Naruto: Reincarnation of Kok...

By Husbanddeath

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Naruto hated being powerless. He hated everyone in the village for something he had no couldn't control over... More

The Beginning
Team 7 and wave arc
Wave part 2 and chunin exam arc 1
Preliminaries part 2 and Finals
Final Exams
Invasion, and the battle of Jinchuriki

Forest, 'Techniques', and Preliminaries

2.5K 45 8
By Husbanddeath

"The rest of the proctors in the room will show you your seating charts arraignments, once you've sat down I'll explain the rules." Ibiki said.

The proctors led the Genin to their arraigned seats, Naruto sat next to Hianata and Momoko who was smirking at him. He was still amused by him flirting with Ami, while Hinata was blushing while looking at him tapping her fingers. He ignored them while  thinking what he was going to do with the test since he knew half of the answers then he had an idea. Before Ibiki couldn't explain the rules he took out a kunai and tossed it without anyone noticing aiming right at the door to the room making it blow up a little getting their attention. He felt three chakra signatures leave the room making him smirk. He had already done what he needed to know, now all he had to do was wait.

Ibiki looked around the room wondering who threw it but the Genin looked completely surprised almost shocked. He merely started explaining the rules, "Listen up! Before we begin the exams i'm going to explain the rules. Questions will not be tolerated and i'm not going to repeat myself either, so don't bother asking.

Naruto couldn't help but sweat-drop, "Must be the no nonsense type."

"First rule: you maggots will start with 10 points instead of 0. The test is made up of ten questions with each one worth a single point. If you answer the question correctly you get to keep your 10 points, but if you get a question wrong then you lose a point."

"Second rule: This is also a team test. Whether you pass or not depends on how your whole team does."

"Third rule: Anyone caught cheating five times by the proctors will be immediately disqualified."

"One of the proctors looked at them with a smug, "We'll be watching you like hawks, so don't even think about cheating."

Everyone present in the room gulped.

'Something's not right about that rule. Why tell us this unless.... They want us to cheat. No They want us to cheat without getting caught. Good thing I set everything up after causing that distraction earlier.' Naruto mused.

"One last thing," Ibiki smirked, "If one of you is caught cheating five times then your whole team fails."

Sasuke's eyes grew wide.

"WHAT'D HE SAY?!" Sakura yelled inwardly.

"Now begin!" Ibiki said.

Naruto flipped over the paper over waiting for his clone to get to work.

One of the Chunin pretending to be one of the people taking the test was waving an annoying fly away from him, it finally landed on the table giving him the opportunity to smash it with his hand, "Stupid fly." He grumbled. Little did he know that the fly he squashed was was one of Naruto's clones that Henge'd into a fly, and as soon as he smashed it the information it gathered was transferred to Naruto who began writing down the answers down going by the memory he received from the clone.

Naruto thought for a moment before narrowing his eyes around the room. Sasuke had his sharingan active copying others movements, he was doing quite well. He looked at the room and seemed like most are cheating. Information gathering' Naruto thought looking at the genins who were cheating. He already concluded that they are the excepting the genins to cheat without getting caught. It was a test to see if one had any information skills. Such skills were useful for missions. Naruto didn't have to worry about having to acquire such skills he had 'someone' do it for him. But that didn't mean he didn't learn a thing or two from him, he did learn a few things so that he could look for information whenever 'he' wasn't available to do it for him. Because. Gathering information would involve breaking into offices, private buildings. One has to be discreet. The Hyuga's had their Byakugan
Activated. The Byakugan was a useful tool for something such as gathering information because of it's ability to see through solid objects. They did call it the all Seeing Eye. Hinata looked to be checking him out he figured the girl might have been looking to see if she could help him since he didn't answer a question yet. He sighed and began to answer the questions ignoring the Rookies who were also cheating.

A few genins got caught cheating which resulted in them being thrown out of the room. They were thrown out because they had been denying that they were cheating in the exams. If one's teammate got caught it meant it was all over for the whole team. Something like this could make and break a team. The others could blame the one who got caught for their failure. Which would've been true, had he not been caught they would never had failed the exam. But some would help each other seeing that their teammates lack in information gathering skills.

The 45 minutes were over and Ibiki stopped them from answering any more questions.

"Pencils down!" Ibiki called out. Everyone put their pencils down, the door slid open and in came Kankuro, who had to use the restroom earlier, "Welcome back, I hope your little trip" He eyed the boy with a smirk.

Kankuro panicked a little but took his seat, 'Damn! He knows!'

"Now then, time for the final question." Ibiki announced, "The last question is whether you decide to answer it or not. Should you choose not to your score will be an automatic 0, meaning you and your team have failed."

This shocked the Genin present except for Naruto and Gaara because there was another reason for this.

"Of course we'll answer the last question!" Kiba yelled.

Ibiki chuckled darkly, "You say that now, but when i tell you the rest you'll be changing your tone. Should you decide to answer the question but fail to answer it correctly then you will be forbidden to the the Chunin Exams ever again."

"What the hell kind of rule is that?!" Kiba yelled, "There have been people who failed the exams before and came back to take them over again!" He was referring to Kabuto.

"You guys are unlucky this year," Ibiki told them uncaring, "I'm in charge of the first part of the exams    this year, so that means I make the rules. If you feel like you can't take it then leave by raising your hand."

It was quiet for a minute before a Genin raised his hand, "I-I quit....I'm sorry guys."

"You fail." The proctor said as the Genin and his team left. One by one more Genin started quitting, leaving the room.

Ibiki looked around at those who stayed , "To the ones that are in this room.....congratulations you all pass."


"WHAT?!" Screeched Sakura making everyone cover their ears.

Naruto moved getting everyone's attention, they saw him take his earplugs out of his ear and hid them into his kimono making some of the proctors snicker as well as some Genin present in the room who were trying to hold in their laughter. Even Ibiki snorted.

'This kids a damn riot.' He smirked.

Sakura made a mental note to get Naruto back for that later, "What about the tenth question?"

"There was never a tenth question to begin with," he smirked, "You could say that it was based on a your decision whether to stay or leave."

"Wait a minute!" Temari yelled, "Then what was the point for us answering all those questions then?! Was all of that pointless?!"

"No, the questions you answered served their purpose well," Ibiki told her, "The purpose of this test was to test your information gathering skills, and i think it worked out well," he eyed Naruto, "Some of you already figured it out and got it right even without getting caught. The entire purpose of this test was to make you cheat. Only you noticed that the two Chunin were hiding amongst you but I'll keep that Genins name to myself. I'll explain the purpose of the written exam, in a mission you will have to gather information to help your team succeed and complete the mission. You also need to know that getting the wrong information will cost you and your teams lives." He proved this by removing his headband.

"This is what happens when you get the wrong information. Not only will you suffer scars like these but you'll be forced to spill the beans because the pain is to much to handle. The purpose of the 10th question was to see if you had the guts to stay, and it looks like you passed past the test. Your resolve. The first part of the exam is over, good luck on the next part." Ibiki smiled.

Suddenly the window exploded and in came a woman with brown, pupil-less eyes and violent hair which is styled in a short, spiky, fanned ponytail. Wearing a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. Her forehead protector was wrapped around her forehead. There was a banner behind her, "There's no time to relax you maggots! The sexy Anko Mitarashi has arrived!" She did a pose.

Ibiki rolled his eyes, "Your early, again."

Anko eyed those who were left, "Heh, there's still a few left. Your losing your touch Ibiki."

The man actually smiled, "There are some impressive ones this year."

"Oh really?" She eyed them with a predatory smirk, "We'll see about that. Follow me you maggots! Time for the second part of the Exam! Meet me at training ground 44!" She jumped out the window.

Everyone looked at each other unsure of whether to follow her or not, they heard someone get up and saw it was Naruto but instead of heading out to the door he opened the window and sped off making their eyes widen especially the rookies.

'That idiot!' Shikamaru thought following after him. He knew he was strong and all but still. The rest of the Konoha Genin followed him while the others walked through the door.

Naruto blinked as he saw the as he saw the forest. It was behind a fence and gave a bad vibe to all the Genin. Their were warning signs all over the fence. Anko had a sweet smile upon seeing the forest as if she was familiar with it. Naruto knew that the woman was fond of with the forest while playing with her snakes. It was disturbing.

Sakura shivered while looking at the forest, 'Why does the second part of the exam have to be this,'

"It doesn't look that bad to me." Kiba commented with Akamaru agreeing with him with a bark.

Anko smirked and launched at him while tossing a kunai that scratched his cheek, already appearing behind him with another kunai right to his throat, "It's always the loud ones that die first." She smirked licking the blood off from his cheek.

Kiba shivered at the woman's tone as did Akamaru.

Anko sensed movement behind her, turning around she saw a Genin from Kusa who had the kunai she threw in her tongue, "Excuse me, but I believe this is yours proctor-san."

Anko eyed her for a second then smiled, "Thanks, and word of advice. I suggest you you be more careful, its not smart to sneak up behind, I might kill you."

The Kusa Genin smiled, My apologies, the sight of blood has me a little bit excited. Also, your kunai cut my hair as well." She handed Anko the kunai and backed away.

"Well well, looks like we've got some bloodthirsty ones this year," Anko commented appearing back at her original spot, "Listen up! For this part of the exams each team will receive either the scroll of Earth or Heaven. In order to pass you need to obtain both scrolls and reach the tower that's in the middle of the forest to pass."

"So out of all teams only half could pass." Naruto said.

"Heh, that would be on a good day," Anko smirked, "Normally less than half of the teams here would pass. Part of it because of the forest or just plain bad luck. The most important rule is that you don't open the scrolls until you reach the tower."

"Why is that." Sasuke asked.

"Because that would be telling," Anko grinned, "You'll be in the forest for five days."

"Five days?! What about food?!" Choji freaked out.

"Your on your own in that department big boy," Anko shrugged, "The forest has plenty of food from animals to plants, just make sure they don't come after you. Oh yeah each of you are to sign these forms." She held a stack of papers up and the proctor gave them all to the Genin present.

"Take the wavers and sign them." The genins signed the wavers. Some were hesitant to do so, but everyone signed them and handed it to Anko. She'd given each team a scroll, but did it in a way that no team would know which team held a Heaven or Earth scroll. This would avoid a team going to a specific team; it would cut down the numbers because a team would take a scroll from another team they have defeated even though it's the same as theirs. She didn't tell them yet, "Final words of advice, don't get killed!" She said with a maniacal grin that had the Genin think she wanted them to kill each other. Each team went away to their assigned gates and got ready for the second test.

(Forest of death)

Team 7 was currently jumping from tree to tree trying to find some teams at least but so far they haven't come across any at all. Sasuke decided to act as team leader, even looking at Naruto as if to challenge him by saying something but he had other things in mind, like Kusa, Ame, Team 6, the Oto nin that attacked him, and that other ninja from earlier. Naruto felt a presence at the  12 different teams. A feeling he knew too well. He had to know if they've had 'that technique', and that other Kusa-nin was staring at them specifically at Sasuke, what she wants he has no idea and doesn't care, unless if she's a nuisance try's to stand in their way he'll end her.

They stopped and stood on top of a branch.

"What should we do?" Sakura questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? We search for some teams." Sasuke snorted at her question.

Naruto turned his head to the left side of the forest.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Sakura looked at him.

"Some annoyances that won't go away have been following us," he said, "They should come out of the shadows now that they have seen we stopped." He said his eyes at the girl. Despite the fact they have only been walking, the girl looked like she wouldn't last 2 minutes in a fight.

"What's wrong the plan?" Sasuke asked with a smile. They've always gotten well together when they planned against their enemies. Everyone cooperated; even Sakura valued Naruto's opinion. But after the mission was over they would flip a switch and be a completely different team.

"Sakura should stay behind, you and I will remove the nuisances." It wasn't a plan. Naruto never made a plan against someone he knew he could defeat without any trouble.

Sasuke nodded Sakura was not a fighter in their team. It was best to leave her behind so that she won't become a burden while they fight. It would be troublesome to let her fight as they would have to constantly check if she was fairing well in her fight. It was something neither Sasuke or Naruto would rather not have to do.

They didn't wait to long as the three shadows dropped from the trees and stepped closer to them. The one in the middle has a huge grin on his face. On their forehead protecters the three were rain ninja from Amegakure (Village Hidden in Rain).

"I see that you have finally noticed us." The boy in the middle said, clearly the leader. He looked amused by the fact that they were noticed.

Sasuke scoffed, "We knew you were following us all along." He said.....well he didn't know that they were being followed except Naruto knew and that what mattered most. Naruto was apart of their team so it's Naruto that they knew.

The smirks on the Ame genins didn't falter. They stayed in place, like the news didn't surprise them, "Oho! it doesn't matter though, surrender the scroll and hand us the girl." The leader of the Ame team said with a malicious grin looking at Sakura.

Sakura shuddered at the grin. She brought her hand over her chest trying to comfort herself. She was thinking of what could happen if she was taken by the Ame genins. They would surely do unspeakable things to her body. A body she'd cherished and token care of so that Sasuke would do whatever he pleased, her body was meant for Sasuke and only Sasuke.

