In Love With My Teacher

By Persephone_Kore15

999 32 18

Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the new student who enrolls at Francois Dupont University as a freshman, wanting to... More

New Student
Hot Professor
Stoplight Party
Math Lessons
Detention Disaster
Perverted Thoughts
True Confession
Sugar Daddy
Birthday Scarf
Substitute Teacher
Snowflake Star
My Burning Flame
Emma Agreste


90 2 0
By Persephone_Kore15

Aeon checked the time on her cell phone & tapped her foot impatiently on the ground

Aeon: It's been fourteen minutes already. Where's Marinette?

Meanwhile at the Lucky Diner, Marinette went from table to table trying to serve the customers

As her shift ended, Marinette sighed & went into the break room

Lucky Diner Break Room:

She sat down on the blue couch & drank some water

Marinette: Holy shit.. I didn't think being an assistant manager would be this hard. The Lucky Diner is now skyrocketing with customers.

Just then, Vivica knocked on the door & Marinette sat up

Marinette: Yes, Vivica?

She opened the door & handed her back her things

Vivica: Marinette, didn't you say you had to be somewhere today?

Marinette: Oh, yeah. I need to get on a bus to head to London with my classmates for a fashion project. By the way, what time is it?

Vivica: Um, its 2:00 PM.

Marinette: WHAT?!!!!

She quickly grabbed her things & went into the restroom, changing back into her clothes

Marinette's Outfit:

She rushed out of the diner & climbed into her car, driving towards the university

As she parked in the parking lot, she noticed her classmates all gathered in a line & she walked towards Aeon

Aeon: Finally! What took you so long?

Marinette: Sorry. It was long hours at the diner.

She looked around, trying to spot her teacher

Marinette: Wait a minute. Where's Mrs. Rolling?

Aeon: She's out sick, so Mr. Couffaine will be our chaperone to London.

Marinette: Mr. Couffaine? But I thought he was the university's history teacher.

Aeon: Well, Principal Wang asked for him to do it.

Marinette: Oh, I see.

Aeon: So, are you excited?

Marinette: I'm actually really excited. I can't wait! This trip is going to be amazing!

Aeon: But aren't you going to be sad that you won't see Adrien?

Marinette: Actually, Adrien told me that he'll actually be in London attending a wedding.

Aeon: Oh, that's interesting.

Just then, Luka approached the young students & pulled off his glasses

Luka: Okay. Does everyone have everything ready to go?

Everyone: Yes, Mr. Couffaine.

Luka: Good. Then let's get going.

Everyone placed their stuff on the bus & climbed on, taking their seats

Marinette smiled & plugged her cell phone into the outlet

Aeon: Wow! This bus is so big! I didn't expect for it to be this comfortable.

Marinette: Yeah, I wasn't expecting it either.

Aeon: So, Marinette, what are you most excited about?

Marinette: Well, I plan on looking around at all of the designs that there are & hope to find something that inspires me. I want to be able to make my dreams come true.

Aeon: That's cool! I can't wait to find out about all of the fashion pieces in London!

Marinette: I'm excited for that too!

Just then, her phone began ringing & she answered it

Marinette: Hello?

Tom: Honey, it's me.

Marinette: Dad?! Is everything okay? How's Mom? How is her surgery doing?

Tom: She's going to be going into surgery in the next few weeks. Where are you right now?

Marinette: I'm sorry, dad. But I'm actually leaving for a field trip in London. I hope you're not mad.

Tom: Oh, no, I'm not. But your aunt is.

Marinette heard her aunt screaming in the background & let out a soft groan of annoyance

Marinette: Don't worry. I'll explain everything to Auntie later. But take care of everything while I'm gone, okay?

Tom: Okay, Marinette. And have fun on your trip.

Marinette: I will, Dad.

She hung up the phone & Marinette leaned in the chair, beginning to read a magazine

Aeon: Is everything alright, Marinette?

