Solace(Danny Uchiha Pendragon...

By RicTomlinson2

2.5K 38 1

When asked about Danny Many have now as untold stories about him but this time day now marked the day that hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Harem 2
Harem 3
Harem 4

Chapter 7

155 1 0
By RicTomlinson2

Rias(Millicus that's not your father Sirzech's is your father!)

Millicus(That Deadweight is not my father anymore! So you can go fuck each other!)

Sirzech(Millicus! I promise you Once this is all over I will save you!)

Millicus(No once this is over You'll be all dead! and I'll be recording it to show my children how pathetic you all are!)

Gasper(Now why don't we invite the others to come here huh?)

As that now as that Asia and co now as that arrived now as that from how as that needed to be done now as that from the end of the supernatural/Pantheons now as that from how as that known from the truth as that what was thought not possible was possible now as that from how as that now from because of 1 person Danny now as that from the hope now as that known truth now from savor of all as that from the path as that was that of true peace vs lies.

Serafall(it seems so....Why don't we give them what they came for?)

Irina(Finally I wasn't satisfied on the last battle maybe killing some Valkyries would do the Trick~)

Asia(Save some for me~ I wanted to taste one~)

Rossweisse(So you weren't satisfied with me last night?~)

Asia(Of course I was satisfied with you~ I Just couldn't help but try some more~)

Rossweisse(I know what you mean my Dear~)



Tvo*Demon*(I've been waiting for this)

Tvo*Demon*(Now then let's see for how long you can all hold out)


Sirzech(We fight!)

Now that the time has come for the Final war of the supernatural world vs Humanity has to begin Serafall and Sona vs off to Sirzech Danny vs Sun wukong that from how as that Sairaorg and now as that from his peerage now as that from Azazel vs Lord Phionex now as that from how as that all-out war now as that from how as that down.

Danny(I never thought now that we would cross paths once more)

Sun wukong(Things won't go like last time)

Danny(Well see about that)

Sun wukong*Thoughts*(That Snake again)

Danny(Indra Saved you last time this time you won't be so lucky)

Danny now as that Defeated Sun wukong now as that from how as that from the truth now as that up now as that shocker now as that from how as that no good now as that of the common matter now as that from how as that vs Danny's group now as that from how as that power is nothing now as that from the truth as that known from how as that common matter now as that of the fact now as that proved the point now as that from what was needed vs what wasn't.

Rias(Brother what's going on?!)

Sirzech(I don't know!)


Devil2*Pain*(HELP US!!!!!!!!!)

Shocker now as that from turned to the undead now as that from how as that known from truth now as that how as that from fault now as that was now but that nonetheless.

Sirzech(This is all Danny's fault! He turned our armies into monsters!)

Sun wukong(N-No)


Sun Wukong(T-This is the effect of using the Necronomicon the Book will grant you but for a price and this is it)

Sirzech(No! The Necronomicon doesn't have an effect!)

Danny(Foolishness as that seems for yourselves now as that what power now as that gets you nowhere now as that mere nonsense of the truth as that from how as that all of this Sirzech is your fault for your never-ending greedy for power)

But then now as that Rias screamed now as that wasn't good now as that horror as that of the truth as that was known but that nonetheless now of the fact that was truth vs lies.




Danny(Why would God show you mercy when you never showed now as that those now as that any?)

Serafall(So the Necronomicon already took effect?)

Xenovia(By the looks of it using the Book of the Dead turned them into the undead)

Azazel(That idot Sirzech never read the fine print)

Sairaorg(And everyone believed that the Necronomicon was harmless)

Sona(What rubbish)

Serafall(But wait how did beat you when you were in Regulus Balance breaker?)

Sairaorg(That wasn't Regulus that was just a copied costume of Regulus that beat me in half of my strength if I was in Regulus balance breaker along with Pod He wouldn't have stood a chance)

Serafall(Then how did-)

Danny(That's because now as that from act now as that from beat him now as that fun as that spot as that from how as that false hope now as that soon shattered of the end)

Rossweisse(And now they'll die as a monster)

Sirzech(Rias it's me your brother)


Camelia(Ah yes when the high and might now as that crashes and burns now as that from what a show this is)

Asia(I wish I had some popcorn)

Danny(How long now as that before Sis-con as that changes like them)


Danny(Is that how you became King????? blaming others now as that from what's your fault as that you should know the truth now as that from price as that from how as that taken now as that from Karama from how many have suffered now as that because of Rias and the Gremory clan here and now the nightmare ends)

Baraquiel was Killed now as that from what needed to be done now as that from how Xenovia and Irina changed to whip-fist from how as that now as that needed to as well. Thus now as that from the back now as that now as that from how as that not good now as that from wrath now as that done as that from how as that known matter.

