Loud House Lincoln's Villaino...

By Loud2134

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After what happened in No Such Luck (NSL). Lincoln Loud is suddenly change into the villainous Black Hat and... More

Chapter 1: The Fall of The Loud and The Rise of The Hat
Chapter 2: Getting to Know Flug and A New Home
Chapter 3: The Black Hat Organisation and A New Member
Chapter 6: Cyled's death and fight between employee's
Chapter 7: Attack On P.E.A.C.E Headquarters
Chapter 8: Ronnie Anne Change Sides and A Special Suprise
Chapter 9: Invasion on The Five Universes and Demencia vs Ronnie Anne
Chapter 10: New Artifacts and An Important Announcement
Chapter 11: Loud Tragedy and The Date
Chapter 12: Old friends Makes New Allies
Chapter 13: Meeting in I.M.P headquarters and the hazbin hotel
Chapter 14: Meeting the Vees and A New Friend
Chapter 15: Power Up and A Helluva Reunion
Chapter 16: Imps vs Succubus vs Heed and An Alpha Hellhound
Chapter 17: Training and How to Find Subordinates
Chapter 18: Where Dragons Reign
Chapter 20: A Meeting Between Rulers of Hell
Chapter 21: The Path of Being Evil
Chapter 22: A Visit From an Unexpected Guest
Chapter 23: A New Era of The Hat
Chapter 24: True Power of Greed

Chapter 19: A New Gelatinous Member and Wendigo Hunting

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By Loud2134

It was morning in the hat manor and we see our evil protagonist walking down the hallway towards a room. But not just any room this room belongs to his girlfriend Demencia. Once he's inside he looked at his sleeping girlfriend and smiled to himself.

Black Hat: -Look at her sleeping so peacefully it be a shame if she wakes up in a shock- (thought to himself smirking)

Black Hat then grabbed an air horn out of his pocket and puts it near Demencia's ear once it's close enough he pressed it and Demencia's immediately shot up in shock as her hair also stand up due to shock and she jumped in the air before falling out the bed.

Demencia: AAAAAAHHH!!! (Screaming before falling of the bed?) I'm up what's going on?!!

Black Hat just laughed hysterically at her before regaining his composure.

Black Hat: It's good to see you finally awake Demencia.

Demencia: Morning handsome not to be rude or anything but what's with the rude awakening. (sulking a little bit)

Black Hat looked at his sulking girlfriend before planting a kiss on her forehead making her blush

Black Hat: Cheer up Demencia i just don't want you to miss out on today's activity besides I have a suprise for you.

Demencia: You do?! Yay, your the best handsome, now let me just freshen up a bit and i'm good to go.

Black Hat: Sure thing Demi.

As Black Hat said that he teleported away leaving Demencia blushing harder as she went inside her bathroom.

An hour have passed and Demencia has finally ready for whatever suprise Black Hat has in store for her. So she went inside his office to find him only to discover that he has changed form to his human form but with black hair and he's not wearing his hat.

Demencia: Hey there handsome, your gorgeous lizard is finally ready.

Lincoln: Good, now come on Demencia. We're taking my sweet new car for a drive.

Lincoln and Demencia went inside the garage and when they're inside they see that the demonic car is sleeping so Lincoln went over to it and slowly rubbed the hood the demon supercar feels this and slowly starting to wake up and flash it's dark red headlights.

Lincoln: Morning my demonic killing machine, today i'm going to take you for a ride aren't you excited.

The supercar vroomed in excitement as it's exhaust pipe burst out dark red flames.

Lincoln: (Smiling) That's the spirit girl

Demencia: Does the car have a name?

Lincoln: She actually does Demencia, she's called the black mamba because of her incredible speed, stealth, and deadly attacks.

Demencia: That's amazing! Hey, do you mind if I touch her?

Lincoln: I don't know Demencia, she only trusted me so it's probably best if I help you out a bit.

Lincoln grabbed Demencia's hand as he hold it to place on the hood of black mamba normally black mamba would have turned the person that touches her to her ragdoll but since she can understand her master's motives she let's her guard down and let the lizard girl touch her.

Demencia: This is so cool, thanks hot stuff.

Lincoln: No problem Demi, now come on let's ride.

Lincoln and Demencia went inside the demonic supercar that he got from Bill.

Lincoln: Time to see what this baby can do

Demencia: Hey, what this button do? (pressing a button)

To both they're suprise the seats became message chairs messaging their backs

Demencia: O-Oh t-this is n-nice

Lincoln: It really is but I'm gonna turn off mine (pressing a button turning off the chair) Now let's drive (as he turned on the engine and the demonic car zoomed out of the garage) Buckle up Demencia I'm about to use the fourth demensional drift

Demencia put on her seatbealt while still being message when she does Lincoln puts the pedal to the metal and the car zoomed with the speed of light making Demencia holding on her seat and screaming with excitement at the same time as the demon supercar glitch out of reality and arrived at their destination the royal woods mall.

