My Bloody Francia (DISCONTINU...

By katrezi

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Male Reader X Maria Renard. [WARNING: This story contains plenty of narrative elements that are far more sini... More

0. Dying Flame
1. Conviction
2. Dawn Before Darkest
3. Freedom Is The Sweetest Thing
4. Nightmares Of Reality
5. Requiem
6. A Path To The End
8. Don't Fear The Reaper

7. In Bloom

166 4 12
By katrezi

The Chateau. Midnight.

Many of Erzsebet's followers give her applause as she stands over them in a pristine dress as Drolta stands next to her.

Erzsebet: My people, no longer shall we be trapped on the edges of the world in pitiful shadows. The skies will break into obsidian black. And my glory will cover the Earth. 

In the massive crowd that applauds her once again, Olrox is sitting there. 

Erzsebet: And yes, she was once the humble girl who they called mad. But see? She was the Messiah the entire time. And now she has the blood of Sekhmet in her veins! All will see, and all we bow. She stands here not only as your queen, but as your goddess. Feast for your goddess! Drink! Dance!

The vampires below give her a standing applause. Except Olrox. Other vampires appear with wine glasses filled with human blood on plates, passing them out. Drolta comes down the stairs with Claire, who is also in a dress. Erzsebet growls in anger. 

Erzsebet: Look at you. 

Erzsebet holds her hand out, and Claire takes it. She proceeds to dance with Claire. Claire would talk, but she has had her powers taken away, and she knows what awaits her if she talks when not spoken to. 

Drolta: Mistress, I have good news. I have a plan on how we can secure the Abbot's loyalty forever. He has a daughter.

Erzsebet stops dancing with Claire to look over to Drolta.

Erzsebet: Ah, a daughter. How delicious. 

Erzsebet bites into Claire's neck.

Drolta: And I know on how we can break Y/N. We can kill two birds with one stone, Erzsebet.

Erzsebet then pulls away.

Erzsebet: How exciting. Summon The Abbot here and the rest of our confidants once our dance has concluded. We shall go over your plan soon enough.

Drolta bows and walks off as Erzsebet and her followers proceed to dance and feast the night away. Yet, your life will get more twisted in the next few hours.



You, Maria, Tera, Kalafri, Viessa, and Madeline are gathering fish from the lake. Maria only stays silent, not saying a word about Emmanuel. 

Y/N: Maria.

Viessa: Hey. If you need to talk, I-

Maria steps away from you and Viessa. Tera notices this.

Tera: Maria, you going to have to talk to me sooner or later.

Maria summons her turtle to go across the river with.

Kalafri: You know, you did miss the stepping stones. 

Silence. Maria gets to the other side as Tera sighs. She's hurt just like Maria is. 

Tera: Maria, I know this is hard for you. But if I would have told you, everything would have changed. People would have found out.

You follow Maria but she stops walking to turn around and look at Tera. 

Tera: They... they would have found out that you're "the whore's daughter." If he and I kept it secret, we would keep you safe. 

The other girls stay silent, knowing they have next to nothing to say about this.

Tera: Maria, I loved him. Perhaps if I had insisted he stayed with us and been a father, he wouldn't have betrayed himself like this. 

Maria: I...

You pat Maria's shoulder as Tera lifts the buckets of water having their handles on a bigger wooden handle that rests on Tera's shoulder.

Tera: I'm sorry, Maria. I truly am.

Tera walks off. Yet Kalafri follows Tera.

Kalafri: Tera. You're not at fault here. Emmanuel chose to follow his own delusions instead of being the family man he should've been. 

Tera stays silent, not even knowing how to talk about him anymore. However rustling is heard. Tera drops the buckets and notices other vampires coming out the bushes. Tera uses the water from the bucket to form icicles and hit one of them with. Another vampire tries to cut into Kalafri, but she jumps back before jumping forward, grabbing the vampire's head before ripping it all with momentum. Marquis' widow appears and shoots at Tera and Kalafri as Kalafri forms a barrier of dark magic. You, Maria, Viessa, and Madeline hear the gunshot and rush over, weapons drawn. Maria summons a bird to fly over as quick as possible before she hops off, hitting the vampire with it. The vampires snarl at Maria. Viessa guns down 2 vampires before Tera and Kalafri continue to fight Marquis' widow. Madeline finds herself battling another pair of vampires before she hops back and summons projections of herself as she closes her eyes, waving her hands as the projections slice down the vampires with no effort. 

