Hidden Fear

By MistressVix

190 17 2

A collection of 14 short spooky stories that came straight from the deepest and darkest pits of your wildest... More

It Stalks At Night
Dont Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
Beware The Snare
It Lives Within The Skin
They Lurk In The Shadows
The Yearly Feast
Serpents Ledge
The Tooth Eater
Hell's Session
Nighty Nightmares
Dying to Win
Cuddle Me To Death
You Wont Feel A Thing

Mother Knows Best

12 1 0
By MistressVix

"So, do you want to see a movie later today?" my best friend and boyfriend, West , asked me . I shrugged my shoulders and giggled, "mm, it depends." He smirked, swaying our tightly clapped hands back and forth between us as we walked. "Depends on what? Wait, let me guess your mom." I playfully smacked his side, " Oh, come on West. Don't be like that, you know how she can be." He rolled his eyes, "Obsessive? " It was my turn to roll my eyes, "She's not obsessed.... just very protective." He shook his head, "That's putting it mildly. No offense, babe, but your mom is crazy. I don't mean the good kind of crazy either."

He's right, mom isn't like typical moms. "She's just scared I'll get hurt." West sighed, "You do know the town calls you the boyfriend killer, right? Do I need to be worried about you smothering me in my sleep?" I rolled my eyes," Why would I smother someone as cute as you." He chuckled and pulled me in for a quick kiss. Once we arrived in my driveway, we walked up the steps. "You sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" I asked him as he wrapped his arms around me . His brow quirked up in thought as his deep hazel eyes stared into mine. "Depends," he said. The door swung open to my mother standing inches from us with a menacing look on her face and knife in hand.

"Holy shi—- hello, Mrs. Mason." West struggled to speak; mother's sudden appearance had startled him. Her eyes shifted back and forth between us. West cleared his throat and removed his arms from around me. "Are you staying for dinner, Mr. Goodman?" My mother wiped the end of the blade on her blood-stained apron. Wests eyes shifted to me, "I'll text you later about that movie." He leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Not this time, bye Mrs. Mason," he said to her before turning on his heels and dashing down to the end of the driveway. "Really, mom?" I gave her an annoyed look.

She cocked her head, continuing to wipe off the blade in her hand, "Really, what? I just asked if he would like to eat dinner with us." My eyes shifted down to the knife then met her eyes. She shrugged and turned around; she made her way back to the kitchen. "West is a nice guy, why can't you just be a little more ...." She stared at me while chopping up the beef at the kitchen table. "A little more what?" I sighed, " Normal." "He's not the right one for you," she responded. "You've said that at least 6 times now with all the other guys I've dated," I groaned. My father's work bag caught my attention out the corner of my eye, "Did dad come back from his work trip in Japan already?" My mother pretended not to hear me and continued chopping the beef up into strips.

I knocked on my parents' bedroom door a few times. Leaning my ear against it, I listened for any movement. "What are you doing? " my mother asked , she stood in the middle of the hall staring at me. "I was going to welcome dad back home." She rolled her eyes, "Your father isn't here." I titled my head, "then where is he?" She turned around and headed back towards the kitchen. I blew off my mother's strangeness and went to my room. Slipping my shoes off by the dresser, I plopped on the bed and pulled out my phone.

One new message


Hey, sorry for leaving like that. Your mom gives me the creeps. Did you see the knife? I thought I was about to be the main dish for dinner. lol.

Vanna Banana:

It's alright, no harm no foul.

lol. I think the main dish is beef strips with potatoes.


Do you want to hang out and watch a movie?

Vanna Banana:

If you're okay with being under the same roof as my mom for a night.


I'll survive, as long as I'm with you.

Vanna Banana:

Smooth, real smooth.


I try lol. I'll be there around 7pm, that cool?

Vanna Banana:

Yeah :) see you soon <3.



I rolled off the bed and dashed for the bathroom for a nice refreshing shower. I wanted to make sure I wasn't smelly for when West shows up. Around 7:30pm I heard a knock at the door, I adjusted my silky red pajamas and slipped my feet in my fuzzy slippers. Closing my door behind me I headed to greet West at the door. "It's not gentlemen like to show up at this time of day to a young lady's house, don't you think Mr. Goodman?" I heard my mother's voice echo from the front of the house. Ah crap! Mom got to him first. "It's always a pleasure to see you too, Mrs. Mason." I waved frantically at West a few feet behind from where my mom stood. His eyes locked on mine and relief flooded his eyes. "I'll make a note of not coming by late," he said as he brushed around my mother and made a beeline straight for me.

