Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]

By ZeSovietMan

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It's the end of Battle of Belleau Wood, but as the final Germans surrendered to the marines, a massive portal... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1: A New Beacon
Bio PT. 2
Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1
Chapter 3: Menagerie meets the Fleet (Revised)
Chapter 4: Party?
Chapter 5: Building the Fort
Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.
Established Rules of World War 2 and Alliances
Chapter 7: The Battle of Fort Mantello
Chapter 8/Special Chapter: The Main Timeline and Battlefield 1 Rap
Chapter 9: The Fall of Fort Faunus
Chapter 10: Prepare for the Typhoon (Revised)
Chapter 11: It Changes Everything
Chapter 12: The Final Preparations
Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)
Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)
Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)
Chapter 13 Part 4: Operation Typhoon (British)
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)
Chapter 16: Unexpected Attack
Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 17/Special Chapter: What I Missed
Chapter 18: When Legends Meet Students
Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus
Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus
Chapter 21: A Defense of Argus (Revised)
Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive
Chapter 23: Christmas Preparation
Chapter 24: Confess Before The End
Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?
Chapter 27: The End

Chapter 26: A Storm of Grimm

356 12 20
By ZeSovietMan

(A/N) This is the last time I'm saying this, but the translations might not be 100% correct or correct in general, since I'm using a translator.

Date: 1/1/19

Time: 3:51 A.M


Atlas, Solitas

Ryan: Man down! Fall it back! Retreat! Fall back to the city!

Ryan and the 4th MEB were assigned to check on the crash as the Ares, Leviathan, Jackal, and Caesar tried to take down the massive whale slowly opened it's mouth releasing more Grimm.

Ryan then used both of his Sterling's laying down cover with Connor who used his M1919A4 as the rest of the brigade fell back.

Marine 2: You need to fall back too sir!

Ryan: You first!

Marine 2: But-

Ryan: That is an order marine!

Marine 2: Yes sir!

Ryan then looked to Connor who kept blasting at the Grimm with his M19191A4 while from behind drove ANZAC and 2nd Armored driving marines out of the kill zone as in the city were French and German artillery pieces that were transferred up from cargo ships.

Ryan: Edwards! We need to go!

Connor: What about my gun!?

Ryan: Leave it!

Connor the got up from the mounted machine gun running towards Ryan who kept firing and reloading in a short time.

R Company who also rushed back to the Half-Tracks were with K Company as Connor started to help out with loading men in, helping them load in the machine guns or just throw people into said Half-Tracks.

Elm and the remainder of R Company arrived as she saw what he was doing.

Connor: Let's move! Let's move!

Marine 3: Thanks Sergeant!

Connor: You got it! Move it out!

Another Half-Track then B-lined it for the wall as another arrived as everyone packed in as Elm started to help.

Connor: Thanks for the help!

Elm: Yeah! 

Down below in Mantle was Admiral Pilsen Kelton.

Pilsen: This is Admiral Kelton to all ships! I want fire on that whale now! Every shell that we've got!

Soon the 300+ ships gave a response as Pilsen looked up in a telescope to see Atlas and the massive whale.

Pilsen then grabbed his radio giving the coordinates.

Back up on Atlas

The Half-Tracks were driving back towards the wall as M4 Sherman's and Tiger 1's guarded it with machine gun nests.

Patton: Get those marines behind the wall! Artillery is going out!

With the Artillery

Battery Captain: Grid Coordinates 3047. Azimuth 270 degrees, Range 3000 meters. Fire mission acknowledged. Fire!


Down below, all of the combat ships then fired off their shells too.

Meanwhile in Pathfinder Command

Ozpin with clearance walked into the command center.

Ozpin: Good morning gentlemen.

Haig: Ozpin, what do we owe the pleasure?

Ozpin: It's the current situation over in Atlas.

All of the commanders looked to Ozpin.

MacArthur: What do you have to add?

Ozpin: It's something about the Grimm and Atlas itself...

Georgi: Spill it then! We don't have time for semantics.

