Overthinking is a Pain In the...

By BylerMyBeloved101

22 1 0

This is a rewrite of "Is this Normal" ! Cover Art Is NOT Mine! More


22 1 0
By BylerMyBeloved101

Tommy sat in his room thinking. He felt weird but didn't know how to put it into words he felt trapped if you will. He felt like he was stuck in a body that wasn't his. He didn't feel right, he felt like he shouldn't be male, that he should be a female.

'What am I thinking!?' Tommy thought to themself. 'I'm male and I will always be male!' Tommy's thoughts made him cringe. He sat there thinking about what he was feeling and scolding himself quietly. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear the soft knock or the sound of his brother Technoblade walking in.

"Theseus," Tommy jumped at the new voice in his room and flinched at his name, "we've been calling you for 10 minutes. Dinners ready."

"Oh," Tommy looked up with wide eyes, "Sorry big man, I didn't hear you."


"Okay, I'll be down in a sec."

With that Techno left the room and Tommy got up slowly, still lost in thought but he walked down the stairs.

Downstairs there was Tommy's brother and Techno's twin Wilbur, who was playing her guitar. He looked up and smiled at Tommy.

"Hey Toms," Wilbur greeted energetically while Tommy on the other hand cringed a little.

'Tommy!' They thought to themself, 'What the fuck was that. Why would my name make me cringe!?'

The way Tommy cringed of course didn't go unnoticed by Tommy's observant siblings. They could tell something was wrong but didn't want to push anything.

"You okay Theseus?" Techno's clear monotone voice had a small layer of concern over it, not a lot but enough to notice.

"Yep!" Tommy lies, putting on their persona and a fake smile, "Just thought of the cursed ships of all of us"

They all shuddered at the thought of people shipping them together.

"Boys, dinners ready!" Phil yelled and something in Tommy was sad at being referred to as male.

They all sat at the dinner table and the normal banter started happening except Tommy was unusually quiet and everyone noticed except Tommy themself. Tommy was lost in thought trying to make an excuse for what they were feeling but only one thing came up and they wouldn't believe it.

"Hey Thes, you okay?" Tommy looked up at the mention of their nickname.

"Oh sorry," Tommy said apologetically, "Just was thinking about some things."

"About what," Both Wilbur and Techno asked in unison, what can they say, perks of them being twins but enough of them they were all concerned about Tommy.

"Women, of course! What else would a wife haver like me think of!?" Tommy yelled in their normal energetic voice.

They started joining in the conversations but everyone, especially Techno though he'll never admit it, could see Tommy slightly cringe at their name or the use of he/him pronouns.

After dinner, Tommy hurried up the stairs to their room and shut the door. They opened up their laptop and started doing research but all they got were definitions for being trans male to female but they wouldn't believe it.

They weren't transphobic or homophobic or any other phobic but they wouldn't no, couldn't believe that they, the straightest cis male could be trans.

'What would people think!? They would probably think I'm faking it for clout or some bs.' Tommy thought to themself.

They sat there thinking until they heard a knock that knocked them out of their thoughts.

"Who is it!?" Tommy yells.


Tommy hurried and closed their browser and then their computer and pushed it under their pillow. "Come on in!"

Techno walked in and awkwardly stood there for a bit until Tommy offered to sit next to them on their bed.

"What's wrong Thes?" Techno asked, genuinely concerned for his sibling.

'What am I suppose to tell him!?' Tommy stressed to themself, 'Ah yes, I feel like I'm trans but won't admit it because what would people think of me if I was!?'

"Toms?" Tommy cringed again, and it was annoying them.

'STOP CRINGING!' Tommy scolded themself.

Techno noticed the way they cringed.

"What's wrong?" It was weird to Tommy that Techno didn't say Thes or Toms at the end or beginning.

"Nothing's wrong Tech," Tommy stuttered out, trying to convince their brother that nothing was on their mind but they both know it wasn't working.

