Sing Your Harmony

By OneArtsyGamer03

66.8K 2.6K 2K

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "Sing Your Harmony"! ... Dream big dreams, right? Somethin... More

Alice in Wonderland
Getting the Gang Together
Jimmy Crystal
Ideas for the Musical
Practice Makes... Perfect?
Carnival Date
New Dance Instructor
Learning the Steps
The Wrath of Crystal
Jump Out That Window
The Show Must Go On!
The Planet of Devotion
The Planet of War
The Planet of Joy
The Planet of Love
Break Free!
Planet of Despair
Planet of Saudade
Your Song Saved My Life

Not so Happy Jimmy

2K 90 18
By OneArtsyGamer03

Porsha's acting bro 💀💀

I was caught off guard so bad by it in theaters --




Third Person P.O.V

"Okay, everybody! From the top!" Buster calls loudly to the cast, sitting at a table a few feet in front of the Planet of War stage. "Stand by, playback!"

Ash was on his left side, Gunter on his right. Ash leans her hands on the table, looking up at the set with a bit of awe as she smiles.

"Lots of energy now! And..."

Before Buster could continue, Miss Crawly groans weakly as she staggers in.

"WhAH--?!" Buster shrieks in alarm, blinking rapidly at the sight of her.

She was covered in paint, dirt smeared along her clothing and her hair in disarray. Her right eye was shut, due to her not having her glass eye since she lost it.

Miss Crawly throws herself towards Buster, grabbing the front of his shirt with shaking hands. "You can't go back there, Mr. Moon! Never! Never!"

"What? What happened to you?" Buster questions with concern, looking over her and patting her back.

"That-- that man, you see- he's crazy! Crazy!!" she shrieks, leaning her face close to Buster's as he recoils with wide eyes. "Oh, he's crazy!"

She whimpers and backs away, trembling. "Pew... pew... pew..."

"Wow," Ash blinks quickly with wide eyes, "she's a mess."

"Pew, pew..." Miss Crawly continues, shuffling away shakily.

"You're not gonna go out there, are you?" Ash questions Buster, frowning with furrowed brows.

Buster runs a hand through his hair, sighing sharply. "I'm gonna have to. I mean--"

"All set over here, Mr. Moon!" a stagehand shouts, waving his hand to get Buster's attention.

Buster splutters and shakes his head, nodding quickly back. "Okay! Playback!"

Soft music starts as he points to the stage, speaking into his headpiece.

Rosita wore a bright green alien costume below stage, her face disheartened as she turns and reveals green face paint along.

"Stand by, Rosita! And... action!"

She was launched up above stage, landing on a bouncy, trampoline like area of the Planet.

"Ooh, look what you made me do," she sings lowly, bouncing and posing before hopping down onto a lower area while still bouncing. "Look what you made me do. Look what you just made me do. Look what you just made me, ooh! Look what you made me do."

Buster smiles encouragingly as he nods to Rosita, Ash looking up at her with uncertainty and Gunter frowning a bit.

"And cue Porsha!" he points towards the direction Porsha was in.

"Look what you just made me do."

Porsha turns dramatically, wielding a staff in her hand.

"Look what you just made me, ooh."

Porsha swings the staff towards Rosita, missing her intentionally. A puff of smoke appears, Rosita getting knocked back as the floor tips a bit. She yelps as she falls backwards onto the safety mat below stage, Sasha holding her hands out ready to help before smiling as she lands. Sasha gives her a thumbs up, nodding.

"Take. That! You... nasty. Alien. Monster," Porsha speaks in a monotone, her face lighting up as she turns to Buster. "Did I do good?!"

Buster, Gunter, and Ash stare at her with wide eyes, mouths dropped open in disbelief.

"... Yeah!" Buster quickly recovers, voice squeaking as he smiles nervously. "That was... so good!"

"Yay!" Porsha happily bounces, looking down the hole at Rosita with a grin. "Did you hear that?! He thinks I'm awesome!"

Rosita groans and rolls her eyes as Porsha turns away, laying down on the mat in defeat.

"Okay. She cannot act," Ash states, scowling and shaking her head as she gestures towards the oblivious Porsha.

"Shh! I know! I know," Buster quickly replies, his voice quiet as he bites at his fingernail. "B--But I gotta keep Mr. Crystal happy."

"Take. That! You... nasty. Alien. Monster!" Porsha repeats in the same monotone, hitting her staff against a nearby box and giggling.