Back inside the Monstra

Salem was sat at her throne with Hazel as Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald were able to sneak back to the Monstra using Emerald's Semblance and a Bullhead.

Salem: Cinder.

Cinder: Yes mistress?

Salem: What are the chances these UN troops successfully defeat us?

Cinder: High, we may be only facing a little under 2 million soldiers, but from what I've been able to learn, they have 10 million or more on the other side of the portal.

Salem had a neutral face as she sighed.

Salem: Very well, we destroy them here, then we advance to this portal.

Cinder: Yes mistress.

Back on the ground

Tyrian: Yah!

Tyrian then stabbed and removed a good chunk of Ryan's left arm as he fell to his knees, trying to stop the blood from falling out, clenching said arm or, now bud.

Ryan: AGH!!

Tyrian was about to go in for the kill on Ryan before something sniped Tyrian's tail off.

Tyrian: Ah! You bitch!

Tyrian turned around to see the students.

Tyrian: Oh ho ho ho! A silver eyes warrior! The mistress warned me about you, but now is perfect!

Tyrian then ran towards the students dodging bullets.

Yang: What the!? Who even is this!?

Tyrian then went for Ruby's head before being shot in the back by Ryan who was barely able to stand.

Tyrian: Yagh!

Tyrian: You! How!

Ryan: A marine is the devil's dog without a leash... and here I still stand!

Tyrian then jumped out Ryan wanting to finally kill him before he got shot in the back of the head by May which caused the rest of her team to look back at her.

Brawnz: Well dang May!

May: Tyrian Callows, mass murder who was presumed dead.

Everybody then looked back at Tyrian who laid there with Ryan stabbing a bayonet into his head just to make sure he's dead before falling down face first.

Ruby: Captain!

Yang: No!

The students then rushed to Ryan checking on him as they panicked.

Ruby: What do I do!?

Pyrrha: Wait I have an idea!

the students the moved a side as Pyrrha did a familiar chant as Ryan started to glow.

Yang: What are you doing!?

Pyrrha: This can work! But I'm not sure!

Pyrrha continued to the small mantra.

Pyrrha: I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee...

She then backed up as Ryan's former arm stopped leaking as the arm started to close the wound.

Arslan: It worked!

Nadir: So you unlocked his Aura!?

Pyrrha: Yes.

Nora: Nice work Pyrrha!

Ren: That was the best choice of action.

Sage: We should-


The grounds around them started to explode.

Ruby: Ah! What's going on!?

Scarlet: Not good!

Connor and Elm then brought over 2 Half-Tracks as Connor leaned out the window.

Connor: Everyone in! Artillery barrage started!

Ruby: Quick! Grab the Captain!

Yang and Arslan then grabbed Ryan by the head and legs lifting him up.

Soon a shell landed right next to them shaking the Half-Track as it protected them from the shrapnel.

Connor: Hurry the fuck up!

Everyone then hopped in as Ryan was laid down on the floor as they quickly turned it around.

Back in Pathfinder Command

Foch: Why would you hide this!?

Zhang: This is an unwinnable battle you have caused! We might have to evacuate all of the civilians and soldiers through the portal and destroy or lock it down!

MacArthur: And why can't we kill her with the Relics? Like Creation or Destruction

Ozpin: I understand your concern but I've not been able to, nor do I know how to use the Relics in a way too.

Haig: Are you stupid?

Everyone then looked back to their Supreme Commander in surprise or understanding on what he was going to preform.

Ozpin: What...?

Haig then stood up from his seat.

Haig: Are. You. Stupid?

Ozpin: What are you talking about?

Haig: You have a Relic that can create anything!? Why haven't you created something that can remove her curse of immortality or your reincarnation!?

Ozpin was then speechless, standing there trying to say something was his mouth open.

Haig: Why Ozpin! Hundreds of thousands of deaths! Because you couldn't use your fucking brain!

Ozpin then stepped back, still speechless.

Ozpin: I... don't know...

Pershing: What is wrong with you!? What do you mean you don't know! You're hundreds maybe thousands of years old! But apparently you have the brain of a Private!

