Drapetomania | Creepypasta

By bubls_

13.9K 509 479

y/n l/n, a high school student who finds herself in a bad position after trying to make her life a little mor... More

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495 25 43
By bubls_

15 august, 2017

a Ouija board. It was an unexpected twist, and I couldn't hide my surprise. I had heard about these mystical boards, rumored to connect with the spirit world.

The girls greeted the board with a mix of excitement and reverence, their expressions serious as if they were embarking on a sacred ritual. I watched, curiosity now tinged with a hint of apprehension, as they each placed their hands gently on the planchette, their fingers barely grazing the smooth surface.

i was nothing but terrified. is this normal?

Emily, ever the spirited leader, explained the rules to me, her voice hushed and her eyes reflecting a mix of thrill and uncertainty. The planchette, she explained, would move on its own, spelling out answers to questions we posed to the spirits.

As we began to ask our first question, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to this seemingly innocent sleepover tradition. The room was now charged with an electric energy, and I braced myself for whatever answers the Ouija board might reveal, realizing that the night was about to take an unexpected and mysterious turn.

"are you here"

As Emily's question hung in the air, a palpable tension settled among us. The room seemed to grow still, and the dim lighting cast eerie shadows across our faces. The wooden planchette, resting atop the Ouija board, remained motionless, its polished surface reflecting the soft glow of the room.

We all held our breath, our eyes fixed on that small, seemingly innocuous pointer. It was a strange sensation, this collective anticipation, and I found myself caught in its grip. The Ouija board, an object of mystery and intrigue, had transformed our sleepover into an unexpected venture into the unknown.

Seconds felt like minutes as we waited for any sign, any movement. The silence in the room was broken only by the distant sounds of the night outside. My heart pounded in my chest, and my thoughts raced. What if something did respond? What would it say? The curiosity mingled with a touch of fear, creating a complex mix of emotions.

Emily's expression remained determined, her fingers lightly touching the planchette. The room's atmosphere crackled with a sense of possibility, as if we were on the brink of an extraordinary encounter. Despite my initial reservations, I couldn't deny the intrigue of the moment, the allure of exploring the mysterious world beyond our own.

A collective gasp escaped our lips as the planchette began to glide across the Ouija board, moving with an otherworldly grace. It settled on the word 'yes,' confirming its presence in response to Emily's question. The tension in the room grew even more palpable, and my eyes widened in disbelief.

The four girls exchanged quick glances, their expressions a mix of excitement, wonder, and a touch of apprehension. This was uncharted territory for me, and I watched with a blend of fascination and trepidation. The mysterious force guiding the planchette seemed to defy logic, and a shiver ran down my spine.

Emily, undeterred by the eerie occurrence, leaned in closer. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice steady but filled with curiosity. The planchette, as if guided by an invisible hand, began to move once more, spelling out its response letter by letter.

The atmosphere in the room grew thicker, charged with anticipation, as the planchette moved methodically from letter to letter. The girls huddled around the board, their eyes fixed on the mysterious instrument. I, too, was drawn into the enigma, unable to tear my gaze away.

It spelled out a name: "S-A-R-A-H."

The girls exchanged bewildered glances once more. Sarah? Who was Sarah, and why was her name coming up in this peculiar communication? The weight of the moment hung heavily in the room, and Emily continued with another question, "Sarah, are you a spirit?"

As if responding to her inquiry, the planchette slid over to the word "YES" on the board. A chill crept down my spine. The confirmation that we were communicating with a spirit sent a shiver through the room, casting a surreal aura over our cozy sleepover.

Emily, guided by a mix of curiosity and courage, asked the next question. "Sarah, why are you here?"

The planchette hesitated for a moment, then moved slowly, spelling out its response: "H-E-L-P."

A sense of unease settled over us. Sarah, the spirit we were in contact with, sought help. But what kind of help did she need, and why had she chosen this particular moment to reach out across the divide between the living and the unknown? The room crackled with uncertainty as we pondered the implications of this mysterious encounter.

A chorus of questions erupted from the girls, each trying to unravel the enigma of Sarah's plea for help. Emily, acting as the spokesperson for our group, composed herself and asked, "Sarah, how can we help you?"

The planchette responded with deliberate movements, spelling out its message: "F-I-N-D M-Y B-O-D-Y."

The room fell silent as those words hung in the air. Goosebumps prickled on my arms as I tried to process the chilling request. Sarah was asking us to find her body. But where was it? And how had she ended up in this otherworldly limbo, communicating with us through a Ouija board?

