Drapetomania | Creepypasta

By bubls_

13.9K 507 479

y/n l/n, a high school student who finds herself in a bad position after trying to make her life a little mor... More

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416 20 68
By bubls_

?? ??, 2017

I remained silent, dread sinking its claws deeper into my chest. Masky's words were chilling, and I realized that my situation was dire. My friends would undoubtedly search the forest, putting themselves at risk.

Masky seemed to enjoy my distress as he leaned in closer, his cold eyes boring into mine. "Don't worry, we left them a little message, a breadcrumb trail. They'll follow it, just as expected. And by the time they find you, well..." He let the sentence hang, the unspoken threat echoing in the darkness.

Masky's laughter seemed to grow darker, echoing like a sinister symphony in the dimly lit room. "You see, sweetheart," he continued, "we've been at this for a while. We've played this game before, and we know how to stay hidden. The police won't even have a trail to follow."

Every word he uttered sent shivers down my spine. It was as if I had stumbled into a nightmare with no way out. The sense of dread and hopelessness was suffocating, and I felt a lump form in my throat. The stark reality was sinking in; I was trapped, alone, and at the mercy of these merciless individuals.

Masky leaned in even closer, his voice a chilling whisper. "You'll get nothing, y/n. No goodbyes, no phone calls, no escape. You're here with us now, and there's no going back. Your friends, the police, they won't find you. You're ours."

My heart pounded in my chest, and despair washed over me. It was a nightmarish scenario I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams. I was trapped in a twisted game, and there was no way out. The room grew colder, and my thoughts raced as I tried to figure out any possible way to escape this nightmare.

with that he let go of me and walked away slowly "sadly though. you are not our victim." he said in a growl, "although you could be for trespassing into our forest" he crossed his arms. fixing his mask to his face

Confusion gnawed at me as I grappled with Masky's cryptic words. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on my mind. Why was I not their victim, and whose victim was I supposed to be? The questions swirled around in my head, and a growing sense of unease tightened its grip on me.

In the dimly lit room, I felt a wave of vulnerability. I knew I had to unravel the mystery behind these masked figures and their intentions. It was clear that my life had taken a dark and dangerous turn, and I needed answers to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.

As I pondered the unsettling words Masky had left me with, I couldn't shake the feeling that something far more sinister was lurking beneath the surface. It was as though I had stumbled into a nightmarish realm, and the rules of reality had shifted.

The room remained dimly lit, and I strained my ears to catch any sound or clue that might shed light on my situation. But all I heard was an eerie silence, broken only by the faintest of noises from outside.

With cautious trepidation, I attempted to push myself up from the cold, hard ground and assessed my surroundings, to no avail. The room appeared to be some sort of abandoned building, its walls cracked and peeling, and the air filled with a musty, oppressive scent.

I knew I couldn't stay here. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on me. I needed to find a way out, to escape the clutches of these masked individuals and uncover the truth about their twisted game. My heart pounded in my chest as I steeled myself for the perilous journey that lay ahead.

Bound to the chair in an eerie, dimly lit room, panic welled up inside me. My wrists were tightly secured with rough, scratchy ropes, making movement nearly impossible. I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, but the room was shrouded in darkness, with only faint traces of moonlight seeping through boarded-up windows.

A sense of vulnerability washed over me as I realized the gravity of the situation. Memories of the mysterious masked figures and their taunting words flooded my mind. What did they want with me? Why had they spared my life only to trap me here?

The room itself held an unsettling ambiance, with walls adorned in peculiar symbols, candles casting eerie shadows, and a lingering scent of dampness and decay. It felt like I had stumbled into a place where secrets were buried and forgotten.

With each passing moment, my heart raced, and fear clawed at the edges of my consciousness. I strained against the ropes, desperately attempting to free myself, but they held firm. All I could do was wait, my mind racing with questions and dread about what awaited me in this ominous place.

As I sat there, helpless and bound to the chair, I couldn't help but replay the events of the past few hours in my mind. It all started innocently enough with the sleepover at Emily's house, but it had taken a sinister turn.

Questions swirled in my head like a tempest. Who were those masked individuals, and why had they taken me? The mention of "Jack" and his involvement only deepened the mystery. What connection did they have to Emily's sleepover, and why did they seem so interested in me?

The room remained eerily silent, except for the occasional creak of the old wooden floorboards and the faint rustling of what sounded like distant whispers. The candles in the room flickered, casting eerie, dancing shadows on the walls. The symbols etched into those walls seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy.

I knew I needed to find a way out of this predicament, but it seemed like an impossible task. My thoughts turned to my family, my friends, and Blitz, my online friend. Were they all wondering where I was? Would anyone realize that I had been taken?

Fear gnawed at me, but so did determination. I needed answers, and I needed to escape this sinister place. With each passing moment, I steeled myself for whatever awaited me and prayed for a chance to break free from these ominous bonds.


In the dimly lit room, my sense of time had become distorted, like an elastic band stretched to its limit. I had lost all track of how long I'd been tied to that chair, unable to see the outside world or any indication of day turning into night.

The room seemed frozen in a perpetual state of twilight, and every minute felt like an eternity. It was an unnerving sensation, as if I had been severed from the natural flow of time itself. The slow, methodical ticking of a clock, which I longed to hear, was conspicuously absent.

As I struggled against my bonds, I couldn't help but wonder what was happening beyond these oppressive walls. Had my family realized I was missing? Were the police involved? Did my friends know something was wrong? A hundred unanswered questions plagued my thoughts.