Demencia: That was so awesome let's do that again.

Lincoln: Now-now Demencia don't you want to see the suprise I have for you.

Demencia: Oh right, what is it? (getting out the car)

Lincoln just smirked and tilt her head to the left and she saw that their at the mall.

Lincoln: I'm taking you shopping for some new clothes.

Demencia squeal in excitement and kissed Lincoln's cheek

Demencia: AAAAWW!!! You shouldn't have handsome, hehe.

Lincoln: Now come on Demencia.

Demencia: Right behind yah hot stuff.

Lincoln took Demencia inside the mall and after a bit of walking they entered a store called Call's tux and dresses. Being the demonic gentleman that he is, he bowed and waved his hands forward, letting Demencia go first.

Lincoln: (opening the door with a gentlemen gesture) After you my toxic lizard.

Demencia: (blushing) oooooooh, what a gentlemen.

When they entered the store they're immediately greeted by a woman with chestnut hair in white shirt and Black skirt.

Callie: Halo there welcome to Call's tux and dresses, the names Call or you can call me Callie.

Lincoln: Greetings Ms Callie we're here to find a dress for my girlfriend.

Callie: How lovely what color of dresses do you like miss?

Demencia: I like red but I was wondering if maybe there are some other dresses that I like.

Callie: Of course well call me if you need anything.

Lincoln: We'll do.

After Callie walked away Lincoln takes Demencia to the dresses section seeing there is hundreds of dresses to choose from Black created a shadow door and the door opened revealing Lena and Fiona.

Lincoln: Lena, I see that you and Fiona got my message.

Lena: Sure do dad, I can feel a fashion emergency when I feel it.

Fiona: And I'm here to help out picking out and matching out the best dress.

Lincoln: Good, and since we have a lot of work to do we will speed things out with the power of dress up montage. (snapping his fingers and suddenly pop music is playing)

As the music is playing Demencia is put in a dressing room with a stack of dresses each picked by Lincoln, Lena, and Fiona. Demencia then came out with a light green dress with red initials all over it which Lincoln, Lena, and Fiona shook their heads disapprovingly the next one is a sky blue dress with light green initials and fluff around the neck which Lincoln, Lena, and Fiona use hand signal saying that it's mid. And after what felt like forever Demencia came out with a Black and red dress with a tiny skull as a holder for the dress, the dress looked like it came from the Victorian era as well so it matches Black Hat's style, she also where black fingerless glove on her left and fingerless fish net glove on her right seeing this Lincoln, Lena, and Fiona are speechless at the sight.

Demencia: Okay this is the last dress, be honest how do I look?

Lincoln: You look absolutly.....stunning!!! (smiling at her)

Demencia: Really? (Excited)

Lena: Yes you are mom, your dress matches you perfectly and it really complements your looks.

Fiona: If this dress isn't the one for you I don't know what is.

Demencia: (blushing) Stop it you guys your making me blush.

Lincoln: Although, it is pretty I feel like something is missing. (rubbing his chin)

Lincoln looked around and spotted a tiny black hat just like his so he smilled and grabbed it to put on Demencia's head.

Lincoln: (Putting the hat on her head) And there, perfect!

Demencia looked at the mirror on the wall and sees her reflection needless to say it was the perfect look on her.

Demencia: Oh My Gosh! I look amazing thanks for the new clothes hot stuff.

Lincoln: All right put your normal clothes back on and let's pay for the dress and the hat.

Demencia: Wait, how are we going to pay?

Lincoln: It's a good thing Flug made an incident in the lab this way I can dock his paycheck for this dress.

Demencia: And that's one of the many reasons why I love you.

Lincoln: (smirking) Damn right it is.

After the brief conversation they brought the dress and the tiny hat to Callie for payment after they payed. Lincoln, Demencia, Lena, and Fiona went to the food court to get some brunch after their dress hunting.

Fiona: Come on I know an amazing dimsum place where we can eat all we want.

Lincoln: You guys go ahead, i'm gonna head towards the restroom and don't worry it's on Flug.

Demencia: Wait I gotta go aswell but mind if I come with you I don't know this place like you do

Lincoln: Fine, come on Demencia

Lincoln and Demencia went to the restroom while the Lena and Fiona tryout the new dimsum place. When Lincoln was walking towards the restroom with Demencia he noticed there is a young yellow woman that is crying on a chair near the food court. He doesn't know why but he decided to check on the yellow woman.

