By free4zilly

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Soulmark AU ForthMing version TOP- Forth Bottom-Ming Description Forth - A word is decoded in the form of... More

Chapter 1- Found him
Waiting for you
The Psychiatrist
Truth Of Delusion
The Past
The Past 2- School life
The Past 3: Unwelcomed Reveal
The Past 4: Shattering dreams
The Past 5: Shadow
The Past 6: You Are Up?
The Past 7: Cry for help
The Past 8: Satan in the room
The Past 9: The End
Walking memoir
Give Me Your Hand
Be mate??
Legend of soulmark
The Wedding bells🎐🎐
Tenderly feelings
Different perspectives
Not a Business
The Library
The Gift
Price to Pay
From Apart
The War
A Family
The Party
I Hate You : The Origin
Slow Pace
In the Workplace
Mr. Lizard
Fusing into one
Placing The Pieces Together
I care for your feelings
Floating in the air
The Perfect Plan
The Perfect Execution
Your Lips
A Bit Cozy
My Lotus
Our Happy Ending

Brotherly Talk

209 12 1
By free4zilly

“Mae we are back” forth yelled from the door step, after many days he has been feeling this much relieved.

Not only because Mr. Suwan has returned every single penny that he has given him since a year, but also he made that self absorbed old man apologise to his husband.

The relief that he has got at the second he saw shame in that man’s eyes is nothing that he could describe in words.

But one thing is still not in it’s place, the man behind their sufferings is still roaming out free but not for long, he can guarantee that.

“What is it today? Both the brothers are lighten like lamps?” Mrs. Jathurapoom asked. Both the brothers shared a curious look with each other, asking each other the reason silently.

“Come on let’s have our dinner” singto entered with a couple of dishes followed by Mr. Konganithan the main chef of the day.

Everyone settled at their respective place & started to munch on the food, half way down the dinner no progress was made.

Ming was urging singto to speak while singto kept elbowing phana to speak, but at the end no one said.

There evident passing the parcel game was evidenced by everyone but forth was first one to object,
“What’s going on guys?” he asked, to no one in particular.

“Mm… ummm They wants to say something” ming threw the bomb on the couple responsible. And in a blink their face went red. Although it was a good news but their shyness was holding their legs.

Everyone patiently waited for the couple to come out of their eye talking stage & speak something less gestural & more verbal & after a minute phana cleared his throat.

“M…mom, Dad, Forth we want to say something. Actually we only got to know about it yesterday & we wanted to tell you all at the same time” pha encircled around the agenda

“And the thing is?” Mr. Jathurapoom being the most impatient one asked,

“The thing is that singto is pregnant” pha announced with a bright smile & red cheeks, clasping his hand in his husband’s, who kept his head ducked to his chest.

Forth’s mother was the first one to get out of the shock & embraced the couple warmly,
“Congratulations my babies. I am soo happy for you both” she hugged singto again who is still cowering to make any eye contact. After her everyone took turns to hug the couple.

“I can’t thank you enough to make me  grand dad & I hope they will be just like you not like him” pha’s eyes widened at his father’s betrayal, he was about to complain when forth said,

“How could you say that dad, pha has also worked hard for the baby. That’s not fair” forth teased his brother which draped the couple in red blanket & everyone crooned them & that's how the rest of family time went by.

Ming came out of shower to find his husband sitting at the foot of sofa nose embedded in the laptop screen & fingers racing.

Ming threw himself of the sofa & soon found himself massaging his head.
“Are not you sleepy?” forth asked, not averting his eyes from screen, & ming just hummed in negative.

“It must be beautiful? Isn’t it?” ming spoke after a minute, but before forth could ask about it he answered,

“The feeling of carrying a baby. Being parents” ming’s hand slowly scraped over forth’s hair,

“It is” he answered shortly,

“Do you want kids?” ming questioned further,

“Who doesn’t baby” forth answered his fingers taping over the keys,

“How many kids do you want?”

“Depends on how many you want to push out” forth smirked, knowing his answer would have left effect on his lover’s cheeks to which it took a minute for ming to get over

“I want two kids. Two girls” he said with dreamy eyes, forth then looked at him,

“Two girls it is then” he pecked his lips & then turned back.

Ming kept quiet for another couple of minute, silently searching for the words he is about to say & then he spoke,
“Forth I really want kids” ming pestered,

“We will have baby, when the time comes” forth soothed,

“How? We haven’t even done what is necessary for the baby” ming whined, which earned uninterrupted attention of other.

“If you want it, then ask for it simply why are you rooting up with such things” forth carried his signature teasing smile, which made ming’s eyes go wide & ultimately got his face smacked on the pillow.

“What can I do when I have such a boring husband who only knows to work” ming tucked his embarrassment perfectly behind his angry face & huffed sharply while leaving him.

But before he could leave forth pulled him in his lap & secured him in his grip,
“So what were you saying? I am boring huh?” forth smugly asked,

“Yes you are. Ever thought of taking me on date, the only time we have been on date is because of me” forth’s mouth hung open at the words, & before he could say anything ming continued

“When was the last time you bought me flowers, gifts or anything huh! Never isn’t it”

“But baby you yourself has told me not to buy something for you” forth almost silently mumbled but it only earned him a hard glare indicating that it’s high time he close his mouth.

