Short Stories

By UnknownWriter8381

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A series of short, NSFW stories from many different kinks and back grounds. More

Sleep Walker
Work Friends
Sisters Boyfriend
My Housemate
My Sister the Escort

A Night at Aunties

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By UnknownWriter8381


Aunty Em or Emily ^ - Emily is in her mid 40's, though she could easily pass for 33. She is a very attractive female but currently single after her ex-husband left for a younger woman. She has a daughter Jasmine, who seems to have an infatuation for her cousin Jacob. But when offered to play Mario Kart Jasmine rejects it. Emily is a free spirit who loves to get a little wild and have fun.

Jasmine ^ -  Jasmine is 18 years old and secretly has a crush on her cousin Jacob. She knows its wrong but she doesn't care. When they were younger she dared Jacob to kiss her. He did and Jasmine has thought about it everyday. She is a moody teenager who is still finding her way in the world.

Jacob ^ - A 21 year old male, Jacob is staying with his Aunty and Cousin for a few days just until he can find his own place as he is starting a job near them. His family lived hours away and never really got to see either his Aunty or Cousin so he is excited for this moment.

The Story

The Uber rolled up to the edge of the road. Jacob looked down at his phone, 287 Smith Street, He searched for the house number in the dark, he squinted eventually finding it on the letter box. He smiled as he grabbed his bags out of the boot of the car. "Thanks" he spoke to the Uber drive, "Welcome, remember 5 stars my friend" the drive told Jacob as he got in his car driving off. Sure why not, he had been friendly and hadn't died so overall a great result.

She grabbed his bag and threw one over his shoulder as he wheeled the other up to the door steps. The porch light illuminated his surroundings. It had been almost 10 years since he had last seen his Aunty and cousin, or this house. The house hadn't changed and he hoped his family hadn't either. He remembered Emily being a fun crazy Aunt who would always drink too much at family events. His first every sexual experience was when his dad was helping his sister (Aunty Emily) to bed and her top opened revealing her breasts. Of course shortly after he got the talk from his mother and father. He also remembered Jasmine being a sweet innocent girl who always loved being around him and giving him hugs. He was sure that she had changed, nobody stays that naive and full of youth forever.

He rang the door bell and waited, his heart was beating slightly faster than usual. 'Am I nervous?' he thought to himself as he tried to calm himself, clearing his throat. On the other side of the door he heard a sequel followed by "He's hear!" and the sound of feet running along floorboard. The door swung open as Aunt Emily greeted him.

Emily squealed a second time as she hugged her nephew, squeezing tight. She pulled away, her hands holding his broad shoulders "Let me have a look at you!" she looked him up and down, taking a deep breath and sighing, getting slightly emotional. "Goodness you're all grown up now!" "thanks Aunty Em" Jacob replied, she giggled "Aunty Em! I remember you were calling me that when you were 5!" Jacob laughed as Emily ushered him into the house. "Place hasn't changed Aunty Em" "Oh please Jacob call me Emily or Em. You're not a kid anymore." she opened her bottle of wine, grabbing an extra glass for Jacob.

"Is, Jasmine here?" Jacob asked as Emily handed the wine to him. "Yeah, she's in her room. Warning, she has changed from the 6 year old girl you once knew" she warns ominously. Jacob takes a sip and smiles as he walks towards Jasmine's room.

He walks up to her door hearing music blasting. Jacob knocks once but doesn't hear any movement or the music lower. He knocks again, with the same result. He shrugs to Emily and begins walking away when Jasmine opens the door, "What?!" she yells. Jacobs swivels around, "hey" he says with a smile.

Jasmine goes bright red, realizing it was her cousin, Jacob who knocked not Emily. "H-hey" she says shyly. She had previously had a huge crush on her cousin, in fact he had been her first for many things. First Kiss, first person she fingered herself to, and first nude she'd taken a photo for. She hadn't sent it but had wanted to. Jacob walked over and gave Jasmine a hug lifting her in the air. As he lifted her he accidentally pulled the back of her skirt up exposing her ass "Ahh! Jacob my skirt" she screamed playfully while laughing. "Wow, look at you, you're stunning!" he said causing Jasmine to blush even more and look away. He had this effect of giving her butterflies all over. "T-thanks" she sheepishly spoke. There was a silence as Jasmine looked awkwardly away from Jacob who stared at her.

