Drapetomania | Creepypasta

By bubls_

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y/n l/n, a high school student who finds herself in a bad position after trying to make her life a little mor... More

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208 7 4
By bubls_

??, ??, 2017

The moment Dark Link carried me towards the mansion's entrance, a mixture of emotions surged within me. Fear, relief, curiosity – they all battled for dominance as I clung to him.

The mansion's imposing façade loomed before us, a sprawling structure that seemed to swallow the surrounding forest. It was an eerie sight, standing tall and foreboding amidst the wilderness, its windows like watchful eyes. It was a place that had been hidden from the world, a place where secrets festered.

As we crossed the threshold, a dimly lit hallway greeted us. The air inside was stale and carried a distinct scent of old wood and dust. It was a stark contrast to the damp and claustrophobic cellar that had been my prison for so long.

Dark Link navigated the mansion's labyrinthine hallways with ease, his steps silent as if he were part of the shadows themselves. His white hair and pale skin blended seamlessly with the dim lighting, and his crimson eyes remained fixed ahead.

"Where are we going?" I finally managed to utter, my voice barely above a whisper. My vocal cords had grown rusty from disuse, and speaking felt like a foreign act.

He ignored me. The events of the past weeks had left me wary of trusting anyone, even someone who appeared to be my savior. The white hoodie Dark Link draped over me provided a small measure of comfort, shielding me from prying eyes.

As we moved deeper into the mansion, the air grew colder, and the silence seemed to intensify. It was as if the mansion itself held its breath, its ancient walls bearing witness to secrets I could only imagine.

Dark Link seemed content to maintain a veil of silence as we walked, as if he understood the need for me to collect my thoughts. My mind raced with questions, uncertainties, and fragments of memories from my time in the basement.

The basement—the word alone sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but wonder if the horrors I had left behind would follow me into this new, enigmatic world within the mansion.

Finally, we arrived at a grandiose wooden door adorned with intricate carvings. The door's imposing presence hinted at the significance of what lay beyond, leaving me to wonder what awaited me on the other side.

Dark Link pushed the door open with a silent grace, revealing a room unlike any I had seen in the mansion thus far. It was spacious, yet an eerie stillness permeated the air. Tall windows lined the walls, shrouding the room in a dim, silvery light that accentuated its otherworldly atmosphere.

At the far end of the room, seated behind a massive desk, was the figure known only as "the boss." He was a towering presence, his silhouette elongated and impossibly slender. His face was obscured by a featureless mask, and tendrils of inky darkness seemed to emanate from his form.

I trembled as I beheld him, the enigmatic embodiment of the urban legend known as Slenderman. My heart raced, and a thousand questions swirled in my mind, but I dared not utter a word.

Then, a voice, soft as a whisper yet resonating within my thoughts, filled my mind. "Welcome, Y/N," it said, bypassing vocal cords and ebbing into my consciousness like a distant echo. It was telepathy, a connection forged without words.

The boss's voice was both commanding and soothing, a paradox that unsettled me even more. "You've endured much during your time in the basement. I'm here to understand your experience, to help you heal."

With a mere thought, he beckoned me forward. It was a gentle invitation, yet I felt the weight of obligation pressing me toward his desk. Dark Link guided me closer, and I took hesitant steps, my eyes fixed on the towering figure before me.

A crystal-clear glass of water and a solitary apple sat on the desk, bathed in the soft glow of the room's filtered light. A gesture from the boss encouraged me to partake.

Tears welled in my eyes as I sipped the cool water, the first refreshing drink I had tasted in what felt like an eternity. The apple, though simple, offered a taste of normalcy amidst the surreal.

The boss, his presence imposing yet strangely comforting, continued to speak within my mind. "I understand your fear, Y/N, and I apologize for the distressing circumstances you've endured. The truth behind your time in the basement eludes us, but you are safe here. You are among those who understand."

His words carried an unspoken promise, a pledge of protection and sanctuary within this enigmatic realm. I couldn't fathom the depths of the mysteries that surrounded me, but within the confines of this room, I felt a glimmer of hope, a fragile thread connecting me to a new reality.

As I bit into the apple, the sweet juice quenched my thirst, and the boss listened intently, his featureless mask an inscrutable enigma. I knew that my journey into this world was far from over, that secrets and perils still lay ahead, but for this brief moment, in the presence of the enigmatic Slenderman, I found a respite from the darkness that had consumed my life.