Olivia, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern, inquired further, "Sarah, do you know where your body is?"

The planchette hesitated once more before spelling out, "F-O-R-E-S-T."

A shiver ran through me as I imagined a lonely, desolate forest where Sarah's body might be concealed. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on us. We had unwittingly stumbled into a mystery that was far beyond our understanding, and now we faced a choice: to delve deeper into the unknown or to retreat from the eerie realm we had entered.

Emily, with a determination that surprised me, asked, "Sarah, can you give us more details? The forest is vast. We need to know where exactly to find your body."

The planchette moved with slow deliberation, spelling out a series of letters and numbers: "L-O-S-T... 4-2... T-R-E-E."

The girls exchanged glances, puzzling over the cryptic message. It was clear that Sarah was trying to communicate something crucial, but the fragmented clues left us with more questions than answers.

As we continued our conversation with the enigmatic spirit named Sarah, the room seemed to blur the lines between the living and the unknown. We were on the precipice of a haunting mystery, and there was no turning back.

Emily, her eyes fixed on the Ouija board, asked with a hint of urgency, "Sarah, can you tell us anything else? Is there anything we should know?"

The planchette glided to the word "B-E-W-A-R-E."

A collective shiver coursed through our group. The warning was clear, and the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly tense. Whatever had happened to Sarah, it was clear that there was danger lurking in the shadows of that mysterious forest.

We fired off more questions, hoping for clarity. "Who did this to you, Sarah?" Lucianna asked.

The planchette spelled out the name "J-A-C-K."

"Jack," Emily whispered, her voice barely audible. The name hung ominously in the room, conjuring images of a malevolent presence that had led to Sarah's untimely demise.

Maya, ever the adventurer, pressed on, "Sarah, can you guide us? Show us the way to your body."

The planchette began to move again, spelling out, "F-O-L-L-O-W... T-H-E... P-A-T-H."

Sarah was leading us, albeit cryptically, on a journey to find her remains in that foreboding forest. Our hearts raced as we contemplated the gravity of the situation. We were just ordinary teenagers, thrust into an extraordinary and unsettling circumstance.

Olivia finally asked the question that was on all our minds, "Sarah, are you at peace?"

The planchette hesitated one last time before it spelled out the word "N-O."

Our group exchanged uneasy glances. We couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility toward Sarah. She had reached out to us from beyond the grave, seeking help and closure.

Emily spoke with determination, "We have to help her. We can't leave her like this."

With unanimous agreement, we committed ourselves to follow Sarah's cryptic guidance and embark on a mission to find her body and uncover the truth about her tragic fate. The room was filled with a newfound sense of purpose, but also an undercurrent of unease as we prepared to step into the unknown depths of that mysterious forest, guided by the ghostly presence of Sarah.

I couldn't help but voice my concerns, my voice trembling with fear. "We can't go just now! It's dark! What if he tries to do the same to us?!" The words spilled out of me, a genuine expression of the terror that gripped my heart.

Emily, who had been the most determined to help Sarah, looked torn. She understood the risks but also felt the weight of responsibility. "Y/n, I get it. I'm scared too. But we can't just ignore her plea. We need to find her, bring her closure, and ensure justice is served."

Maya added with a reassuring tone, "We won't go alone. We'll make a plan, tell someone where we're headed, and bring flashlights and protection. We'll be cautious."

The room fell silent as we all contemplated the choice before us. The Ouija board, still under our hands, was a tangible reminder of our pact with Sarah. Olivia, always the voice of reason, finally spoke, "We have to do this, but we'll be smart about it. Tomorrow, when it's daylight, we'll gather what we need and follow Sarah's guidance."

Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement. I knew that if we were going to help Sarah and uncover the truth about her fate, we had to confront our fear of the dark forest. But the unease lingered, and as we put the Ouija board away, a sense of foreboding settled over the room, casting a long shadow on the sleepover we had anticipated.

Dread gripped me, and my reluctance was overwhelming. I knew I didn't want any part of this. My trembling fingers reached for my phone, and I messaged the first person I saw online, which happened to be Blitz. "I really hope you're awake, and it's not that you left your computer on," I typed, my anxiety pouring into the words.

My phone screen illuminated with Blitz's response, a sense of relief washing over me as I read his message. "Hey, I'm here. What's going on?"

I quickly typed back, my fingers racing over the keyboard, "I'm at Emily's sleepover, and they're messing with a Ouija board. It's getting seriously creepy."

