Solace(Danny Uchiha Pendragon...

By RicTomlinson2

2.5K 38 1

When asked about Danny Many have now as untold stories about him but this time day now marked the day that hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Harem 2
Harem 3
Harem 4

Chapter 2

200 4 0
By RicTomlinson2

As that all turned now as that from the truth as that shock and gasped now as that from those thunderclouds as that weren't normally that was shocker now as that unknown figure as that from the cloud as that seems such as a monster that glowed Red eyes now as that thus now to this.


Danny(My Hello Fifthly Factions)

Michael(Irina? What are you doing here?)

Irina(You know the usual enjoying the show faker)

Azazel(And who are you?)

Danny(As if I'd tell you)

Issei(How? There's no-)

Danny vanished now as that before Issei could finish his words now as that killed Issei now as that sealed away Ddraig as that from how as that needed now as that co watched from horror unable to fathom now as that from what happened so fast before there very eyes from the truth as that he turned around and used Hakai thus the end of the Hyoudou bloodline/Family for good.

Danny(Good riddance)

Danny took off now and started to wipe out the Devil's Fallen Angles and Angles of the 3 Factions now as that from how that needed to be done now as that thus moved out of the way from that attack that came from Sis-Con Lucifer and tossed it back at him now as that from shocker as that nightmare as that was coming but that now as that due of the time.

The Grim now as that co knew about from truth as that came from the ground now as that wasn't good as that went wide eyes now as that from not good for them as that truth now as that path soon to be of the end now as that won't know as that from what and how truth as that stands now as that from until it's all over and done with.

Sirzech(W-What the hell was that?!)

Azazel(I don't know! but if those things touch us we will end up like him!)

Michael(We mustn't let it reach us!)

Rias(Leave it to us Brother! Please kill him and Avenge Gasper!)

Sirzech(I will)

Danny(MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....Kill me? it's like you wishing to get to heaven because don't worry you won't go to heaven because I'll make sure to send you all to purgatory, Summing Technique!)

Michael(Irina what are you.....Doing with him)

Irina(I was just watching the fight.....I'm Disappointed if I'm being honest)

Michael(Get Away this instant!)

Irina(I'm Good I don't have to listen to you anymore about what you've done I'm glad that I left I've never been happier with my life so thanks for everything you liar and faker)All was shocked by her words because they knew how she was always Devoted to God not anymore.

Michael(But Irina You could join back)

Irina(No thank you I'm Good)

Katerra(Everything is going to plan)

Vail(No I Don't think so)

Katerra(What do you mean?)

Vail(There's a new tyrant that is planning to rule and he's over there fighting the 3 faction leaders over there)

Katerra(Who's that?!)

Vail(His name is Danny and he's the one that's been killing Strays they call him Kara)

Katerra(So that's Kara huh? Interesting do you think he'll join us?)

Vail(No I Don't think he will with his power he can reshape this world on his own)

Katerra(Then why aren't you fighting him yet? I thought you would like to fight someone stronger?)

Vail(I do but I wanna see how he moves)

Katerra(Where the Vampire Located we need his power)

Vail(It's useless he's already dead over there)

Katerra(No! We needed his power! Who could have done this?!)

Vail(Those two from one of them from that Former Exorcist and that woman)

Katerra(I will make those 2 bitches pay!)

Vail(Don't be an idot Katerra those 2 are demons as they can easily kill everyone)

Katerra(They can't kill me! I'm a Descendant of the Oringal Leviathan!, YOU TWO WILL PAY FOR RUINING MY PLAN!)However, she was about to hit them but Irina quickly wrapped her whip-fist with spikes around her as she screamed in pain.

Camelia(So you're the one who's behind all this sorry crap huh?)

Irina(You guys are a bunch of weaklings and annoying makes me want to kill you even more in fact)As she tightened up the grip on her Whip-fist around her Katerra kept screaming in pain.

Irina(Your scream makes me want to tighten my grip even more)

Camelia(No Irina stop toying with her as that Danny said to end her if she comes out to do it now because all the fucks now that becoming more annoying and that shit is tied to her)

Irina(Aw alright I wish I could play with you more but Dan-Kun wants the end the job first)

As she killed her now as that thus now as that from what needed to be done now as that from the truth as that of the matter then now as that turned now as that from else at the same.

Camelia(Time to go Irina Danny might be done dealing with the shit of trash)

Irina(He's already done)

Camelia(Then let's go)

Irina(Right behind you)

Rias and the others were now as shocked to see that Danny had easily Defeated the 3 faction leaders without an effort at all.

Rias(I-I-Impossible! M-My brother can't be Defeated!)

Akeno(H-He Defeated the faction leaders together?!)

Danny(Ah yes now as that if you think that's bad now as that from wait to see now as that from what's coming)He jumped back now as that saw that attack now as that came from Vail.