Lincoln: Demencia, the bathroom is just straight up ahead and you'll see the sign towards it you can't miss it.

Demencia: Thanks for the directions handsome.

Once Demencia's out of sight Lincoln walked towards the crying woman and placed a comforting touch to the shoulder.

Lincoln: Excuse me my dear, you may not know me but I would like to offer some assistence to you with whatever it is wrong if you let me.

The woman looked up at him and wiped a tear from her face.

???: (sniff) Hi there, d-don't mind me but I'm j-just having a very hard time right now.

Lincoln: Wait a second aren't you G-lo the gelatinous sidekick of bicep

G-lo: Wow, I didn't think you would noticed but yes I am and just call me Gloria.

Lincoln: (taking a seat next to her) So tell what is the matter Gloria?

G-lo: Well it all started a couple months ago after the events of Decency disappearance and the sudden appearence of Black Hat. P.E.A.C.E didn't believe Black Hat is much of a threat so they ignored his message and Decency's warning. I was her sidekick at the time and Decency knew he was dangerous and wanted to come with her but she told me not to come with for my own safety and that was the last time I've ever saw her. Since then I was transported to bicep to be his sidekick which was horrible by the way considering he acts as if he is one man army and I have to clean up his mess while he gets all the credit. As time pass he feels like i'm holding him back so he decided to report to P.E.A.C.E headquarters to fire me and the worst part is no one wanted to hire a an 18 year old woman made of jelly and now I have no money, no job, and i'm about to get kicked out of my house because I can't pay rent. And you know something I'm glad Black Hat destroyed P.E.A.C.E serves them right for being a bunch of hypocrites and act like children with to much power. They never cared about the citizens or justice they just cared for themselves so what's the point in being a hero anymore.

Lincoln just listened to the yellow woman and feel kinda bad for her because she reminds him of himself when no one wanted to help him and perhaps this women can be a part of his organization with a little mutation and some training.

Lincoln: Tell you what Gloria why don't I offered you a job?

G-lo is shocked from hearing this and thrown herself to his shoulder and cried on it before thanking him with an endless stream of thank you

G-lo: (crying tears of joy and jumping up and down) Thank you....thank you....thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me and don't worry I'll take whatever position that's available so don't worry about it.

Lincoln summoned a contract and a pen behind his back without G-lo noticing and present it infront of her.

Lincoln: Just signed the contract and you will immediately work for me.

G-lo thought about it for a moment and realizing that she don't have much of a choice so she grabbed the pen and signed the contract.

G-lo: You know I didn't catch your name yet, who are you?

Lincoln just smiled and the contract vanished away in green flames confusing G-lo

Lincoln: I will tell you my name later but for now let's meet up with your soon to be coworkers.

G-lo: Sure thing boss.

Lincoln and G-Lo walked towards the restroom and Lincoln told her to wait until he comes out. G-lo does so and after a minute of waiting Lincoln came out of the restroom aswell as Demencia

Demencia: That stall isn't going to be clean for a while.

Demencia than sees G-lo and attacked her thinking she's a hero.

Demencia: (pinning her against the wall) What are you doing here hero scum?

G-lo: I'm no longer a hero anymore so get away from me.

G-lo take a good look at her attacker and she has the same look and voice as her former best friend Decency.

G-lo: Wait a second, Decency is that you?

Demencia looked at the gelatinous women and smiled evilly scaring her.

Demencia: (Smiling evilly) hehe Decency is dead it's Demencia to you.

G-lo: Please, it's me G-lo your best friend and sidekick don't you remember me?

Demencia: hmmm, no doesn't ring a bell.

Demencia turned her hand into fist and G-lo braced for the hit Lincoln holds her fist in place.

Lincoln: Stand down Demencia she's on our side.

Looking at her boyfriend Demencia let her guard down and released the gelatinous woman from her grasped

Lincoln: I see you two have met eachother, how nice, Demencia you may not remember her because of your transformation but I checked her memories and it's true that she used to be your sidekick before you walk the path of villainy.

G-lo looked at how Demencia obeyed him and her eyes went bloodshot and all of her color drained from her body because she immediately realized who she has signed a contract with.

G-lo: (scared) W-Wait don't tell me y-your...y-your

Lincoln looked at the scared woman and showed his dagger like teeth

Lincoln: (Smiling sadisticlly) That's right welcome to my organization G-lo.

G-lo was still incredibly scared at the man standing infront of her but then she remembered how he offered to help her so she calmed herself down. Demencia in the other hand is still puzzled with the gelatinous woman.

