Solace(Danny Uchiha Pendragon...

By RicTomlinson2

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When asked about Danny Many have now as untold stories about him but this time day now marked the day that hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Harem 2
Harem 3
Harem 4

Chapter 5

141 2 0
By RicTomlinson2



Irina(It's just...I've been thinking about all the things that...........between you and me)


Irina(As Do I Deserve You? Despite how you act I know how much from truth that you love and care for me and love me from the others as well from how as that of the path of truth vs lies now as that again now as that just...I don't know what the other me was thinking to hurt you so much and cause you so much emotional pain)

Danny(Irina you are not like that bitch I know that but you are not her as I knew the truth from many universes now as that good bad as that end of the day as that you shouldn't let yourself suffer because of that evil witch affect you nor cause you pain from how as that even though as that you're a pure-blooded Demoness you from truth always has been my Angle ever since the first day we've met though not wrong now as that from your Anglice timeline self that caused me alot of pain that's not shown but that from the truth now as that end of the day now as that never thought as that you would give up for mere foolishness such as that)

Irina(B-)He hugged her tightly

Danny(Listen, Irina, you are not that woman that betrayed me for Issei as you are not her she's no good from the truth now as that has no right to even be called an angle as that you're the Irina that I Swore to go to hell and back for as that you have always been my light and hope from the Eternal Darkness when things go bad as weren't good as to have hope always been there for me Despite all of that from you may have thought from otherwise but that never changed from the truth of the fact from my feelings I'm not saying that you have been an Angle is bad but that well enough even I would be wrong but that not right you've been with me to hell and back so tell me how could I possible be mad or hate this right now when it's right you should being always I loved the woman I have feelings for always and wanted to stay with forever even if hard to share me with others how the fuck could I even think about leaving as that not being with you if you love someone then you should accept them for all there flaws you taught me that I've always wanted to be with you because you've always been my goal)


Danny(I'm going to change everything no matter what happens or how dirty I have to get my hands because I never regret being reincarnated because the chance of meeting you and falling in love with you is more than enough for me so please baby please don't cry isn't that why we always have each other's backs right no matter what)

She realized he was right that she'd been holding back from others now as she's constantly hated herself for betraying Danny but now she was only hurting herself from her hate and it was about time she got over her own self-loathing before it consumed her completely she knew that she'd never let history repeat itself no matter what.

Irina*Thoughts*(Am I that weak to fight my hate weak to fight against what I did to repair my actions No No NOOOOOOOOO I will not let history repeat itself no matter what I WILL NEVER LET ANYONE HURT MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!)


As thus now as that self-realization of Irina allowed a drastic change in her body as she grew an additional pair of Demonic wings Irina and the others were all surprised even Danny himself at her second pair of wings Irina suddenly felt a huge surge of power she then joined now as continued.

Danny(Well done you never cease to amaze me)

Irina(Let's enjoy later we still need to deal with things first before it's too late as she's no Holy in my book not anymore she's just a monster like her)

He smirked as he was happy that the Irina in front of him wasn't a Deceiving monster like the one he knew from the truth of the previous timeline known from.

Thus, that headed off as that back to Kuoh as that from the school gates as that Danny and co a-waited now as that from how that came now as that before them.

Danny(It's about time another 5 minutes now as that would've been locked up now as that ah well too bad so sad)

Rias(Danny give my rook and Bishop back to me!)

Danny(Give back????? I don't remember taking them from you as they were the ones that came to me and last night I came inside of them~)

Asia(You fucked me so much last night I lost count)

Koneko(I stop counting after16 last night)

Danny(Vs it Rias it's over as that you failed to see the truth as that before your eyes the supernatural/Pantheons world is finished meaning that soon you are going to die by my very hands and there is nothing you can do to stop me)

Thus now as that off as that from school as that from what needed to be done as that changed now as that alot as that from how as that once stood before now as that he was happy now as that from how as that compared to the bs before as that was known from the truth of the fact.

Many things now as that were planned but that from fact now as that what needed to be done now as that from the truth before him as that went into Sairaorg now as that from how as that crossed his mind now as that from how as that from Odin now as that mix now as that from how as that known now as that of truth as that thus now as that from upcoming those who were scared weak to fight back now as that finally took stand now as that from how as that from what needed to be done now but then from how as that vs once more.

Danny(So that you filled up your trash can with more trash huh?)

Rias(Taunt us as much as you want to Danny we have lord Odin on our side as well as the Asgardians against you!)