Sasuke smirked and gotten into a stance, "Will be the ones taking your scroll, and if you want to get to Sakura you'll have to go through us."

Naruto sighed in annoyance; he really hated fighting people that couldn't compete with him. But since the Ame genins seemed serious about fighting he would toy with them a little bit before finishing them off later.

He didn't bother to take a Taijutsu stance as he started walking towards the Ame genins getting Sasuke to follow him, "Who wants to go first." They didn't answer then Naruto wanted them to, "You first." He dashed towards the Ame Genin with Chunin speed.

The Ame genins stood in their positions and held them firmly waiting for their attack. Naruto appeared in front of the genins so did Sasuke. He kicked the leader in the face sending him flying away before turning his attention to the other.

Sasuke stared at his opponent with a smirk. He felt excited about the challenging that presented itself to him. His opponent charged at him foolishly. The Genin tried to hit him in the face but Sasuke dodged and landed a kick on the genins right shoulder sending him flying.

The Ame Genin gritted his teeth as he felt Sasuke's foot crashing into him. The kick hurt really badly. He wasn't given any time to dwell on the pain as Sasuke appeared before him. Sasuke gutted the Genin hard with his fist. The Genin clutched his chest in pain. Sasuke didn't stop with the assault as he let loose another punch that connected with his opponent ribs. A hard kick to the temple followed his punch. His opponent was sent crashing into the tree bark.

The Ame Genin tried getting up, he felt winded due to the knocks he'd received from Sasuke. Sasuke was still standing there while looking at him with a smirk, "Are you going to give up?"

With his Sharingan activated his opponent couldn't land a hit on him as he was able to predict his movements. He deactivated it, he no longer needed it.

"Never!" His opponent yelled as he charged at him with his right hand raised. Sasuke side stepped the attempt to punch him. He kicked the Genin on his stomach making him cough out blood and saliva. He didn't let him fly away as he quickly grabbed his hand and punched him in the chest making the Genin cough out more blood.

Sasuke slammed his opponent down to the ground creating a small crater. His opponent wasn't out cold yet but was barely conscious. He sighed and gave his opponent a knockout punch to the face. He felt slightly out of breath.


Naruto looked at opponent while staring at him before deciding to charge at him with a kunai in his hands. A kunai was swung to slice his cheek, Naruto dodged the kunai and created out his wind sword. He wanted to ensure that he didn't get cut, and didn't want to use his sword on someone barely worth his time or breath.

His opponent continued trying to pierce him with his kunai while Naruto blocked and dodged their attempts to hit him. He threw his right punch at Naruto dodged not even trying.

He finally got tired of playing and knocked off the genins kunai from his hand. His sword sliced through his opponent's chest, and blood was gushing from the wound. The wound wasn't deep but it was enough to make him bleed and cause him pain. The Genin gritted his teeth in pain. Naruto moved closer to him and gripped his neck before slamming him to the ground creating a giant crater where the Genin hit. The power of the slam was enough to make him out cold.

Naruto looked at his other opponent, "Do you wish to fight as well?" The Genin shook his head vigorously. Naruto disappeared from view and appeared behind the Genin. He hit the Genin at the back of his head making him fly landed face first on the ground. He slowly got up looking at Naruto while trying to regain his bearings, Naruto lift his hand to show the scroll in his hands. The Ame Genin was shocked because he never felt the scroll being removed from him. Before he could answer he was pushed back into a tree while a sword stabbed a few inches from his head frightened him.

"Take your partners and leave. This is your only warning." Naruto threatened. The Ame Genin nodded his head while grabbing his two teammates before jumping away. What they didn't know was that Naruto made a wind clone to follow them to finish them off so he wouldn't have to bother dealing with them again. He dispelled his sword. He would only used his real sword to battle strong or worthy opponents in his mind, and his 'prey'.

Sakura joined him looking relieved. She didn't get to fight and both her teammates had defeated their enemies without any difficulty. That pleased her mind, she would have hated if one of her teammates had gotten hurt. She may not like like Naruto but at time she thanked Kami (god) that he was on their team without his help at times they would have never gotten this far. He'd also saved her life more than once, she was thankful for it even though she'd never told him thank you. She also knows that Naruto didn't care for her and if they hadn't been teammates he would had left her to die whenever her life was in danger. Naruto showed the scroll to Sasuke and grunted, they've obtained an Earth scroll but they needed a Heaven scroll to pass this exam. Naruto kept the other Earth scroll in case if they lose theirs or an exchange for a scroll they want.

Naruto looked at both his teammates and sighed, "We should camp here for tonight. We'll move out tomorrow morning." He said. They couldn't really travel at night. Whenever it was night the forest becomes more darker and a twin of darkness even when there was a full moon. It was better to camp here for the night.

Sakura looked at him, "Where are we going to sleep? We have no water to bathe in and no food to eat! She said in a loud voice. She couldn't that Naruto would suggest that they would sleep in the middle of nowhere without shelter. They hadn't eaten anything since they've entered the forest and she was a girl, she couldn't go to sleep without taking a bath.

Naruto looked at incredulous, 'How can she about bathing while we're stuck in a forest?' Naruto thought. He looked away from the girl, he had no problem staying up all night or for a week without sleep. As long as they were able to reach the tower tomorrow he had no problems with starving since he fused with Kokushibou. But his teammates were a different story there weren't him that he understood. He had to think of a better way to get his teammates food or he would have to carry them to the tower.

"Stay here, I'll be back in 30 minutes or less with food." He spoke after a long pause:

"Weren't you the one that said we shouldn't separate?" Sakura asked.

Naruto ignored her and blurred out of his teammates view. If they didn't separate he would have been forced to carry them tomorrow because they would have been hungry and tired. He had zero intentions of doing something like that. Getting them food so they could walk themselves was the best thing he could do for them. Sasuke could probably walk even if he was starving, but wouldn't be able to fight in that condition, it wasn't that much of a problem for him to fight a team of genins.

"Where do you think he went?" Sakura asked looking at her precious Uchiha.

Sasuke shrugged and walked away from Sakura. He walked towards a prompting tree as Sakura followed him. She'd never thought that one day she would be stuck in a forest with her crush. Never in her wildest dreams she thought this random occurrence would be happening, 'If Sasuke-kun wasn't so shy who knows what we would have been doing.' She thought while eyeing Sasuke with her cheeks red.

"Hey Sasuke-kun, do you want to go on a date after we finish the exam?" Sakura asked, she had always been the one to take the initiative and ask Sasuke out.

"No!" Sasuke replied coldly. This girl annoyed him to no end, he had no intentions of dating someone weak as her. Not now, not ever. He was to busy training to become stronger to defeat 'him', that was his only interest right now.

Sakura felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. Sasuke had always rejected her attempts to get to him to go on a date with her. He'd always shut the door on her face. Her mind couldn't assay why Sasuke finds her annoying. To Sasuke's eyes he seemed to have something that overshadowed her beauty from him.

She frowned and looked down at her feet, before swinging her head back up with a look of determination in her eyes. She isn't going to give up and is going to win Sasuke's affection for her.


The 3 Ame Genin were standing on top of a large branch, two of them were still unconscious after there battle while the other was on guard. He was scanning the area before he heard movement from another branch. He quickly turned around and saw 'him'. It was Naruto, "You!" He pointed his finger at him. Before he could have said anything else he pulled out his sword blitzing and appeared in front of him being five meters from him before muttering.

"Moon Breathing First Form: Dark Moon, Evening palace." A series of crescent moons started to descend rapidly at the Genin. He didn't have time to dodge or do any hand signs before he'd been torn to pieces. Naruto sheathed his sword before walking to the unconscious corpses, he did some hand signs before whispering.

"Katon: Jigoku no Honō (Fire style: Hellflame!)" Fire erupted from his hands creating an orb before throwing it to the unconscious Genins burning them to a crips. The clone dispersed, leaving two burning corpses and one body in pieces.


Naruto returned 28 minutes later, walking towards to his teammates carrying a small bag. He went over to them and sat down. He opened the bag and withdrew two scrolls, he threw one to Sasuke who caught it.

"What is it?" Sasuke questioned.

"It's a storage seal, you know how to use one right?"

Sasuke felt offended by Naruto's question. How could he an Uchiha not know how to use a simple storage seal? Luckily Sakura spoked for him, "Of course he knows how to use one!".

Naruto ignored her and continued looking at Sasuke. Sasuke opened the scroll and a seal appeared on it. He channeled chakra into the seal. A puff of smoke appeared revealing two tents. He smiled along with Sakura, she was quick to point out something, "There's only two tents!"

The logical solution would be that Sasuke would have to share a tent with Naruto since they were both boys. But Sakura wouldn't mind having to share a tent with Sasuke. In fact she wasn't shy to say it she would've suggested it.

"You two will use the tents I will keep watch while you sleep." Naruto said.

"Sakura had no complaints of what Naruto said. But Sasuke did, "Naruto, why don't you sleep in the tent. I will take the first watch and wake you up after sometime." He suggested not wanting to sleep near Sakura.

Naruto shrugged, if Sasuke wanted to keep watch he could watch. But that didn't mean that he was going to sleep in the tent. He opened his scroll it was the same as Sasuke's. He channeled chakra into the seal and puff of smoke gave birth to three food containers and three bottles of water.

Sakura's stomach growled as her eyes looked at the food. She hadn't eaten anything in the morning. She didn't wait for Naruto to give her the food, she crawled over to the container and took it. She retreated to her spot and began to eat the fish and bread Naruto brought. She ate with manners, despite her hunger she refused to eat like a pig in front of her beloved Sasuke.

Sasuke took his container and ate his food peacefully. Naruto did the same, he was glad that he had 'him' to count on.

They stayed in silence as night reigned over them. Sakura was the first one to sleep. With all the walking on a whole day made her tired and needed sleep to replenish her stamina. Naruto stayed up with Sasuke. It was before midnight that Sasuke became sleepy. He tried to resist but sleep deprivation was taking over.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, "Wake me up in three hours so i can take watch while you sleep." He said before crawling into the tent.


A clone Naruto was jumping from tree to branch searching for more prey to kill. He used his nose to scent a trace, he found three traces 2 miles from the north and followed it. A few minutes he found the trace, after landing on a branch hiding his presence he saw 3 Kusa nin tied next to a tree with 3 people that belong to the Hidden Steam village. He couldn't help but feel reminiscent about those 3 Kusa nin. He knew something about these 3 that they didn't know themselves.

"Oi, let's kill these two, but leave the girl. We could have some fun with her." He smirked. The two men glared at him, while the girl's expression darkened looking at him. Before the man could touch her breast his hand was cut off.

"Ah!" He grabbed his wound in pain before looking at the man cutting his arm in seething rage, "You brat! I'll kill-" he didn't finish his sentence as his head went flying off his shoulders. The two steam ninja eyes widened and stepped back a little, The Three Kusa genins eyes widened they were shaking, looking at him in fear, before they realized something. There bondages were loose. How? How did he cut the rope without looking back.

Naruto grabbed a scroll and threw it behind him. The scroll was open before a puff of smoke existed showing 2 swords that were 15in and 6cm and that had a black handle, they landed next to the green haired woman and black haired man. The final weapon was unique, it was an axe that was connected to a spike flail with chains. It landed to the brown hair boy who looks at the weapon in awe. The three Genin looked at him confusion on why he gave them these weapons.

"My apologies for calling you weak. I haven't saw the potential you had within you and made the mistake by calling you annoyances. You have my most sincerest apologies." He spoke without looking back at them, his words surprised them because they thought of this man being arrogant and wouldn't apologize.

"The weapons I have given you will unlock that potential inside of you. Good luck," he disappears leaving the three Genin with the two Steam ninja's.

The Steam nin's  quickly got out of their stupor and charged at them with kunai in there hands.

The three Kusa genins quickly grabbed their new weapons and blocked their attackers while the brown hair man throwed his axe at them making them dodge. The two ninja got irritated and made some hand signs, creating 5 clones made of out of steam.

They separated them by 2's, leaving the 2 with swords with the clones, and the one with the axe with the originals. Naruto's clone was sitting on a branch watching the battle. He had to know if they those 3 had those 'techniques', 'Kokushibou-sensei do you feel it?' He spoke to his father figure who nodded his head, "Yes, I feel a similar reminiscence aura coming through them." the three Kusa genins were losing the fight. They were about to give up when they heard voices in their head.

" Focus, push forward." They stood their ground and charged at them, while the voice in their head grew louder, "Say it!".

"Wind/Stone Breathing: Dust Whirlwind Cutter/Serpentinite Bipolar!" They shouted. Two whirlwinds attacked the clones shredded them, they sustained cuts and damage while screaming in pain they've dispersed. The axe and flail were thrown in a circular motion drilling into the opponent leaving two holes in their chest, killing them quickly.

The three of them stood there not believing what they just did. They heard clapping sound and turned around to see who it was. It was Naruto. Naruto was amused by their display, he'd never thought that there would be other breathing users other than him. This put a smile on his face knowing this information, 'Perhaps this test won't be boring after all'.

He walked towards them before stopping 5 meters in front of them, they held there guard up, "What do you want." The green haired spoke.