Halil: Contact the Serbs! Get them to the vault!

Ozpin: They'll need the Winter Maiden to access the vault.

Luigi: Then get us the fuckin' Winter Maiden location!

Stepa: I'll contact my troops!

Harbord: I'll get my marines to get the Maiden! Tell your troops to get to the vault!

Hindenburg: My troops will defend with the wall.

Franz: Mine too!

Soon the commanders had a change of plans, with the downfall of Atlas, now they were trying to take down the immortal witch and Queen of their true enemy.

Inside the Monstra

Hazel: What is going on!?

The Monstra started to shake around and yell in pain as the Navies fired shot after shot, some piercing the skin, others hitting the outside but hitting the Dust Crystals on it's back causing explosions.

Salem: Hm, it seems they've found the weakness of the Monstra, oh well. Release all of the Grimm.


A hole was then blown open to the throne room as a shell landed behind Cinder and her group.

Cinder: Oh shi-


Cinder and her group then flew forward with Mercury getting a piece of shrapnel to the head killing him off while Emerald got some in her back and legs paralyzing her.

Emerald: Mercury! Cinder help!

Cinder then looked to Emerald then back to Salem who nodded.

Cinder then grabbed Emerald's arm helping her up.

Salem: 'This young one's Semblance will be useful.'

Back in Atlas

Patton: 1st Armored reroute to the wall! Once the barrage is over the 1st Armored will started an offensive!

Soon in the streets of Atlas, tanks and Half-Tracks moved through the streets as soldiers prepared machine guns and SMGs to kill as many as possible while they watched the Monstra release hundreds of Grimm while the Monstra itself started to disintegrate.

The newly assigned second in command for the 1st Armored Division was Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Swinton who played a part in the development and adoption of the during the Great War as well as responsible for training the first tank units..

Ernest: Colonel.

Patton: Yes Swinton?

Ernest: I got word the barrage will end in 1 minute.

Patton: Got it. 1st Armored! Prepare to move out, 1 minute!

After a minute the explosions stopped as M4 Sherman's and Tiger's moved forward.

Patton: Go! Go! Go! Let's move it up! All enemy's at the front are hostiles! Drive!

Patton the grabbed a hold of a M1919 pulling the charging handle back preparing.


Soon machine guns, and cannons were fired as all types of Grimm charged forward at the 1st Armored while behind them were snipers on the walls shooting down Grimm, such as our Canadian Ghost, Francis Pegahmagabow. 

At the bottom of the wall was the 2nd Armored Division and a certain new commander with the 10th Irish Infantry Division, promoted to Major General at midnight and before the start of the Operation, Adrian Carton de Wiart.

Adrian: Prepare! We will the true enemy to it's knees! For King and Country!

Fuller: We're ready!

Adrian then smirked as he pulled out his saber pointing it forward.

Adrian: Charge!

Soon the tanks moved forward with the 10th Irish's Half-Track's.

Adrian then grabbed his revolver firing shot after shot before pings happened as the other Irishmen fired off machine guns, SMG's, and rifles. Behind them, M1919's and tank cannons fired at more giant Grimm like the Benringel's, Megoliath's, and and Manticore's.

But high above them were a flight of Nevermores as they dive bombed, shooting feather's.

Adrian: What the- agh!

Adrian then fell into the Half-Track with a feather in his right arm and stomach.

Adrian: I will not die here!

Soon two Irishmen the helped Adrian out, pulling the feather's out of him.

Irish Soldier 1: Are ye alright General?

Adrian: Yes, I'm fine, now keep fighting!

Irish Soldiers: Yes General!

The two Irishmen then grabbed their rifles firing at some Ursa and Beowolves as in the sky were Messerschmitt's, and 4 remaining Airships taking down all of the Nevermore's, Teryx's and Lancers.

Manfred the fired of a R4M rocket into some Nevermore's.

Manfred: Splash 5!

Lothar: Make that 3 Teryx's for me!

Rene then fired off two rocket's killing a big group of Lancer's.