Marinette: No. My mom's suffering from gastric cancer & without her helping out at the house, it's up to me to help provide & care for my family members.

Aeon: Oh, I'm sorry. But I'm sure things will get better, Marinette.

Marinette: Yeah. I'm sure of it too.

The bus pulled away from the university & towards the freeway

All of the students chattered & talked with one another, all about the exciting things they were going to see in London

Meanwhile in London, Adrien looked around & snapped pictures of the sights

Adrien: Wow. Everything is so beautiful here.

Kagami: You must like it here, huh?

Adrien: Yeah, it's really nice out here.

Kagami: Have you been able to get ahold of Felix yet?

Adrien: Not really. He's been busy with business with his mom & dad. Why?

Kagami: Oh, just wondering.

He placed the camera down & turned to look at her

Adrien: Kagami.

Kagami: Hmm? Yes?

Adrien: Do you have a crush on my older brother?

Kagami: Maybe a little. I mean, I planned on asking him, but decided not to, since I believed it would probably ruin your brotherly bond with him.

Adrien: Oh, come on. That's nonsense. Hey, why don't I hook you two up?

Kagami: I'm not so sure about that. You don't even know if he feels the same way about me.

Adrien: We'll just have to see. I'll ask him once he gets back.

Kagami: Also, can I ask you something?

Adrien: Sure. What is it?

Kagami: What made you start a relationship with Marinette?

Adrien: Well, our relationship first started as platonic, but then it took a turn as we soon got closer. I began opening up to her & she understood me. But though, I don't believe she's telling me everything.

Kagami: What do you mean by that?

Adrien: She's been working overtime at the diner due to being promoted to the assistant manager & she's even taking on extra work & she's always going over to the hospital. I'm worried if maybe something's wrong.

Kagami: Do you want me to talk to her?

Adrien: I mean, that'd be nice.

Kagami: Hey. Why don't you give her a call? Didn't you mention that Marinette was coming here for a field trip?

Adrien: Yeah, she is coming.

Kagami: Then this is the perfect opportunity to spend more time with her.

Adrien: Okay, I will.

Meanwhile on the bus, Marinette had ended up falling asleep

Aeon was on another seat of the bus, talking & playing cards with Fei

Luka got out of his seat & noticed Marinette, a soft chuckle leaving his lips

Luka: She's cute when she sleeps.

He pulled off his jacket, placing it over her

He stared at Marinette for a moment, his gaze moving down to her lips & he leaned in a bit to kiss her, but instead pulled back

Luka: (mind) I can't do that. She already is in a relationship with Mr. Agreste.

Before he could walk away, he pulled out a hair pin from his pocket & placed it in Marinette's hair

Luka: (mind) That hair piece suits you better, Marinette. 

He walked off & sat back down in his a chair, a sad smile showing on his face

At that moment, the bus pulled up to the tower, Big Ben

Harry: Okay, we're here.

All of the students began getting their things, but Aeon began to shake the bluenette awake

Aeon: Marinette, come on! Wake up!

She groaned & opened up her eyes

Marinette: Huh? What is it, Aeon?

Aeon: We've arrived in London! Come on! We gotta get off the bus!

Marinette: Okay, okay! I'm coming!

Aeon: By the way, what's that in your hand?

She touched the head, feeling a hair pin clipped in & she pulled it out

Marinette: Huh. I guess someone must have gave it to me.

The girls grabbed their bags & walked off the bus

Aeon: Do you think maybe it was Mr. Couffaine?

Marinette: Mr. Couffaine? Why would he give this to me?

Aeon: Have you ever given it any thought that he might have feelings for you?

Marinette: What? He has feelings for me. But I'm already in a relationship with Adrien.

Aeon: Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

Just then, a woman approached the two girls

Dussu: Hello. Are you two lost?

Marinette: Huh? Uh, no, ma'am. We're actually with our classmates right now.

