By gemini_cinderella

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GENOVIA'S LOVERS | NICHOLAS DEVEREAUX² Gwyneth Grimaldi was ready to take Genovia by storm when Viscount Mabr... More

act two
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five

chapter one

754 40 5
By gemini_cinderella



TODAY'S THE DAY; GRADUATION, the day Mia and I have been waiting for months, years even.I glanced over at my cousin and we both smiled widely at one another. I couldn't help but bounce on my seat excitedly at the thought of this finally happening.

"Although your diplomas are equally specific, remember, you are all going out into the world as individuals. I now proudly present, this year's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internal Affairs' graduating class." The headmaster of the school announced proudly with a wide grin making everyone cheer happily, the graduating class throwing their caps up into the air

"We did it! We did it!" Mia chanted happily as we neared one another, merging with students surrounding us

"I can't believe it!" I exclaimed to her in shock, wrapping her in a big hug and I spotted my Dad with a small smile, watching the both of us a few feet away

"Go, go, go." Mia ushered me, spotting the man also and I gave her a squeeze before releasing her, rushing up to my Dad

"My little girl is not so little anymore." Dad softly said as we stood in front of one another, his eyes trained solely on me

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." I replied, my voice just as soft before he made the first move, wrapping me in a hug

"I'm so very proud of you. And I know your mother would be as well if she was here." Dad said quietly and I stilled in his arms before acknowledging his words, nodding along to them

"I love you Dad." I told him, my grip on him tightening as I wasn't ready to be released into the real world again just yet



Dear Diary,

Well, it's me, brand-new college graduate-slash-princess. Oh, I can't believe it's been 5 years since Gwyn & grandma told me that I was a Princesses. And right after that, my mother surprised me by marrying my high school teacher, Patrick O'Connell. It must be going well because they are now expecting a baby.

Lilly's remained the same as she continues to cause turmoil, but now as a graduate student from Berkeley, which she calls 'Berserkley'. How's Michael, you may ask? Well, we're still together if that's what you're wondering. We're trying long distance now as he went off to tour the country with his band.

"Princess Mia & Princess Gwyn, look out the window, and welcome back to Genovia." My father announced to us, leaning against the seat in front of us

Oh, there it is, our beautiful Genovia. Of course, i'm completely excited to be going back, but I am also a bit nervous.

"Genovia One has landed." The pilot over the intercom announced to the four of us as we landed on the terminal

Grandma Clarisse will step down as Dowager Queen and Gwyn will be taking over in a few months when she turns 21, in the meantime, I will learn everything I need to know to be the princess of Genovia.

Genovia was just how I left it--beautiful, and it hadn't changed one bit in my opinion. I looked out of the window that was up and stared at the citizens of Genovia who came out to see us. I glanced over at Mia to see her leaning toward the window, eyeing the city in awe.

I know I studied diplomacy and political science at school, but there was no course in "Princess" or "How to be a Princess of its Country 101". But Gwyn is going to help me and grandma is gong to help her be a Queen and she'll take over when grandma thinks she's ready.

Of course, I wonder...will I ever be ready? In the meantime, i'm going to live in a beautiful palace and help rule the people of Genovia. Is that scary or what? Well, maybe Fat Louie can give me some help.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi and her Royal Pussycat, Sir Fat Louie." One of the guard announced loudly as they opened the door to help Mia out but Fat Louie jumped out first

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Gwyneth Josephine Blythe Grimaldi Renaldi." The next announcement was for me and they helped me out of the limo

"Welcome back home, Princesses." I heard the familiar voice of Sebastiano greet me once I stood up properly and I gave my a brother smile


The only downer in my fairy tale is...Gwyn never being in love. However, this evening is my 21st birthday, and our tradition says I have to dance with all the eligible bachelors in Genovia. But since I'm with Michael, I'm going to do my best to scoop one up for my cousin.

look and dress

Since Sebastiano had arrived a few days earlier than expected, he was now going to escort both me and our Aunt Clarisse. However at the moment, we were running late due to us catching up so now we were rushing down the foyer. As soon as we passed Shades, Aunt Clarisse decided to twirl due to us coming into Charlotte and Dad's view.