Rene: Mark 10!

Eddie then held his machine guns down, killing 2 Teryx's.

Eddie: 2 Teryx's down!

Another WW1 Alfred Atkey then shot off 6 R4M rockets seeing a horde of Lancer's and Nevermore's making a b line for him, killing them all.

Alfred: I got like 20!

Back on the ground Salem and her Inner Circle had landed near the 1st Armored Division.

Patton: Hold!

The tank offensive the stopped as Patton ordered a tank to drive up to them to figure things out.

1st Armored Commander 1: Hey! You 4! What are you-

Salem then sent a blast of magic at the Sherman, exploding as the top the came off.

Patton: What the fuck!? Reverse! Reverse! All units fire at that lady!

Soon all Tiger's and Sherman's went into reverse firing HE rounds at Salem who dodged with Cinder firing fireballs using half of her maiden powers, damaging but not destroying the tanks.

Patton: This is Colonel Patton to all stations! We have a witch! I repeat we are fighting a witch! She's firing off magic or something! Multiple tanks are damaged and/or down!

Patton the popped out the top of the hatch with his M1 shooting at Salem, landing a headshot as her head shot back.

Patton: Hah! Bullseye!

Salem's head the jerked forward with Patton seeing the wound in her head heal.

Patton: Oh what the ever loving fuck is that!? 

Patton: This is Patton to all stations again! We can't kill her! I just shot her in the head and she just regenerated the wound! She's still ali-


A fireball then hit Patton's tank killing the Bow Gunner as they kept backing up.

Patton: Fuck!

Salem then turned to Hazel.

Salem: They're working with Ozpin, go a head and do your worst.

Hazel the grunted as he inserted a ton of dust crystals, activating his Semblance, charging forward.

Hazel then used his Dust to fire off Dust energy into a tank causing it to explode into a ball of fire.

1st Armored Commander 5: Colonel!? What do we do!?

Patton: Fall back to the wall! I repeat all soldiers and marines retreat to the wall!

Inside the Vault

The Serbs left Ryan and the students to go and fight the supposed immortal witch and take the Winter Maiden back to her safe space.

Ryan: Why do I get sent to do the most serious things...?

Ruby: Because you are a true devil dog sir!

Ryan then turned to Ruby and her bright smile.

Ryan: Heh, swear you act like a kid.

Ruby: I'm not a kid!

Ryan: You are 15, so.

Before Ruby could say anything, Ryan grabbed the staff as a blue mist was released from the staff.

Ryan: What in God's wrath!?

Soon the mist formed blue muscular body.

Ambrosius: Ah! It seems someone has come to engage my creative wiles! All I'll say is, it had better be worth it after my last project. A floating city? How pedestrian.

Ryan stood there shocked alongside the rest of the students.

Jaune: Well... this is interesting.

Ambrosius: I'm going to go ahead and assume that you know it's against the for me to bring people back from the dead so and so. Anyways, what do you want for me to do?

Ryan: Create something, that can by pass it immortality.

Ambrosius then gave a big smile.

Ambrosius: This sparks my artistic capabilities! Now witness my artistries!

Soon pieces of metal appeared in the air as it started to form into a gun as it glowed a yellow and purple with it floating into Ryan's hands as Ambrosius disappeared.

Ryan: Hello Saint Peter.

Ruby: Saint Peter, like from Christianity?

Ryan: Yup, now let's go save the world!

Ryan then rushed out the meadow.

Ryan: It's the end of the fucking war!

Alright! That's the end of this chapter! We have 1 more chapter to go before the end of this story! Anyways, I have a poll in my announcements to see what story will replace it, but if you don't know what I have in the poll here it is!

1. Serving Remnant After Hell [World War Heroes/RWBY]

2. RWBY 2042 [Battlefield 2042 Specialists/RWBY]

3. Beacon's Eagles [WW2 101st E Co. O.C's/RWBY]

4. RWBY Multiverse Unleashed [Multiverse Reaction]

That's the choices! Now always remember!


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