ANHS reacts to AU

Por coldsandwich

166K 3.2K 1.1K

ANHS students and teachers will reacts to different AUs in this fanfic Más

Ayanokoji x family (reaction)
(Ayanokoji x family)reacts 2
(ayanokoji x family) reacts 3
ayanokoji x family (reacts last part)
female ayanokoji (reaction)
ichinose' confession AU(reaction)
react to images from another au
small kei
small kei 2
teacher koji
teacher koji 2
teacher koji 3
teacher koji 4
teacher koji 5
yuki AU
yuki AU 2
matshushita AU
Matshushita AU 2
another A/N fr
diff au
6th generation?

another au(reaction)

9.5K 157 68
Por coldsandwich

kae: now this au has a chance of happening here too

Ayanokoji: means it is an alternate universe but can become a reality?

kae: yes

sakayanagi: intresting

kiryuin: let's see

horikita: i wonder what it is

kae: let's start

[Kiyotaka POV]


The moon looks beautiful today.


The night sky at this school is rather stunning, maybe because it's so far from the main city, so there is no external light filtering out the stars. I thought strolling through the park would cleanse my mind from BS Fukka made me go through.

everyone: yeah it looks beutiful

kiryuin: me?

3rd years: kiryuin/fuka?

ayanokoji: senpai?

kei: what are you doing with her ayanokoji?

ayanokoji: how am i even suppose to know?

kei said nothing

At least that was the plan, but now I got a senpai pressing her breasts against my back, with her arms around my neck.

perverts: lucky you ayanokoji

kei: huh? who  is that?

haruka: who is she?

kiryuin/nazuna: is it me/fuka?

horikita thoughts: i wonder who is she not that i care

I'm so used to her body being all up on me, that I don't even have to look behind to know who it is.

everyone: who is it?

perverts: damn you ayanokoji

'What do you want now Fukka?''

kiryuin: haha, so it's me after all

perverts: damn you ikemen

horikita: why is a senpai with you?

ayanokoji: this is an alternate universe how am i suppose to know what my other self is upto?

horikita: makes sense

manabu: what are you doing with him fuka?

kiryuin: i don't know

'Ayanokouji, I believe you and I met for a reason. It's like the universe was saying, ''Hey Fukka, there's this dude, he's pretty cool, but it's your job to make him awesome.''

kiryuin: huh?

ayanokoji: what?

kei: you are both awesome and cool

ayanokoji: thanks

kiryuin: so in that universe i took a intrest in him a lot earlier

manabu: he is awesome even after holding back

I turned my face to look her in the eyes, but that made me realize how short of a distance we were from each other. I could feel her breath against my neck and if I were to lean in a bit, I would be able to kiss her. Fukka grinned like she knew what I was thinking.

kiryuin seductively: well you can~~~~~ayanokoji 

perverts: just die ayanokoji

ayanokoji: what did i do

horikita: senpai?

kei: eh what are you doing with him?

kiryuin: nothing

ichika: no senpai

'Can I get a refund from the universe?'' I said while removing myself from her embrace.


kiryuin: oh you are a hard one aren't ya ayanokoji?

ayanokoji: i don't know what you are talking about

boys: seriouslly ayanokoji?

ryuen: kukukuku well he is the monster after all

hashimoto: king

Did she really think I would fawn over her just because she's good-looking? I rather play Minecraft with Horikita.

21As I began walking away, I was suddenly pushed against the tree with a loud thud, enough to alert anyone nearby.

kiryuin: you hurt me ayanokoji

ayanokoji didn't said anything

boys: really ayanokoji? what are you

kiryuin smirked: at least you said that i am goo looking

I found myself pinned against the tree by my senpai. Did Fukka just kabedon me?

