Seventeen Imagines

By the8buddy

12.4K 234 587

𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏! Welcome to "Seventeen Imagines"! Get ready for a fun journey into the worl... More

1. First and Last Date Β» h. joshua
2. The Price of Freedom Β» c. seungcheol
4. Lost in His Eyes Β» x. minghao
5. Rule Breaker Β» j. wonwoo
6. Psycho Β» w. junhui
7. Special Chapter
8. The Cult Β» OT13

3. A Night to Remember Β» k. mingyu

1.7K 32 19
By the8buddy

pairing: Mingyu x Y/N

wordcount: 3.0k

tags: stealing, alcohol, speeding car, mature content (+16)


Mingyu and Y/N arrived at Joshua's extravagant party, hosted in a lavish neighborhood bustling with opulent residents.

The party unfolded in a resplendent neighborhood, where wealth flowed like a river, and extravagance was the norm. Mansions, adorned with architectural marvels, loomed on all sides, showcasing the grandeur of the elite inhabitants who called this home.

The air buzzed with the sounds of champagne glasses clinking, laughter echoing, and the soft murmurs of conversations that carried the weight of fortunes.

It was a world apart, where luxury met luxury, and Mingyu and Y/N were now part of it, if only for this dazzling evening.

Mingyu and Y/N found themselves at Joshua's extravagant party, a stark contrast to their usual circle.

Their presence there wasn't driven by a desire to revel in the luxuries of this world; instead, they were there solely for Joshua.

He had recently assumed the role of CEO in his family's business empire, and their loyalty as friends compelled them to support him, even in this unfamiliar environment.

Mingyu and Y/N, a couple for the past five years, had known each other since childhood, forging a bond that transcended time and boundaries.

Their relationship was marked by a unique sense of freedom, one that allowed them to explore life's intricacies while staying grounded in their love for each other.

Mingyu and Y/N were in what some termed a "free-spirited relationship." Their journey together was an uncharted exploration of experiences.

They did everything together, from attending parties and trying new things like drugs, to meditating side by side. Their relationship was marked by a sense of openness, where they embraced a wide range of experiences.

This variety kept their relationship fresh and exciting—each day was a new adventure, and they were always eager to try something different, ensuring their bond remained vibrant and never dull.

"Wanna get out of here?" Mingyu whispered in her ear, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her at his words.

"Yes, please," she replied, a grateful smile tugging at her lips. Mingyu reciprocated with a tender peck on her lips before rising from his seat, as Y/N following suit.

Approaching Joshua, Mingyu and Y/N exchanged polite greetings and expressed their gratitude for the invitation.

Joshua, keenly observant, picked up on their restlessness amid the opulent atmosphere.

"I sense this party isn't quite to your liking," Joshua remarked, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he glanced around the lavish gathering.

Mingyu chuckled lightly, appreciating Joshua's understanding. "You know us too well, hyung. It's just not our scene."

Joshua nodded, appreciating their honesty. "I totally get that. Well, I'm glad you came, even if it's just for a bit."

"We appreciate the invite," Mingyu added warmly. "Let's catch up soon, just the three of us."

Joshua agreed, extending an invitation. "Absolutely, we'll plan something low-key. Have a great night, you two."

With goodbyes exchanged, Mingyu and Y/N left the dazzling party, feeling a sense of liberation as they stepped out into the crisp night air.

Feeling the cool night air against their skin, both of them took a moment to relish the simplicity of the present.

The contrast between the opulence they had just left behind and the serenity of the outdoors was a breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively.

Y/N closed her eyes briefly, inhaling deeply and appreciating the lack of the confining atmosphere from the party. Mingyu, too, took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

His eyes lit up with excitement, and he immediately opened his eyes, a newfound idea surging into his mind. "Y/N-ah! I might have a plan to make this night more fun," he exclaimed, capturing her attention as she locked eyes with him, intrigued and eager to hear more.

Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice, "I overheard a rather dull conversation at the party. Some guy was complaining to another about his malfunctioning CCTV system and how he needs to call a technician to fix it tomorrow,"he said, as Y/N listened attentively, her curiosity piqued.

She grinned, intrigued. "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, why don't we take a little tour of the mansion? Maybe we'll stumble upon something valuable," he whispered, winking playfully at her.

"You mean you're suggesting we steal from these rich folks?" Y/N asked, incredulity coloring her expression.

Mingyu hummed and nodded eagerly, a mischievous glint in his eyes, confirming Y/N's disbelief.

Y/N laughed at the audacity of the idea. "That's bold and absolutely insane. Count me in!"

"That's my girlfriend," he said, a playful grin on his lips, as he took her by the waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

They made out for a brief, passionate moment, before they reluctantly parted their lips, excitement and readiness for the adventure ahead now surging through them.

"Let's go," Mingyu said, a grin on his face as he led her to his car. They both got in, and as he started the engine, they drove away, the promise of an exhilarating adventure awaiting them.

With the information Mingyu had gathered at the party, he skillfully navigated the streets and soon located the mansion the man had been discussing.

"Here," Mingyu said, reaching into the backseat to retrieve a black hoodie. He handed it to her, a playful glint in his eyes as he added, "In case we need to be undercover detectives on this adventure."

She chuckled, taking the hoodie. "You never know, it might come in handy. But what about you, Mingyu?"

He grinned, already having planned ahead. "Don't worry, I've got my trusty cap and sunglasses in the glove compartment. Ready for some stealth action!"

They both laughed, the excitement of the upcoming adventure bubbling between them. Mingyu then added with a grin, "Hey, I might need your small hair clip to pick a lock or two," he said, and Y/N immediately took off the clip and handed it to him.

"Ready, baby?" Mingyu asked.

"Always ready," she teased, ready for the unexpected twists and turns of the night.

With a knowing glance exchanged between them, they both got out of the car, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, and a shared determination to steal some valuable goods.

Getting to the door, Mingyu took a moment to assess the lock before skillfully opening it, earning an impressed smile from Y/N. "My smart boyfriend," she said, a playful twinkle in her eyes, as he winked at her in response.

Inside, they were met with a captivating display of opulence, the mansion adorned with a mesmerizing array of gold accents and lavish decor that was truly awe-inspiring.

"Wow... But are you sure nobody's home?" Y/N asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, that man at the party confirmed it," Mingyu replied, reassuring her of the information he had gathered earlier.

"Baby, let's grab something and make our exit," Mingyu whispered as they made their way upstairs, their hearts pounding with the thrill of the adventure.

They meticulously explored the rooms, their eyes scanning for potential treasures. Eventually, they stumbled upon an array of jewelry carefully displayed in front of a mirror.

With a shared knowing smile, they picked up a few pieces, their excitement palpable as they stealthily pocketed their newfound loot. The adrenaline rush was electrifying, making their daring escapade all the more thrilling.

Mingyu opened a drawer, revealing a considerable amount of cash neatly tucked inside. He couldn't help but chuckle at their unexpected luck. "Look here, baby," he whispered, beckoning Y/N to glance at the surprising discovery. Her gaze followed his gesture, eyes widening in astonishment at the unexpected find.

"Mingyu, we're going to have a blast with all this money!" she exclaimed, excitement coursing through her. Mingyu grinned and collected the cash, replying, "Yes, but for now, let's make our exit."

As they made their way to the front door, Mingyu couldn't resist swiping an apple from a nearby table. Y/N burst into laughter at his cheekiness, and he joined in, sharing the mirth.

"Hungry, baby?" she asked, a playful grin on her face.

Mingyu hummed in response, taking a bite of the apple, savoring the sweet victory and the fruit of their daring adventure.

As they made their way out and towards the car, something caught their attention—the man from the party was approaching them, his gaze locking onto theirs.

Panic surged through them as the man recognized them, their hearts racing as they realized they had been spotted.

