The Curse of the Blue Spiderl...

By TrollipopLollipop

247 3 4

Lycoris Kamdo age six he has always seen things no one else has from the dead, to umbalivable strength. Born... More

The Family of Sun
When Tragedy strucks the Family
Sakonji Urokodaki the Trainer
Update on Hold

Character Information

62 2 3
By TrollipopLollipop

Name: Lycoris Kamdo
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Blue
CURSE: Cough out blood with blue spiderlily.

Its imprinted on his back like a tattoo showing the curse.

(imagine it Lycoris and it Blue spiderlilys I couldn't find one with a blue spiderlily)

Father: Tanjiro Kamdo (Dead)
Mother:Kie Kamdo (Dead)
Big Brother: Tanjiro Kamdo (Alive)
Big Sister: Nezuko Kamdo (Alive/ Demon)
Brother: Takeo Kamdo (Dead)
Brother: Shigeru Kamdo (Dead)pppp
Sister: Hanako Kamdo (Dead)
Brother: Roluta Kamdo (Dead)

Blue Spiderlily Breath 1st Form: Blue Petal Slash

Attacks a demon twice injuring them.

Blue Spiderlily Breath 2nd form: Blue Petals Blast

A Blast of energy relised from the sword smashes into a demon tearing them from the inside out.

Blue Spiderlily Breath 3rd Form: Petal Storm

Blue Spiderlily petals spread and attack a enemy fast.

Blue Spiderlily Breath 4th Form: Bluelily Bomb

A constrated ball of energy sent it explodes killing
Anything in that range.

Blue Spiderlily Breath 5th Form: Blue Petals sacrifice.

Blood from his body drips causing flower to bloom it it turns blood it mean they saved the person from death but it harms him. If it stays red it did not succeed.

This story is different Tanjiro and Nezuko will know about demons sun Breath and when Nezuko becomes a demon she will have control, and will be able to speak. No mussel.

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