Dussu: You must be the Paris students that were coming here, am I right?

Aeon: Yes, you're right.

Dussu: My name's Dussu. It's nice to meet you both.

Aeon: It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Aeon Hill & this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Dussu: Ah. So, you must be Adrien's girlfriend.

Marinette: Wait, you know?

Dussu: Of course. Adrien discussed his relationship with you to me & my husband.

Marinette: Wait, you're the one who's getting married?

Dussu: Mhm.

She showed her wedding ring & smiled

Marinette: Wow. Your ring is beautiful, Dussu.

Dussu: Thank you, Marinette. So, what brings you here to London?

Marinette: We're actually here to explore the city. Could you maybe navigate us towards the Georgian House Hotel?

Dussu: Of course. Follow me.

Marinette & Aeon grabbed their bags, beginning to follow Dussu

Marinette smiled at the bright blue sky & the sun shining brightly

Marinette: (mind) It's so beautiful here. I really like it.

She felt her shoulder getting nudged & turned to look at Aeon

Aeon: Hey, Mari. Will Adrien get you a ring like that one day?

A blush stained her cheeks at Aeon's sudden question

Marinette: W-Well, we have discussed about marriage, but not really if we're planning on it.

Aeon: Oh. Well, you'll just have to wait & see what the universe holds for you.

Marinette: Yeah, you're right.

Dussu: Well, here we are.

Georgian House Hotel:

Marinette: Wow, it's beautiful.

Dussu: Make yourself at home & if you need help, then here.

She pulled out her contact card & handed it to the two of them

Dussu: My phone number & home address is on that card. Just give a call if you need my help. I'll see you two around & have a good time in London.

Marinette: Wait, Dussu. I actually have a question.

Dussu: Hmm? Yes, Marinette?

Marinette: What time does your wedding start?

Dussu: Oh, it ended a few hours ago. But if you want to meet my husband, I'm welcome to introduce you to him.

Marinette: Oh. By the way, have you seen Adrien?

Dussu: I think he's exploring the city with his friend, Kagami. Why do you ask?

Marinette began to feel a sinking feeling entering her stomach, but shook it off

Marinette: Oh, it's nothing. But we'll see you around.

Dussu: Okay. Have a good day, you two.

She smiled & walked off, as the girls entered inside of the hotel

They climbed into the elevator, going upstairs to the second floor

Aeon: Is something wrong, Marinette? You seem upset.

Marinette: I think Adrien's in love with Kagami.

Aeon: What? His ex-girlfriend. But that's impossible. He loves you.

Marinette: He may say that, but what if he ends things with me? After everything we've been through. Am I just a toy to him? Am I keeping him away from his true love?

Aeon: Marinette, don't think like that. Adrien loves you so much.

Marinette: But..

Aeon: Marinette, just stop. Look, let's just focus on our trip & eork on the fashion designs we need for the ball coming up, okay?

Marinette: Okay, you're right.

They entered inside of the hotel room, dropping their bags down on the floor

Hotel Room:

Aeon: Wow. It's so nice, isn't it?

Marinette: Yeah, it really is.

She opened up her bag, taking out her sketchbook & drawing pencils

Just then, she heard her phone ringing & saw that it was Adrien

She pressed the answer button & placed the phone to her ear

Adrien: Hey, princess.

Marinette: Hey, kitty. How are you?

Adrien: I'm good. Did you arrive in London?

Marinette: Yeah, I did. A few minutes ago.

Adrien: where are you right now? I can come get you & we can look at the city together.

Marinette: Aww, kitty. I'd love to, but I'm actually gonna be busy with sketching my designs for the next university event coming up.

Adrien: Oh..okay..

Adrien: (mind) Is she making up a lie or really telling the truth? Is she with him again? Luka Couffaine?

Noticing his sad expression, Kagami took the phone from him & placed it to her ear

Kagami: Marinette.

Marinette: Uh, Kagami. Oh, hey. What's up?