I could've disengaged her, but she didn't pin me with the intention of harm, so my body naturally didn't react.


kiryuin: naturally didn't react?

manabu: diengaged her? well he is ayanokoji after al

ryuen: kukukuku monster getting pinned?

kanazaki: what do you mean by monster?

ryuen: who knows kukuku

ibuki: shut up asshole

ichinose: what is she doing

kei: you vixen

hoorikita: what is senpai doing with him?

Fukka wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into another embrace like before, only this time it's from the front. And the difference.... was night and day.

perverts: damn you ayanokoji

Previously I had to use my imagination.

but now...

I could see her breasts changing shape as she rubbed against me, as well as all the other little details I hadn't noticed before. Like how long and detailed her eyelashes are, or how her gorgeous crimson eyes had a distinct shine to them in the moonlight, or how soft and well-cared her skin was, but it was her glossy pink lips that struck out the most.

everyone: whoa

booys: you are lucky ayanokoji

perverts: die ikemen

kei: eh? what are you doing with him?'

kiryuin grinned: who knows?

hiyori: what is she doing with my book buddy

ayanokoji thoughts: what is she upto?

manabu: what is she trying to do?

''You ever watched 'Star Wars' Ayanokouji?''

'' Liked the prequels, hated the sequels,'' I replied while still maintaining my composure.

everyone nodded

kiryuin: good answer ayanokoji

ayanokoji just nodded

' Fufu good answer.'' She caressed my cheek gently, her hand warm to the touch.

kei: why you..

ichinose thoughts: can i also do it with him? no no no no no stop thinking

horikita muttered: what is she seriously doing?

ayanokoji: what are you upto?

kiryuin: who knows?

ayanokoji thoughts: why is she stealing my line?

''Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green, I'm sexy and awesome. I'm your senpai—I'm Senpai-da!''

everyone: what? senpai-da?

ayanokoji: huh?

ryuen: what da?

kiryuin: you can think of me liike that ayanokoji

nagumo: sexy and awesome? only i am awesome here

kei: you vixen

ayanokoji: it is an alternate universe kei

kei: ahh mou

This young lady is either high or under the influence of drugs. And I'm not interested in waiting to find out.


kiryuin: how mean ayanokoji

ayanokoji/ryuen/manabu/nagumo/yagami/ichika/ichinose/kei: she seriously is

Someone, please get this sexual pervert off of me. Where is the virgin police when you need them?

boys: why don't you just take on the opportunity ayanokoji?

perverts: yeah what are you like stupd?

ayanokoji didn't saiid anything

girls: he seriously is dense

haruka: my baby

'Yeah, that's great and all, but go bother some other guy. I'm sure there are plenty out here.'' Her natural proximity made me inhale her scent, and I'm starting to get intoxicated by it. Are all girls supposed to smell this good?

kiryuin: you can smel again ayanokoji

ayanokoji: no thanks

perverts: die ikemen

ayanokoji whispered: kei~~let me smell you later

kei become a bushing mess

kei: eh? whata re you tallking about k.k..k.k.k.....k..k.k..k.k.k.kiyotaka?

boys: they do smell good

'Trueee, but I'm sure I won't find another Ayanokouji.''

ayanokoji: whaat?

kei: vixennnnnnnnnnnn

horikita: what? seriously?

ichinose: well that's true, i won't find another ayanokoji kun

ryuen: kukukuku

'Help me understand,'' She brought her lips near my ear, her voice causing goosebumps on my skin. '' You want to sleep with a girl right? Annnnd... I'm practically throwing myself at you, so why do you look so annoyed? Shouldn't you be overjoyed?''

kei flustered: y..y...y..ou w..w.want to sleep wiith a girl k..i.i.i.....kiyotaka?

ayanokoji: i guess

kei blushed

kiryuin: you can do me whenever you want~~~~~~ayanokoji

girls were surprised by her boldness

perverts: did ayanokoji

yamauchi: senpai i also want to sleep with a girl

kiryuin with a disgusted expression: huh? just existiing in the smae universe as you diisgust my entire existence aand if any girl willl be willing to sleep with you would be some prostitute, no she might quit being a prostitute before sleeping with you, even the dust and the pebbles on the ground have a more important existence than you so please shut up before i crack those eggs of yours, oh i doubt if you even have them.