Danny(Oh? So Vail as that you made up your mind to play)

Vail(I'll show you what I'm made of)

Danny(Then by all means let me see if you're even as good as your sister is)

Danny(What's wrong you were strong the first time we met but now to see the truth is that you are nothing compared to your sister you Disgrace of a Lucifer no wonder she was better now as that at least she had my respect now as that from truth compared to no good as you)

Unknown to Vail Varley has a crush on Danny from how both knew each other from back then Rizivime's now as that from how that happened but that from truth now as that both have that much deeper meaning.

Albion(I can but that attack just now as that was stronger than the last time we fought him)

Vail(Yeah he truly has become a monster)

Danny(You have no idea what a true monster is now as that but if you want to see now as that allow me to show you something that forever will hunt you in your sleep and give that a true show stopper of endless nightmares)

As that black sphere now surrounded Danny that from how as that all knew wasn't good now that not one bit as he released that small portion of his power now that none could move from their spots because of the hairs on their bodies that stood up shivering from fear.

Danny(MAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well now what are you waiting for Vail? where that all that big talk of yours now as that Ego from that big mouth of yours as that go from when we first met?)Nor Vail and Albion couldn't move because of the power both felt from Danny.

He landed on the ground now as that from how as that he grabbed Kiba and Saji who all watched in horror now as from what happened before their eyes Danny's hands now glowed blue and both went silent as they started to show their bones now as from their skins and turned really thin as that nothingness remained now as that of both as that 2 piles of dust as that littered the floor now as that from truth of the matter that was known before there experienced very eyes.


Danny turned and grabbed Asia and he went back to normal bad enough now as that Death and end of the Red Dragon Emperor from how quick and fast Issei was Defeated and Killed now as that before their eyes thus now as that nightmare as that stood before them living nightmare now as that from the common truth as that was known from how as that to be as.

Danny(Irina where taken this one with us)She nodded



Akeno(You got him-)

Irina(I wouldn't be so sure)


Danny stood there unfazed now as both were wearing faces of horror now as that from now as which wasn't good he smirked evilly at them now as that truth stood and was known from fact.

Danny(What was that?)

As that now as that Danny vanished now as that from how as that lost sight of him thus now as that from seen.



Danny(Hi how's it going)

Michael(Just what the hell are you)

Danny(Who knows but that from truth a pure-blooded Demon compared to those fake ones down there)


Danny(Rias Whoremory Remember the name of the man whose 1 Day going to be your killer and the reason that the supernatural no longer exists, Danny*Meliodas*Ouroboros Uchiha Pendragon Kara Descendant of King Arthur Pendragon my Sister is Mordred Pendragon we are the true Children Descendants of King Arthur Pendragon, not those fakes now as that bash other mother's name Our father is Solace Master of the Sun from Our mother Artoria Pendragon of the lion King Solace but from my previous life I was the 1 true Demon King from the Age of the Holy Wars with the heavens between the 4 Great races that the very same person that slain God Goddess Fairy Angle Giant even Dragons that known to be the strongest of all races the Dragon sin of wrath the leader of the seven Deadly sins and the 1 true 1-time leader of the 10 Commandments Meliodas)

All were shocked now that to hear Danny's True Identity as that from Myth wasn't so now as that from stood before them now as that from how as that none other than the Demon King's Son Himself the Hero of the Demon Race.

Sirzech(Impossible! You're lying! Meliodas died a long time ago!)

Danny(And yet here I am before you soon to be the ender of the supernatural race how fucked up now as that you all talk about peace but that peace is nothing but a lie how your assisters and that from you Angles/Goddess clan members now as that would be ashamed of you for the monsters you've become your demons have shamed us pure-blooded demons for far too long and I'm here to cure the sickness that's known to the world and that cure is the Completely Death and end of the entire supernatural/Pantheon world extinction/Annihilation)


Danny(You don't Deserve these wings Angles are that of pure beings that never be enslaved now as that against there will burn to dust from mere no good that you are)As that he stabbed his sword to Michael's heart burned him to ashes he screamed till his screamed stopped because he was ashes.

But with shock now when Danny stomped his foot to the ground that magic circle came out from the ground now that the group was confused Danny smirked and removed the mask.


Danny tied Asia up on the Dragon now as that from how as that needed to be done now as that thus now as that picked up Millicus now as that completely now as that cut his head off now as that burned his body to ashes now as that from how as that Sirzech and Grayfia seen there baby boy die right before there very eyes.

Danny(And there's another you could have saved oh well his Death shall make for a better future)

Danny then now as dropped that Dark force down onto them and their eyes widened as that from the pure-Eternal Dense Darkness magic that never felt before now as that from even Sirzech Realized that from what he said before was the complete and utter truth now as that from how of the known fact of matter. Danny increased the pressure on them that had them face first into the ground now as that trapped couldn't move now as that no good now as that from the truth of the matter now as that known before them.

