On The Edge Of Darkness

By Luckyhari_9294

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A story of an intern and a Surgeon Who met After a long time, they broke up once, Now where they are heading... More

On the edge of darkness-1
On the edge of darkness-2
On the edge of Darkness-3
On the edge of Darkness-4
On the edge of darkness-5
On the edge of darkness-6
On the edge of darkness-7
On the edge of darkness-8
On the edge of darkness-9
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On the edge of darkness-13

162 21 8
By Luckyhari_9294

Taking a fresh shower of course he cried his heart out under shower stepping out from wash room he quick closed the bedroom door blotting up afraid that arthit would sneak in, he looked around only to find a pair of clothes a peach and black coloured Aquarius tee and a black short neatly arranged on bed he wonder 'are they new clothes'

he blushed shaking his head not to wear them he open small partial wardrobe where initially his clothes were placed but when he open the wardrobe it is empty he don't have his clothes it was empty!

Predicting his own situation he closed his eyes and looks back to bed, now he have no choice left he have to wear those new branded store brought clothes which are actually picked by arthit on his own, he reluctantly held the tee up and smiled he hugged the shirt collar close he blushed scratching his nape cause they look expensive, but when did arthit have time to do shopping and again he scold himself, he is reluctant and yet he smiled and put on the shirt it did fit him reaching his waist he is actually felt glad for the length, he looks to the black short, do he have any choice left to complain!

Putting on the clothes he heard continuous thumps on the door he walks past the bed and darts the door open

"......" Arthit was speechless he looks straight ahead while his brain cells are giving complete warnings to take a once long look to the naked legs wearing a mini black short which are covering his thighs did he made a mistake!

"...let's have breakfast," arthit tried not to shutter.

Kongpob walks behind Arthit and he sees Arthit pulling chair for Kongpob and he sits to the chair, Arthit gives a slight push so that Kongpob can eat comfortably

"next time don't do this, I am not a girl," Kongpob is beyond embarrassed for Arthit treating him like a child and he can clearly sense lam feeling difficult to not smile, while arthit just stares to kongpob in awe.

while kongpob looks down to the food with a soup bowl and sandwiches, his mouth is salivating especially now that his fever got down he is feeling more hungry

Arthit could not concentrate on his food in silence his hand unconsciously lingers on Kongpob thigh, Kongpob flicks on Arthit fingers and Arthit gives him stern eyes he went against Kongpob grabbing his thigh, he gives a smirk to Kongpob 'what the hell' face

After a minute he keeps fighting with Arthit fingers to peel them off from his thigh but his tries are being vein only for Arthit to squeeze the soft flesh even more tighter and curled the inner side of the thigh

While Kongpob gulping to swallow his throat down, "Kongpob, do you need anything to eat?"

To David question Kongpob nod away pretending to nothing is happening under the table, he stops resisting and eating slowly, while the touch on his thigh loosen but Arthit still resting his palm and fingers on Kongpob's thigh and fingers curled the inner flesh as if own the place

feeling the warmth form inner side of Arthit's tick palm kongpob trying to have his food suddenly he felt Arthit fingers teasing his thigh skin like nails softly digging into the fair skin, Kongpob squirmed in his seat digging his head into food plate and shoulders hunches while Arthit playing a smooth face of an innocent he keeps eating with great difficult.

After a minute Kongpob quicken his pace to complete his food and stood from place "...thank you for the breakfast,"

David and lam nod with a smile to Kongpob while Arthit followed Kongpob to bedroom, as soon as Arthit closed the room door, he folds his arms to chest "....what the hell did you do?"

Arthit half shrugged "..the obvious of what you felt"

Kongpob felt tired to sussing at least he don't understand how he is listening to Arthit ended up wearing the clothes and now staying under same roof his heart thumps to skip a beat, "...I need my clothes back,"

Arthit grinned "...which clothes?"

