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By stupiidlycupid

34.9K 924 627

- ,, ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ [ It seems, life is now just about waiting for Deaths Arrival . ]โŒ‡ยทหš เผ˜ A 7-year-old girl named Ele... More

1. Look for the light.
2. Treasure hunt.
3. Walkers in the barn!
4. When the world comes to shit.
5. Whose randall?
6. Fall of the farm.
7. Back to square one.
8. A new home.
9. Constellations.
10. I'm not afraid.
11. New recruit.
12. Enemies.
13. Broken promises.
14. An Old Friend.
15. Back to the old house.
16. Leave it in the past.
17. Ladybugs.
18. Down falls the governor.
19. Welcome Woodbury.
20. Normal again.
21. Hurt people, hurt people.
22. Always disappointed.
23. Stars are forever.
24. The Archer.
26. Always there.
27. Terminus.
28. Shitty Sanctuary.

25. Govenor, II.

510 21 13
By stupiidlycupid

‧₊˚ ୨୧ ˚

Last night, a couple of people who were sick were able to be saved. They were given meds in their IV bags and already looked better than ever. It was a bit chaotic the other night but everything was okay again.

When Eleanor woke up, she was beside Glenn. Maggie was awake infront of them, waiting. The younger girl rubbed her eyes trying to focus her vision.

Maggie smiled at her, "Goodmorning sunshine."

"Good," her voice trailed off into a yawn. "Morning," Ella finished her sentence. The light shined on her face, shimmering her eyes a fancy royal blue. Glenn was still asleep, recovering from yesterday. He was looking better. He wasn't pale and he didn't have eyebags, he was getting better.

Maggie rubbed ella's head, "You can close your eyes for a bit more. You still have time." Ella nodded her head slowly closing her eyes. She was still tired and didn't want to wake up at all.

Ella being cold, she reached into her pocket for warmth and realized she had forgotten to retrieve her favorite jacket outside.

Quickly, the brunette girl rushed outside. Maggie looked confused. Not only was that jacket Ella's favorite but her favorite rocketship toy was in there.

The sunlight hit the jacket, causing it to shimmer. Ella noticed it quickly and ran toward it. She picked it up relieved and reached into the pockets grabbing the rocket toy. The jacket had a few splatters of blood. Most likely from when Rick, Carl, and Evelynn shooting the walkers that tried to overrun the prison again. That's what she heard at least. Eleanor didn't care though, she was used to dirty clothes like this.

Ella quietly hummed as she walked back to Maggie and Glenn, her jacket hanging on her arm and her rocketship in her hand.

Everything was quiet again. Less people were in the prison now, less problems. It wasn't like they caused too many problems it was just, less people to feed and stuff. Ella still felt bad for them, but there's nothing she could do.

Ella was wearing a black top and gray leggings which had stars scattered across it. Her outfit was surprisingly matching today. Normally they'd be a bit weird. Once she wore a bright green shirt with a fox on it and a little rainbow tutu. It was pretty random.

As soon as Ella came back, Maggie's face lit up in realization. All she needed was her jacket, nothing serious. Glenn was finally up.

"I got you water," Maggie offered.

Ella thanked her, "Oh thanks." She took the bottled water and began to drink it. "Maggie?"

"What's up sunshine?"

"Is... is everything getting better now? Is the sickness leaving?"

Maggie paused before replying, "I hope so. I can't gaurentee anything, but, I really hope so." Ella smiled and nodded her head. Then, the building shook, causing water to spill. Before that a loud boom came from the outside. Ella was shocked, could she ever get a break? But what was it?

"Stay put," Maggie told both Glenn and Ella. Of course, Ella didn't listen and she began following Maggie.

Glenn called out, "Ella!" But she ignored him.

They ran to the fence, a few cars lined up and in between was a tank. Oh no, the governor was back, Ella thought. Her eyes were widened as she stared through the fence.

He stood on top of a tank with a bunch of other people she's never seen. Or maybe she has, but her bad eyesight had gotten in the way of being able to tell who else was out there. The only reason she knew was because of his loud ugly voice.

"Rick! Come down here, we need to talk," the governor yelled out from across the yard.

Rick replied back, "It's not up to me. There's a council now, they run this place."

"Is Hershel on the council?" he smirked. A woman brought him out, he was tied up. Maggie an dBeth were shocked. They immediately covered their mouth. What about Michonne? She on the council too?" the governor asked. A man took out Michonne as well with her hands tied. Ella couldn't stop thinking about everything bad that could happen in her head. Hershel and Michonne were important to her, they couldn't die.

Rick shouted back, "I don't make decisions anymore."

