"Yandere High with EVIL Step...

By AuthorK_0004

431K 27.2K 5.9K

The Yandere High School. One of the most Popular schools in the World And BTS, Exo, Black Pink and Red Velvet... More

"Yandere High with Evil Step Siblings". #Part 1.
# Part 2. "War on....!!".
#Part 3. "Third Wheel...?? "
#Part 4. "The Splendid Things..! "
#Part 5. "Happy New year"
#Part 6. "Before The Hell Awakes"
#Part 7: "I'm Awake.."
#Part 8 {1/2} : "The Game Begins"
#Part 8 {2/2}: "The Game Begins"
#"Part 9: "Missing Pieces"
#Part 10: "Unfolding Truth".
#Part 11. "Crime Partner".
#Part 12. "Untamed "
#Part 13: " Stay In Torn"
#Part 14: "Happy Marriage"
#Part 15: "Play with Fire"
#Part 16: "Rising of a Destroyer"
#Part 17: "Real Hyun Bin 1/2"
#Part 18 : "Real Hyun Bin 2/2".
#Part 19 : "Past Secreats"
#20: "Daydreams"
#Part 21:"Devil Eyes Come 1/4"
#Part 22: "Devil Eyes Come 2/4"
#Part 23:"Devil Eyes Come 3/4"
#Part 24:"Devil Eyes Come 4/4"
#Part 25:"Rivalry"
#Part 26:"Sweet But Psycho"
Part 27:"Y/n's Day"
#Part 28:"Profanities"
#29:"Harmony ??"
#Part30:"Stupid B!tch"
#Part31:"Y/n's Culprit"
#Part 32:"Comfort"
#Part 33:"Little Drunk 1/2"
#Part 34: "Little Drunk 2/2"
#Part 35:"Deep End".
#Part 36:"Hold On,I still need You"
#Part 37: "The Yoon Fcking Y/n"
#Part 38 : "Naked"
#Part 39: "Insanity"
#Part 40:"Whatever it takes"
#Part 41:"Blood Tears".
#Part 42:"Warning Signs"
#Part 43:"She knows"
#Part 44:" They and I"
#Part 45:"On Mah Knees"
#Part 46 :"Reckless"
#Part 47:"She's a Monster ?"
#Part 48:"Promises"
#Part 50:"Drifting Cars and Guns"
The Yandere Ending

#Part 49:"Blood over Flowers"

6K 323 74
By AuthorK_0004

Enjoy Meanwhile, I Work On the "Her 4 Obsessed Stepbrothers".
Actually, I apologise That I don't update Often, I won't Give excuse to cover it but I was really Busy with Job, Studies and Upcoming exam.
It sucks 🥲👍🏻

Author k's POV. . . .

Y/n: How are you Dad?

You Asked while placing his favourite White tulips at his grave.
You bowed to him before standing straight. . . .

Y/n: We'll, I'm sorry I was so busy Lately , I'm Leaving Tommorow. Thank You, For stopping me that day.

*Flashback*. .

Your mind Was numb with Pain. .

You slowly Reached the gun up to the side of your forehead and finger on the trigger. . . .

Y/n: whenever, I Close mah eyes to sleep, I can't sleep because Mah Heart beats so loud, *sobs*. .. I wasn't Suppose to feel so Hurt, I can't bear this anymore, I don't deserve this. . .! I'm sorry Dad. . .!

You squeezed Your Eyes letting the tears fall, You gulped and took a deep breath before . . . . . .

!?!: Drop that Down.... It's Dangerous. . !

You opened Your Eyes to see Your Dad Standin' in front of you, looki'n really mad . . . .

Y/n: I can't Dad, I wish I could Say I'm proud But I'm sorry that I Let you Down. . . !*slow and Calm tone*

He smiled and took the gun from you before dropping it on ground.. . . . .

Dad: It's Okay. .! Everyone has Weak point Where they Broke But They Just Don't Give Up and end Their Life. . .! I never Did Neither You Did When I Left You. . .!

*Flashback Ends*

[ P.S: If You Don't remember, Read Chapter 36]

Y/n: Today is finally the day when she'll marry the one who she really loves. Hyun bin's kids have already accepted her, they'll restart their life without any lies or misunderstadings, everything's going to be okay. Now you can rest at peace Dad. I . . . . . . .Love you dad.

