My One-Sided Affair

By LotusSeraphim

13.6K 629 126

Everybody loved NuNew except the one man he wanted to love him. NuNew is a new recruit at DMD. The same ente... More

First Meeting IRL
G2 The New Generation
An Occasion to Celebrate
A Machiavellian Discovery
Not a Doormat
Under One Condition
A Thousand Million Times Yes
Night and Day
Beyond Reproach
Hard Stop
First Kiss
A Happy Fool
Giving Merit
Please Forgive Me
Love Sickness
Three Little Words
Welcome to the Family
Anticipation and Hindsight
A Drunk and Horny Hia
What Am I to You

Over My Dead Body

507 21 4
By LotusSeraphim

That evening, an emergency clandestine meeting was called in Aoftion's suite. Attendees were Aoftion, Bam Bam, Mark, Max, Zee, NuNew, and their marketing director, Sprite. They were all crammed into Aoftion's front room. The couch and one chair, that was Aoft's living room furniture, were allotted for VIP guests. Everyone else was standing or had procured chairs from elsewhere. Aoftion was waiting for one more guest.

"How did this happen?", asked Bam Bam.

"We don't know. As you know, we were preparing to announce tomorrow.", Aoftion said.

"I have interviews tomorrow. What do I do?", asked Bam Bam.

"That is what we are going to discuss today.", Aoftion said.

"What are we waiting for?", asked Bam Bam.

"We are waiting for-. Sorry, I need to get this. Krup. Krup. I will be right down,", Aoftion said.

Standing, with his phone glued to his ear, Aoft walked out of the suite.

"Does anyone know who we are waiting for?", asked Bam Bam.

Shaking heads and shrugging shoulders were the only response.

"Anyone need a refill on tea?", asked Sprite.

"Click clack click clack click clack."

Before anyone could answer, they heard heals approaching from the hallway. It sounded like someone was pounding out a fierce runway walk. All eyes were on the door in anticipation of the mysterious guest. The footsteps stopped and a small petite woman in her early fifties walked through the door. Immaculately groomed in a Dolce and Gabbana neutral colored silk vintage skirt suit. Complete with clutch and ruby slipper heels.

Taking a step into the room she brushed her shoulder length black bob out of her eyes and moved aside for Aoftion to enter. Zee gasped and immediately stood.

"Sara!", said Zee.

Carefully stepping through legs and toes he made his way to Sara and shook her hand. Flashing a brief look at NuNew, he smiled at Sarah as if his savior had arrived.

"Zee. Good to see you. Wish it was under better circumstances.", said Sara.

She surveyed the room then looked at Aoftion.

"This is Sara. She is our attorney. She will be representing DMD in our dispute with GMMTV.", said Aoftion.

"Is this the infamous Tiny Terror?", asked Mark.

"That is one of the nicer nicknames I have heard.", Sara said.

Zee, Max, and Aoft laughed.

"I guess we are here for the same reason as last time.", Zee said.

"I think we are too. But never you mind. We beat him before and we will beat him again.", Sara said, and patted Zee's shoulder.

After everyone had been introduced and Sara was settled in with a cup of tea, she began speaking.

"Aoft has given me the details and I have already begun speaking with GMMTV's senior leadership. I expect a call from their attorney any minute. Let me quickly review what I think is happening, and our next steps. As we get more complete information, we may revise our strategy. Aoftion will be responsible for communicating those changes and details to you going forward."

Turning in her seat she addressed Bam Bam.

"Ms. Bam Bam, you will need to hire your own legal counsel. If it is in your best interests, I can work with this individual or firm to collaborate our efforts. If you do not have an attorney you prefer, I can give you names of respected copywrite attorneys."

"Yes, please. I will take that list of names. Thank you,", Bam Bam said.

"Based upon the information made available to me. I think we have a copywrite infringement case. The strongest position at this point, is to have Bam Bam take the lead as she is the copywrite holder to her novel, Cutie Pie. DMD can follow suit based upon contracts we have signed with Ms. Bam Bam. That proves DMD purchased the exclusive rights to use Bam Bam's copywritten material in a series."

Pausing she looked around the room to see if there were any questions.

"What did she just say? She said copywrite a lot. Did anyone else get that?"

Looking around the room, NuNew could tell he was not alone and tried his best not to smile. He remembered the Tiny Terror from Zee.

"Here is where this case gets tricky. An idea cannot be copywritten only the expression of the idea can. Both Bam Bam and Domundi must prove that GMMTV has copied Bam Bam's expression of her book.", Sara said.

"Umm. Let me make it easier to understand. If the court rules that there are enough discrete details that are different in GMMTV's script, like setting, characters and plot, then GMMTV would not be violating copywrite law. They would be free to produce and release a similar story as Cutie Pie. As long as they did not mention or allude to Cutie Pie."