Danny(You never learn do you?)


Danny(Finally something that we can agree on!)

Sirzech now as that went into that form as that wasn't human now or Devil from the pure truest incarnation of evil now as that from how as that known from fact now as that from his real self that was nothing more than an evil tyrant now as that from how as that Danny knew now as that from the truth as that how as that stood now as that from how as that many had suffered now as that because of him.

Sirzech(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll devour everything from your soul body everything-!)

Danny(HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA! The hearts of others now as that from something that you'll never know and understand nor be able to touch!)



All turned up to the sky human's demons now as that from started now as that felt his heart now as that started now as that sending him their hopes and dreams now as that from Zeldris and Estarossa as that from Yasaka and the Yokai faction as that from Azazel and co they all send their dreams to Danny.

Koneko*Thoughts*(Please let my heart and soul reach him Danny please save us from this Horrible fate now as that caused by such madness)She and Kuroka even now that from both did the same.

Asia*Thoughts*(You solved all of the world's problems now as that from those that who couldn't fight back please let my heart and soul blessing reach him)

Xenovia(Irina I love Danny)As she smiled she did so as well both didn't care about the truth now as that never changed their feelings for him.

Irina(I know I love him too)As both closed their eyes now as that offered now as that their prayers now as that for their hearts now as that reach him.


Zeldris(Seems now that even after all this time you've become something else brother you better now lose to him show him now that the hopes and dreams of others suffered because of him)


Azazel(The Kid is something else)

Yasaka(Agreed he's even from such now as that Kind and caring now as that pure of heart as that from fights for the weak as that from Mankind as that treats them equally)

Azazel(Vs Sirzech who failed and never did such things)

Thus now as that up from the skies Above now as that from seen Danny vs Sirzech now as that from one that will and heart of others now as that vs one that seen not but himself now as that evil now as that no good vs the Star King.


Danny charged Down Sirzech now as that who was coming towards him now as that for those moments as that he felt everything now as that from how as that those that were weak no good as that suffered now as that because of Sirzech and co from bs that was no good as that from the one time in life when you can do anything now as that he felt it. Sirzech now as that made those Tenacles as that wasn't good but that Danny's Energy Shield made of God Energy stopped it thus now.

Voice1(Don't fret boy as that from the will of the world now as that entire world rests on your shoulders as that his incarnation can't be killed that of murder and blood intent)

Quinella(Now Boy once more show me that Godly power that you gained from me as well)

Cardinal(Danny as that they all truly love and care for you that you brought them all together the bonds of eternal that you made with them their hearts and souls are all with you)


Danny unleashed his most Devastating attack now Starburstream on Sirzech who took the full force of the assault which proved no match now for Danny's overwhelming power as that known of truth now as that stood now as that before now as that known common fact.

Danny(IT'S OVER SIRZECH!!!!!!!!)


He went to stop Danny but that was blocked now as that thus Danny ran his sword down Sirzech's body from that known truth of the matter.





Sirzech now as that was Defeated by Danny now as that from how as that truth now as that of the matter now as that was known.

Danny(Is that you've got Sirzech?)

Gasper(This is those years now as that of locking me in that Dam closet!)

Millicus(And this is for the time you wasted sitting on your ass on that chair instead of teaching me to use my POD!)

As that now as that watched now as that from how as that was going down now as that from how as that he smiled now as that from the screams of pain from how as that known from fact now as that from the bs no good Gremory clan members as that it was a long road but that at last now as that it was complete now as that of true peace as that vs the nightmare to be as.

Sirzech*Pain*(AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! R-RIAS STOP IT!)

Danny(Now let's make this more interesting)Snapped his fingers Asia threw a bottle of Holy water at Sirzech as his scream got louder

Danny(Don't die yet)

Azazel(What's that?)

Danny(Damnations Respite I prevent him from dying so I can hear his cries)

Azazel(What should we do about the others?)

Danny(Do whatever the heck you want kill them Reverse their curse freed them to the Grimm I don't care what you do to them but these two are mine to kill)

Azazel(Roger that)

Danny(Oh and 1 more thing find Zeoticus and Venelana and bring them to me)

Azazel(As you wish)He flew away now as that find the 2 remaining Gremory.

And that now as that was back now as that from seen the hours now as that Sirzech now as that been shredded now by Rias Azazel as that was back now as that before him as that from brought now as that beaten up Zeoticus and that wrapped from chains Venelana.

Azazel(Danny I brought them)

Danny(Good thank you Azazel but what happened to them now as that from the humans have they returned?)