You Had the biggest Smile with the Tears pooling in your eyes.
This Could be the last time you're seeing his grave. You Wanted your Dad to be at peace seeing His Promised being Fulfilled. . . . .

Y/n: Please Be Mah Father in Next Life Too. *smiles* Farewell Dad.

You went to Pillar which had your dad's name and gently pecked at his Engraved name just like You're Father always Kissed your Forehead whenever He was about to leave for Work.
You wipped the tears from your cheeks and turned your back to leave with Heartbreaking Smile.

At The Penthouse. . . .

You stood in front the mirror to take A final look.
Unlike Other, You wore White Suit With corset, You Tied your Shoulder length hair into a bun.

"Don't." A Voice stopped you from behind and You didn't even needed to look back to know who it was. It was BTS and exo Standing in their full Suited Glory.

Y/n: It Won't Suit with Mah outfit.

Sehun: You Look Beautiful With open Hair. Don't tie em'.

You turned around to Look at em', Of Course they Looked like they love You so much that They can't Bear it.

You smiled and Walked to You.

Y/n: This Time I don't have to Kidnap y'all, Do I ?

They Giggled remembering the last time when You almost killed em'. . . . . . . .

Taehyung: Don't Worry, This Time We're at your Side.

Y/n: *smiles*. . Let's Go

You walked passed by em' but noticed They didn't Followed you, You turned around to see Em' Grinning, You Raised your eyebrow in confusion while Suho and Hoseok Reached their hands out to you, You walked to the middle of em' and Wrapped your arms around Theirs. They All had Big smile Along with you, together y'all made your Way to the Lawn of the mansion where the Wedding event was about to start.

Ye jin's POV. . . .

?!?: Miss Son, You look so beautiful like an Angel, Omoo!!

The group of stylists squilled in Excitement, I Only giggled at her reactions.

?!?2: You're so lucky ma'am, Seriously Your Groom is so Handsome.

Mah Smile Dropped. I Glared at the girl in irritation. . . . . .

Ye jin: Yeah, Right. "Mah Groom". . . . "Mah Man."

They understood what I Meant and Gulped in fear, I could end their Whole Career in a snap of mah finger.
But I won't. For Now.

Maid: Miss Son, There's someone who wants to meet you. May I Bring Her inside.

Ye jin: You May.

She bowed before Leaving And Again Coming With someone behind Her. I turned around to look at the guest and Found. . . . .

Ye jin: Lily ?

I dismissed everyone and as soon as they Left I hugged Her.
I pulled Back when I felt she didn't hugged me back. . . .

Ye Jin: Where You been ? You just Disappeared like thin air?

Lily: C'mon. . . It's not like you're worried about me.

I rolled mah eyes at her "joke". I turned to face the mirror, Fixing mah Hair. . . . .

Ye jin: Oh of course, Now Go get Ready. . . You'll be The Maid of Honour with Y/n .

I didn't noticed her tracing her finger on the flowers around the room. She Smirked and stopped her fingertip at the vase. . . . .

Lily: Sorry Son fcking Ye jin, But This wedding ain't gonna Happen.

Mah heart Dropped to mah feet as Mah eyes met her cold one.
How can she speak like that?

I opened mah Mouth to speak but lily was fast enough to Storm towards and smash the vase on the side of mah forehead.
Mah blood painted The Flower red and Mah heart shattered into million pieces.
Did Mah Own Daughter Betrayed me ?

I dropped on the floor.
I saw her Starin' at me With no emotions in her eyes before Darkness consumed me.

Hyun Bin's POV. . . . .

Hyun Bin: Yahh !! Get Out Y'all !!
I Yelled at mah Kids as I Blushed Hard. They are teasing me about Ye jin. It's not like I don't like it. . . . .

I looked at Mah Kids, Giggling and Smiling.
They're so grown up.

Like, Literally When I bought em' Home,They we're scared of everything but at night, They'll Peek into mah room and sneak into mah bed, Snuggled into mah Giant Body compered to their tiny one's.
To be honest, I wasn't sure about Handing the Company to em' in the beginning, But Now I'm so proud of em'.  They're improving and I can see They are trying Their best. It's not like they don't make mistakes but that doesn't matter.