Kongpob snapping again "...don't play, your asking which clothes? You steal my clothes gives them back,"

His cute tantrums are making Arthit to hold his smile "...they are called as garbage not clothes," he smirked

The insult was so true and embarrassing that he cannot speak back he turned pale

"...I did not mean to insult you, those clothes are shaded and worn out,"

Kongpob did not speak back, he is looking all around the room "..so you are making me stay here,"

"of course,"

Kongpob nod "...and you, feed me, buy me clothes and give's me leave for another one week,"

Arthit nod grinning with a smile

Kongpob gives a stern nod, getting to bed he slept covering himself with quilt , Arthit walks to him, he lean down dropping a kiss on Kongpob head, Kongpob instantly snapped asking Arthit to walk away

"bye...hubby, baby, sweet, love....

"....stop, stop, stop..." he whine closing his ear with quilt

Hearing the door shut, he peaked through the quilt and gets up feeling helpless and confused, what should he do, how long this will continue? He is not that strong enough to reject Arthit, Arthit is being so near to him that he almost cannot push him anymore, he wants to apologize when he meet Arthit but now learning Arthit still loves him he don't understand on how to run away, every time he is trying to run away he is doing the opposite

It was during evening, he is watching TV with David, David thinking to speak with Kongpob, now that he have a chance to speak he is asking him "...is everything okay between you and Arthit?"

Kongpob half nod "...yes porr"

David nod "...you don't like my son?"

Kongpob went stricken he went nervous he did not expect this was coming he wanted to say its' not about liking but the problem is him,

"you can talk to me, Kongpob" David assured

Kongpob slightly nod "...everything is good with us porr, please don't worry about us,"

David gives an understanding nod "...Arthit do love you Kongpob, hope you will forgive him if he is being stubborn with you, sometimes he is very stubborn for the people he love,"

Kongpob gives an understanding smile "..yes porr, p'Arthit is the last person I ever wanted to have in my life,"

David smiled "...I am feeling good to hear those words form you, his mom will be feeling happy,"

Kongpob smiled with heart warming smile, which brought tears to David eyes "...porr must be missing mae a lot,"

"..I do! I always do"

"..don't worry porr, mae will always be with you in your heart she had a permanent place, so take care of yourself which will make mae feel more happy,"

David gives him a good smile and Kongpob smiled back "...thank you for being a father to me porr, after I lost my father, I never thought I will have someone in that place, thanks a lot,"

"..your my son too," David assured him "..can I ask your parent details?"

Kongpob gives him a sad smile

"...its okay, if you don't want to son,"

Kongpob shook his head "..its nothing like that porr, my father name Jack suthiluck and mother Ria, my mae left us when I was eight or so, and father passed away two years back,"

"...oh I am sorry,"

Kongpob nod his head "..its okay, porr,"

David felt the names familiar and he just nod without further questioning him..

Arthit walks in and his father stand to his knees, spreads his arms wide open he cooed into his father arms "..had a tired day?"

Arthit kissed his father cheek "...just casual like every day,"

Kongpob is hiding his chuckle Arthit is acting like a baby who just came from school saying he miss his father a lot,

Arthit ears turned to the source of chuckle he retorts on Kongpob "...now don't laugh, its all because of you I left my porr for ten years and now I miss him a lot ...I am not like you to throw away people who once loved you a lot,"

Kongpob eyes were moist, while David asks Arthit to calm down and Arthit walks away to their bedroom and Kongpob sat their looking to Arthit back retreating to bedroom


Kongpob shook his head to David "..its okay porr, I am not hurt, I understand this was all my fault,"

David gives him a slight nod, he sit back to sofa and ask Kongpob "...why did you break up with Arthit?"

Kongpob just hung his head low

"...I am worried for both of you, I don't understand why you broke up with Arthit if you love him so much, and now you returned back and I don't think the terms are good between you, I am afraid of Arthit hurting or harming you Kongpob,"

Kongpob shook his head "..oh please porr, p'Arthit will never do that to me, he is good to me, infact I am the one who is hurting"

"..tell me your reason of being separated form Arthit and after long years you're here?" David asked with certain worry

Kongpob nod hiding his tears "...I never expected I will be in this place, if I knew I would never leave p'Arthit, I will never do that, porr"

"...what happen?"