The shadows in the room continued their eerie dance, casting ever-shifting patterns on the walls. The faint, distant whispers seemed to grow louder, yet remained unintelligible. I strained my ears, hoping to catch a hint, a clue, anything that could shed light on my captors' motives.

Though fear still coursed through me, a newfound determination welled up. I couldn't allow myself to be a passive victim in this twisted game. I needed to gather my strength, find an opportunity, and break free from these restraints. My survival instincts kicked in, and with every passing moment, I was preparing for the moment when I could make my escape.

The creak of the door hinges pierced through the oppressive silence of the room. My heart raced, and I held my breath, acutely aware that this could be a pivotal moment. As the door inched open, a thin sliver of light sliced through the darkness, and I strained my eyes to see who was entering.

Footsteps echoed, slow and deliberate, growing nearer with each passing second. Anxiety gnawed at me, as I couldn't discern the identity of the intruder or their intentions. Were they my captors returning to taunt me further, or was it someone else entirely?

The figure finally stepped into the room, bathed in the dim glow of a flickering overhead lightbulb. My eyes widened in disbelief as recognition washed over me. It was a blonde haired boy.

"Y/n, are you okay?" his voice was a whispered urgency as he rushed to my side. His fingers fumbled with the knots securing me to the chair, working quickly to free me from my restraints.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stammered, "t-thank you"

He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the room as if assessing the situation. "I saw your messages last night. I couldn't ignore them, especially when you mentioned the forest. I've been tracking your location since then."

I watched the boy as he continued to work on 'untying the knots', my heart filled with relief that someone I knew had come to my aid. something in his demeanor shifted. His expression, once filled with concern, now took on a sinister quality, and a cold smile curled on his lips.

"Thank you for leading me here, y/n," he whispered, his voice dripping with deceit. Before I could react, with surprising strength, he started retying the knots tighter than before. My struggles were futile as he ensured I remained securely bound.

Terror gripped me as I realized the boy I had turned to for help was now my captor. His eyes bore into mine, and the flickering lightbulb above cast eerie shadows on his face, revealing a chilling malevolence. His earlier kindness had been a facade, a trap to ensnare me further.

As he stepped back, leaving me helpless and imprisoned in the chair, he whispered, "You're not going anywhere, y/n. This forest is our domain, and you've become a part of our game."

"you're not him are you..."

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she stared at the male, betrayal and hurt washing over her like a tidal wave. The person she had considered her lifeline, her beacon of hope, had turned his back on her. She couldn't comprehend how someone she had barely known could be part of this terrifying ordeal.

"How could you..." Y/n's voice trembled as she struggled to find the right words, her heart heavy with disappointment.

He shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze. "I... I didn't have a choice, Y/n. They... they threatened me. My family. I had to do what they said."

Y/n's shock turned into anger as she processed the blondes explanation. "So, you chose to betray me to protect your family? What about me? What about what I've been through?"

His expression contorted with guilt, but he didn't respond.

Y/n's voice grew more desperate. "You were my only hope. The only one I could turn to. And you let me down."

Silence hung heavily in the room as i grappled with the harsh reality that even the person i hoped i could rely on had become part of this nightmarish world. i was truly alone in this twisted game, with no allies and no escape in sight.

my eyes flickered open, and the soft touch on my cheeks brought me back from the brink of panic. i found myself staring into the eyes of a stranger, a mixture of fear and confusion still clouding my gaze.

"Hey... hey, come on... y/n hey," the blonde haired male whispered gently, his voice filled with reassurance. "I'm not going to hurt you... I would never dream of hurting you."

my breath trembled as she tried to make sense of the situation. She was tied to a chair in an unfamiliar room, her memories fragmented and hazy. The stranger's words provided a glimmer of hope in the darkness, but trust didn't come easy after the ordeal she had been through.

"Who are you? Where am I?"  i managed to croak out, her throat dry and scratchy.

The stranger's eyes softened with empathy as he replied, "it's really me y/n...my name is ben" his pupils were a dark red, the outside of his eyes were black. i was scared, i was terrified...but this was the best i had right now.

my heart raced as i struggled to piece together the events that had led me here. i wasn't sure if i could trust beth, or whatever he was called , but at this moment, he was the only lifeline i had in this nightmare.

Ben cradled my cheeks with gentle care, his thumb lightly tracing over my skin as he spoke with deep remorse. "I am so sorry for the way those two treated you... Did they hurt you, my love?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of the situation bore down on me. I couldn't believe the kindness I was receiving after the horrors I'd endured. My voice trembled as I replied, "Physically, I'm okay... but mentally, I'm a wreck. I don't know who to trust anymore."

Ben's expression remained tender as he wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye. "I understand. It's natural to feel that way after what you've been through. You're safe now, Y/n. I won't let anyone harm you. We'll get through this together."

As Ben's reassuring words enveloped me, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had consumed me. I was still trapped in this mysterious cabin, but at least now I had an ally, someone who seemed genuinely dedicated to my well-being.

"Can you let me out?" I pleaded with him, my voice filled with desperation. Ben shook his head solemnly, his expression pained. "If you leave here, they will kill you... I need you to stay here for me, I need to make sure you're okay."

Fear and frustration welled up inside me at the thought of being confined in this eerie place, but I could see the genuine concern in Ben's eyes. Reluctantly, I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Alright, I'll stay... But please, promise me you'll find a way to get us out of here. I can't bear this for much longer."

Ben's hand found mine, and he squeezed it gently. "I promise, Y/n. I won't rest until we're both safe and out of here."

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