Danny(Oh poor Rias as that you still failed to see the truth before you as that from how completely powerless you are to stop me no matter how or who you have on your side you can't nor ever will Defeat me it's hopeless)

Rias(Too bad for you we will Destroy our nightmare and my new Bishop here to destroy you)


Azazel(And I thought that Vail and Varley's existence was a joke now Danny's living true existence is a living nightmare Good thing I chose the right side after all)

Sairaorg and Yasaka made up their minds and joined Danny now as that from the truth as that knew the truth as that the end of the supernatural now as that from Death now as that because of Danny true peace as that was coming now as that true change as that was needed as that from how as that those that kiss ass to Sirzech and treat him as the best thing in the world as a God no longer that was the case.

Irina(So we have Recruits?)

Xenovia(So Yasaka finally joined huh? told you were on the wrong side of the game)

Yasaka(I did what was for the safety of my people)

Irina(Then you did the right thing by choosing Danny)

Meanwhile Father Daughter Talk

Azazel(It's been a while)

Varley(It has why are you here?)

Azazel(Just passing through now as that how about you)

Varley(Just now as that from my own as that after now as that settled things with my brother and have Albion back with me where he rightful belongs)

Azazel(That makes sense now as that is from the truth)

Varley(Azazel tell me the truth as that from how as that Dan-Kun plan now as that from the Yokai that cut ties with the 3 factions and from Sairaorg and his peerage leave the devils)

Azazel(That's because they knew that if you are a lost cause we gave them a chance to join us and they took it so word be wise and do the same unsuch as your brother now as that otherwise the next time now as that cross path's to be enemies I won't hesitate to kill you all even if now as that I saw you as my daughter as your brother my son)

As that now when he left the shop now as that no good now as that vs Rias and co as that from no good that waited for him.

Azazel(Why do I Keep running into some trash today?)

Rias(You brainwashed Yasaka and Sairaorg to join you and release them!)

Azazel(Look I know your Family is crazy but I never knew that you were already brain-dead so tell me do you have a solution to Solve your problem? if not then you're all fucked up than usual speaking of fucked...........)


Asia(What a bunch of pathetic fuckers)

Yasaka(Rias Gremory you and the Red Dragon Emperor are not allowed to attack my allies as long as I live)

Rias(Why?! Did you betray us over them?! You told us that you would help us fight and destroy Danny!)

Yasaka(Not until I learned the truth you see no matter how many beings God allied with that you recruit Danny is the future of this world and he's Inevitable)

Asia(Don't tell them yet Yasaka let them suffer because once they know it they'll beg for a quick Death)

Koneko(let's finish this so we can go to the Groceries I need to re-stock my Candy cabinet)

Asia(Yeah let's go)

And thus now as that all-out war now as that from small now as that from how as that truth now as that vs now as that from how as that needed to be done now as that from the truth of the common known matter from how as that was from how as that needed as that to be as of the matter.

Irina(Indeed It did Camelia I just can't believe I did that to Danny I don't know what drove me to hurt Danny like this I Don't know......................)

Her voice was filled with guilt and sadness she was crying endlessly she didn't know what to do Danny hated her for some things she did in another timeline she hated herself for her actions she discarded her childhood friend out of a mere flaw for being human Camelia now as that held Irina as that from a caring manner Irina cried her heart out when she saw this.

He didn't know what to do he wanted to comfort her but he was scared now deep down from how much she made him suffer not only that but she Abandoned him now as that from how that threw away his friendship like nothing he was afraid to be close to anyone now as that truth to his evil Dark cold personality he wondered from the truth if this Irina would do the same thing as that Irina did now as that doubt was fucking him up now as that from mind body and soul.

Danny(Irina listen as I said before that what you've done was unforgivable from the previous timeline not only caused me emotional Phantom pain from the Trauma that Issei Rias Akeno Xenovia caused but that went as far now as to cheat on me with Issei now as that from threw away our friendship like it was nothing that impossible to forget that never happened)Irina flinched on hearing this but he continued

Danny(But you need to know as that from what happened back then now as that from how as that from the truth now as that shouldn't beat yourself up for her actions she means nothing to me now as that nor ever will she again she dead to me but you and she aren't the same person I've seen your actions so far and don't hold any Deception like your counterpart timeline so from other words don't punish yourself for what she had done nor hold back move on and be the better person I know that you are that believed and seen the good in others Despite there flaws good nature that you always held that kindness and caring strong will even though your not an Angle but that doesn't nor ever to change the face you've always been my Angle you earned it you haven't betrayed me so far so that what I'm saying I don't need to forgive you or the current timeline Irina)

Irina on hearing this cried even more but this time out of happiness that Danny has some faith in her Camelia mentally thanked Danny for helping her out of all she Detested herself for what she did in such a previous timeline out of all the girls Irina was most affected by what she did in such timeline while the others moved on she was unable to do so she was happy that Danny doesn't have any hate for anyone anymore.