"Beautiful ladies." Dad said, giving my knuckles a soft kiss before moving onto Aunt Clarisse, repeating the same movements 

"And what about me?" Sebastiano cheekily asked him, offering him his hand which Dad ignored and opted to place his hand on his shoulder

"You look handsome, just like your handsome father." Dad told him with a smirk, squeezing his shoulder 

"But the three of you are late." Dad reminded the three of us and I gave him a sheepish smile in response 

"A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early." Aunt Clarisse said to him softly and he nodded his head, "Of course."

"Her Majesty, Clarisse Renaldi, Dowager Queen of Genovia. Her Royal Highness, Gwyneth Josephine Blythe Grimaldi Renaldi, Princess of Genovia. His Royal Highness, Sebastiano Joseph Artur Grimaldi Renaldi, Prince of Genovia." With those introductions, the doors swung upon and the three of us walked in sync into the crowded room

"Greetings, good friends. I am delighted to welcome you here this evening." Aunt Clarisse who stood on Sebastiano's left side spoke first to our guests


I was on the dance floor with my brother, and he was leading this time in the dance, our postures relaxed. I glanced at our father in the corner of my eye, and I could see him talking to Aunt Clarisse. I smiled at the sight of them before looking back at my brother to see him already staring at the duo before he took a deep breath, his attention shifting back to me.

"Many of you will remember King Rupert's and my granddaughter, Princess Mia." Aunt Clarisse started to announce to the room from where she stood in the centre 

"King Rupert, may he rest in peace." We all said simultaneously said afterwards and gave my uncle a moment of silence

"Will you please raise your glasses in celebration of Princess Mia's 21st birthday." Aunt Clarisse continued to speak before our attention shifted back to the top of the stairs 

"Presenting, Her Royal Highness, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia." Mia was introduces just as she stepped into the ballroom wearing a red gown with white gloves and a tiara

"To Princess Mia." Aunt Clarsse said, raising her glass towards the figure of her granddaughter and we copied her movements 

"To Princess Mia." Everyone chorused together after we absorbed the scene of Mia showing off her beauty to her guests 

"Brother, you did good." I whispered to my dancing partner and he grinned widely at me, nodding his proudly 

"She even chose to add the ribbon in front" Sebastiano whispered me and I nodded my head at his words, the both of us watching as Mia waved to the room and I saw Mia's bracelet fling out of her hand 

"It happens all the time...and happy birthday." One of guards stepped forward and congratulated Mia, handing her back the bracelet

"Thank you."


Sebastiano was dancing with Aunt Clarisse, who was enjoying her self as she laughed at something he said. I, on the other hand, was dancing with Dad, who spun me around making me laugh. However, the three of us kept our eyes on Mia who was dancing with a greek man, and it became obvious that there was a disconnection due to the language barrior, and the fact that she had a boyfriend. 


Mia gave me an eye roll as she danced with a man who kept counting the steps as they danced. I giggled at her reaction, catching the attention of the man. However that came at a cost because as soon as he turned me, Mia gasped as his foot connected on hers and he hastily apologized to her.


"Look at that little thief." I muttered to Princess Asana as I nudged her softly and nodded my head to where Mia sneakily took a bite from her cake 

"Let's scare her." Asana laughed quietly and I eagerly nodded my head, the both of us walking closer to my cousin

"I saw that." Asana broke the silence causing Mia to jump at her words making me laugh lightly as she spun to face her

However Mia caught the sight of Asana, and they both squealed causing me to smile at them. Ever since I introduced the girls to one another a few years back, they became close and always kept in contact. Before I could continue my thinking, Asana brought me into the fold causing me to cheer along with my cousin.

"Oh, I missed you two."


I watched Asana and Mia walk away from me as they caught each other up on the latests news in their life. I didn't mind because I knew Mia was much closer to Asana than I was but I had hoped that I would find a more familiar face in the crowd. It seemed like my prayer was answered because as I took a step back and I widened my eyes when I felt my heel connect with a shoe.

"Oh, your foot." I hastily stepped back forward, and I didn't dare to look up to see who I injured, "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

"I don't think so." I heard a familiar voice reply back to me making me snap my head back up, "I believe the only thing able to soothe this injury is my best friend talking to me." 