"Nothing, I just want to apologize for calling you an annoyance earlier," he slightly bowed before regaining his composure. He grabbed a scroll of Earth out of kimono and three different scrolls with different writing, and threw it towards them, they grabbed it looking at him in confusion and a little suspicious.

"Why? Why would you give this to us?" The green haired spoke. Their stances still weren't wavering at him before he spoke, "Your strong, you have potential to defeat half of the genins in this exam. I gave you a little boost, and as a reward you get an earth scroll. And different techniques to use." He answered shocking before smiling at him.

The Kusa genins smiled at him, "Thank you." The brown haired said. Naruto nodded and started to walk away before stopping and looked towards them, "Michikatsu Tsugikuni." He said. The brown haired spoke, "I'm Kazo Yakusho, the one on the left is Hideo Junsuina, the one in the middle is Kashiwa Hane." Naruto nodded at the information, "I look forward seeing you three in the preliminary's." He blitzed. Leaving the three alone.

'He's kind of cute,' Kashiwa thought while blushing a little. Kazo saw the blush on her face and smiled deviously, "Huh? What's this, is Kashiwa having a crush on Michikatsu-San?" He teased before receiving a punch to the gut, "N-No you baka!" She denied while her blushed increased. Hideo shakes his head, "Cmon let's find an area to sleep for tonight. They nodded and searched for a place to rest.


Naruto woke his teammates up as it was time to move on towards the tower.they couldn't waste anymore time sleeping. They've already wasted enough time already.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Did I tell you when i was going to you up. Besides i already tried and your heavy sleeper." Naruto replied earning a small glare from Sasuke. They were about to hit the road when Sakura spoke.

"Hey guys what about the tents, aren't we going to need them if we don't reach the tower before the end of the day?"

"We'll make it." Naruto said looking at the tents and at Sasuke, "Burn them with a fire Jutsu."

Sasuke didn't like taking order from Naruto but complied anyway and did a fire jutsu to burn the tents. They hopped onto the trees and made their way to the tower.

(A few hours later)

They had been traveling for 3 hours. It wasn't nonstop they've allowed to take a few breaks to allow Sakura to regain her strength. Had it not been for the girl they would have covered a lot of ground by now. It annoyed both Naruto and Sasuke and the number of breaks they had to take because Sakura always got tired of running after a few minutes. Sakura was by no means a stamina freak like Naruto. Naruto had more stamina than Kakashi so she couldn't compare herself with him. She had only seen him slightly winded once. But even when he was winded he stilled pushed forward like he wasn't tired. She didn't always understand where he got his energy from. He always seems to have more energy than anyone. Even before the academy he always seemed so energetic.

Naruto stopped suddenly causing his teammates to do the same, "Someone strong is following us." After those words left his mouth gust of wind hit the genins sending them flying. Even Naruto was caught; he hadn't been fast enough to react after sensing the chakra build up.

The gust of wind was strong but other than sending Team 7 flying towards trees there were no other injuries.

A nin wearing a Kusagakure forehead protecter appeared in front of the Genin. The Kusa-nin was a woman. She unleashed her murderous killing intent. She enjoyed the looks on the genins face's, seeing the fear and disparity made her unleash the intensity more.

The genins froze at their place. The killing intent had put them under an illusion. They watched themselves be killed in different ways. It was terrifying to watch your own death.

None was more affected than Sakura. The girl was on her knees shuddering with her eyes wide. The experience she was having was far more worse then what she experienced at wave when Zabuza unleashed his killing intent. It was unbearable, she wished nothing more then death to make it stop.

Sasuke had thought it was a Genjutsu at first when he was seeing his death. But he had came to a realization that it wasn't an illusion, it was only the affects of killing intent by the Kusa-nin. His body failed to obey any commands to his mind. His mind was screaming for his legs to carry him and run away. But all that got was silence from his feet. The pressure of the killing intent was to much that it forced his knees to stay onto the ground. But he wasn't shuddering like Sakura. This time he couldn't blame her for shuddering in fear. Even he was trying his best from trying to keep his fluids from leaving his body.

Naruto had experienced such level of killing intent. He had been exposed by Kokushibou and Kyubi's intent so much that he'd been resilient to the horror of strong killing intent, he could tell by whoever this person was is strong, so strong that he knew that he couldn't defeat. Soon.

After sweating a few bullets he shrugged off the killing intent and looked at the Kusa-nin with an unreadable expression. The Kusa-nin looked at him amused by seeing him shrugging of her killing intent. She could've done worse than she was doing at the moment. But she chooses not to. Her tongue escaped from her mouth and extended to a length that no human should. The tongue kissed the frame of her lips as she got ready to play with her preys.

The Kusa-nin dashed forwards at Sasuke who was still suffering from the pressure of killing intent. To him he felt like a ton of boulders hefted on his shoulders. Upon seeing the Kusa-nin charging at him, Sasuke took out a kunai and stabbed his leg to wear of the killing intent. His plan worked as he recovered and jumped away in time to avoid being hit by the Kusa-nin. He jumped on a tree branch and stared back at the Kusa-nin.

Naruto found himself staring at a yellow silted eye of a large snake. The snakes eyes shined with a glint of malice as it's fangs extended from its mouth. The snake rushed at him at fast speed. His attention was now taken away from Sasuke and the Kusa-nin. He jumped to avoid the snake's mouth. The snake followed him, it's head crashed into a tree he was on destroying it.

Naruto wondered what a snake was doing here. Of all the times it chose to attack him while his team was being attacked at the same time. It was too much of a coincident. He sheathed his sword and rushed at the snake.

Naruto jumped up onto the snakes head, while the snake tried to shake him or his head but Naruto held on firmly. He channeled fire chakra to his blade and stabbed the snake's head. The snake hissed and shook violently. Naruto jumped off the snake and landed on the ground.

He really shouldn't be dragged into a fight with a snake. The snake rushed at him at a fast pace. Naruto rushed at it too. He threw his fire enchanted blade straight into the snakes right eye piercing it. The snake hissed in pain. Naruto rushed at the snake and jumped onto its head again. He withdrew his blade from the snakes eye. He punched the snake on its head. But his attempt didn't take to much damage to the snake. He jumped away from the snake.

The snake opened its mouth and rushed at Naruto. Its fangs attracted to his flesh as the fangs got closer to him. Naruto looked at the mouth and jumped away from the snake. The snake missed him and landed face first into the ground.

Naruto stretched out his senses finding the Kusa-nin was still fighting Sasuke and there was no other person than Sakura near the place. Naruto decided to stop toying with the snake and finish him off, he quickly did some hand signs.

"(Katon: Jigoku no Honō (Fire Style: Hellflame)!"

He muttered before creating an arrow and shooting at it towards the snake. The snake hissed in pain inflicting on by the flames. The snake began to roll uncontrollably on the ground while the flames kept burning it.

Naruto looked away from the snake. He was glad that his test worked out perfectly. He blurred away. Had he stayed a bit longer he would have noticed the snake bursting into a puff of smoke.


Sasuke stared at the Kusa-nin and then at Sakura. She seemed to have been doing fine. He saw a snake chase after Naruto. He didn't have to worry about him since he knew he would take care of himself. Right now he needed to worry about himself. His opponent was strong he could feel that.

The Kusa-nin chuckled looking at his prey. Sasuke could see the Kusa-nin's eyes were the eyes of a predator. He was the prey and she was the predator. She was staring at him with all its glory, "Come at me with all you got Sasuke-kun!" The Kusa-nin spoke with a grin.

Sasuke didn't want to be told twice. He charged at the Kusa-nin. The Kusa-nin blocked a kick that was directed to her temple. Sasuke tried to kick the Kusa-nin again but his attempt was blocked again. Sasuke jumped back from the predator and activated his Sharingan.

The Kusa-nin seemed to enjoy seeing the Sharingan being activated, 'Yes, that's it Sasuke-kun show me what you can do.' She thought as she continued to chuckle mirthlessly unnerving Sasuke. He dashed forwards at her and attempted to punch her face. But the Kusa-nin leaned back and to avoid his attack. Sasuke leaned forward and tried another punch at the gut but the Kusa-nin jumped avoided being hit. Sasuke dashed forward not leaving his opponent a chance. He jumped up into the air and attempted to punch the Kusa-nin while the earth pulled him down. The Kusa-nin brought out her hands and blocked Sasuke's attempts.

She tried to punch Sasuke on the chest but Sasuke was able to see the attack thanks to his Sharingan. He jumped back to avoid being hit. The Kusa-nin rushed at him and tried to kick him but Sasuke blocked the kick with his knee. Sasuke's right fist flew into the Kusa-nins face, but she blended down to avoid the attack. Sasuke saw an opening and got down and attempted a leg sweep. But the Kusa-nin jumped returning the favor by trying to kick to his face. He was able to see the kick coming but wasn't able to dodge or block the attack. He felt like he was being hit twice.

Sasuke hit a tree with a grunt that followed him after the impact.

"Is that all you can do Sasuke-kun, even with your Sharingan?" The Kusa-nin said while chuckling earning a glare from Sasuke. He was trying to understand who this person was. He couldn't land a hit on this person.

The Kusa-nin didn't give Sasuke a chance to clear his thoughts. He dashed towards the Uchiha. Sasuke was forced to dodge a power punch that shattered that shattered the branch he was standing on then, the Kusa-nin charged at Sasuke again. They engaged in a Taijutsu fight.

Sasuke smirked as he landed a hit on the Kusa-nin's face. He didn't stop there as he added a kick to the chest sending the Kusa-nin flying. He continued smirking thinking that it wasn't hopeless after all as he at first thought.

Naruto returned a few moments earlier and was watching the fight with interest. The Kusa-nin seemed to have his eyes on Sasuke only as he suspected. Sasuke still  had yet to make a move, Sakura who was watching the fight with worry written all over her face.

Sasuke did some hand seals for his favorite jutsu, "Katon: Gōkakyu no Jutsu (Fire Style: Great Fireball)" he muttered as the fireball sped at the Kusa-nin. His smirk grew when he saw his jutsu hit the Kusa-nin. He ended his jutsu and saw the Kusa-nin standing there with his devilish grin plastered in his face as if nothing had happen. His eyes widened in disbelieve. It shouldn't have been possible for someone to take on that jutsu head on and still stand there as if nothing had happened.  He watched the Kusa-nin's skin began to peel off revealing a pale skin.

The Kusa-nin blurred out of view and appeared behind Sasuke. Sasuke was kicked hard in the back and was sent crashing towards a tree.

"Ahhhh!" Sasuke grunted as he hit the tree. He got up panting and looked back at the Kusa-nin.

The Kusa-nin looked at Sasuke with calculating eyes. Sasuke was indeed a skilled young boy. She had proven it and her eyes liked in  witnessed of what she saw from him.

Naruto took the time to announce his presence before Sasuke got killed. But he felt that the Kusa-nin was just playing with Sasuke. He felt that if the Kusa-nin wanted to kill Sasuke she would have done it already. She had many opportunities to inflict serious damage to him but didn't. It was making him answer a lot of questions. First it was the snake now it was this. There were only questions that he felt worthy of being asked at the moment. His eyes travelled towards the Kusa-nin, "Who are you?"

Naruto stood there still staring at the Kusa-nin waiting for an answer. He truly was curious as to who this person was. It wasn't everyday that one found such a strong person in the Chunin Exams. With the power that Kusa-nin had she/he shouldn't have been Genin. And there was also this persons clear interest in Sasuke Uchiha. The Kusa-nin wasn't the only person interested in Sasuke, there was also Kabuto who showed interest in Sasuke at the first part of the exams.

"I'm the one who should be the asking the questions Naruto-kun," the Kusa-nin replied sounding amused.

Naruto inwardly irked at the name but didn't show it. He stood there staring at the Kusa-nin before sighing. He wasn't going to get the answers he requested. By the way look of things the Kusa-nin just wanted to play around with them. He could always join and have some entertainment as well.

Naruto charged at the Kusa-nin engaging the Kusa-nin in a Taijutsu battle. He tried punching the Kusa-nin in the face, but she jumped back to avoid Naruto's punch. Naruto followed her and tried kicking her as a follow up to his dodged punch. The Kusa-nin caught his attack with little effort. Naruto was expecting something like that, so in quick movement his fist connected with the Kusa-nin's face sending her flying away from him.

Naruto didn't stop with his attacks as he dashed towards the Kusa-nin with Jounin speed. She was worthy for it. Naruto appeared in front of the Kusa-nin and pummeled her to the ground. With both his hands. She was sent crashing down and created a crater upon impact.

Naruto jumped onto a tree branch and looked at the Kusa-nin. She got up from the crater and looked at Naruto with a malicious smile, "So the rumors about you were true eh Naruto-kun."

Naruto looked at the woman carefully. She didn't seem to have taken any damage or even bothered by his attacks at all. She looked to have brushed them off like it was nothing. He had thought it would cause a bit of damage even if it was little.