As I hit send, I hoped that Blitz would have some advice or at least offer a virtual anchor in this unnerving situation.

The seconds after sending that message to Blitz felt like an eternity. My eyes remained glued to the phone screen, heart pounding in my chest, as I desperately awaited his response. The soft glow of my phone illuminated my apprehensive expression, casting eerie shadows around the room.

Finally, Blitz's reply popped up on the screen, providing a glimmer of hope in the midst of my escalating fear. "I'm here for you, n/n. Take a deep breath. Ouija boards can be creepy, but they're usually just pranks or tricks. You're safe."

His words did bring some comfort, but the ominous atmosphere of the room and the unsettling words spelled out by the Ouija board lingered like a sinister presence. I typed back, my fingers still quivering, "I know, but it's different this time. It mentioned personal stuff, things it couldn't possibly know. And now it's saying we should go to the woods to help find some girls body? I'm really freaked out, Blitz."

As I sent that message, I couldn't help but glance nervously at the Ouija boards box which remained ominously silent on the table. The other girls were engrossed in their conversation with the board, unaware of my distress. Blitz was my lifeline in this strange and unsettling situation, and I clung to his virtual presence for support. i bearly knew the guy but he was all i had at this moment in time

"Of course, n/n. Sometimes, it's easier to open up to a stranger online. I'm here to help you through this. Just remember, your safety is the priority. Stick with the group and don't let them convince you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If things get too weird, maybe suggest wrapping up the Ouija session and doing something else. And keep me updated; I'll be here."

His message provided a sense of comfort, and I knew that having Blitz on the other end of the chat was a lifeline I could rely on. The night was far from over, and I braced myself for whatever strange twists it might hold.

My heart still raced from the unsettling encounter with the Ouija board, but at least it was tucked safely away now. Meanwhile, the other four girls were deeply engrossed in planning their excursion to the forest tomorrow. I listened as they discussed logistics, trying my best to contribute while keeping my apprehensions in check.

Emily was the most enthusiastic, eager to prove her fearlessness. "We should bring flashlights and maybe a first-aid kit, just in case," she suggested, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Lucianna, the fashion-forward one, chimed in, "Don't forget to dress warmly. We don't want anyone getting cold out there in the dark."

Olivia, the avid reader, added, "And let's inform someone we trust about our whereabouts, you know, in case something happens." Her practicality resonated with me.

Maya, the spontaneous photographer, suggested, "We should bring our cameras. Who knows what cool shots we might get in the dark woods?"

As the girls continued to plan, I couldn't shake the unease settling in my gut. Something about this forest excursion felt off, especially after the eerie messages from the Ouija board. But I couldn't voice my concerns without sounding paranoid.

I glanced at my phone, a sense of comfort washing over me knowing that Blitz was just a message away. I contemplated sending him an update about the forest expedition, seeking his advice on how to navigate this growing unease without arousing suspicion among the girls.

As the girls finalized their plans for the forest excursion, I knew I had to tread carefully. I didn't want to come across as overly paranoid or ruin their excitement. So, I decided to send a message to Blitz, seeking his counsel without raising any red flags among the girls.

I quickly typed out a message, my fingers dancing nervously over the screen. "So, the girls are planning this trip to the forest tomorrow. It's kind of spooky after what happened with the Ouija board tonight. Any advice on how to handle this situation without sounding too anxious?"

My phone screen illuminated with Blitz's response, a virtual lifeline in this peculiar and unsettling sleepover. I waited anxiously for his words of wisdom, hoping he could provide guidance on how to navigate this increasingly eerie situation.

Blitz's reply came swiftly, and I was grateful for his quick response. "i get why you might be uneasy after the Ouija board thing. My advice would be to express your concerns calmly and honestly to the girls. Maybe suggest they find a different activity. If they're your friends, they should understand your feelings."

His advice seemed reasonable, and I knew that confronting the situation head-on was probably the best course of action. I considered his words carefully and decided that when the opportunity arose, I would voice my concerns to the group.

I thanked Blitz for his guidance, his words of assurance providing me with a bit more confidence in addressing this unsettling forest trip with the girls. It was clear that I couldn't simply let this pass; I had to make sure everyone's safety came first, even if it meant admitting my fear.

but they weren't my friends.

i bearly knew these girls, i was stuck in this satiation. i couldn't call my mother, i couldn't run off or make some excuse. i was stuck.

this is what i get for trying to fit in.

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