liar-Jason Dilaurentis

By varbariz

3.4K 49 3

Pretty little liars Ava Noelle Bennet the hot blue eyed brunette in her friend group, a high school mean girl... More

01-they found her Avie
02-the Jenna thing
03-to kill a mocking girl
04-can you hear me now?
05-reality bites me
06- there's no place like homecoming
07-the homecoming hangover
08-please,do talk about me when I'm gone
09-the perfect strom
11-Moments later
12-salt meets wound
13-know your frenemies

10-keep your friends close

165 3 0
By varbariz

"She knew too much- A"

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

You know when you are trying to cover a laugh when someone just asked you a very serious question, I mean serious only for the person that asked, Yes? Great cause that was me now, after Hanna asked us if one side of her face was fatter than the other.

I mean honestly how does she come up with this questions out of nowhere.

"Is that Ian?" Aria asked looking in the distance. We all turn our attention from Hanna to him. In a way he looked different since the last time I saw him, just like Jason, but people like them never really change who they are.

"Yeah, I hear he's the new field hockey coach" Emily told us. I couldn't help but gag at just the sight of him.

"Does Melissa know he is back?" I ask Spencer, the girl turns to me and raises her eyebrows with a sigh.

"I don't know why she ever broke up with him"Hannah says looking at the much older man up and down.

"She didn't. He broke up with her" Spencer spoke.

"And Hanna, Ian is a totally no" I say, after seeing the look on her face. She turns to me with a small smile.

"Oh no" I comment seeing the devil itself walking towards us.

"Hey, the first one's for my bestie, and one for each of you, my besties other friends" Mona says handling us each an invite.

"Uh, what's this?" Aria asked first.

"Oh nothing, only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever" 

"Camp Mona" I read out loud looking at her, she looks at me with a huge smile, almost like if she was looking for aproval.

"Don't let the camping part scare you."She starts"It's glamping, not camping. M is for Mona and massages not mosquitoes" She finnished running right after two other girls.

"Wow, so ...Mona" I start giving the invitation to Hannah.

"Why is Mona inviting us to her party?" Spencer asked.

"She knows we are friends again and she is just trying to reach out to you" Hannah said giving the invitation back to me " She is being nice"She said looking at me.

"And I apreeaciated it but I am not going" I deadpan.

"Yeah, I know she is your friend-" Spencer starts.

"I'm gonna have to pass"Aria says quickly."I got this stuff to do this weekend"

"Me too" Emily and Spencer say at the same time.

"Look at you have done" Hanna whsipers to me.

"I didn't do anything" I whisper back, I can see by Hannah's look she is upset.

"Han, you know I can't stand her. I'm sorry" I say, kissing the girls cheek.

"Camp Mona is a scavenger hunt and I'm the prize. Come and find me, bitches -A" Spencer reads out loud A message.

"So..I guess we are going to Camp Mona" I breath out.


"You still here?" I ask Brian that stood in my bedroom door frame.

"Still here" He says, I move my head slighty to look at him.

"Are you just gonna stand there and look stupid?" I ask, he chuckels at me before speaking.

"Mom said you are camping. Mona birthday party or something." Still looking at him with no expression, but once he didn't said nothing more I spoke.

"Yeah, but believe me I would rather not."

"Since when is Mona popular?" He asked.

"Since Ali dissapeared" I say, Brian clears his troat before commentig.

"Oh you left your phone downstairs, Mrs.Dilaurentis called you like three times in a row." As soon as the words left Brian's lips I got out of my bedroom and walked down the stairs to look for my phone. I could feel Brian's eyes on me as I left.

"Pick up, pick up" I say, calling Mrs.D, when the older woman picked up my call, I walked to the outside of the house,so that no one could hear us talking.

"Ava, how are you?" Jessica Dilaurentis asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I'm good, how are you?" I asked politly as well.

"Good, so I heard about the memorial, I'm so sorry." She starts.

"Yeah, thanks"

"Ava, have you told the girls anything?" asked the older woman, I couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes, everytime she brought that up would made me want to cry.

"No, I haven't" I say shortly.

"Good, let's keep it that way. Whenever I get the chance I will go over there and be with you, but right now I can't. You understand right?" She asked, I knew it was rethorical but still I chose to answer.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, if I want to talk I can just call you."

"That's right, you can sweetie. I have to go now Ava, take care" SHe said before turning down.

"Jessica why did you call me?" I ask her before she hang up on me.

