Am I ready (Camren) Completed

By 12117z

111K 2.4K 551

Lea is a 18 year old that just adopted her 7 year old niece Lily because her mom didn't look after her. Lea... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21 Complete
real chapter 21
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
My Responsibility

Chapter 22

1.9K 54 11
By 12117z

Lilys pov.

My sister has always been my number 1 concern. I love her so much but all I am doing is hurting her by staying there. As I walk up to this house I held my breath and prepared my self for whats so come. I know that Lauren would never look here and that's for the best. I know she loves me but she has to put me aside, like she has already. I walk up the familiar path and seen empty bear cans and bottles tossed everywhere. The first step still creaks when you step on it. I laughed at all of the good memories that I had in the front yard. I can still see the toy house with all of my dolls sitting in the chair having a tea party. I knocked on the door and pretty much regretted coming here but its all for my sister.

I heard stumbling inside and some stuff knock over. I guess some things never change. The front door opened and there stood the man that I have fought to stay away from.

"What do you want?" He slurred. He answered the door in boxers and a band tied around his arm. I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut.

"I- I came back." I said and a smile spread across his face. I could already tell he was planing ways to hurt me but this time I was ready for it. There is NOTHING he can do that he hasn't done before. He grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me into the house. After the door slamed shut fear ran down my spine.

"Let me have the bag." HE said and I pulled it closer to me and shook my head.

"This is all I have please don't do this to me." I said and he tried to snatched it out of my hands. I held onto it tight and he shook his head.

"Your going to fight me?" He yelled. I shook my head and when he tugged at the bag I let it go. He sat on the couch as I stood on the floor and watched him empty everything out. He grabbed the throw over blanket and tossed it at me. HE threw my clothes in a corner. He reached in and grabbed Kaylee's bunny that I took with me to remember that I was here so she could be better.

"Whats this?" he asked and I looked at the bunny and tears fel down my eyes.

"The reasin I came back." He looked at the stuffed bunny and nodded. He threw it at me and I sighed in relief.

"There are new rules this time. what is at your feet you can keep. What is in the corner you burn." I shook m head and gave him a weird look.

"But then I have no clothes." I said and he nodded.

"Whores don't need clothes."

Laurens pov.

"LILY!" Kaylee yells as she figures out that Lily isn't coming back. Its been three days and my heart is shattered. This is all my fault if I would have helped her we would all be happy. We ha e filed several police reports but  no one is really willing to help us.

"I sorry Lily please come back!" Kaylee yelled. She was sobbing into Camila's chest as I patted her back. She hasn't stopped asking for her for days and she refuses to fall asleep unless she has something of Lilys.

"Bump calm down please your going to get sick." I told her but she let out a gurgling cry.

"She left me. I didn't mean to run into her I promise." Kaylee said remembering the last  interaction she had with her older sister.

"I know baby and trust me she's not mad at you she loves you very much." Camila told her but she shook her head.

"No mommy she gone and I miss her.". I went to Kaylee's room and grabbed Mila monkey. I looked down at the small monkey and I cant believe that this is all I have left of Lily. I remember the day we got it for her she was so happy to go to the mall and Camila agreed to buy her anything she wanted and she only wanted this monkey.. And once Camila left that was all Lily had of her. she named her Mila monkey. She has slept with it for the past 4 years. When we lost it at the air port when she first met the girls was scary because that was her favorite thing and she never left with out it. There are so many memories wrapped up in this small stuffed animal.

"MAMA!" I heard Kaylee yell and I took a deep breath before walking out of her room. I walk over to Camila and take Kaylee into my arms.

"Ok bump calm down." I gave her the stuffed monkey and she stopped crying.

"I just miss her." Kaylee said and I rocked her back and forth.

"I do to baby girl, but she's ok." I said and a tear slipped down my face as Kaylee played with the ends of my hair woth one hand and held on to the monkey with the other.

"Sing for me." Kaylee said and I nodded singing our song.


"Lauren its time to eat." Camila said as she leaned on the door.

"I'm not hungry." I said laying in my bed with Kaylee.

"Lauren you have to eat." She pressed but I shook my head.

"How can I eat when she could be out there starving. Camila its snowing out side what if she gets sick?" I said calmly and she sighed and walked over to me.

"She's smart she'll get somewhere safe. the poliece are looking for her to. She will come home Lauren and when she does we'll be here for her." She said and I nodded. This is going to be the longest wait of my life.


"LILY NOO!" I shot up out of bed hearing Kaylee yell. I looked over and she was in Camila's arms panicking.

"She wont wake up." Camila said as Kaylee's lips turned blue.

"Lauren its happening again!" Camila said and I grabbed Kaylee and laid her on the floor. I held down her arms and her entire body shook.

"Camila go get Ally." I said and Camila ran out of the door. I looked at the clock and timed the seizure. She was shaking so bad. Her normally tanned skin was white.

"Lauren what do you need?" Ally said as Camila appeared in Dinah's arms.

"Get the pin please!" I said as Kaylee's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Dinah get her out of here!" I said and I seen Camila try to fight with her but Dinah got her away from the door.