A brutish vampire runs up to you, but you teleport behind him as he throws a punch. You then jam your thumbs in his eyes as you electrocute him to death. His body turns into a burnt corpse. The other vampires surround Maria but you quickly get to her side. Maria summons other birds to slice through a vampire as Marquis' widow jumps over Maria's tiger. Marquis's widow shoots at Maria again but you cast an electrokinetic shield in front of Maria as Tera casts a stream of fire to burn the vampire. The vampire who was hit by the bird ends up having his legs twisted by Kalafri's dark magic. Viessa quickly finishes him off with a headshot. Marquis' widow thinks fast by grabbing onto you from behind, but Richter comes in wrapping his whip around the ankle of Marquis' widow.

Y/N: Go back to hell.

You kick Marquis' widow away as Richter's whip burns her alive. Arno, Elise, and Bennett are seen.

Viessa: Wow... aren't you people a sight for sore eyes. You really are unkillable.

Bennett: Well no vampires are ever getting me killed sunshine, alright?

Viessa: Excuse me, (chuckles) sunshine?

Bennett: Yeah. Sunshine.

Bennett and Viessa to hug each other as they smile.

Kalafri: I see our Belmont has mastered his abilities. I might be a half vampire, but I'm proud of you.

Richter chuckles. 

Richter: Thank you.

Maria rushes over to Elise, hugging her. Elise returns the hug. 

Elise: I missed you too Maria. 

Maria then goes over to Richter hugging her tightly as you bro hug Arno. 

Arno: It's good to see you again Y/N.

Y/N: Same here.

Tera walks over to Richter.

Tera: So... you can do magic now. 

Richter: I can now. It happened when I met my grandfather. 

Tera: Oh...

Madeline, Viessa, and Kalafri notice the uneasiness.

Madeline: Uh... what else do we have to know?

Richter: Everyone, I have a lot to tell you.

Maria: And so do I. 

Maria notices the new accessory on Richter's head. 

Maria: You're... wearing a headband now.

Richter chuckles.

Richter: I am.

A few minutes later the buckets of water are refilled and continue to be carried back home by Tera and Richter as everyone else follows. It doesn't take long for Maria's thoughts to go back to her father. You simply hold her in the efforts to comfort her which works. 

Tera: I should have told you about Juste. 

Richter: No, it's alright. I understand. He was kind of...

Tera: Broken? 

Richter: A bit rough around the edges too, but yes. 

Tera: That I know Richter, that I know.

Eventually everyone returns to the Renard home. Annette is standing there. 

Bennett: Annette! Guess who we found!

Annette looks up to see everyone, including Richter. 

Annette: Back already? I'm surprised.

Annette walks back into the house. Richter puts the buckets down as he sighs.

Richter: Ah shit...

Elise: Richter, go talk to her. It's the best thing you can do.

Richter then looks to Arno. 

Arno: Aller. Va lui parler, mon ami.
[Go. Go talk to her my friend.]

Richter walks up the staircases and follows Annette into the attic. Annette looks at musical notes on a few sheets of paper.

Richter: Those were Edouard's? 


Richter: Look, about everything that happened, I just want to personally apologize to you and I swear I'll-

Annette: Richter, I knew you'd be back. I... I was more concerned than I wanted to be. I thought I'd lose you to the vampires.

Richter: Oh. I got the strength after all.

Annette looks to the side.

Annette: There are so few of us left who are fighting against the vampires... We have to get Edouard out.

Richter: We will. 

Richter opens his palm, reveling a blue flame.

Annette: Woah. How did that happen? 

Richter: A few vampires were hunting down Arno, Elise, Bennett, and I.

Richter sits next to Annette.

Richter: But I don't know. I was helpless. I was like a child again. But Y/N, Maria, Madeline, Viessa, we're all not children anymore.

Annette: You're right.

Richter looks at Annette. 

Richter: When I had nothing to hold onto, and when everything was gone, I remembered things that make me who I am. The hopes. The pains. And everything else. With the love in this house. And I suppose for the first time, I really made a choice about the kind of person I want to be. A Belmont. I left all my pain in ashes. I won't let myself be afraid ever again. 

Annette smiles sweetly. Richter smiles back at her.

Annette: But we are afraid. It's not always bad. It just means we have something to lose. 

The two go silent for a moment as the flame in Richter's hands die out. Soon enough, their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Richter and Annette quickly break the kiss apart, flustered before they come back to their senses.