"Excuse me," Suki stares at Porsha for a moment, shaking her head and glancing back to Buster. "But Mr. Crystal wants to see you."

"Oh," Buster nervously clears his throat, glancing down at his watch as Porsha repeats the same line poorly. "Well-- I can come by this afternoon?"

"He means now," Suki emphasizes, appearing anxious as her eyes dart side to side. "Right now."

Buster pales at her tone, Suki turning and walking away as she hugs her tablet to her front.

"O...kay," he breathes out, Ash looking to him with concern as he slowly follows after Suki.



Suki opens the golden door for Buster, stepping to the side with her eyes fixated on the floor as he enters.

"You... wanted to see me, sir?" Buster questions in a forced cheery voice, looking around the luxurious room in awe for a moment.

"Yes, I did, yes, I did! Come on in," Jimmy replies in a warm tone, his back to Buster as he overlooks the city through the large wall of glass.

He looks down at his phone, thumb swiping away at it as he sips on a cup of expresso with a light hearted expression.

"This place is incredible," Buster compliments, Suki swiftly exiting and closing the door behind her.

Jimmy chuckles, setting his phone down on the large desk in front of him. "Pretty great, huh? So. How's it going with Calloway?"

Buster takes the seat in front of the desk when Jimmy gestures to it, his hands clenching on the sides of the fancy chair.

"Calloway? It's, uh..." he trails off, clearing his throat as he looks down. "It's good! Yeah, very good."

"Right, right. Well, let me ask you something," Jimmy sits down in front of Buster, leaning back with a casual expression as he smiles. "What did I do to make you disrespect me, huh?"

Buster's face falls. "What?"

"Oh, what?" Jimmy chuckles, resting his hands over his stomach. "You think I'm an idiot? Some kind of bozo?"

"No!" Buster shakes his head with furrowed brows, not noticing two security guards stepping out from behind pillars a few feet behind him. "No, sir. Not at all."

"My team..." Jimmy starts, snapping to the guards.

They walk over, standing on either side of Buster as he looks up at them anxiously.

"They talked to Calloway's lawyer. And they say... he's never heard of you or your sister or your show," Jimmy continues in a low voice, his hand clasped together on the desk as he sits upright with a musing smile.

"Really?" Buster scratches the back of his head, "they-- they said that? Uh..."

"You lied to me!"

Buster yelps and jumps when Jimmy slams his fists on the desk, face red in a fury as he scowls down at Buster.

"I-- I didn't mean to!" Buster stammers out, his hands raised in surrender. "Okay? Honestly, I really thought I could get him--"

"No one makes me look like a fool!" Jimmy roars, knocking down the papers and items from his desk as he rises with a snarl. "No one!"

"I-I wouldn't dream of doing that to you!" Buster exclaims desperately, leaning as far back in the chair as he could.

Jimmy breathes heavily, lip curled up in a snarl. "I swear, if you didn't have my kid in your show, you'd be out of that window by now!"

"Please--Please, please! I'm-- I'm so sorry!"

"You better have Calloway by the end of next week, or so help me--!" Jimmy's fingernails dig into the desk, fingers turning white as he scraped them along the desk towards him.

"I--I--I will!" Buster reassures quickly, flinching back. "I'll get him! I won't let you down, sir!"

Jimmy stands upright, adjusting his tie with a dark look on his face. "Oh, I know you won't let me down."


Buster scrambles out of the room, his shoulder colliding with Jerry's as he makes a break for it to the elevator.

"Jerry! Get in here!"

Jerry watches Buster with furrowed brows, quickly turning at the sound of Jimmy's yelling. "Yes, sir! Right here, sir!"

Buster runs past Suki, frantically tapping on the elevator buttons with wide eyes. He looks to Suki, who was staring at him with a pointed, fearful look as she shakes her head.



"Listen up," Buster pants lightly as he packs a small briefcase, "I gotta go to Calloway's, and I got to go ASAP."

"Oh, no!" Miss Crawly whimpers fearfully, shaking her head. "Please don't go there!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry," Buster reassures as he tries to calm his breathing, his eyes wide and face still pale from what had happened. "I know you said he's crazy, but I'll be all right."

"Can I go with you, please?!" Ash asks with excitement, stepping forward.

Buster looks up briefly, "uh... I don't know..."

"Come on!" Ash groans, rolling her eyes and gesturing to herself with a smile. "You're gonna need me! I know everything about this guy."

