PARIS | lando norris

By belletastix

60.1K 1.4K 286

"she means too much to me for the media to give her hate, i was just protecting her." in which max verstappe... More

001. merry christmas
002. new years in monaco
004. lando falling for marnie pt 1
005. not a date
006. our son edwardo
007. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
008. the three hs
009. ferrari day
010. the race was a mess
011. the plan
012. new found favourite american
013. saudi arabia gp
014. utter chaos
015. why do they hate me?
016. god, it's brutal out here

003. moving vlog!

3.8K 84 17
By belletastix

[ youtube ]
❛ moving vlog! ❜

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼𝘀 3.3 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴

2 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰



[YES•   [NO]



103K                  ​​​​​   1,345,678​​​​                   2023
Likes​​​​​                         Views​​​            2nd January

Marnie Santos ​​​​​                3,567,643 subscribers



Published on January 2nd 2023

miss my mummy already lol


instagram : marniesantos
twitter : marniesantos
snapchat : xoxomarnie
tiktok : msanhoes


i don't own any of the music used credit goes to the original creator(s)



Marnie was sat on her chair in her bedroom, her hoodie on and hair up. She smiled at the camera, "Hi guys, welcome back to my channel, I am moving today, in a few hours. I'm out, flew the nest out, gone, yeah, so... I kinda just wanted to do a full circle moment just kind of come back to where it started. This... in front of my window, recording on a fucking iphone and I just kind of wanted to give a little intro to this video so..."

Marnie grabbed a make-up wipe, beginning to take her makeup off as she spoke. "So, I, the other day, had a little mental breakdown, I cried a little bit—uh a lot. I actually cried a lot and then after I had calmed down and spoke to my mum and like stopped fucking being a pussy, I was like I wanna, I wanna vent to the camera. I didn't cry on camera never doing that shit anyways. I explained in a really great way why I was moving and honestly I don't think that I have that in me to re-explain everything i was feeling so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to insert that clip of me kinda explaining what's going on."

The camera then cut to Marnie recording on her phone, the girl clearly having been crying and was stood in her bedroom. "Hi, so I kind of, uh, shit, I look bad. Deep talk real quick, deep talk detox. So all of my friends left me."

The screen then turned to black and white, zooming into her sad face with the lyrics 'sometimes I don't wanna be happy'.

"They all, uh, left me, to do their own thing. And my only other friend Max, and the friends I've made because of him live in Monaco, and travel the world because they are fucking formula one driver." Marnie smiled sarcastically at the camera. "And initially, before youtube and everything and college, me and Max were going to move in together and travel the world for his karting like I was his little sidekick."

She flexed her arms. "Ultimate wag right here."

"So, uh," Marnie continued. "That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to move to Monaco and live with Max and travel the world with him, and I'm going to be focusing a lot on my Youtube but I am mainly doing it for myself, to actually live my life and see places I've always wanted to go while I still can."

"Um, I also have a fucking stalker." Marnie shrugged, the clip cutting to photos of her with a black figure edited to it saying 'one year anniversary'. "I don't know—I don't know if you guys remember that I do have one of those here, yeah, whole other story, we'll update you guys later, he's back though. Got an email from him and he's back and he's back, um, but I'm gonna try it out. We'll see how it goes, honestly, life is a highway, the universe has a plan and wherever I end up that's where I'm going."

The camera cut to Marnie editing the clips with a bored expression, wondering what the fuck past Marnie was going on about.

"Yoda." Marnie laughed. "Anyways just a little life update."

The camera cut back to Marnie sitting in her room in front of her window, she was wiping the mascara from her eyes. "Clip inserted. What's up did you see that clip? I'm back, present time. You know as much as I love my house, I used to live in a small ass town and all of my friends have left. And plus the fucking guy I liked in college, the guy that I low-key had a little crush."

She put the tips of her fingers together as she spoke, the words 'simps finish last' flashing across the screen. "He fucking left too."

"Right anyway, time to get on with this corny ass Vlog of me moving!" She did jazz hands.


Marnie stared at the camera, now changed into an oversized tee and stood in the middle of her bedroom.

"Time to pack." Marnie announced, her hands on her hips. "Right mum."

"Yes it's time to pack." Her mother's voice sounded from off camera.

"Right, here, so we have a small problem." Marnie told the camera with a smile. "We're going on Max's plane but like we have to get there and my parents are taking us but their car doesn't fit a lot and I need at least two weeks' worth of stuff before the rest isn't being shipped over until the middle of January, so I don't know how we're gonna be able to fit fucking anything."

She then turned to the door, the camera zooming in with the words 'wait for it' before suddenly. "Marnina!"