Emily finally broke the pause, "So, what do we want to do?" she asked. Jacob turned to face Emily as Jasmine ran to her room slamming the door behind her. "I might have a shower if that okay?" "sure, it's just to your right" he nodded as Emily walked over handing him a towel. "Lets have a bit of fun when you get out! you can teach me some drinking games" Emily said, Jacob chuckled, "Sure". He walked into the bathroom and removed his shirt as Emily opened the door, "Sorry to interrupt, you just need to flick this to lock the door" "oh thanks" she closed the door and Jacob flicked the lock as he continued getting undressed turning the shower on.

Emily walked into the other room grabbing her phone to order some pizza. Jasmine quietly opened her door and crept over to the bathroom door. She tried to open the door but noticed it was locked. "Shit" she whispered as she knelt down looking through the key lock. It was difficult to see but she could just make the outline of his body. He turned around and she finally saw it, the very thing she had wanted to see since she dared him to kiss her all those years ago. It was impressive to say the least. Even though it wasn't hard, it comfortably would have been 6-7' soft. She felt her heart beat rising as she begin to rub her pussy over her underwear. She breathed out deeply to avoid moaning. Her peeping-tom session is interrupted by Emily who enters through the kitchen. Jasmine quickly stands up trying to avoid being caught. Emily walks in as she is standing directly in front of the bathroom door. "What are you doing?" Emily asks confused. "I-I was going to use the bathroom, but Jacob's in there". Jasmine hears the shower turned off as she walks back to her room. Emily walks over to the door and kneels down looking through the key hole. Her eyes widen as she sees Jacob's soft cock dangle between his legs, "Wow I wonder who he got that off she whispers" she quickly stands up and runs to the couch as Jacob ties his towel around his waist to open the door.

"Phew, much better" he announces still a little wet from not drying himself properly. "Where am I sleeping tonight? The couch?" Emily goes red, it had been some time since she had seen a half naked attractive man in her house. "Umm no You're rooming with Jasmine if that's okay!" he walks over grabbing a bag, "Yeah of course". He knocks on the door "Hey Jasmine can I come in?" he asks.

Jasmine is startled, she currently has no clothes on, her finger in her pussy. "Ahh, in a second!" she announces. Jacob didn't hear her properly as he opens the door walking in. He stops "Oh, I'm sorry" he says quietly. Jasmine is standing naked in her room, she covers herself. "I'll leave" Jacob says going to open the door. "N-no it's okay... just turn around and don't look" Jacob nods his head turns to begin getting dressed as Jasmine throws her skirt and jumper on covering herself.

She studies his body not listening to her self watching Jacob change. His cock has now gotten harder, 'it's still growing!' she thought to herself as she quickly swiveled around to avoid being caught. "Thanks and sorry again. You have a great body" he whispered as he left. He cleared his throat as he walked into the living room. "All right lets get this party started!" he said. Emily woo'd then asking "what drinking game are we playing?" Jacob thought on it. "Okay I have a few, let me know which one's tickle your fancy, 1. Beer Pong, 2. Drunk Mario Kart, 3. Fuck the Bus."

Emily thought about it, "Whats drunk Mario kart?" Jacob smiled "I'm glad you asked. We load up Mario and our drinks. Then the aim of the game is to finish your drink before you end the race and to beat your opponent", Emily pursed her lips, "lets do that one first."

Emily poured herself a wine as she went to fetch a beer from the fridge. Jacob pulled out a small bottle of vodka and poured the full 30ml bottle into the wine glass. Emily returned none the wiser what Jacob had done.

Jacob loaded up Mario Kart 8, "Ladies first". Emily blushed as she chose her course "Mario Circuit, my specialty" the two smiled at each other. "Remember you have to finish your drink AND beat me."


"Wait" Emily asked.


"What happens if I lose?"


"We can work that out after" Jacob smiled menacingly.


Emily started driving and was quickly in first as Jacob skulked his drink.

Emily was miles in front as Jacob finally finished his beer starting to drive. "Don't forget to drink!" he reminded Emily catching up to her. Emily slowed down as she struggled to skull the wine, "egh Wine sucks to drink fast". She continued on only half finished.

"So what do I get if I win?" she asked, "What do you want?", "How about for each win it's 10 minutes of a back massage?" Jacob giggled, "and if I win?" Emily took another big sip of her drink, "what do you want?" Jacob concentrated on winning the race and catching Emily before even.

Jacob passed her as she was sculling her wine on the 3rd lap. He ended up coming first. "Oh yeah, beat that!" he mocked Emily. "That doesn't count wine is impossible to drink quickly" "okay then that was a practice round, get me a new drink please". Emily grabbed 2 beers, one for herself and the other for Jacob.

