Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]

By ZeSovietMan

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It's the end of Battle of Belleau Wood, but as the final Germans surrendered to the marines, a massive portal... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1: A New Beacon
Bio PT. 2
Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1
Chapter 3: Menagerie meets the Fleet (Revised)
Chapter 4: Party?
Chapter 5: Building the Fort
Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.
Established Rules of World War 2 and Alliances
Chapter 7: The Battle of Fort Mantello
Chapter 8/Special Chapter: The Main Timeline and Battlefield 1 Rap
Chapter 9: The Fall of Fort Faunus
Chapter 10: Prepare for the Typhoon (Revised)
Chapter 11: It Changes Everything
Chapter 12: The Final Preparations
Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)
Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)
Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)
Chapter 13 Part 4: Operation Typhoon (British)
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)
Chapter 16: Unexpected Attack
Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 17/Special Chapter: What I Missed
Chapter 18: When Legends Meet Students
Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus
Chapter 21: A Defense of Argus (Revised)
Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive
Chapter 23: Christmas Preparation
Chapter 24: Confess Before The End
Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?
Chapter 26: A Storm of Grimm
Chapter 27: The End

Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus

376 10 2
By ZeSovietMan

Date: 10/8/18

Time: 11:39 A.M


Anima, Argus

Ryan watched as a group of marines from his company and civilians lift a massive pillar of wood. 

Marine 1: Push!

Librarian: Thank you for helping me rebuild my library.

Marine 2: It's no problem, sir.

Ryan the looked down the street to see Jaune handling all of the kids that were still in Argus. 

Ryan: Poor Arc, at least the kids are happy.

He watched as some of the kids cling to whatever they could as he held Adrian Saphron and Terra laughed.

Next to Jaune was Ruby who was also dealing with the kids except she was not wearing her helmet, this time she was wearing a sort of fur hat that had a red star on it.

Ryan: Where did she get that?

Ryan then shook it off as he walked to the coast seeing some of L Company working on the coastal wall with some builders.

Meanwhile on the other side of Argus was R Company helping rebuild the suburbs.

Onyx: You got it?

Garnet: Yeah! We got it!

Soon radios started to light up with voices from Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Command: This is Pathfinder Command to the 3rd Marine Battalion, we are sending the 1st Engineer Battalion, A Company to assist the rebuilding. The Company will arrive in 0200, out.

The marines cheered as they would soon get less work on their hands soon. 


Ryan was now on the shore with his arriving team waiting for A Company.

Daniel: So, you guys know anyone from this Battalion?

Blake M: Yeah, one.

Daniel: Wait who?

Levi: Russo, obviously.

Matthew: Wait, Shaun Russo? The kid we were drinking beers with when Fort Pathfinder was finished?

Levi and Blake nodded.

Ryan: Well, I'll be damned.

Levi: I'll be honest, I think Russo has a small relationship with the other kids,

Matthew nodded.

Matthew: Makes sense, they're all young and they usually stick together.

Daniel: Fair.

Soon off the coast, the marines spotted LCVP's crashing against the waves and approaching.

Ryan: Hm...

After a few minutes the Higgins boats landed as the captain leading the A Company talked with Ryan.

Engineer Captain: So, what do you need my men to do first?

Ryan: We need to focus on the coast and interior wall, we can't have Grimm entering. We also need some more people on civilian duty.

EC: Civilian duty?

Ryan: Raising civilian morale, we can't attract Grimm.

EC: Got it, Jamison!

Jimmy Jamison, a Lieutenant and leader of a Platoon approached his captain.

Jimmy: Yes sir?

EC: You and your Platoon is to focus on raising civilian morale.

Jimmy then saluted.

Jimmy: Yes sir, my Platoon! Follow me!

Soon people with the massive crowd walked and follow Jimmy, one who stood out was the man the marines were talking about, Corporal Shaun Russo, formally a private but was promoted during Operation Typhoon.

The Platoon walked around the mountain and towards the wall as everyone prepared to get to work.


All across Argus stood American Marines and Soldiers, building, guarding, and raising morale.

All of the kids across the massive city were now gathered in the town square as Jaune, Ruby, and a Platoon from A Company watched and played with the kids with some of the parents as the others did their job.