Richter: I suppose we'll be needing a new plan then.

Annette: Yes. I suppose so.

Elsewhere in the house, you walk into Maria's room. You gently knock on the door catching her attention before you close the door.

Y/N: Maria. You're not the only one who has this pain. 

You sit next to her.

Y/N: When my father left me to go on a mission, it tore into me on top of already having to live with the fact that a mother's love was taken from me at birth. And... just watching and seeing the people who I grew up with end up either killed or eaten everywhere I looked, including just seeing Noelle give her life for mine, Madeline, Lily's and Jeremy's, only for 2 of my friends to die brutal deaths at such a young age... it was brutal. It was purely brutal. It felt like my entire mind permanently changed that night.

Maria looks to you.

Maria: Y/N, I can't imagine losing the people you love that way, and losing everything you ever knew... I'm sorry.

Y/N: It's okay Maria. Time doesn't heal all wounds. It just... teaches us to live with the pain. No matter how distant or recent it may be.

Maria: Yes. You have a point. But... I'd say something good came out of this. After all these years since we've been apart... You found me again, Y/N.

Maria places her hand on top of yours. You notice this with widened eyes.

Y/N: Maria?

Maria: You see... ever since we were children, I've grown attached to you. But with my father leaving me, I knew I couldn't get attached ever again. I... I thought you were dead once all Sorcerer activity started slowing down rapidly. When I saw you again for the first time in years... all my hopes returned to me. Not just you.

Maria starts to shed tears of joy holding your hand with another.

Maria: To put it short... I can't lose you. Not now, not ever. Just promise me this. Promise me that you won't leave me like my father did.

Gently cupping Maria's chin with your free hand, you smile.

Y/N: Maria. I promise you. I'm here to stay for good. Besides, I know we'll be happy together.  Je t'aime.
[I love you.]

Maria: Y/N, Je t'aime aussi.
[I love you too.]

You and Maria deeply look into each other's eyes. With love cascading over the two of you, Maria leans her head into yours, and your lips connect in a passionate kiss. Maria wraps her arms around you, continuing to kiss you repeatadly as you return the kisses she gives you.

Elise carefully peeks into Maria's room, then quickly goes downstairs.

Elise: I knew it! (Lets out a celebratory laugh) Arno, Y/N and Maria finally did it!

Arno: Did what?

Elise: Kissed!

Arno chuckles.

Arno: It was about time.

Elise: Honestly it was. And, they remind me so much of the way we used to be. 

Elise laughs.

Arno: Yes, you have a point there.

Suddenly, the door to Maria's room opens up. Maria has her arms around your left as you look out to see Arno and Elise facing away from each other.

Y/N: Hey Arno. Elise.

Elise: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: What were you guys talking about in here?

Arno: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Maria snickers.

Maria: Si vous le dites, mes amis.
[If you say so, my friends.]

The door then closes. You are met with a few more kisses from Maria. Every last kiss is filled with passion and love. Your love for Maria leads to you pulling away from her lips and onto her cheek.

Maria: Hm. I always imagined you being a perfect kisser.

Y/N: Oh, what lovely thoughts you have. 

You and Maria share a few more kisses as your arms wrap around hers, and her arms do the same. The kisses lead to you pressing your lips against Maria's neck as she moans lightly. However, a knock is heard on the door. You and Maria quickly separate from each others arms. The door opens to reveal a smiling Tera.

Tera: Y/N. I've heard about Maria. I know you'll treat her well.

Y/N: I will Tera. I surely will.

Tera walks over to Maria and places a hand on her shoulder.

Tera: You deserve to be loved in this way.

Maria: Thank you, mother.

Tera and Maria share a hug.

Tera: And come downstairs as well. We're coming up with a plan to get back into the Abbey.

Maria nods. When Maria steps out the room she holds your hand tightly.

Upon making it downstairs, Richter, Annette, Tera, Arno, Elise, Bennett, Viessa, and Kalafri are standing over a map to the Abbey.

Annette: We should assume that we can't use the tunnels anymore. I suggest 6 of us should get to the Abbey. Any volunteers? 

Viessa, Madeline, and Bennett step forward. 

Annette: Alright. Everyone, we'll go over the west wall and across the orchard. Can you use your birds to fly us up to the tower window? 

Maria: I can yes.

Elise: From there, we'll have to be careful Annette.