I'm so Happy to be Their Father and have em' as Mah kids. Mah Forever Little Babies. .  . . . 

Hyun Bin: Y'all know I love y'all the most, Right?

They we're quite for awhile but then they Walked towards me and Pulled me into their Group Hug.

Step siblings: We know and We love you the most Dad. . . . . .

I pulled out from the hug and hesitated before asking. . . . . . .

Hyun Bin: Are You all really Happy about Mah wedding?

Last Time, I forced Mah decision on em'  and I'm still guilty about it.

The nervousness ended when I Saw em' smiling sweetly.

Baekyung: You Adopted us and Gave Us Life Dad. How can we not ?

Jennie: You have always Been working to provide us everything, You had always Put us Before Your own happiness and Now finally. . . . .

Jimin: You're getting Your own "Happy Ending" . We are more than happy for you and Miss Son.

I was Happy and relieved. . . . . .
We talked for Few More minutes Until The Wedding planner Mr Min Soo interrupted us , Notifying us that wedding is about to start. Mah kids Wished me luck before leaving me alone. I stayed alone for a awhile before fixing Mah suit and Walking out towards the wedding venue.
I. . . . Almost reached when Mah phone vibrated continuously in mah pocket.
In frustration I took the phone out to scold the sh*t out of that person who disturb me at this moment.

Hyun Bin: Secretary Kyung ?

I Picked up the call and pressed mah phone against mah ear. . . . .

Hyun Bin: I'm already mad enough at you for Not attending Mah wedding Secretary Kyung.

*Long silence*

There's No Response, something felt Very wrong Here.

Hyun Bin: Are You okay? Secretary Kyung you're in Hospital for Your Checkup, Right?

He told me he couldn't attend the wedding because of his Health issues, since I also Noticed him weakening Day by Day so I didn't forced him for anything. But Right Now, I couldn't Tell something's happening with him.

Hyun Bin: Speak Up-

Secretary Kyung: I'm sorry. . . . I'm Very sorry for Not attending your Special Day Master*sobs*. . . . I'm Very sorry.

Hyun Bin: I-It's Okay, I'm Not mad at you secreatry Kyung, It's Alright. . . . .

He started to cry loudly. . . . . .

Secretary Kyung: I'm outside of the Venue Master, Can You please come to the parking lot. . . . .I-I want to congratulate you. . . . .

I took some time before answering. . . . .

Hyun Bin: Wait There. . . I'm comi-

Secretary Kyung: I will. I'm Sorry For Doin' This Master. I'm really Sorry.

*Hangs up*

I looked at Mah Phone.
He's in Danger that's for sure. Because of 40 years of mah Life I have never seen him crying or being emotional.

I immediately turned around to meet Secretary Kyung. He maybe just a Secretary to anyone else, But To me, He's like a Father figure. He Served his all life to mah Father and than to me.

I rushed to The parking lot, and saw him sitting in his car at driver's seat, Looking at me with guilt and Tears. . . .

Before I could go to Him, a guard popped up from nowhere , Thanks To mah quick reflex, I caught his hand in air before he could punch me.
I instantly recognised him as one of those guards I hired Today for wedding security.
Realisation immediately hit me as I looked at secreatry Kyung a the gun pressed against his head . . . . .

This was a trap and they used Secreatry Kyung as a Bait.

In the blink of an eye, I was surrounded by group of Guards.

Author k POV . . . . . .

You eyes scanned the venue thoroughly for any suspiciousness.

Jin: Is'nt it too quite?

The step siblings said standing beside you. This quietness was more scary and suspicious. The wedding was about to start, all the invited guests we're almost there, security was too tight for any one who isn't invited to enter. There was no media or too many people, Only few close ones we're present.
The wedding was about to start but there was no sight of lily or eun woo's mother. Something is really wrong here.

Joy: seems like lily already backed off. Good for Her.

No, she's the daughter of ye jin, of course she won't back off until she won.

Priest: Excuse Me, I think we should start the ceremony.

Yoongi: Sure. Let us go bring Dad.

Ava: Should I go and Bring Miss Son?

You nodded as "Yes". . . . .

Eun woo: Let's Go together.

They All went in opposite directions to bring Hyun Bin and Ye jin for ceremony, while you looked around at the preparations, Greeted Few Guests.
Group of Businessmen surrounding You. . . .