Danny(Come there is still work that needs to be done now as that ender of BS as that's known)Irina wiped her tears she knew now she could be in a little bit of peace.

Irina(Yeah let us go......And I'm sorry for ruining your clothes Camelia)

Camelia(It's fine now we got things to finish)

Change over Dual of fated truth

(Well now what do we have here? the Thot queen from such of Kuoh)

Irina(I'm impressed that you're all standing here knowing that you are all going to die soon)

Rias(Heh us Die? don't make me laugh Irina because the only ones who are going to die here are you and Danny)

Danny(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! The Gremory is a bunch of Dumbassess now as that but no shock there now as that from how your Family is from the truth of the matter Delusional)

Rias(Trashtalk us whatever you like but in the end Danny we'll be having the last laugh because we got a new ace in our sleeves)

Danny(And say no more I'm looking forward to torturing you for the rest of your pathetic life)

As the Gremory was going to attack but that now as that not seen now but then now as that stopped now as that from how as that of a shocker now as that from not much but that from how as that was clash from what was known as that before the eyes now as that seen now as that of Sairaorg as that from how as that stood out now as that from truth as that needed to be done.

(Does attack someone blindly what Sirzech taught you? You Disappoint me)

Rias(Why?! Sairaorg Why did you betray us over him?!)

Sairaorg(I didn't betray you it was you who betrayed and I'm only doing what's right not because of what was said to me here no one is a slave everyone's free and can do anything they want I don't have a peerage anymore I Set them free now they can do whatever they want even without my Approval)

Rias(You're wrong Sairaorg I can tell he's blackmailing you he's using your mother so he can do his bidding!)

Sairaorg(He's not using my mother! when he took her he saved her now she's Awake and we're now Despising the Bael and Gremory! It's all because of your Family and my Father that is why we are like this! I wasn't the ideal son that my father wanted because I didn't carry the Power of Destruction as you have My mother went into a Coma and my bastard father didn't care and so did your Family! The only one who helped us is Sona that's why I'm grateful to her now that I've achieved this all of you will be sorry)


Sairaorg(Shocked are you? Danny helped me unlock it the reason why I didn't have it before is that Sirzech only wanted his Family to have this power! and that's why I Blame you and your family for all the misery that has happened to me and my mother!)

Danny(Now Sairaorg I know how much you want to kill her but she is mine you can kill her mother and father but that from her Sirzech are mine to kill)

Sairaorg(Understood Lord Danny)

Danny(Sigh what did I tell you about that? Call me Danny we are all equal here unlike them)


Danny(Now as that need to head back as that from many things now as that need to be done now as that from the truth of the crap to vs)

Sairaorg(Then I'll take my leave be careful around them)

Dann(Worry not they can't do shit anything to hurt me Sairaorg there's nothing in this world that can kill me)

Irina now that from her normal walks around town she was one of the now to be Former Exorcists her skills not to be underestimated she hunted down low-level stray devils that had come to Kuoh town as Danny knew everything about her she Formerly lacked the experience and weapons he worries for her and told her not to push herself too hard it's comforting to have someone worry about her, it's been far to long now as that from since someone worried about her.

She thought she didn't have any weapons but that wasn't the case from how that known truth from the girl who used to be her partner turned out to be a natural Holy-Sword user seemed that natural attract each other from how she was one as well Holy sword user from her new path now as that by his side from the newly founded Holy sword Formerly of Sir Gawn of the round table of Danny's mother. Without getting drunk on power or becoming arrogant she silently hunted down strayed devils there are so many things she didn't know when she was at the Church she was taught that Devils are evil and that was true but from the truth of the matter thanks to Danny that from how Demons the true pure-blooded Demons are good-natured so now as that from reasons now as that strayed devils from how Danny placed from truth not as bad as seemed but she had her reasons now as that from how as that all went back and that for Danny but that gain of her own experiences.