She scanned the room, and everyone must have looked as bewildered as NuNew felt because she gave an even more relatable example.

"For example, if the setting takes place in Europe instead of Thailand. All names are changed, and enough character details are different. Like, their CEO character is the CEO of a car manufacturing company and not a beverage company. That may be enough of a change from Cutie Pie to allow them to make their series."

"Does that make sense?", Sara asked.

Bam Bam had her head in her hands. Zee looked blankly ahead and everyone else looked miserable.

"Okay. Let's talk strategy. No need to look like that everyone, I have an idea.", Sara said.


Moonlight crept across the room in its rotation around the earth. Normally there were no observers of its journey across the bedroom floor, but tonight there was. For there was no sleep for the guilty and Zee was borrowing all the blame he possibly could. Even though he rationally knew it was not his to take.

Looking down at his beautiful boy he worried that his past had come to hurt the innocent soul sleeping in his arms. Trouble had come their way, and Saint would want his reckoning. How many years ago had he filmed Why R You? Four years? Had Saint waited this long to get his revenge?

"What is he? Some kind of sociopath? Or was this an opportunity that fell into his lap?"

"No, I don't think this just happened. I think he has been planning this. He is a soulless spider spinning his web. He's had four years to accumulate secrets and power. Positioning himself so he could curate the right opportunity to ensnare and paralyze us."

"He must be laughing at us now as we struggle in his trap. Thinking what we see before us is the only danger. No, I think this is just the beginning. Worse lies ahead. We are nowhere near his coup de grâce."

"And how do I protect NuNew from him? I need to take him off the chessboard early. If he is not a here, maybe that would be enough. Would NuNew understand? Would he play along and leave willingly?"

"No, he will insist on staying. He won't leave me."

"Then I have to force him, and the only way is for him to believe it is real."

"How can I bear to hurt my Nhu?"

He buried his face in the sleeping man's hair and inhaled.

"I can't do it. I love him and I promised him I wouldn't hide things from him."

"You also promised to protect him."

"What if he never forgives me?"

"What if Saint rapes him or worse?"

"God damn it. What a fucking deviant. How are we a match for him? We have morals and laws that will hinder us. He has none. The only thing he fears is being caught."

"The only thing he fears, is being caught. Interesting."

Morning sang its symphony and washed over the numb and sleepless man. Leaving him untouched by its splendor. Clutching his whole world to his breast, he worried he would not be strong enough to protect his Nhu from the evils in this world.


With his best newscaster voice, Max was entertaining the nervous group waiting in Aoftion's living room. Aoft had called them all together to discuss GMMTV's response.

"It's Day 2 of 'Operation Take Down.' Sources tell us that GMMTV, and their crew of villains have responded to our PHASE 1 'We Will Reach Through Your Screen and Choke You Out' initiative. We are waiting for an update from our overseas correspondent, Aoftion. Any minute now we will interrupt this news cast to hear what GMMTV has to say."

"Meanwhile, DMD's counterintelligence agents, A.K.A. fans, have been busy night and day waging a social media campaign to expose GMMTV for the frauds that they are. Turning popular opinion against them."

"In related news, author of Cutie Pie, Bam Bam, has served GMMTV with a copywrite infringement lawsuit, and is going before a judge tomorrow, to request an emergency court order. To temporarily, put a hold on GMMTV's promotions and filming of their copycat series. More to come after this commercial break." Max said and took a bow.

The whole room burst into laughter.

"Max, you're an idiot. But you are one funny idiot.", Mark said.

Nobody had noticed the door to the room open. So, when Aoftion spoke, everyone jumped.

"Do you think this is funny? Is this a joke to you? Do you know how much money we have already put into this production?", Aoftion said.

"Sorry Aoft. I was just trying to relieve some tension. It was in poor taste Aoft. I am sorry.", Max said.

Waving his hand, at Max, Aoft looked exhausted and sank down into his favorite chair.

"Sorry Max. I didn't mean to snap at you. This whole thing is killing me.", Aoftion said.

Mark reached over and squeezed Aoft's shoulder and received a tired smile.

"I'm sorry Aoft.", Max said again softly.

"We are all sorry Aoft. We don't think this is a joke. We are all behind you.", Zee said.

Jumping up, NuNew went to the kitchen to get Aoft something to drink. He felt terrible and wanted to do something to help. Even if it was just a cup of tea. He had never heard Aoftion yell before.

While NuNew was in the kitchen, Aoft began.

"We heard from GMMTV. They are feigning innocence. They don't want to go to court and suggested a compromise. Then they threatened me and told me I should take this deal while they are still being nice." Aoftion said.