"Here Laur." Ally said handing me the pin. I Measured two fingers above her leg and jammed the pin in injecting the medicine.

I brushed her hair out of her face as her body stopped shaking. Her small eyes opened and she looked up at me scared.

"Mama?" She asked and I nodded pulling her into my chest. When her panic attacks get to overwhelming for her body she has seizures.

Can you tell me your name?" I asked and she nodded.

"Kaylee Abigail Jauregui." She said and I nodded.

I grabbed her hand and spelt the word water with my fingers.

"What did I just tell you."

"Water." She said and I nodded.

"Mama?" She said and I kissed her head.

'Yeah baby."

"I can see something ITS NOT BLACK." She said and I laughed.

"Its from your medicine baby."

"O. " She said and chuckled.

"Come on babe we have to go to the hospital." I said and she shook her head.

"No they hurt." She said and I picked her up as she rested it on my shoulder.

"I know baby but you have to go." I told her and she started to cry.

"Mila monkey." She said and I turned around and grabbed the monkey.

"I want Lily." She said and I patted her back.

"I know baby girl, she'll come home." I said and she nodded.


"Parents of Kaylee Jauregui?" The nurse said and I grabbed Camila's hand and pulled us to the nurse.

"She's ok she's dehydrated so she has a IV in right now. With the information you gave us we came to the conclusion that the reason that attack happened was because she is worried about the change that will happen now that her sister is gone. You need to try and keep he calm so her heart will not start racing. Her lungs are clear about the attack may cause her to have more of a problem with her breathing. I want to keep her here over night but she can leave tomorrow after we run a few blood test." She excused her self from us and I felt Camila lean into me.

"If I wasn't so weak she would be healthy." Camila said and I pulled her close to me.

"Don't say that I wouldn't want her any other way. All of this was ment to happen and If you would have carried her any longer she wouldn't be here. This is not your fault." I told her and she nodded into my chest.

Its just so hard looking at her when she lays in that bed." She said and I nodded.

"Do you want to go see her?" I asked and she nodded her head

"I need to hold my baby." She said and I nodded taking her hand and leading her down the hall to Kaylee's room.

"MAMA !" Kaylee yelled and looked at me. I seen Camila look down and play with her hands.

"MOMMY I MISSED YOU!" Kaylee said and tried to get up but I pushed her back down. She held her arms out for Camila to take her but instead be both climbed in bed with her and hugged her close.

"Are you ok Kays?" Camila asked and she nodded her head.

"Yes mommy I'm fine I gonna pee though." She said and Camila's eyes widened.

"No baby come on.' She said and Picked her up along with the IV bag.

'"Lauren come help me." Camila said as I watched her struggle to get into the bathroom." I got up and followed her.

"Kaylee, its I have to use the restroom not what ever you just said." I told her and she nodded.

"I dont care mama I gots to pee!" She said and smiled.

"Camila?" I looked at her and she looked at me.

"What is he doing here?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Go see what he wants." She told me and I nodded.

"Austin what are you doing here?" I asked as I shut the bathroom door.

"I can leave if you want I was just wondering -"

"No its ok did you need something?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No I just seen that Kaylee was in the hospital and I wanted to check on her." I smiled at him because he is actually trying.

"She's fine she just dehydrated and when she panics it can cause seizures.." He nodded and looked down in his hands.

"I brought her a blanket. Its purple I hope she likes it." He said then the O Shit look came on his face.

"I didn't mean that I swear I'm sorry Lauren I know she can't see I just thought it would be a nice gesture." He said and panicked.

"Its ok we have all done it and you still have to get use to it. Do you want to see her?" He looked at me in shock.

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah I can't stop you and even if I could she needs you in he life." I told him and he gave me a soft smile.

"Thanks." He said. About that time Camila opened the bathroom door with Kaylee in her arms.

"Hey bump there's someone here to see you." .

"Who mama?" She said and I took her from Camila and into my arms..

"I don't know you tell me who it is." I said as I passed her to Austin who was now sitting on the couch. She sat on his lap and smelt his shirt.

"He smells like. Callge." She said and we all laughed.

"You mean Cologne." Camila corrected her.

"That's what I said mommy." She said and she reached for Austin's face.

"Your face is like mine so are your ears.. Who are you?" She said and we all looked a each other with smiles.

"DADD-AUZZY!" She yelled and we all caught her little mistake. It didn't hurt this time because she is still my baby girl no matter how I look at it. Austin on the other hand freaked out.

"I actually have some where to be." He said and all of us looked at him in disappointment.

"I didn't mean to sat it!" Kaylee said holding on to his shirt. I pried her hands off of him and she cried a little not because she was up set just because she thinks its all her fault.

"Baby Austin just has to go." I told her and she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Austin." She whispered and started to hum our song so I knew she was upset..

Austin didn't say a word he just walked straight out the door.

Camilas pov.

"Go." Lauren told me and I nodded and walked down the hall after Austin.

"Whats the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him I asked him and he spun around and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I don't know how to do this Camila, just drop out of my life I signed the damn papers." He said and went to turn around but I grabbed his hand.

