gets out first as usual and goes to her side. She gets out and he closes the door before he grabs her hand and hits the lock.

As they begin to walk towards the entrance Bria notices a person walking towards them recognize Jordan, "Someone is looking."

"It's okay." He says as they pass the man and make their way into the movie theater.

"Right on time." She mumbles as an employee scans the tickets from Jordan's phone. She took that as an opportunity to look down at her phone, she really didn't want to get the questioning looks from people as they recognized him.

"I see you're a stickler for being on time." He says while grabbing her hand again.

"I am actually, I hate being late, for anything."

"I mean that's a good quality."

"Yeah sometimes, but people complain I either stress them out or annoy them with it occasionally." He leads her to concessions and begins looking at the menu.

"What do you want?" He asks then looks down at her.

"We're getting food after right?" He nods

"Just an icee, what are you getting?"

"Uh just a drink and popcorn?"

"How do you like your butter?" She lifts her eyebrow at him and he chuckles a little.

"Why so serious?"

"You can tell a lot about a person by the way they butter their popcorn." She jokes and he laughs a little.

"I like-"

"Next guest."

"I just might surprise you, hold on." They walk up to the counter and he orders Bria an Icee, himself popcorn and a fountain drink, then he asks for "extra butter." He says then looks at Bria.

"Good, you scared me there for a second. Anyone that doesn't like butter on their popcorn is either boring or a psychopath."

"You know what, I can agree with that." He says while pulling out his wallet to pay for their snacks.

As he swipes his card, in her peripheral Bria sees someone standing very close behind Jordan but not in the line. When she glanced back she could see a little boy standing there with a marker staring at the back of Jordan waiting to get his attention.

"Jordan-" Bria nudges him.

"Hm?" He looks down at her and she nods her head behind him causing him to turn around.

"Wassup man?" Jordan asks with a smile and the kid holds up the marker.

"Can I get your autograph and a picture?"

"Sure, buddy." Jordan takes the marker and the kid offers his chest allowing Jordan to autograph the plain white sweatshirt.

"Uh miss?" The employee grabs Bria's attention and motions to their snacks.

"Oh thank you." Bria mumbles before turning to Jordan, "You can go, I'll get the drinks, what do you want?"

"Sprite, thanks." She nods then walks away, when she looks back she sees Jordan walking with his arm wrapped around the kid to a corner where his parents position them to take pictures.

Bria takes the popcorn and stacked cups over to the drinks, sitting the popcorn down she gets Jordan sprite as he requested. When she looks up she sees he is taking a picture with a different fan, but she didn't mind. Instead she continued to get a coke Icee and proceeded to check her phone which was blowing up since her friends knew she was on another date.

Taylor- How is it going?

6:50 PM

Regan- You know she is seeing a movie right? She not gonna respond

6:52 PM

Skye- And she hella nervous

6:54 PM

Taylor- Why? they just seeing a movie, you don't do anything 😂😂😂

6:57 PM

Skye- Thats what the fuck I said, lol

6:59 PM

Regan- Only she would be nervous about something so simple, its okay boo 😭😭

7:01 PM

Bria- Yall do know I can see this right?

7:03 PM

Skye- Ooop Jumpscare 🥴🥴

7:04 PM

Taylor- How's it going, are you surviving?

7:04 PM

"Sorry about that-" She hears and sees Jordan standing over her. "They just kept coming, it's hard to say no sometimes."

She could tell he felt bad but she gave him a reassuring smile, "It's okay, seriously, I wouldn't know how to say no to anybody, ever." She says truthfully and he smiles. "Oh this is yours." She says handing him his drink and popcorn before grabbing hers off the little counter.

"Thank you, shall we?"

"Hold up, you're not putting salt on your popcorn?" She asks with a concerned look on her face, a toothless smile spreads out across his face.

"No." Her mouth drops and he mimics her and puts his hand over his mouth. "That's what the extra butter is for, now you want me to add more sodium c'mon now I gotta watch my figure."

She smacks her lips and shakes her head and he laughs a little as they begin to walk towards the theater. "You do extra butter and salt?" He asks and she nods her head, proudly.

"And what about it?" She asks playfully.

"Damn girl, all that sodium."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'll worry about that when I get older." She shrugs it off and he nods.

"Fair enough."

She opens the door for them because both his hands were full and he mumbles a 'thanks' as she looks at their tickets for their specific seats.

Bria follows behind Jordan to their seats where they sit and get comfortable. Their seats were on the end which allowed Jordan to discreetly glance at Bri's facial expressions all throughout the movie. And in the end he concluded she had the most infectious laugh and a very expressive face that at times revealed exactly how she was feeling. He barely paid any attention to the movie.

