Normal Girl

Por iGotHighhopesz

3.7K 178 0

I never thought that I would fall for a woman at first sight and she would have me jumping through hoops just... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 19

140 5 0
Por iGotHighhopesz


"Cain Washington is not his real name"-Uncle Jay

I stopped in my tracks and gulped hard, what did he mean that's not his real name? I've known Cain since I was 19 why would he lie about his name? He came to me when my father's company was going down the drain, then again he lied about going on business trips he could lie about anything.

"His real name is Tyrese Jefferson and he has been wanted for swindling money from older women after he married them, once he took all of their money he put out a life insurance policy on them and they would end up missing without a trace. That ex best friend of yours could be an accomplice because she was the sign off person on every insurance policy. Hence how they are having an affair or they may have known each other years back. Kyra Johnson is Paloma Anderson, I guess she never expected you to come into the picture and concocted this plan to kidnap you so they would live a happy life. Cain or Tyrese doesn't know what happened to you because it was all Kyra or Paloma's idea. Luckily your brother came in time or you may have ended up somewhere in a ditch or missing without a trace. Jerome Johnson is her foster brother. So like I said I need your help and you need mine to take both of them down including that sick brother of hers. Yes I know you are true to your word but don't you think that you shouldn't drag my nephew into this? Until it's over?"-Uncle Jay

"If you know all of this why get my help? I'm not dragging him into anything, I did not put a gun to his head and force him into nothing he did not want. So please excuse me I have to use the bathroom, if you don't mind."-I said walking away

"Just think about my offer"-I heard him say from a distance

I walked so fast to the bathroom that I almost tripped on the carpet and Chris caught me. I stared at him for a minute then got back to reality. Maybe he's right I should start back keeping my distance with him until all of this is over.

"Whoa there speedy. What's the rush?"-Chris said smiling

"I have to pee excuse me"-I said getting out of his arms

"My bad beautiful, you look frustrated. You okay?"-He said concerned

"I'm fine"-I said fake smiling

"That's not a real smile or genuine tell me my baby who or what changed your mood?"-He said caressing my face

I hesitated for a minute and felt that our hearts would be broken again, if I tell him that we need some distance from each other until this is over. 

"Are you sure we should've jumped into something when so much is going on right now? I feel like we should've kept our distance for a little while longer"-I said putting my head down

"You are joking right? We got into something we both wanted, if I was anymore distant from you I could've lost you in the hands of a pussy. You are not going anywhere because one I'm going to protect you and two what I look like letting you slip away from me twice? Yeah it's a lot going on but we're going to get through all that bullshit together. You gotta realize that when I say I love you I mean that shit with my whole heart and when I love, I love hard. Nothing or no fucking body going stop you from being a part of my life. Look at me Olivia."-He said grabbing my chin


"I love you and you are going to be mine after all this is over."-He said kissing me

I was melting in his arms and all my worries started going away.

"Now get it together and go to the bathroom, meet me in the game room when you're done. Stop worrying your beautiful mind."-He said smacking my ass and smiling

I went into the bathroom and took a deep breath, it was so much information that I just took in. How could Cain be a whole different person? I couldn't tell Chris the whole story of what just happened because he probably wouldn't believe me. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and fixed my mood then walked out of the bathroom. I slowly walked downstairs to the game room and there were a bunch of people already playing games.

"You must be the girl that Chris is gushing about, don't see what's the hype you mid"

"Excuse me?"-I said laughing at this girl with her tracks pieces showing, purple lipstick, too small dress that she looked like she squeezed in

"What's so funny?"-She said looking offended

"You for greeting me like that and calling me mid when you wearing---No I'm going exit to the right because you probably Chris's family and I don't want to hurt your poor feelings if I say something wrong, you the least bit of my problems right now. So excuse me while I find my man and you have a good little time boo."-I said before I walked away

I heard laughter behind me as I was looking for Chris, I can't believe I just publicly said out loud that he was my man but these chickens at his mom's house are trying me. She must be a friend of that ex of his. I found him playing pool with a few of his guy cousins and Symone.

