Hunter no Supernatural Vol.1

By TurtleMansionStudios

94 0 0

The current year is 1950 in Japan. About 1,000 years ago, realities and otherworlds first began to collide wi... More

Chapter 1 "New Home"
Chapter 2 "Tournament!?"
Chapter 3 "The Tournament!"
Chapter 4 "Unexpected Occurances"
Chapter 5 "Special"
Chapter 6 "Winner of the Tournament"
Reading Break! Kenjiro Uchida: Info
Chapter 7 "The Unusual Search Party"
Chapter 8 "Hidden Power"
Chapter 9 "Family"
Chapter 10 "The disappearance of Kinin"
Chapter 11 "New beginning to the end of a chapter"

Chapter 0 (VAGABOND ARC)

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By TurtleMansionStudios

1948: "My name is Rayochi Namura! For as long as I can remember, I have been without parents since I gained consciousness. I really do wonder if they abandoned me, and I really do hope that someday they will come to me. Because if they dont, it won't matter because i will be searching for them anyway!"
Rayochi was inside of his home doing push-ups, struggling with each one. Because of being alone and having no one to stand up for him, he would work out so he could stand up for himself. Although, he'd make little to no progress, still having noodle arms. It was a very rainy day outside. Clouds darkened the sky, pot holes were filled to the rim with water, and muddy streams of water flowed all down the dirt roads of Hidden Branch City. These were the very same roads where Rayochi was walking on. He put his hood on and strolled, scavenging for food because he didn't have money. He passed couples, homeless people, and various others on these populated roads. But it looked like an event or something more important was happening in the distance. It caught Rayochi's eye.
There was a circle of people all crowded around a unique looking individual. Rayochi walked towards that area to investigate, not being able to control his nosiness.

When he arrived, he got a closer look at the crowd and who they were crowding around, even being able to slightly hear what some of them were saying.

"Tell us! Do you really think it is possible to be as great as you!?" A masculine voice could be heard over the rest of the crowd.

"Why, of course! With enough effort and mastering of your skills, anything is possible!" Said the man everyone crowded around. Rayochi was confused. He didn't know why the odd looking man had so many followers. This didn't pique Rayochi's interest whatsoever, so he just went on and walked away.

Many hours have passed since Rayochi went out to scavenge for food. Scavenge meaning to steal. He would never dig in trash or eat after someone else. He still had dignity. Rayochi decided to just go home. The rain had also begun to stop.

("Looks like I'm not eating again... It's alright though, Overtime I have built up an endurance for hunger.") Rayochi thought to himself. He had made it back to his house, just on the outskirts of Hidden Branch City. When Rayochi went inside and slid the door open to go inside a room, an unpleasant sight awaited him. In the room, there was a creepy monster like being inside. It had a huge purple head, one huge eye, and human skin for legs and arms.

"HUAAAHHH!!" Rayochi shrieked. The monster looked up and saw the innocent young boy. Paralyzed in fear after falling to the ground. A huge smirk grew on the monster's one-eyed face.

The winds grew louder. Here walked a man in the grass, just on the outskirts of Hidden Branch. He wore a long dark green overcoat just over his hunter uniform and a dark beige hat on top of his head. Covering most of his mint green turqoise hair.

("W-What is this odd smell?"). The wind brought along a weird scent in the air.

("That is a supernatural scent! But where?"). The man thought to himself.

"locate, Locate, LOCATE, LOCATE!!" He shouted in desperation as he closed his eyes to try and visualize where the scent was coming from.
"There!" An image became clear in his head. He could see Rayochi trying to fight off a supernatural. With this info, he reached into his coat pocket and grabbed a cigarette. Then, placing it inside his mouth. And after that, he took off. Running in the wind, following the scent of that supernatural being.

"GRAAAHHH!!" Rayochi screamed as the supernatural began taking a bite out of his arm.

The man was still running, determined on killing that supernatural and saving a young child. The man took the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled. Light green smoke came flooding out of his nose and mouth, almost like a dragon. It wasn't long until he finally arrived outside of Rayochi's residence.

"Astral Projection Arts, Position One...Overhead Astral Slice!" The man muttered these words as he set a fighting stance.

("I-Is this really how it all ends?")
("Am I going to die here?") Rayochi had these intrusive thoughts, looking at the supernatural as it held Rayochi up in the air. And just when he began to close his eyes, just when all hope seemed to be lost. It happened.


A glowing bright green figure came phasing out of the walls. It had resemblance to the man with the overcoat, and that very same man appeared from the figure. The supernatural's neck had been completely severed, its dark red blood poured out everywhere. Rayochi fell down from its grasp, completely unconscious. The man stood over Rayochi's body.

("Poor kid...If only i had come a little earlier..")
("I guess i have no choice but to bring him home. I'm sure we'll be able to fix him up...)

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