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Where the 'Original' meets the Original. Two Dramatic Blondes equals Two Chaotic Lovers. ... More



739 29 4

The Reckoning

Klaus resisted the urge to snap Karina's neck. As soon as they had gotten back in the truck, the heretic had been talking his ear off.

"No, I just don't understand why we had to come here." The blonde whined.

He sighed as they both got out. It was now dark and the bright blue truck was parked in the parking lot of Mystic Falls High.

"And I have explained to you, every single time, Elena is, in-fact, alive. So we have every reason of being back here." She dramatically groaned again as they neared round to the back of the truck.

Prying open the door, Daphne was stirring awake and Rebekah sighed. "Finally." She muttered.

"You three stay here, wait for him to wake up, I'm going to find Elena." Klaus spoke, most likely tired of this as well.

Karina rolled her eyes but nodded nevertheless. "Oh, but Nik, I've never been in a high school before." He rolled his eyes.

"Calm, Rebekah. Once Stefan wakes up, you three can join the party." And with that, Klaus walked off. "Good luck!" Karina called after him. The only sound of a reply was the subtle slam of the high school doors.

"I have cards." Daphne lifted up the small set from her pocket.

Rebekah playfully rolled her eyes as she sat back down. There wasn't much room to sit around the cards that were being set out so Karina grabbed Stefan's arm. Dragging him out of the truck and onto the concrete floor.

The other two just looked at her in amusement.


Nearly 20 minutes had passed and... nothing. They had given up on the cards after about 5 minutes, Klaus hadn't come back and Stefan was still dead.

"All right. I've had enough." The eldest blonde shuffled herself off of the ledge, her booted feet landing firmly on the ground.

Rebekah narrowed her eyes at her. "What are you doing?" She asked, trying to ignore Daphne's light snores.

Karina only ignored her and proceeded to kick Stefan, when that did nothing and she crouched beside him, biting into her wrist and letting the blood drip past his parted lips.

The Salvatore quickly stirred and had begun twitching. Rebekah slightly chuckled at the other blonde's impatience, turning to the red-head opposite her and lightly patting her knee.

She quickly opened her eyes, it was helpful when she sometimes was a light sleeper.

"Is it awake yet?" Daphne rubbed her eye at an angle so her mascara wouldn't smudge, as the others chuckled at her.

"It?" The Mikaelson questioned, to which the McCoy vampire simply nodded.

"To answer your question-" No... was what Karina was about to say until Stefan annoyingly and loudly groaned, turning on his side.

They all rolled their eyes, "Now, it is." The Salvatore quickly turned and looked up at Karina, then seeing Rebekah and Daphne who were sitting on the edge of the truck, their legs swinging freely.

"What happened?" His throat was dry as Karina's small drops of blood wasn't enough for him.

"You got your ass beat." The eldest put it simply.

Rebekah chuckled, the attention turing to her. "My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper."

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Stefan tried to act innocent as he brought himself to his feet.

"Stop playing dumb, Stefan." The red-head lectured.

"Oh yes, it didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding." The Mikaelson continued.

He had a look on his face like he knew he had been caught, but he was still trying to defend himself regardless. "I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to do."

The Girls From Rome looked at each other with screwed up faces, silently asking each other, "Is this boy for real?"

Rebekah hopped off of the ledge, now intimidatingly walking towards him. "No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive."

Stefan looked down to his feet, turning away from them as he stepped backwards. "Where is Klaus now?"

"With any luck, he's tearing that cow's bloody head off." Rebekah taunted with a smirk on her face.

The Salvatore gritted his teeth, instantly turning around and speeding towards Rebekah. As he was about to pounce on her like a wild animal, Karina gripped his neck, slamming him back down on the ground.

Her face held an unimpressed look. "Where is she?" He choked out.

"My goodness, how much do you love her?" She pulled him back up, speeding him to the truck as his back cracked on impact.

Rebekah stepped in as soon as Karina stepped away, taking a metal rod from beside him. She slammed it across his face and dug it into his stomach.

"Come on lovelies, let's go find my brother." The younger blonde suggested, leaving Stefan bleeding out against the back of the truck.


The school was pretty much empty.

The three girls ended up walking past Caroline and Tyler who were making out. Karina and Daphne had to stop themselves from gagging as Rebekah went over to them with a grin on her face. Tyler was a werewolf, meaning Klaus would need him.