Azazel(Yes and now as that from how as that should be from the truth as that vs now as that from how as that known was)

Danny(Fair enough)

Azazel(Everything now as that worked out now as that from how as that Ddraig that was removed from Hyoudou now as that kept intact now as that of the matter no longer an issue)

Danny(Good tell them now as that move to the final phase)


Danny(But what have you done from the remaining Enemies?)

Azazel(You could say a fate worse than Death)

Danny(Well done you may go now)He bowed to him before flying back to the real world

He turned around now as that gremory clan members as that from how as that many had suffered now as that because of them as that one to wonder now as that from the truth as that very thought now as that from enraged Danny but that now as that came over to the trash/No good.

Danny(Oi well now long time no see Zeoticus Venelana)


Danny(Ah that's so now as that from the person as that brought about the end of the supernatural from your fuck of a failure now as that of a daughter as that son as that from crap as that sought now as that all around now as that for what? power greed that brought about Eternal nothingness..........)

As that now as that turned around now as that see not good now as that from Rias as that fucked up Sirzech now as that from wasn't good but that from a shocker now as that of the matter to Zeoticus.

Zeoticus(Rias Sirzech! Stop that!)

Danny(It's no use as that no matter how many times now you call her name she'll not listen to that because she's now nothing as she's always been a mindless monster)

Zeoticus(You bastard! What did you do to her-!)

Danny(God has done nothing to them but from truth your son now as that asshole Rias Whoremory now as that from spread the curse now as that of the Necronomicon from your armies from her peerage members as that she's as she's always been from truth as that mindless monster now as that shredding her bother now as that won't die. But that's not enough now as that from the torture now as that endlessly now as that from you devils as that your quest for more and more power now as that from how as that known truth I'll make sure now as that you suffer now as that before I kill you and put your souls in Eternal Damnation)

Zeoticus(Stop it!!)But he got kicked now as that face as that knocked out a tooth.

Danny(Now the time has come now as for God to make up his mind on what to do with you both)

Venelana(P-P-Please Danny I-I-I-I treated you like a Family before)

Danny(Ah Yes God hasn't forgotten from your past now good deeds since your Misla sister here the choice for you)

Venelana(W-W-What is it?)

Danny(Kill Your Failure of a Husband brutally or God is going to Kill You both and that makes sure now that your souls suffer now as that Endless Eternal Torture now as that from Eternal Damnation so what's your choice)

Zeoticus(D-D-Don't listen to him if you kill me He'll kill you Afterward!)

Danny(God is a man of his word unlike you I've never broken any promises so Venelana What's your Answer Eternal Death or life)

Zeoticus(Venle D-Don't stop it!)

Venelana(I'm sorry Dear I would've died for and with you if only you'd never cheated on me with our Maid I hope you said your goodbyes to Sally Sayonara)


Danny(Dam and here now as that thought the Uchiha Clan now as that had problems but Dam You'll truly on another level)


Danny(Rest now if you need it)

Misla(Danny You called?)

Danny(Yes help your sister clean up now as that she earned herself a good rest)

Misla(Come on Vena let's get you cleaned up)

Meliodas*Serious*(Now then as that from both of you)As that he used those blue flames now as that from how as that burned remained Zeoticus now as that from who's soul now as that now send to Eternal Damnation.

Chains now as that appeared from the ground now wrapped around Ria's wrist and brought her back down now as to ground she pulled the chains but no good to Sirzech's destroyed Organs as they started regenerating as his entire body shook from exhaustion.

Meliodas*Serious*(Wake up you're not dead because I prevented you now wake up)

Sirzech*Weak*(Y-You)He brought out that Dagger now as that from coated now as that from Holy water as that stabbed into Sirzech's shoulder that made him grit his teeth in pain.

Danny(Disgusting false Demon No good as that did you truly think a mere Insect now as that could Defeat me? Hehehe oh well here now as that thought from the pain that your whore of a Sister caused you from the truth as that you'd be used to the pain from ripping your guts out for the countless hours)He twisted the dagger now as that on his shoulder as that Sirzech as that started to scream.

Danny(Rejoice and enjoy the show now as that I'm leaving this here because here and now I'm going to slaughter Rias*Gremory*Whoremory as that with my bare hands)

Sirzech*Pain*(Do What you want with me! Leave her out of this! Let her go!)

He ignored him now as he walked towards Rias now as chanted those Different words now as that from language as that Sirzech didn't understand Rias started to burn from the black flames as she screamed from the pain.

Sirzech(RIAS!!!!!! DANNY STOP IT!!!!)

He crossed his arms and watched Rias burn after those few seconds as that fire on her faded away and she went back to normal.