Mr Kang: *sips wine*. . . . Well Seems Like This Time there will be no drama Huh, I'm happy for you.

Y/n: I pray The Same Mr Kang-

You we're Interrupted when Your phone got off, indicating you got a new message.

Y/n: Excuse Me.

You excused yourself from from the crowd and Checked the Message.

New Message.

Hyun The Evil Bin 🥸:

Something's Wrong. Secretary Kyung asked me to meet him at parking lot.

You Immediately Called him but seemed like it's already switched off.

Rose: Heyy Y/n, Have you seen dad, We cannot find him anywhere.

Tention was visible on Your face. . . . .

Ava: Ma'am ?

You turned around to see Eun woo carrying a white Flower bouquet which had blood on em'. . . .
You looked at Eun woo,Who was visibly Scared and worried.

Eun woo: We Found blood all over floor in her room as well as This.

That's the same bouquet, You Left in her room to congratulate her after Eun woo forced you to do so. . . . . . .

The silent was terrifying between y'all. . . . .

And suddenly Your Phone rang nonstop, You looked at the screen and her name flashed on your screen. . . . .

You picked up the call and put it on speaker. . . .  . .
No one spoke a single a word. . . . .

Lily:*giggles*. . . Ohh God. This silence tells me Y'all are Scared. Is that right?

Taehyung: Shut up You Wench! What the Hell you did with em' ??

Lily: Chill Y'all. They're not Dead. . .yet.  and You Want em' to be alive,Y/n. . . .come to me.

Eun woo: No way!! Lilllyy. . . Stop this insanity and Bring em' Back. You hear me ?

Lily: Low Down Eun woo, Right Now, I'm in control. Get Your a$$ Here in 5 mins Or else Trust Me, I won't hesitate to chop off their head.

The step siblings looked at you hoping, You would decline her But. . . . . .

Y/n: Where?

Sehun: No Way in hell, You're Goin'.

Lily: Good Choice little sister. Let's meet where all your nightmares reside. Remember, Come Fcking Alone.

And she Hanged off.

"Where all Mah nightmares reside". There's Only one place that scares you the most and Still gives You nightmare and it is Yander High School.

Ava: Don't Think about it Ma'am, Just look at Those flowers, If she could do that to own mother than I'm sure she'll do the Worst to You.

Y/n: Nothing Will happen, I'll go And talk to her. We can't be reckless and risk their lives .

Chanyeol: Fine then, Let's Go together.

Eun woo: Y/n, He's Right. You can't go alone and You know Why.

He And Ava Knows How sensitive your situation is and Operation is Just Goin' to take place in few days.

Y/n: Let's not take risk. She's another version of Miss Son, and y'all know, She could Kill em' both even Tears and guilt in her eyes, Just to satisfy her soul.

They all we're still not ready to let you go alone but You have handled Ye Jin for years and You know The worst things that could happen.

Y/n: Y'all Look For Hyun Bin, Track his location and bring him Here.

Hoseok: What About You?

Y/n: I'll Go and Bring Miss Son.

They looked at you with worry. . . . .

Ava: It's Not Safe, At Least lemme come with you~

Y/n: Stay Here with Eun Woo. . . . .

You immediately looked around and Signalled all your personal guards to Gather. They weren't hired by Hyun Bin because They we're your personal team. Your Trusted ones.
They Bowed And Took the gun from one of The Guard and tugged in your waist.

Y/n: Guard em'.

As You commanded the Guards,They immediately Surrounded The Siblings, Ava and Eun woo with Their Guns In their Hand,

Eun woo: You're Goin' Alone? Are you outta your mind ?

Y/n: Help em' to bring Hyun Bin, Today The wedding Will happen No Matter What. And . . . .None of em' even should get a Small scratch.

You totally ignored and Gave step siblings assuring look. You can't let anyone of em' to get hurt.

Jennie and Jungkook: Y/n-

They called your name when you ran to your car.
You gave a Small nod to Eun woo which he returned with nod too before Driving off the venue. . . . . . . .

Step Siblings POV. . . .

She Drove off. . . . .
Can't explain The Feeling we felt that time, She Was Goin' to Lily alone while Leaving us with Whole gang of Guards to protect us.
We wanted to follow her. . . . .

Ava: Should we go Follow her ?