The eldest two waited for the Mikaelson to finish teasing Caroline before they took a squirming Tyler to the gym.

"Karina? Daphne?" Elena asked in disbelief.

The two eldest in the room only ignored the doppelgänger as Rebekah stormed past them, holding the werewolf by the collar.

"Get off of me!" He pleaded as he kept his tone confident.

Rebekah was as tired as the eldest two were, "Hush now."

Klaus had dragged them around all day and he had already crossed over the line too many times.

Before they entered the gym, an annoying voice kept yapping, causing the two sat on the bleachers to focus on everyone who was currently in the room to figure out who it was.

"I'd like for you all to meet my sister, Rebekah. A word of warning, she can be quite mean." Ah, there it is.

The female Mikaelson narrowed her eyes at her elder brother. "Don't be an arse." She sneered, shoving Tyler into Klaus' arms.

"Leave him alone." The doppelbitch demanded.

"I'm gonna make this very simple." It was like someone had turned the volume up button on his voice, Karina would hunt down whoever did.

"Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible actually." He sarcastically pitied as he still continued to bite into his wrist, shoving it into Tyler's mouth.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... you'd better hurry." Karina and Daphne watched with a straight face as Klaus dramatically snapped the werewolf's neck.

Elena had let out a even more dramatic gasp.


The only thing you could really hear were the girl's sobs. It was the school girl but Karina didn't know her name.

"He killed him." The waiter looked up to Bonnie with a pained gesture on his face.

"Thank you Blue Eyes for stating the obvious." The eldest's monotone voice sticking out like a sore thumb.

Karina and Daphne laid in odd positions as they were sprawled out across the uncomfortable, wooden bleachers.

"What is wrong with you?" A whiny voice screeched.

The heretic looked towards the others, her face screwed up in disgust as Elena fell into her sight.

"Why are you speaking? Be quiet." And with a wave of her hand, Elena's mouth disappeared, only to be replaced with a patch of skin.

Bonnie and Matt rushed to the doppelgänger's side as she struggled to breathe.

In the corner of Karina's eye, she saw Klaus and Rebekah smirking, that alone made her laugh.

Daphne brought her hand up, giving her sister a high five.

"Undo it!" The waiter yelled.

The Ambrose witch rolled her eyes and looked up, Elena was only the floor, hugging her knees. How dramatic can a person be?

"Karina." Klaus warned, though it wasn't much of a warning, more of 'just undo it so we can all get out of here faster'.

"Ugh fine." Karina waved her hand again, a loud gasp could be heard from their direction.

Bonnie was explaining to Matt Tyler's situation before Klaus and Rebekah walked over. "And if you're successful.. he'll live through his transition. Go on then." He shooed, "go fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot."

"I'll hold onto Elena.. for safekeeping." Karina turned her head slightly to see the red-head next to her already drifting off to sleep.

Before Bonnie and Matt could make it out the door, Rebekah's voice was heard. "Wait!"

"Use this, find out what little step my mother missed out." The younger Mikaelson unclipped the necklace from around her neck, handing it to the Bennett witch.

The dark haired witch looked towards Elena, sighing and leaving the gym after seeing the doppelgänger nod confidently.

Rebekah turned back to the brunette, "So this is the latest doppelgänger." Elena jumped, like actually jumped.

The blonde Mikaelson looked her up and down. "The original one was much prettier." Karina smirked.

"Enough, Rebekah." Klaus' annoying voice turned Karina's smirk into a scowl. "Take the wolf-boy elsewhere, would you?"

Bekah rolled her eyes, giving Elena a sarcastic grin before grabbing ahold of Tyler's arm and dragging him out of the gym.

Klaus muttered a few annoying things about his sister to Elena before joining the elder two on the bleachers.

They sat in a comfortable silence before Klaus spoke up, he was using a hushed voice so the three humans across the room wouldn't hear them. "So.. what do you think of my sister?"

Karina continued looking to the ceiling before answering. "She's pretty, smart, very witty," A smile crept up on the heretic's face. "She's.. not afraid to bicker or argue with you even though you don't give her much freedom. Which is a dick move by the way, you should stop doing that. She's full of light and loving, would put family and loved ones before anything or anyone." She paused. "I like her."

Klaus looked towards the blonde who was still looking to the ceiling with a smile on her face. "I knew it." The supposedly asleep red-head beside them mumbled.

