Live Forever

By PetrificusSomewhatus

58.6K 2.2K 204

The summer after Harry's fourth year would have been much better if just one person in his life had disregard... More

1: Live Forever - Part 1
1: Live Forever - Part 2
1: Live Forever - Part 3
1: Live Forever - Part 4
1: Live Forever - Part 5
2: Cigarettes and Alcohol - Part 1
2: Cigarettes and Alcohol - Part 2
2: Cigarettes and Alchohol - Part 3
2: Cigarettes & Alcohol: Part 4
2: Cigarettes and Alcohol - Part 5
3: Half The World Away - Part 1
3: Half The World Away - Part 2
3: Half The World Away - Part 3
3: Half The World Away - Part 4
4: Slide Away - Part 1
4: Slide Away - Part 2
4: Slide Away - Part 3
4: Slide Away - Part 4
4: Slide Away - Part 5
5: Acquiesce - Part 1
5: Acquiesce - Part 3
5: Acquiesce - Part 4
6: Talk Tonight - Part 1
6: Talk Tonight - Part 2
6: Talk Tonight - Part 3
6: Talk Tonight - Part 4
7: Whatever - Part 1
7: Whatever - Part 2
7: Whatever - Part 3
7: Whatever - Part 4

5: Acquiesce - Part 2

1.5K 58 1
By PetrificusSomewhatus

August 12, 1995

As 12 Thornbrook Lane came into view Minerva girded herself for the terse and skeptical reception she was sure awaited her on the other side. The last time she had visited this home things had not gone well, at all. And the worst part was she had been entirely at fault. Being on the receiving end of a lecture in front of one of her favorite students had been disconcerting and disheartening. She'd done her best over the last few weeks to make up for her poor decisions but knew she had a long way to go, most especially in the minds of the two muggles she would be spending the morning with.

She'd barely had to wait a second after ringing the doorbell before it was opened, revealing Jane Granger. She wasn't smiling but she didn't look particularly angry either. Minerva mused that was the best she could have hoped for all things considered.

"Please come in, Professor," Jane greeted, escorting her to their sitting room where her husband was waiting. He was holding a familiar looking ball.

"Is that a sneakoscope?" she asked.

"Yes," David Granger supplied. "Hermione gave it to us a few Christmases back. She said it would help suss out the untrustworthy sort. Congratulations, it looks like you've passed the test," he complimented as the magical device remained blessedly silent.

So they still didn't trust her despite Bill's assurances. She couldn't blame them she supposed. This was quite an about face from their last discussion less than three weeks prior.

"I would like to apologize for my actions last month, but you can rest assured that we are on the same side. Harry's side," she stated, silently relieved as the sneakoscope sat quietly in David Granger's hand.

"Right," David continued as he stowed the orb in his pocket and stood. "I suppose we should be going," he continued as he placed a nearby carrier on the floor beside her.

"So that's to be my carriage for the morning," she observed.

"Crookshanks has never complained so I reckon it's all right. I hope you don't get car sick," David added as he opened the door and stood back.

"Not at all," she reassured. "But you are right. We should get going. I trust you have the mirror?"

Jane pulled Sirius' gift out of her purse and held it up for her inspection. "I believe we have a thirty minute drive ahead of us?" she asked, drawing two affirming nods.

"Remember, if you sense any danger, just unlatch the cage. It is very unlikely anything will happen but please remain vigilant. If I spot anything suspicious I will do my best to warn you."

She quickly transformed into a cat and sidled into the carrier, unconsciously purring at the blanket they had graciously provided for her to lie down on. All things considered this was not a bad place to relax for a few hours.

After thirty minutes of sitting in the Underground station Minerva was keenly aware that Muggles could be quite loud...and they always seemed to be in such a hurry. She was roused from her musings by the voice of Bill Weasley. "We'll be coming into your stop any moment now. Number Five."

"Here we go," David muttered, "time to look not terrified on Harry's behalf." The train roared into the station and they walked along the platform, quickly finding The Number Five car.

"There he is," Jane mumbled under her breath and they quickly bustled down the aisle. David placed her carrier on the bench beside him and angled it slightly to the right, bringing Harry into view. Despite Harry's best efforts to appear calm, his nervousness was apparent. It was an expression she had seen on his face far too often over the years.