Kagami: I'd like to talk to you.

Marinette: Oh, uh, about what exactly?

Kagami: Just meet me at the St James Park, okay?

Marinette: Uh, okay.

Kagami: Good.

She hung up the phone & Adrien turned to give her a mean glare

Adrien: Kagami, why did you do that?

Kagami: Why else? To save the tension in your relationship.

Adrien: What? There's no tension between us.

Kagami: Adrien, I can read you clearly like an open book. I can understand when something's wrong. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands & going to repair your relationship.

Adrien: But..

Kagami: No buts. Let me take care of this.

She climbed into her car & drove away

Marinette sighed & grabbed her sketchpad & pencils into her hands

Aeon: What's up?

Marinette: You're just gonna have to go without me, Aeon. Kagami wants me to meet up with her.

Aeon: Huh? But why?

Marinette: I have no idea. But we'll see.

She heard a car horn honking & looked out the window, seeing Kagami's Dodge Ram car parked on the curb of the hotel 

She sighed & walked out of the hotel, climbing into her car

They drove over to the St James Park, plopping themselves down on a bench

Marinette: So, you wanted to talk to me?

Kagami: Yeah. Marinette, why are you avoiding Adrien?

Marinette: I'm not.

Kagami: Ever since he mentioned to you that me & him were going to attend a wedding in London, you've been distant. So, why?

Marinette: Before we dated, Adrien mentioned that you & him dated. And when I saw you arrive at the movie premiere a few days ago, a sinking feeling entered inside of me. I became worried that maybe Adrien had considered getting back together with you. And seeing the two of you together makes me worried that I'm not as half as good as you.

Kagami: Half as good as me?

Marinette: I don't even compare to your beauty & standards, Kagami.

Kagami: I may be liked for my looks, but I'm not as perfect as I seem. I actually came from a hard household with an emotionally abusive mother & she would always belittle my accomplishments, even when I tried my hardest. To be honest, I'm envious of you.

Marinette: You're envious of me..? But why?

Kagami: Adrien's told me how hard you're trying to provide a life for yourself, family, and friends. You already know what you want to do with your life & I'm envious of how I couldn't be that woman for Adrien when we dated back then.

Marinette: Kagami, I..

Kagami: What I'm saying is, I don't like Adrien in a romantic way anymore. Me & him are back to being friends & I'm happy that we are, which means we both managed to heal over our breakup. You & Adrien are a perfect match & have a healthy relationship. You both respect each other & can depend on one another when things are complicated.

She wrapped her arms around Kagami, to which she reciprocated

Marinette: I had no idea you felt that way. But I guess we're both envious of each other.

They let out small laughs & smiled

Kagami: And if you'd like, we can be friends.

Marinette: Yeah, I'd like that.

Kagami: I promise you have nothing to worry about, Marinette. I'd never intefere with your relationship.

The girls pulled away from one another, smiling

Kagami: What are you planning on doing now?

Marinette: Well, I planned on finding fashion pieces for a university event coming up. Why?

She grabbed her hand & they lifted themselves up from the bench

Kagami: We're going shopping.

Marinette: Shopping? What? Why?

Kagami: Instead of school, we're going to spend the day together.

She dragged her along with her, walking away from the park

Marinette: What? But, Kagami! You're pulling a little too hard!

They reached the mall & Marinette looked up at it

Victoria Place Mall:

Marinette: You're kidding, right? This is a fucking luxury mall, Kagami!

Kagami: Yes, I know. So, come on.

Marinette: Can you please tell me why we're here again?

Kagami: We're gonna go over to hang out at Dussu's house tonight for a pool party, so we need to get you a bikini.b

Marinette: What? A bikini?

Kagami: Yes. You need to look sexy for Adrien, Marinette.

She pulled her inside & they entered a clothing store

Pollen: Hello, ladies. What can I do for you two?

