The Emperor's Female Official...

By BlackJadedesertrose

2.5K 93 21

Li Jade was a force to be reckoned with. one of the top business women in the world haven't reached the statu... More

Goodbye Jade Li
Part 1
Hello Li Daiyu
A/N Recap
Part 2
Update info & stuff
The Prince's
The Prince's part2


140 4 1
By BlackJadedesertrose

The last chapter was very talk heavy I apologize a little bit for that but I needed the girls to have that conversation. Will more like lecture. You will be warned that this one is going to be more internal also I would like to just say that I do go back and forth between calling her Jade and Daiyu mainly because she goes back and forth between talking about herself via her original/English name and her new /Chinese name.

Old Madame Zhang nodded to the guards as they opened the doors.

Jade had to stop herself from gasping as the doors fully swung open. She prides herself on her vivid imagination but even the idea of what this place looks like after reading the book was nothing compared to being there. It was described as a gorgeous indoor outdoor area the tables in the five main areas each for different nobles to sit at and the one in the middle clearly for the royal family.

That's truly walking into the room was a completely different experience. She looked around that she knows the other girls also having to stop themselves a few of them even pinching each other to make sure that they were not dreaming. The beautiful lanterns that hung around giving the room a soft hazy like glow. The gorgeous hanfu's that's a noble woman were wearing along with the beautiful silk red uniforms that adoned the maids and servants.

Does she looked around taking a peek over a railing as they walked past it she couldn't help but to smile slightly at The view below. It will seem that this entire section was built on top of a natural looking pond one that was filled with beautiful underwater aquatic Life and gorgeous koi fish. She was absolutely certain that she could sit there at the railing and just watch the fishes swimming around all day and wouldn't get bored.

The place was truly beautiful and is spectacular she could not comprehend the fact that she was now there. It was because of this and hello enchanted she was to be there but she did not notice us ZhuZhu along with her future brother-in-law made their way towards herself and Fei.

"YuYu it's really you!"

Jade looked up at the nickname remembering that only ZhuZhu seemed to call Daiyu that. Even after all the times she stated how much she disliked it.

Meiying stood next to them looking unimpressed by the very unladylike display ZhuZhu made. Yixing looking embarrassed on behalf of his sister in law.

Jade turned towards her and noticed a few Nobel ladies including the one she saw ZhuZhu with earlier looking there way. Ignoring them for now she took in her "childhood" friends appearance.

Her dress a beautiful dark green with gold accents that made her pale skin glow. Long hair kept back by a few braids and ornaments.

But Jade was a little surprised by her make up chose.

It was bolder more so like that of the noble women that were there. The pink eyeshadow a darker color than the pastel baby pink that I don't the others cheeks that seemed more rosier than most of the non-noble ladies there. But most of all was the bold red lip a color that most non nobles stayed away from for many reasons. The main one being how expensive is to find and get such a pigmented red for one to put on their lips or their face in the first place. The second one being that it was a staple of the noble ladies of court which is further solo fighting Jade's head that somehow ZhuZhu how to capture the attention of one of them who is taking her under their wing.

She gave ZhuZhu a polite smile.

"ZhuZhu it has been so long. I am happy to see you once more."

Jade noticed the look of surprise and even disappointment on some of the ladies of sector one's face. If it seemed that they had assumed that much like her simple friend here that she'd have absolutely no etiquette that they would probably cause some kind of commotion.

She also took in the fact that a few other Noble ladies from the other two sectors said a few who were there with their sons and daughters that looked at her with surprise but also hints of interest. It was clear to see that she was the black jade of the lotus house. She was clearly The chosen girl by Old Madame Zhang.

Something that made most people curious in the first place as most of the old madams picked one girl from their sector to be considered their black jade their precious jewel. The one that they truly believe was going to make it far whether it was as an actual female officiant or in capturing the heart of a higher up Noble.