"Oh, you bitch." Karina sneered, playfully pushing the vampire making the three of them laugh.

The door to the gym opened, and the one and only Stefan Salvatore walked in. He looked nervous, panning his vision between the groups of threes, mainly Elena and Klaus.

"Stefan." Elena gasped, standing up.

"Ooo." The eldest two jeered lowly, they knocked it off after they earned a warning glare from the hybrid in front of them.

"Klaus." Stefan spoke loudly.

"Come to save your damsel, mate?" He sounded almost disappointed, though the tiredness most likely affected him more.

Stefan had that look on his face, the one where he's about to say something stupid. "I came to ask for your forgiveness... and pledge my loyalty."

The Girls From Rome had to hold their mouths to not let out the fits of laughter trying to escape. Was he really being serious?

"Well, you broke that pledge once already." The younger hybrid established.

"Elena means nothing to me anymore." Stefan spat, stepping closer towards Klaus. "And whatever you ask of me... I will do."

"Fair enough." He stood from his seat on the bleachers, jumping off and walking towards the humans. "Let's drink on it. Kill them." He pointed towards the shaking students that were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Stefan didn't move. "What are you waiting for? Kill them." Klaus ordered.

"No." The doppelgänger shook her head. "Stefan, don't. He's not gonna' hurt me. He already said-" The Mikaelson back-handed Elena so hard she would've won 1st place in a gymnastics competition.

Karina and Daphne were nearly dying of laughter, nearly falling down the bleachers as they had to hold onto each other. Though they were still playfully hitting and abusing one another.

Stefan vamp-sped towards the sounds of Elena's screams. Being met with Klaus as he bared his fangs, hissing at him. The hybrid wrapped his hand around the vampire's throat.

"She means nothing to you?" Klaus repeated. "Your lies just keep piling up!"

"Let her go! I'll do whatever you want!" The Salvatore's voice raspy and annoying. "You have my word." He promised, thinking it still meant anything.

"Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer during which time I never had to resort to this." As Klaus looked deeply into his eyes, Karina and Daphne knew exactly what he was about to do.

"Stop fighting." He compelled, ignoring Stefan's useless pleas. "All I wanted was your allegiance, now I'm going to have to take it. You will do exactly as I say.. when I say it. You will not run. You will not hide. You will simply.. just obey."

It had looked like all the colour had drained from Stefan's face. "Now kill them, Ripper." Klaus pointed towards the innocents. His eyes went dark and the veins protruding out from under his eyes, his fangs prodding his bottom lip.

He wasted no time speeding towards the girl and embedding his fangs into her neck.

As much as Karina would love to stay and watch, she stood up from her uncomfortable spot on the wooden benches. "Hey," she nudged Daphne's leg. "If wolfy boy over there asks where I am, just say I've gone to find his sister." The red-head smirked a knowing smirk at her, only for the blonde to smile and ruffle Daphne's hair.

The blonde walked out, using her magic to not let the door bang. Sometimes the unnecessary attention was.. unnecessary.

It didn't take long to find the Mikaelson. Caroline and Tyler were both dead in the floor as Rebekah was innocently looking through the blonde vampire's phone as she sat up against the lockers.

"Though it seems easier with these mobile telephones, it was much more easier 90 years ago." Karina smiled as she admired Rebekah, her eyes still stuck to the screen.

"Yeah, everything was easier back in the day. Though I think this century's fashion is the best, more free." They both chuckled.

As soon as Karina sat down, the newby vampire on the floor began to stir.

"We didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose." The Mikaelson lifted up the phone, pulling Karina closer to her as she took a picture.

"Where's Tyler?" Caroline croaked.

The Original sighed, "he's dead.. ish." The youngest blonde turned her head, seeing her boyfriend lying next to her.

Her breathing grew heavy as she tried to aid him. "What did you do to him?"

"Think of it like he's having a nap," The Mikaelson looked to Karina for her to continue. She smirked, "put the pieces together, sweetheart. Klaus is back, what's the one thing he's been trying to do."

Caroline's head snapped towards them, "you're turning him into a hybrid?!" Karina raised her eyebrows as she placed her hand against her heart. "Not us, love. Her dick of a brother." Rebekah playfully glared at the eldest, to which she returned with a grin.

A scowl appeared on the Mikaelson's face as she eyed the phone. "What?" Karina asked, turning as she looked at the phone.