Kagami: Hello, Pollen. What's the best sexiest bikini you have? I'd like to help out my friend.

Pollen: Hmm.

She looked at Marinette, from head to toe & the bluenette felt nervous

Marinette: (mind) Why is she looking at me like that? Does my outfit really look that bad? I mean, I'd understand why she'd judge me. London is a really classy city.

Pollen: Come with me. By the way, what's your name?

Marinette: Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Pollen: It's nice to meet you, Marinette. My name is Pollen. I'll be the one helping you. So, what colors do you like?

Marinette: Uh, I like red & pink.

Pollen: Hmm. Then I have just the bikini for you.

She picked out a red bikini & handed it over to her, pushing her into the dressing room

Marinette looked at the bikini, but then decided to try it on

She entered out of the dressing & looked at Kagami

Marinette: So, what do you think?

Marinette's Bikini:

Kagami: Marinette, you look great!

Marinette: You think so?

Kagami: Yeah! We're definitely buying that. So, how much for it, Pollen?

Pollen: $3,230

Marinette: What?! $3,230?! Kagami, maybe we shouldn't get this. It's too expensive.

Kagami: No big deal. I can afford it.

She pulled out her credit card & Pollen took it, scanning it on the register

Pollen: Alright. Have a great day, ladies.

Kagami linked arms with Marinette, as they walked out of the mall

Marinette: You didn't really have to buy that.

Kagami: It's okay, Mari. Now, come on. Let's go to Dussu's.

They climbed inside of the car & drove over to Dussu's house, as Kagami parked in the driveway

Dussu & Nooroo's House:

Marinette: You're joking. This is their house?!

Kagami: Yep. Come on. Everyone's waiting for us.

They walked to the front & Kagami knocked on the door

Nooroo answered the door & a smile showed on his face

Nooroo: Kagami, you made it. And this is your friend?

Kagami: Yes. This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette, this is Nooroo, he's Dussu's husband.

Marinette: It's nice to meet you, sir.

Nooroo: You as well, Marinette. Come on in. Everyone is outside at the pool.

As they walked inside of the house, Marinette looked in awe at everything

Marinette: (mind) I've never seen a house this glamorous before.

Nooroo: If you need to change, the bathroom is on the left.

Marinette: Okay. Thank you.

She entered inside of the bathroom, taking off her clothes & placing on her swimsuit

They walked outside & saw everyone chatting together

Adrien noticed Marinette, who was at the door & waved over at her

Adrien: Marinette!

Marinette: Adrien! There you are!

She walked over to him & sat down at a chair next to him

Adrien: Damn. You look so fucking sexy in that bikini.

She giggled & smiled a lot

Marinette: Thank you, baby.

Adrien: How's everything going, lately? It seems like you're not telling me something.

Marinette: Well, it's just that.. my mom had been diagnosed with gastric cancer  & I've been struggling with the fact that she might end up dying..

Adrien looked at her, but then embraced her into a hug

Adrien: Princess, I'm so sorry.

Marinette: It's okay.. besides, I reassured myself that she would get better. I need to be positive about this.

Adrien: And I'm sure you are.

Marinette: I'm sorry for worrying you.

Adrien: It's okay. We both have our problems & we need our space. So, I understand. You know I love you.

Marinette: I love you too.

She rubbed his back, but then felt his hand touch her thigh & she blushed

Marinette: Adrien...

Adrien: I need you right now. Come on.

He lifted Marinette into his arms & went upstairs to the guest room

Guest Room:

He closed the door & locked it, dropping his girlfriend onto the bed

She giggled as Adrien jumped on top of her, beginning to dominate her body

Their moans echoed & they grabbed ahold of each other, as Adrien moved his seventeen inch cock in her pussy

Marinette: A-Ah! Adrien! Fuck!! Aaah!! Oh, yes!!

He grunted & began pushing harder


They fucked for the next hours, as Marinette was unaware of her

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