"You're making the decisions today, Rick." Ella couldn't listen anymore. She was frustrated and she didn't want him back here. As soon as things were getting better he came back to ruin everything. Rick looked at Daryl and Daryl nodded his head. Rick began to walk toward where the governor stood.

They all had large guns and a whole lot of people. Ella's stomach hurt, she couldn't shake off the bad feeling in herself. She felt real sick. Ella had no idea what the two were talking about. She stared into the fence but everyone there looked like tiny little dots. It was hard to tell who was where.

Daryl began rolling in the weapon box and handing it out to everyone. Ella's bow and arrow was in there too. She kept it on her just incase. Maggie had given her a place to hold her arrows and taught her where to keep her bow. It was resting on her back and shoulder. Though, she knew she couldn't do anything with it. Her aim wasn't the best, not yet atleast.

"Ella, go inside, now. Pack up your stuff," Maggie ordered. Ella nodded her head and ran inside. She grabbed her backpack and put her favorite stuff in there. Her rocketship toy, one pair of clothes, her notebook, a pencil, and of course, her cat beanie that Michonne gave to her.

Mika came over to Ella and asked, "Could you help me carry Judith?" Eleanor agreed and put her backpack on. The two girls struggled to carry the heavy carseat. Judith was getting bigger. Two other kids were behind them.

"Mika, I'm gonna go to Maggie, Okay?" Ella stated. Mika nodded her head as a different girl went to help her. Ella ran to Maggie, "What's going on?"

Maggie shrugged, "I have no idea." She then passed the young girl a nervous look. They both knew her eyesight wasn't the best. "No," Maggie said under her breath.

"What? What! What's happening? Maggie tell me!" Ella rushed, her eyes widening.

"The governor. He... he has Michonne's sword at my dads neck." Ella looked across the field sort of seeing the resemblance. Maggie had tears in her eyes, Beth too. Ella watched, waiting to see what happend. Please, Ella prayed in her head. Then, Hershel's neck tilted as the crimson red blood came down his head.

Maggie and Beth began screaming and crying. Hershel's body thud to the ground. Tears streamed down on Ella's face.

"No!" yelled Rick as he finally began shooting. No was right. Everyone shot at eachother. This couldn't be happening? Ella cried and cried. She couldn't do anything but hide. She felt useless.

The tank began ripping down the fence, the prison was being destroyed all over again. Ella began thinking of Michonne. Was she okay?

"Run for the bus! I'll cover you!" Maggie told both Ella and Beth. They both followed directions, Maggie ran after them. The tank began shooting at the prison, starting fires and smoke all over the place. All the noise was attracting walkers. Maggie told Beth to get everyone on the bus and start driving, even if Maggie wasn't on there. Ella shook her head seeing Maggie run off. She looked up at Beth, feeling sorry for them. Their father just died right infront of their eyes and their home was being destroyed.

Beth led Ella into the bus, sitting her down near the front. Then, she left. "Wait Beth! Where are you going?" Ella yelled as she choked on her tears. Beth didn't turn back, and the young girl stayed put. She waited for them all to come back inside here.

A little while later, Glenn and Maggie went inside the bus. "Beth! Where's beth?" Maggie cried and began to panic.

"She went to go look for you," replied the lady who was letting more people in.

"We'll find her, she'll be okay," Glenn began to get off the bus. Ella's eyes were full of worry. Maggie didn't let him go. He seemed sweaty and out of breath.

Maggie proceeded to ran away, "I'll be right back." Glenn's breathing was heavy. Then, he ran off too.

"No, Glenn!" Ella called out. She quickly rushed over to follow him. Everything was happening too fast. They went up the stairs and to the bridge. Glenn fell to the floor. Ella's eyes widened, "Glenn, you can't do this right now. We need to go, come on!" She shook his body, and moved his face side to side. "Please wake up," she whispered, her face wet from tears.

Ella let out a big sigh. Maybe he wasn't dead yet. It was just the two of them and walkers below. The bridge to cross was completely destroyed, she couldn't get help. The bus had left and she couldn't see any sign of life. They were supposed to be looking for Beth, but obviously she was no where to be found. It was just like when he'd found Ella in the barn full of walkers.

One more try, Ella shook Glenn. She remembered the water she had and quickly ran to get it. Luckily, the path was quick and clear. Reluctantly, she poured water on his face, hoping it'd work. Slowly, Glenn regained consciousness. His eyes opened up, seeing the girl staring at his face.

"Holy shit! You scared me," she wailed.

Glenn apologized, "I'm sorry. But, where's Beth and Maggie? And language."