The Kusa-nin charged at Naruto and tried to punch  him in the chest but Naruto blocked her blow with his hands. She tried to kick him with her right foot. She landed a powerful kick on his chest making him crash towards the tree hard. The Kusa-nin appeared in front of him again, "Your better than Sasuke-kun but I have no interest with you, at the moment." The Kusa-nin said punching Naruto hard in the stomach. Naruto grunted he felt the punch connect with his gut. He coughed a bit of saliva and fell on his knees while clutching his stomach in pain.

The Kusa-nin turned her back on him and looked back at Sasuke. Sasuke stood there watching with wide eyes. He hadn't seen anyone man handle Naruto. Whenever he'd seen Naruto fight with an enemy he'd always win each time. He had never been beaten with ease, like he'd been some kind of weak Genin. He started to fear for his life now. If the Kusa-nin could defeat Naruto with ease. Despite the face that Naruto was superior to him.

The Kusa-nin turned to Naruto again and kicked him in the temple sending him flying. She looked back at Sasuke again.

"Now Sasuke-kun shall we continue where we were?" The Kusa-nin said looking at Sasuke with a wide grin that sent chills up his spine.

Sasuke didn't know what to do at the moment. He was overwhelmed with fear. His legs failed to respond to the commands he gave to it. The Kusa-nin rushed at him slamming her foot into his gut. Sasuke was sent flying. He held his stomach while panting. The Kusa-nin was in front of him again. Sasuke reacted quicker by pulling out a kunai from his pouch and stabbed the Kusa-nin's neck. But the Kusa-nin crumbled into dust making Sasuke's eyes widen. He didn't even realize he hit a clone even with his Sharingan. His time to be shocked was cut short as soon as the Kusa-nin appeared behind him and kicked him sending him flying.

Sasuke hit a tree and fell down to the ground. He got up panting and tried to look for the Kusa-nin, "Are you looking for me Sasuke-kun?" The Kusa-nin called out in mirth. Sasuke gritted his teeth in frustration he was unable to find the Kusa-nin anywhere despite hearing her voice. He was also getting beat up, something that he hated with his Uchiha pride.

Naruto looked from the tree as he recovered from his fight with the Kusa-nin's. He replaced himself with a clone and hid somewhere he couldn't been seen. He did it in a way that no one could see him. The clone remained on the tree acting beat up while he hid. He used the transcendental world and his senses to see where the Kusa-nin was hiding but she couldn't see him nor sense him. He had hidden himself in the shadows. He didn't want to use it but had no choice, he used his Uzumaki Kekkai Genkai and started to build blue flames from his hands. He concentrated on the Kusa-nin, finally locked on to his target he shortens the flames to create a round ball and once he was finished he threw it at the Kusa-nin. He muttered, "Herubereizu (Hellblaze)."

The blue flames engulfed the Kusa-nin. She wasn't able to sense the built up chakra in his hands to dodge the attack. As the blue flames began to eat her body she fell down from the tree she was concealing her position at. She fell to the ground while screaming in pain. The blue flames heat began to increase and there was no way to extinguish them. Once they've been caught in them they were surely going to die, unless the flames were put out by the person who ignited them.

She stopped rolling on the ground and her mouth opened. Another body came from her mouth looking perfectly fine. But the body was different from the Kusa-nin. Naruto turned off his Kekkai Genkai and dispelled his clone. If what he saw shocked him he hid it well. He walked up to the clearing and looked at the black haired male with pale skin and yellow eyes, "Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru looked at Naruto with his malicious grin firmly in place. That jutsu that had hit him was defiantly not an ordinary jutsu. Had it not been for his ability to shed his skin he would have been turned to dust by the blue flames. He would never want to get hit by the jutsu anytime soon. The flames devoured his body instead of burning. A normal fire would have given him third degree burns. It made him curious, if he wasn't mistaken the those flames could rival the Uchiha's black flames that could only have been used by the Mangekyou Sharingan. He had researched everything about the Sharingan, and thus knew about the jutsu. He looked at Naruto with calculating eyes. It wasn't Sasuke who had used the jutsu; Sasuke had yet to awaken the Mangekyou. He didn't sense any other presence close by; which means it had to be Naruto who did the jutsu. But that only begged a question. How?

What kind of Jutsu did Naruto use? It wasn't the black flames the Uchiha use, and it wasn't a fireball jutsu either. So what? He couldn't understand how Naruto was able to do that. On the outside he looked like he was enjoying something, but on the inside his head had been triggered and unable to find any answer. The only way to get answers was to do it the easy way.

"An interesting jutsu Naruto-kun, can you tell me how you did it. As far I know those flames can rival the Mangekyou's flames."

Naruto wasn't going to answer his question. The answer he would give Orochimaru would just make him curious. He wasn't going to make him more curious about him. Doing like that would be a waste of time for him. He didn't want to share his secrets or powers to him. But then again, toying with Orochimaru a little bit would be entertaining.

"I should have noticed sooner that it was you. It wasn't a coincidence that a snake attacked me just after you made your presence known, they are your summons," Naruto said, "What's is an S-rank criminal doing in the Chunin Exams?" He brushed off Orochimaru's curiosity about his jutsu.

Sakura was now shuddering. She heard Naruto say Orochimaru but didn't recognize the name at first but when she heard S-rank criminal she recognized him. He was one of the three legendary ninja's. There was no way they were going to make it out alive with their enemy being a sannin. She'd abandoned hope with the thought of her enemy being a sannin. She didn't even feel safe knowing that Sasuke and Naruto were there. If Naruto didn't stand a chance against a sannin there was no way Sasuke could.

Naruto saw Orochimaru's grin faltered for a second before it appeared again. Orochimaru was dissatisfied with his response. He'd thought the Naruto would be kind enough to answer his question but it didn't seem that his questions weren't going to be answered. But the fact that Naruto avoided his answering his question made him more curious.

"You are proving to be an interesting Genin, Naruto-kun. But as I said before you are not what I'm interested in." Orochimaru said with a dark chuckle while he eyed Sasuke with calculating eyes.

Naruto never took his eyes off Orochimaru, "Uchiha Sasuke," Naruto said aloud what Orochimaru was interested in, "What could you a sannin could possibly want with Sasuke? His hatred, Sharingan, skills, what is it that you find interesting in Sasuke?" Naruto asked trying to find out why Orochimaru would risk coming to Konoha because of Sasuke.

Orochimaru seemed amused by Naruto's questions. He didn't respond for a moment though, he narrowed his eyes at Sasuke and looked back at Naruto. He chuckled darkly. He rushed at Naruto in great speed. Naruto saw the sannin coming and jumped onto a tree branch.

Naruto knew he couldn't defeat Orochimaru even with power. Fighting a sannin was out of his league. He could fight a few Jounins but a sannin was a to much for him at his current level of strength. It just meant he had to much training until he surpassed all the sannin's. Given that he couldn't defeat Orochimaru, he wasn't even afraid of dying. He knew that Orochimaru didn't want them dead. He wanted them to live, if he wanted them dead he would have already killed Sakura by now or even Sasuke.

Orochimaru followed Naruto onto the trees, but this time a little faster than before. He appeared in front of Naruto and tried to level him with an uppercut. Naruto jumped back to avoid being hit. He was fast enough to react had he not been able to dodge the punch it would have done him no good. The wind breezes his face which made him realize that Orochimaru had put a lot of power behind that punch. He sensed that Orochimaru was still holding back his speed. But the power of the punch was strong enough to knock out any Genin.

While Naruto was still jumping away from him, Orochimaru appeared in front of Naruto, "Had it not been for Sasuke, I would certainly have been interested in you, don't worry I'll never forget this encounter." Orochimaru whispered to Naruto.

Naruto quickly jumped back, but Orochimaru was on his tail. Naruto path was blocked by the tree behind him, Orochimaru built up chakra to his fist and punched Naruto making him hit a tree. Smoke covered around him. Orochimaru was about to return to Sasuke when he heard a crack next to him. The three looked at the noise, to Team 7 they were shocked, while Orochimaru looked at him surprised. Naruto's entire body was covered in ice. And it seemed that the half of the right side was broken which indicated where Orochimaru punch him.

'Hyoton: kōriniyoroi (Ice Release: Ice Armor).'

Naruto punched Orochimaru in the face with his left hand sending him flying towards the bark of the tree. He charged at him using his Hyoton he created a weapon to strike him with, "Hyoton, Kōrinotsurugi (Ice Release: Ice sword," Orochimaru dodged the attack and charged at him.

He tried to kick Naruto's waist. But Naruto lifted up his knee and blocked the kick. Orochimaru brought out his left leg and tried to kick Naruto but Naruto blocked the blow, again with his knee. Naruto wanted his hand free so that he would deal with Orochimaru. He brought his right fist and tried to punch Naruto in the face. But Naruto blocked the attack. Orochimaru wasn't surprised as he anticipated Naruto blocking the attack. He moved quickly and kneed Naruto on his gut.  Naruto hissed while clutching his stomach. Orochimaru kicked him harder than he'd anticipated.

Orochimaru punched Naruto in the face and spun around for a roundhouse high kick. He kicked Naruto in the temples sending him crashing into the trees. He grinned he had put a lot of power behind the kick. He wanted to get out of the forest before ANBU sensed him within the forest. It would get quite messy if ANBU were to come to the forest.

Orochimaru wasn't given time to recover from his one sided battle with Naruto as Sasuke came flying towards him. He sensed the boy charging at him and spun around to face the boy. Sasuke tried punching the sannin the the face but Orochimaru caught Sasuke's hand. He held it tightly and began to squeeze it making Sasuke grunt. Orochimaru looked at Sasuke's eyes with a malicious grin earning a slight shiver from Sasuke. Orochimaru kneed Sasuke on the gut while holding his arm. It was more then just pain to Sasuke, and he was starting to think that there was nothing he could do about it. Orochimaru gripped Sasuke's face and sent him crashing towards the trees.

He charged at the Uchiha with Jounin speed but was stopped on his tracks by a kick to the face that sent him flying backwards. The only reason he was hit was because he had thought Naruto wouldn't be able to wake up anytime soon after the beating he gave to him. Naruto charged at Orochimaru again in great speed. He was welcomed to a punch by the gut.

"You did good Naruto-kun, catching me off guard like that." Orochimaru said with a low chuckle.

He grabbed Naruto's face and smashed him down to the ground. The impact formed a crater on the ground. Orochimaru crashed his foot onto Naruto's chest. Orochimaru heard a cracking sound coming from Naruto, only to see a clone made of ice.

Orochimaru looked at the clone in surprise before blocking a punch from Naruto to his left side. He uppercutted Naruto's face and grabbed his neck. Naruto was having a hard time breathing because his body was beginning to wore out and Orochimaru's hand was on his neck making it difficult for him to breath. He struggled to get out of Orochimaru's grip but to no avail. Orochimaru slammed him to the ground.

"Your quite interesting Naruto-kun but please stay down, Sasuke-kun is waiting for me."

'It's hopeless, i'm going to die!' Sasuke thought to himself with wide eyes. He had seen how Naruto was defeated like he was nothing. He had seen Naruto had been defeated easily and there was no way he would have zero chance against the enemy. The man was a sannin after all. There was no hope for a Genin like him going against a sannin.

Orochimaru enjoyed seeing the terrified face of Sasuke. He loved seeing his prey cower on fear.

"S-Stay back, D-Don't come any closer!" Sasuke stuttered out seeing Orochimaru coming to his way.

Orochimaru didn't stop; he slowly made his way over to him with calculating eyes, "Don't you want power Sasuke-kun?" Orochimaru asked with a wide grin. Sasuke lost his fear and took a confused look on his face. He wanted power what confused him was why Orochimaru would ask him that kind of question. Orochimaru stopped in front of Sasuke and spoke again, "I know you want power to kill Itachi, Sasuke-kun and i can give you that power."

Sasuke's eyes burned with hatred the moment Itachi's name was registered into his mind. He hated him more than anything. Orochimaru smile widened after seeing the hatred in Sasuke's eyes.

His neck extended in lengths that no human should extend. Two large fangs grew from his mouth as his head traveled towards Sasuke's neck. Sasuke just froze not knowing what to do. Orochimaru's fangs bit Sasuke's neck before retreating his head back to his neck. Sasuke screamed in pain before falling down.

"SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura screamed while rushing to Sasuke. She heard him bellow in pain, it wasn't healthy, she needed to see if she was okay.

Orochimaru looked at Sakura with a wide grin. He chuckled more darkly; he'd received what he had came for and more. It was only a matter of time before Sasuke came to him looking for power.

Orochimaru was amused by this girl's bravery, "I gave him a gift that will help him avenge his clan." Orochimaru replied as he was about to sink with the earth before seeing Naruto pulling out his sword muttering.

"Moon Breathing First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace." Crescents of moons descended on Orochimaru. He quickly changed bodies leaving the other one to deal with the attack. The body was shredded in half, Orochimaru looked at Naruto who looked hazed. He chuckled while looking amused Naruto was making him more curious as before. He emerged in the earth without leaving a trace.

(With Naruto)

Naruto sheathed his sword and brought his hands to his face. He stared at them for a moment. Today he had been embarrassed. Nobody had beaten him like Orochimaru had done. A sannin was truly strong but to be thrown like a ragged doll was too damning to his pride. Orochimaru had toyed with him, he'd showed him the difference of their power. It made him feel weak. He hated feeling weak.

