The Diary Keeper ["The Dark L...

By diaryoftheintrovert

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"I love my new life, I love the way my power makes a bit of variety in ordinary days. I love the way it flows... More

Chapter 1: An owner of the mansion
Chapter 2: Behind its walls
Chapter 3: Welcome to the dorm
Chapter 4: Allies and rivals
Chapter 5: Diary entries
Chapter 6: Inside
Chapter 7: Here lies Mia Lancaster
Chapter 8: Dirty Things
Chapter 9: The past does not sleep
Chapter 10: The lies we tell
Author's note
Chapter 11: A little party never killed nobody
Chapter 12: Whispering pages
Chapter 13: Echoes on the paper
Chapter 14: The unnamed grave
Chapter 15: In the hospital wing
Chapter 16: Parsing the last will
Chapter 17: The dark deeds revealed
Chapter 18: The pendant of power
Chapter 19: The price of justice
Chapter 20: Uncharted passages
Chapter 21: Tensions rise
Chapter 22: The dissonance within
Chapter 23: Blood ties
Chapter 24: Farewell untold
Chapter 25: The dead never return
Chapter 26: The phantom's confession
Chapter 27: Strong girls do not give up
Chapter 28: Stranger things
Chapter 29: A dangerous deal
Chapter 30: The perilous path
Chapter 31: Below the ground
Chapter 32: Her only friend
Chapter 33: Game of shadows and light
Chapter 34: Between the lines
Chapter 35: Through the camera's eye
Chapter 36: Awakening
Chapter 37: Into the forest
Chapter 38: Unveiling the lost identity
Chapter 39: A ghostly beauty
Chapter 40: A trail gone cold
Chapter 41: It gets dangerous
Chapter 42: In the halls of justice
Chapter 43: Farewell, Dear Diary
Chapter 44: The final task
Chapter 45: Mia's melody
Chapter 46: Hypnotized
Chapter 47: When all dreams die
Chapter 48: Until it hides
Chapter 49: Illusions
Chapter 50: A night of style
Chapter 51: The only thing she wanted
Chapter 52: All about lies
Chapter 53: A story of evil
Chapter 54: Sweet betrayal
Chapter 55: Hues of violet
Chapter 56: Do not turn back
Chapter 58: A dangerous game
Chapter 59: Take me back

Chapter 57: The midnight heist

68 48 10
By diaryoftheintrovert

Spring finally graced Hazelford with its presence, breathing life into the land. The world transformed as nature awakened from its wintry slumber, with vibrant blooms painting the landscape in hues of delicate pastels.

The sweet melodies of songbirds filled the air, dancing on the gentle breeze that carried the fragrant scent of blossoms. The days grew longer, and the warmth of the sun bathed everything in a golden glow, casting playful shadows among the rejuvenated trees and flowers. Hazelford embraced the season of rebirth with open arms, a tapestry of color and life unfolding at every turn.

What should I be thinking about? Obviously, the approach of summer vacation. What was I really thinking about? I believe you can guess what. Somehow, in my life, besides studying, being part of the Young Photographers' Club, and hanging out with friends, I also have to plan a heist. And that's not even mentioning the mysterious mental illness, ghosts, shadows, the diary... What else did I forget on this list?

But before executing this grand plan, there was one more thing I wanted to do.

I am here again, where life and death whisper to each other. The moonlight painted a silver tapestry across the old graveyard, where time and tombstones stood still. Waiting, as I often did, for Mia's ghostly presence to manifest once more.

The night was heavy with secrets, and the distant rustling of leaves added a mysterious cadence to the air. I felt a chill, but it wasn't the cold that sent shivers down my spine; it was the anticipation of connecting with my long-lost friend from beyond the veil of existence.

In a few minutes, Mia's ghostly figure began to materialize. It was as if the moonlight had taken shape, coalescing into the form of my old friend. Her ethereal presence shimmered like a wisp of smoke, and her eyes, once so familiar, held a specific spectral glow.

Mia's ghostly lips parted, and her voice, a haunting echo from the past, reached my ears.

"What brought you here again, my dear?" her smile was gentle as always.

"I'm having visions. I have some issues with my head. My parents think it's all my psyche, but I know it's not."

"Lia, I came to you in your visions, and I know about your problem. You're not sick. Hazel and I didn't die from an illness; it was dark forces we couldn't overcome."