Annette: I know Elise. We'll have to work our way down from there. We attack from both inside and outside at the same time. It'll end up splitting the vampires apart as we kill them at daybreak. The vampires are most definitely at The Chateau with The Abbot, and only night creatures are lurking around the Abbey. 

Kalafri: Yes. The sunlight and the distance will be doing us favors. 

Madeline: Yes, it will. 

Maria, even after confessing her love for you, still worries about Emmanuel.

Maria: What will happen to my father? 

Bennett: That's hard to tell at this point Maria. He's too far gone due to being friends with the vampires to even think straight. 

Tera: I have to agree with Bennett. Emmanuel... he's made his choice. My only question is how he's turning these bodies into night creatures. 

Viessa: He might have a forgemaster working with him. 

Tera: Or a talisman or a tool. Whatever it is, we need to find it. 

Arno: Or them if he's working with a person. 

Suddenly, a book slams on the table.

Viessa quickly points her rifle at the ceiling as Madeine draws her sword. Everyone looks up to see Olrox in smoke.

Olrox: A machine is used.

Everyone gets back as Richter tries to burns Olrox who leaves the house through the window. The Vampire Slayers rush out of the house, their weapons and/or magics at the ready as Maria summons a white tiger.  

Bennett: Shit. Of course he would run like a coward.

Richter: Annette, Kalafri, the road. 

Richter: Maria, Arno, Elise, Y/N. Take the road. 

Richter: Viessa, Madeline, Bennett, with me. We're taking the back. 

Everyone splits up in search of Olrox. Richter sets out to look for him. And Olrox finds Richter nearly instantly as Richter lights his whip in blue flame.

Bennett: Why should we trust you? 

Olrox: Because I'm no ally to Erzsebet. 

Viessa: Yeah, right.

Madeline closes her eyes and summons a projection to behead Olrox from behind, but Olrox turns into smoke. Richter begins to swing his whip around in the smoke as Viessa and Bennett fire bullets and arrows.

Olrox: Don't make me have to fight all of you. 

Richter: Why won't you face me?!

Olrox: Just make sure you destroy the machine. 

Richter: You do it!

Olrox: Right now, I can't be seen to be doing anything. 

Viessa: Bullshit, you're talking to us right now. I'd say that counts as doing something!

Olrox walks in the darkness.

Olrox: Besides, there's a need for human hand in the business of forgemastery. This is why Erzsebet needs the Abbot. And why you need us.

Bennett: Fuck. You. 

Richter: You really think we'd work with my mother's killer?

Olrox: I could have killed you all 3 times over. Ironic, I think, that for all of us, I need a Belmont. 

Olrox returns to his original body, facing the Belmont and the 3 other Sorcerers from a safe distance.

Olrox: If you and your group want to defeat Erzsebet you have no choice but to trust me. 

Richter: There is always a choice.

Madeline: And that choice is to cut your head off and toss it over the gates to The Chateau, Olrox.

Annette, Kalafri, You, Maria, Arno, and Elise. Regroup with Richter, Viessa, Madeline, and Bennett. Outnumbering Olrox by a far margin.

Olrox: Just read the book.

Olrox leaves in smoke.

Minutes later.

Tera has been reading into the book. Everyone else peers over to look into the pages.

Tera: He was telling the truth. This is some sort of guide for the machine. There are spells in here. And many instructions the Abbot has been using. 

Bennett: I'm surprised. I thought he was giving us a book to suck our souls away and do the job for Erzsebet. 

Arno: We should be glad that isn't the case.

Kalafri: Yes. We should.

Tera: If I can decode it, I can find out how to destroy the machine. 

Maria: There's so many of them.

Tera: See here? They're written in Enochian. The language of hell. 

Y/N: It would be.

Kalafri: Tera, I could assist you in this. I know this language well.

Tera nods. 

Arno: Another smart thing to do is to scout the Abbey. Do recon. Make sure that nobody is there apart from those brainless night creatures.

Bennett: That's a smart idea.

A few minutes later.

Tera continues to read the book in her room with Kalafri guiding her. As Maria silently leaves the house, Madeline, Viessa, and Bennett join you.

Viessa: Listen closely. This is what we're going to do. We're going to go to the Abbey, see if anyone is in there, and then we leave to head back to the house. There's no room for any unnecessary risks here, people. 

Madeline: Right Viessa, right. You all seem to keep forgetting that Erzsebet and her attack dogs won't go down easily.