West plopped down on my bed and groaned. I closed the door. "So, my dad came home," I blurted out and fiddled with the hem of my pajama shirt. West sat up and looked at me confused," I thought he wasn't coming home for a couple more months?" I shrugged. "Where is he? I didn't see his truck in the driveway when I got here." I shrugged again. "I honestly don't know; his stuff was in the living room, but I haven't seen or heard him all day." I felt concerned for my father, it wasn't like him to just up and leave without telling me or mother where he was going. "That's odd, have you tried calling him?" I shook my head; I brushed the bed and dug my phone off the nightstand charger.

I called him number and it went to voicemail. I call again and it just kept ringing. "Do you hear that?" I heard West whisper . I watched as he hopped off my bed and strolled over to my door, opening it slightly his eyes shifted to my parents' bedroom. "Is that.... that can't be," I mumbled as I approached him. We both stared at my parents room as the phone continued to ring. I brushed past West, and tip toed down to their room, making sure not to let mom hear us from the kitchen.

I leaned my ear against the door and listened to the phone ring. West's arm brushed my side startled me. "Maybe he's just sleeping really heavily? " whispered West. I shrugged and knocked softly on the door. "Dad?" I whispered ,"Are you awake?" The phone stopped ringing. I could hear dishes clattering in the sink. "Dad?" I asked once more. "Vanna? Are you still awake, dear?" West and I went completely silent. "I have the food laid out if you're hungry." West nudged me softly. I sighed and pretended to be cheerful, "I'll come make mine and West's plate in a minute, mom!" We could her grumbling about as the dishes clattered on the table.

"Open it," West said. I looked at him then the door. Taking a deep breath I turned the knob. "I'll just bring yours and his to your room, sweetheart. " Shit! West and I hurried back to my room. West hopped on my bed and sat in an awkward position with his legs crossed and arms just flinging around in the air like he got tangled in an invisible web.

I turned on the television and flipped to a random channel then plopped my butt in the computer chair. My mother knocked softly before pushing the door open with her hip. She looked between us, satisfied that weren't snuggled about on the bed, she handed West a plate then me. She eyed West as if he was a delicious, steamy five-star meal on a silver platter then left the room.

"Have I ever told you that your mother is creepy as shit," West said as he stared down at the plate of fried beef strips and smothered potatoes. "Like almost every day," I giggled and stabbed my fork in a few potatoes and stuffed them in my mouth. "Is it safe for me to ...you know," he looked up at me then back at the plate. I rolled my eyes and took another bite of potatoes, "it's food, West, I doubt she'd poison you." He looked at me with wide eyes and cocked his head, "Uh-huh.... if I die make sure to avenge me, my love." I rolled my eyes and stuffed some beef in my mouth and chewed. West took another glance at his plate before trying a few potatoes. I had almost gotten close to finishing my plate when I noticed West swaying side to side a little," hey babe, you okay?

He turned sluggishly to face me, his eyes drooping then opening repeatedly, "West? I'm serious, are you feeling alright?" I sat my plate down on the desk and hurried over to the bed, taking the plate out of his hand, I held his head still and looked him in the eyes, "baby, can you hear me?" His eyes focused and unfocused on me. "Mom!" I yelled . Not again. "Mom! Help!" I hear someone stomping down the hall. But it wasn't my mother. "Dad!?," I shrieked as I took in my father's bloody disheveled figure stepping inside my room. His right eye was missing, and his mouth was tearing a little at the bottom. "Daddy!? What happened to you?"

My father struggled to speak, his voice sounded jumbled, "You ...need ...leave ...she kill." What happened to him? "Who daddy? Who kill?" I struggled to keep West from falling on the floor. "Oh, Jimmy. Why couldn't you be a good boy and stay in the room like I told you." My mother stepped in holding the same knife from earlier. "Mom?!," I shrilled," what's going on?" She looked from West to my father then rested her eyes on me, "I told you he wasn't the one." I laid West down on my bed and stood up, I slowly approached my father, "Dad? Did mom do this to you?" Before he could answer, my mother drove the knife through the back of his skull.

"Dad!" I screamed . "All he had to do was keep quiet and stay out of the way." I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. "Dad didn't do anything wrong." She rolled her eyes and pulled the knife out, licking the blood off it. "He was a nuisance. He couldn't stand watching the boys be lured and killed anymore, he was planning on putting an end to it all." I paced back and forth. I could feel West's eyes on me as I approached my mother. "I had this under control," I spat," how much did you put in his food?" I growled and kicked my dad's corpse, "fuck it!" My mother's mouth split open, exposing her spider fangs. "What the hell....," West groaned sluggishly. I turned to him, my own mouth doing the same thing as my mother's had. "It'd be a shame to waste such a delicious meal, " my mother hissed. I lowered myself till I was eye level with West," You were right. You are the main course, baby."

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