Kongpob gulped "...I am sorry porr,"

David nod "...its okay," he gets up form sofa "...I will go and arrange dinner,"

Kongpob was in daze he did not hear what david is saying and david understand Kongpob Is in deep thinking and he left the hall in silence

Five minutes later Arthit was out with a white towel tied to his waist "...porr, have you see my night shorts, they are all missing," he yelled to his father who is arranging dinner in kitchen

Kongpob stood up walking to Arthit and Arthit followed him inside the room "..i will give you-your clothes only if you hand me mine in a minute," his hands raised on waist

Arthit chuckled and Kongpob took a pause to notice the simple smile with wet hair falling down his forehead, he watches Arthit taking a step closer and pulled him close by an arm he looks down to Kongpob cute eyes "...you know I prefer both of us without clothes,"

Kongpob turned red trying to get out from Arthit arms but Arthit with a single hand he flips Kongpob back to the closed door he looks down to the nervous boy in his arms being trapped "...tell me, do we need clothes,"

Kongpob struggled to breath in the closet space "..if you do anything I will scream,"

Arthit laughed with his head falling close to Kongpob eyes making Kongpob gulp even more, Arthit arm in slow feel he squeezed right side of the waist making Kongpob squirm in Arthit arm "...leav..e"

Arthit gives him a serious eye stare "I won't ..."

Kongpob trying to peel Arthit fingers which are squeezing his waist but he could not, he heard Arthit whispering in his ear "...don't waste your energy,"

He glared to Arthit smiling eyes "...leave I said,"

Instead he gives stern eyes "...,tell me where are my clothes?"

Kongpob did not answer and Arthit pulled him closer making Kongpob gasp and look deep into Arthit eyes "...are we really talking about clothes,"

That low tone made Kongpob to keep staring to Arthit eyes and swallows his throat down

Arthit's another hand is about to slip under Kongpob's shirt

"..I...I ...arranged your wardrobe," he answered he could not take that mental torture anymore if this continues he might just agree to sleep with Arthit

Arthit was surprised "...what?"

Kongpob walks past Arthit shoulder feeling thumps and thumps the naked glory of packed handsomeness, the fair abs and hard chest, Kongpob literally turning weak in knees, and his legs are still trembling, he could not look straight to Arthit and he just passed his shoulder, yelling in annoyed voice "... wardrobe is messy so i arranged it,"

Simply saying he opened the wardrobe "...here is your night ware"

Kongpob rooted to his spot feeling Arthit standing closer to his back, he tried to walk way but Arthit braced his hand on closed door of the wardrobe, looking to Kongpob having his head down he carefully studying Kongpob being anxious he is slowly closing the gap between them, where Kongpob stumbled with his back colliding with the wardrobe, he gasped for Arthit being so near and tried to push on Arthit hard chest which is partially wet, feeling Arthit chest under his fingertips which is more harder than he imagined to be, his instantly removed his hand "let me go..."

Arthit smirked giving a close look to Kongpob, while Kongpob gives a trembling looks, his eyes moving between Arthit lips and eyes which are leaning closer to have a kiss, for a second Kongpob was about to give in and then when his heart started to beat more he could not stand anymore and escaped by lowering his head below to Arthit hand he escaped running out the door

Arthit laughed picking his night wear shirt and shorts, slipping into he walks to the dining table, he gives his all eyes to Kongpob who is just pretending to not look at Arthit way

Lam making cough sounds while Arthit glared him and David just shook his head, Kongpob gives him a slight glare between the untouched food plate to Arthit staring eyes "....eat" he gritted

"...with smile,"

The demanding at the dining table is riling up his frustration, he did not do as asked for, he continued to eat to only find Arthit still staring at him, feeling more embarrassed he gives a grinning smile "....eat,"

Arthit nod "...better," he continued to eat while Kongpob fuming and fussing over the food plate

They heard david saying "....Kongpob will sleep in lam room,"

Arthit coughed out receiving a glass of water form lam he glared yet he received the glass taking sips of water and putting the glass down he asked his father "...why?"