"Anyways let me get my suitcase." Marnie announced, turning and leaving the room, the words 'we don't cuss in front of mummy' flashing across the screen. She returned a few moments later, lugging a large suitcase. "I got my suitcase. Look how big this things, look how thick it is too. You could fit a person in here."

The camera cut to herself in the suitcase for a second before cutting to her sitting on the floor.

"Yeah, I have to start packing. I haven't packed jack shit because I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I have been chilling. Chilling instead of packing yeah so... I brought a guest to help me pack."

"Hi!" Max appeared on the camera.

"This is Max again." Marnie shrugged. "You should all know him I literally talk about him all the time, he is in fact my only friend. And now we're gonna pack. I'm not gonna do a time lapse of us packing because fuck a time lapse honestly. So I'm just gonna show you a before and after so. Before..."

She showed the suitcase before the screen turned black, the words 'Night before moving' on the screen. The camera was pointed at her suitcase again, this time basically full. "I'm almost done packing."

She inserted an applause track. She turned the camera back to her and Max the two surrounded by boxed. Max gestured around him. "I packed all of this."

"It's currently three in the morning so Max and I haven't slept but we're gonna go to bed now. This was my update."


Marnie was now sat in the car, her camera in her hand and Max sat next to her with a smile. "Hey everybody, we're now in the car, on our way to Max's jet. I'm gonna cry so we're not gonna record that so if this cuts out, no it didn't. Everyone say hi!"



"Hey." Max waved as the camera rounded back to him.

The family arrived at the airport and as soon the girl stepped foot onto the tarmac the camera screen cut to black an error message popping up.


The camera turned back on with Max and Marnie sat on the plane. "Sorry about that guys, not sure what happened! Anyway we're on the plane and currently playing uno."

"Marnie's cheating."

"I am not!" Marnie exclaimed.

"Explain how you just got two plus fours in a row to use against me!" Max argued.

"Good luck!" Marnie told him. "How am I cheating? You shuffled this round!"

"Still cheating."

"Whatever." Marnie huffed. She turned to the camera with a look, 'this bitch' coming up on the screen.


The two were sat in a car, Marnie smiled. "We're in Max's Aston Martin! In the comments please tell Max a charity he needs to donate some money to because he definitely has too much of it." She got closer to the camera, whispering. "Comment the Marnie Santos foundation."

"Marnie I'm not giving you money." Max told her.

"Why not?" She pouted.

"Because I'm already letting you move in with me rent free." Max stated.

"You're so mean to me!" Marnie exclaimed dramatically, turning to the window and staring out it like she was in a sad music video.

The camera zoomed in on Max who rolled his eyes, the words 'this bitch' flashing across the screen once again.


The two stood outside a house, smiles on their faces. Max unlocked the door, carrying the camera as Marnie walked in. Kelly immediately stepped towards the door to greet Max but was instead met with Marnie.

"Marnie, hi." Kelly forced a polite smile onto her face. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm moving in." Marnie smiled.

Kelly turned to Max behind the camera with a glare. "You never told me she's moving in."

"Well she is." Max stated.

"Hmm." Kelly made a face. "I thought we talked about this."

Kelly sent a glare to Marnie, turning back to Max before leaving with a huff.


Marnie was stood in front of the camera once more, hugging Kelly as tightly as she possible could, the older woman returning the hug just as tightly.

"I've missed you." Kelly whispered. "So, so much."

Marnie smiled, the two letting each other go as she turned to look at the camera. "Kelly was joking earlier everyone, no one send her hate for it, it was a planned gag that we have. She pretends to hate me but only when I'm around Max because we're menaces."

"That's true." Max agreed from off camera.

"They're terrible together." Kelly nodded.

Marnie smiled moving to grab the camera, "We'll be back."

The camera went black before it cut to Marnie sat in her bedroom, a smile on her face and Penelope sat next to her.

"Everyone, my favourite person in this household, Penelope." She introduced.

"Hi!" Penelope waved excitedly.

"We're now in my bedroom. I had to beat Max up hence the jump." Marnie told the camera. "P will make an appearance every now and then in my videos because I love her so so much."

"I love you too." Penelope told her, kissing her cheek.

Marnie awed before the camera cut once again, this time just the girl alone in her room. "Okay everybody. P is gone and apparently I have to unpack before I decide on an outfit for our new year's celebrations."

The girl began to unpack her clothes, showing the camera each of her outfits before putting them away before moving onto some of her other stuff. She then huffed, falling down to the floor.

"Ugh!" She groaned. "I've finished unpacking for now." Marnie then jumped back up, a sudden excited smile on her face. "Time to find an outfit!"

She went through multiple outfits, trying each of them on before doing a little spin and showing them to the camera. When she finally found her outfit she smiled, staring at the camera. "Time to party!"