“don’t you think that I might also want you to surprise me, shower me with little things, I might have also dreamt about perfect us time like drinking hot chocolate while cuddling & watching snow fall with you”

“Baby if you want hot chocolate then I can get you now but it’s not my fault that it didn’t snowed this winter in here” forth’s words only brought more fumes in the fire,

“You know what. I can make baby on my own you go sleep outside. I will do everything on my own” forth’s mouth opened & closed like a fish in water as he couldn’t comprehend the alien words his husband is speaking but before he could object he was already thrown outside with his dear laptop stuck on his chest door banged closed on his face with final words ‘you are just words no action’.

Forth was left confused, standing in the solitude corridor in the middle of the night thinking where he went wrong.

“Baby let me in. We can talk it out” forth knocked the door silently a few times making sure no one else will hear him, but ming didn’t opened the door so after a few failed attempts he left the space.

On the inside ming was contemplating whether his actions were right or not. To be honest he realises that he has done it wrong throwing forth out, everybody knows that the situation they are in is only because of him, if not for his past they would have been a normal couple.

If forth is being cautious to take the next step then it’s his fault, but what is done is done. Now ming could only hope that this will help forth to put down the gentleman act & take charge. With this thought he welcomed the sleep.

Forth like a good thrown husband went to the living room & laid down, thinking where it went wrong but most importantly what ming wants until his eyes started dropping.

“ake up…. Forth why are you sleeping here?” first thing in the morning he was welcomed by pha’s voice, towering in front of him, all clean & ready to go.

“Ohh…. Hi good morning ” he sleepily muttered, rubbing sleep from his eyes,

“Doesn’t seem good enough morning to me” pha commented raising his brow. He casually loosened his coat button to sit next to this brother.

“Mind sharing” pha said which only earned him a look from forth.

“What? And aren’t you getting late, just shoo man” forth replied in irritation.

“I can always squeez some time for my virgin brother. So just put this attitude aside & start speaking” he answered with a smirk as his comment earned him a hard glare from his brother.

“What happened to you, not so shy like last night” forth tried to get upper hand in the banter but it only earned him an eye roll.

“Done. Now would you speak please” pha urged again.

“I don’t know what to say” forth said in annoyance

“How about the reason why you are sleeping here & not in the bed?”

“Ming threw me out” forth lined the cause

“Apparently &”

“And I don’t know why?” pha chuckled when he heard forth whining.

“I’ll help you, how about you say it from the start”

“I don’t know, he first told me how much he wants kids & then he started making me count of how I don’t take him on dates & how unromantic I am then then next thing I know he has thrown me out of the room saying I am just words no action” forth quoted his husband’s words, once done he looked at pha for answers.

Pha was quite for a whole minute it won’t be a lie to say that he didn’t expected that it would be anything near his brother’s sex life.

“Umm…. If you don’t mind can I ask you something?” forth’s eyebrows joined hands when pha suddenly got in formal mode but he nodded,

“When was the last time when you both have you know done something together” it took a second for forth to realise what his brother is asking & didn’t take another second for him to avert his gaze.

The environment was suddenly thick between the brothers. Today they realised that teasing each other with such things are different from discussing it seriously.

An uneasy silence went by between them, thinking that the arrow has already left the bow forth decided to answer,

“It was more than a month ago. He ended up having a panic attack so I decided” forth trailed the understood answer,

“Didn’t you asked him to consult someone?” pha asked again,

“I asked him, but he didn’t agreed. He even suggests that we should keep trying but the condition he got in last time made it clear that he isn’t ready. And I just want to give him time, so he could come in the terms. But he doesn’t understand & how does that even make me unromantic” Forth exaggerated in annoyance while phana patted his back to calm him.

“Hmm…… the problem seems serious” pha contemplated deeply to come up with a suggestion,

“Have you both talked about it, I mean like a proper conversation in which you both will lay your concerns & then see what happens” pha suggested to which forth just glared at him,

“Do you even hear what I just said? He is still adamant on trying again, he thinks that what happened last time will not happen again. But is there a guarantee? No”

“Nothing is guaranteed in this world forth, you need to understand. And just maybe doing what he want, the way he wants could give you an unexpected result. And personally I also think if he says he is ready then he must have been”

“But what if it happened again? I have seen fear crawling back in his eyes, I don’t want to see them again” forth dejectedly said,

“Then atleast you will be there for him, with him. There are many probabilities that can happen in future it’s upto you how you see it. May be he will again have panic attack, maybe this will put a dent in your relationship but there is also a chance that your relationship will flourish. So stop making assumptions and take the risk if he wants that also” pha concluded. His words pushed forth in the pool of deep thoughts, as they motivated him as well to take the step.

“So according to you what should I do” forth’s answer called phana as he was again ready to leave,

“That’s for you to think. By the way you still haven’t been to honeymoon have you?”

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