Want Me (BoyxBoy)

Oleh Heather_gO

524K 13.2K 8.5K

When two lovers' best friends meet for the first time... lots of feelings can rise. Attraction, confusion, lu... Lebih Banyak

Not exactly an update...


8.5K 280 231
Oleh Heather_gO

*Homophobia warning


I can't help but feel a little awkward the whole ride to breakfast. He even notices because when we're eating, he asked if something was wrong and apologized again for grabbing me like that. I brushed it off, though. I don't know why I'm freaking out about it. It's something people normally do in a relationship. I guess because it's never happened before, and I liked it more than I thought I would...

I start to feel a little back to normal after making it to the mall in the next town over. He kept asking my opinion on different shoes he tried on, and he obviously picked the one I liked best. He even offered to buy me a pair, but I refused, considering Dad just bought me some a few weeks ago. Plus, I didn't want him spending that much on me. He already bought breakfast, and he's paying for laser tag later. I kind of wish I had a job. It sucks not being able to pay some.

After leaving the shoe store, we start walking to the exit. I feel his shoulder brush against mine, making me aware of how close we're walking together. My mind suddenly flashes back to that gay couple I saw the last time I was here with Dad. Do we look like a couple right now? I mean, we're not holding hands like they did. I glance down at his hand slightly swinging by mine. I want to, though.

"Can I admit something?" I ask in a low voice, even though no one is really walking that close to us.

He looks over at me and nods. "Of course."

"I want to hold your hand, but I'm not going to."

"I understand."

"It really sucks that people just can't accept our type of relationship," I continue. "I mean, I don't see anything wrong with it."

"I know. I think it's always going to be like this. That's why keeping us quiet isn't a big deal."

"I hate it. Having to act like friends in publ-"

"Wes?" I get cut off by a voice I'd preferred to never hear again. And despite what I was just saying, I have to put that act up now. I turn around to face the first person to ever break my heart. "It is you. Uh, hey. How have you been?" Claire crosses her arms and rubs her hand on her elbow. Something I remember her doing when she was anxious.

I'm not entirely sure what to say. I'd prefer to say nothing. I shift my eyes over to Ryland to see him already looking at me. Fuck. This is so damn awkward. I just want to rub it in her face that he's my boyfriend and how I'm way happier now with him, but I can't.

"Fine," I say when I realize the silence is going on for too long.

"That's good. Uh, who's this?"

I don't want to use the word 'friend'. At all. Not to her. I don't have to tell her who he is to me. It's none of her business. "This is Ryland."

"New friend of yours?" I just nod, already feeling bad. She looks back to him. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Claire." I watch his expression out of the corner of my eye to see if it changes at all, but he remains stoic. "Uh, Wes and I used to date."

"Yeah, Wes has told me about you," he finally speaks, crossing his arms.

"I'm sure they weren't good things..."

"Nope," he replies, popping the 'p'.

"Uh..." Why can't she realize how awkward this is? I don't even know why she would approach me. "Wes, could I talk to you for a minute? Alone."

"No," I instantly say.

Her face falls. "Please?"

"You can say whatever it is you want to say in front of him."

She looks embarrassed, but she continues anyway. "I just wanted to see if maybe you'd want to give us a chance again." She takes a step closer, making me uncomfortable. I don't want her anywhere near me. "I miss you so much. I'm sorry for what I did. I wish I would've just been honest with you."

"No, I don't want to. I'm seeing someone anyway."

"Oh. Who?" Her voice breaks a little bit, disappointment evident on her face.

"It's none of your business, but it's the person I told you I slept with during New Year's. I really like them, so if you see me again, please don't talk to me. I told you we were done." Her eyes start to fill with tears, but I don't feel an ounce of guilt. "Let's go, Ryland," I tell him, looking away from her and leaving her behind. Ryland reappears in my peripheral vision but doesn't say anything as I lead us out of the entrance.

I don't know why, but I feel so angry. Mainly at myself. I wanted to just grab his hand and admit it was him. I wanted to tell her he was mine.

Despite the busy parking lot, as soon as we're in his truck, I lean over his console to kiss him.

"So, that was- mmph." His lips freeze, and he grabs my shoulder, gently pushing me away. His eyes are huge as they glance around the parking lot. "Wes, we're in public."