Shaun: Ok kid, what do you need?

Kid 1: Up! Up!

Shaun sighed as he hoisted the kid up, and onto his shoulders.

Kid 1: Yeah!

Shaun: Haha...

Meanwhile a small distance away was Jaune and Ruby who had kids all around them noticed the small gesture.

Jaune: Reminds me of you and Soviet huh.

Jaune then glanced at the ushanka still on Ruby's head.

Ruby: Yeah...!

Jaune then felt Adrian squirm around in his arms.

Saphron: Be careful with Uncle Jaune, Adrian!

Jaune however noticed what he wanted, placing him on the ground.

The 3 Arc's and Ruby watched Adrian then slowly walk to Shaun seeing him playing around with a few other kids.

Shaun: Hm?

Adrian then pointed to the other two kids with Shaun, as he understood. Shaun the placed the other kids with Adrian as the 3 started to play with each other.

Ruby who soon watch as the other kids near her approach the small group, she walked over to Shaun.

Ruby: Hey Shaun!

He then turned around.

Shaun: Oh, hey kid.

Just outside of the town square was ABRN and NDGO helping to rebuild a store that was hit by a Paladin shot.

Shopkeep: Thanks for helping with my shop kids.

Nebula: It's no problem, sir.

Shopkeep: No it's a massive one, you all are just kids. Yet Atlas caused you to get dragged in so to me it is.

Arslan then waved it off, giving her own answer.

Arslan: Don't worry sir, we signed up. We know what we're getting into.

The shopkeep nodded, still a little worried.

Down at the former Atlas Base stood BRNZ and SSSN with a few other marines who were closing the area up of debris and cleaning up dead bodies.

Sun: Geez... the Navy did not waste anything....

Sage: Yeah...

Sage then dragged another dead body to the massive pile of Atlas AKs and soldiers.

Scarlet: This is.... terrifying...

Sun: Say that to him.

Sun then pointed to Neptune who looked like a ghost as they were only a few feet away to falling into the ocean.

Sun then walked to Neptune turning him away from the ocean.

Sun: Listen Neptune, you either help us here, or you go help raise morale.

Neptune then looked over to see a few parents walking to the town square with their kids.

Neptune: Y-you.

Sun: Good.

Meanwhile in Fort Pathfinder

In Pathfinder stood the Happy Huntresses who were being reassigned alongside Penny and Ciel and others who signed up more recently.

Pathfinder Officer: Alright, you 20 have finished basic training! And you all will be transferred to K Company of the 3rd Marine Battalion who are currently in Argus!

The 20 then gave their salutes.

PFO: You will receive your orders from your commanding officer, Captain Ryan Newport! After Operation Typhoon and his Companies fighting, a good amount of them were killed which you are replacing! Good luck marines, Semper Fi!

The two then marched off to the Bullheads that were next to the QDF forces who were refueling and rearming for the next Grimm attack.

Rommel: You ready Eisenhower?

Dwight: Yeah, next Grimm attacked is supposedly in Fort Glenn.

Rommel: I thought the Bulgarians had it covered?

Dwight: The Bulgarians are exhausted, and their replacements aren't coming for a while, so we're deploying there to cover. 

Rommel nodded as he finished reloading his Gewehr.

Rommel: Dann lasst uns das erledigen. (Then let's get this done.)

As the marines marched pass, the QDF loaded into their UN designated Bullheads.

Somewhere else in Pathfinder was the R&D Department who were finishing their development of the helicopter, but also finishing a small prototype, the M-29 Vale. The M-29 Vale was a tracked vehicle made to be used in the future Mantle assault.

R&D Scientist 1: We have finished!

R&D Scientist 2: Wunderbar! Once Commander Haig isn't busy ve shall show him, for now. Let us work on ze prototype.

R&D Scientist 3: Of course, just for now.

The scientists then focused on the blueprints.

Back in Argus

A marine was seen hauling around some bricks with other marines as they saw something in the air.

Marine 5: Are those Atlas dropships?

Far in the distance were at least 20 AK drop ships that were filled to the brim prepared for an Atlas counter assault to recapture Argus.

Alright, this was just a set up for the next chapter, so sorry it's short but yeah, now always remember!


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