"To think that i would get beaten like this despite all the training i did." Naruto thought aloud. Even though he was still hiding some of his power it didn't change the fact that he was beaten. Taijutsu had been what he practiced the most while training with his father figure.

"I wonder what would Kokushibou-sensei say seeing me like this." He thought aloud again. Kokushibou certainly wouldn't have been pleased with his performance despite not going all out. It wouldn't made much of a difference. Orochimaru was more stronger than he was. When he thought he was going all out, Kokushibou had told him he go all out against the Hashira's. To surpass Kokushibou he had to focus on training instead of trying hard to be Chunin.

Naruto shook his head and got up. His body was beat, but he could last a few more hours. He dusted himself up and wiped the blood off his mouth. He walked over to his teammates.

Naruto looked at his teammates. Sakura was kneeling besides Sasuke who looked unconscious. He walked over to them and inspected Sasuke. Sasuke didn't have much damage to his body unlike him. There was a strange seal on his neck. He figured that it must have been Orochimaru's cursed seal of Heaven. With Sasuke unconscious he would have to be carried if they were able to get to the tower before night started.

Sakura looked at Naruto. She didn't know what to say after watching him get beat up. His kimono was torn up his right sleeve had been ripped, and was ragged. Besides all that he looked like someone who had just went through a rough beating.

Naruto picked up Sasuke and placed him on his shoulder. He looked at Sakura, "Let's head straight to the tower. I don't want to spend another night in this forest." He said.

Sakura nodded as she didn't want to spend another night in this forest. And going to the tower now was a good idea since they would take Sasuke to a medic. She felt  his body heating up. If he was sick they needed to take him to a medic for treatment. They also didn't know what Orochimaru had done to Sasuke. So getting to the tower they would surely have met somebody who could tell them what's wrong with Sasuke.

(A few hours later)

It was already past noon. Naruto and Sakura had been running at fast speeds. It was most surprising that Sakura was able to keep up with Naruto without complaining about being tired. Sakura understood that it wasn't the time to be lazy, but a time for her to endure everything and keep going until they reached the tower. They had only taken two breaks since they'd continued on their journey to the tower after there encounter with Orochimaru.

Nothing interesting had happened in their way. They had just been traveling in comfortable silence. No one said a word to the other. Naruto had a lot on his mind and would rather be quiet then having to deal with Sakura. Sakura on the other hand was worried about Sasuke and didn't know how to start a conversation with Naruto without Sasuke being active. So she decided to stay silent as much as she could. While they were running she kept glancing at Naruto. She'd never seen him this worn out before since the formation of Team 7. But she was glad nonetheless that he was carrying Sasuke to the tower.

They had yet to meet another team while on their way to the tower. It was becoming a troubling fact to Sakura since they would fail if they didn't get the scroll they needed. But at the moment while looking at Sasuke whose temperature seemed to be rising up she thought the most important thing was getting Sasuke to safety.

Naruto suddenly fell down on his knees while he was running. Sasuke was still on his shoulder. His body was in pain he didn't understand what was causing this pain. During the encounter with Orochimaru he didn't receive any blows that would cause his body to experience the pain he was currently feeling.

Sakura was alarmed when she saw Naruto fall to his knees. She hurried close to him, "Naruto, Are you alright?" She asked sounding concerned. With the look on her face it was obvious her question didn't betray what she truly felt. Naruto looked at the girl for a second. She'd never she would asked him with that kind of question before. He thought it was because he'd never been in pain in her presence before.

He gathered up his strength and got up while still carrying Sasuke, "I'm fine," he said, "We'll take a break not far from here. There should be a stream up ahead."

Sakura nodded. She was getting hungry she hadn't eaten anything since morning and all the traveling had made her hungry. At the stream she would freshen up a bit and get some fish to eat.

(An hour later)

Team 7 had reached the stream. Naruto had placed Sasuke under a tree allowing Sakura to tend his wounds. He had yet to wake up after his encounter with Orochimaru. His heat was still rising, Naruto couldn't tell what was wrong with Sasuke's body. But he was certain that his body was heating because of the curse mark Orochimaru had placed on him. He didn't understand what the curse seal did to a person's body because he had no depth of knowledge about the seal.

Naruto and Sakura were currently eating some fish they had caught. They both ate in silence courage to do so. Finally she had courage, "Naruto, what's that mark on Sasuke-kun's neck."

Naruto responded without even looking at the girl, "It's a cursed seal."

Sakura looked confused she had never heard anything about a cursed seal, "What is a cursed seal?"

Naruto looked at her and replied, "It's a seal created by Orochimaru that gives the wielder power." The look Naruto gave to Sakura was a one to a girl to ask no more questions. Naruto got up and turned to the stream, "Change of plans, you'll stay here until Sasuke wakes up. I will find some teams to search for a Heaven scroll." He said making his way to the trees.

Sakura looked at Naruto worriedly, "Are you sure? Your injured." She remarked. Naruto sighed at the girls question, "I'll be alright." He disappears after that Sakura looked at Sasuke while removing the wet towel from his forehead.


Naruto continued jumping on the trees, until his nose caught a scent. The scent was coming from his direction. Maybe 3 or 4 miles. He quickened his pace to follow it. After about 5 minute he finally reached his destination and saw something intriguing, he saw the other Ame ninja they were battling ninja from the land of Waterfall. He'd seen cuts, scrapes, and sweat dripping from the Ame ninja indicating that they've been fighting with them for a few minutes. Naruto saw the stances and flashbacks emerge from his causing him to grip his head in pain. The stances, breathing style, and the fights with the Uppermoon made it clear that these 3 might have the same technique as him, and the other three. If that was the case Naruto's face smiled with joy and glee, this exam started to wain his interest more and more.

He'd needed to do what he did before. Give them a push. The Ame-nins were beginning to tire out due to the energy they've used fighting against their enemy. They were starting to lose there strength and were about to be defeated, when they felt something touch their back. They turned around and saw the person who insulted them in the first round.

"W-What are you doing?!" A blue hair girl says while looking at him in confusion, hate, tiredness, and wariness towards him. Naruto didn't anything for a moment before saying, "giving you a little push." He stated before pushing them making them charge forwards to the Taki-nins. At first they thought he was sending them to there deaths, but they felt a sensation they've never felt before as fasten the pace and grab their kunai or sword. While the voices in their head kept chanting, "Use it. What are you for? USE IT!" The voice kept booming in there head. They shifted there stances, The Taki-nin thought that they had gotten a good chance of striking them down. But the Ame-nins switched there stances as the voices in their head kept getting louder and louder.

"What are you waiting for! This is your chance to use it, so Use it!"

"Water/Mist Breathing: Shifting flow slash/Water wheel!"

The 2 males dashed forward at an alarming fast pace cutting their enemy's head off. The girl created a wheel made of water, she came at him at a fast pace he didn't have time to block the attack as he was horizontally cut by his shoulders.

The three Ame-nin was shocked by their results. They looked at the person who helped them, they narrowed their eyes at him as if demanding him to tell them what he had done to them.

"What did you do us?" A boy with grey combed hair asked warily while holding a kunai. Naruto looked at them before saying, "I gave you a push." He stated. This didn't ease their nerves, "You know what i mean.!What did you give us?" The grey haired shouted as the other two pointed their swords at him.

"It wasn't me," Naruto admitted while pointing his finger at them, "It was all you. That power that you displayed, was your potential." He stated while they put their weapons down still looking at him in confusion.  Naruto sighed, "The power you used was hidden inside you. It was at its boiling point when you fought those Taki-nins, all i did was give you a push and that broke the bubble." He said while pulling out a spare Earth scroll he stole from another team he massacred, "How about a trade. I'll trade my earth scroll for your extra Heaven scroll."

The Ame-nins were surprised that he knew that they had an extra Heaven scroll. But they couldn't say no for an answer. They wanted to pass this exam to please their 'lord' back at their home and wanted to make him proud, "Deal, Dan give him the scroll." The blue hair told her teammate who was by her right. The blonde seemed reluctant at first, but took out the scroll of Heaven and both him and Naruto threw it to each other catching it.

Naruto took the scroll and placed it in his kimono, then he did something that surprised the Ame genins. He slightly bowed, "You have my apologies for calling you weak. If i had known you that you had this kind of power i wouldn't have's assumed you weak. You have my apologies." The Ame-genins were off guard by this statement. The last thing they thought he would've done was apologize. Naruto walked away before looking back at them, "I look forward to seeing you three at the finals." He said before disappearing.

"We got the scrolls we needed let's get to the tower." The grey haired man said while walking to a tree. The blonde was walking but stopped to look at his other teammate who still stood there. Looking at the area where the the guy was standing. He smirked and decided to tease her, "wow Mai, are you falling for him~." He teased before receiving a punch to the gut. Hard. "Don't be ridiculous Dan." Nora said but had a huge blush on her face.  Nora turned around and looked amused by the scene before being serious again. "Cmon you two let's go." They both nodded and jumped to the trees, while Dan still rubbed his stomach.


Naruto returned to the area to where his teammates were resting. He made it there, only to see Sakura with her hair cut, Lee on the ground while his teammates were one a branch, Team 10 fighting Oto-nins, and feeling Sasuke's dark power. Naruto sighed. Today was not his day. He looked at the corpse of from the village of Takigakure burned corpse before disappearing and appeared in the middle of the making everyone stop and look at him. Sakura looked relieved to see her other teammates, "Naruto yo-" she stopped mid sentence as she saw the corpse he was holding making her look petrified. Team 10 looked horrified, the Oto-nins and team 9 were a little irked by the sight. Naruto ignored them and looked at Sakura who looked beaten and bruised, "Sakura." He stated, "What happened here. I returned for 9 minutes and this place is full of weaklings and annoyances." He ignored the glares being shot at him. Sakura quickly got out of her petrified expression, "Huh..oh those Oto-nins arrived s-saying they were after S-Sasuke-kun....." she couldn't help but feel nauseous looking at the corpse Naruto was holding, "Naruto what is that?" She said while pointing her finger at the body, "A corpse." He replied impassively. This earned a sweat drop from her, "I meant who is that person?" She repeated.

"A corps from a Taki team who were arrogant, thinking that they could take me on by themselves. In return i burned them alive." He stated as he dropped the corpse, ignoring the disgusted looks from team 10 he looked at the Oto-nins in boredom, "Why are you after Sasuke?" He questioned while crossing his arms.

"Why would we tell you anything." The man covered in bandages questioned. Naruto didn't say anything but knew he wasn't going to get any answers that easily. He grabbed his sword and charged towards them, he swung at the Dosu but he dodged, he swung his left to hit him but Naruto blocked it with his arm and punched Dosu in the face sending him flying. Zaku tried to hit Naruto from behind, but Naruto ducked and side-kicked his left side sending him flying and land towards the ground roughly. Kin used her senbon and tried to hit Naruto with them, he removed his sword out of his sheath and blocked the senbon coming at him.

Naruto was about to use one of jutsu's when a dark aura emerged behind Sakura. He looked behind and saw Sasuke was standing up, his body was covered in marks and his Sharingan was active. Sakura looked at him afraid while Sasuke looked at her, "Sakura... who did this to you?" He said looking enraged. Everyone was either surprised or scared by the power Sasuke was unleashing, except Naruto who only looked amused by this aura, "It was me. What're you going to do about it?"

Naruto had looked at Zaku, he was an idiot. But he sensed it again, "Seriously, that aura." Naruto smiled widely, some of the them looked a little creeped out since he never smiled. Sasuke ignored Naruto smiling and charged at Zaku. Zaku tried to take out Sasuke's entire team with one swoop, "Maximum Air Cutter!" He shouted while pushing his hands out making large sound wave at Team 7, the air pushed some pebbles around while Team 10 was ducking underneath some bushes, and Dosu was protecting himself by the wave. Zaku didn't see them and thought he took cared of them, "Ha. Blew them all aw-"

"Was that it."

Everyone looked at Naruto and were in shock. Naruto stood there, his kimono was ripped on the front showing his chest only his back remained the same, his left sleeve was torn halfway to his arm, and his hakama was ripped showing half of his right leg. Either then all that there wasn't a single scratch on him. Not one.

Zaku was about to use his jutsu again, but heard a noise behind him. He turned around and saw Sasuke holding Sakura and putting her down on the ground. Sasuke blitzes and appears besides Zaku. He punched him in the side of his face sending him flying and landing beside Dosu.  Sasuke did some hand signs at a fast pace.

"Katon: Housenka (Fire style: Phoenix Fire)!" Sasuke muttered. He shot four fireballs at the Oto-nins, Zaku used the sound to erase the fire but were hiding shuriken in the fire. Zaku got hit with them and didn't notice Sasuke under him before he grabbed his arms.

"You seem really attached to these arms. Ashamed if something would have happened not them." Sasuke said as he started to pull Zaku's arms. Zaku begged him to stop but Sasuke didn't listen, he kept pulling on them and were about to break when he heard someone saying his name.