"I don't see anyone walking around, and your windows are tinted. Plus, we're in another town, so I think it'll be okay. I just really want to kiss you right now. Are you not okay with it?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm okay with it. Are you sure you are, though? What if Claire followed us out?"

"Then I hope she sees," I say before grabbing his nape and pulling his lips back against mine. He actually kisses me back this time. I let a sigh out through my nose, relishing his soft lips. Fuck Claire. He's all I want now. The only person I want to kiss.

He slowly pulls away after a minute, and we're both practically panting, taking deep breaths. "That was hot earlier, by the way. Telling her how it is. Also, you slept with the person you're seeing? I don't remember that happening."

"It was before we were dating. I just wanted to hurt her feelings, so I told her I slept with someone at your party. I didn't say a name, but I did..." I pause, almost too embarrassed to say it, but I go ahead anyway. "-think about you when I told her that."

"That's also really hot." I want to kiss him again. The mini make out session we just did wasn't enough. I want more. I think... I want more than kissing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I slowly blink my eyes. "Like what?"

"Like you want me to make you feel like how I did last night."

How good that felt comes back to me, making me want it. I feel the slight stir in my stomach, and I can already feel the boner that's about to grow. I didn't know I was looking at him that way, but he's right. I want it.

"So, laser tag?" he asks, biting his lip. This will be the second time I turn it down for something sexual, but it'll be okay. We can go another time.

Before I can decline to tell him I want to go back to his place, I feel my phone vibrate. "Uh, hold on." I grab it out of my pocket and read the text from Mom.

'Your grandma is coming over tonight for dinner. Go ahead and come home.' I let a sigh out.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to go home. My grandma's in town and is coming over tonight."

"Okay. I'll take us back, so you can get your car."

I nod before letting Mom know where I am, and that I'll be about an hour.


Once he parks in front of his apartment, I guess he can sense my uncomfortableness because he says, "Do you not like your grandma?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You've just been quiet, and you didn't look thrilled about her coming."

"No. I guess I love her, but I don't really like her, no."

"How come?"

"She's mean. Doesn't give a shit if she hurts your feelings and just says whatever she wants to say."

"Aren't most old ladies like that?" he jokes.

"I guess. But aren't grandmas supposed to be sweet on their grandkids and bake them stuff?"

"I don't know. I didn't have grandparents growing up. They were all dead before I was born."

"Shit. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Wes. So, do you not see yours often?"

"A couple of times a year," I tell him. "She lives a few hours away, so she doesn't visit often."

"Is she the only grandparent you have?"

"Yeah. The rest passed when I was a young."

"Well, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"And I'm sorry she's mean to you."

"Well, it's not exactly that she's mean to me, just mean in general. All she likes to do is gossip about people. She's even talked bad about Alyx after meeting him when we were kids."

He lifts his eyebrows. "What'd she say about him?"

"Just that he's a bad influence and I shouldn't hang out with him."

A look of disbelief crosses his features when he looks over at me. "Alyx?"

"Yeah, exactly. I'm not any more innocent than he is. She just talks shit for the fun of it."

"Well, I'm... glad I don't have to meet her."

"Yeah. It'll really piss me off if she said something about you."

"Oh?" he says with a smirk.

"Don't act like we didn't just clarify our feelings this morning. You know I like you."

"It's nice to hear."

"I got to go. I still need to change and stuff."


I follow him to the door and wait for him to unlock it before stepping inside. I instantly head to his bedroom and lock it to change. I undo the belt and push the jeans down after stepping out of my shoes.

I hear the door knob jiggle slightly. "Locked out of my own room?" he asks in that teasing tone of his.

"I'm changing," I reply, peeling his shirt off and pulling mine on.

"Alright. I already saw it all, though."

I roll my eyes, trying to push back the heat that's wanting to fill me at the reminder.

I pull my jeans up and slip my shoes back on before going over to unlock the door. His hand's resting against the frame as he stares at me.

"I'm not ready for you to go."

"I have to."

"I know. Just... don't let her get you down, and call me before you go to sleep."


He steps forward and brings his arms up, wrapping them around me. I respond to it, bringing mine around his waist. "Bye. I've had a good weekend with you. Let me know when you want to do it again." Which part he's talking about, I'm not sure.