"Please tell me you over here beating Mr. think I can win everything ass in pool Sy"-I said smirking

"Oh yes of course I'm one of the rare ones that can"-She said smirking

"Lies, you only winning by what two shots?"-Chris

"Try 20 bruh"-Symone

"Not you hoping for me to lose you supposed to be on ya man side"-Chris

"Somebody needs to put you in your place sometimes"-I shrugged 

"I definitely do that all the time but now that you're here Li, I won't have to put in so much effort"-Symone said laughing

"Girl bye ain't nobody putting me in place, you can't say anything because Drake got you on lock"-Chris said laughing

"He ain't got shit on lock because I put that thang on him and he be under my control"-Symone said smirking

"Say what?"-Drake

"Nothing bae"-Symone

"Um hmm"-Drake

"Let's not act like Li doesn't have you under some type of spell the way you are so stuck up under her. I mean this the first time we all ever met her, while you were ducked off with her for 12 days. Am I right or am I right?"-Symone

"Nah you ain't none of that because Li was under me this morning and earlier"-Chris said smirking

"God why do you say exactly what's on ya mind?"-I face palmed myself

"I mean ain't no denying what I'm saying baby, we all grown here. I speak freely around these people because we are all family. You can't be embarrassed about the way I feel about you sexually and mentally. Shit I physically want to do some emotionally things with you after we leave here but I'm controlling myself."-Chris said shrugging

I blushed and he grabbed me by my waist from behind then kissed the back of my neck.

"Some things are better left unsaid especially since you like my little big brother, because eww"-Symone

"So you and Li have one thing in common, yall both childish"-Chris

"Whatever, anyway you still ain't tell me where'd you get your outfit from?"-Symone

"I made this dress actually"-Olivia

"Stop playing"-Everybody said in unison

It was like everything went in silence and all attention was on me. I was surrounded by half his girl cousins, mom, aunts, and Symone.

"This dress looks like it came from a name brand company, oh my goodness"

"Do you make dresses for other people?"

"It's a hobby, I haven't thought about it"-I said overwhelmed

"Girl you can make a living from it, this quality and material is everything"

"My birthday coming up can you make me a bday fit?"

"Hey now back up give my baby some room, yall overwhelming her. I just got her to come out with me yall ready to make her go back in hiding"-Chris said hugging me tight

I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and slowly got out of Chris's arms. My anxiety was trying to kick in with so many people crowding me and it was a good, noticeable thing that Chris takes my well being into consideration and jumps right in action. This was the second time he helped me through an attack and I felt grateful so I kissed him so passionately in front of everybody. After I realized where I was at I pulled away and felt my cheeks heat up.

"Well damn what was that for?"-Chris said smiling

"I don't know what came over me"-I said blushing

Chris pulled me outside to the balcony and fixed his man's in his pants. God will that hurt my insides? I thought. I looked up back at him and he was smirking. 

"You making it hard for me to control myself"-Chris 

"I'm sorry"-Olivia

"It's all good, I'm glad you are showing me how you really feel about me."-He said grabbing my waist

"Thank you for helping me through my second attack, it means a lot to me that you really care about my well being. You really be there when I need you the most and I appreciate you being there for me the past few days and I think I'm falling in love with you."-I confessed

"I know how it feels when you're overwhelmed and crowded by a lot of people. It took me some time to get used to all my fans circling me so much and the attention so I had to make sure that you would be okay when my family was crowding you."-Chris

"Thank you"-I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"I did hear you say you're falling in love with me"-He said looking in my eyes

"I am, like I said you make me feel safe and protected in your arms, you make me feel wanted like I am someone that means the world to you, you make me feel beautiful. I haven't felt this way in a long time and my confidence has gone from here to here, you don't know how long I have had low self esteem being with him. You make me want to love again and my heart is  full because of you, you see me as somebody and I never considered that I had any talent or potential, and I like the way that I can be myself around you without pretending to be someone that I am not. I never felt like anybody gave a fuck about me but used me for their benefits, I don't remember the last time I actually laughed or smiled. Being here with you and your family makes me miss being back home. It helped me realize that I missed out on a lot in life because I was so caught up in being a devoted wife to someone who doesn't even deserve me. I never should have left my family but I wanted to keep them safe and out of my life so they wouldn't worry about me. I do have love for you and I'm willing to let you in more."-I said breathless