The once calm night grew turbulent, as if the very elements themselves had taken notice of our encounter. The first sign was a distant rumble, like a growling giant awakening from slumber-the thunder. It rolled through the heavens, a harbinger of the brewing storm.

"So, am I the next victim?"

"Dark forces are trying to possess you, but don't give in. You have a rare talent, and they want to steal it from you."

"What exactly are these dark forces you're talking about?"

"Shadows and a witch or wizard who manipulates them. They want to kill you."

"But for what reason?"

A gust of wind swept through the graveyard, rustling the leaves of ancient trees and sending a shiver down my spine. It carried a chill that cut through the warmth of the night, a reminder of nature's unpredictable power.

"To take control of your gift, my diary keeper. They have to eliminate you. That's why they killed Hazel and me, but they couldn't seize the gift because it scattered into the air and got lost until it found its way to you."

"But what is my unique talent?"

The wind whispered secrets of the past, carrying with it the voices of countless souls who had found their rest in this hallowed ground. There was an eerie beauty to the moment, as if the forces of nature themselves paid homage to our spectral reunion.

"You have my diary - a small copy of my consciousness. Without fully understanding it, I infused a fragment of my soul, my mind, into this journal. And your gift lies in the fact that you can read it. Each current diary keeper can decrypt a portion of the consciousness of the previous diary keeper. This consciousness is embedded in certain objects, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a diary. There can only be one person in the world with this gift at a time. When you pass away, a new diary keeper will be born eventually."

"So when the diary communicates with me, it essentially speaks to me on your behalf?"

"Not quite. The diary is indeed a copy of my consciousness, but I'm not the one dictating its responses. It retrieves all its phrases from my subconscious. That means, things that I don't fully understand myself. It searches for answers in my mind, searches for something I can't comprehend."

Within the depths of my soul, I find myself grappling with profound uncertainty about the nature of my magical gift. It is a rare and exquisite treasure that sets me apart from the mundane world, a gift that weaves an intricate tapestry of uniqueness around my being.

It's like a double-edged sword. On one hand, I'm unique, and I have this gift that sets me apart from the crowd. It's something special, no doubt.

But then there's the other side of the coin. Dark forces, like Grace and Harper, are keenly interested in me because of this talent. It's like I've got a target on my back, and I can't escape it. So, I'm left wondering if this gift is a blessing or a curse.

"And there's one more thing," Mia added with a mysterious smile, "I also studied at Hazelford High."

And she slowly disappeared.

First of all, I shared everything with my friends. My idea was to steal the Spectral Emitter together with Kaira and Caroline. Kaira mentioned that Grace keeps this device in her private residence, a place she doesn't allow anyone into except for Harper. Getting in there is highly dangerous because the house is teeming with shadows. This led us to a heated discussion.

"Liandra, you are absolutely crazy," Caroline looked shocked. "I won't go stealing anything."

"But it's for a good cause," Kaira tried to persuade her.

"And what if we end up dead? Would that be for a good cause too?" her voice raised to a shout.

"Why jump to death so quickly? Can't we just be considered missing without a trace for a while?" My attempt at sarcasm fell flat; the girls didn't even crack a smile.

"Liandra, I'm talking about serious things!" Caroline couldn't hold back.

"I'm talking about serious things too. Aren't I?"

This time, she didn't reply - Caroline was too well-mannered to break the law. But after some convincing, she finally agreed to join me and Kaira in our mission. And don't even ask how we convinced her.

The outskirts of Ravenwood were precisely the kind of place where no one ventured without urgent need. What's more, I'm not even sure if anyone lived there besides Grace. And we headed right in the direction to this location.

It was a realm of solitude where the gentle murmur of leaves and the whisper of the wind were the only sounds. A canopy of towering trees arched above, their branches were intertwined. Beneath their verdant embrace, the earth was carpeted in a lush layer of moss.

Bushes and ferns were like guardians of this enchanting place. Their vibrant green leaves shimmered with dewdrops, glistening like nature's own jewels in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy.

Finally, we are here, just in a few minutes from the secret home of Mrs. Coleman. Nestled amidst the tranquil outskirts of Ravenwood, the house was a striking anomaly in the midst of nature's embrace. This aged, two-story abode bore the weathered elegance of a bygone era, its walls draped in a deep, dignified shade of grey. As the only dwelling in this remote expanse, it stood tall, shrouded in an aura of enigmatic allure.