"That's bullshit. What could they have to threaten you with?", Mark asked.

"To drag this out at court knowing we don't have the money to sustain a long court battle." Aoftion said.

"Oh. That's legit.", Mark said.

"What is the deal?", asked Zee.

Handing Aoft his tea, NuNew joined Zee on the couch, grabbed Zee's bicep and squeezed. He had never been a part of something this serious, something so grown up and felt like he shouldn't be in the room.

Aoft looked directly at NuNew.

"We'll talk about that in a minute."

"Why did he look at me?"

"First, I want to talk about how GMMTV found out so much information about Cutie Pie. When we only just signed the deal.", Aoftion said.

"Do you suspect someone at DMD?", Mark asked.

"Yeah, I have some people in mind, and I wanted to get your thoughts."

"I can think of someone, Park.", Mark said.

"Is that why Poppy is not here?", asked Max.

"Krup. I don't want to believe it, but I can't take any chances. It seems like we are all thinking the same thing. In the meantime, say nothing to no one. Got it. Nothing!", Aoft said.

"What is the compromise?", Zee said.

"Why is Zee being so insistent. He is always so courteous."

Aoft let out a big sigh and looked at New again.

"Nothing I am considering at this point.", Aoft said.

"What is it and why do you keep looking at Nong.", Zee asked.

"OMG Zee. What are you doing?"

"Hia, it's okay Hia.", NuNew said quietly so only Zee could hear.

Zee didn't even look at Nu. He was staring intently at Aoft. Clearly something was going on that NuNew did not understand and it had to do with him.

Another big sigh and a sip of tea.

"They want to combine efforts and make Cutie Pie a joint venture. Sharing the costs and profits.", Aoft said.

Someone gasped.

"I suspect this was what they were after all along. They probably don't even have a script yet. It's all a bluff so they can hijack the rights to Bam Bam's book.", said Aoft.

"And?", Zee asked.

"Damn it, Zee. Why do you have to push me.", Aoftion said.

"Hia!", said NuNew whispering.

He grabbed Zee's hand and squeezed it. Zee did not respond, but he did not move his hand away either.

"Because this is Saint that's why.", Zee said.

The two men stared at each other for a few uncomfortable seconds. Surprisingly it was Aoft who looked away.

"They want NuNew to costar with Saint.", Aoft said.

Zee started laughing and put his arm around NuNew. Then stopped abruptly.

"Over my dead body!", Zee said.

The whole room erupted in questions while the one person this was actually affecting, sat in a stunned silence.


Taking a page out of NuNew's book, Zee sat on the toilet seat in the bathroom, head in his hands, crying soundlessly. He did not want to scare NuNew with his reaction. It was not like he wasn't prepared for Saint's condition. He knew it was coming and it would be awful. He just did not expect his visceral response. He felt like someone had cracked open the vault he had carefully tucked that trauma in and freed its contents to wreak havoc. He barely made it to the sanctuary of the bathroom before he lost control.

"Anything but my Nhu. Anything else. You can't have him. I won't let you tarnish another innocent soul. FUCK!"

The tears came out in torrents, and he could no longer hold back the sobs. No breath was long enough to sate his anguish.

The flashbacks were happening again. Whether he wanted to see them or not. He was in that room. On that couch. Saint was holding him down. He was.


"Hia? Hia? Are you okay? Hia? Let Nhu in. NuNew wants to be with Hia."


Hearing NuNew on the other side of the door was a bucket of cold water in his face. He was back in the bathroom. He was safe.

"I'll be right out, baby.", Zee said, and wiped away his tears.


Finally, they were alone in their room. Zee fresh from the shower was sitting between Nhu's knees getting his hair dried. NuNew wanted him to feel cherished and was pulling out all the stops. He had an idea why Zee seemed so troubled but any attempt to talk about it was answered with reassurances.

'Nothing is going to happen to you baby. You don't need to worry. Trust Hia.'

Nu didn't need reassurances. He needed Hia to treat him like a partner.

"In the interim, even if Hia won't admit there is anything wrong, I am going to coddle and spoil him."

Kissing the top of his head, NuNew put the hairdryer away and began massaging Hia's temples. Zee's head was lolling back onto NuNew's lap. It was not long before he was putty in NuNew's hands.

"Come to bed baby. NuNew needs cuddles and jub jubs."

Making room, he pulled Zee on to the bed with him and took him in his arms. Even big strong men needed to be consoled.


On the top floor of the Domundi House, there were three bedrooms, a bathroom, and Aoft's suite. There was no air conditioning or ceiling fans in the old house. So, to get relief from a hot day, you could open your window and your door. Creating a nice breeze. With everyone's doors open, sometimes you could hear a conversation or two you were not meant to.