"Me too, and I will. Bye." I let my arms fall and go to step back when I feel his lips press against my temple before he lets me go.

"Be safe."

I nod, fighting back the blush before telling him bye again and walking out of the door.


She's already there when I get home. I was hoping to have a little more time to prepare, but I guess not. She actually seems happy to see me, though when I walk through the door.

"Wesley. You've grown so much since I last saw you." She opens her arms for a hug, and although it's a little awkward, I hug her back. "Oh." She pulls away with a grimace on her face. "I'm not a fan of your cologne. It's too strong."

I furrow my brows. I didn't spray any on these clothes yesterday. I purse my lips when I realize. I did shower at Ryland's using his soap, and he did hug me before I left. I probably smell like him. I chew on the inside of my cheek, already a little irritated because his cologne smells fucking amazing. I don't know what she's talking about.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, Grandma."

"That's good."

"Oh, you're home," Mom says, peeking her head out of the kitchen. "Dinner's not going to be much longer. You've got time to wash up if you want."

"Okay." I give Grandma a forced smile before heading to my room. Since I showered earlier, I just use the time to relax in bed, letting my phone charge for my phone call with Ryland later. I scroll on it until Mom yells for dinner. Leaving it on the charger, I join them in the dining room.

About half way into dinner is when Grandma starts her gossiping. Some drama to do with one of her friends.

"Yeah, and her husband lost his job. The one he's been at for thirty years."

"Oh, no. That's too bad," Mom replies. I can tell by her face she has no interest in this lady's life, but that doesn't stop Grandma from continuing.

"It was about time he retire anyway. Oh, and you won't believe what I found out about her only grandson."

"What's that?"

"He's got a boyfriend." I almost drop my fork at that. Oh, no. Why do we have to get on this topic? I flick my eyes between the both of them, trying to read their expressions.

"A boyfriend?" Mom asks, widening her eyes. Surprise is the only thing I'm picking up from her. Grandma has her lips pursed like she usually does.

"Mhmm. You know how religious Kathy's family is. I bet they were so disappointed." I swallow hard at that. "They probably never thought their grandson would turn into a faggot." I feel like I just got punched in the gut. I know it wasn't necessarily directed at me, but it still hurts hearing her say that. It'll kill me if Mom agrees.

"Oh. Wow."

"It's unfortunate," Grandma sighs. "She wanted great-grandkids one day."

"They could adopt," slips from me before I can stop it.

She furrows her brows at me. "Well, in my opinion, they shouldn't be allowed to."

"Why not?" I ask, my own brows furrowing.

"It's just wrong."


"Because they're not even able to reproduce. Why should they be able to adopt?"

"What about the straight couples that can't conceive? Should they not be allowed?"

"That's different. They probably tried. Someone that biologically can't get pregnant shouldn't be able to adopt."

"So a single man can't have a baby if he wants?"

"You know that's not what I'm saying, Wesley."

"Then what are you saying?"

"They shouldn't be able to adopt because men shouldn't even be together at all."

"Why?" I ask again, balling my fists up under the table in anger. Her reasons are literally dumb as fuck.

"Why are you being so defensive about this?"

"Because they're people, too, and they don't deserve to discriminated against because of who they prefer to love."

Grandma lets a scoff out. "What? Don't tell me you're a gay, too."

"Mom!" my mom yells at her. "Of course he's not. You know he had a girlfriend."

"They broke up, though, right?" She looks back at me. "And weren't you just with a boy? Your mother said you were, and you're really defended this whole 'gay' thing. So, are you or not?"

As livid as I feel, I just want to admit that I am. But I don't. "No. I'm not."

"Okay, there," Mom says. "Let's talk about something else no-"

"I just don't think there's anything wrong with it," I continue, cutting Mom off.

"Well, Wesley, that's your opinion," Grandma argues. "I think it's wrong, and not only that, it's disgusting. Men are supposed to be with women, just like women are supposed to be with men."

"And that's your opinion. But it's a shitty one. I'm going to the gym," I say, getting up from the table and storming off to the door.

"Wesley!" Mom yells. "Get back in here!"

Ignoring her, I grab my keys and slam the door behind me.