It mostly like authoritative parenting

David gives a nod "...you are still dating, and I don't agree with such living together relationships,"

This time Kongpob coughed "...we are not like that porr," he turned red

David mentioned again "...sleep in lam room,"

Kongpob happily nod "thank you porr,"

Arthit just died their, having his dinner, done with dinner...Arthit cheekily whispers in Kongpob ear "....late at night, you sneak into my room, you don't have to hesitate, and you might already know my bed is spacious for us," he winked while Kongpob ear turned pink he started hiccupping

David worriedly ask "...have some water, son,"

Arthit walks away after committing the crime, while Kongpob is controlling his heart


It was late at night, arthit woke up feeling thirsty he could not sleep thinking about Kongpob, he walks out to have some drinks only to find out he is still at the dining hall lights were on, he walks to the table for Kongpob who is studying "...your studying this late,"

Concentrated Kongpob hearing the sudden voice he jumped out of his skin "...you scared me"

Arthit did not expect that, he is caressing Kongpob back "...I did not mean to scare you,"

Kongpob breath in and out and ask arthit again "...now what? your roaming like a ghost, did the doctor kill someone in the operation theatre,"

"...yeah I am a ghost now, want to drink your blood" he teasingly tried to lean in to act like he is about suck on Kongpob neck

Kongpob instantly warned him "...oiee, stay away,"

Arthit raised his arms "...I am off to have some drinks, mind to have some," he asked

Kongpob turned silent he is working on his assignment which he need to submit it by next week

Placing two glasses and an alcohol bottle he settles in a chair beside Kongpob , he peak to Kongpob who is scribbling on papers "...oh assignment,"

Kongpob replies in an annoying tone "..don't disturb,"

"okay sir," arthit announced pouring drink into a glass, he asks again "....want to have a glass,"

Kongpob shook his head again concentrating on writing and arthit nod in realising he should not have ask him, yet he just tried "take good care of my heart,"

Kongpob pen paused for a second and look back to arthit sincere eyes he sighed "....I won't,"

Arthit chuckled "...you are already taking care of yourself, which mean my heart is safe,"

"what...?" he gives a annoyed face again

"your my heart,"

Kongpob laughs "...don't tell me you just got drunk for one sip,"

Arthit shook his head continuing to drink to engulf the bitterness he is tasting when he finds out Kongpob being sick for long time he could be able to sleep a wink and he wants to drink more.

Kongpob scribbling his assignment he ask arthit "...Doctor, do you have, anatomy text book?" he asked continuing to write

"...studying medicine course, you don't have anatomy text book?" he asked in return

Kongpob huffed "....cannot you say yes or no?"

Arthit nod "...yes I have"

Kongpob eyes sparkled "...can I borrow it?"

Arthit nod sure "its in that opposite room...after returning from USA I never reopen my books they must be dusted,"

Kongpob nod remembering something "...did you leave your father because of me," certain hurt can be seen in Kongpob eyes

"ofcourse, how can I stay here when you reject me and my mae left me the same night," he sadly chuckled chugging the drink down his throat

"...slow down," Kongpob worried voice made arthit to look back to Kongpob eyes and Kongpob asked again "...what happen to mae?"

"...accident," tears pooled in arthit eyes, Kongpob held a hand of arthit's "s-orry,"

Arthit asked back with emotional eyes "...for what, for leaving me or for my mae's death,"

Kongpob looks down squeezing arthit hand "...both,"

"why did you left me?"

Kongpob turned silent

"you never tell me your reason to leave me,"

Kongpob left arthit hand he is back to his assignment "lets not talk about those matters,"

Arthit nod in a sad way he poured another glass of drink and continued to drink

"I will go and check in the room, for-r the text book," he got out form the chair, opening the room door he sneezed for the dust and cleaned his wet cheeks , tears trailed down when he remember his past he scans the room and looks around the boxes searching them one by one, by moving them and passing the big boxes to the corner of the room he sneezed for the dust suddenly he screamed his lungs out and went into arthit arms feeling safe he is panting, then he realised arthit is standing behind him,

"why-y why? what happen?"