Rias now as who wasn't caught by the Dark Force now as that from went to attack Danny but that however now as that from how as that she sent that attack at Danny but that blocked by Irina who then grabbed Whoremory by the head and slammed her into the wall.

Irina(Danny let's go back)

Danny(Very well I Grew tired of wasting our time here anyway)

He stomped his foot on the ground making that giant crack on the 100 grim start to come out of the ground eating the Dead Fallen Angles from the truth that made Co who woke up snap into now as that grim now as that eating their dead army.

Danny(Well enjoy your time because soon now this world is going to belong to the humans once more as from that end of the factions now there's nothing that any of you can do about it to Defeat/challenge God's rule from how as that true peace to come vs the fake and impure now as that you fools made now as that from the truth.)

Thus now as that vanished now as that out of there now as that from the Grimm as that finished eating all of the Dead now as that just bone now as that went back to the hole that was on the ground and that closed up now as that from how as that now as that truth now as that from now as that what was coming days.

Sirzech(We need to think of a plan first! We are going to need all the help we can get!)From how that needed to get Ria's bishop back from assistance from the Angles that not good due to Michael's death.

Azazel(I'll join too how about you Vail?)

Vail(I've got my plans, Bikou change of plans forget the Norse we got something bigger)

Bikou(Alright then let's go!)

Pov change the Eternal bond

Danny(Finally back)

As that now as that from how as that good now as from truth that stood now as that needed to relax thus now as that from how as that to be now as that well.



Irina(I want to have sex)

Danny(Are you serious?)She nodded

As he knew of her feelings for him Danny was no fool Despite his evil-cold nature his future wife now as that made sense he wouldn't show emotions not until what needed to be done with but that wasn't for now but enough from the truth.

Irina(Well as that from that kind of relationship but I'm a girl too and I want to be one with You)

Danny(Never thought to see the Horny side of you compared now as that a different person from when you have your sword)

Irina(What?! Well of course I'm a girl too I can't show that side of myself in front of the guy I like)

Danny(But serious are you sure that's what you want to do?)

Irina(Of course)


As he brought her to their room now from how she locked the door how as that thus now as she opened her mouth he kissed her their lips touched and his tongue slipped inside from the opening Irina's mouth filled with heat and throbbing felt incredibly hot and molten he moved his tongue capturing her tongue Despite her surprise her voice known from his mouth but he didn't care as he continued to entwine their tongues as rubbed against each other his tongue sucked hers with a slurping sound Irina's mind melted into a soft mushy state. Her eyes had retained their sanity until now transformed completely becoming melted,

Irina*Thoughts*(Kissing Dan-Kun feels so good if I surrender myself more I can feel even better, I can feel even better...)

Thus from how her thoughts came to a halt obediently relaxed her tensed body and surrendered to him leaning towards him.

Irina(Mmm.....Mmm....❤️Churururururururururur....❤️Lelolelo...❤️Puhha.....)He kissed her as her relaxed body collapsed onto the bed it felt so comfortable so pleasurable.

He removed the towel and went down to just his underwear When she saw the bugle in his underwear he saw her perfect body to his Awe/amazement.

Danny(Well can say that you Definitely matured into an amazing woman over the years even though you lived your life as a warrior but now that time has passed and the time has come to have/experience the life of a woman that you tossed/traded away)

And so he leaned down now as that captured that right nipple in his mouth now as that biting and sucking swirling his tongue around the nipple as that from his other hand now as that was kneading her other breast squeezed it from his touch now as that from how as that she grabbed his Pillow now as that from her moans that were known from truth now as that she could had felt herself slowly but sure becoming wet now as that from how truth stood. He went back and forth now as that gave both the same treatment as that from how that moved down towards her pussy

Danny(Oh may as that from how as that naught of you to be this wet)

Irina(Ugh.....Don't say that I never expected to get this wet)

Danny(Well if you are this wet no need for foreplay do you want a Condom I have some just in case not that never needed to be used before now)

Irina(I don't need it! It's my first time having sex with You and I want to feel the heat directly without any unnecessary things)

Danny(As you wish)

He covered her who was lying on her back and placed his member at her Vaginal opening a squelched sound slowly entering her Vagina.

Irina(Ah.....It's entering...Your Penis......Danny's Penis is entering.....Ahaha...Ah...Nn...)

She placed her arms around his neck and arched her back slightly, Danny's erect penis entered from known between Irina's long and slender legs until now remained tightly closed he understood this was the first time a girl's acted but that pushed through taking Irina's virginity thus from known as that from how as that tightness known of a virgin as that how more than wet enough from the strongly scented now as that flow of red Virgin blood known now as that from to be as.

Irina('s tight....My Vagina feels like it's going to tear....Haa....Haa....Your penis is tightly squeezed....Ah...)