The architectural details spoke of a rich history, with ornate windows adorned by time's touch, their wooden frames carrying the weight of countless seasons. Ivy, having wrapped itself lovingly around the structure, added a touch of wild elegance to the scene. The stone steps leading up to the entrance bore the scars of countless footsteps, each marking the passage of years.

As midnight approached, I knew it was time to prepare. I reached for my flashlight, its beam of light becoming our lifeline in the abyss of night. The soft hum of the torch illuminated our path, painting the eerie surroundings with fragments of clarity amidst the high grass. We quickly ventured forward.

We stood in front of the ancient, weathered doors of the house. They were made of dark wood. Kaira's voice broke the silence, "I will open them with the power of my mind. This way, the alarm system won't work."

I watched in awe as Kaira focused her mental prowess on the aged entrance. The door handles slowly turned, and with a creak, they swung open, revealing a path into the heart of mystery that lay beyond.

Let it start.

Kaira led the way through the dimly lit house, our flashlights cutting through the darkness like beacons of hope. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of exploration, we reached the attic. Kaira's voice, though hushed, carried a note of confidence as she declared, "The Spectral Emitter should be here."

Our flashlights scanned the attic, revealing forgotten trinkets and old furniture shrouded in sheets. According to Kaira, the device is small, ornate and crystal-like, about the size of a palm, encased in an intricate silver filigree. Its centerpiece was a mesmerizing red gemstone.

As we were searching, a peculiar sensation began to envelop me. It was an inexplicable coldness that seeped through my very bones. Our flashlights cast eerie beams of light, revealing the attic's contents, but an odd mist began to materialize, as if the attic itself were reacting to our intrusion. But we just had no time to pay attention to it.

In that dimly lit space, an unsettling feeling gnawed at me-an unexplainable sense that we were not alone, that hidden eyes were upon us, and that something unseen stirred within the attic. Maybe I am just paranoid?..

As Caroline meticulously combed through the numerous shelves, her hand finally brushed against something... the elusive Spectral Emitter. She held it carefully in her grasp, a moment of triumph etched on her face. The precious artifact, seemingly unassuming yet powerful, was now within our reach.

We all held our breath. It was unbelievable. It was marvellous. It was something I can't describe in details. The magical device had been already in our hands!

But this exciting feeling didn't last so ling. Just as Caroline clutched the Spectral Emitter, my heart leaped with trepidation as I caught sight of something inexplicable behind her. There, within the ever-thickening mist, an unsettling presence loomed. It was a shadowy figure, indistinct and menacing, lurking just beyond Caroline's shoulder.

Fear surged through me, and without thinking, I shouted in alarm, "Caroline, do not turn back!" My voice cracked with urgency as I struggled to comprehend the enigmatic figure that now threatened our pursuit. It seemed that our quest for the Spectral Emitter had stirred something far more ominous than we could have ever imagined.

I didn't breathe for a minute or so. It was a shadow. Finally, I could see in details how it looked like. It bore an eerie resemblance to a ghost, but it was notably darker and a little bit glowing, as if it had absorbed all light around it. Sinister wisps of fog seemed to coil around its form, giving it an ethereal yet ominous presence.

As I stood there, frozen by both fear and fascination, I recalled the stern warning Jane had imparted to me earlier: never to gaze into the eyes of a shadow. It may be dangerous. It may be fatal. It may be deadly.

Kaira, too, was visibly shaken by the sudden appearance of the ominous shadow. Her eyes widened, and her usually composed demeanor was replaced by a look of genuine fear. She screamed loudly.

"Girls, what's wrong with you?" Caroline smiled. "Why are you so scared?"

"Caroline, don't turn back!" I shouted. "Let's just get out of here. Right now!"

I and Kaira began running away as fast as we could, but Caroline didn't seem to realize what to do. She didn't even comprehend the danger hanging over us. Our friend remained upstairs, in the attic, with the Spectral Emitter in her hands.

Kaira hurried back to the attic, attempting to open the door, but it was firmly locked. In that tense moment, countless shadows materialized out of nowhere, and they moved effortlessly through the walls into the attic. Caroline found herself trapped in this eerie space with these otherworldly entities.

I let out a terrified scream, my voice filled with dread. Both me and Kaira were overwhelmed by fear as the situation took an unexpected and chilling turn.

We strained our ears, and amidst the eerie silence of the attic, we heard a distinct, shattering sound as if something had fallen and broken.

Could it be the Spectral Emitter?..

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