Now she wondered who would come today as of lately no strayed devils with enough power to put up a fight had shown up it was a bit disappointing that many strayed devils gathered in the town of Kuoh one of the main reasons that from how now controlled by Danny and soon to be once more from truth the humans as such now as that visits from devils from how as known Demon Clan and known Demons now as that for strayed devils who fake to be harmless this was the place to have eat something to live and attacking humans that purpose. Furthermore, there are those that from how as that for war now as that from how that recreate the war that happened long ago thus now as that from how as that soon the end of the supernatural/Pantheons because of Danny thus from how as that day knew hunter Irina who from how as that once from known enemy of the devils of her new path now as that from how as that walked now as that from how as that from what needed to be done. After defeating the strayed demon that came without incident Irina returned home.

After washing her hands and rinsing her mouth it was time to prepare dinner she wanted to treat him to something delicious so she worked hard every day while she had become decent at making Bento recently when it came to cooking multiple dishes like dinner she was quite inexperienced.

Irina(Maybe I'll make Hamburgers today they've been his favorite since we were little)

She took out the ingredients for the hamburger from the refrigerator and started cooking right away 30 mins into the preparation all that was left was to cook the ingredients she set them aside and waited for him to come home after finishing the dinner preparations Irina's next task was the laundry bring it in and fold it she diligently and happily performed her household chores like a supportive and loving wife. By the time she finished folding the laundry, Danny returned home he had a bag in his hand from how he bought something.

Irina(Welcome home Dan-Kun)

Danny(I'm back Irina I bought a cake as a souvenir today from how as that best now as that thought for how as that so much now as that happened since we've met again)

Irina(That wasn't necessary but thank you Shall we have it after Dinner? I tried challenging myself to make hamburgers that I knew you liked)

Danny(Alright that's great then I'll go to take a bath please take care of Dinner)


Thus now as that off as that changed clothes that Danny was from his goal now as that crossed his mind but he was one thing for sure that Irina was with him she was the person that knew how to make him always feel calm as easily as that nothing to worry about from how as that known truth of the matter end of the day he was at constant peace now as that from ever since the first day they've met now as that from truth made him truly happiest to be but that he wouldn't let his guard down not until the end of the supernatural/Pantheons for good.

Danny(let's eat)

Irina(Bon Appetit)

Danny was once known as Meliodas and is feared now as the Hero of the Demon race as he has slain many God Goddess Fairy giants Angle even Dragons that were known as the strongest of all races as he lived as a warrior in the war between the 4 Great races as that thus of the Holy of the heavens but now as that those days were over with from truth he just wanted peace and to be happy truly of the common matter vs the lies that were known.

Too many have suffered now as that from known truth as that even nowadays from how as that weak vs the strong he hated that he truly did from how as that known before his eyes his goal is to be the demon King day but that to be the God of the world ultimately now as that many things now as that crossed his mind now as that from truth as that needed to be done but that as well now as that he hated the world and how bad it was but that now as that no more now as that no longer these dark days would exist.

Danny(It's delicious)

Irina(Really? I'm glad to hear that I put in my best effort to make it since it's your favorite there's more so feel free to eat)

He needed to believe in himself once more he needed to have faith in the bonds he made he needed to have faith and believe in himself once again that he wasn't alone that's why he started this war now that for the future as from true peace as that needed now as that some futures now as that can't be changed if you don't work hard enough and for that purpose now as that was right from every part of the word of truth that was known even he knew this fact.

Thus Danny's newly founded Determination now as for the path ahead was known from the truth now from what needed to be done now that from how that stood out now as that no more going back there's no time for doubt he knew what needed to be done bonds are meant to be forever cherished now as that from treasures as that known truth of the matter as that was the known truth of how as that stood from the purpose now as that was ahead now as that from what was needed now as that from how fact stood now as that from vs bs now as that was known from the factions and that crap now as that was vsing.

Speaking of............he was lost now as that from Irina's sleepwear of clothing from loungewear often as that exposed her skin she wore his shirt as sleepwear over her underwear without wearing any pants it was odd now as that from now as that couldn't help but notice her bare legs and soft-looking thighs and occasionally he could even catch glimpse of her panties, He snapped out of such thoughts now as that from how as that made sense of truth as that from without words now from what wanted as that to know as that Aware now as that end of the day now as that he was fine with that fact now as that stood from how as that made sense she was the closest to him he was fine with that fact as that from smirked mentally he knew that he wanted to be with her forever and he'll make sure that future happens.

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