"I don't know. I think they escaped," Eleanor told quietly. She felt nervous, she had no idea who died.

"Alright... are you okay though?"

"Yeah but we need to get out of here, Glenn. It ain't safe anymore," Ella pointed out. He got up staring at the prison overrun with more walkers than ever. The only weapon the two had was one gun and Ella's bow and arrow.

Glenn nodded his head in agreement. "Stay behind me, got it?" Ella responded with a nod.

The door creeked as Glenn opened it up. He pointed and got his gun ready. As they walked into the prison block, it was completely empty. Like, wiped out. No walker sounds either.

Glenn and Ella walked toward the room or cell as it's called, where they usually slept in. No walker. Glenn took out a big bag and sighed. He laid on the bed as Ella stared at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ella asked, he didn't seem to be taking it seriously.

Glenn looked up at her, "Take a rest. I don't know where we're going and how long it'll take." Ella twisted her mouth, nodding her head slightly. Glenn then turned to his side, grabbing the poloroid he had of Maggie and Ella. He squeezed it real tight in his hand and balled his hands into a fist. Then, he let out quiet cries. Eleanor felt real bad for him, she wanted Maggie to be here too. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"Its okay. We'll find her. She's probably with Beth, looking for us. I'm still here," Ella consoled him. He tried his best to hold in his cries, sniffling. She stared at him.

Finally, Glenn got himself together. He stuffed the picture in his pocket, picked up his pocket watch, backpack, and the gun. He looked at Ella, she knew what it meant. Stay behind him, that's what it meant. He lifted the sheet that covered the doorway and started stuffing his bag with all sorts of stuff. He got gear to put on himself and Ella. They wouldn't fit her properly but there were too many walkers, he had to stay on the safe side.

"Listen to me okay? You hold onto my backpack and act like a walker. Don't make any noise," Glenn's tone was serious. He knew he had to protect this girl, as if it was his job. Ella nodded her head nervously as he put on the arm covers on her. The rest, she put on her own.

Everything fit weird and Ella felt super uncomfortable. But she knew she had to keep it on if she didn't want to get bitten. Next, Glenn put on his own armor. "You ready?"

Eleanor sarcastically replied, "More than ever." She held onto the big orange backpack Glenn had and they began making their way outside. The walkers could sniff them from a mile away. Ella was terrified as walkers surrounded the two of them. They were able to make their way through the army of walkers.

As they ran, they saw a woman. She sat alone. Ella's eyes widened seeing her. She knew who it was.

"Tara?" Ella called out. She didn't answer. Glenn looked at her all crazy. "We have to help her!"

Glenn sighed and pushed a walker out the way and opened the gate to where Tara sat. He grabbed her gun and checked the amount of ammo she had. She didn't even fire a shot at all.

Glenn urged, "Alright, let's go." Tara didn't answer. She seemed emotionless.

"Tara, come on! Please, just come with us," Ella begged. Finally, Tara faced the girl.

Tara gasped, "Eleanor? Oh my god. I thought I would never see you again."

"Me too. Now please, we need your help." Tara gave in, nodding her head. She'd always cared for the young girl.

Glenn put a towel into a glass bottle of alcohol and handed Tara her gun and a knife. He lit the towel on fire, opened the gate and threw it at the car. The walkers were attracted to the smell and noise. They began slowly walking toward the orange flames.

"Alright. I need you to stay ahead of me, okay?" Glenn looked at Tara, she nodded her head. "Alright. I'll cover you, but I can't get her out of here alive alone," he said, looking at Ella. She looked down at the ground kicking a pebble.

Ella handed Tara her helmet, "I'll be okay."

"No you need-" Ella cut her off, "We're ready. Let's go."

Tara just put the helmet down, leaving it there. Glenn opened up the gate and Tara ran ahead of him. Ella was in the middle of the two. They both shot at walkers and ran for the exit. Ella felt sick. She was leaving her home, now she had no place to rest her head. They all managed to escape with no bites. Ella did have a scratch on her back but it was nothing serious.

Glenn asked, "Did you see if any of our people got out?"

"All I saw was my sister in that field. She wasn't supposed to be there." Lily was alive? Ella thought. "She had a gun, but they just swarmed her" Well, that answered her question.

Worriedly, Ella questioned, "What about Meghan?"

"No, Ella. I'm sorry," Tara answered. Ella frowned, tears formed in her eyes. The three of them stopped.

"I- I did it for him. I trusted him. He said you were all bad. I believed him. Then he just, killed that old man."