Bennett: And neither will we, Mae. Alright? It'll be quick. We'll be in and out before any of those bastards come back from their little blood drinking party or whatever they do.

Y/N: That's what I'm hoping it'll be.

Bennett: Hey. You don't have to worry. I believe in Arno's plan. Do you?

Y/N: Full send.

Bennett: Then let's get to the Abbey in time. We'll look in, then quickly get out.

Viessa: Bennett's right. Road to hell or not, we have to make sure we won't have any stragglers.

And so, You, Maria, Bennett, Viessa, and Madeline continue to head to the Abbey. However, Madeline has a question.

Madeline: So, you and Maria are finally together right?

Maria blushes.

Y/N: What? No! No no no, who told you that?

Madeline: Elise.

You sigh. 

Y/N: Figures. Let's get this over with before Viessa starts bugging me about Maria and I too.

Viessa laughs.


At the Abbey, a vampire is on patrol. Bennett draws his bow and fires an arrow into the vampire's head, killing it instantly as it drops to the floor. Maria then summons a few birds that take you and everyone else to the top window. Upon making it down to the center, you find Emmanuel there.

Maria: Father...

Emmanuel turns around.

Viessa: Dammit... I knew he'd be here.

Madeline: Let's not panic. We only saw one lone vampire here. The rest are definitely drinking themselves drunk.


Maria: I'm here to warn you. An attack from another force is happening at the Abbey, you need to get out of here. I... I don't want you to die. 

Emmanuel seems touched by the words of his daughter, but he shrugs them off.

Emmanuel: No. I am safe in the house of God.

Y/N: Are you- Are you still looking up to a higher being that doesn't care about you, or anyone else in this country? What makes you think you're safe here?

Maria: "House of God?" This place is just a heap of bricks and stone. 

Madeline: Exactly. No amount of bricks will keep you safe from the claws and the fangs of the vampires, Emmanuel. Or have you forgotten about that?

Emmanuel: The church is more than that, child. Without it, society loses its soul. Its meaning. It is the structure itself which morality itself is upheld.

Bennett: You can preach God all you want, we aren't buying it for a second. 

Maria: The church only upholds itself! A den of power hungry thieves spreading intolerance and hypocrisy! They're happy to live off the backs of the poor while they, fat and incompetent, never step one foot outside their extravagant buildings, than to face injustice. 

Emmanuel: But without God-

Y/N: Shut it. Shut up. We've heard enough blabber out of your mouth. Mae, knock him out.

Madeline walks up to Emmanuel.

Madeline: Emmanuel, you shouldn't have ever put your daughter in the crossfire. Just like how you shouldn't have left her.

Emmanuel steps back. Maria looks at her father with a very pained look in her eyes.

Emmanuel: I'm sorry Maria.

Before any action could be taken, a night creature grabs Maria from behind to drag her into the shadows as she yells.

Y/N: Maria!

A few other night creatures appear and easily overwhelm Bennett, Viessa, and Madeline, knocking their weapons to the floor before dragging them into the darkness as well. You end up casting those electric blade to slide through a few them, but it's no use. They overwhelm you too. Drolta then appears, chuckling.

Viessa: Emmanuel! You bastard!

Madeline: You're a tool! The vampires are using you!

Drolta covers her hand over your mouth, slowly making you go unconscious. 

Waking up in a cell after witnessing get Maria dragged away, you've been stripped of your top wear as your toned chest is seen as your feet dangle above the floor. Looking to your left and your right, you see Madeline and Viessa who are also in chains on opposite sides of the cell as Bennett is elsewhere. Hearing the clicks of heels, Drolta walks up to you.

Drolta: Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.

She laughs.

Drolta: I knew we'd meet again.

Gritting your teeth, you try to use your powers to break free from the chains but it is no use. 

Drolta: Tsk tsk tsk, I wouldn't try that my dear. You're weak. Just like the three of your other friends who easily allowed themselves to get caught. And for what? To convince The Abbot to stop making night creatures for us?

Staring Drolta in the face, you still remain strong.

Y/N: Fuck... you. Once I get out of these chains, I'll...

You groan in pain, feeling your powers being suppressed. A few other vampires walk in with several tools made to torture. Drolta holds your chin.

Drolta:  You'll what? Still trying to put up a front, are you? Because it's shame you're only a frail human. You would've have been Erzsebet's finest as one of our own.

Y/N: That red haired bitch of a Messiah is next-

Drolta slaps you with the back of her hand.