"Ava,  I wanted to check up on you sweatheart" She tells me, I can't tell if she is being honest or not.

"And you called me three times in a row when I didn't pick up, just to check up on me?" I ask her once again, not believing her words.

When she didn't respond I grew more anxious and asked again-

"Jessica what are you not telling me?" I hear the woman on the other line breath out.

"Ava, there is nothing for you to worry about, just promise me that you are taking care of yourself, proprally" Her words this time sounded a lot more real and honest, and that quiet franckly gave me some confort.

"Yeah, don't worry, I am. See you soon Mrs.D" I say quietly.

"See you soon Ava"

"You are alright?"Brian asks from the open door frame.

"God Brian, how long are you there?" I asked him nervous.

"Not long."

"Do you always just stand in door frames like that?" I asked him putting my phone in my back pocket.

"You sure you are alright?" He asked once more.

"I am, God. Can't I have a minute by myself in this house?" I asked storming out of the front porch into inside the house.

As I am walking up the stairs, my phones vibrates in the pocket, that nervous feeling of already knowing who was texting me hits.


"Ava, Ava, who taught you how to be such a great liar? -A"


"Ali my parents won't let me bail the countryClub. I have to go" I explain to my best friend, that I can't leave with her to this older guys party that she is attending.

"Just convince them you are sick and you will sleep over at mines" She said, applying the last touch of her  red lipstick.

"Do I look sick to you?" I ask her.

"You are sweating" She ackwologed.

"Yeah, no shit, it's hot in here" I say looking around.

"Say you have a fever, here practice here, in front of the mirror" The blonde grabbed my hand and walked me to the front of the mirror "Say, Mom I'm not felling so good, i'm sweating and shlivering, can I go home?" Alison said pretending to be sick.

I said exactly Alison's words. but it didn't sound convincing enough for me to leave.

"They won't believe me and they won't let me sleep at your house if I'm sick" I say, almost giving up.

"Of course they will. Avie our parents won't leave the country club just because we are sick and they for sure won't let you stay at your house alone in that condition, so belive me we will go to that party, but with one condition" She said, pausing to look at me for a second.

"Before you try to convince anyone else, be sure you are convinced, and if cannot convince yourself, then drop the subject" Alison said, we were looking at each othe by the mirror and it was in moments like these that really made me wonder who Alison really was and if the bond we had was really real.

End of Flashback:


"It's a bummer Camp Mona's a girl-only party"Noel says holding my waist.

"You upset, you can take my place, I beg you to" I joke, Noel chuckels and kisses my cheek. This was still something that I was trying to get used to, the PDA, the constant text and calls, everything was new to me. And honestly I wasn't sure it was something I liked .

"I was hoping to see you this weekend." He fineshes.

"Well, there's sunday, we could..."

"Lay around, being lazy together, watching old movies all day?" He askes.

"I love that idea" I smile.

"Then it's a date" He smiled back "Ava I'm really happy that you decided to give us a shot" 

"Yeah, me too. But us is still a bit early to call this that, right?" I ask a little paranoide and anxious.

"I guess so, I have to go talk with coach, see you later?" He asked

"Yeah, see you later" I smile, he got closer and closed the gap between us. Great more PDA.

Oh God what have I become? I ask myself getting out of the cafetiria.

As I am walking towards my locker I see the other girls are already all there, Spencer and Hannah are talking about something in whisper while the other two just look concerned.

"What are we whispering?" I whisper approaching the girls.

"The cops are here" Hanna tells me.

"Why?" I ask the group but no one answered, a second later we hear our names being called to go to the principals office.

"Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, Aria Montgomery, Ava Bennet and Hanna Marin, please come to the office"

"Fucking great" I whisper this time.

We are once again all sat in the small uncomfrotable couch waiting for the police to walk in and ask us the same old questions. Now that Wilden was out of the picture, I am betting some diferent team will come and ask  the questions he did a while back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm agent Cooper" Says a black woman walking in the office with a man behind her, she handles a card to Spencer and me that was by her side I pick to see who they were.

"FBI?" I ask out loud, in shock.

"This is my partner, Agent Randall. And we are here because the Bureu was asked by local authorities to assist in the investigation of Alison Dilaurentis murder. I want to show you something that was sent to the Rosewood Police Department by an anonymouse source."The woman starts cliking press "The family has given me premission to show it to the five of you."