Namjoon: No- We have to bring Dad first or she'll be Very mad.

Chanyeol: Hyung- But She can be in danger. .

Irene: Namjoon oppa is right, We need to find Dad Quickly so we can Go After Her.

Eun woo: I can't Let Mah Y/nie Get in danger, That Little Sh*t Lily is so Dead.

He growled in anger.

Baekyung: Let's get into the car,We Can track their location on the way.

One of the guard who seemed like Their chief ordered the Guards to accompany us in the car. He was Security Chief of Y/n's security team, Woo Doo Hwan. . . .

Eun woo: Don't You Think, You should Go After Y/n ?

Woo Doo Hwan: As Much as I want to do that Mr Cha, Ms Yoon Ordered us to Stay Here and Protect y'all.

Eun woo: Let's Go -

?!?: what's the Hurry, You useless Trash?

Suddenly a Bulky Guard, Who was hired by Hyun Bin For the event, Stood in their way and smirked while pointing his Gun towards em'. . . . .

Suho: How Dare You to Block our Way?

At this point, All the guests present there We're Looking at the scene unfolding in front em'. . . . . .

?!?: Stay Where You are, or else I'll don't hesitate to Shoot y'all.

Woo Doo Hwan Stood protectively in front of em' and With his team immediately Held their guns In Front, Ready To Shoot the Bulky guy anytime, thinking He was alone.

Eun woo: Who are you? You're Not a Guard, Right?

?!?: Oops. Seems like Me and Mah friends don't need to pretend anymore.

And In blink of the eye, The Waiters who we're Serving around as well the Other bodyguards who we're supposed to Protect the wedding surrounded us all, caging us in the middle and Positioned their guns to our Heads.
They we're in majority and could have Just kill all of us at once.

Hyun Bin Hired Top Guards to protect his wedding from lily and Her Vicious plans but turns out Lily already Brought those guys on her side by paying em' the 10 times triple of what Hyun Bin Paid em'.
Basically, Lily Just Sucked all the money from ye jin's account without her knowledge.
By the Time, All the guests Panicked And started to get Away from the venue to save Their dear Life.

?!?: Surrender You Little Fcking Brats! Drop your Guns!!

He shouted trying to warn us while we all weren't Ready to surrender yet, Not when We didn't even got the chance to fight back or when Y/n is Alone out there.
Neither the Our Guards we're ready to Back off Or us.
We, Eun Woo's and That's Girl Ava, We we're standing together.

Ava: What to do now?

Kyungsoo: Don't know, But We cannot give up- Dad and Y/n need us.

Woo Doo Hwan: We Have Knifes, Do y'all know How to fight.?

He Whispered slowly yo us so only Us and Eun woo can hear us.
Knives. Our Favourite thing.
We looked at each other before Smirking. . . . .

Rose: Let's Shed Some Bloods Brothers and sisters.

She Sing sweetly, They looked confused while the guards Secretly passed us the Dagger Which they used to carry as Back-up plan. . . .

Y/N POV. . .

You looked out at the Yander High Building and slammed the door closed behind of the car.
The School Building looked abandoned as It was Vacation week.

You walked inside The Building through the Huge Gates, Meeting With absolute silences and Darkness.
The noise of your clicking heels ecoed from the Hall.

Follow me Little Sister.

To looked up at The stairs to see lily walking Towards the hallway, You Followed her behind. . . . . .

She kept walking through the darkness and You followed her steps.
The atmosphere was awfully Thick and Disastrous. . . .

Y/n: Quit Your Fcking Game, Where's she ?

You calmly asked, She stopped right in front of the The Huge door and pushed it open before entering. . . . . . . .

You walked in following her into a Huge Hallway With a leather chair in the Middle of the Hall.
The only source of the light was The moonlight coming through The Giant Glass Windows. . . . . .

Lily: You know, I always Thought who's responsible for mah Ruined life. . . . . .

She Smirked before Turning around to stand face to face to you.
You saw Something different in her eyes. They had Those real Murderous Aura . . . . .

Lily: Your Dad, He's Responsible for everything,*giggles* Good Thing He died.

Her smirk fell as she saw you laughing. . . . .

Y/n: Don't You think You're Dad was more lucky?

Lily: Mah Dad Never Killed Your Dad, He was Much better person than Your Father.

