The Emperor's Female Official...

By BlackJadedesertrose

2.5K 93 21

Li Jade was a force to be reckoned with. one of the top business women in the world haven't reached the statu... More

Goodbye Jade Li
Part 1
Hello Li Daiyu
A/N Recap
Part 2
Update info & stuff
The Prince's
The Prince's part2


107 5 0
By BlackJadedesertrose

I didn't give you guys any visuals on what Yixing looks like and honestly I don't feel like trying to make male faces and things so I just found pictures on Pinterest that I feel like is what I think he would look like so here they are.

We got him in armor somewhere after on the battlefield and then something you would just wear on an average day. Honestly in the first probably two parts of the story cuz I'm going to break this down until like several different parts it'll just make it easier about 9 or 10 chapters each because each chapter is over 4000 words. But after the first two or three parts we might see a bit more of him and FeiFei. Just because I like the dynamic that I've created in my head for these two and how they are as people / characters but they're basically useless and not needed in the first part of the story so.

Meiying smiled slightly as another maid motioned that the fest was about to start. Quickly whispering to the two girls that they were to be seated soon. All three of them elegantly glided back towards the rest of the guest. Each of them wearing a polite smile as they needed a few of the other guests making their way over towards their sectors table.

Jade & Jia kept polite smiles on their faces and they ignore the whispers and looks from the noble men and women along with sector 1 through 3. Clearly the solidified and Jade's opinion that her friend has most likely been sharing information about her life before having much new her older sister and Jade but never giving detail at least until tonight that is if Yixing's reaction was anything to go by earlier.

But it also did another thing it fully solidified the fact that she was being used. ZhuZhu was being played like a fiddle by some of these higher up women who probably saw her as a pretty face but ultimately someone to use as a form of amusement.

Yes she wonders now how that might end up changing not just because of the changes that she's already brought to this one's fictitious world. But also and more importantly the reaction that quite a few of the women had when they found out that Yixing was the one engaged and married FeiFei.

ZhuZhu might be a little stupid and not exactly one to pick up on social cues or status. But there's no way that she's so dumb that she didn't understand or no that her sister marrying into a high class family boosts up the reputation of the entire family. Maybe this is what she wanted all along honestly Jade couldn't sit there and think too hard about it as they had finally made it to their table.

This was something she'll think about and look into later hell she'll most likely have her two new friends help her along the way. She already stated and knew that if she wants to drive she was going to need allies and she already made two of them between the three of them it wouldn't be too hard for them and maybe a few others that they might pick the wrong way to survive the cutthroat world of palace life.

Not too long after everyone had made it to their tables and seated. A buzz of whispering going around mainly of people talking about the latest gossip. Some who are too far away are not paying attention to the atrocity that was ZhuZhu's on lady like greeting. Or the news that she herself has enough risen up to the status of her class Noble woman due to her sisters engagement.

Others busy in themselves more so in the new development from sect 13 and Old Madame Zhang. Quite a few of them were very late to be standing while for other people trying to see if they can get a glimpse of the beautiful black jade. Quite a few of the noble women even talking about the garment that she was wearing many of them noticing the fact that this was definitely the handiwork of the palace seems stressed someone who never bothers with making dresses or gowns or anything of the sort for girls in the sectors unless given permission from one of the old madams or even the emperor himself.

Making many of them Wonder was she really truly just Old Madame Zhang's picked? Or was she the reason why the Crown Prince and the second through fifth Prince along with an emperor or staring at their sector earlier than that. Who was she and how big of a threat was she in terms of capturing the Crown princes heart?

Almost as if I'm magic the entire hall fell into silence. As an emperor stood up at the head table and relaxed smile on his face very different from that of his nephews the 14 princes. Each of them wearing a different River version of either arrogance boredom or lustfulness as they looked among the many Noble and hopeful officials in the room.

Jia along with quite a few of the other girls found themselves in your frustrator and paying close attention to the princes. Trying to catch one of their eye or if they did to give them move on to over then look away as if they weren't interested. Everyone except for Jade. Something that definitely coffee I have quite a few of the princes as she seemed genuinely only interested in what the emperor was about to say next.