"Uchiha." Sasuke looked at Naruto who was staring at him, "That's enough, you've already showed him how tough you are. Quit wasting enough time as it is." Naruto stated impassively. Sasuke glared at Naruto. Naruto didn't want to fight him and always ignored him like he was a nuisance. He let go of Zaku's arms and started to walking towards Naruto, "Nar- no, Michikatsu. Fight me!" He demanded. Naruto walked away and was about to walk over to Sakura, when Sasuke launched a jutsu at him.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)!" Sasuke shouted as the fireball was directed towards Naruto used a single hand to perform some hand signs before putting his hand on the ground muttering.

"Hyoton: Hyōheki (Ice Release: Ice Wall)." A large wall of ice blocked the fireball's path as it hit the wall creating a dent towards it. Before Sasuke could run towards the wall a mirror appeared in front of him, Hiden: Makyō Hyōshō (Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors." A fist came out of the mirror and punched Sasuke in the face sending him to the ground on his back. Everyone was in shock after the ice jutsu's. Sakura was more than shocked seeing the mirrors that Naruto used, "It's just like those mirrors that hunter-nin used." She said aloud gaining looks from them.

"I'm warning you Uchiha. This is your final warning." Naruto snarled as he got out of the mirror glaring at Sasuke. Sasuke got up by quickly and charged towards him. He tried to punch him Naruto but grabbed arm and shirt, he lifted Sasuke and throwed him by his back. Sasuke did a flip and landed on his feet and charged at him. Naruto dashed forward and tried to punch Sasuke, but he disappeared and reappeared besides him kicking his left side. Naruto flew and landed on the ground roughly. He was a about to stand up only to get kicked in the stomach by Sasuke. Naruto landed on the ground, a little blood spewed from his mouth. He quickly rolled out of the way as Sasuke was about kick him. He quickly got up a doing a flip and punched Sasuke in the chest sending him flying a few meters away from him.

Naruto got up only to feel pain around his body. He landed on one knee and vomited blood on his his hand, and was coughing a large amount of blood profusely. Something was wrong with him. Everyone knew that something was wrong with Naruto/Michikatsu, even Sasuke knew that something was wrong with him. Naruto wasn't well, after his encounter with Orochimaru he had been struggling because his body was in pain although he hid it well.

Sasuke was confused. Despite his arrogance he was smart enough to realize that something was wrong with Naruto. The amount of blood Naruto had coughed and vomited was unhealthy and couldn't have been caused by his attack. Sasuke fell on the ground as the black mark's disappeared from his body back onto his shoulder. He felt a bit of pain on his neck but it quickly disappeared. He got up again and looked at Naruto before looking away. He was too proud to ask the blonde what's wrong. He went to pick up the scrolls Naruto had dropped.

Sakura didn't know what to do now. Sasuke was now awake she could go to him but Naruto wasn't well. He needed serious help and soon. She felt relieved as she saw Naruto got up. Naruto grabbed a seal from his hakama he inserted chakra into the seal, a puff of smoke appeared before showing a Heaven scroll he threw it to the Oto-nins. Dosu caught the scroll the Oto team looked at him confused. "Consider it a trade. You leave us, we'll leave you." Naruto stated as he was wiping bloody out of his mouth.

The Oto-nin looked a little skeptical at first before nodding and disappeared. Naruto walked towards his team they nodded and jumped into the trees leaving a Team 9, and 10 behind.


Team 7 finally reached at the tower just before it started to get dark. They have traveled comfortably without any other team confronting them. The scrolls had a summoning seal inside them.

Their scroll summoned Iruka who explained to them the meaning of the scrolls and congratulated them on passing the second test. Iruka told them where they ought to be the next exams.

The genins went inside the tower and got inside the area of where everyone else were. Naruto looked at the the inside of the hall. The dead line had passed and all the genins were gathered around in the room. It was only those who passed the second exam. The only people Naruto found to be interesting where Subaku no Gaara, Rock Lee, Team 6, Ame and Kusa nins, and Oto-nins. The other half were annoyances.

All the Jounins sensei's were all in the room. The Hokage was also sitting on the chair beside him were Anko and ninja. Above the balcony were behind the Hokage stood there was also a statue that showed arms holding a ram seal. Looking at the balcony and where they stood Naruto could tell that the floor that they stood on was used for fighting while the balcony was for the spectators.

Anko stepped forward, "Congratulations on passing the second test of the Chunin Exams!" She said looking around the room. Many genins had passed her test she hadn't expected this many to pass.

"The Hokage will now explain the third exam." She said giving the Sandaime Hokage to address the genin's. Everyone looked at the Hokage to hear what he was going to say.

The Hokage cleared his throat and spoke, "Before I explain the exams to you, I would like to tell you the true meaning of the chunin selection exams. Why do we have allied countries taking the exam at the same time, even some neutral countries." He paused to let them think before answering his own question, "To promote friendship among countries, to raise the standard of shinobj, do not be confused this exam is war," The Genin grew confused and tension rose within the large room. "If we to turn back at some point in time all of us would be fighting other countries over who would rule. This wasteful fighting. For the third exam lords from all the countries as well as leaders of your villages will all be watching your fights. You will fight with your life on the line, not to protect your homeland but it's prestige. If your country is seen weak you'll lose clients. If your strong you'll gain clients bolstering your homes. If your country is as strong it will also a send a message to all the nations." The Hokage paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"Isn't there another way to protect the village's prestige without having to risk our lives?" Nora said getting a few nods from the other Genin.

The Sandaime narrowed his eyes at the genins, "The strength of the country is the strength of the village, such as the strength of the village is the strength of a shinobi. A shinobi's strength is only born in life threatening battle." The Sandaime replied seriously, "This exam only has a meaning because there are life threatening battles. Friendship between countries require this. We call this friendship excising." The Hokage said as a man shunshined next to him and bowed in respect.

"Allow me to *cough* explain the rest of the third test *cough* Hokage-sama." The man spoke looking at the Sandaime Hokage. The Hokage nodded and went back to his seat. The Jounin turned to face the genins.

"I am Gekko Hayate the proctor of the third exam." The Jounin introduced himself, "There is something we must do before the third exam." The genins looked at the man he looked really sick by the way he was coughing.

"There are to be preliminaries to *cough* decide who gets to participate in the main event." The proctor said.

"What the hell preliminaries!" A bored looking Nara asked the question.

"We have to many participants for the third test thus we had to thin out the numbers under the Chunin exam rules." He paused for a moments before speaking, "Those who wish to withdraw may step forward. This individual basis should you quit your team won't be penalized for it."

Kabuto raised his hand and stepped forward, "I quit. I'm low on chakra." He said leaving the hall.

Sakura was looking at Sasuke but gave her that look making her to not even bother telling him to forfeit because she knew he wouldn't listen.

Hayate coughed, "Is there anyone else who wants to quit?" He asked getting the genins attention. No one else came forward they had come this far and weren't going to go down without a fight.

"Okay we have 31 contestants which means we'll have 15 or 16 matches the winners will advance to the finals. The rules are simple, there are no rules. The match continues until your opponent dies or knocked out. If you wish to give up you can forfeit. I will step in if your the winner or if you continue to beat your opponent." He paused letting the genins absorb his words.

"Now let us see who you'll be matched against." He said looking at the black screen, "This electronic screen will randomly select two contestants of who will fight at this time. Now let us begin."

The Genin waited for their names to pop up on the screen. Naruto just looked at it blankly he wished he didn't get someone who'd waste his time. Two names appeared on the screen, "Uchiha Sasuke vs Akado Yoroi" some felt relieved that they weren't going first. Others were disappointed as they wanted to het it over with.

"Will the two contestants please step forward, the rest of you please proceed to the observation platform above." Hayate spoke before coughing.

The rest of the Genin present walked up to the stands to watch the first match, but Sakura was still worried about Sasuke until she felt a hand on her shoulder looking up she saw it was Kakashi who eye smiled at her, "Don't worry Sakura, he'll be just fine."

Sakura smiled and nodded, "Right."

Kakashi looked over at Naruto and saw that he was calm, "Well Naruto, aren't you going to cheer for your teammate?"

Naruto said nothing for two minutes using the transcendental world on Yoroi who's chakra was doing something to his hands, "Sasuke better takes this match seriously or he will fail."

Sakura looked at him as did the rest of the Rookies even the Jounin present were looking at him.

"What do you mean by that?" Ino growled at him.

"Explaining it to someone like you is a waste of time and breath." Naruto stated not even looking at her.

"What was that!" She yelled prompting Shikamaru and Choji to hold her back.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru muttered.

Sasuke and yoroi stared at each other sizing each up, but there was a dark gleam in his eyes.

Hayate looked at them then announced, "First match between Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado. Begin."

Yoroi made a tiger hand sign, "You ready?"

Sasuke took a stance, "Let's go."

The man's hand glowed with blue chakra, while the other hand grabbed a kunai and tossed it at the Uchiha so Sasuke responded in kind by throwing a shuriken at the man and it became a projectile battle. Sasuke gripped his neck all of a sudden almost like he was in pain but ignored it and came at Yoroi in a Taijutsu battle. Yoroi's hand glowed blue again and Sasuke noticed that he seemed to be wearing much to his notice.

'What is this? My strength is weakening....' Sasuke thought in exhaustion.

"Sasuke-kun, look out!" Sakura yelled.

Sasuke looked up just in time to see Yoroi right in front of him grabbing his forehead slamming him down to the floor, "Chakura Kyūin Jutsu (Chakra Absorption Jutsu)." His hand glowed blue and Sasuke felt his chakra being absorbed.

Naruto sighed disappointedly, "So that's it."

Sakura looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"That guy can absorb chakra, that's why I said Sasuke should've taken this more seriously." Naruto reminded.

Sasuke glanced at the man, "Your...... Your absorbing my chakra....."

"Heh, so you finally noticed. But it's too late!" Yoroi said arrogantly before he felt a kick to his gut sending him away from the boy, "Heh, so you still have energy left, huh?"

Sasuke got up slowly, 'I can't use my Sharingan or any other jutsu otherwise I'll be exhausted.'

Yoroi charged at him, "Now's not the time to be daydreaming!" Before he could try to drain Sasuke completely he was kicked in the face sending him upwards off the ground.

Lee's eyes widened when he realized what Sasuke was doing, "That's my-!"

Sasuke appeared behind Yoroi making his eyes widen, "Kage Buyō (Dancing Leaf Shadow)?!"

"Something like that," Sasuke said before wincing as his neck was in pain, "But from here on out, it's all original." He kicked the man in his left side. Then right, then kicked him down before going to the final blow, "Shishi Rendan (Lions Barrage)!" He sent the final blow to his stomach knocking him out completely before landing on the ground himself but not before sitting in complete exhaustion.

Hayate walked forward, "Winner of the first match....Sasuke Uchiha."

"Alright! I knew you could do it Sasuke-kun!" Ino yelled.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.

Sakura sighed in relief.

Kiba scoffed, "Show off."

Tenten frowned at Sasuke, "He stole that from Lee."

"Just what I expected from an Uchiha." Neji commented.

Lee gripped the bars as he saw Sasuke did his own version of his move.

Guy wasn't happy either.

Team 6 scoffed.

Team Ame, Kusa, and Oto snorted.

Naruto looked at him unamused, "How disappointing."

Orochimaru smirked at the results.

Kakashi appeared behind Sasuke and took him away somewhere, much to the other's confusion but didn't think too long as the names rolled up on the screen again.




Naruto just watched with a rather bored look. At the beginning one could think that Kankuro was going to lose. But Kankuro ending up winning the match without harm. Kankuro was a puppet user; Shino had thought his bugs had sucked out Kankuro's chakra. Unfortunately for him the 'Kankuro' the bugs were trying to extract chakra from was only a puppet. Shino knew that without his bugs being ineffective he couldn't win this match thus he gave up after he had failed to see how he could've win. Puppet users dealt with dangerous poison. To Naruto poison wasn't a problem since he was a demon he wasn't affected to them, or the Kyubi could've counter the poison as well. It would take some time but there was no way he could die from poisoning.

Naruto took this time to talk to his sensei. After entering the mindscape he saw his master meditating on the ground. Kokushibou opened his eyes to see Naruto looking at him, "Sensei my body was beginning to feel pain and was coughing profusely. Do you know why this happened?" Kokushibou stood there for a minute before speaking, "It was due to your body becoming a full demon. It had to take a while for you to completely transform into one." He explained to Naruto who nodded. Naruto left his mindscape just in time to see the next opponents.




Sakura turned towards Ino who was walking back to the balcony after their little "talk," Ino saw the names on the screen and gave Sakura a determined look to which the girl returned. Both girls made it down to the arena and faced each other.

Hayate raised his hand, "Begin."

Both Kunoichi came each other and Sakura sent a kick Ino's only way was to dodge. Ino tried punching Sakura but she blocked it and tried to trip her but Ino jumped and backed away from her. Sakura improvised and sent three kunai at her, Ino calmly grabbed a kunai and tossed it deflecting both the kunai's that were sent at her.

Ami snorted at their fight, "Those two didn't approve at all."

"What a pathetic display of battle, especially for a clan heir. Whoever trained these 2 are weak." Naruto said ignoring the glare from Asuma and Kakashi eye smile at him.