Demencia: So, why does she want to work for us?

Lincoln: Well she doesn't have money or a job and I can use a shiftshaper in my organization so I figure why not hire her.

Demencia: Not gonna lie handsome judging from our recent fight she's pretty weak.

G-lo: (offended) I'm strong in my own right also I just don't want to hurt my best friend.

Demencia: We're not friends but whatever, now come on let's get back to the others before they finished all the food before we can get a single bite. (walking off)

G-lo and Lincoln followed behind her and G-lo felt things between her and Demencia are becoming awkward and Lincoln noticed this so he tried to comfort her

Lincoln: Don't worry I'm sure she'll come around eventualy.

G-lo: I really hope so.

After a little later Lincoln and two girls finally arrived at the dimsum palace where. They see Fiona and Lena stuffing their faces with dimsums.

Lincoln: I see you two have been enjoying yourselfs

Lena: (swallowing her dimsum) Don't worry dad, we bought the all you can eat package so we can eat as much as we want.

Fiona looked up aswell and noticed the jello woman their with and puts her guard up a bit.

Fiona: Say Lincoln who's the new gir?

Lincoln: This is G-lo she's a new member that I just hired. (looking at G-lo) And G-lo this is my daughter Lena and this is my friend Fiona.

G-lo: It's nice to meet you and you can just call me Gloria.

Lena: Well aren't you going to be eating anything you look like you haven't eaten in days.

G-lo: That's because I do and because I have no money to buy food.

Fiona: (handing her a dimsum) Here have a dimsum it taste amazing.

G-lo takes the dimsum and takes a bite at it and it does taste amazing so she takes a seat from an empty table and enjoyed brunch with them.

G-lo: Thanks for the food.

Lincoln: Enjoy yourself with some food for now G-lo I'll introduce you to your other co-workers after our brunch.

G-lo: Sure thing boss.

After an hour of a good meal Lincoln took the gang to the parking lot where they see black demon car devouring another car.

G-lo: (Scared) W-What i-is that thing?

Lincoln: That's our ride.

Lincoln whistled signaling black mamba to come to him and the demon car instantly drive towards them then does donuts around them for a second before stopping.

Lincoln: All right hop in everyone

Demencia: You know the car has only two seats right?

Lincoln: Oh I know which is why I'm about to show off another special feature of this car.

Lincoln pressed a button on the dashboard and the demonic car is serounded in a cloud of darkness and started changing it's form where it's previously a lamborgini now transformed itself making herself bigger and more monstrous as the dark clouds clears off a demon monster truck is standing right infront of them.

(A/N: Something like this but a lot bigger, the fire is dark red and it's a black monster truck, the spikes on top are bigger, the tires are thicker and made for all terains, and has a monster jaws infront)

Lincoln: How does it look from down there?

The others have their jaws drop down in complete shock seeing the massive demonic monster truck infront of them.

Demencia: (Squeal in excitement) I LOVE THIS CAR!!! Now this is what I called a monster truck.

G-lo: How are we going to get up there?

Lincoln: Hold on for a sec.

Lincoln pressed another button on the dashboard and the car door extended and dropped down allowing everyone to get inside. When everyone is inside they see that the interior is a lift so Demencia pressed the top button when the door closes there's apparently elevator music started playing as they wait to get to the top. Once arrived at the top suprisingly it's a lot more roomy than they thought.

Lincoln: This thing has room for 15 people so it's definetly enough for all of us.

Demencia: Dibs upfront with Black Hat. (as she jumps on the front row with Black Hat)

Lena: Guess me, Fiona, and G-lo are on the back, come on girls.

Fiona and G-lo took their seats and once they do Lincoln puts the pedal to the metal. As he drives Fiona, Lena, and G-lo are taken back by the speed of the monster truck as it zoomed across the road.

Lincoln: Hold on you guys!

G-lo: No need to tell me twice (buckling her seatbealt)

Lincoln drifted and the monster truck immediately started glitching out of reality as it disappears and arrived back at hat island.

Demencia: That was fun, (looking back) what do you guys think?

Lena: Well it is pretty cool but I don't think G-lo like it very much.

G-lo is seen being a little car sick and is about to throw up.

G-lo: (Gulping down a lump in her throat) N-No don't worry i'm fine just gotta get little used to it.

Demencia: (pointing infront of her) Hey look it's Flug what'da yah say if we give him a little scare.

Lincoln smirked at Demencia's request and activated black mamba's stealth mode. It's a special stealth mode because not only it cloaked the car but it silence it's engines making it soundless. Lincoln then drived slowly infront of the hat manor. Once black mamba have Flug on her sight she pounces over the fence revealing herself and let out a mighty roar at Flug's face.