Yet Old Madame Zhang never participated in this normally so the fact that for the first time in over several years she had picked one. Not to mention that the girl that she picked was so beautiful and surprisingly smart enough that even the emperor was willing to invite the entire Lotus section to the welcoming feast then normally only sector 1 through 3 attended.

ZhuZhu frowned slightly at the less than enthusiastic response. She's going to open her mouth and ask why or probably make a fool of herself if it wasn't for Yixing leaning over and whispering something into her ear. Whatever it was it made her well aware of where they were once again and she straightened up her back a polite smile gracing her own lips as she nervously looked around picking up on a few of the noble ladies who are watching them. The natural blush rising on her naturally pale face.

Jason and help but notice how a few of the noble women sat there looked at her and giggled. The smitten look on quite a few of the men and guards faces. It was clear to see that ZhuZhu unintentional or not I'd garnish the attention of quite a few of the nobles and Royal servants just from her innocent sweet looks alone.

It also made Jade realize that that was more likely the reason why one of the girls from sector 1 had decided to snatch her up more so than the poor woman being aware ZhuZhu slight obsession with the crown prince.

"Oh. I have missed you. So has FeiFei I wish she was here so we all can catch up. Sadly she's packing up tonight. Moving in with Yixing here before they head out in two weeks. "

Jade nodded as she noticed Yixing looking slightly upset at her spilling this information. Not to mention from the looks of surprise and shock on a few of the noble women faces it was clear that he had not made it a public affair that he was marrying and leaving the palace. Most likely because he was well aware of how handsome he was and that many noble women and their daughters have been fighting for his affection for years since he had joined the Royal Palace. Most of them being turned away and told that he already had a sweetheart that he was waiting for now they are mostly looking too and two together and figuring out that the only reason why he was even slightly sweet on ZhuZhu despite her having the social skills equivalent to that of a skipping Stone was his love for her sister.

Jade gave him a understanding look and slight smile something that she noticed quite a few of the noble women once again have picked up on. She could  already tell that this was going to be quite a headache. If she was going to have to be so observant every time she was outside of the Lotus housing area .

"It is a shame. I had heard of the good news from father I am also very happy for her. It would seem that the banquet is about to begin we should check up some more later when we both have some time off."

With that Jade had politely shut her off before she was able to say anything else but she shouldn't have. She was extremely grateful as Jia and Meiying also gave slight nods toward the two of them before efficiently walking away with her.

Once they were far enough away from the noble ladies and ZhuZhu Jia spoke.

"I can hardly believe that that was a friend of yours no offense. She seems so so..."

"Unaware, dense, overall a little stupid touched in the head I can go on if you need me too." Meiying supplied.

Jade smiled at the two of them.
"Honestly she kind of is. I didn't believe I'd run into her here but since she is here and is aware that I exist now and I do trust the two of you I think I'll share a little something cuz it's bound to cause issues for me if she keeps running over trying to talk or if she starts seeking me out of course."

And just so she expected Jade had the both of them hooked now they were both interested in seeing what she was going to tell them what she was going to spill about this childhood friend at first. Not to mention it's solidified for them that she was someone that they should help out and attach themselves to if she was willing to share something that she deemed secret and announcing that she trusted the two of them.

Jade looked around pretending to make sure that no one was around even though she was well aware of the fact that they were as isolated from the nobles and crying ears as possible while still being in the same room.

"Well you know how before the old emperor passed. He used to take trips to the farmlands visiting both of us who lived out there well one year he picked our town me FeiFei and ZhuZhu we're out and about playing in one of the empty fields when the Crown Prince appeared."

Jade paws as she took in the look of surprise on Jia's face alongside the look of understanding that seem to flicker over Meiying's face before went back to looking indifferent.