"You should always feel beautiful because that's what you are especially the first time I met you, all I saw was you when you walked into the restaurant. You had me speechless and I knew I had to have you in my life. Any man should always make his woman feel safe and protected or cherish her like the Queen she is. I've learned that when Royalty came into my life that I would never want a boy or a man to treat her like she's nothing the way I did with women. I don't want you because you'll look good by my side, I want you because you're so pure and I see no wrong in you. You do mean something to me because I couldn't let you go no matter how hard I tried to act like you never existed. I'm going to make sure you know just how much you are worth, shit I'll show you the world once all that bullshit is over. I love your smile and that little goofy laugh, I know sooner than later I'm going to love everything about you. If you want I'll take you to visit your family one day. You don't have to be anybody but the smart mouth, thick, short Olivia I know haha. I'll show you just how much I'm going to do to you once I get you naked haha."-Chris

"Do you ever not be serious?"-Olivia

"I did express my feelings towards you goofy and I can't help how I feel around you and the way you are turning me on without doing anything. Baby this dress, these curves, your natural beauty does things to me. After seeing your body on full display when you got in the tub I can't get that image out of my mind but I'm not pushing you into anything until you're ready. But I do love the fact you can open up to me more and you are not so shy anymore."-Chris

"Well I actually chose this dress for you, I usually wear jeans and sweats all day"-I confessed

"Oh really? You can wear nothing at all if I had the choice but nah you don't have to dress for me, dress for you and the way you feel in that moment because being in sweats still made you look like the most beautiful woman I ever seen."-Chris

"Thank you for always being honest with me."-Olivia

"Of course as long as we be honest with each other this thing we got between us will work."-Chris

"But I think it's best that I go with Ty back home and settle everything with my parents first"-Olivia

"That's cool I'll just send them a gift and thank them for making this perfect ass woman"-He said hugging me

"So this where the love birds went huh?"-Symone

"You stalking us huh?"-Chris said a little annoyed 

"No goofy momma was looking for yall"-Symone

"Aight we're coming"-Chris

"Stop being so rude, Sy we'll be right behind you"-I said hitting Chris in the arm

"She interrupted our moment"-Chris shrugged

"Like yall won't have more of those"-Symone said rolling her eyes

"Okay kids let's go"-I said grabbing Chris hand

"Cock blocker"-Chris

"Obsessive freak"-Symone

"Attention seeker"-Chris

"Spoiled brat"-Symone

"Oh god yall like two toddlers"-I said walking into the house

"Yall been hiding from us?"-Momma J


"Just needed some privacy, I mean yall did overcrowd my baby"-Chris smirked

"Sorry about that, we appreciate fashion that's all but I would like to give you the opportunity to design something for me and I'll promote it. I think you should explore what you can do."-Momma J

"I can't do that"-I declined fast

One if I design something with my name on it and go viral it'll mess up my plans. Two that'll connect me to Chris automatically and people will put pieces together because nobody can just randomly get a celebrity's mom as a client unless they know them or been doing business with them for some time. 

"Ma you're overcrowding her again and besides that she doesn't want that kind of attention right now. If you promote her that'll put together the pieces of me and her being together. I don't want nobody stalking her with questions or being in my private life. When I worked so hard to stay out of the media."Chris

"I'm sorry Li and I didn't think of it like that you're right"-Momma J

"But I do have something to celebrate everybody grab a glass, your juice box, whatever you got because ya boy Breezy self titled album hit 1 billion streams on Spotify"-Chris said with his glass raised

"Don't forget about this being the 6th album to reach this milestone"-His mom chimed in

"Congratulations"-Everyone said in unison

"Thanks"-I mouthed to him for saving me

He winked and said, "I appreciate all the support I had from yall for pushing me harder"-Chris

"Toast to more success and family"-Symone

"More success and family"-Everyone said in unison and drunk from their glasses

"I do have a birthday coming so you still can take that in consideration Li, no pressure and I won't mention you"-Momma J

"Ma"-Chris said throwing his hands up

"Okay, okay"-Momma J

"Anyway we're about to leave"-Chris

"It was nice meeting everyone and congratulations again Auntie M, Mr. Jay"-I said hugging Auntie M.