Danny( welcome back I can torture you with my own hands)


He picked her up by the collar now and started to beat her up to her face Sirzech couldn't do anything but watch him get brutally beaten up Rias tried to stop him but every time she tried to speak he punched her in the face.

Sirzech(STOP IT DANNY!!!!!!!)

He ignored him once more as Danny continued his assault on Rias now as from punching her now that until his very Knuckles bled he then grabbed her by her neck and raised her.

Danny(Now do you understand now as that truth as that of the very words as that those now as that suffered now as that those who were weak no good now as that suffered from your common whore of hands now as that who you betrayed now as that tossed away for your endless greed of Eternal power-seeking as that now from how no good feelings now as that were caused from and that for and because of you now as that blood of the innocent now as that vs the rotten wrong and impure now as that those that were scared afraid now as that fight because of your crap)

He tightened his grip now as that on her neck as that she reached out her hand now as that to his cheek as that tried to speak now as that no sound from her mouth but that he understood from the truth of her words that were spoken.


He snapped her neck and she stopped moving as Sirzech watched in horror as his sister now dead right in front of his eyes Danny dropped her body from that loud thud he cast that blue fire on his hand once more and dropped it on her corpse as the fire started to burn her body into ashes.

Danny(Now Your time has come Sis-con Sirzech Gremory Former Lucifer but worry not because your father and Rias are waiting for you)

Sirzech*Crying*(Then kill me! I want to end this already to stop all of this!)

Danny(For the amounts of Sins caused because of you and your Family killing you won't let you rest because your souls will be in eternal Damnation)

He cast that blue fire again in his hand and stabbed his hand into Sirzech's heart as the fire spread throughout his entire body sirzech scrammed in pain as the fire burned his skin into ashes after that his scream stopped as the fire finally turned him into ashes. Danny looked down at his hand from The Blood of Rias Whoremory on it he took off some of his shirt and used it to wipe the blood off of him.

Thus when he got back from the Dimension of the Lost all of the humans and Soldiers cheered for him to end the supernatural he let them do as they pleased as he went to the Prime minister's office now as that from how as saving the world from the supernatural no good supernatural as that known forever.

Pm(Mr Kara I would like to say that Entire Humanity is in great debt to you for saving us)He and the rest of the staff now bowed to him.

Danny(I only did what was right that was all)

Pm staff1(Then that means since you're our God now?)

Pm staff2(Since now there's no more supernatural you'll be the one who'll rule the world)

Danny(Don't be ridiculous I want nothing to do with that nor to be that Kind of God but that I'll guide everyone's souls to the afterlife where they can be Reincarnated or remain in paradise)

Pm staff3(Reincarnated?)

Danny(Yeah if he wants to go back to this world again and start all over but won't have any Knowledge of his past anyway Prime Minster is the Tsar Bomb Ready)

Pm(Yes it's in the warehouse now)

Danny(Good because I'll be taking it to the underworld and blowing it up)

Pm(It's just down at the warehouse now be very careful with it because it's the most powerful Bomb ever made)

Danny(Will do thank you)

As that now meanwhile back in the underworld, Ravel was talking to her father Lord Phionex who was against now as that from how as that to Danny's actions now as that from Ravel who was against her father but knew the truth Despite how Danny acted he's a good person.


Lordp(You B-)

Danny(Still misguided as ever huh?)

Ravel(What are you doing?! Put me down!)

Danny(Sorry no can do unless you plan on dying that is)

Lordp(Ravel?! Where are you! as that you can't kill me as that BECAUSE I'M I-)

As the Bomb was dropped in the underworld the Remaining Devils saw the blast and how that killed him and expanded bigger and bigger now as that from as known as they all dropped to their knees and accepted their Deaths.

And with that, the underworld was no more and the Devils were now existent the underworld was nothing more but a burden wasteland, now as that back in the room as where the others were now as that turned around to see them now as that he put Ravel down now as that who was confused now as that from what the heck now as that was going on now as that from how as that she knew nothing.

Ravel(W-W-Where am I? Why did you bring me here?!)

Danny(Sera explain it to her)

Serafall(Leave it to me!)

Danny hugged Irina and kissed her on the lips now as that from before going over to Azazel now as that from how as that known truth now as that from went into things now as that from how as that known as such now as that good as that just now as that thought ass as that from how as that thus now as that known no good ones now as that from the truth, Once now as that where done now as that headed off now as that from what needed to be done now as that from truth as that of the common matter as that Final battle as that ender as that from the path of peace as that stood before them now as that from how as that who was next now as that from the truth as that needed to be cut down now as that from the known matter.

Danny*Thoughts*(We're coming for you..........Odin...)

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