"What are you talking about Michikatsu-kun?! Sakura-san will prevail victorious!" Lee grinned.

Naruto scoffed at his idea.

Kashiwa looked at the two leaf-nin in anger, "Such talentless Kunoichi, they bring shame to that name," she started releasing a dark aura of anger which made her other teammates scoot back a little from her including her sensei.

Mai looked at them them in disgust, "Such pathetic Kunoichi how dare those weaklings bring shame to that name." She said while releasing a dark aura making her teammates scared of her, including her sensei a little who stayed in his spot.

Temari scoffed at them.

Kin looked at the two in rage and disdain, Dosu and Zaku were smart enough to not say anything that might piss her off more and scooted away from her.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru sighed.

The two girls continued their little academy skill fighting some more, before Ino finally got a jab by punching Sakura's stomach and was about to hit her face but chickened out and slapped her face.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched, "Seriously, a slap? How pathetic."

Sakura saw Ino's hesitation and clenched her fist, "Alright listen up Ino!"

Ino blinked.

"I'm not going to fight with you over Sasuke." Sakura told her.

"What did you say?!" Ino growled.

"I'm not the weak needy girl I used to be! Your not even on my radar and you aren't Sasuke-Kun's type Ino-pig!" Sakura insulted.

Ino glared at her, "Sakura! You'd better watch your step! Do you have any idea of who your mouthing off too?! Don't press your luck with me Billboard-Brow!"

Naruto sighed, he wanted this fight to be over already, "Seriously? They went from fighting to name calling? This is just sad now."

Sakura took her headband off and the two of them had yet another stare down.

"Why the hell are these two getting so worked up." Naruto said.

Kakashi looked at him, 'He can't see that it's the same way between him and Sasuke, well Sasuke's being the one who is always worked up around Naruto. Still I wonder why Naruto avoids Sasuke whenever he wants to fight him?"

Ino got what Sakura was doing and took off her headband with a smirk, "Heh, I understand....Sakura." Both girls put on their headbands around their foreheads giving each other a determined look.

'This time we do this right! No holding back! A fair fight...and I'm going to win!' They thought in unison.

Both girls charged at each other sending a punch that sent them both back away from each other until they charged at each other again Sakura was doing some familiar hand signs, Tiger—> Boar—> Ox—> Dog, two clones appeared on each side of the pink Kunoichi.

'Just a plain old jutsu?' Ino thought in confusion, "This isn't an academy class, do you honestly think you can defeat me with a jutsu like that?" She stood still and took a stance, "If I look carefully I can find out which one is the real one."

Sakura smirked, 'I'll send chakra to my feet for a burst of speed! And then!'

'What?' Ino's eyes widened when the clones sped up too quickly for her to do anything, so she blocked their attacks that didn't even hit her allowing the real Sakura to land a punch right in her face sending her sprawling backwards.

Sakura stood up, "I'm not some crybaby anymore! You play with fire, you'll get burned! Let's see your best! Ino!"

Ino got up slowly wiping her face, "It's not like I needed your invitation y'know? I'll give you my best, but you aren't going to like it.

The girls came at each other once more sending a punch only for them to grab hold of each other's fists and send each other flying back, but not before throwing shuriken at each other that canceled out.

Lee was impressed with Sakura's skill, 'No matter how good Sakura is, Ino is just as good. This battle could rage on for quite awhile.'

The fight between the two girls continued and it felt like the battle was gonna keep dragging on forever.

'Man, since when did she get this strong?' Ino thought sending a punch.

'I can win this! I know I can!' Sakura thought sending her own punch.

Both fist connected sending both girl's flying backwards away from each other.

Kakashi sighed, 'At this rate this battle will never end.'

Hayate looked in between the two girls, 'This has been going on for so long. They've been at if for 10 minutes."

Both girls were panting as they stood up slowly, "This isn't how it was suppose play out, how can you evenly be matched with me?!"

Sakura smirked, "Heh, I guess your right Ino your obsession with your looks and hair can't be surpassed. I've been training too hard to worry about that stuff."

Ino glared at the comment prompting her to take out a kunai, "Your gonna pay for that! I've had enough of you making fun of me!"

"What an idiot." Shikamaru said, "She's fallen for Ino's trap. She's so riled up by Sakura there's no telling what she'll do."

"Oh man, I hate it when she's like this." Choji said.

Naruto wanted this worthless battle to be over already, "This is taking to long. If that worthless Kunoichi wasn't having fun goating with the blonde so much she should've won, instead she's doing something idiotic."

Ino did something that took Sakura off guard....she cut off her own hair shocking Choji and Shikamaru.

"Heh, you'll think that'll help?" Sakura smirked.

Shikamaru's mouth twitched, 'Uh-oh, I think she's totally lost it this time.'

"That's it!" Ino growled then tossed her hair to the ground, "See?! I don't need this!"

Sakura simply stood there with a smirk, not bothered by Ino's outburst.

"Alright, I'll put an end to this right now! Get ready to tell everyone you lost to me Billboard-brow!" Ino made a familiar hand sign.

"Could it be?" Choji said.

Sakura's eyes twitched, 'If I recall that sign is....'

"I knew I recognized it, it's the Mind Transfer Jutsu sign." Shikamaru said.

"Oh man," Asuma scratched the side of his head, "That fool."

Naruto sighed, "She does realize that if she misses then it's all over for her. What is that imbecile thinking."

"Look I know your frustrated, but that's pointless." Sakura smirked.

"Oh yeah? We'll just see about that." Ino challenged.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu), it's a jutsu that allows the user to take over their opponents spirit and control their body for a few minutes before discharging all of their spiritual energy and striking their enemy with it." Sakura stated, "But despite its power, there are major flaws to this formidable jutsu that makes it extremely dangerous. First, the user's discharged all of their spiritual energy can only fly straight and it moves at a slow speed. Second, even if it misses the opponent the spiritual energy can't return to the users body for several minutes and this, in battle are most often measured in seconds. I should add while the spiritual energy is gone, your body Ino, won't move at all. It'll be like a doll with no strings attached.

'The Shintenshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu), it's a jutsu that's only used for spying. It's not a battle jutsu. Ino, using that jutsu here will be a fatal mistake.' Asuma thought.

'It's a powerful jutsu, but as long as Sakura can able to dodge it, it won't be a threat. Plus, if she can avoid it, she can attack Ino without resistance. If that happens, Hayate will be forced to bring the match to an end." Kakashi thought.

"So what?! I don't care, I won't know unless I try!" Ino yelled.

Sakura got ready to dodge, "If you miss me it's all over for you."

Shikamaru gripped the railing leaning down, 'She's only supposed to use that with me, so I can immobilize the enemy first with my Shadow Possession Jutsu! If she uses it this way it'll never work.'

'There's no way she'll hit Sakura.' Asuma thought.

Sakura took off running.

"Don't do it!" Shikamaru yelled.

"What a fool." Ami muttered.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu)!" Ino shouted.

Everyone watched as both their bodies stilled and waited with bated breath to see if it worked or not. Ino's body fell to the ground limp and unmoving.

Shikamaru's eyes were shaking, "Did it work?"

Sakura stood there for a minute then laughed, "What an unfortunate choice.....Ino." She smiled lifting her head up.

"So it's over right." Shikamaru observed.

"I can't believe she actually did it." Choji stared down in disbelief.

"Your finished Ino."

Sakura was moving towards Ino until her feet stopped abruptly. Sakura's eyes widen, "No way...."

"You fell for it Sakura, Ino lifted her head, "Ha! I finally caught you."

"It can't be." Sakura's eyes were shaking.

"I'm afraid it can, all those hand signs earlier were just a distraction to fool you. To trick you into running into the trap I've laid before you. And it worked, now you can't move at all, can you? Your being held by a special rope that's being held by my hair by chakra poured into it." Ino smirked.

Sakura grunted.

"Now that your trapped I can take over your body and make you forfeit the match," Ino did the same hand signs as before, "There's no way I'll miss with this jutsu now."

Ami was surprised by this but still smiled with a mocking grin.

"So losing was just an act to." Shikamaru theorized.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu)!" Ino used the jutsu and took control over Sakura's body and smirked, "Looks like I win.....Sakura." She moved to raise her hand only to stop midway and grip her head in pain confusing everyone.

"What's going on!" Lee yelled.

Naruto spoke to Lee without looking at him, "Sakura's trying to fight back."

"What?! But how?!" Lee looked at him.

"Simple." Naruto shrugged, "She refuses to let Ino Have her way and is determined to prove she isn't going down without a fight. It's all about will power."

Ino was losing control on Sakura, 'No! I.....can't hold....onto her! Release!' She released the jutsu sending her spirit back to her own body.

"No way...she actually shattered Ino's jutsu." Shikamaru stared in pure disbelief.

'She must've used to much chakra to use the jutsu to use it on her opponent, so the jutsu barely worked.' Asuma thought.

"How can you have 2 spirits within you? Just what are you anyway?" Ino questioned.

"Someone who is just as strong as she's beautiful," Sakura smirked, "I mean a girl's gotta be tough to survive something like this."

Both girls stood up and slowly charged at each other one final time, 'This ends.....right now!' Both girls sent each other flying as they hit each other backwards and this time both were too tired to get back up.

Hayate called it, "Since neither combatant is able to double knockout nobody gets through the fourth battle of the preliminary. The match is over."

Naruto looked at the two of them, "Pathetic." He said aloud.

Everyone nodded in agreement with his words. Kakashi and Asuma had the decency to look ashamed of there students. Those weren't ninja fighting; it was academy school girls fighting over a crush. Had it been the finals, Konoha would surely had lose customers. If the Kunoichi's fought the way Ino and Sakura fought, they would've been killed each time on a mission. If both girls were going to be serious about their careers they need to understand what it means to be a ninja, or they would die soon and young.

Naruto looked at the screen to see who was going next.

'Gaara's sister is going next then, hm.' Naruto thought.




Tenten appeared down at the arena with a smile, "I'm soo ready. After watching that last match I'm fired up!"

Temari stood there with a smirk.

"So, there is another Genin from Sunagakure," Neji observed, "This should be interesting to watch."

"For the fifth match, Tenten, Temari, get ready." Hayate told them.

Both girls eyed each other waiting for the match to begin.


Tenten jumped back instantly.

"Alright Tenten keep her guessing!" Lee cheered.

"Go for it! You've got the power of youth!" Gai yelled.

Naruto who was standing near them twitched his eyebrow in annoyance, 'How annoying.'

"What are you waiting for! I did say to begin." Hayate eyed them both.

"Hmph, guess your waiting for me to make a move. Big mistake, cause the first move I make will be your last one." Temari smirked taking a step forward making Tenten step back.

"Come on I don't want this match over too quickly, so why don't you go first?" Temari made a mocking gesture, "Come on little girl show me what you can do."

"Alright if you insist, remember you've asked for this." Tenten jumped in the air sending three shuriken at her, Temari still stood there with a smirk and all of a sudden the three shuriken were on the ground.

"I missed her?! There's no way!" Tenten said in disbelief.

"What was that a warm up exercise? Or maybe your just a little nervous and it's effected your aim, is that it?" Temari mocked.

Tenten grunted.

"Rats and I was hoping to work up a sweat, but forget that idea this is the best you've got." Temari smirked.

Tenten glared at her.

"What's going on? How could she have miss?" Lee looked in disbelief.

"It's impossible! Tenten' aim is perfect! She always hit her mark!" Guy said.

"Not this time." Neji stated.

"She never misses," Guy insisted, "There must've been something, that made her miss."

"Huh?" Lee said in confusion.

"Y'know, you can always count on Temari to put on a good show." Kankuro commented.

"Big deal." Gaara said uncaring.

'Okay stay calm, don't let her get to you.' Tenten thought, 'One...two...three...she must've dodged them somehow, but if I try a different approach..."

'Look at her measuring her distance. Here comes her big move.' Temari grabbed her fan behind her back.

'So that's her secret, that fan she carries. Okay.' Tenten then ran at Temari taking out a scroll.

"Alright, try this for size!" Tenten said jumping up in the air twirling the scroll around sending a barrage of weapons at the girl only for Temari to deflect them quickly without anyone noticing rendering them useless and on the ground.

Tenten landed back down to the arena, "No way! She stopped everything I've threw. What has she got in that fan of hers?!"

Temari smirked, "Take a look, this is the first moon. There are two more."

Tenten glared at her.

"When you see all three moons you'll've lost the match." Temari stated.

"Tenten! Don't let her play you! Maintain focus!" Lee yelled.

'I know Lee, I know! Well, I was planning on saving this for the finals not waste it on a preliminary round, but it may be now or never.' Tenten smiled taking out two scrolls.

"She's using that already?" Guy questioned.

Neji said nothing and simply observed.

"Ha, it won't work whatever it is." Temari stated.

Tenten ignored her and got to work, bending down she performed some hand signs, Tiger —> Dragon—> Monkey —> Hare —> Snake —> Cross Arms: "Sōshōryū (Rising Twin Dragons)!" There was a burst of light as clouds gathered blinding everyone and soon two scrolls danced in the air as Tenten propelled herself upward sending a barrage of weapons at Temari, 'I got her now!'