Kongpob felt embarrassed for screaming for a cockroach after a minute of getting a grip on himself he parted form arthit arms, murmuring under his breath "...nothing," he breathed looking here and their

Arthit never leaves his chance to tease him "...afraid of cockroach,"

Kongpob fumed "I am not,"

"yes you're,"

Kongpob raised his hand to hit for only to arthit hold his wrist and Kongpob raised another hand, only for both the wrist to lock at his lower back and his chest pressed to arthit's

Kongpob eyes widen "....leave,"


Kongpob was paused he keeps looking to arthit sparkling eyes through the source of moonlight

In the silent room, his wrist's were still locked into arthit fingers he is stepping back as arthit guides and his back collides with white curtain which is elevating through moonlight he keeps looking into arthit eyes which are not even leaving him not even for a second

Arthit presses himself forward to his chest and leans down to Kongpob ear who is unexpectedly being silent, whispering alone into Kongpob silent ear filling it with his voice "...do you have any idea how you look in those shorts and tee, I never knew you have sexy legs,"

a lean long finger was slightly tracing above his knees, Kongpob knees are trembling with the lingering touch and those words, Kongpob knew he is nothing but a bony figure, and his legs are not sexy, when he felt arthit tracing his upper thigh with skilful fingers, he almost give in to arthit touch and accept his defeat he almost melt and puddle into arthit alcoholic scent which is driving him crazy, their bodies were pressed together and arthit tracing his upper thigh and the hand slowly sneaking its way under the tee shirt raising Kongpob heart beat intensified but the hand did not reach anywhere, slowly his wrist were released, and arthit step back with a smirk where Kongpob trembled to stand straight and hold onto the window curtain along with the grills

while arthit fetch the text book from one of the higher open rack shelf he dusted the book he looked around to find a duster, he cleaned the text book and hand it to Kongpob who is looking down "...here,"

Kongpob taking the text book he did not talk back he walks past arthit arm and arthit walks out too

while Kongpob totally keeps his concentration on writing the assignment he continuously copying form the text book asking his mind to not think back about anything he is literally scribbling line to line just to keep his mind busy.

arthit came back with a warm glass of milk and placed it on table, he settles into a chair "...Kongpob you should not be copying all text book,"

the lone voice in ear and the milk smell, he paused scribbling putting the pen down to papers he closed his eyes while he heard a slight chuckle of arthit voice "...here have this milk, I will underline the important points and explain you, you can note them down,"

Kongpob takes the glass of milk and starts drinking he looks to arthit working on chapter and explaining the topic to Kongpob "..you can ask me if you have any doubts,"

Kongpob just keeps drinking and listening to arthit, although he knew how to do an assignment he is more involved with arthit spending time with him.

"....oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood, while drawing the body parts, make sure to use blue and red pens to differentiate so you can easily understand how blood supply is going on..." arthit looks to Kongpob staring to him "....are you listening?"

Kongpob nod with a smile and arthit returned the smile, he pat on Kongpob hair "...ask me if you have any doubts, you can write down those points," he mentioned

For god sake Kongpob is studying post-graduation and he know how to do an assignment and the topic is not any knew for Kongpob he is aware of the topic but tonight his brain is somewhere else, to keep his brain chanting to think straight he keeps jotting down line to line form text book if not arthit helping him with topic he might scribbled entire text book

Listening to arthit, he put the empty glass down to the table and started to scribble the important points while arthit keeps explaining him and in between he smacks on Kongpob head slightly for a small mistake, Kongpob smiles to between he concentrated to listen to arthit explaining him whole chapter

"....any doubts,"

Kongpob shook his head "...what are cardiovascular disorders?"

