Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots AU

By FireCayanong

12K 247 30

Bunch of different stories between Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou More

Baby Izuku
Villain Bakudeku Version 1
Omegaverse Version 1
No Quirks AU Version 1
⚠️Omegaverse Version 2 (18+)⚠️
Villain/Hero Version 1
Omegaverse Version 3
Quirk Accident (Cuddles)
Quirk Accident (Truth)
Reunited in Death
Together in Death
Crime Boss Izuku
Crime Boss Duo
Quirk Accident (Bunnies)
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 1
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 2
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Ending
Villain Bakudeku Version 2
BNHA x WandaVision
Welcome Home
Post-Vigilante Izuku
Age Regression
⚠️Omegaverse Version 4 (18+)⚠️
Villain Bakudeku Version 3/Omegaverse
Christmas Special: Together
Christmas Special: A Christmas Miracle
Time Travel: Phoenix
Time Travel: Number One Dad
⚠️Omega Bakugou: Birthday (18+)⚠️
You're What's Amazing
First Times
⚠️Feral Midoriya (18+)⚠️
De-Aged: For it to Rain Again
Till Death Do Us Part
Thank You
Omegaverse: Chained
War Documentary
Idol Duo
Mrs. Midoriya?

A Mother's Grief

153 4 0
By FireCayanong

Mitsuki stood before the graves of two young boys, her son Katsuki and her dear friend Inko's son, Izuku. The weight of grief had settled heavily upon her heart, and every day she found solace in visiting their resting place. As she knelt down, gently arranging fresh flowers, her eyes filled with tears, mingling with a bittersweet smile.

"Katsuki, Izuku," Mitsuki whispered, her voice carrying the weight of a shared sorrow. "Another day has passed, and I miss you both more than words can express."

She often found herself talking to them, seeking solace in the conversation she imagined having with the boys she loved and lost. Mitsuki knew the pain Inko felt, the pain she herself felt, but she chose to bear the burden in a different way. Inko was consumed by the depths of her grief, and Mitsuki made the conscious decision to let her friend feel that pain for both of them.

"Inko," Mitsuki began, her voice taking on a detached, third-person tone, as if speaking about someone else. "You and I share a bond that no one else can truly understand. We are both mothers who have lost our beloved sons, and I can see the depth of your grief. You carry the weight of our collective pain, and for that, I am grateful."

Mitsuki's words echoed through the quiet cemetery, blending with the whispers of the wind. She continued, her voice filled with a mix of longing and compassion, "Every day, I come here, and I see the raw emotions etched upon your face. You mourn for Izuku, and I mourn for Katsuki. Inko, my dear friend, you have the strength to feel, to grieve, to scream into the void. I choose to let you do that, so that I can carry the burden of holding us together."

She reached out and tenderly touched the engraved names on the tombstones, tracing the letters with a melancholic reverence. The pain within Mitsuki's heart was as real as any mother's, but she had made a conscious decision to protect Inko from the depths of anguish she herself experienced.

"You see, Inko," Mitsuki's voice trembled, the façade she had constructed momentarily slipping away, "I can't imagine a life without Katsuki. The pain is unbearable, and sometimes, I feel like I'm drowning. But I choose to be strong for you, for both of us."

As she wiped away her tears, Mitsuki took a deep breath, summoning the strength to continue. "Inko, my dear friend, I want you to know that you are not alone in your grief. I am here with you, in spirit and in solidarity. While you allow yourself to feel the anguish, I will be your anchor, the one who holds us together in this storm of sorrow."

Mitsuki remained there, in the presence of the boys' graves, feeling the weight of their absence upon her. She found solace in knowing that by shouldering the emotional burden for both herself and Inko, she was providing her friend with the space to grieve, to heal, and to find a way forward.

And so, Mitsuki continued to visit the boys' memorial every day, speaking to them, pouring out her heart in the form of a shared grief. In doing so, she not only found solace for herself but also ensured that Inko could mourn without the added weight of shouldering the grief alone. In this unspoken understanding, Mitsuki and Inko found a bond that transcended words, a testament to the enduring strength of their friendship and the love they held for their lost sons.

Inko's heart shattered into a million pieces the day she received the devastating news of Izuku's untimely death. The pain that gripped her was suffocating, threatening to consume her entirely. She crumpled to the floor, her body trembling as tears streamed down her face.

"Why, Izuku? Why did you have to leave me?" Inko whispered, her voice choked with grief. "I can't bear this pain. How am I supposed to live without you?"

Days turned into weeks, and Inko found herself sinking deeper into the abyss of her sorrow. She struggled to find meaning in a world that no longer held the light of her beloved son. Each day felt like a battle, a constant reminder of her loss, until she had no strength left to fight.

And then, in the depths of her despair, Inko found solace in the presence of the boys' graves. She visited them every day, seeking comfort in the stillness of the cemetery, where her son and Mitsuki's son rested side by side. As she stood before the tombstones, her eyes fixed on the engraved names, she poured out her heart, sharing her deepest sorrows and unfulfilled dreams.

"Katsuki, Izuku," Inko's voice quivered, her words filled with a blend of pain and gratitude. "You were my precious boy, the light of my life. I miss you so much, it feels like a piece of my soul is missing."

Inko often felt the weight of Mitsuki's presence, as if her dear friend's unwavering support enveloped her in a warm embrace. Though they rarely spoke about their grief directly, Inko could sense that Mitsuki was shouldering a burden for both of them. She recognized the strength it took for Mitsuki to remain composed, to provide Inko with the space to grieve while she herself experienced the same anguish.

"Mitsuki," Inko whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and understanding. "You're there, aren't you? You feel this pain with me, but you shield me from its full intensity. You let me be the one to scream, to weep, to break. You carry our shared grief, and for that, I am forever grateful."

Inko closed her eyes, her heartache pulsating through every fiber of her being. She could almost hear Mitsuki's voice in her mind, speaking in a tender tone that offered both solace and strength.

"Inko, my dear friend," the imagined voice of Mitsuki whispered. "I see your anguish, your shattered heart. I know the pain you carry, and I want you to know that I am here with you. While you mourn for Izuku, I will be the anchor that holds us together. You are not alone in this journey of grief."

Inko took a deep breath, drawing on the invisible support she felt from Mitsuki. She opened her eyes, tears glistening as she gazed upon the graves of their sons.

"Thank you, Mitsuki," Inko said softly, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and determination. "I don't know how I would survive this without you. Together, we will navigate the storm, even if it means I must feel the pain for both of us."

From that day forward, Inko found solace in the shared grief that bound her to Mitsuki. She understood that her dear friend had made a choice, a sacrifice, to let Inko feel the depths of their loss. In return, Inko vowed to carry the weight of their sorrow, allowing Mitsuki the space to heal and find strength in the midst of their shared tragedy.

And so, the two mothers continued their pilgrimage to the gravesite, their unspoken connection weaving through the air. Inko poured out her heart to Izuku, knowing that Mitsuki stood by her side, offering support even in her silence. Through their bond, Inko found the courage to face each day, honoring her son's memory while embracing the love and resilience of her cherished friend.


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