Flug: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! (Screaming in a high pitch voice)

Flug then fainted due to shock and probably a heart attack so everyone went out the car and Lincoln let Black mamba parked herself in the garage.

G-lo: Um is anyone gonna help this guy?

Demencia: Ugh fine, Lena would you and Fiona mind go and carry Flug back to his lab.

Lena: Not a problem mom.

Fiona: Sure, no probs.

As Lena and Fiona carry the unconscious Flug back to his lab Lincoln then transformed back to his Black Hat form. When G-lo look at his transformation she can't help but feel strangely attracted towards him but she doesn't really know why so she decided to check him out a bit which Demencia noticed and smack the gelatinous women on the back of her head.

G-lo: (rubbing the back of her head) OW!!! What was that for?!

Demencia: (Crossing her arms and glared) Oh you know why i did it.

Black Hat: Are you two done squabilling with eachother?

G-lo and Demencia: Yes.

Black Hat: Good, now time to get to work. (snapping his fingers)

Black Hat, G-lo, and Demencia are instantly struck by black lightning from the sky and are in his private lab where they are greeted by Lizy and Eyu.

Lizy: Hey dad! I see that you're back and who is the jelly girl?

Black Hat: Lizy, Eyu meet G-lo our recent member that I have hired, (looking at G-lo) G-lo i want you to meet my daughter Lizy and her subordinate Eyu the unkillable lizard.

G-lo: (waving at them) It's nice to meet you.

Lizy: Nice to meet you too G-lo, so dad Eyu and I have hunted the monster that you have requested us too and what do you plan to do with it?

Black Hat: Excellent, now show me the monster Lizy

Lizy: Right this way dad.

Black Hat, Demencia, and G-lo followed Lizy and Eyu where they see a giant glass container where inside there is a massive mutant slime with a skull and bones sticking out of it.

Black Hat: Ah yes, the dreaded mutant slime beast of the rotten swamp, I see your training has payed off very nicely.

Lizy: Thanks dad.

G-lo: W-Wait I know this monster, when I worked for P.E.A.C.E there is data about the mutant slime it said to be an aincent beast hunter. It's body is pretty much indestructible, made of entirely deadly toxins that can either poison, immobilize, or just melt your skin off, it can also multiply, manipulate it's size, and has the ability shiftshape into anything. Many heroes tried to hunt this thing down but they never returned.

Eyu: Well the mutant slime is an aincent beast hunter for sure because we found lot's of skulls and bones that potentialy belong to aincent beasts before they were killed by the slime so Lizy and I took the liberty to gather as much bones as possible to gather data and perhaps revived the aincent beasts to harness their powers.

Black Hat: I see, you two have done an exceptionaly good job because i'm going to have fun experimenting on this fine monster, but first like all monster experts the monster needs to be tame so i'm going in.

Black Hat then teleported himself into the glass container with the mutant slime. While the others watched as the mutant slime started to slither towards his direction. The slime spits out his deadly poison at Black Hat but Black Hat just consumed the poison as he walked closer to the mutant. The mutant slime sense immense power in Black Hat and knowing his attacks done nothing to him he lowered himself to look at Black Hat face to face.

Black Hat: I see that you have sense my immense power and as your new master I order you to stand down.

The slime monster then followed his command and stand down. Once it's tamed Black Hat turned one of his fingers into a syringe and took a sample from the monster before teleporting out of the glass container. When he is out he sees G-lo completely shocked and amazed.

G-lo: (Impressed) Wow! Just wow, is there something you can't do?

Demencia: This is Black Hat we're talking about there's nothing that he can't do.

Black Hat: Thank you for the compliments, come now G-lo if your going to survive working in this organization you need to power up exponentially so that is why i'm combining your DNA with the mutant slime I can only imagine what kind of new powers you will have once you have evolved into your new selve.

G-lo: Well if it's for the good of this organization I'll do anything you say boss.

Black Hat: Excellent, now Demencia, Lizy, Eyu take her to the operating table and strap her down. I'll be with you all shortly.

The three girls nodded and took G-lo with them to the experimentation room where they will be making sure she's ready for when Black Hat comes. Black Hat went to his DNA combiner machine and started altering the slime DNA by mixing it with a few things making some improvements to it when it is done Black Hat grabbed the newly developed serum and inserted into his syringe finger then he went inside the experimentation room where he sees G-lo completely strapped to the table.

Black Hat: Are you ready G-lo?

G-lo: Lay it on Black Hat.