It was the next morning, the camera being shoved in a sleeping Marnie's face. The girl groaned, rolling over.

"Marnie." Charles spoke from behind the camera in sing-song tone.

"Go away." She threw her arm around to hit the man.

"Marnie." Another voice joined in, trying to coax a clearly hungover Marnie out of bed. The camera was spun around to show Charles, Max and Pierre, smiling cheekily.

"Guys, you're clearly doing wrong." Carlos joined in.

"Show us how it's done then." Max gestured to Marnie, raising an eyebrow at Carlos.

Carlos let out a small huff. "Marnina Amelia Nailea Santos, levántate ahora mismo! No me hagas subir ahí!"

Marnie suddenly jumped up, her eyes wide with panic. "Ay no, no, no!"

The three boys suddenly started laughing loudly, doubling over as they watched Marnie look around frantically. Marnie suddenly sighed, glaring at them.

"I hate all of you! All of you!"

The boys instantly stopped laughing at her shout, it now being their turn to share wide eyed looks before beginning to run away.


Marnie was sat in the living room, the boys all sat behind her on the sofa, apologetic and slightly scared looks on their faces.

"Hello everyone." Charles started, staring at the camera.

"We have decided to come on here today." Pierre added.

"To formally apologise to Marnina Santos, or as you may know her Marnie." Max smiled, nodding his head along to what he was saying.

"We did not mean to laugh at her misfortune." Charles stated.

"And we know that laughing at her made us terrible people and that is something we will be going to hell for." Pierre nodded.

"We're so sorry and we hope you and Marnie can find it in your hearts to forgive us." Max finished for them.

"I'm just sorry that my incredible impression of my mother worked on Marnie." Carlos shrugged with a small laugh. He managed to get a laugh out of Marnie, the girl turning to fist-bump him.

"It was pretty awesome to be honest." Marnie agreed.

"Yeah it wa—" The other boys began to laugh along but immediately stopped when Marnie turned to glare at them, their expressions turning to ones of fear.

"Anyway, everybody, as you all know from my insta post we went out last night and I am hanging, so we are going out for brunch and you all are coming with." Marnie explained. "Oh and just so you all know. This is Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly, Carlos Sainz and of course Max Verstappen. You all probably knew that but just in case you didn't. I hate all of them, they're annoying but they're the only people who put up with me and are my friends so I have to deal with it."

"Yes you do." Charles smiled, swinging his arm over her shoulder.

"Now, brunch?" Pierre reminded them.


"Oh my gosh, this is so good." Marnie smiled at the camera, the group now sat in a small café in Monaco. "Hangover cured."

"This was my choice everybody." Charles smiled proudly.


"Stop it."

"What? I needed the brownie points with Marnie's fans, I can't have them hating me." Charles defended himself.

"None of my fans are gonna hate you Charles. Or any of you for that matter." Marnie grabbed the camera, glaring through it. "If any of you hate on my friends on my channel or any of my social medias you are no fan of mine, they are the best people in my life and if you can't keep your mouths shout on a public platform then you do not deserve to be recognised as my fans. I also preach kindness is the best solution and I will continue to do that until the day I die."

"Damn girl!"

"Protective Marns!"

"I love you!"

"This is why you're my favourite influencer."

"Shut up all of you." Marnie pointed at them all sternly despite the smile on her face. "Anyway everybody, I love you all and this is the end of this video because I can't go on any longer with these lot!"

"Can I do the outro?" Pierre shouted.

"Sure." Marnie sent him a scared look, handing the camera over.

Pierre demeaner then changed, suddenly sassy and high pitched. "Love all of you, see you in the next video where I will most probably give you a little apartment tour because bitches love apartment tours... I'm bitches. Anyways see you next time, byeeeeeee."

The last thing the people heard before her outro music began to play was Charles' loud laughter and the sound of Marnie hitting Pierre across the head.



imagine being best friends with Marnie thooo! Likeee come onnn she would literally make any sitation not awkward

"We don't cuss in front of mommy" – Marnie 2023

who else can't wait for the house tour 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

it's so cool watching her videos because she talks to us like we're her best friends lmao

marnie giving 'walk em like a dog' when she forced the boys to publicly apologise to them

the marnie  from three vlogs ago who said she's never partying again because of the hangover watching the video *insert emojis*

this girl NEEDS to do a video with lando norris and max fewtrell
——— @username724    
——— @username927    

She's like the f**kin bestfriend material like she's all for u and she talks like she's with you,you can feel in all of her vlogs. omyghad i love this person so much

——— @marniesantos    
——— @charles_leclerc    
——— @marniesantos    



( 💌 ) isobel's notes
first youtube chapter kinda scared so please let me know your thoughts
next chapter lando is here!!!

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