Glenn raised his eyebrows, "Wait was his name Hershel?" Ella hearing his name, she just saw the governor killing him all over again. It was so cruel. But atleast he died too. She still couldn't handle this all anymore. Tears dropped off her face. And that answered his question. His eyes were wide, probably thinking about Maggie and Beth.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm a piece of shit, I don't know why you want my help," Tara's tone was obviously reluctant and full of guilt. Even though she didn't do anything, she was still with the group who did. She began to walk away. Ella was just about to tell Glenn that she needed to stay with them or call Tara back over.

"I don't want it. I need it. I have to find Maggie, my wife," Glenn called out which made her turn back.

Tara asked, "You guys got separated?"

"I was on the bus and then I got off go help and she didn't see me."

"How do you know if she made it?" Tara saying that made Ella's mouth open a bit as if she said something offensive.

"I don't know. But Hershel, Maggie's father was a great man. And he told me all I had to do was believe. And that's what I'm gonna do. Neither one of us should be alive right now, but we are. She got out, so you're gonna help me find her. Things aren't over."

Glenn began to continue walking. "I wanna believe that. I want to," Tara turned and Glenn stopped again. Holy shit couldn't they just learn how to walk and talk? Ella began getting annoyed. A distant growling came from across the road. Walkers. Glenn dropped his helmet, ready to start fighting. All Ella had was her bow. Her bow she didn't know how to use, so again, she couldn't do anything.

Glenn walked over and started killing them left and right. After a bit, Tara went over to help. As she killed the last one, Glenn dropped to one knee. Then he completely passed out. Ella quickly ran from the other side.

"Not again... Glenn, wake up!" she shook his body. A walker came from behind them and she hit it's head repetitively with Glenn's gun. Ella looked up hearing a car pull over. "Tara!"

She looked up to see the huge truck. "Hope you enjoyed the show, assholes," Tara grumbled. The doors opened. Ella kept trying to wake Glenn up. She hoped it wasn't any trouble. And hoped it wasn't someone there to kill them. Two men came out, along with a woman. One with a mullet, a ginger, and the woman was real pretty and quite young.

"You got a damn mouth on you, you know that?" the ginger one asked. Tara stared at them. Who the hell were these people?

The ginger one introduced himself as Abraham. He looked an awful lot like Aiden. Ella ignored it. The other two stayed quiet. Abraham then offered for them to ride in the back of their truck. Tara agreed, Ella said nothing. Not like her opinion mattered, well thats what she thought.

Abraham and Tara carefully lifted Glenn on top, letting him lay on his backpack. Tara helped Ella up and Abraham helped Tara. The three strangers sat inside the car. Ella had no idea where they were going, but at least she was with glenn. she put her backpack beside her, as well as her weapon.

"How'd you get that scar?" Tara questioned.

Ella quickly lifted her hand to trace the scar on her lip. She answered, "I uh- fell down. I fell down the gaurd tower. Well... I almost did. Glenn save me. He always manages to save me."

"It makes you look really cool, y'know?" Tara managed to get Ella to smile, but only a bit.


Tara sighed, "Sorry about Hershel. He seemed like he was a good man."

"He is. He always will be," Ella mumbled. She was tired of people using past tense, because he's still here. "I'm sorry about your family.

Tara smiled and replied, "They were your family too." When she said that Ella smiled slightly, but she couldn't smile big because she felt too sad. "Could I bandage your scratch?"

Ella hesitated a bit but agreed, "Uh- yeah. I guess so." She scooted herself carefully toward Tara. She picked up the medical kit that they gave them and took gauze and medical tape.

"It might sting," Tara mentioned. She then put alcohol on the wound.

Ella flinched, "Ow, what the fuck!"

"Sorry, sorry. I don't want it getting infected. And watch your mouth." Then, Tara put the gauze on top and taped it. She smiled, "You're as good as new." Ella thanked her but she was still thinking about Maggie. Was she alive? Was beth with her?

"Hey, what happened to Caleb?" And finally, realization hit her. She hadn't seen Caleb. He might've been inside when everything was happening.

Ella replied, "I don't know." Tara frowned, feeling bad for the young girl. Eleanor closed her eyes tightly, hoping maybe he was with someone else from the group. She tried not to think that he was dead, but she couldn't. Her eyes were shut so tightly and the silence caused Ella to drift away to sleep.

Author's Note:

Over 3k wordss, congrats for reading. And omg tara and el reuinion wooo!!! Still sad about Hershel buttttt, prison era is finally over, it was a damn pain to write. Next chapter will be revolved around Evelynn with ????. You guys will find out who she ended up with next chapter!! Hope you enjoyeddd. Don't forget to comment and vote! 💕

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