"Nice meeting you too Olivia, come around us again sometime"-One of his cousins said

"I sure will"-Olivia

"It was a pleasure to have you here with us and thank you Li, now you better keep my dimples out of trouble for me. I'll come by to pick you up for lunch one day."-Auntie M.

"Mr. Jay?"-Uncle Jay

"I'm dead you really called him Mr. Jay"-Chris said laughing

"I'll definitely take you up on the offer, just call Chris to let me know when"-I ignored both of them

"Bye Li. thanks for coming over and you can come without this one"-Momma J

"Haha I definitely will Momma J and never say bye always say see you later"-I said reminding myself of Ty 

Speaking of Ty I haven't talked to him since the incident at my place with Chris, I have to call him or take him out for lunch.

This Uncle Jay is such a character, he can be a pleasant person in front of all Chris's family but a rude ass p.i. or detective or whatever he is towards me and you want me to show you respect? No because respect is earned, I'm going to have to stay clear of him if I come back around Chris's family again. The last thing I need is another person on my back about Cain, I need to take him down myself not have other people involved or compromise my plans. I walked out first with Chris behind me and we got into his Lamborghini.

"Where to?"-Chris

"Wherever you want to go"-Olivia

"I got somewhere in mind but are you ready to be outside with me or is it still too soon?"-Chris

"I don't know Chris being with your family was cool but your ex damn near almost exposed us, who's to say another person won't do the same? I like being with you but if anything leaks with us it will mess up everything I have planned to take Cain down. I'm fine with just being in private until all of this is over."-Olivia

"I understand that but I promise you that won't happen again, where we're going nobody will be there to do any of that. It'll just be us, you said you trust me right?"-Chris


"Then know that I won't do anything to mess up what you got planned and I just want us to spend some more time together since I left for Jamaica. I need to make up some time I missed with you, so just relax beautiful and enjoy this ride with me."-Chris

"Okay"-I sighed

He started the car and started driving, I was looking out the window thinking of the events that took place these past few days when I felt Chris grabbing my hand and intertwining our hands together. I turned around and he winked at me making me blush. We ended up at a skating rink and the parking lot was empty. We got out of his car and walked into the skating rink, it was so empty of people, it was just a dj probably someone he trusted.

"I hope you know how to skate"-Chris

"I do just haven't done it since I was 19"-I shrugged

"Damn so he made you miss out on having fun in life? When's the last time you actually was free?"-Chris

"I guess I haven't been free since I was 19, I got used to it anyway so it didn't really bother me. I was molded into a devoted wife. I even changed my whole appearance, I used to have dark purple and curly hair, a beauty mark right here, my whole life evolved around him."-Olivia

"Well you can look however you want around me, I won't judge you and you have to start living life to the fullest. I'm going to make sure you know what it's like to be happy."-Chris

"Yeah I'm glad I met you"-I blushed

"Me too now what size shoe you wear?"-Chris said jumping over the counter

"There's an opening right here and 6"-I said shaking my head

"I like to show off so"-Chris shrugged

"I see but it looks like you have a bruise on your arm"-I said rubbing his arm

"I think you just wanted to touch me, it's okay I don't mind"-Chris said smirking

"Boy bye, hand me my skates sir"-I said rolling my eyes

"Umhmm, you need me to hold your hand?"-Chris said doing circles around me

"Stop you're making me dizzy and I'm fine I just gotta get used to it again"-I shrugged skating slow

"I'm sorry you gotta keep up baby or you want me to slow skate with you?"-Chris

"I got it, see"-I said skating pass him

"Oh you were faking it huh?"-Chris said laughing behind me


"Told you stop being bad"-Chris said grabbing me from behind

"You going make us fall, I almost fell on my face jerk"-Olivia

"How when you're in my arms?"-He said skating around the rink

"I have on a dress you know?"-Olivia

"I do but don't ruin the moment"-Chris said smirking

I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as we went around the skating rink a few times. It was like everything around us was forgotten and all my crazy thoughts were put aside for this quiet, romantic moment. 