NuNew and Zee were enjoying the whisper of a breeze when they heard raised voices coming from down the hall.

"That's impossible and you know it."

"Murmur murmur."

That is my brother you are talking about."

"Murmur murmur."

"You have known him for 10 years. Do you think he is capable of doing that."


"Well, he wouldn't do that to me, and I have a partnership in this business. Which you seem to forget."


"No. No!"

"I want to be at the table. Why am I hearing about this from other people?"

"Murmur. Murmur. Mur."

"Ridiculous. You know why he is acting like this. It's because of NuNew."

"Murmur Murmur."

"What am I supposed to do? I can't make Park fall out of love with him."

"Murmur Murmur Murmur Murmur Murmur."

"He was there because he wants Charawin to be his partner. That has nothing to do with espionage. Which is what you are accusing him of and ghosting your business partner over."

"Murmur Murmur Murmur Murmur Mur."

"From what? Until the NuNew thing he has been exemplary."

"You know what. I have said my peace. I hope you reconsider and stop jumping to conclusions and start focusing on the real leak."

The door to Aoft's suite slammed shut and footsteps came pounding down the hall. Both men did not dare to look up as Poppy stormed past their room.

"I don't think he did it.", Zee said.

"Then who?", NuNew asked.

"I don't know, but I agree with Poppy. We are wasting our time on Park.", Zee said.


Another meeting in Aoft's room. This time no one was joking around. In fact, no one was saying a word. News was, it's not going well for Domundi.

Aoft opened an interior door and entered the room. He looked like he aged 10 years overnight. NuNew was scared and wanted to seek comfort from Zee, but now was not the time. Zee was sitting at the edge of his seat in a protective stance.

Aoftion looked at Mark and Mark nodded. Sighing Aoftion sat in his chair and picked up his tea. Even on sweltering days like this, he took his tea hot.

"Bam Bam's attorney and Sara lost the emergency injunction to temporarily stop GMMTV while we sort this out. So, Bam Bam is in court right now at a preliminary hearing. To establish there is enough evidence to go forward with a lawsuit. If the court agrees, they will set a date for trial.", Aoftion said.

Everyone shifted in their seats. This meant whoever got to the finish line first and had the better production won.

"We have another, bigger problem. For some reason, one of our biggest financial sponsors has backed out. It is unexpected because they brought this project to us. Until this morning they were onboard. Even going as far as funding our lawsuit."

"An hour ago, they cut ties with Domundi. We think they are being threatened.", Aoftion said.

"Saint.", Zee said so softly only NuNew heard him.

"How does a BL actor have so much power?"

"Without a sponsor, we can't afford to produce this series, and we lose the rights to Cutie Pie. Any money we have already spent is lost. Not to mention the hit we will take to our credibility and reputation."

"So that's it. There is nothing we can do?", asked Max.

"We have a few options, but they are not good ones.", Mark said.

"For now, we are looking for new sponsors, but it is unlikely we will find anyone in time. Especially not with this court battle. No one in their right mind would risk their money like that. But I will still try". Aoftion said.

Aoftion and Mark both looked at Zee and NuNew.

"No.", Zee said.

"Zee, here us out.", Mark said.

"No fucking way.", Zee said.

Terrified NuNew looked from Zee to Mark, then Aoft and back to Zee.

"What is going on?"


"We talked about this Nu, let me handle it right now. I promise the ultimate decision will be yours.", Zee said.

Clinging to Zee's arm Nu was terrified. He did not want to go anywhere near Saint, but if Domundi was going to lose their business... All his friends, and Zee would lose their jobs.

"Please hear us out Zee. I would never let anything happen to Nong.", Mark said.

"Absolutely not.", Zee said.

"It's not your decision to make is it, Zee. Why don't we ask Nong New if he wants to hear us out.", Aoftion said.

"That's not fair. He will never tell you no. You know that.", Zee said.

Zee turned his back on the room to face NuNew and took his hands.

"You don't have to do this. It's not your responsibility. Okay Teerak? We can find another way.", Zee said.


Zee's eyes were so wide, and his brows were high and drawn together. NuNew knew he was pleading with him. He never wanted to do anything that would hurt his Hia, but he wanted to hear their idea before he said no.

Squeezing Zee's hands, he found a compromise.

"Let's hear what they say Hia. Then we can decide, na Krub. We will decide together, na. Okay Teerak?", NuNew asked.

Zee slumped but nodded his head.

"Are we air?", asked Max.

He was shaking his head.

"We will hear what you have to say.", NuNew said.

What do you think so far? I know this chapter was a little disjointed but I am building.

If you are enjoying My One Sided-Affair, please do not hesitate to vote and or comment.

Thank you for making it this far with me.

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