Drolta: Language. There are only 2 events that will happen. Emmanuel's witch of a daughter is dying tonight. And so will these 2 other whores in the cell that defy us. I know how strong you are. And I'd hate to see such power going to waste. I will give you a chance to live with your heart still beating. Join us.

You spit in her eye.

Y/N: No.

Drolta, as she snarls, proceeds to hit your chest a few times with her fists before she hits you in the head a few times as you sway around. She then steadies you, looking you right in the eye.

Drolta: You should know when you're beaten!

Y/N: That's the memo your friends didn't get before I sent them back to the Earth. And the way I see it... I'm going to make sure you join them. 

Drolta proceeds to hit you in the chest again repeatadly before kicking you in the face. A few bruises on your chest are seen as your nose begins to drip with blood.

Drolta: Don't go silent thinking your human soul is indomitable, we've broken plenty of Sorcerers like you, and they all died the same in the end. So now, I ask you one last time. Join us, Y/N. And fight on the right side of this pathetic revolution.

You mumble. Drolta gets her ear close to your mouth.

Drolta: Hm? Speak up, boy.

You proceed to bite off a chunk of Drolta's ear, making her yell in pain before she looks at you.

Y/N: You liked that, huh?!

Drolta punches you in the face, you only laugh off the pain as blood flows more and more.

Drolta: Get his chains off!

The vampires proceed to loosen your chains, but they wrap them around your wrists as they hold you down. Drolta walks over to pick up a pair of pliers. 


Drolta walks back over to you as other vampires stand you up and place your hands on the table.

Drolta: I knew you wouldn't break easily Y/N. But from this point forward, I know you will. 

Y/N: Yeah? Are you going to pull my nails off or are you going to keep talking about it?! DO IT! I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU FUCKS! COME ON!

Drolta: Which side of fingernails would you like to lose? Is it these ones?!

Drolta proceeds to slowly pull off the nails for your right hand. You yell in pain throughout it all, but you take it like a warrior.

Drolta: Not so much of a tough man anymore, are you?!

Drolta violently yanks on the last pinky nail, removing it from your finger as you howl in pain. Drolta then kicks you back down on the ground as the vampires begin to beat or slice into you senselessly with blunt weapons and blades all over your torso before Drolta walks up to you, knocking you out with a kick. She then looks to the other vampires.

Drolta: Bring me his friend.

The vampires nod, and leave the room. Bennett's yells of pain are heard..

Bennett: God... FUCK! I'll kill every last one of you!

A few minutes later, your wounds have fully healed up. And you open your eyes to see Viessa and Madeline wide awake, and Bennett being held by his arms by 2 other vampires. Bennett doesn't seem to be doing too well as stab wounds are all over his chest and arms.

Viessa: You bitch! Let him go!

Madeline growls in anger and tries to free herself, but nothing works.

Bennett: Let go of me you fucks! 

Bennett is then brought in front of Drolta.

Drolta: All actions against us have consequences, Sorcerer. Where are the rest of your group? Are they with the wife of The Abbot? Hm?

Bennett: You're wasting your time. I'll never tell you, you bitch! You won't get anything from me! 

Drolta slaps Bennett.

Bennett: You hit like a child, Drolta! Is really that the best you can do?!

Drolta grabs a pistol from one of the vampires holding down Bennett by his arms. She walks over and points it at you before flipping it in her hand, placing it in your hand as she walks you over to Bennett.

Drolta: Y/N. Kill him. Or I will kill Viessa and Madeline myself.

Bennett: That's all there is to it! Shoot me Y/N! (looks to Drolta) And you, you brainless mutt, following the orders of a woman who has more blood on her hands than the Templars when they were taking over America! Didn't you ever realize that blind loyalty will get you killed, huh?!

Utterly distraught down to the very core of your soul, you don't want to do this. Bennett is living proof that not all of the Sorcerers were killed that fateful night. Then again, you don't want your 2 childhood friends suffering fatal deaths at hands of a people you hate. You place the pistol against Bennett's temple, your hand shaking. Madeline begins to shed tears as Viessa can only beg and plead.

Madeline: Let him go! LET HIM GO!

Drolta looks over at Madeline, chuckling.

Drolta: No. Ensure the safety of your friends by doing what I told you Y/N.

Bennett: Go on Y/N... do what you're told!

Drolta: NOW! 

Viessa: STOP! Please stop this!