"Of course only FeiFei at the time who is old enough to be taking the exams knew it was the crown prince. She didn't say anything because he didn't want her to as we all played around eventually he had to leave and let's just say an incident happened with one of the village boys and he stood up to them on behalf of ZhuZhu. That's all it took for her to truly believe that he was her prince charming her knight in shining armor she followed him around for the entire weekend that they were there eventually when they had to go back to the Palace she bought her eyes out crying and begging him not to leave so he promised that one day he'll marry her. Told her that he was her knight in shining armor meaning that he'd have to come back for her let's just say she took that to heart she never forgot about it as we grow up if anything she kind of became a little bit more obsessed with marrying him especially after FeiFei and past the exams and invited her family here to the capitol. As soon as she laid eyes on him and it gave her that her knight in shining armor when we were children was literally the Crown Prince as far as she was concerned she was destined to become the empress."

Jia looked almost appalled at the story. Most likely thinking about how idiotic and stupid it was for ZhuZhu to take anything that was said to her as a child to heart. Not to mention the fact that clearly after all these years it doesn't seem as if she's done anything she remotely try to be good enough to be the empress.

Meiying on the other hand couldn't even hold back the snort and I left her mouth. Quickly covering her mouth up as she looked around glad to see that her mother and other servants weren't paying attention to them whatsoever. She couldn't help but show expressions as she rolled her eyes giving Jade a look of you not be serious.

"I know it sounds insane but it's true. It didn't matter how much me or her older sister try to convince her that it is just a silly promise made by children. She swore up and down that she was destined to be with him her sister did try to help out you know her sister was childhood sweethearts and eventually well now she's about to be married off to one of the royal guards. She did everything she could to try and teach any kind of etiquette or lessons at the future emperors would have to know but ZhuZhu would have none of it claiming that it was because of her being herself that the prince fell for her and she could always just learn things like that later on once they're engaged."

Jia found herself snorting this time around. Not even bother to around knowing for a fact that if someone must have seen them we would have approached by now. She definitely LED both of them even further into a corner making it look as if they were looking over the pond at the fishes below. Before she too openly showed expressions of disbelief on her face opening her mouth to speak.

"So you're telling me that not only does she have this stupid idea that her in the Crown Prince are going to get married based off of a silly little promise made us children. But she wouldn't even listen to her older sister who tried to help her at least have a flying chance that she truly would become the empress? What is wrong with your friend well she dropped on the head as a child?"

Jade shook her head ignoring the giggles coming from Meiying.

"No issues that she spoiled rotten. FeiFei Was a planned child and as far as their parents were concerned was the only kid they would be able to conceive they weren't exactly disappointed in the fact that they were only able to have the daughter but they were sad that they wouldn't be able to have more kids that was until 4 years later when they had their miracle baby ZhuZhu. Sadly only a year after her birth their mother did pass away it's then when my family became really close with her and their father absolutely adored her believing that because his wife would talk about how happy she was to have the second child how this was her miracle baby her special little girl he spoiled her rotten."

Jade had to take a second. Taking a deep breath as she sat there and thought about the memories that she had received just mere days ago had filtered through her mind of her childhood. Ones that absolutely boiled her blood to a certain degree when he came to her slightly younger friend.

"ZhuZhu thought whatever she wanted even when her father couldn't necessarily afford it. She wanted a silk dress from the main city he'd get it for her, pet dog she's got it, if she demanded that she gets a pick the flowers that were supposed to be delivered to the main city to turn into dies then he did everything he could to pay off the flower farmer so that he can have a bouquet or two of those flowers to give to his little girl even if it was putting him behind in rent or making quite a dent in the money that they did have. It got so bad to the point where they basically moved into my family second home and both of my parents are nothing more than Farmers children but they both came from wealthy farming families ones that actually lived closer to the city they decided to move away further from the city because of well the camaraderie the family like vibes the further away you get from the palace."

Meiying and Jia both nodding understanding that this was something if not a bit of a phenomenon that seem to take place. The further away a town or city was from the palace and the center City the last competition there was people seem to almost come together become more family like you'd find entire villages working together to raise the children to make sure that every family had a roof over their head and food on their plate. Something that seemed to disappear the closer you got towards the palace in some cases getting so bad that some families were basically just poor and on the sheets having to move to cities further away just for them to see how a simpler life could be so much easier better manageable.