The room remained a sanctuary, and the boss, a silent guardian of the enigma, watched over me with an aura of intrigue and reassurance.

As I finished the apple and set it down on the ornate desk, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and dread intermingling within me. The room's ethereal lighting seemed to dance on the surface of the water in the glass, casting shifting shadows across the boss's inscrutable mask.

His voice, still within my mind, resonated with an uncanny serenity. "Y/N, I wish to hear your story, to understand the horrors you faced below. Speak your thoughts, and know that here, your words will be heard and your fears acknowledged."

It was a compelling invitation, and yet, the memories of the basement were a haunting tapestry of pain and terror that I could barely bear to recount. However, something about the boss's presence offered a strange sense of solace. Perhaps it was the desperate need to share my burden that made me start to speak.

In hushed tones, my voice trembled as I described the torment that unfolded in the darkness of the cellar. I detailed the cruel actions of Jeff, the chilling figure of Ben, and the nightmarish transformation of Maya. Every word was a struggle, but with each confession, it was as if a weight was lifted from my soul, lightening the burden of my traumatic experiences.

The surreal encounter with Slenderman continued, our telepathic connection allowing for a profound exchange of thoughts and emotions.

I began to recount the unsettling episodes with ben, the blonde-haired man who had kept me imprisoned in the basement. His distorted sense of power, his maniacal rage, and the relentless torment he had inflicted upon Maya and me unfolded within the recesses of my memory.

As I described the chilling moment when Jeff had forced Maya to gaze upon her mutilated reflection in the knife's blade, I could sense Slenderman's telepathic presence reacting with a subtle yet profound sadness. It was as if he, too, was capable of experiencing empathy, even in the face of such nightmarish cruelty.

My narration continued, delving into the depths of my fear and despair during those harrowing days in captivity. I spoke of the tormenting whispers that had filled the cellar, the sickening realization that I had become a pawn in Ben's deranged game, and the visceral dread that had consumed me day by day.

With each word I shared, I felt Slenderman's presence resonating with a mixture of sympathy and a shared sense of grief. It was as if he understood the torment of those who had crossed paths with malevolent forces, and my experiences had unveiled a profound connection between us.

In response to my narrative, Slenderman extended another silent gesture of compassion—a slight, almost imperceptible nod of understanding. It was a silent acknowledgment of the horrors I had faced, and it filled me with a strange sense of comfort, as though my suffering had not gone unnoticed.

As the telepathic conversation continued, Slenderman probed deeper into the mysteries surrounding the mansion and the enigmatic figure known as "the boss." His questions seemed to reach into the very heart of the enigma, seeking to unravel the web of malevolence that had ensnared me and the others.

In the midst of our exchange, I realized that Slenderman was not merely an observer of the twisted events that transpired within the mansion; he was a guardian of sorts, a silent sentinel who bore witness to the darkness but also offered a glimmer of hope.

As the minutes turned into hours, I found solace in the presence of this enigmatic being. Slenderman's telepathic companionship had become a lifeline, a source of strength amidst the chaos and despair of my captivity. In his silent empathy and unwavering presence, I discovered a strange but profound connection that defied the boundaries of my understanding.

In the dimly lit chamber, where the mysteries of the mansion loomed large and the horrors of the basement lingered as haunting memories, I knew that Slenderman was not just a figure of urban legend. He was a guardian, a protector, and perhaps, in this strange and terrifying world, he was also a beacon of hope.

The boss's mental presence remained empathetic and understanding throughout my narrative. His silent demeanor, the mask that concealed his expression, seemed to embody a compassionate listener who bore witness to the depths of my despair.

When I finally recounted the night I was taken from the cellar by Dark Link, I felt a glimmer of hope. It was a testament to the inexplicable twists of fate that had led me from one nightmare to another, but within this new reality, I sensed a possibility for survival, a chance to understand the enigma that had become my life.

Slenderman continued to listen, his presence both comforting and disconcerting in its enigmatic nature. As I struggled to piece together my fragmented memories and emotions, his telepathic communication served as a conduit for my innermost thoughts and fears.