Even though she was the one that was initially nervous about the movie he was in his head the whole time. Questioning himself, it had been a very long time since anyone had him this intrigued. So what was it about her that had him so interested?

Before he knew it the movie credits were rolling and they were exiting the theater. After leaving they talked about the movie, well the parts he actually paid attention to while driving to a local restaurant. He wanted to keep it casual which Bria very much appreciated.

Again as Jordan requests a table in the back, Bria keeps her head down to avoid questioning stares. He takes her hand and she follows behind him and the hostess where they are seated in a booth at the very back of the restaurant.

The hostess hands them their menus and Bria begins looking at it. She didn't know what she was in the mood for so she was pretty much open to anything.

Burger? No, Wings? No, Nachos? Maybe, Tacos? Maybe, P-

She looks up for a second and finds Jordan staring at her, causing her to blush and a toothless smile to force its way on her face, "What?" She asks.

"You are stunning." He compliments and she covers her face with the menu causing him to laugh.

"Stopppp, you're going to make me blush."

"I'm not going to apologize for giving you a compliment." He says before picking up his own menu and browsing it.

"I know, I'm just saying when a very attractive man named Jordan compliments me it makes me blush." She says while looking at her menu as well, because she would've never been able to say that while looking at him.

"I'll keep that in mind gorgeous." He says and he looks up from his menu to see her playfully glaring at him.

"Next topic, what are you getting?"

"I don't know, what about you?"

"Hmm, probably their 'Shrimp & Pasta." She says causing a light bulb to go off in his head.

"Ya know, my favorite pre-game meal is chicken and pasta."

"Really? I love pasta but I'll take shrimp over chicken anyday."

After a few more minutes of small talk about food their waitress appeared to take their orders and get them drinks before taking the menu leaving nothing for Bria to fidget with.


"So, how's work?" He asks as the waitress comes right back with the waters they just ordered.

"Well, lets see, teenagers have got to be the moodiest people on this entire planet so I'm just trying not to get my head ripped off at this point." Jordan laughs and she shakes her head. "Nah, I'm just kidding... a little. Ya know I have my days when I just literally cannot control them which stresses me out but I'm making it. How about you?"

"I mean I can't complain. I practice for about two to three hours a day so it probably doesn't sound like much compared to your 8 hour day."

"Are you kidding, you're just saying that to be nice. You push your body physically everyday. The only physical pain I feel is if I'm in heels all day." She says and he laughs.

"Yeah you got it, I don't know how yall walk around in heels all day. I just know your feet be screaming and dogs be barking." He jokes and her mouth drops.

"You're lucky you're across the table." She threatens with a smile. "I occasionally wear heels to work but not everyday, I don't think I would make it and I always bring flats so sometimes if it's too much I'll change and give myself a break. But enough of that I feel like we always talk about work, let's do family."

"Okay well obviously I have two parents but I'm not an only child I have an older sister."

"Yeah me too, except I have a younger brother too."

"How old?"

"My sister is 28 and my brother is 22, that's my baby right there."

Jordan sucks his teeth, "Man you sound just like my sister, that poor boy."

"Hey don't do that, she probably just tryna love you and if you're anything like my difficult ass brother it's a challenge."

"Please, I'm an angel and I'm not even talking about that, I'm talking about the fact that y'all baby us every second of the day."

"You know you love it so don't even do too much."

"Okay so you love the way your older sister treats you?"

"Now that's something totally different, brother and sister dynamics are wayyyy different than sister and sister."

Jordan noticed a change in her tone which made questions start to arise, "How so?"

"Well I can't speak for anyone else but me, however my sister and I don't really get along."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine, I mean I try but some personalities just don't mix, no matter how much you're forced to be together because you're family, but it's okay because I got my brother." Jordan noticed that it bothered her so he didn't want to get into that further.

"Well what about your parents?"

"That's a different story for a different day." She says with wide eyes, emphasizing that was not a road she was ready to go down.

"Damn, that bad?"

"Depends on what you consider bad, it's just a long long story that I don't want to bore you with, besides I think you're trying to deflect from the fact that you're the baby that gets all the love."

"Is that what you think?" He asks with a smile.

"Oh yeah I would know, I'm the middle child, always the least favorite."

"That can't be true, you seem perfect."

"I mean hey what can I say?" She jokes while shrugging her shoulders cockily, "That's sweet of you but I'm far from perfect."

"I find that very hard to believe."

"I guess you'll just have to see for yourself." She shrugs.

"Yes I will." He says as they hold intense eye contact.

Word Count- 3039

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