All Is Fair In Love...

By TheShadyButterfly

38 4 2

"Where do you begin if you want to investigate a murder, Bennett?" She asked, the phone pressed against her e... More

01| aloha miami
02| it happened at the docks
04| a different summer
05| stuck on you
06| hide a body
07| dress rehearsal
08| lockdown

03| all is fair in love

2 0 0
By TheShadyButterfly

Somewhere by the docks, CG Miami.

POV: {Sheri Abbah}

"I am going to kill her one day Bennett, I swear it. I can already picture my hands around her neck and oh... It feels satisfying!"

Bennett laughed, his booming cackle echoed through my phone's speakers and slowed my heartbeat.

"You think I'm crazy too don't you?"

"No I do not think you're crazy, Sheri."

Who was Bennett? Bennett Berkeley is my best friend- forget William Sander he is a piece of shit like his backwater sister- has been since sophomore year and will continue to be. Bennett was the smartest guy I knew and the coolest most popular nerd at Lantern but maybe that's because he was a sex icon.

"I can't believe I let that witch get to me tonight of all nights. You should have seen my Nonna. Even cousin Chelsea who never speaks a word because she and seven year old Kalea who is also in the family business of believing they're better than everyone because of their Daddy's networth had shit to say to me." I paused and mimicked her four stupid words. "Like be for real, it's 2023 no one says that anymore!"

Bennett chuckled, "Let's try this again... How was dinner with your cousins tonight Sheri Abbah?"

My shoulders slumped as I relented, "Amazing."

Scratch the best friend part, Bennett Berkeley was also my therapist, assuming he wasn't an eighteen year old highschooler who didn't even have a diploma but trust me he was real good at this.

Inhaling deeply, I dangled my feet in the flowing water beneath the docks, allowing the tranquil sound of flowing water, cricket noises and the twinkling stars calm me.

"That's okay you can breathe out now." Bennett said over the line.

"Thank you for always listening to me and my bombshell family drama." I cooed, feeling snug as a bug finally.

"Always princess. Kisses."

"Fuck off!"

The sound of muffled argument carried by the breeze seized my laughter causing my head to snap around quickly.

"Bennett I gotta go, I think I'm hearing angry voices."

"Sheri you're in Miami. Get out of there, don't end the call and share your live location with me on SC right now."

Quickly I did as he commanded, gathering my dress in my hands I got up and hid from the street light in the shadow of a yacht.

"Why are you not moving young lady?"

Hitting the red icon, I hung up on him. I couldn't leave till I satisfied my curiosity.

In my defense, you don't come across good gossip everyday so don't judge.

Two grown men came into my peeping vision. I couldn't really make out facial features because of the dim lighting of the sensor lights but the man with the seemingly broader physique had a lighter hair color and he didn't seem happy about something.

Their unpleasant interaction continued until the big guy stepped onto a Sunseeker Predator 84 and damn was she a sight! Who am I kidding? This is Coral Gables, home of rich couples with expensive boats. I could get used to this.

There was a sudden shuffling behind me.

Before I could find my bearing or scream, large hands covered my mouth and pulled me into the darkness.

I was being kidnapped.

Tell JJ I loved him till the end and I think bowties are stupid too.

* * *

"Your shoes are in your room." He said casually, standing on the threshold.

I gave him the really? expression.

"Anything William, you could have tried anything else and instead you chose sneaking up behind me like a rapist." I shrugged him off as I went through the door of Nonna's condo.

"And that right there is the problem. You would have screamed and anyone within earshot would think you were getting assaulted. You think I liked doing it?" Will retorted.

"Whatever. Whose side are you even on huh?"

His hands flew in the air, "Sides? I can't take sides!"

"Why? Because she's your sister?"

"She's your cousin!" Will reasoned.

"And also a jealous backstabbing witch who doesn't know when to let go!" I whisper yelled, stomping my foot hard.

"We get it baby sis, you win, you got the guy afterall so what's the deal?"

"She never ceases an opportunity to rub it in my face."

Will looked exasperated with me, "Rub what in your face?"

"That she and Colton almost had-"

The sound of a rapping cane drew both our attention to the entrance of the doorway.


"Goodnight Sheri." William nodded at me, kissed Nonna on the cheek and headed up the steps leaving us alone.


I dreaded my ensuing fate, "It's late Nonna, I'm gonna go up to bed."

"It was the winter of 1968 when we got wedded." Nonna said quietly, staring at a black and white picture in a frame hanging on the wall.

Most of our family pictures were hanging on this wall before the staircase and facing our living room area.

Wincing inwardly, I retraced my steps and followed Nonna into the living room, the television was on but the sound coming from the home theater was so faint.