"Shit!" Mingyu exclaimed, throwing the apple aside. "Get in the car, Y/N," he urged urgently. She didn't waste a second, swiftly moving towards the car and getting inside, her heart pounding in sync with the adrenaline-fueled moment.

Mingyu's adrenaline-fueled reflexes kicked into high gear as he leaped into the car and slammed the door shut. His hands swiftly found the ignition, starting the engine in a matter of seconds. The man from the party was closing in, a mix of confusion and realization flashing across his face.

With a surge of determination, Mingyu stepped on the gas pedal, the car roaring to life and propelling them forward. They sped away, leaving the man in their dust.

Both Mingyu and Y/N burst into laughter, the thrill of the chase and their successful escape adding an extra layer of excitement to the heist.

"Did you see the look on his face?" Y/N chuckled, catching her breath.

Mingyu laughed in agreement, the rush of the daring adventure still coursing through his veins. "Priceless! We made it, baby!"

As they drove off into the night, the echoes of their laughter carried with them, sealing the memory of this unforgettable escapade.

They stopped at a nearby gas station, their laughter still lingering in the air as Mingyu hopped out and went inside. He returned with a pack of beers, a few apples, and an assortment of snacks for Y/N, knowing her preferences well.

The adventure had worked up their appetite, and they sat in the car, enjoying the treats and reliving the excitement of the night.

Y/N leaned back, a contented smile on her face. "Today was crazy, but so much fun."

Mingyu nodded, clinking their beer bottles together in a toast. "Definitely one for the books. Here's to more adventures together!"

They gazed at each other, their eyes conveying a silent understanding of the exhilarating night they had just experienced.

Without a word, they both started to lean in from their seats, drawn to each other by the magnetic pull of their connection and the adrenaline still coursing through their veins.

His lips travelled from her cheeks, where he placed small open mouthed kisses, to her lips, as he pressed his against hers, making her light headed from the way he moved his lips.

Y/N's hands immediately found their way to his chest, as his tongue swipe over her lower lip, asking for entrance.

She gladly opened her mouth, feeling his tongue slip in as he dominated the kiss. He groaned, wanted to close the distance between them.

In a swift, daring move, he guided her to jump from her seat to the driver's seat, her landing on his lap. Their hearts raced, a mix of exhilaration and closeness infusing the moment as they found themselves face to face, just inches apart.

Their lips found their way to each other again, this time the kiss fueled by the surge of passion. Mingyu's hands explored her body, tracing the curves that he knew so well, igniting a fiery desire between them.

Meanwhile, Y/N's hands wove through his black hair, lost in the soft strands, playfully and affectionately teasing as their kiss deepened, an unspoken promise of love and adventure in the air.

Mingyu's lips left a trail from her lips to her jawline, tracing it firmly with passionate kisses. The tender caresses continued down her neck, where he left a series of open mouthed kisses, each one earning a soft moan from Y/N.

The intimacy between them deepened, the electric connection between their bodies sparking a fire that blazed hotter with each passing moment.

His hands found their way under her hoodie and he cupped her breasts through her bra, making her moan loudly, as she covered her mouth with one hand.

"Let me hear you, baby," Mingyu whispered in a raspy voice, gently taking her hand away from her mouth, encouraging her to express the pleasure she was feeling.

The atmosphere was charged with desire and lust, and their closeness intensified, the intimate interaction between them fueling their passion even further.

As she felt his lips licking and sucking on her burning skin, she felt a dull ache in her lower region, as she bit back a whine.

"Tell me what you want, princess," Mingyu asked in a low tone, hearing her whines, his voice laced with a desire to please her.

Sensual desire ignited within them as she moved with a deliberate, slow grind on his lap, eliciting a low, deep groan from Mingyu.

The enticing movement further intensified the heat between them, their passion rising with each tantalizing touch.

"I want you, Mingyu," she whispered seductively in his ear as she continued grinding on him, making Mingyu throw his head back at the sudden pleasure.

His hands found their way to her ass, squeezing it hard and then came to rest on her thighs, massaging them as they both relished in the pleasure they were feeling. The intimate connection between them grew, and their lips met again, this time with a more fervent hunger, unable to get enough of each other.