"You sleep or something because I swear I heard you snoring?"-Chris said laughing

"I wasn't, now put me down"-I said looking up

"As you wish your majesty"-Chris said smirking

I rolled my eyes and we took the skates off then ate some pizza. Chris put my feet in his lap and started rubbing them.

"Why are you being so good to me?"-Olivia

"Because you deserve it, I did have you out all day with heels on"-Chris

"I mean like why though? Why me?"-Olivia

"Don't do that Olivia"-Chris

"Do what?"-I said putting my head down

"Self doubting yourself again, I told you from the jump how I feel about you there's no need to question us or yourself. This right here is something special, we were meant to cross paths and I'm glad that we can finally be at peace."-Chris said lifting my head up

"I'm sorry. At peace how? When I have a whole situation to deal with outside of us, I shouldn't be stressed like this."-Olivia

"I'm talking about peace with what we got going on right now, we finally both see that we were meant to be a part of each other's life. That situation you got going on is coming to an end very soon and then you can finally feel free. Shit I'm so ready to show you to the world and show you the world."-Chris

"I hope so, I'm scared Chris"-Olivia

"You don't have to be because I'm here for you no matter what and I'll be here every step of the way."-Chris said hugging me

"I l...

I bit my lip and I can't believe that  almost blurted out I love you, I don't know if it's because of the way we are vibing or if it's the way he makes me feel but it just felt so right to say it at this moment. All he did was smile and kiss my forehead.

"I know how you feel and it's probably hard to say because of what you've been through but when you're ready just let it come out freely. You know I love you but let me show you one more thing before we leave."-Chris said kissing my hand

"Let me put my shoes back on"-Olivia

"No need to, I'll carry you"-Chris said picking me up bridal style

"Aren't your arms tired? You held me in your arms for two hours skating."-Olivia

"How can I get tired of holding you?"-Chris

I stayed quiet and he walked up some stairs onto the roof. 

"Look up"-Chris

I looked up to see the sky was beautifully lit with stars and the moon was shinning bright.

"It's beautiful"-Olivia

"You see those stars right there?"-Chris said pointing


"I brought you those stars and named them after you"-Chris

"Are you serious?"-Olivia

"Dead serious, I did it the day you had to go into work but I didn't want to tell you because you would've been like oh that's weird and you just met me"-He said the last part in a girl voice

"You are so erky but that is so thoughtful and romantic of you. Thank you."-I said teary eyed

"You're welcome and you got me doing things I never do, that's how I know this is real. Just know that more stuff like this will be coming."-He said kissing my forehead

"I appreciate you"-I said hugging him

"Let's get you home before you be bawling all over me"-Chris said laughing

"Ugh you know how to kill a moment every time."-I said rolling my eyes

"And you going have your eyes fall out keep rolling them"-Chris said laughing walking back into the skating rink with me in his arms still

"Blah"-I said jumping out of his arms

"Damn mami all that ass shaking"-Chris

"Don't touch"-I said sitting down to put on my shoes

"Oh I'm going be all over that once we get back to your crib, unless you want to go to mines tonight?"-Chris said smirking

"Nope I'm tired and I'm not fucking with ya nasty ass tonight"-Olivia

"Yeah we'll see, I know you can't get enough of this tongue action"-Chris

"Oh god, control yourself"-I said biting my lip

"See how can you even resist when I know you thinking about it, the way you squeezing your legs together."-Chris said smirking