Techno looked at Tommy's eyes when it started to click together in his head, he saw all the signs. The cringing, the way Tommy reacted to certain things like he/him pronouns, the whole being lost in thought. Techno looked at his sibling and wondered if his so-called brother was really his sister so he wanted to test something, a hunch if you will.

And if he's wrong then he's gonna be really fucking embarrassed but it's worth a shot.

"Hey sis, what's wrong?"

Something in Tommy broke and they didn't know what to think about that. 'Techno knows! Ugh, I'm not supposed to think like this!' Techno looked at Tommy's bothered expression and he knew he was right but something wasn't right, h-she looked mad or frustrated at herself.

"What's wrong sis?"

"Don't c-call me th-that," she stuttered out.

"Why not hun? (Platonic you nasty's)"

"What will people think!? They'd probably I'm faking it for clout or they might not accept me for being me or- or," Tommy was cut off by Techno.

"Hun, It doesn't matter what people think, it's about being comfortable in your own body."

"I know but- ugh, you're right. Hey um- Tech, how could you tell I was um- y'know?"

"Oh," Techno chuckles nervously, "I'm actually trans myself, female to male."

"No fucking way you Technoblade, the biggest man (Besides Philza Minecraft) Was born female!"

Techno just chuckles and rubs his neck nervously, "Well, that sure makes me feel better but yeah."

"So there's a way I could look like a female?" Tommy thought out loud. He immediately flushed and started sputtering out apologies and saying things like "Don't pay attention to what I say," Techno on the other hand started laughing at Tommy, and soon Tommy was laughing along with him.

Techno looked at Tommy, "Hey Thes, can I still call you that, never mind, what's your real name?"

"For the first question, I still really like it when you call me Theseus." Wait. "No I mean I-i don't mind b-but I D-DON'T LOVE I-IT! Y-you h-heard wro-" I hear Techno chuckle again and I start laughing at my stupidity. "But anyway, no I didn't think of a name because of well, not wanting to believe I was... was..."

"Didn't want to believe you were trans?" Techno finishes her sentence. Techno thought for a second when the perfect idea came to mind.

"What about Tessa, It's Greek and means summer harvest."

"Of course it's Greek but on the other hand, It's a pretty name for a pretty girl right?"

"For the prettiest," Techno confirms.

"But how would I like, look like a girl?"

"Well, there is a thing called push-up bras that make it look like you have bigger boobs or have boobs," Techno explained.

"Woah, is there something like testosterone?"

Techno just chuckled and nodded, "Mhm, It's called Estrogen."

"Ooh! I could grow out my hair and learn how to braid it like yours! Or maybe I could add colorful clips!" She rambles exited.

Techno chuckles at his little sister's energy and nods along. "What if we go on Amazon and start ordering something for you?" Techno suggests.

"Yeah, but what if Dad or Wilbur look through it or-"

"Tessa," Techno interrupts, "We both know that they know not to go throw other people's orders and since you are almost an adult, they definitely won't go through your private things," Techno reasons.

"Yeah, you're right," Tessa just sighs. "Fuck!" Tessa screamed exasperated.


"How will we tell Dad and Wilbur?"

"Well maybe we could get your stuff and then one day I can announce to the other two that you have an important announcement."

"That's a good idea, but what if they don't want a daughter or a sister or- or-" Techno cuts her off before she starts putting bad situations in her head.

"Hun, there is no way they won't accept you. They accepted me when I cam out trans and Wilbur came out Bi and Bigender, so if they don't accept you that's double standards bullshit!"

Tessa chuckled and nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm just overthinking it."

They sit there in silence before Tessa speaks again. "So... Wanna help pick out clothing and bras?"

"I would love to, Tessa."

And if they sat there all night looking at pretty skirts, dresses, and bras then that was for only them to know about, and maybe their shopping cart.


Whenever Techno would refer to Tessa he purposefully said gender-neutral pronouns and they were all noticing but whenever they asked all Techno would say was, "Eh I don't notice anything wrong," and soon they stopped asking.