She sat down on the couch and turned to her nephew. "So for each win I get, it's 10 minutes for a massage. So if I win 5 times you have to massage my body for 50 minutes, sound fair?" she asked Jacob who nodded, "and if I win?" Emily stared at the boy. "How about, if you win I'll take an item of clothing off?" Jacob went red, "You're that confident you'll win?" he asked "I am" she rebutted. Jacob took a deep breath, "Okay Dry-Bones Dunes". Selecting the course the race began.





Again Jacob began sculling his drink as Emily started driving. She was almost a full lap in by the time Jacob started moving.

Jacob was making up great ground making Emily nervous.

1st lap down, Emily was well in front.

2nd lap down, Emily was hit with a blue shell, Jacob not far behind

3rd lap!

Emily turned the final corner as Jacob was hot on her heels and...... SHE WON!

"YES" She shouted loudly, she lept from the couch and began dancing, "Oh yeah, uh ah, who the best? Aunty Em, Oh yeah" bragging to Jacob who looked back at her with a smile. "What?" she asked as Jacob pointed to her drink. "Oh no!" she yelled again realizing she hadn't finished her drink. "What does that mean?" she asked as Jacob, "Well you did win, but you didn't finish your drink, so you lost.... you know what that means" Emily went bright red as she looked at Jacob in the eyes. 'What can I take off? I'm not wearing much!' she thinks to herself. She eventually decides to take her top off. Her face goes red. "Wow" Jacob announces, "Aunt you are looking fine" Emily smiles, "okay okay next race!". Jacob grabs the beers and sits back down, Emily picks a new event, Shy Guys Fall. She glances over to Jacob who has opened the beers but is still staring at Emily's chest. She feels her cheeks go red as she smiles, nobody had looked at her in that way in such a long time. She sat up right pushing her boobs out more.

3, 2, 1, GO!

The race begins and Jacob immediately sculls the beer. Emily races off again but notices Jacob crashing, his focus drawn away from the race, she smiles more.

"You know you're meant to finish your drink" Jacob announces.  Emily leans forward stopping driving and begins drinking. Jacob quickly catches her and passes her.

The two are neck and neck with Jacob clearly distracted. Emily is in the lead when she stops suddenly. Leaning forward finishing her drink, Jacob passes her winning.

*phew* "That was close" he says smiling and looking at Emily who eventually finishes. "Hmm what to take off next" she sits contemplating. She stands up removing her jeans, now left in only a bra and panties.

Emily sits back down sighing, "I almost had you there!" she says looking at Jacob. He has gone bright red and is looking straight forward. Nervously he crooks out "ha ha yeah", Emily stands up "I'll go grab the drinks, why don't you pick a course?"

Sunshine Airport, Jacob's best and his favorite. He knows all the short cut's he just needs to focus. Emily returns bending forward allowing Jacob a full view down her bra, she smiles at him as he gulps trying desperately to look at her eyes. She then turns around to pick up the remote she placed on the ground in front of him. Her panties stretch displaying the outline of her pussy.

Jacob feels a bulge growing in his pants as his heart races.

3, 2, 1, GO!

Jacob starts as he always does, sculling his beer. Emily on the other hand is drinking slowly and hasn't moved.

Jacob is 2 whole laps down before Emily has even moved. He laps her a 3rd time finishing the race. He tries to remain calm, "w-what now?" he asks staring at Emily's eyes. She seductively turns to Jacob.

'Wow I am drunk' she thinks to herself. Her eyes wonder to his groin where she sees the bulge. She bites her lips as she unbuckles her bra. Jacob leaps from the couch grabbing beers doing everything he can to avoid staring at Aunty Emily's voluptuous breasts. "Do you like them?" "S-sorry?" "The beers?" Emily smiles at Jacob getting his attention. He looks straight at her boobs before focusing his attention on Emily. Readjusting his pants he nods "oh, umm yeah, They're great..... what course have you chosen?" Emily looks at the TV, "Rainbow Road"

Oh no, this course was almost impossible, "don't fall off cowboy" she mocks before starting the race.

3, 2, 1, GO!

The race starts and both Emily and Jacob scull their beers, finishing at the same time. Emily falls off 3 times on the first lap, Jacob falls off only once, but continues to readjust himself.

Emily lays on her back her feet caress Jacob's bulge. He feels his heart pounding out of his chest.

Emily then pauses the game "w-what are you doing?" he asks Emily leans forward and unzips his pants, "Allowing you to get comfortable, you're moving an awful lot". Out springs Jacob's giant 9 inch cock now fully hard. Emily's eyes widen as her feet continue to move over it. She feels his veins rub against her and she feels herself getting wet. She begins pumping it with her feet, pinching her nipples as she does. Jacob looks at Emily and leans forward kissing her. She holds him close as their tongue's dance around each other's mouth.