Even though I haven't been to the gym in a few weeks, going there was a lie. I think it's obvious where I ended up. I take a deep breath to calm down before getting out to go knock on his door.

I kept repeating everything she said over and over again in my head, disgusting being the number one thing. But honestly, I don't give a shit what she thinks. Mom on the other hand... I'm really glad she didn't say anything negative. She was quick to deny me being gay, though. But to her, I am straight.

I quietly knock in case he might've fell asleep already. It's not that late, only around eight, but I left my phone at home. He doesn't know I'm coming, so I hope he doesn't mind the unexpected visit. I just... really wanted to see him after dealing with all that. I didn't know my Grandma was going to be so homophobic. Like I'm so mad at her. If I'm being honest, I kind of want to fuck Ryland now just to spite her. I'm not even horny. That's just how angry I feel.

I hear the deadbolt being unlocked before the door is pulled open. "Wes?" Ryland asks, now dressed in some plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt. "What are you doing here?" Seeing him now makes my emotions feel out of whack, and tears suddenly brim my eyes. "What happened?" he asks, pulling me inside by my wrist and against him. I hear the door shut behind before his arms tighten around me. "Tell me what happened."

So I do. I tell him everything that was said. How the conversation got brought up. How I argued back with her. And how she dropped that 'f' word like it was nothing. And how being gay is wrong and disgusting. And how all of it pisses me off more than it hurts my feelings.

"I'm really sorry, Wes. Did you remember what I said to do if someone calls you that?"

I pull back enough to look at him with a serious face. "I can't exactly punch my grandma, Ryland."

He cracks a small smile. "I know, but it does sound like she deserves it."

"She does." I let a sigh out. "I'm probably going to get in trouble with my mom."


"Just for being 'disrespectful' and leaving without permission. I didn't even bring my phone, so if she's calling me, she's going to think I'm ignoring it. I just needed to get away, but now I might get grounded."

"Again, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm really happy you still came to me after."

"Why wouldn't I? You're my boyfriend. I'm supposed to come to you for comfort, right?"

"Yes. It's just... you could've distanced yourself. You don't believe what she said, right?"

"No." I slowly reach down and grab his hand, interlocking our fingers. I bring our clasped hands up and look at them. "I don't find this disgusting at all." I lean forward and press my lips to his, planting a soft kiss before saying, "Or this." His eyes peer into mine, fondness in his. "Plus, I already figured I wouldn't have her support, so it's whatever."

"Well, good. That's the third time I've been worried sick today."

"Why? What was the first two?"

"Well, you trying to leave me this morning was the first." I go to apologize again, but he stops me. "It's fine. The second was running into Claire."

"Why were you worried about that?"

"I was scared seeing her again would make you realize you miss her and would want her back," he easily admits.

"What? Why would you think that? You're who I want. I thought we clarified that this morning."

"We did, but it still bothered me. Especially when she asked for another chance. I just wanted to grab you and take you away from her."

"That sounds..." Pretty nice honestly. I wanted to get away from her, too.

"I'm a little possessive, by the way."

"I see that. But don't ever worry about that again. She lost her chance. I'm... I'm all yours now."

He bites down on his lip. "I really like the sound of that. I plan on keeping you, too."

"Okay, now it's sounding like I'm an object."

"Never," he says, pushing my face back into his neck. "You're a person. My favorite person."

"You know, you're pretty whipped for a person you just met a month ago."

"Says the guy that just called himself mine."

It's my turn to chew on my lip. He's right. I guess I'm pretty whipped, too.

A/N- Don't worry. I hate the old bitch, too. She was insufferable to write, but I managed.

Ryland got to meet Claire! His cute admission about wanting to snatch Wes away from her! I love him.

I just feel like a lot went down this chapter. The mall date, Claire, the public kiss, dealing with his grandma.

Who else is proud of Wes for arguing back?? If I wanted to make this book longer, I would've used this chapter as a set back in their relationship, but I feel like Wes and Ryland have come too far to make Wes try and push him away now.

I wonder if he's going to get in trouble with his mom... Maybe not, considering Valentine's Day is coming up...

Sorry for the homophobia this chapter. Happy chapters are coming, so be prepared for lots of cute fluff and steamy smut!!

P.S. It's my birthday! So make sure you vote!!

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