We turn our attention to the small televison in a wood table. It was Alison, or better a video of her the night she went missing. She was wearing the same yellow shirt but that green military coat was not hers.

"Wanna see more? I know you want to" She says. God, I missed hearing that voice "If the girls knew I was seeing you, oh my god, they would not stop talking about it. I whish they were more mature , but not Ava though. You know her right, of course you do, whatever she also likes older boys,do you have a friend for her?" Alison said, my eyes not for a second left the video, but I could feel my friends eyes on me everytime she mentioned me.

"We don't have a lot of time, I have to go back before they wake up. I know you wanna kiss me" And just like that the FBI agent stoped the video.

My eyes were still glued to the televison.

"Is there anything you can tell me about what you see?" Agent Cooper asked us.

"They are at the kissing rock. It's in the woods behind the lake" Emily spoke first.

"I think this was take the night Alison dissapeared too. She was wearing that yellow top."Aria mentions.

"But that's not her swaeter" Hanna says about the green coat on top of the top.

"Are you sure?" Agent Copper asked.

"Ask me what's in each one of our closets and I'll give you an itemized list, I know clothes."

"I think she is talking to the older boy"Spencer spoke this time, me on the other hand kept quiet.

"So called mystery boyfriend?" The agent asked us, pressing rewind on the video.

"Alison didn't want us to know who he was."

"Was he an older high-school boy?" She asked but we didn't respond, because we didn't know.

"Ava, she speaks about you, more than what she does about your friends, anything on your mind? You look distante." The FBI agent said.

"I don't know" I speak softly.

"She said that the guy behind the camera knew you, anyone you both had in common, an older boy perhaps?"

"We knew a lot of older boys, we went to coleges parties a lot, it could be someone from one of those parties." I say, looking at the frame of Alison smiling.

"She only told us enough to make it a secret" Spencer said.

"Ah, Alison liked secrets."

"She thought sharing secrets kept us close"Emily said looking at the older woman.

"They do, but secrets are made to be found out with time"


"You are here again" Melissa said ackolowing my prensence in her kitchen. 

"Just grabbing some stuff for a party" I said, moving behind the kitchen counter facing her.

"Of course you are" She said with a blanke stare.

"So I guess you have heard the news then" Melissa looks up at me with a chenched jaw and forrow brows.

"I bet you are happy"

"I have told you Melissa you don't know what you are talking about." I say once again to her, she laughs it off before someone knocks on the door.

"Ian?" Me and Melissa say at the same time, giving each other a weird look.

"Am I allowed in?" He asks Melissa opening the living room door.

"What part of me not returning your calls do you not understand?" Melissa said getting up from her seat.

"Look, I know you do not want to see me, and I don't blame you..." Ian was cut off by Melissa.

"You broke up with me remember?" She asks annoyed.

"I just want to take you out for coffee" He said. By now, Spencer and the rest of the girls walk into the kitchen and stand by my side.

"You guys going camping, cute" Melissa said, turning back around to face her sister and her sister friends.

"Melissa wait" I said looking in between the girls, Ian and Melissa " Just go for a coffee with him" I say approaching her by the stairs.

"What? You sudendly looking out for me because?.." She asks waiting for my response. I shrugger before exaling.

"You might not believe me but Ian didn't cheat on you with me Melissa" I pause for a moment "I know what is loving someone and not be loved with the same intensaty as you love them" I say looking up at her.

"Fine" She says looking down at me with a simple smile "Coffee that's it" She said this time to Ian.

"Okay" Ian said accepting Melissa choice, as he is leaving he gives me a thank you smile, politly I give him one too.

"Since when are you mending Melissa's relationship?" Aria asked me once I joined the group by the counter.

"Long story" I siting on the counter and placing my head on my hands" I just own it to her,just old drama from that summer" 

"I have something to confess" Spencer said looking at us" But you can't tell anyone, and specially not Melissa" She said looking at me " I had a moment with Ian early in the summer before Ali went missing"

"Shut up" Hannah said.

"It was just one kiss, but after they broke up we started seeing each other" Spencer admited. I am still siting on the chair in the counter and all these questions are popping in my head but I am not asking none. Was I wrong all this time thinking Ali was the one seeing Ian when after all was Spencer?

"You could have told us" Emily tells her.

"Really because Ali knew about the first kiss and she though it was awful." Spencer said placing the blanket on the floor.

"Well, we are not Ali"

"I should not tell Melissa right?" She asks us all.