Kongpob can sense arthit serious now, he gulped

"...don't know"

He again gives silence

"...for gods sake, I am explaining you since an hour, and you cannot even remember the names of disorder,"

Arthit scolding him, he miss this a lot, in the past arthit used to teach him a lot like this,if he used to have any difficult topic to study he would ping him a message and arthit would bring him to a library and explain until Kongpob understand and answers his all questions and he would make him study the topic until Kongpob learn with perfect score

Arthit took a paper and pen he scribbling almost ten names of cardiovascular disorders "...now look,"

Kongpob looks to the paper while arthit is explaining him about each disorder, sometimes he would get pen pats on head "...concentrate,"

"...now have you understand about hypertensive disorder?"

Kongpob nod and arthit irritably asking him "...what did you study in your graduation course, their itself you should have learnt about all these basics,"

Kongpob wants to chuckle he miss this a lot and right now he is enjoying every moment with him, he used to dream these times with arthit, like he use to think 'if arthit is there with me, he would definitely scold me for lazing around' then he would concentrate back onto studies

Arthit placed the pen back to the glass table "...write down, take the assignment seriously, just don't copy directly from text book," their again he scolds and he stood up "...I will get my mac book,"

Kongpob nod meanwhile he is penning down his assignment with a smile plastered on his lips he keeps writing down all the points arthit pointed out and when he felt arthit came back he did not turn his head he keeps writing, he peaks a glance through his eye corner where arthit is sipping his third glass of alcohol and typing away in the mac book, it's a small electronic gadget looks like small book like laptop he find it fascinating while arthit typing in the gadget, and then arthit points the screen "....here look at the video,"

Kongpob nod with interest and arthit keeps explaining him while having his fourth glass of alcohol and Kongpob keeps writing down some important points and asking his doubts in middle

"...thank you Doctor," Kongpob said closing his papers into a stick file while arthit takes the file into his hand he fixes the file appropriately "...this is how it's supposed to be done,"

"drink less...senior," arthit nod away with slight shiver in spine back when they were young that is how kongpob used to call

Kongpob smiled for arthit speaking in drunk mode and he nods, arthit placing the file back to table he closes his apple mac book, and looks back to Kongpob who is looking at him "thank you, if not for you, I would take one week time to complete,"

Arthit smiled patting on Kongpob head "..now have rest for remaining days,"

Kongpob nod "..sure sir,"

When arthit was about to leave, Kongpob says "....sir? I forgot to ask I need my wallet,"

The latter brow quirked

".....atleast give my card, I need my details to transfer money"

"...for what and to whom," arthit questioned

"...excuse me, its my card and my money," Kongpob mentioned

"oh, to your girlfriend," arthit asked remembering, yesterday's Kongpob phone call

He gives a confused smiled "...gril..friend," he then realised, yesterday too arthit was upset over some topic, "..don't tell you me your eves dropping to my phone call"

Arthit gives a straight answer "...yes I did"

Kongpob puffed his cheek and released "...so what, yeah...its for my girlfriend,"

The next second Arthit went and came by he gives the card back to Kongpob and Kongpob transferring the amount to other account

"...your giving money to your girlfriend"

Kongpob nod "...she need it,"

"...that seems too less, shall I add mine too,"

Kongpob jokes "....don't tell your jealous and wants to prove to my girlfriend,"

"ofcourse," arthit added without denying

Such confidence is making Kongpob to grin to himself "stop being jealous over my girlfriend..."

"...don't cheat on me" arthit ask

And Kongpob chuckles "....we are not even dating and this does not count as cheating," Kongpob reminds him

Arthit takes the phone away and reads the recipient name "grandma...."

Kongpob hisses and takes his phone back

"...so you have a grandmother,"

Kongpob ask back "..yes, why you want to meet her and ask my hand"

"so sweet of you love, I want to," arthit grins

Kongpob shook his head "..not a chance,"

"let's see" arthit is about to leave

"....sorry p'arthit,"

That halts arthit and Kongpob gives apologetic look "...sorry for making you leave your home place, your father when he needs you the most,"

Arthit just gives a plain reply "...lets not talk about past, I am on fresh page now, let me be and I am hoping you will do the same,"

Kongpob looks down and arthit ask him again "...you cannot"