He was worried for his beloved now as that from torn through her Hymen now as that from how as that opened up now as that from how wet she was but that snapped out of his worry from her moaned voice of pleasure. Danny now as that started now as that moved in and out from his penis to Irina's pussy.

Irina(It's slipping out?! Ah, it's coming out... Your penis coming out...Ahh...Ahh...Your Penis is coming out.....Ahh...Ahhh...Your glans are pulling my Vaginal's amazing incredible this is sex....)

As that, he pulled back to just the tip before he slammed back in even deeper now with a strong powerful shallow thrust from the deepest part of her cervix as opened up now for her who had just lost her virginity obediently moaned and sought pleasure.

Irina(It feels good for Dan-Kun too❤️ make me feel even better inside my pussy❤️)

The sounds now as that from their skins now as that to each other now as that from how he shifted his hips from every thrust and with-drawl the obscene sound of water mixed with Irina's delicate voice echoed in the room only to fade away.

Irina(Ah....❤️Haa....❤️Inside my Vagina every corner of it Dan-Kun has.....Ah....❤️Marked it with pre-ejaculation...❤️)

As that down now her juices filled her Vagina from each movement of his hips sweet known surged through her Despite being driven by lust from his intense gaze Danny cared for Irina's well-being and passionately Desired her body her heart was filled with joy by the Different side of him she and she alone knew of both had lived together and were in love engaged in a passionate copulation as he viewed her as a female and sought her.

Irina(Ah Nn❤️Haa❤️Nchu❤️Chu❤️it's amazing it's amazing....How you.....Ah❤️Desire a beast.....❤️)

Danny(Irina, Irina....!)

Irina(It's okay❤️It's alright❤️I'm right here....Ahn right here....Hold me tight.....❤️It feels good My Vagina...❤️)

From the strength of their embrace known from their lips met and their tongues intertwined as they exchanged saliva from each thrust the secretions scattered from her intimate area leaving new stains on the sheets. Irina's white skin turned red with excitement and pleasure burning with Desire. Danny had ejaculated with overwhelming force that was known from truth Ejaculated while tightly attached to the entrance of the cervix felt incredibly pleasurable almost like a neural circuit as Delivered thick and unused Semen from his testicles to the pristine uterus. 

The known of Irina was overwhelmed by the sensation of the man's ejaculation for the first time and the heat filling her uterus started to fade she entered a Dream-like state feeling elated by the fact that the man she loved had cum inside her.

Irina(it's coming out...Inside my pussy the Semen is.....Ahn❤️Still's coming out so forcefully....I might get pregnant like this❤️)

From this the Semen thick and gooey like solid matter spread inside Irina's Vagina just a little while ago had no experience with men, Feeling this much pleasure and being Delighted by his ejaculation Irina feels fulfilled as a woman she accepts the heat feeling the arm that was wrapped around her back tremble.

Irina(My pussy is so plump❤️...Hehe, I've become Dan-Kun's Woman❤️)As that from how that rise tightly squeezed ejaculation from released it all inside Irina's Vagina.

He pulled out of her now and plopped down onto the bed as Irina drew lazy circles on his muscular chest. She then opened her mouth and takes in the glans she licks off the Semen adhering to the glans and her love juices swallowing them into her stomach she extended her tongue and continued to lick off the Semen from the other parts of the penis.

Irina(Mm....Lero.....Lero❤️Jyuuuuu❤️Hehe, The Penis has become clean)

Danny(Hmmpf of course now as that given such a blowjob as that such an erotic face as that made sense for me to have an erection but that now as that no sleep for you tonight)As she experienced her first time

Dann(Prepare yourself)

Irina(Yeah You can release as much as you want inside my pussy)As she fall onto the bed and softly smiled now as that from how as that closer now as that from how as that thus round of sex from cover now as that from how off now as that fresh body offered Only to Danny.

As he turned her around now from how she moaned as she wiggled her hips back and forth now as that from on her hands and knees he grinned as that she looked as that of a common whore and he loved it.

Irina(Fuck me Danny PLEASE FUCK ME!)

Without words now he thrust his cock back inside of her as that how as that she squealed brought to that mind-blowing climax Danny wrapped his arms around her now as that to her breasts as squeezing them tightly now as that from thrusting in and out of her as that showing her little tight no mercy mercilessly as that from the true common Beast that he is.

Irina(Fuck me, Fuck me FUCK ME!!!!!!! Oh yes just like that Danny You're so deep you're so fucking DEEP! Keep fucking me so good Oh Fuck yes, Please give me more you Big STUDY HUN!!!!)

As that, he pushed her breasts into that force grip from her milkers that fully perked up as he went to his back now as that from how as that she rode him reverse cowgirl style now as that from how as that from grasping and gasping now as that thus now as that from he held her clit as that from how as that made her pussy even tighter.

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