"Uh..." Buster considers it, nodding slowly and turning to her. "I think you're right."

Ash's face lights up as she cheers. "Yes!"

"Now, listen, Gunter!" Buster gets Gunter's attention, making him stand upright as he holds a clipboard with a pen ready. "You've got to figure out the ending of this show on your own. (Y/N) is too busy with her own part of the show, and I don't want to put more stress than I have already on her."

Gunter's face falls as he blinks rapidly. "On my own?!"

"Yes!" Buster firmly responds, turning to Miss Crawly with a serious look. "Miss Crawly, I need you to take charge while I'm away."

"Yes, sir!" Miss Crawly nods with a content smile.

"Now, listen to me," Buster speaks slowly, maintaining eye contact to get his message across. "You got to brig your A game here, Miss Crawly. I'm serious! You got to be tough."

Miss Crawly's eye widens as she nods, "yes, I got to be tough!"

"You got to be firm!"

Miss Crawly avoids eye contact as she looks up, standing straight like a solider. "Oh, and I got to be firm, yes!"

"And you cannot, I repeat, cannot let production fall behind, not one. Little. Bit!" Buster finishes, eyes narrowed. "Is that clear?!"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Moon, sir!" Miss Crawly yells, Buster exhaling with relief.


Mason slowly drags an airbrush along the board, painting one of the props for a planet with a board expression. The airbrush jams, making him grumble as he shakes it out, not noticing Miss Crawly rising on a lift with a serious expression and a black eyepatch on her right eye.

"Mason!" she screams into the megaphone, making him yelp and jump in alarm. "That volcano should've been finished yesterday!"

He blinks rapidly, "we-- we're on it, Miss Crawly!"

"You better be!" she yells back, driving along the floor and turning to Meena and Darius sitting on their planet as she lowers down. "Meena, Darius, take it from the top! And this time, put a little juice in it, will you?!"

Meena frowns, playing with her purple cape nervously, "I-- I'm trying my best, Miss Crawly."

"A little juice?" Darius repeats with an offended look, huffing.

The doors to the studio open, Porsha stepping inside and carrying multiple shopping bags.

"Hey, everybody!" Porsha calls nonchalantly, raising her sunglasses from her eyes to her head.

Miss Crawly slowly backs up, staring at Porsha with a widened eye as she scowls. "You're two hours late for rehearsal!"

Porsha sips on her drink for a moment, brows furrowing in confusion. "Wait-- we're the other guy? Who are you?"

"I'm in charge, that's who!" Miss Crawly yells back, hitting her hand on the rail firmly. "Now, get your rear into wardrobe, sweetheart!"

Porsha stares at her in disbelief, Miss Crawly huffing as she drives away slowly.



Buster parks in front of the private property sign, him and Ash stepping out and looking around. They make their way through the thick brush, both wincing and hissing in pain as they were scraped by branches.

Ash staggers through the bushes, dusting leaves off her arms and hair as her nose crinkles slightly. She looks up at the large gate in front of her, a soft gasp leaving her.

"Oh, my gosh..." she breathes out in awe, Buster falling through the bushes with a yelp before catching himself. "There he is! That's him!"

Buster looks through the gate, a man kneeling by a motorcycle under the large tree in front of his house.

"Holy moly, it really is," Buster smiles in disbelief, the two walking up to the gate.

"He doesn't look so scary," Ash scoffs, smiling brightly as she rests her hands on the gate.

"Mr. Calloway!" Buster calls loudly, waving to get his attention.

Clay slowly raises his head, looking over and scowling at the sight of the two. "Go away!"

"No, please! We-- we just wanna talk to you for one minute!" Buster yells back, waving and smiling uncertainly. "That's all!"

Clay doesn't respond, ignoring Buster as he wipes down his motorcycle with a rag.

Ash clicks her tongue, "we are not leaving until you talk to us!"

He ignores this too, turning away.

"Fine," Ash pushes away from the gate, moving to the right to the fencing. "If you're not coming over here, we're coming over to you."

Buster follows after her, eyes darting from Clay to her.

"No!" Clay shouts as she reaches for the fence, making her pause as he rises with wide eyes. "Stay off the fence!"

Ash scoffs with a smirk, "don't listen to him."

Ash and Buster reach for the fence at the same time, their hands connecting with the fence. A shock jolts through the two, sending them flying back, unconscious.






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