The desire between them burned hotter, the flame of their passion growing as they become lost in the moment of pleasure.

His hand moved up her thigh and under her skirt, just where she needed him the most, as he started to carress the soft skin on her inner thigh, earning a loud moan from Y/N.

Just then, the distant sound of police sirens could be heard, piercing the air around them. The realization dawned upon them, a jolt of alarm coursing through their veins as they quickly understood that the authorities were looking from them.

Mingyu swiftly withdrew his hands, and Y/N jumped back into her seat. He started the car with urgency, cursing under his breath. The engine roared to life, and they sped away with a loud sound, leaving the sirens behind.

As the adrenaline of the chase faded, their eyes met once more, and they burst into laughter, the intensity of the moment adding to the thrill of their night.

"Ah, these police officers. Just when I needed you the most," Y/N whined, her frustration lightened by the adrenaline-fueled laughter that erupted between them. Mingyu chuckled, sharing in the amusement.

"Let me get rid of them and then I'll be at your service," Mingyu winked mischievously as he accelerated on the empty roads, the thrill of the chase now transformed into a game of cunning and evasion.

She handed Mingyu a beer, they clinked bottles in a playful toast and watched as he took a sip, accidentally spilling some on himself in the process. They both erupted into laughter at the comical sight, finding joy in the unexpected.

"Damn, Y/N, we'll crash if you keep this up," he said, trying to keep a smirk at bay, focusing on the road ahead.
He chuckled at her determination, watching as she gulped down the beer, the laughter and adventure weaving together in this exhilarating night.

Her giggles was music to his ears, a reminder of the joy she brought into his life. Accelerating again, they zoomed down the road, the police cars in the distance gradually turning into small dots.

Mingyu skillfully maneuvered, making their getaway look effortless and victorious. The rush of freedom and the warmth of her laughter blended into a sweet, triumphant melody, encapsulating their wild, unforgettable night.

"Yuhuuu," Y/N exclaimed, the thrill of their escape still coursing through her veins. She took another sip of beer, and as she did, Mingyu couldn't help but gaze at her with an overwhelming wave of love.

The euphoria of the night, combined with the intoxicating joy of being with her, made this moment one to cherish forever.

Once Mingyu ensured they weren't being followed anymore, he stopped the car near a beach. They wasted no time and got out, the cool breeze instantly caressing their skin, bringing a sense of calm after the adrenaline-fueled escapade.

The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing background melody as they stood by the ocean, reflecting on the wild night they had just shared.

In seconds, their clothes were discarded as they eagerly ran into the cold water, the laughter of their adventure echoing in the night. They splashed and played, the waves becoming their playground.

The exhilaration of the night, the passion between them, and the joy of the present moment converged, creating an unforgettable memory as they laughed and reveled in the sheer freedom of being with each other.

"Catch me!" she exclaimed, attempting to run, but he immediately caught her waist and gently turned her to face him.

His smile was infectious, and amidst the playfulness, he confessed, "I love you so much, baby." The words carried the weight of their shared adventures, laughter, and the countless moments that had built their love.

"I love you too," she replied, expressing her affection by planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.

As she leaned in closer to his ear, she whispered in a seductive tone, "Why don't we finish what we started?"

The mischievous glint in her eyes hinted at the passionate adventure that awaited them, an invitation to further explore their love and desire for each other.

Her whispered words sent a jolt of desire through Mingyu, reigniting the fiery passion between them. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he didn't waste a moment.

In one smooth motion, he lifted her off the ground and playfully placed her on his shoulder. Y/N squealed with delight, her laughter ringing in the air mixing with their shared excitement.

And so, they ended up sleeping on the beach, under the open sky, making love all night long.

When they woke up the next morning, they discovered that everything they had taken had also been taken from them—a lesson in karma and the consequences of their actions.

But at the end of the day, Mingyu and Y/N had each other and their love was enough for them.


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