Black Hat inserted the serum into G-lo's body at first nothing happened but soon G-lo felt an immense pain coursing through her entire body as her cells is being ripped apart replacing it with new ones but this proses soon came to an end and G-lo is released from her restraints as she fell to the ground breathing hard.

G-lo: (panting) Well that was incredibly painful.

Black Hat: Yes, but on the bright side your transformation is a complete success (snapping his fingers creating a miror)

G-lo stands up from the ground and took a good look of herself. She sees that her skin changed instead of yellow she is now green and she also have a black hat logo replacing her g-lo logo on her super suit.

G-lo: Huh, I don't look that much different other than being green and all but I definitely feel like something is different.

Black Hat: Try imagine and create a weapon in your hands any weapon at all.

G-lo did what Black Hat said and imagined a weapon the next thing she knew her hands became two sided sycthes.

G-lo: Wow! this is cool

Black Hat: Yes it is and there is still plenty more now try and shiftshape into Eyu.

G-lo did what Black Hat told her and shiftshape into Eyu but the diffrence is that her color also change into the exact color of Eyu and her skin is no longer made of slime but scales

Black Hat: Your body transformed itself making your shiftshape as lifelike as possible no longer that orange Gello form, you also can create clones of yourself and make them shiftshape aswell, and last but not least you can grow as tall as the mutant slime's size which is very massive.

G-lo tries out her new duplication powers and she created a copy of herself

G-lo: Hi me.

G-lo duplicate: Hi.

G-lo: This is so awesome.

G-lo absorbed her duplicate back into her before she then grow in size reaching the lab's roof and then shrink herself down to Lizy's height before returning back to her normal size.

G-lo: Well, the super growth has also worked flawlessly I can now see why this thing is very dangerous and that it hunts ancient beast.

Black Hat: You can also turn your body into highly corrosive acid that can rust strong metal and poisonous to living beings as well as super fast regenerating your body parts if they have been chopped off your body.

G-lo: That's amazing! thank you so much (hugging Black Hat tightly)

Black Hat: I gotta say g-lo i have really outdone myself with you.

G-lo blushed at the comment while still hugging Black Hat. Demencia sees this and pry off Black Hat from the gelatinous woman as she gave Black Hat a much tighter hug before letting him go and gave her a strong growl.

Black Hat: Anyways, i think it's time for your first mission G-lo i hope you do not disappoint me.

G-lo: Yes sir, what is the mission?

Black Hat snapped his fingers and everyone is immediately transported into his office then a shadow beast appeared on the floor spitting Flug out.

Black Hat: Good to see you after you have awakened after your coma doctor.

Flug: I was shocked from the monster truck but now I'm fine sir. So what is that you want me to do my Lord Black Hat sir.

Black Hat: Flug I want you to meet G-lo, former sidekick of P.E.A.C.E and new member of Black Hat Organization and G-lo this is Flug my top hencman and scientist in this organization.

Flug: I appreciate your affection Sir.

G-lo: Hey there, you must be Dr Flug right?

Flug: Yes but just call me Flug.

Black Hat: Anyways G-lo your mission is to hunt down a former client of mine who thinks he can just walk away from our deal (Showing a picture on the screen) His name is the wendigo king, our deal is that he wanted an army of wendigos and in return I want his soul but he thinks he can outsmart me and break our contract so I want you to bring him to me, understood?

G-lo: Yes sir.

Black Hat: Flug and Demencia your gonna be there to observe and take notes on her progress, understood?

Flug and Demencia: Yes sir/my lord.

Flug and Demencia showed G-lo the hangar where the hat ship is placed but they see that Lupe, Lupa, and Haiku are doing something to the ship.

Lupa: (zapping the hatship) Just a little more dark magic and we are done dear sister.

Lupe: Excellent, soon my experiment will be completed HAHAHAHAHA!!!

While Lupe is laughing Haiku noticed Flug, Demencia, and their new member

Haiku: It seems we have a new member in between our mists.

Lupe stopped her evil laughter and turned around seeing her mother, lab partner, and the new member.

Lupe: Greetings mother and my fellow lab colleague may I know who this fine specimen is?

Flug: Greetings to you too Lupe, I want you to meet G-lo the new member of the organization. (looking back at G-lo) And G-lo this is my fellow lab partner Lupe one of Black Hat's daughters and on the one who are shooting out Black magic out of her hands and with the white hair is Lupa also one of Black Hat's daughters and the other one is Haiku Lupa's friend.

G-lo: Huh there are a lot of kids and teens working in this organization and only a few adults and how many kids does Black Hat have?

Demencia: We have like 10 kids for the record those kids do their jobs real good.

G-lo is absolutly shocked hearing how many kids Black Hat and Demencia have and a little concerned for her former best friend.