"Can you get it together and drive me home?"-I said a little frustrated

"Aight, aight Ms. fiesty"-Chris

"Have a good night Breezy"-Dj

"You too man thanks for letting me rent out your spot, I appreciate you and the money will be sent over in the morning. Good looking out."-Chris said dapping up the dj

"Of course anytime"-Dj

We walked out of the skating rink and got into Chris's Lamborghini again then went back to my place to stay out of the public eye some more. As he pulled into the parking garage, he ran his hand up my thigh and stopped at my panties line tracing circles at the hem. I moaned and we locked eyes. I unlocked my seat belt and he grabbed me by the waist then put me in his lap. We started kissing so heavily that my body had a mind of its own because I was grinding against him. He grabbed me by my neck and placed soft kisses along my jawline, I was so gone that my head fell back hitting the steering wheel and the horn beeped.


"You the one who leaned so far back"-Chris

"We gotta stop doing this before it leads to more, as much as I want you I can't give into my urges yet"-Olivia

"I know and I'm sorry it's like I'm drawn to you and I can't keep my hands, my mouth off you. You really are my addiction and I can't get enough of you. You don't know how much I want to feel every inch of your body against mine, how I wanna look into your eyes when I'm making love to you. How deep I wannabe inside of you and take away all of your pain but I'm going to control myself from now on, I promise."-Chris

"I hope so because you are pushing on me hard and I can't control how my body reacts to your touch."-Olivia

"Forgive me baby, I'll be more patient"-Chris said stroking my hair

"I forgive you, now lets go inside I'm tired"-Olivia

"I can't stay I gotta take my oldest Ro to a photo shoot tomorrow and spend some time with my kids."-Chris

"Okay I understand, I had a good time with you tonight"-Olivia

"Same here, we are going to do some more things in a few days."-Chris


"I promise beautiful but I'm going to come up to make sure you are safe before I leave"-Chris

I checked the parking garage before we got out the car then we both got out to get on the elevator, its a good thing this elevator is for VIP only because we would've got caught a few times being seen together. I put the code in to get up to my place and we stayed silent the whole time. I hope I'm not pushing him away for not giving into my urges and I hope he doesn't find someone else to have sex with. I just can't give myself to him until I divorce Cain, I don't know if I can even give him what he wants because I'm not experienced. Here I am self doubting myself again, I shook my head and we arrived at my place.  Chris checked every inch of my condo and came back into the living room with me. 

"Well everything is all good here, I'm going to see you later. Call me if you need me, matter fact I'll call you soon as I get in."-Chris

"Okay, drive safe."-I said hugging him

"I will, don't stress beautiful I'll be back before you know it"-Chris said kissing my forehead

"Chris?"-I called after him


"I love you"-I said smiling

"I love you to Li"-He said kissing me

"Don't forget to call me"-I said after I kissed him back

"I won't, just wait up for me"-Chris

"Okay see you later"-Olivia

"Don't be sad, we going to be back together soon"-Chris said kissing me

"I know, I'm okay just go before I change my mind about you leaving"-I said kissing him back

"Oh really? Aight good night beautiful"-Chris said hugging me then got on the elevator

"Good night boo"-I said winking 

"Cute ass"-Chris said smiling

The doors closed and I put the code in to lock the elevator then took off my shoes, I went into my room to change and played some music to relax then waited until Chris called me. Today had me beyond grateful to have Chris in my life, to feel like I mattered, to belong somewhere other than belonging to someone. I know it'll take me some time to get Cain out of my system but it should be worth it so I can let Chris in more. I wish he could've stayed longer but he has 3 responsibilities that are more important than me and I respect that. Besides he's a great father and I'm not going to stop him from being in his kids lives. Yeah he has me spoiled and I want to be around him every chance I get but he's been with me for 14 days and we need a little space. It'll give me more time to come up with a plan to take down Cain or Tyrese, along with Kyra or Paloma and sick ass Jerome. That's why I need to follow up with Ty tomorrow. I fell asleep feeling so peaceful in my bed waiting until Chris called.

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