Arthur was doing most of the talking while Harry replied occasionally with short answers and nods. It was clear that Arthur was doing his best to be cheerful and casual in an effort to take Harry's mind off of his hearing and it seemed to be working to some extent. After several moments Arthur spotted them and leaned toward Harry, casually saying something under his breath, drawing a curious look from the boy.

Harry scanned the carriage and finally spotted them, instantly becoming a mixture of pleased and embarrassed. Arthur must have told him not to wave or acknowledge their presence as he quickly looked away before shooting them another surreptitious glance a few moments later.

"I told you he would be embarrassed," Jane supplied.

"Good," David answered, "better embarrassed than panicked or miserable."

She "meowed" her agreement as loud as she could manage, drawing chuckles from the pair.

"Thank you, professor," Jane stated as Minerva kept her eyes on Harry. It was probably her hopeful imagination but he looked a bit more relaxed now. It was amazing how small gestures meant so much to those who'd rarely experienced them.

They sat in companionable silence for a few more minutes until the train screeched to a stop. This was Harry's stop.

She heard Dan Granger say "we promised we wouldn't, Jane" and looked to see his arm now gently resting on her arm. Her guess was Jane wanted to say something to Harry...words of encouragement most likely. It would have been foolish and rash and Jane Granger did not strike her as either of those things, but for Harry it appeared she was willing to make an exception. Harry glanced their way once again as he exited onto the platform and she realized how much better she felt at being a bit foolish and rash.

Several minutes later she was quite confused as they seemed to be carrying her out of the station and back into the streets of London. The plan had been very clear: board a train that would take them back to their starting part and walk back to the Grangers' car.

"Don't worry, professor. David and I haven't forgotten the plan, we've just come up with a different one," Jane stated as they turned into a nearby alley. Once they'd progressed a bit further out of sight her carrier was placed on the ground and the door was quickly unlatched and opened. After exiting and checking that the coast was clear she quickly transformed.

"What is this new plan?" she asked in annoyance. She really disliked when people strayed from the plan.

"We want you to apparate us back to the car," David replied simply.

"This is highly inappropriate," she replied, "and we can't risk being seen."

Jane Granger shot her a look remarkably similar to Hermione and she prepared herself for an explanation. "Bill explained that all you need to do is to visualize where you need to go. We were curious how it worked and Bill assured us you would be happy to show us."

Bill Weasley. She should have known. "Did he explain that some people feel quite unwell afterward?"

"Oh, yes," David answered. "A little vomiting seems a small price to pay to experience instant transportation."

"I'm assuming that is why you parked so far away from everyone else at the station?" she asked, receiving two affirming nods. They were truly Hermione's parents.

"Very well," she acquiesced and the pair quickly grabbed an arm. Bill must have taken them through the entire procedure. She would most definitely be having words with her former student.

"All set?" she asked, waiting on their eager nods before transporting them away. The nearby wood had been very convenient for the pair to quickly relieve the contents of their stomachs upon arrival. They seemed much less embarrassed than the typical magical at not managing apparition well and she chalked it up to a lack of ego about such things.

"I can't wait until Hermione turns seventeen," David enthused.

"You know we frown on such displays around muggles," she reminded.

"Yes, yes, we know," he replied with a casual wave of his hands, "but we've waited years to see Hermione perform magic around us and plan on taking advantage of it."

She chuckled, once again being forcibly reminded that these were Hermione's parents. Before she could say her goodbyes they'd opened the boot of their car and had pulled out several bags.

"We have one more favor to ask," Jane supplied as she handed them over, "we'd like you to give these to Harry the next time you see him."

The bags were filled with assorted muggle clothing as well as several plastic containers that she believed were used to play muggle music.

"If he tries to refuse, don't let him. Hermione said you are good at ordering them around," David joked.

Minerva nodded her agreement and quickly said her goodbyes to the Grangers. The original plan was to apparate directly home but she decided a quick trip to Diagon Alley was in order. She recalled how worn Harry's Quidditch gloves had been in his third year and was fairly positive he hadn't thought to replace them since. A voucher to Quality Quidditch Supplies seemed like it would make a nice, belated birthday present.

She pushed back on the niggling thought that at that very moment Harry may possibly be being expelled from Hogwarts. Harry would be flying for Gryffindor in a few weeks time.

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