Madeline: Please don't do this...

Tearing up, you're faced with one of the hardest choices of your life.

Bennett: Go on Y/N! Do it Do what she said! Keeping our people safe from these bastards is your number 1 priority isn't it? Pull the trigger! Are you missing the guts to fucking to kill me?! Come on Y/N! Just do it!

Yelling, you send the vampires back with your electricity as they go flying into the walls. You then break out of the chains binding your hands and point the pistol at Drolta, but Drolta hisses and wrestles you for the gun that is slowly being pointed at a downed Bennett.

Drolta: And still you still have the fire of a fight in you! Didn't you humans ever remember not to treat guns like toys? They rip through your flesh!

Drolta wraps her hand around your hand that is forced to pull the trigger as she squeezes, shooting Bennett once as he groans in pain.

Madeline: Drolta you bitch! STOP!

Drolta ignores Madeline.

Drolta: There we go... just aim up! And point it at your fragile friend!

Bennett is shot again in the chest. Drolta then whacks you in the face with the pistol, you fall over, not being able to stand.

Viessa: BENNETT! 

Madeline: Y/N, GET UP!

Drolta: I have to give you humans props. Not many are able to stand against us. And the camaraderie you all have. Risking your lives to protect the rest of your people who we feast upon. You should've learned to back away, Sorcerer.

Bennett: (as he bleeds from his mouth) I'll never back down in the face of evil.

Drolta: Is that right? Then your friends will witness a pathetic death.

Drolta points the pistol at Bennett again, filling his chest with bullets as he groans loudly.

Viessa: NO! NO! Bennett!

Drolta then grabs Bennett and slams him right next to you, Bennet coughs up blood and moans in pain as he looks at you. Madeline looks at Drolta with anger.


Bennett's eyes stare right into yours.

Bennett: Hey. We're Sorcerers remember? We... aren't supposed to fear the reaper.

You end up shedding tears.

Y/N: Bennett... I'm sorry...

Bennett: Don't be... Just... make sure my death wasn't in vain. Kill Erzsebet for me...

Drolta leans down and presses the pistol against Bennett's temple.

Drolta: Oh, you're so right Bennett. You shouldn't fear death. The rest of your brothers and sisters in the Sorcerer Regiment are waiting for you on the other side.

Bennett stares up at Drolta with grit teeth and a murderous glare.

Bennett: Tu ne me fais pas peur. Du sang qui boit de la merde!
[You don't scare me. Blood drinking piece of shit!]

Drolta: Then hell is where you shall go.

Drolta pulls the trigger. Bennett's blood splashes onto your face as the bullet rips through his head, killing him. Madeline proceeds to outright cry as Viessa just screams. Your tone takes up a more shocked tone mixed with anger.

Y/N: Bennett! BENNETT! You fucking sadistic whore!

The vampires then carry Bennett's dead body out of the cell, and over towards a den of night creatures. Bennett's body is then tossed into the den, and you already know what happens when a night creature is hungry; they eat. Struck with grief over the death of Bennett, you jump at Drolta with tears in your eyes. Drolta simply steps to the side.


Drolta: Good fucking luck with that.

Drolta zooms up to you and kicks you into a wall, knocking you out. She chuckles as she lets you fester in your pain.

Vampire: What about the others here?

Drolta: Bring them up. I want them to see the death of the girl firsthand. And get him dressed. This is a house of God after all.

Drolta leaves. Viessa and Madeline are then transferred upstairs kicking and screaming as your top wear is tossed back onto you.

Vampire 2: I can't believe I'm doing this shit.

The vampire proceeds to redress you, eventually taking you back upstairs. Viessa's firearms, Bennett's bow, arrows, his quiver, and Madeline's sword are also taken upstairs as well.

The very second you wake back up, you slice that vampire in two with your electric arm blade and then you step outside to see 30 other vampires standing in front of the staircase to prevent you from getting out. At this point, you've had enough of the vampires strolling into France and acting like they own the country. And most of all, 2 of your childhood friends and your girlfriend are upstairs in the abbey being held hostage by not only vampires but a priest who has ego cloud his vision and his thoughts.

All of your rage, and all of your fury goes straight to your hands and your legs. You're still weakened after being beaten by Drolta and your mind is an utter wreck, but still you have enough power to kill these fools.

(Time to remind you just how helpless normal vampires truly are when facing you. So, I guess this is where I really take advantage of the fact that this is a Castlevania story.)