Jacob stands up, removes his top taking his pants off more. Emily looks up to her nephew as she takes his cock in her mouth. He places his hands on the back of her head as his hip's thrust deep. She gags on his cock as it slams the back of her throat. She gag's and tastes her nephew's pre-cum, it's saltier than she remembers.

Emily's head is forcibly bounced up and down Jacob's cock. Jacob grunts as Emily slurps and gags loudly. He holds her down, making her deep throat his cock. Her eyes water as she gags and struggles for air. Jacob finally releases her and she coughs and gasps for air. Pre-cum drips from her mouth, Emily licks it up and smiles and her nephew.

Jasmine, still embarrassed, has now changed after Jacob walked in on, her hears the noises and goes to investigate. Slowly she opens the door and witnesses her mother giving her cousin a blowjob. Jacob's hands guide her head as he moans. Every time he releases his hands Emily gasps for air. 'How could she?' Jasmine thinks 'she knows I've had a crush on him for years!' she thinks about storming in and pushing her mother aside making Jacob fuck her. But, she ultimately decides against that. Instead she leans against the wall, spying on the two fucking.

Jacob lets Emily off again, she gasps for air, her eyes bloodshot, hair messy. She falls backwards, onto her back, she licks his pre-cum and swallows it. Emily has never felt so alive, so dirty so sexy in her life. Jacob holds out his hands ushering her up, they embrace, tongues intertwining as he picks Emily off the ground, her legs wrap around his waist as he arms coil around his back. Jacob's hands under Emily's thighs. He walks over to the counter, dropping her onto it. They continue to kiss as he playfully caresses Emily's pussy with his cock. Emily bites her lip as Jacob smiles, "You ready?" he asks. Emily nods and Jacob slowly inserts his cock into her.

Emily feels the wind taken out of her, she tries to moan or gasp or make any noise, but all she can do is breath in sharply. "How's that?" he asks smiling at his Aunty, she closes her eyes, his cock fill's her pussy, touching every part of her. "Good" she speaks weakly. Jacobs smiles and slowly starts thrusting in and out. Emily's nails dig deep into his back as she begins to moan. Her whole body clenches and her legs wrap around Jacob's waist.

Jasmine feels her pussy getting wetter. She reaches down her shorts rubbing her pussy watching Jacob fuck Emily. She covers her mouth to avoid being heard, imagining it's her that is being fucked, not Emily.

Jacob builds in pace as a loud slapping noise takes over the room. Emily's moans turn to screams of pleasure, the pain leaves as pleasure takes over. Her whole body bounces with each thrust, she feels Jacob sliding in and out of her.

Jacob pulls out and yoinks her off the counter kissing her before bending her over the counter top. Her legs dangle as Jacob inserts his cock, again Emily moans loud. "This counter is the perfect height for me to fuck you" he notes, Emily simply nods as she tries getting used to the size of Jacob's cock. This time he doesn't start slowly, this time he starts with the same intensity, speed and depth that he was before. Emily moans loud as Jacob pounds his cock deep into Emily, smacking her ass hard, leaving hand prints behind.

Jasmine's legs buckle for the first time as she lets out a quiet moan. She's getting close to orgasm and she knows it.

Jacob doesn't slow down, he increases in pace. He feels Emily's pussy tighten around his cock. "Come for me" he grunts continuing to fuck Emily. He reaches around squeezing her nipples. Her moans get louder and longer as she gets closer and closer to orgasm.

"FUCK!" she screams out before cumming. Her whole body tightens, her toes curl as she cums on Jacob's cock. Her body twitches as Jacob pulls out of her.

Jasmine isn't far behind Emily, her knee's shake as she orgasms as well. She breath's heavily watching as Emily weakly gets off the top of the counter onto her knee's.

She smiles and opens her mouth, pocking her tongue out, taking Jacob's still hard cock in her hand she begins wanking him off.

"Cum on my face" she sheepishly says, Jacob feels his cum growing as his moan loud shooting long ropes of cum onto Emily's face and mouth. She swallows and licks up the parts near her mouth. Cum drips down her face onto her chest.

Jasmine seeing that it has finished rushes to her room so as to not be caught. Emily is helped up and begins walking to the bathroom to clean up. She struggle's walking, her ass is red from being smacked, her pussy still soaking wet, her body continues to twitch.

"Night Aunty, we should do this again" Jacob say's gathering his clothes walking to his room.

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