yamauchi completely passed out after being embarassed and ryuen and some other boys started laughing like a maniac.

ayanokoji: you killed him with your words fuka

kiryuin: you can kill me with that thing of yours too~~~~~~ayanokoji

ayanokoji didn't said anything

girls were confused and boys were glaring at him

'The number 1 thing I look for in a girl is not how beautiful she is, or how lively her personality is, or even how many assets she has. It's how little trouble she brings me.''

boys: what the hhell is wrong with you ayanokoji

kiryuin: aynokoji~~~~~~~~~~

horikita: there is something wrong with both of them

kei: get that

ichinose thoughts: wait i also brings trouble on him, does that mean he hate me?

skayanagi: fufufufufu

kamuro thoughts: this loli

ryuen: monster...........kukukukukuku

''You, on the other hand, are at the very bottom list of girls I wanna be with, Not only are you a natural trouble-magnet, you are literally 'TROUBLE'. You are like the manifestation of trouble whose sole purpose is to bother my peaceful life.''

kiryuin: you are hurting me ayanokoji

kei: take that

boys: what is wrong with him?

manabu: she is troublesome

I happen to really like peace in my life. That's like my numero uno. Heck if peace was an actual person, I would've married her already. Then maybe tie her hands to my bedframe while getting all down and dirty on her. Peace-chan happens to be a very kinky girl.

ryuen: your imagination is wild monster kukuku

ayanokoji: yours aren't any better ryuen

classD: why are they taalking like they know each other?

keisei: and what is up with that monster thing?

akito: yeah

ibuki: tch

sakayanagi: fufufufu i can be your peace chan ayanokoji

hashimoto: sorry hime but you wouldn't be able to survive it

all boys started laughing

sakayanagi was confused like the rest of the girls

kiryuin: i am sure i can ayanokoji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~why don't you give it a try?

ayanokoji: no thank you

'You know at first I was just curious about you,'' Fukka's eyes had a sudden predatory glint as her smile widened.

everyone: uh oh

ayanokoji: why do i have a bad feeling about this?

'But now, Now I just WANT you!''

ayanokoji: what are you talking about?

'' Damn Fukka, you need to get those ears checked out, I feel like you are deaf an----''

ayanokoji: you should

kiryuin: why are you hurting me continuosly ayanokoji?

ayanokoji didn't said anything

Before I could complete my sentence her lips met mine, and the world seemed to melt away.


everyone was shocked

everyone: huh?

perverts: die ayanokoji

kiryuin: oya oya

kei: why are you seducing him?

kryuin: haha

ayanokoji: this is an alteernate universe

kei pouted

ichinose: eh? ayanokoji kun with a senpai?

The fragrance of her perfume and the taste of warm vanilla was intriguing. With my eyes open, her warm breath felt like a summer breeze. Her delicious lips melted like chocolate in my mouth.

kiryuin: thanks for the compliment

ichika: no ssenpai is only mine

kei: what do you mean by mine?

ichinose: huh?

boys: even a kouhai?

perverts: die ikemen

Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, her fingers carding through my hair as we breathed each other in. Before finally parting ways.

She looked at me with a smug look, her body still pressed against mine.

The fragrance of her perfume and the taste of warm vanilla was intriguing. With my eyes open, her warm breath felt like a summer breeze. Her delicious lips melted like chocolate in my mouth.

Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, her fingers carding through my hair as we breathed each other in. Before finally parting ways.

She looked at me with a smug look, her body still pressed against mine.

boys: damn

kiryuin: you complimented me a llittle too much but after all i derserve it

aayanokoji thoughts: i wonder if it's really like that

girls: how can you still look like that

kiryuin didn't said anything

'Sooo~~ How was your first kiss?''