"Nicholas!" I cheered myself immediately at the sight in front me before I hugged him and smiled to myself as I felt him hug me back

"What are you doing here?" I asked him curiously, knowing how his uncle felt about these events ever since Mia came into our lives

"Visiting my best friend." Nicholas told me as he released me from the hug and it felt weird, but I didn't too much on it 

"We're still best friends? Because I haven't seen you in a really long time." I reminded Nicholas with a frown on my lips 

"Not a day goes by that your voice is still inside my head, no matter what I do." Nicholas said with a slight laugh and I laughed back but there was something about him that just seemed off even though this is the first time we seen each other in years


"Hey, get a load of this guy." Sebastiano walked up to stand between Nicholas and I, nodding his head to the scene in front of us 

"What in the world is he doing?" I asked the men at my side quietly, staring with wide eyes at the man who was dancing with Mia

"He's doing the splits." Nicholas gasped as the man lifted himself back to Mia's height before he proceeded to do another dance move 

"Gwyn, he's doing the shimmy-shimmy." Sebastiano eagerly said as he took a sip of his champagne and I shook my head at him

"Someone should go over and save her." I hinted to my brother, nodding my head and all he did was nod, not understanding me 


"Now, an older man is dancing with her. Someone should probably save her." Nicholas hinted to my brother and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how dense my brother was being 

"Yes, someone should indeed." Sebastiano said to him, and I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what game he was playing at 

"I got the hint." Nicholas jokingly scoffed at my brother before walking forward to Mia to be saviour 

"Looks like he's trying to land a plane." Sebastiano said to me as the older man danced robotically with Mia

"At least somebody got the hint." I scoffed at my brother, taking the glass off his hand, taking a sip from it

"I know, like Nicholas, get the hint." Sebastiano said to me and I rolled my eyes at him in disbelief, shaking me head

"I can't with you right now." I told him, handing him back the glass before I began to walk away him from


"Turns out that Princess Mia needed a different Prince Charming." The familiar voice of Nicholas behind me caused me to grin 

"Oh, did it happen to be Prince Sebastiano?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow before I spun around to face him

"No, a much better suitor if I'm being honest, Prince Jacques." Nicholas joked with me and I glanced to see where he was nodding to do and I saw Mia smiling tensely at the prince before her

"Ah, mister aftershave." I notified Nicholas and he grinned, nodding his head before he bowed his head, offering me his hand

"Can I have this dance her Royal Highness?" Nicholas asked me, offering me his hand which I accepted 

"You always can." I softly told him and he smiled at me, the corner of his eyes crinkling barely but I saw the genuine in them 

"Let's see if I can keep up due to my injury." Nicholas laughed as he stepped forward, his hand settling on my mid back as the other held my hand 

"Oh, and look at that, Mr. Devereaux just so happens to keep up." I smirked at the man in front of me and he chuckled causing me to smile 

"I am really sorry though, for stepping on your foot." I genuinely apologised to him and he smiled softly down at me

"You can step on my foot anytime." Nicholas waved it off and I nodded my head at his words, feeling the redness creep up on my cheeks


"Princess, there's someone from Parliament who wishes to see you." Sebastian lowly said as he walked past me

"Charlotte, can you guess who it is?" I asked the blonde-haired woman beside me and she leaned forward 

"You know who's uncle." She immediately responded and in order to ease the upcoming event, I decided to settle for a joke, "Lord Voldemort is here?"

"Yes he is." Charlotte agreed with me much to my surprise but I shouldn't have been before she nodded her head to the man 

I took a deep sigh in order to get ready for this conversation because the last time I spoke to him, he revealed about Mia's existence to me. However as soon as I took a couple of steps forward to meet, one of the waiters bumped into me causing the silver tray he held to knock against the crown I was wearing. Luckily, the crown didn't break in the incident because it was caught in the hands of Lord Voldemort himself. 

"Oh, your Highness, pardon me. I am so sorry. It was only an accident." The waiter apologised immediately to me and I smiled at him, hoping he would calm down 

"It's fine, it's fine." I tried my best to ease his concerns, "No harm was done, no foul, no bruise. Everyone is going to be okay." 

"Thank you, Viscount Mabrey." I thanked the man genuinely, "Thank you for catching the crown."

"It's my pleasure." He told me, waving it off with a slight chuckle before I kneeled slightly so he could place the crown back on me

"You should be more careful, your Royal Highness." Viscount Mabrey said as he placed the crown on me and I straightened myself up, "Somebody might try to take that away from you."

"Oh, I hope not. But thank you again for catching the crown." I thanked Nicholas' uncle before I was called away from him 

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