Temari giggled and sent her flying along with her weapons making her skid to the floor, when she sat up she saw the fan was open.

"Moon number three." Temari grinned then disappeared using her fan.

Tenten's eyes widened, 'Where did she go? She....She's gone!"

"Over here!"

Tenten looked behind her and saw Temari gliding on her fan smirking up at her before landed before her, "Now it's my turn."

"Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Wind Scythe Jutsu)!" Temari saved her fan and sent a wind cyclone at Tenten engulfing her and sending her high in the air.

"Tenten!" Lee yelled.

Tenten's arms were cut up as where her clothes as she was completely defenseless in the air.

Neji looked up, "Temari's chakra is controlling the vortex."

Lee looked at him confused.

"She fought well, but she'll never escape from that whirlwind. It's over." Neji said.

Tenten came out of the whirlwind and landed right on Temari's fan on her back making her cough up blood.

" about ruthless." Kiba gulped.

"How boring." Naruto crossed his arms.

"Tenten." Lee looked down.

"Wasn't much of a match, kind of boring." Temari stated while looking at Tenten with disappointment.

"To be able to stop every single one's of Tenten's attack like that." Gai commented.

"I still can't believe it." Lee said.

"Another win for Suna...great." Kazo said sarcastically but the Suna team ignored him.

"Well we're guaranteed a sweep in this round." Kankuro commented.

"Hmph." Gaara grunted.

'These guys aren't messing around' Momoko thought.

"The winner of the fifth match...Temari." Hayate announced.

Temari smirked.

"Lee I suggest you grab your teammate." Naruto said earning a confused look from Lee.

Lee was confused at first, but he saw the Suna girl's demeanor and quickly jumped down from the balcony.

Temari threw Tenten off her fan towards the sharp weapons on hit he ground but Lee caught her just in time.

Temari smiled, "Hey, nice catch."

"What's wrong with you! She may have lost this match but that's no way to treat an opponent who tried her best!" Lee yelled.

Temari slammed her fan down, "Oh beat it. And take that sack of garbage with you."

Lee charged at her.

"No Lee! Lee!" Neji yelled.

Lee was about to use Konoha Senpū, until he felt someone grabbing his back, "Huh?!" He turned around and saw it was Naruto that grabbed his back, "Michikatsu-san?"

"Stand down," Naruto told him, "When it's your turn to fight you can go wild as much as you want, leave this Suna dog to her musings."

Lee nodded and went over to pick up Tenten, Temari glared at Naruto for calling her a dog but he ignored her and jumped back to his area while Lee picked up Tenten gently as the medics came to get her.

Temari walked back to her area and stand next to her brother, "Did any of you see him move?" She said while narrowing her eyes at him.

"I didn't, he's got some moves." Kankuro replied while looking at him.

Gaara was staring at Naruto intently.

"Those guys from Suna are strong." Sakura said appearing next to him.

"Welcome back Sakura." Kakashi commented.

"Welcome back Sakura-san." Lee said while doing some gestures towards her.

Sakura smiled.

A puff of smoke appeared. It was an ANBU, and next to him was Sasuke. He still wore the same clothes as before but he looked well.

"Sasuke your back!" Sakura said. She was happy to see her crush was alright Ino was ecstatic as well but Sasuke ignored the two and stood beside Naruto. Kakashi eye smiled at the ANBU before the ANBU whispered something into his ear. Kakashi nodded, before the ANBU disappeared Kakashi turned at Sasuke, "You sure your feeling alright? Sasuke nodded before staring at the board.

The names on the board shuffled again on two names, Naruto looked at the names on the board. He hated what he saw.

Naruto Uzumaki


Kiba Inuzuka

"For the sixth match will Naruto Uzumaki and Kiba Inuzuka step forward."

Naruto looked at the name with hatred, veins were showing from his head. Everyone saw this and wondered why he hated the name so much. Sasuke knew he didn't like to be called Naruto. But why?what was he so upset over that name? Sakura knew Naruto never liked that name, she didn't ask him why either because either it was personal, or was afraid of seeing his angry face which she never saw before. Kakashi was about to talk to him before he jumped from the balcony and walked to the arena. "Let's get this over with." He muttered.

Kiba was grinning, he felt confident in his abilities. With all the training he has been doing he believed that he could defeat Naruto. He knew how Naruto fought ever since they were at the academy. He believed in his own abilities. With Akamaru by his side he could beat anyone.

"Are both fighters ready?" Hayate said. Kiba nodded, Naruto gave no response. Hayate took the silence as a yes, "Begin!"

I'm going to take you down Naruto or Michikatsu! Or whatever your name is." Kiba spoke aloud with a confident grin. Akamaru barked agreeing with his masters words. Naruto made no sign that he heard Kiba's words. "Hey did you hear me?"

Again not didn't respond, "Hey, I'm talking to you bastard!" Kiba yelled out a bit of anger at being ignored.

"Will you attack me already and stop being annoying." Naruto finally spoke.

Kiba grinned, "Let's do this Akamaru." He said to his dog partner. Akamaru barked in acknowledgment of Kiba's words.


Kakashi looked at Naruto as if he was studying him. Naruto was acting differently. He wasn't told in detail of what happened to them during there encounter with Orochimaru. He was only interested in that they were alive and the cursed mark Orochimaru had given to Sasuke. He had sealed the curse mark Orochimaru had given him but wasn't sure if it would hold. Looking at Naruto he could tell that something was wrong.

"He looked at his to two genins, "Sasuke, Sakura." Sasuke and Sakura looked at their sensei, "What's wrong with Naruto." Sasuke shrugged, while Sakura looked at her sensei in confusion as they saw nothing wrong with him.

Kakashi sighed seeing there responses, "Did something happen to him during his encounter with Orochimaru?" He asked another question.

Sasuke and Sakura were quiet for a moment, they looked at each other for a minute before turning to there sensei, "I think you should ask Naruto that question." Sasuke said to his sensei. Sakura nodded in agreement. Kakashi shrugged, he turned back to watch Naruto and Kiba's fight.

Hinata felt a bit excited because she was going to see Naruto fight. She'd never seen him fight ever since they became Genin. He was always the source of her strength. She believed that she would fight bravely in her match should Naruto win his match.

Shikamaru and the other genins just watched on to see Naruto's fight. They wanted to see what was he capable of with their own eyes . Their sensei's said that he was strong and were right, but felt like he was holding back.

(Fighting floor)

Kiba bended down and placed his hands on the ground. Akamaru jumped in front of him, "Jūjin Bunshin (Man Beast Clone)!" Akamaru turned into Kiba, they both looked animalistic compared to their normal selves.

"Gatsūga (Man-Beast Ultimate Taijutsu: Fang Over Fang)!"

Kiba yelled as he took a spinning form of a vortex. The spinning vortex sped at Naruto at a fast pace. Naruto just stood there with his hands still crossed at his chest. He waited for Kiba's attack to reach him.

Kurenai looked at Naruto, 'What is he thinking standing there like that if he gets hit this match is over.' She thought wondering why Naruto isn't trying to dodge Kiba's attack. She knew Kiba's offensive attack was powerful and could cause a lot of damage if it hit. It was almost impossible to blocks. The only way to escape was to dodge it. She'd never attempted to block the attack.

The spinning vortex reached Naruto and when it was about to hit him it missed. Kiba hit the ground and continued to spin furiously as it dug through a hole on solid ground. The Gatsuga came out again from the ground and charged at him Naruto it missed him again. The same sequence continued several times. None of the attempts hit Naruto. Several holes were made in the ground.

What shocked many who were watching was that Naruto was still in the same position that he was in. His hands still crossed on his chest while surrounded by many holes.

"Go Michikatsu-kun!" Ami cheered, gaining looks from other genins, an angry Hinata, amused looks from her team and sensei, angry looks from Sakura and Ino, ang two glares from the girls in Kusa, Ame, and Oto.

Kiba stopped his attack and returned to normal. His fruitless attacks seemed to have taken a lot of chakra from him because his breathing was slightly labored, "Stay still you bastard so that I can hit you!" He yelled in frustration. He tried the Gatsuga again but the results were the same.

Naruto looked at the Genin, "Is that all you can do?" He said' "How pathetic."

His hands dropped from his chest and he blurred out of sight. He appeared in front of Kiba and kicked the Genin in the face sending him crashing towards a wall. Akamaru had jumped up and didn't flew with Kiba. Cracks appeared on the wall where Kiba had hit. Akamaru barked as he charged at Naruto looking it bite him. Naruto kicked the puppy by its side, making him hit a wall shocking everyone.

"Akamaru!" Kiba yelled seeing his friend, he blindly charged at Naruto.

Naruto turned to face the Genin. Kiba attempted to punch Naruto in the face. But Naruto caught his hand and squeezed it.

"Ahhhh!" Kiba cried out as Naruto was crushing his hand. Naruto kneed Kiba on his gut. He let go of Kiba's hand and punched him with his left hand. His right followed another powerful punch hitting his temple, sending him flying away from him.

Kiba was slowly standing up, his vision was blurry and was walking towards Naruto slowly. Naruto removed his sword out of his sheath and stabbed it into the ground confusing the genins who were watching. He quickly did some hand signs, "Katon: Jigoku no Honō (Fire Style: Hellflame)!" Naruto created a haze of fire and threw it at Kiba's direction, Kiba didn't have time to react as the flames came at him and surrounded him till the flames roam high to the balcony.

"Kiba!" Team 9's team shouted. Everyone eyes widen when they watched the Inuzuka go up in flames, Hayate eyes widened not expecting this outcome. The Hokage was surprised but hidden behind it was shocked, seeing the brutality Naruto showed meaning that he doesn't care for anyone in the leaf.

The Oto, Kusa, and Ame teams looked at him in shock, they knew that he was brutal but this was on a whole other level. Team 6 was shocked by the brutality, even their sensei was surprised. Except Ami who looked like she was in love with Naruto even more, 'So hot." Ami drooled a little.

The flames died down, Kiba was on the ground. Motionless, his back on the floor, his clothes burned. he was unconscious. Naruto opened his right hand as lightning sparked from his fingers. He zapped Kiba who stood up and was coughing, and breathing hastily. Naruto grabbed him by the collar with his left hand, he lifted him up and punched him in the face with his right hand making him walk backwards next to his sword.

Naruto disappeared and reappeared behind Kiba, then he grabbed the back of his head and pushed it the back of the sword. Hard. Kiba was dizzy, he couldn't walk straight as he felt the world was spinning around him. Naruto kicked him in the back of his leg making him fall to his knees, he grabbed the back of his head again and pushed it to the ground. He pulled and pushed his head about three times before walking away. Leaving a burned, bruised, and bloody Kiba.

'How brutal' some of the genins thought watching the fight. The only person who smiled was Gaara.

Naruto stood still waiting for Hayate to call the match. Hayate stepped forward, "Kiba is unable to fight the winner is Na-" he was cut off by Naruto, "Michikatsu Tsugikuni." Naruto stated before walking back to the balcony, "Michikatsu Tsugikuni." Hayate finished as medical nin came to get Kiba.

When Naruto arrived at the balcony he found Yuhi Kurenai waiting for him. Kurenai stared at Naruto with a bit of anger in her eyes. She was angry that Naruto for what he did to her student. She believed there could have been other ways to end the match.

Naruto walked past her without sparing a glance. Kurenai grabbed his hand and held it firmly. Naruto narrowed his eyes at her, "I suggest you let go of my hand before I chop your arm off." He threatened her. Kurenai ignored his threat, "Was it necessary to beat my student like that?"

"Yes, because he was pathetic."

Kurenai gritted her teeth and hold Naruto's hand tighter, "Besides, it's your fault that he was weak in the first place." Kurenai's glare darkened, "Excuse me?" She demanded him, "Your to soft. That's the reason why I did that to him. He was weak, weakness disgust me. Your a pathetic excuse of a sensei, your two genins have been defeated easily it's only a matter of time until the last one is either dead or unconscious. Your a failure of a sensei, failure of Team 9, and a failure for Yakumo."

Kurenai's red eyes were burning with hatred, not only had he insulted her he insulted her students and her status as a Jounin. When she heard Yakumo's name she finally snapped, "How do you know Yakumo!" She shouted at him demanding for an answer. He didn't reply this infuriated Kurenai, she was about to put him in a Genjutsu when she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw that it was Kakashi who was eye smiling at her.

"Let it go Kurenai." He said with a smile, "Your causing a scene."

Kurenai looked around the room and saw that everyone was looking at them. Naruto harshly pulled his hand away from Kurenai hurting her a little as he walked back to his team. Kurenai glared at Naruto before returning to Hinata's side. Kakashi smiled at Naruto, "You should take it on your fellow genin's Naruto."

Naruto looked back at him, No, I despise weak people, weakness disgust me." He turned away from him. Giving them genins confidence will only continue the battle. With confidence it will only drag the battle on more. He didn't enjoy dragging on fights he found annoying. It's why he chooses to end them quickly and brutally.

The screen on the board showed the name on the contestants of the next battle.



Nora Ougi

To be continued.

That's all folks. Make sure to follow the next chapter. Have a wonderful day

22080 words.

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