G-lo: Gee that's a lot of kids are you sure you can take care all of them?

Demencia: Of course I can and fyi I love all of my kids their just so amazing at their jobs also me and Black Hat also make time to hang out with them.

G-lo: Never thought Black Hat would be the family type of guy.

Flug: (being sarcastic) Funny, neither do I actually.

Demencia sees this and punched Flug on the shoulder before turning her attention to her daughters.

Lupe: Anyways I always feel like the hatship is not exactly terrifying or powerful so I took the liberty to ask Bill about the magic he use to create monster cars then I ask Lupa amd Haiku to assist me in my project.

Flug: (Outraged) Not powerful enough! The hatship doesn't need to be change I built this ship myself I can assure you the hatship is perfect just the way it is.

Lupe: For your information I have permission from my father to upgrade the hatship and I just want to say your design of the hatship is just metiocre your lucky i didn't ask my father to turn it into scrap.

Flug was about to say something back but Demencia punches Flug on the face before glaring at him.

Demencia: Come on Flug your arguing with a 5 year old for crying out loud just let my kid do her job.

Flug: (getting up and fixing his goggles) Fine.

Lupa and Haiku finished their spell. Once they have finished. Everyone say that the hatship begin to moving on it's own as it's metal legs and body change into volcanium and 5 red eyes with white slits appeared on the ship, the ship grows fangs on the front entrance, and the exhaust pipe of the of the ship shot out dark flames and doesn't preduce smoke anymore. The ship roared at the air showing it's power before turning it's attention to the gang.

Flug: Meh, I think the original is still better.

The hat ship heard this is breathed fire at Flug burning him.

Flug: (coughing smoke) O-Ok, I may have offended her.

Demencia: Yah think?! (smacking the back of Flug's head)

Flug: Ok fine I'm very sorry, can we now go inside the hat ship and get this mission over with already. (Walking into the Hat ship)

Demencia: Heh, whatever nerd.

G-lo: (Wispering to Lupe) Does this always happen?

Lupe: So much that you will have to get use to it.

G-lo just nods her head and walked inside the ship thinking that getting back together with her best friend will be a challenge.

The hat ship flew a lot faster then before and after a short flight they finally reaching their destination the wendigos lair. The lair is a massive forest that is the shape of a skull with thick pine trees and tons of fog.

Flug: Well we're here G-lo it's time for you to do your mission, good luck your gonna need it.

Demencia: Oh please she doesn't need luck she had been experimented by Black Hat there's no way she'll lose.

Flug: Anyways the wendigo's are big furry creatures that have super strength and fog manipulation abilities they often ambushed their prey in large numbers. Each pack have an alpha but all these alphas answer only to the king that is the biggest and most powerful wendigo of them all but if you managed to defeat him the pack will sure to back off from you and last but not least the king wendigo lives in a massive skull cave so you can't possibly miss it.

G-lo: How do you know so much about wendigos?

Flug: Black Hat send all the data about wendigos on my phone.

G-lo: Alright drop me off Flug.

Flug activated the ships stealth mode and soon the three jump off from the ship with G-lo on the ground while Flug and Demencia are on the air surveying G-lo's progress.

G-lo: Alright G-lo it's time to show Black Hat what you can do. (encouraging herself)

G-lo walked in the forest carefully looking at her serounding considering wendigo's are ambush predators she needs to be in high alert for any potential attack. Suddenly she heard a sound coming from behind her ny the time she turned around there's a wendigo that pounce at her and slashed her body but it's claw got burned by her acidic body.

Wendigo: That hurts! what are you?!

G-lo: Nice try but slashing me would mean hurting yourself (turning her arms into dual sycthes)

G-lo struck the wendigo down as it roared in pain before dying alerting all of the packs.

G-lo: Dang it, that roar is going to attract more wendigos towards me better hurry and find the king.

But fortunetly G-lo had plan that is to make a duplicate of herself and told the duplicate to distract all of the wendigos. The duplicate does so and started running around killing every wendigo in sight. While the real one made it to the lair of wendigos went inside.

G-lo: Now where's that king?

Suddenly the whole cave get lit up and G-lo sees a large wendigo much bigger then the one she fought before she also saw that it's serounded by other large wendigos aswell and she had a pretty good guess that's the king.

Wendigo King: So your the one who dares to enter my teritory and the one that has been killing my servants.

G-lo: You got that right, it's time you pay what you owe to Black Hat.

Wendigo king: Hahahaha!!! Black Hat sent you I was hoping he would come here himself.

G-lo: (Smirking) Black Hat doesn't have time to deal with weak monsters such as yourself that's why he send me to do it.