His next question delved into the heart of my past, a realm that had grown increasingly distant and obscured by the horrors of the present. Slenderman's inquiry about whether I had enjoyed my life before the nightmare unfolded was met with a mixture of nostalgia and melancholy.

Images of my loving family, vibrant friendships, and moments of carefree joy flashed before my mind's eye. I longed for those days when life had been simpler, when laughter had come easily, and when the darkness had not yet tainted my world.

But then, doubt crept in, fueled by the haunting questions that had plagued me during my captivity. Were those relationships and bonds as genuine as they had seemed? Had my family truly cared for me, or had they, too, been ensnared by the malevolent forces lurking in the shadows?

Slenderman's telepathic voice echoed in my thoughts, gently probing my inner turmoil. It was as if he could sense the doubts that gnawed at my soul.

"Where are they then?" My own voice, a manifestation of my inner uncertainty, echoed back at me, casting a shadow of doubt upon my cherished memories.

Unable to deny the unsettling truth, I admitted, "It could have been better." The tears welled in my eyes, and I blinked them back, willing myself to confront the harsh reality of my past.

The memories of a father who had been absent and a mother who had been emotionally distant resurfaced, their presence a painful reminder of the familial wounds that had never fully healed. My younger years flashed before me, and the weight of those unresolved feelings bore down on my heart.

But amidst the sorrow, a glimmer of hope emerged. "But I have a reason to go back to them," I whispered, my voice quivering with determination. I thought of Lily, my younger sibling, still innocent and untouched by the darkness that had consumed my world. I couldn't let her face the same horrors I had endured.

As I spoke those words, I sensed Slenderman's understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the complex and conflicting emotions that swirled within me. In his presence, I felt a strange sense of acceptance, as though my struggles were seen and acknowledged, even if the answers remained elusive.

Slenderman's questioning continued, probing the depths of my resolve and the reasons behind my desire to protect Lily. He asked if I wished to shield her from "us," his cryptic collective, as though he already knew my answer but sought confirmation.

My response came swiftly and with unwavering determination, "Of course, I do."

But Slenderman persisted, his inquiries delving deeper into my motivations. "From who? Us?" His words hung in the air, emphasizing the importance of clarity in my response.

I understood his intentions—he wanted to hear my fears, my doubts, and my reasons aloud. He wanted me to acknowledge the darkness that had haunted me during my captivity. And so, I replied, "From making the same mistakes I did. She can't be alone."

Then, with an unsettling proposition, Slenderman extended an offer that sent shivers down my spine. "Then join us."

The implications of those three simple words were chilling. I had witnessed the horrors that befell those who had been ensnared by this malevolent world. I had seen what had become of Jeff and Ben, and I wanted no part of it.

With conviction, I declared, "I'd rather die."

But Slenderman, the enigmatic entity who transcended human comprehension, had a different perspective. He presented an eerie alternative, one that sent a chill through my very soul. "Oh, but we can help you, dear sweet child. We can help both of you."

I recoiled at the notion, my mind racing with uncertainty. What did he mean by "help"? What price would I have to pay for this assistance? The thought of aiding Ben, the psychopath who had tormented me, filled me with dread.

Yet Slenderman's voice remained a constant presence in my thoughts, an intruder in my mind. He assured me that this offer was not as sinister as it seemed. "Do you know why we do this?"

I shook my head, my confusion mounting.

"Everyone has a reason," he explained. "We do not kill without reason."

As though to substantiate his claim, Slenderman produced a massive book, its pages filled with meticulous records of each victim. Names, ages, recently visited areas—all meticulously documented. But what struck me most were the lists of crimes committed by these individuals, their actions laid bare for scrutiny.

"Everyone," Slenderman emphasized, "everyone we kill has a reason."

I couldn't help but challenge his assertion, questioning the fate of Maya, the unfortunate girl I had encountered in the basement. My skepticism lingered until Slenderman turned to her page in the book and displayed her name:

Maya Kay
high school student
soliciting to murder.

My doubt crumbled as I read her crimes, and when Slenderman extended a news article to me, I felt the weight of the truth pressing upon me. The sinister world I had been thrust into had its own rules, its own sense of justice, and I was but a pawn in its chilling machinations.

Mysterious Murder of Male Cop Shocks Community

[City Name], 01/04/1016 — The c/n community was left in shock and mourning as news spread about the tragic murder of a dedicated police officer. The unidentified male officer was found shot, and the circumstances surrounding the murder remain shrouded in mystery.