As the days ticked by, Tessa got more nervous, of course, they were excited but the unrealistic thought of rejection hurt her. She's read all of the coming out as trans stories and quite a bit always goes wrong and that scares her more than anything.

Techno could see and understand her worries because he used to have the same worries when he was trying to get the courage to come out but he reassured her everything was okay.

"Hun, everything will be okay, I promise that you're just overthinking because we'll love you no matter what happens, even if you killed someone for Prime's sake!"

"I know but you and I both have read the coming out horror stories and we've both had this anxiety, it's stressing and it drains everything out of you, you know what I mean?"

"Of course, I know Tessa. But just think about how relieving it'll be when they say your real name and use your actual pronouns. Trust me, I understand more than anyone else how it feels and I can't even imagine the dysphoria when someone calls you your dead name but you can make it through."

"Thank's Tech," she sighed, "Man this is so fucking stressful."

"Yeah sadly but it'll be over soon and don't even compare this to the coming-out horror stories we've read!" Techno snaps in a joking way.


Tessa ran upstairs ecstatic, her package finally arrived and her family was gone (No offense to them).

She opened her box and looked through all the dresses and skirts she bought herself. Her two favorite dresses were a white dress with sunflowers that came up right above the knee and a lavender long-sleeved dress. The sleeves were designed like a poet shirt's. The lavender dress went knee-level.

She also got many skirts but her favorite had to be the pastel red skirt that would go perfectly with my red and white baseball tee.

She also got many push-up bras and a beautiful bare of black combat boots. She tried on one of the push-up bras and put her shirt back on and almost cried. 'I really look like I'm a girl!' She thought to herself, tears flooding her eyes, but she never let them fall.


Tessa sat in her room trying to hype herself up. "You got this Tessa, you're the biggest woman ever and all the women love me, so what's one family meeting gonna do." She sighed

She heard a soft knock on the door and immediately knew who it was, "Come in!"

Techno walks in with a smile, "You ready Thes?"

"Mhm," she made a noise of confirmation.

"Alright, I'll tell the two losers that you have an announcement, got it?"

"Yep, just gotta get dressed."

"Okay," With that Techno leaves and heads down the stairs to find his twin sister and Dad.

"Dad, Wilbur, Tommy has an important announcement."

"Okay," They both say and get comfortable to wait for Tess.

Meanwhile, Tessa just finished getting dressed in a push-up bra, her classic baseball tee, pastel red skirt, and combat boots and right now is tying the trans flag around her neck like a cape.

She takes a deep breath and starts walking down the stairs.

"You all ready," She asks nervously.

"All ready down here," Her brother Wilbur yells up the stairs.

She completely walks down the stairs and rubs her rist anxiously, "Hello, I'm Tessa you're daughter and sister, I hope you will treat me the same as before but respect my pronouns and name," She recites the speech she and Techno created the night before.

Wilbur stands up and walks up to Tessa with a warm smile, "Oh sunshine! Come here, Tessa."

Without a second thought, Tessa runs to her big brother's arms where her brother hugged her protectively and the tears that were blurring her vision were now streaming down her face.

Not long after, Phil hugged her.

"Sweetpea, we'll always love you whether you were trans or not," Phil says reassuringly.

Techno soon hugged them even though he wasn't that affectionate, he loved giving his family hugs.

"You're so pretty, baby girl," Wilbur praises and Tessa chuckles wetly.

"Thank you, Wilbur, all of you, and thank you Techno for helping me through all of this," She says honestly.

They stand there relishing each other's presence when a thought occurs to Wilbur.

"Hah, Phil's the only cis person in this household," Wilbur jokes.

"L, imagine being cis couldn't be us," Tessa joins in.

"You little shit's," Phil says but there was no ill intent instead only fondness for his family.

"Wait," Wilbur thinks out loud, "LesbianInnit confirmed?"

Tessa laughed and nodded, "I guess you're right."

They all laugh and enjoy each other's presence and do not think about the cruel world they live in, they were content with each other and that, that was enough.

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