"I always thought you were more of a enemis to lover kinda trope girly, guess not" I joke.

"Yeah, what about you Avie? What trope are you?" She laughed asking me the same.

"Brother's best friend." I say without thinking two times before speaking.

"Ew, that would be Jason, right?" Emily said disgusted.

"On books only, of course. Gross, Jason, I could never" I say, trying to cover my mistake.

"Wait, Spence turn the TV up" Hannah demands, but Aria was still looking at me weirdly.

"Authorities searched the family home earlier today and inicial reports have confirmed that a blood stain on the sweater is a match to the victim's. If you just tuned in, police issue a warrant for the arrest of missing Rosewood teen Toby Cavanaugh. He is wanted for the murder of Alison Dilaurentis " 

"The sweater's was Toby's" Hannah whispers.

"No, Alison was not dating Toby" Aria assures.

"Aria you saw the news they have proof." Hannah says to the girl in denyal.

"So this is all over?" Emily asks.

"No, Toby has been missing for weeks. It won't be over until he is behind bars" Spencer says.


We left Spencer's house shortly after we heard the news. They had just confirmed that Toby Cavanaugh was Ali's killer, the boy that grew up a few houses from mine, the same boy that once cleaned my tears when we were six when I fell from my bike, the same boy that cleaned my tears years later, when saw me crying because of Alison. He wasn't a killer, he couldn't be.

My friends might have found a certain peace in the suppoused comfirmation of Alison's killer, but in the way I see it, Toby Cavanaugh is not the guy they are after. I might not remember everything from that night or summer, but I still remeber some parts. 

I keep on wander Rosewood streets, I don't know where I am going, but I know I am walking in the right trail. Rosewood isn't a very big town but is big enough for you to get slighty lost.However, I am born and raised here, there is not a street where I don't have millions of memories.

Like this one that I'm passing, I remeber when Alison helped a dog. We were about eight years old and we asked our parent's if we could go for a ice cream walk, they said yes and we felt so old and cool walking down the street alone, years later we found out our brother were actually walking behind us without us knowing. 

Anyway, Alison and I saw this little black dog abandoned and we just couldn't resist, we helped him, and he actually became later Aliosn's dog, but didn't lasted much though, he had a illness and two years later he pasted away.

Passing by one of our town coffee's I decided to go in and get myself one. I normally only go to the grill but there is too many familiar faces there all the time, so it was better to just get it in this one. One that I don't go as frenquetly.

"Ava, hi" I hear someone saing as I walk next to their table, it's Melissa I realise once I look over at her table.

"Hey" I say akwarly, Melissa isn't the kindest soul so why would her be nice to me all of the sudden.

"Sit down, we should chat" She says, gesturing to the other chair in her table. I look around for a second but decide to sit down anyways.

"What do you wanna talk about Melissa?" I ask her, sipping my own coffee as she does the same.

"I actually had a good time with Ian" She says smilling. 

"Well, that is great" I say honestly looking at her, still a little lost in why she is being nice.

"I was thinking about what you said about loving someone and not being loved in the same way" She says looking at me, I bit my lip thinking about it for a second "I should have warned you that summer, you were just a kid".

I shake my head, disagreeding with her. I was well aware of everything, of every decision I made with Jason, and I accepted them " No Melissa, it's not on you, forget about it"

She moves the hair from the front of her face and smiles weakly at me " You are just  kid Ava,and hating you is very immature of me" She finnishes.

"I get it, I hate me too, most of the time" I joke, well, half joke.

"You have seen the news, right?" She asked me after a momet where we fell into a silence.

"Yeah, obviously" I say, drinking again.

" At least now you know who it was" Oh believe me I know.

"Alison played a lot of games, who is confirming this isn't just one more?" I ask her rhetorically.

"That's probably what got her killed" I said, grabbing her stuff to leave " You need a ride?" I decline before she leaves.


With just a blink it was Camp Mona day, and my will to live was nowhere to be seen. Hanna can't come bacause she and Mona are no longer best friends, lucky Hanna, and now just me and the other girls are here.

"Welcome to Camp Mona" The devil said joining us at the entrance of the camp "Whatever it is I'm sure I will love it, and if not, I will return it" She said once we gave her our birthday gifts.

"The fuck" I whisper to myself.

"Swag" Mona says giving us a bag.


" So subtle" Spencer jokes.

"Pink isn't really my color" I say looking at her.