Ignoring the slight whispers and looks and ledges that others were given as they left at her as she was the only young eligible woman in the room who didn't see you as a few trying to capture that of any potential husbands. Looking truly as one would help and should if they were looking for nothing more than an opportunity to work at the Royal palace. Further confusing or solidifying thoughts and ideas that people have of her from their very first glimpse or meeting.

"You're all about with you today for feast and celebration of having all 14 factors filled once again with smart, elegant, thoroughly vetted women who have hopes of becoming officials and working towards the greater good off the empire."

There was a slight pause as people collapsed politely women hiding their faces behind fans as they smiled and nodded. Everyone seeming to fall into place clearly this was a song and dance that the nobles have played many times before. It was one that they did not believe that anyone else would quite understand but if they were smart enough then they would know that any of the girls from sector 10 to sector 14 we're going to study everything absolutely everything that came with being in the palace including the way that one should act in such occasions.

For it is the girls in sector 10 through sector 14 back home from the lowest of the lowest class as far as citizens of the empire were concerned. They were the true underdogs and the girls who had to work so much harder in order to even remotely reach their dreams.

To say that it was quite funny to watch are some of the new men and women seem to be too stunned to move or even hide they're just belief. By the fact that every single one of the girls in sector 13 held a shy smile covering their faces with their hands as none of them were given fans or owned any. Nodding to each other looking around happily perfectly mimicking their song and dance.

"We are also Grace today bisector 13. The factor that has the top five girls to a pass the exams this year."

As soon as that information had left the emperors mouth so many of the nobility could not help but you start whispering among each other. Mothers and fathers who seem to be slightly scolding their daughters for getting worst score than that of mere peasants. Others who are trying to figure out who those five girls could be. Many trying to scheme or come up with ways to get as close to that sector as possible because if there was any chance that any one of those five girls either ended up married to the Crown Prince or making it as an official in the palace they would be quite the pawn to have in your pocket.

" Madame Zhang and Meiying also Grace are presents tonight. Tonight truly is a joyous night where all of the children of the later emperor are under One roof and we get to celebrate so many talented beautiful minds who shall become the future of the empire. Let the feast begin."

Once again everyone was clapping and whispering smiling happily. Jade turned to look at Old Madame Zhang and Meiying. A little surprise to see the open look of what seem to be hatred and disgust on Old Madame Zhang's face. As you watch the emperor her eyes never leaving him as he sat down and motioned for all of the kitchen stuff and servers to begin serving up the food.

Meiying on the other hand looked curious as if she was trying to figure out what exactly the angle her uncle was going for. As everyone in the room was well aware of the fact that for the past 3 years since the emperor's untimely demise his brother has never once acknowledge the existence of his niece. Choosing instead to act as if she never even existed most of the time. So for him to go out of his way to mention her and her mother was a little suspicious even given the circumstances. There'd be no reason to mention them by name or to mention the fact that all of the children were under One roof at the moment even if their sector was the one chosen and that had the smartest five girls of the bunch present.

Jade turned away from them as the food was laid out on the table in front of her. Giving a small delicate smile to the serving staff. Watching with satisfaction as a few of them smiled back or blushed prettily at the attention and small act of thanks.

Mentally reminding herself to find the kitchens, by accident of course, at some point. She was going to need to be on the staffs good side and dealing that the kitchen staff was the biggest. Followed by the maids and man servents it was best to get them on her side first.

It would also make it so much harder for any of the noble women to mess with her or her sector's food. As she sat there and remembered a few of the girls from sector 12 whispering to each other earlier that day about how the food that they were served was cold and some of it even spoiled. Something she was absolutely positive was the work of some Noble woman probably wanting to scare off as many potential girls as possible so that her daughter had a better chance.

Especially dealing that what she remember and what she knows of modern day businessman. none of the noble men would suit so low most of them would most likely end up waiting until it has been revealed which girls are the smartest and the biggest competition against their daughters or nieces. Then they would go ahead with whining and dying impregnating and getting rid of them.

Too bad for them that it just so happened to be her sector that had the top five girls in it because she knew damn well. The last thing that she was going to allow to happen was for any of them to have to leave before they were ready to or they genuinely failed the test.

With that thought in mind and a smile on her face. Jay turned to some of the other girls who were sitting at their sector all of them sharing sly little smiles and looks knowing for a fact that they had just unintentionally one-up every one of the nobles in that room.

Feelings significantly lighter and happier they dug in.

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