"Both of my parents had so much money that they did decide to buy two other houses. Honestly they were for me and my brother if in case either one of us after experiencing life closer to the central city or living there for a bit decided that we wanted to go back to our home on the farm so they bought us properties not too close to them but not too far away because of how bad their financial situation was my parents decide to give the house that was meant for my older brother who had went off to the central city and is now happily married somewhere around here to ZhuZhu amd her dad."

Meiying looked interested in the news of Jade's older brother being located near the palace. Jade almost felt as if maybe she was sizing her up who knows maybe she truly didn't know the older brother of the original host. But that wasn't something she was so worried about especially dealing with throughout the entire novel there was never anything mentioned of her brother he never even popped up once of course she knew that now that she was living inside of this book that things are about to change but she wasn't worried about that not yet anyway.

"FeiFei was completely unaware of the fact that this was happening of course my parents forbid me from telling her knowing that if anything it might make her come back home early to yell at her father and her sister for being so irresponsible. It genuinely got so bad that my parents basically ended up taking over their farm too of course they knew that they needed money to live so they take a portion about 25% of the money that they made off of their new farm which was a lot mind you to hand over to ZhuZhu and her father he decided to take that opportunity to have her take the test and be tutored so that she can get into the Royal Palace in the first place. He did consistently try and tell her that her idea that she just miraculously become empress was delusional but he also saw that she wasn't going to listen to anyone so he thought at the very least he can get her into the palace and then from there be up to her. Last time I checked when I was leaving he had actually met another nice widower the two of them were talking of moving in together and making a profit off of the farmland that she owned not to mention she definitely made more money than he ever did she's one of the flower sellers specifically she sells red flowers and we all know how important those red dyes are."

All of the girls sat there and not in their heads they made a little bit more small talk about Jade's friend. Ultimately at the end of it all the two of them decided that they were going to do everything they could to protect Jade neither one of them could shake off the feeling that ZhuZhu and her illusions of a grand Love story we're going to be the downfall of quite a few people.

Meiying didn't understand why the poor girl truly believe that her half-brother meant what he said. She was also aware of the fact that clearly the delusional idiot was unaware of the fact that her brother was most likely going to use and dispose of her like he has with many other girls she knew that at some point eventually probably sooner than she thought she would share this news but Jade and Jia.

Since she was one of the few people that was well aware of the fact that the Crown Prince was not as pure as he should have been. Or the fact that the entire reason they created a wing of the palace for bastard children with things to her older half-brother in the first place. By the time the Crown Prince was 16 he had already fathered 10 children.

When the emperor has found out that a few of the children running around the palace that looked eerily similar to his son and himself were actually his grandchildren he was absolutely livid. Having those maids and service come forward and admitting to the fact that the Crown Prince had promised them a relationship to add them to his harem to make them concubines if not the empress herself.

Of course the emperor was having none of this his son was only 16 he wasn't even married yet he couldn't be adding concubines to his harem without an actual wife. It would be the absolute talk of the kingdom and it would be the worst thing that could possibly happen the Crown Prince next in line to be emperor can't even keep it in his pants he was having none of it so instead he created an entire section at the very far back of the palace were those maids and their children were exiled to no one came in or out of those areas except later on the guards who would also sit there and decide hey if the Crown Prince can father a bunch of bastard children so can we.

her father absolutely hated this and he tried everything that he could to stop it from happening. Of course her uncle saw nothing wrong with it pointing out to the emperor that if anything the boys that are born will be trained from a young age to eventually take spots as Royal guards and the girls that are born will naturally end up working in the palace being made in servants. Something that the emperor was against saying what would it look like to have a maid or servant that looked eerily similar to the crowd Prince working most likely for their own half siblings he'd have known of it saying that he just wanted the kids to get old enough where then they can be sent off to other areas places where they will not be interacting with one another and there was least likely a chance of them co-creating.