"Stop. I know its a lot but you did help make that. She really likes you Austin and she figured all of that out on her own she said that your faces were the same. She just wants a relationship with you. I am not asking you to be her dad because to be honest you will never fill the position that Lauren has, but I need you there so she doesn't grow up with out you now that she knows who you are we just can't take that back. Austin you were my best friend and I know that some where deep down in your heart that you want something to do with your daughter. This is the only chance I am going to give you. If you walk out that door you can kiss her good bye." I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine I pushed him away and tears filled my eyes.

"Goodbye Camila." He told me and walked away. A thousand thoughts ran through my head as my hands traveled to my lips. I just cheated on Lauren again.

"Camz?" I froze in place and looked down at my feet tell I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Its ok. She still has us and that's all she needs-"

"I kissed Austin." I sobbed out and her arms removed them selves from my waist.

'Ok." Was all she said and grabbed my hand and pulled me into a privet room. I expected her to yell at me but instead she pulled me into her arms and I clung to her chest.

"Why aren't you yelling at me Why are you still here. Hit me yell at me something!" I yelled and she pulled away from me and shook her head.

"I will never lay an hand on you. How dare you ever say that. I seen it all Camila you didn't kiss him he kissed you and you pushed him away. I love you and that's all that matters." She told me and stepped into a corner.

"I'm sorry." I said and tried to step towards her but she put her hands up in defense.

"I'm going to check on our daughter." She said and left the room. O gosh what did I just do?

Lauren's pov

I cant believe that Camila would say something like that. Hit me. Why would I cause her pain like that? Am I really that out of control now that Lily is gone?

I walked back into Kaylee's room and she is sleeping peacefully. I scooted the chair over to the bed and bushed some of her hair out of her face. She was facing me laying on her left side clinging to the stuffed monkey. I kissed her head then rested my head on the edge of the bed. Why is my world falling apart?

"Lolo?" I sighed and sat up straight looking at the wall in front of me.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me I guess I'm just mad at my self for disappointing her. I am so sorry Its just when that happened I thought of last time and-"

"I NEVER HIT YOU CAMILA!" I scraim  accidentally out of frustration. I looked down at Kaylee who was now awake looking between Camila and I. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared.

"Mommy?" She said and I bent down by her.

"Its mama baby I'm right here, I wont leave you." I said and she started to cry.

"Why you yell at mommy?" She said and I looked at Camila and we both had the same look on our face. Regret.

"She wasn't yelling we were just having a conversation and you woke up at the wrong part baby." Camila said taking a step closer as she gave me a apologetic look.

"Sing." She said and I nodded she held up her arms and I picked her up laying on the bed with her. She crawled on top of me and rested her head on my chest. I started to sing but she sat up.

"Where's mommy?" She said and I looked up at camila and she was hesitant to climb in the bed.

"Come on Camz." I said and gave her a half smile. She laid down away from me but I pulled her closer and Kaylee was now laying on but of us. After the song She closed her little eyes and small snores were coming from her mouth.


"Its ok Camz I know. I love you just never say something like that ok?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'm sorry Lo. I love you."

Three weeks later.

Lilys pov

I hurt everywhere. I haven't had a proper meal in weeks and he is back to hurting me again. As much as I want Lauren and Camila to hold me and just let me cry I need them to stay focused on my sister. The bell down stair rang signaling that he was home. I stood up in my normal dress that consisted of nothing more than some very short shorts and a sports bra. I didn't even have boobs but that's what he said he wanted me in.

I walked down the stairs and seen him standing there with his belt in his hand. I tensed up and sighed. He stepped closer and I felt the familiar sting and a pop filled the room. HE did it over and over. I didn't scream because if I did I got more and I really didn't want that. After he removed the belt from his hand he threw a bag at me.

"Put it on and lets go." He walked into his "work shop". And left me there in the floor. I grabbed the bag and walked into my room and grabbed fresh under garments. I walked into the bathroom and let the sink run full of hot water. I stripped down and grabbed a rag from under the sink. I looked in the mirror and studied the bruises scattered across my body. I grabbed the clothes and washed my body being as genteel as possible so I wouldn't hurt my self. I brushed my hair and put on the clothes he bought me. We must be going in public because these clothes are modest. Its a pair of blue jeans and a long sleeved blue shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room to set my clothes in the dirty laundry. I seen Kaylee's stuffed bunny and picked it up and kissed it. The girls start tour next week and I really miss them . But I have to stay strong for Kaylee.

"Get down here!"

I walked down the stairs and seen a bag in his hands. He grabbed me by my shoulder and drug me to the car. and I winced when my back hit the seat.

We drove for a hour tell he pulled over by a building.. He use to bring my mom here and when she came out she she wasn't her self. I started to panic I didn't want that to be me. I opened my door and ran. I wont end up like that. I ran as fast as I could but he caught me. I scram and I kicked but he wouldn't let go. I seen black hair and I wanted to scream, Think of Kaylee don't it. He started to beat and I couldn't take it.

"Mom! Lauren please help."

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