Nonna's graceful steps made her flip flops squeak against the tiles and her gray tea length night dress and navy blue wool sweater sway.

"Do you know how old I was when we got wedded?" She asked, getting comfortable on the white sofa.

I shook my head, desperate for an escape as I wiggled in my torn dress that would serve as a future reminder of what a disaster the night had turned out to be.

"I was your age and Vince was twenty-one, a UCL Berkeley college boy. Now we may not have known what love really meant at the time but-"

"Nonna please..." I cut in.

She looked pained for me, "He couldn't even go after you, Sheri."

My eyes burned and I looked away. Her words slapped.

"Take it from someone who has been in love for fifty five years honey, what you and that boy have isn't love. And when you both come to terms with that fact, from where I seat there's only one person I see getting hurt."

I fled with tears spilling down my cheeks.

As much as I hated to admit it, I knew Nonna was right and she wasn't the only one, Will had said it too. Sally threw it in my face mercilessly, who was next on the list of reminding me I was a foolish seventeen year old girl?

My room was on the second floor, I was lucky enough to get the only room with a window seat with a white and brown aesthetic. Not like I was heavy on colors anyway, I just liked soft, warm and pale colors. Maybe that was something I had in common with Nonna because the entire house on the inside was painted white with antique brown, black or gold decorations while the staircase was a meticulous mix of all the four colors.

The room door was ajar when I got to it. In the past when I met my room door like that it meant Will had hijacked my room for his not so discreet make out sessions. I didn't have any shits to give at this point so I walked in eitherway.

Only it wasn't Will I saw and neither were there tangled bodies on my bed.

"Hey." The intruder called out like we've been long time friends.

I waved awkwardly and slurred my words, "Hey."

"I didn't think William was going to find you with the way you fled at dinner." Chelsea said, shutting off the novel she was reading.

"Did I accidentally fall into another dimension? Because in what world did you start talking to me?"

Bruhh Chelsea???? Since when????

I sighed deeply when my feet felt the plush softness of my white fur rug stationed at the foot of my medium sized bed. The beddings plopped as I fell down on it. My shoes were discarded by the foot of my vanity.

Chelsea sat Indian fashion, facing me now instead of the moon and ocean outside my open windows and spread curtains.

"I see how you and everyone else in this house must think Kalea and I are stuck up spoilt girls, well that may be correct. But the truth is, we just find it hard to fit in with you guys."

I proped myself up on one arm, "Why?"

"I am too young to be among the older teens circle which includes you, Will, Sally and even Landon. Too old to be bantering with JJ and Dana and same thing applies to my baby sister, she's too young for anything."

"Thereby acting standoffish so no one notices you guys feel out of place, unwanted and lonely?"

"You're smarter than you look." Chelsea said, "I meant that as a compliment."

"Why are you telling me all these?"

"As much as it pains me to admit, you and I are quite alike but you're too uptight, bad tempered, self conscious and ungraceful to act standoffish so you use relationships with popular guys to cover your flaws. You deserve better than Colton Olsen for sure but until you work on yourself, you won't be getting that better."

Walking towards the door, she continued, "I don't know what caused the beef between you and Sally but she was telling you the truth. I am a LakeSider too Sheri and the Emma banging Colton is the current school gossip. Sally may be prettier but you have all the boys swooning, why did you ever choose Colton?"

I sighed, "Probably because he was from another school. He gave me attention and it made me feel special that a really good looking and smart guy was into me. He challenges me and it makes me want to be a better person for him."

"There's a difference between making you want to be a better person and making you feel like you have to live up to certain expectations so you won't get dumped because he has a legion of admirers. Stop begging to be noticed, accepted and loved. You have options too, Sheri and I am rooting for one in particular." Chelsea smiled knowingly.

"When did you get so wise?"

"I actually read books, Sheri and not just novels."

I sat up now, "Thank you, Chels."

She handed me a note with twelve numbers, "Kalea and I are going to SoBe tomorrow morning. Mum and Dad are on the island, one of their business associate is getting married. Give me a call if you ever need someone to rant too."

I managed a small smile.

"Goodnight Sheri."

"Goodnight Chelsea." I muttered, collapsing back on my bed and toying with the note between my fingers.

Picking my phone up, my eyes widened in horror the moment the screen lit up.

28 missed calls.

From Bennett.

Dialing his number, he answered on the first ring.

Guilt was choking me but I delivered a hey as innocently as the lump in my throat would allow.


"Yes." I squeaked.

I heard him visibly sigh in relief, "You're lucky my IQ is like 160 and I can't be regular and cuss you out for making me so worried."

I laughed, "Did you just mistakenly admit to being in love with me?"

Bennett scoffed, "You wish!"

* * *

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