Of course her mother also agreed to this. Her having been the emperor's favorite concubine and now that the empress had passed away she was basically the second in charge behind the emperor himself something that her uncle clearly did not like so much so that when the emperor had gone on a trip and had a perished the first thing he did was strip her mother and herself of any titles that tied them to the Royal family.

Thankfully her other brothers were having none of it telling him that fine if he did not want Old Madame Zhang to be the temporary empress until their brother was old enough to become emperor then she would at the very least be working in the palace with the next generation of female employees.

He couldn't exactly disagree so he agreed to it which is where they were now. Herself and her mother going from being considered royalty themselves to nothing more than servants serving those who were below them in social class. Something her mother couldn't stand having worked so hard in order to even work in the palace alone to have fallen in love with the emperor and for him to have chosen her.

Meiying also couldn't shake off the fact that there was just something off in her opinion about ZhuZhu. She kind of reminded her of a girl who I've been in the palace a few years ago I was absolutely obsessed with her brother the 7th Prince so much so that she went to the extremes try and get his attention and get him to marry her. It was so bad that the emperor had to quietly execute her she had gone absolutely insane.

Her mother had stated that they should have gotten rid of her the second she has stepped into the palace since right outside of her window red spider lilies seem to grow. Everyone knew that that was a death flower a sign that someone was bound to die and the fact that one Lily had bloomed as soon as she had entered and then only a few months into her living there several servants and girls who had gotten close with the seventh Prince all went missing and for every girl that went missing a new Lily had grown and Bloom by the time the girl was executed there was a small patch of about 25 lilies growing the exact number of women that had gone missing since she had entered the palace.

Sadly they never did find the bodies of those women but they were well aware of the fact that they were dead. The poor girl having gone completely insane with her obsession to marry the presence admitting right before her head was chopped off to the fact that she got rid of them all through them in the river in the lakes in the water make sure that no one would ever find them. telling them that she'd be back because the prince was her true love that nothing would keep her way not even death.

Meiying shuddered as she thought about it. Hoping that that wouldn't be the case for Daiyu's friend. She truly did like Daiyu and the last thing she wanted was for the girl to be in danger.

Jia was also thinking something along those lines. While she was there to try her hardest to be a female official she was also well aware of the fact that she wasn't as smart or hard-working as some of the other girls there clearly were. If anything she would just be happy if she can make her father proud by marrying into a noble family or even marrying one of the higher up guards. There's nothing she wanted more than to just be able to stay and live with her father and her half siblings who she was genuinely close with the only issue being her stepmother who refused to allow her to come to the house even though she could have made things so much easier by just having her work at the family home or taking her under her Wing as an apprentice.

Jia it was very much so good when it came to clothes making and silk weaving yet her father's wife for a stepmother for all intended purposes absolutely refuse to take her as an apprentice or even hire her at her shops. It's because of this that this was her one chance of being able to join a family that was higher than her mother's own upbringing. My mother was now sick if she was not able to sit here and marry into a good family during the time here and bring her mother into the inner city instead of having the doctors and physicians at her father sent out to keep her mother alive and help as much as they could she knew that her mother would perish and then she'd be stuck living a life on the farm never truly be able to interact unless in secret with her family.

Daiyu truly was a breath of fresh air when she had arrived. The fact that they had all only been there for about a day and yet it was obvious to see that Daiyu was a cut above the rest. Jia was genuinely surprised to find out that she wasn't the bastard daughter of a noble man like herself. Especially feeling that she seemed to hold herself as a noble woman would she was aware of her surroundings she knew her etiquette she knew that if anything she wanted to survive she would stick to her this was the girl that she needed to affiliate herself with to become a good acquaintances and possibly even friends with that way she'd be able to reach our goal and she would make sure that her and her father can do everything in their power to help Daiyu reach her own goals in the palace.

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