He looks back to arthit eyes "...I do want to,"

there is a certain cold stare in arthit eyes which is making him gulp

"...I want you to be happy with someone who can give you everything, I cannot," he looks down to his fingers

And arthit fisted his fist slightly banging it on table and Kongpob looks to the fist and back to arthit eyes while arthit retorts in silence raised voice which he is trying to control and not to yell on Kongpob

"....your are my happiness," he leaned closer to Kongpob chair and Kongpob could not create any space between them while arthit drags his chair close to him "...I don't need anyone, except you,"

Kongpob gulps his throat down and about to look down

"...look at me"

That warning made Kongpob not to drop his eyes down but to look at arthit, he was caged into arthit hug and arthit caresses his back "....i will never leave you Kongpob, you're the only one person whom I want to have with me to my last breath,"

Tears pooled in Kongpob eyes he mumbled in his thoughts 'me too'

Arthit hissed cupping Kongpob cheeks he finds his neck wet while Kongpob held a palm on arthit back of head he is caressing his hairs while arthit trying to stop himself he is being thankful for Kongpob being with him

Arthit looks back to Kongpob eyes which are trying to avert his gaze while arthit stubbornly held his chin closer to him and thumb caressing the bottom lip his penetrative alcoholic gaze is making Kongpob chest tighten he tries to bring his chin down but arthit grip is strong,

A minute of resistance, Kongpob cannot back off anymore he softly held Kongpob left cheek gauzing Kongpob teary eyes he lean onto the soft flesh of pink lips he drops a kiss on the quivering bottom lip and breathing into Kongpob nostrils while Kongpob closed his eyes in breathing arthit's alcoholic smell feeling arthit thumb dabbing on his chin and caressing under the bottom lip, in allowance he slightly parted his pink lips and arthit hissed on him "...don't,"

he warned and loosen his grip on Kongpob yet Kongpob did not neither push him knor run away while arthit undergoing mental torture on not to bleed those soft lips

"...Don't stop" Kongpob squeezed to shut his eyes tight

Arthit hissed as he further lean onto the lips sucking on the bottom lips yearning a low moan he continues to kiss him by holding his head and licking the lips he dive into Kongpob warm mouth tasting his every corner simultaneously hearing Kongpob moans while a tear streaks down Kongpob cheek and arthit continues to kiss him, he was suddenly pulled onto arthit lap he gasped to squealing he was seized into arthit kiss while a hand caressing his back with arthit kissing him skilfully he was undergoing breathless with chest tightening while arthit was so involved in their passionate kiss while hands skilfully moved under the tee, hearing a delicious moan

"stop me...kong"

Kongpob suffocation increased he started tapping on arthit's shoulder while arthit raised him to the dining table, he continued to kiss him more passionately while a hand sneaked under the lose shirt and Kongpob is fighting to stop the hand, but arthit hand snarked under the shirt and looped around the waist and clawed the small back, he cupped Kongpob's back and continued to kiss him

While another hand was skilfully unbuttoning the short buttons, Kongpob got panicked he held a hand on arthit's fingers which are skilfully undoing his short button, Kongpob panting to plead "...stop"

Arthit halts his hormones he hug Kongpob closer and tighten their hug until he control his raised hormones he keeps breathing into Kongpobs neck while his arms hugging Kongpob waist pulling him close to him and warm breath fanning on Kongpob neck, arthit looks back to Kongpob drunken red face which are avoiding his eyes he placed a kiss on his forehead "...sorry if its uncomfortable,"

That was a passionate love and Kongpob was not uncomfortable, he hurriedly shook his head "no..it...it's not-t"

He could not frame any sentence while still heat creeping his cheeks

Arthit smiled to Kongpob pink cheeks he peck a tight kiss on Kongpob cheek "..good night love," he leaves dazed

arthit left Kongpob on table and walks away back to bedroom

Kongpob keeps staring to the closed bedroom door and touches his swollen lip and hugs the tee shirt close to his chest inhaling arthit scent, warm tears keeps streaking down his cheeks it was almost like a dream come true for him, studying with arthit and a passionate kiss, he is sobbing more and more.

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