Y/n: You know the truth but still Choose to be blind, You're No diffrent from Miss Son, You're Only Making your life miserable.

Lily: You Think it's Funny? How can you pretend to be nice to me when all you want is mah Death.

By the End of her Sentence, Many men's carrying Knives and Guns walked out from the Dark, Walking towards you. Surrounding you while ending your every way to escape.

Y/n: I don't need to pretend, I Don't just Hate You but Despice Your existence. It's true I want kill You, That Women and Everyone You Love.

Lily: You're Not Less than a Fcking Monster Y/n, You deserve to die with Her. . . . YOU'RE DAUGHTER OF THAT FCKING WENCH !!

She Yelled, Her Emotions we're everywhere at the place, Probably She lost her mind.
Of course, You want to Muder her but You know it's not the solution, Somewhere In your heart You know, She's just lost.
You understood This is not the Time to Mess with her or else she could actually Hurt Ye jin. You weren't worried for your self but Ye jin. . . . . .

Lily: Lemme show you something really Funny.

She devilishly Smirked and Pulled her phone before Turning the screen towards you.
You clenched Your fist when you saw Step Siblings and Your guards sitting on their knees while Lily's men holding the gun at Their head.

Lily: Tsk Tsk Tsk. . . . You're careless Y/n, You Left em' alone just What I Wanted. Now What should I do to em' or. . . . .what should I do to Her?

She stepped aside and Your eyes fell on Ye jin who was unconsciously tied to the chair but that didn't Scared you but the knife at her neck that a Man was holding adding little pressure, withdrawing small amount of blood.

Y/n: STOP IT. . . . ARE YOU FCKING WITH ME ? She's Your Mot-

Lily: I Dare You complete that sentence. Mother? No. . . she's Just a Selfie Wench. . And You know it too. SHE RUINED MAH LIFE--

Y/n: Ruined Your Life ? Lemme me remind you, You almost Killed Eun Woo.


Y/n: You could Have Helped Him But You choose to Run Away. He Could have Died.
Come to your fcking senses Lily.

Lily:She's a snake, A snake that Abandoned me and my father for You and That Man.

Suddenly The man started to add more pressure on ye jin's neck , Digging the skin while Dripped down on her white wedding dress. . . .
Lily broke into tears. You stepped closer and grabbed her by her Both shoulders. . . . .

Y/n: Stop Him. . . .She Will DIEE !!

Instead She Kept Smirked through her teary eyes. . . . .
Without wasting a second You slapped her hard across her face.

Y/n: The World Can see It, She loves you. . . . . You're The child she wanted while I'm a Regreat,NOTHING BUT FCKING REGRET.

You shook her by grabbing her shoulder and making her Look into your eyes.

Y/n: I Hate You. . . I really do, But I don't want you to do something that'll you'll regreat later just like miss son . Come Back to your Senses Lee Lily. . . . . It's Not too late.

Her eyes widened a little listening Her Real Name "Lee Lily".
She Changed her First name to Son from Lee to gain Ye jin's Trust.

Lily: I'm sorry Y/n. . . . . Trust me I am. . . .

Her face turned soft, She looked like she's guilty or something.
You let go of her shoulder as that man immediately removed the knife from her neck.

Lily: I'm sorry. . .. But How Dare You to raise your hand at me . .

She wipped her tears with back of Her hand and Giggled like Maniac. Before You could understand her act, one of Her man appeared behind you and stabbed your shoulder.

In No time Blood painted your white coat and you fell on your knees.
Instantly Unleashing great Pain in your shoulder as he digged the knife more into your muscles

Lily Looked down at you,She Felt The like Winner. Finally You we're at your knees in front of Her.

Lily: Sleep Mah Baby Sister Till I'll Go and Put our Mother 6 feet under. Don't Worry, I'll bury you right beside her.

She pushed you on the floor by Her leg placing on your shoulder.
You Saw Her men carry ye Jin out while You tried to overcome the pain.

Lily: I'll take care of Her when I'll be Back so Keep your eye her.

She ordered her men's and walked out while taking ye jin away with em'. . . .  

To be continued. . . .

A Small Hint for Next episode y'all 😌
There's 2 Grand Cameo and Someone's gonna die.
Wait For the next episodes My sis's. I'll be Back shortly.

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