Not saying another word, you only run into the the vampires head on, punching one of them in chest. The punch is so hard that it sends te vampire flying down the other side of the corridor as they yell and hit a wall, their body turning into a red paste upon impact as their bones scatter on the floor. A pair of Vampires grab on you, but you simply teleport behind them, cutting them in half vertically as their bodies split apart like sliced chicken strips. Their blood spills over on the floor and onto your face as another vampire tries to grab you and gouge your eyes out with their sharp nails, but you dodge in time, breaking their arm with a punch and causing their bone to poke out as they yell in pain. Cutting down other vampires who try to assist him, you only rip off the arm like a coupon, making the vampire scream out in agony as you punch away the others with pure strength before stabbing another vampire right in the heart with a sharp arm bone of all things. You kick them over as they die.

The vampires then surround and overwhelm you and toss you back down the hall with force, you grunt in pain upon hitting the wall and then the floor. As the vampires rush up to you, they stop upon seeing you stand right back up after teleporting. Noticing that your arm muscles are getting pretty sore due to you using the electric arm blades excessively, you look to your right to see a hammer sitting against a wall. 

Teleporting over to the hammer, you begin to bash apart the vampires with only that. Busting the kneecap of a vampire wide open, they fall over screaming. You then slam the hammer on their groin, breaking their family jewels as they scream in utter agony. You hit them in the groin yet again as they go sliding over to the staircase, you toss an electric grenade onto them and they explode, their entrails and blood covering the walls and the ceiling. A vampire tries to slash you apart, but dodge the sword, slamming the hammer onto the fingers and against their face. Their eyes go flying out of their sockets as they holler in fear and trip over the staircase. Seeing a vampire zoom over to get behind you, you simply emit a red lightning bolt from your hand to blast them apart without even turning your head to face them.

A vampire runs up to you, and you toss the hammer into their head as they fall over. Hitting the other vampires with the hammer, you hit one of them underneath the jaw with the hammer as they teeth fall out. Grabbing their teeth, you jump back and swing the teeth into the approaching vampires they go right through their heads like bullets as they drop dead.

Your fight against the vampires gets messy. So messy to the point that you blast the other vampires back before grabbing the head of one, and begin violently grinding their face across the walls as you run around avoiding the rest of the vampires with a blood trail bring left behind on the walls. Due to your strength, only half of the vampire's head is left before you bash away their other half and toss them to the side.

Including breaking a vampire's leg open to forcefully pull out their sharp femur bone and use that as a weapon to stab their friends in their necks or their heads while they scream.

A vampire kicks you down as the hammer and the femur bone falls away a fair distance, but you fire lightning from your hand blasting away a chunk of their ribcage before you tear out a sharp bone from their ribcage, stabbing the vampire in the throat before tossing it into another like a throwing knife. Rolling over as you evade the swords of vampires, you grab the hammer. Roaring out in anger you continue to fight.

Soon enough, you make short work of the rest of vampires by either frying them alive with your electric powers or showing them what a hammer does to a body when applied with enough violent force, one by one you dispatch them in various brutal yet swift ways including using both sides of the hammer to swing back and forth into the faces of two vampires as their faces get caved in while their bodies drop, busting open a vampire's back to rip out their spine while they scream and then use it to choke one of them to death before using the spine an electrocuted whip to kill the last of the vampires with before you drop it. 

As one last vampire drops their sword as trey to run away while yelling in fear, you use your powers to draw them back in with a kinetic force. As they go flying back towards you, you punch them in the face caving it in at the nose. You then slam the hammer in their lower jaw completely destroying it as blood flies out. You start to surround the hammer in very massive volts of electricity as the vampire's muffled cries for mercy don't make you stop even as they shed tears to plead with you. Eventually, their head explodes like a balloon as their brains, eyes, and teeth fly everywhere. The vampire's dead body falls over as you pant. 

Suddenly, Drolta reappears, and hits you in the neck knocking you out yet again as you drop to the floor. She then stands before the carnage you wrought. Many upon many internal and external body parts and entrails of every kind can be seen next to the charred or disfigured vampire corpses. Drolta only sighs as she picks you up, and tosses the hammer away.

Drolta: Oh Y/N, how unstoppable we'd be if you were with us.

Drolta goes up the staircase carrying you.

These course of events only deepens your hatred of all vampires. If you really were god, you'd wipe them all out without a second thought as if they were roaches.

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