She was looked at a picture of Stefan and Elena. A look of disgust swept across the heretic's face, "oh, gag!"

"Vomit." The Original muttered with a smile on her face.

Though something caught her eye, double tapping on the screen as she zoomed in. Rebekah's necklace was attached round the doppelgänger's neck.

"I did warn you." The heretic sang, looking at the vampire's face to see a mischievous smirk.

"Wanna make a scene?" The blondes grinned widely before standing up and making their way to the gym.

Swinging the door open, Karina sat back on the bleachers as she greeted the red-head, Rebekah vamp-sped towards the doppelgänger.

The brunette let out a scream as the vampire dug her fangs into her neck. Throwing her to the side as both her brother and ex-lover ran to her.

"Knock it off!" Klaus roared, really, he did. It's like it echoed off the walls.

"She had my necklace! This whole time, she was wearing it like it was hers!" As she squirmed out of her brother's grasp, she handed him the phone.

"Well, well. More lies." He spoke, directing his annoyance at Stefan.

"Y'know, just for that. Let's put a clock on it, shall we?" He yelled, walking towards the operations of the gym clock.

Slamming down on the button, the timer buzzed. "Twenty minutes! If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." He taunted with a smirk.

"No one leaves, if she tries to run fracture her spine." Klaus pointed towards the brunette before gesturing to the eldest two for them to follow him.

As they skipped down the steps, the only thing they heard while exiting the gym was the ticking of the gym clock.


Karina and Daphne sat against the lockers, they couldn't be bothered with joining the others.

The red-head hesitated, only turning her head to give the blonde a grin.

Karina furrowed her eyebrows, "what?"

"You like her, 'ey?" Daph teased, smugly.

The heretic rolled her eyes in reply, "yeah. I guess I do." Furrowing her eyebrows again as she watched her sister pull out her phone and begin to call someone.

A familiar brunette picked up on the other side, "You owe me 50 quid." Daphne put it simply.

"What? Really? Oh come on!" Katherine groaned. Karina's eyes widened in realisation. "You two made a bet?!" She yelled.

The other two only laughed in response.

Footsteps were heard from down the hall, Daphne quickly said 'bye' before hanging up as she saw that it was the Mikaelsons.

"So? Did it work?" The eldest blonde asked, interested.

Klaus smiled, like actually smiled. "Yes, it worked."

The two sisters sat on the floor smiled as apparently smiles are contagious, as from what they heard.

"Yay.." she drawled out. "Can we go now?" Rebekah rolled her eyes and nodded.

The eldest two stood up, saying their goodbyes and goodlucks. "You're not coming with us?"

Karina looked towards Daphne who shrugged, giving her a look. "Okay, uh..." the eldest thought about how to put this. "So." She clapped her hands. "Truth is, we came to Mystic Falls in our plan to kill.. you." She pointed at Klaus.

"Because of Kol, Daphne wanted him back but she wasn't going to get him back if you were in the picture. But.. now we see the bigger picture and to be honest.. you guys ain't that bad. So no, we're not planning to kill you anymore, yay! But, uh.. we told each other that as soon as this is over, we'd leave, and hopefully never come back. So as of tomorrow, we're going." The Mikaelsons looked between the two whose faces only held innocent smiles.

"Fair enough, I guess." Klaus smiled back at them.

The eldest two turned as they began to leave. Karina remembered something as she was still walking. "Oh, and good luck on your 'Hybrid Quest', we'll see each other again soon. Bu-bye!"

The only thing the Originals heard after that was the slam of the high school doors. The hybrid turned to his sister who had a sad look on her face.

"What is it?" Rebekah blinked a few times and shook her head. "Nothing.. I just... hoped we'd spend more time with them."

Klaus laughed and began following after his sister who had begun walking further down the corridor. "Well, you heard her. We'll see them again."


In the morning, Karina and Daphne woke up from their short sleep.. sounding more like a nap. They wasted no time to begin packing, the suitcases were by the door as they were packing the last bits of their car bags.

Karina's phone blared from her back pocket, giving Daphne a confused look before answering it as the red-head only shrugged.

"Hello?" She asked, zipping up her bag.

"Karina, thank the Lord. Please tell me you and Daphne haven't left yet!" Rebekah's voice pleaded.

"No, but we're about to, why?" They both had stopped packing for a moment as they were both listening to Rebekah.

"He left me! My own brother left me in this town, alone!"

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