Local authorities are now launching a thorough investigation to uncover the details of this unsettling incident. The officer, whose identity is currently being withheld, was discovered by a passerby in a remote area on the outskirts of c/n.

The use of a long-range firearm in the murder has left investigators puzzled. The lack of witnesses and the remote location have made it challenging to pinpoint the exact time and date of the murder. Preliminary findings suggest that the officer was targeted from a considerable distance, leaving no immediate leads.

Local law enforcement agencies, along with support from state and federal authorities, are pooling their resources and expertise to unravel this perplexing case. The primary objective is to determine the motive behind this act and identify those responsible.

Detective Anderson, the head of the investigation, issued a statement to the press, saying, "We are committed to finding the truth behind this senseless act. Our department is working tirelessly to piece together the evidence and interview potential witnesses who may have any information regarding this tragic incident."

The murder of a dedicated officer has prompted an outpouring of support from the community. Candlelight vigils and memorials have been held in honor of the fallen hero, and many have expressed their condolences to the officer's family.

The local police department is urging anyone with information related to this case to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation. Detective Anderson emphasized, "No piece of information is too small, and we encourage anyone who might have seen or heard anything unusual to reach out to us."

Community members are urged to contact the c/n Police Department's dedicated tip line at 337-337-0800 or visit their local precinct in person. Authorities are hopeful that with the cooperation of the community, they can bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice and provide closure to the grieving family.

Slenderman's presence was overpowering as he stood by his desk, surrounded by eerie silence. His long, slender fingers gently tapped the photographs on his pinboard as he continued to explain the grim mechanics of his organization.

"Maya's family is indeed quite wealthy," he stated calmly, his telepathic voice echoing in my mind. "Her father was our initial target due to his involvement in criminal activities, but Maya intervened. She knew the corrupt police officer well and decided to take matters into her own hands."

I was still struggling to comprehend the dark revelations he was sharing with me, my mind reeling with questions and confusion.

"Why didn't you go after her father directly, then?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.

Slenderman paused, as if considering his response. "He needed to understand the consequences of his actions firsthand," he finally replied. "Maya's fate was never meant to be death at first. Ben was instructed to intimidate her, but sometimes, things escalate unexpectedly. Boys can be rather reckless."

I couldn't fathom the cruelty behind his words, but I had to know more. "But Ben didn't kill her," I protested, still trying to find some semblance of reason in this madness.

Slenderman acknowledged my statement with a nod. "That is correct. Ben is currently facing consequences for his actions," he stated, his tone devoid of any sympathy.

As he walked over to his pinboard covered in names and photographs, I couldn't help but shudder. Each picture represented a potential victim, someone who was marked for a fate beyond comprehension.

"i run a very strict service here, everyone deals with their own murder unless attacked, killed or any other reasoning" He pointed at the images one by one with his tendrils making it clear that everyone in his organization had their own targets, and they were expected to fulfill their dark duties unless explicitly instructed otherwise.

"Unless permission is granted by me or one of my proxies, each of them remains focused on their designated target," Slenderman declared, his voice unwavering. He then singled out a photograph of Jeff, "exception with him. he has been banished from the sanctuary many times. he never learns his lesson" describing him as a loose cannon who had repeatedly violated the rules of their sinister game.

Slenderman's proposal hung heavily in the air, and I was left with an unsettling choice to make. He emphasized that it was entirely up to me, that no one would force me into anything.

As Slenderman drew closer to me, he opened the door, revealing Dark Link waiting outside. His red eyes seemed to pierce into my very soul, and I couldn't help but feel both fear and curiosity about what my future held.

"For now, you will stay with us," Slenderman explained in his soft, telepathic voice. "Dark Link will take care of you, along with my other two proxies."

I nodded in acknowledgment, gripping Dark Link's arm for some semblance of reassurance. The room I had been in felt like a prison, but now I was stepping into the unknown, into a world where nothing was as it seemed.

"If you have any queries, I will know," Slenderman reminded me, his presence lingering even as I left his office. "Just say my name, and I'll be there."

I took a deep breath as I walked out the door, and Slenderman's final words echoed in my mind, leaving me to contemplate the terrifying proposition he had presented.

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