''Why do you taste like vanilla?'' I said with a grumpy voice while wiping my mouth with my sleeves.


kiryuin: still plaaying haard ayanokoji?

boys: what is he

hashimoto: king

ryuen: monster

kanazaki: what is up with those names?

'Hehe, I will take it as a compliment.....But don't look so upbeat, it was my first time too,'' She traced her lips with her finger, probably reminiscing the kiss.

ayanokoji: seriously?

kiryuin averted her eyes

boys: i never guessed that

Touching me as she pleases, throwing her tits around as she pleases, and then kissing me as she pleases...


some boys: she is hot

She's really starting to piss me off.

kiryuin: does that realy piss you off~~~~~ayanokoji

boys: could he be the one that the prophecy spoke off?

hashimoto: you are a chad king

ryuen: monster too

kei: well this is kiyotaka

Well if this is what she wants... Might as well use her as a test dummy for my future conquests.

If I can't explore the insides of her mouth, I rather just explore her body.

everyone: what does he mean?

kiryuin: well you can ayanokoji

perverts glared at him

Lifting my hands up, my fingers trailed up to her sides. Feeling the tough, but flexible muscles that laced every inch of her belly and back from under her shirt. One hand traveled up her belly, scratching at the increasingly flushing Fukka's body while my other hand pulled her waist close, to give me better access to her soft and supple butt that seemed to melt in my hands, even though her panties were still in the way.

some girls: it is hot

kiryuin: looks like someone is finally getting in the moodd

manabu thoughts: why not suzune

kei: eh?that vixen seduced my kiyotaka

ichinose: huh?

horikita thoughts: well he is free to do whatever he want.............not that i care

''W-Well well well someone is finally getting in the mood-d... hah❤ Suck❤ Nh❤''

boys: damn ayanokoji

I kissed her just to shut her up. Surprisingly effective, sadly not practical.

hashimoto: you are the chad among the chads king

ryuen: kukukuku

ibuki thoughts: it's ho- wait no no no no no

ichinose: ayanokoji............

ei: that vixen

My hand squeezed her hip and pulled her forward.Her hips ground against mine. Fingers trail under her panties as far as they can go, firmly grabbing onto her butt. My other hand already reached her plentiful breasts kneading it gently, tho that dumbass bra acted like a major obstacle. A moan pushed out from her mouth—she was definitely feeling it.

kiryuin: i caan remove them if you wwant ayanokoji

everyone: so bold

ayanokoji: no thanks

boys: just what kind of self contro does this guy have?

"Nh❤ Suck❤ Ah❤ Nh, kiss❤''


Fukka lightly bit my lower lips before nibbling on them. She uttered a delightful moan as my tongue played with hers.

The kissing intensified with scintillating touches and stimulating gestures. I plunged my tongue deeper and deeper savoring her taste.

Squeezing her breast and butt, Fukka let out a mewling noise as she finally broke free from my lips. A strand of saliva still connecting us. Her eyes now glowed a beautiful red while holding a gaze of pure lust.

everyone: it is so hot

kiryuin: ayanokoji let's do it here too

ayanokoji: sorry but no

kiryuin: playing hard i see

boys: damn

I must've overdone it because she was left a gasping mess, her face fully flushed and her knees weak. I never knew she could make a face like that.

3rd years: we neither

ayanokoji: wow

kiryuin: that is one embarassing face i am making there

She rested her forehead on my shoulder trying to get her breathing stabilized. And for a while, we stayed like this, basking in the moonlight.

''Y-You know most girls would be fucking pissed if you look at them with a poker face after a hot makeout session.''

everyone: they sure would be

ayanokoji: i can't express myself wel

''I have a hard time expressing myself.''

''Ya I know,'' she purred.

kae: so that's it

kei glarred at fuka who was grinning

ayanokoji: that women is troublesome

manabu: why not suzune?

ichinose: why not me

ryuen: kukukuku he is sure a monster

ichika: senpai is mine

kei: no he is not

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