Wendigo King: Ha do you really think you can defeat my entire army alone.

G-lo: Oh your going down and once i'm done with you your entire pack is next.

Wendigo King: We'll see about that.

The wendigo king howled in the air signaling he's army to attack. Seeing this G-lo braced herself turning her hands back into sycthes and started spinning like a twister slashing down wendigo after wendigo each wendigo howl in pain because once they got slash by the sycthes their scars burn and started weakening them significantly before finishing them off.

G-lo: Ha! Is that all you got wimpy-go king.

The king gets offended with this and tell the alphas to attack G-lo as he covers the entire cave with smoke in hopes of gaining the upper hand. G-lo stood in her place and created 4 copies of herself so that they can stay close to her and keep a look out for any sudden attacks. The cave was silent to silent suddenly all four of the copies gets jumped on by the alphas as they battle the alphas G-lo herself got tackled by the wendigo king knocking her onto the cave wall and the king attempted to crush her but this bare fruitless as G-lo's body just simply regenerate back making his efforts inefective in addition to her acidic body the wendigo king realize that his paws started to burn knowing this he instantly backed away from G-lo.

Wendigo king: What kind of monster are you?

G-lo just smirked at the wendigo king and command her copies to turn their hands into fans blowing away the fog that the wendigo king has created and transformed herself and the copies into the mutant slime she is mutated from seeing the slime mutants the wendigo king attempted to ran away while using what's left of his army as decoys. This is short lived because once he is out of the cave he sees a devastating sight his entire army is either dead, poisoned, or have their entire fur and skin melted off leaving only their bones in acidic liquid pools and he also sees another slime mutant that has just devoured one of the alpha wendigos.

Wendigo King: How could this have happened?!

The 5 slime mutants in the cave came out and quickly serounded the wendigo king one of the mutant slimes then grew a giant fist and punched the wendigo king into a very conviniently placed heavily reinforced cage where it instantly locked itself when the wendigo king is inside. Seeing that the fight is over Flug and Demencia decended from sky.

G-lo: So how did I do?

Flug: You did good G-lo you have captured the wendigo king and killed his minions so your mission is a complete success.

Demencia: I gotta admit not bad for a newbie.

G-lo: Thanks you guys that means a lot to me.

Flug: Well, now all we need to do is load the wendigo king into the hat ship and gave it to Lord Black Hat.

As on cue two volcanium hatbots came out of the ship and carried the cage containing the wendigo king.

(Time Skip)

Soon everyone is back on Hat Manor and is inside of Black Hat's office.

Black Hat: So I see you have returned G-lo. Now tell me how did the mission go?

G-lo: The wendigos put up a good fight but unfortunetly for them it's not enough to stop me.

Black Hat made a wide sadistic grin reaching ear to ear on his face and touch G-lo's shoulder making G-lo a little nervous at the man standing infront of her.

Black Hat: You did an exceptionaly...good job G-lo not bad for your first mission as a villain. (patting her shoulder)

G-lo: T-Thanks Black Hat.

Black Hat: Your welcome my dear, now run along now your dismissed for now.

G-lo nods her head and leaves the office. Once she left Black Hat turned his attention to Flug and Demencia.

Black Hat: So tell me you two, what have you gathered about our newest member.

Flug: Well first of all she's very good at utilizing her powers such as making clones of herself to distract enemy forces.

Demencia: She's good with her sycthe hands I'll give her that especially when she's in her twister form. She mowed down those wendigos like it's nothing.

Flug: And last but not least she's utilizes her acidic body components to helped her with poisoning the wendigos.

Black Hat: Good, that's all I needed to hear now where's that wendigo king.

Flug: He's being contained in the lab sir.

Black Hat: Excellent.

Black Hat then teleported the three of them to the lab where the wendigo king is being held and without a moment to soon Black Hat immediately took out his staff and blasted the wendigo king with dark magic morphing him into an undead mutant wendigo.

Black Hat: Now, return to your forest and resurrect your fallen army you and your army now work for Black Hat Organization.

Wendigo king: As you wish My Lord Black Hat.

The newly transformed undead king wendigo signed a contract to Black Hat then disappeared in a cloud of fog back to his domain.

Black Hat: Now that is over and done, Flug I'll be gone for a while for a bussiness trip I want you to pick someone to take care of the manor while i'm gone, understood?

Flug: Sure thing cool boss

Black Hat: Good, as for you Demencia your coming with me on my trip.

Demencia: As you wish handsome.

Black Hat: -It's time to rule hell once again and bring back an army under my command. I'm going to call Blitzo and Verosika later aswell they wouldn't want to miss this- (Black Hat thought to himself)

To be continue

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