"But it used to be" She shurggers " Tour time, so over there we have the massage tent, the mani-pedi area,  the blow me bar and the mini bar" My smile grew in the metion of that one.

"Well, girls I am thristy" I say putting my hands over both of their shoulders.

"He came back to tell me he's innocent, and that he didn't hurt Ali" Emily arrived with a biggest news, Toby went to see her before dissapearing. He confessed that he is not Ali's murder and he had never hurted in any way. She also said that he said that she should not tell us because we would call the cops, the other might but I wouldn't I know he is not a killer.

"He's lying" Spencer said quickly.

"What if he is not?" I ask Spencer, she looks unsure of my thoughs and my words.

"We have to tell the police" Aria admits.

"He literally told us not too" I say, metioning Emily's prior's words.

Hanna called Aria but the conversation was short because of the service.

"Oh God, service here sucks" Aria exhales.

"Well, I'm sure that won't be bad for A. Their messages will just keep on coming" I joke, making Spencer chuckling a little.

"It's from A" Aria says to the message she just recieved.

" God, I must have a six sense or something"

"You found my bracelt, now come find me, bitches.- A" Aria read out loud.

"We have to go to where we found Alison's bracelt" 

"Spencer that was in the middle of nowhere" I say, mentioning an obvious fact.

"No, it was actually 15 steps east of the half-point tree, which is 136 steps from main road"

"Spencer you have serious issues" I say looking at her mindblowed.

"You are a freak and I love you" Aria said as we got up to leave.

"Emily, Aria your turn to get blown" 

"I'm gonna love this" I whisper to the group.

A few minutes have passed since the girls went to get their hair done and me and Spencer started to walk around to see if we could spot anyone that might be A.

"Spencer look at it" I give Spencer a arm touch to look over at Emily and Aria.

"This is the best thing ever" I say looking over at them.

"Shut up" Aria said annoyed.

"What happens if you touch?" Spencer asked moving a finger towards Emily's hair and touching it.

"Did you guys find anything?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, come here" I whisper walking towards a more private place.

"Guys check it out" Spencer gave the girls our next lead, Jenna's bracelt just like the one's that Ali gave us.

"Is Jenna telling us she is A?" Emily aske confused.

"I don't think so. There is something else." Spencer said grabbing a paper from the inside of the little bag the bracelt was in.

"You're as in the dark as Jenna, looking for me in all in the wrong places" I say out loud.

"You have memorized it already?" Aria asked me concerned.

" You found it spooky?" I aksed with a smirk on my face.

"Well, if this is the wrong place, than what is the right place?" 

"That's what we are trying to figure it out" I say looking around.

"You are gonna burn that thing" I whisper over to Spencer, mentioning to the marshmallow we are making in the bonfire.

"Avie how was the sentence again?" She asked me.

"You're as in the dark as Jenna, looking for me in all in the wrong places" I whipser turning my marshmallow around.

"Ava, let's go" Spencer said grabbing my hand to leave the bonfire.

"Where are we going Spence?"I ask her while she is till with a hold one me.

"Where's Aria?" She asked Emily that just appreared, Emily turned her head slightly to see Spencer holding my wrist like it was a matter of life and death.

"We have to go to the Wright place" She said getting up and walking towards the woods.

"Spencer you are holding me still" I said making the girl now realise me.

"Sorry" She smiled sympathetic.

"I think you are actually enjoing this" I chuckle at Emily's words.

"How could I" I joked, she rolled her eyes at me while right in front of us was Spencer with a smile on her face scaning her flashligh in the direction that pointed to Wright's playground.

" Oh Jesus this is so creppy" I say to the noise of a swing swinging.

"Spence what are we doing here?" I ask her " I like spooky stuff but this is too creppy" I say looking around us.

"What is that?" Emily grabbed a piece of wood from the ground to take of the moss from the tree. Us tree look at each other when the words became pretty visiable.

Alison + Ian 

"Alison loves Ian?" 

I was right after all" I whisper only loud enough for me too hear.

"It's from Hanna, she knows who A is, let's go to the parking lot" I say taking a picture of the tree and heading with the girls to the parking lot to met Hannah.

"Hannah watch out" We cream to our blod friend, a car was going her way

"Oh my God! Call 911"

"On it" I say over the yells.

"There's been an acident. We are in the Camp Rosewood parkig lot, please hurry, my friend was run over"

"She's not breathing"

"Hanna, come on girl" I say over and over again.

"She knew too much- A"

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