Abhiya: One shotssss????????

By Unknownsomeone_

29.6K 1.2K 411

This is a one-shot story about Abhiya, packed with love and passion. It explores their intense connection and... More

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Now or then?-2
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The Unlikely Duo
Echoes of the Past-1
Echoes of the past-2
Unmasked Hearts
Drifting apart-2
Mere bestf ki shaadiii
Kisi aur se shaadi?
Misunderstood hearts
Forbiddenn ♥️
Commitement 🫶🏻
Friends to lovers?
Divorce it is
Karwa chauth🌙
Yahi Tak Tha Safar Humara
Kal ho na ho

Drifting apart

627 34 20
By Unknownsomeone_

Jiya and Abhishek had been inseparable since childhood. They were the best of friends, sharing secrets, dreams, and countless memories. But as they grew older, life took them down different paths.

Abhishek had fallen in love with a girl named Riya during their college years. She was his girlfriend now, and his world revolved around her. This new relationship had him caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, and he found himself spending more and more time with Riya.

It was around the time of Jiya's birthday that things started to change. Abhishek had been planning a surprise for Riya for weeks. He wanted her last day at college to be unforgettable, and that meant keeping everything a secret.

As Jiya's birthday approached, she couldn't help but feel a little neglected. Abhishek was usually the first one to wish her and make her day special. This year, however, things were different. Abhishek seemed preoccupied with Riya, and Jiya noticed him spending less time with her.

On the morning of her birthday, Jiya woke up with excitement, expecting Abhishek to visit her as he did every year. But as the day went on, she received no message or call from him. The silence was deafening, and it left her feeling hurt and disappointed.

Unable to contain her longing to see her childhood friend, Jiya decided to visit Abhishek's house. She rang the doorbell, and Abhishek's mother, Aunty, answered the door.

Aunty: (warmly) Jiya, it's so nice to see you! Come on in.

Jiya stepped inside, feeling a mix of emotions. She had been friends with Abhishek for so long that visiting his home was like second nature to her.

Aunty: (whole-heartedly) Happiest Birthday my babyyy!! Love you soo muchhh

Jiya: (faintly smiling) Thank you aunty

Aunty: (concerned) Is everything alright, dear? You look a bit upset.

Jiya hesitated, not wanting to burden Abhishek's family with her feelings.

Jiya: (forcing a smile) Oh, Aunty, I'm fine. I just wanted to see Abhishek. Is he home?

Aunty: (apologetic) I'm afraid he's not. He was out all night, Where is he!! I think right now he is with riya

She felt like an outsider in her own best friend's life.

Jiya: (feigning enthusiasm) Oh aunty! The whole night he was with me, we were celebrating my birthday!! I'll come back later, when he comes back home after he meets riya

Aunty: (sympathetic) You should, dear. Abhishek will be back in the evening. He's been so busy with all the preparations.

Jiya left Abhishek's house, a heaviness in her heart that she couldn't shake. She couldn't believe that Abhishek had forgotten her birthday entirely, and it hurt more than she had expected.

As the day went on, Jiya received birthday wishes from her other friends and family, but the one wish she longed for the most never came. Abhishek was so immersed in making Riya's day special that he hadn't even spared a thought for Jiya.

That evening, Abhishek returned home, exhausted from the day's festivities for Riya. As he walked into his room, he noticed the calendar on his wall, reminding him of Jiya's birthday.

Abhishek's heart sank as he realized his mistake. He had let his new relationship blind him to the feelings of his oldest friend. He picked up his phone and dialed Jiya's number, his guilt weighing heavily on him. Finally, as the first rays of dawn began to break through the darkness, Jiya's phone rang once more. She stared at the screen, her heart heavy with guilt and longing. She knew she couldn't avoid Abhishek forever.

With trembling fingers, she answered the call, her voice barely a whisper.

Jiya: (somewhat distant) Hello?

Abhishek: (apologetic) Jiya, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot your birthday.

Jiya: (trying to hide her hurt) It's okay, Abhi. You were busy with Riya. I understand.

Abhishek: (regretful) No, it's not okay. You mean the world to me, and I should have been there for you. Can we meet? I want to make it up to you.

Jiya hesitated for a moment, and denied..

Jiya: Ahh! No abhi, its fine! I forgive you

Abhishek couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled within him since Jiya's tearful phone call. He knew something was deeply troubling her, and despite her promise to meet later, he couldn't sit idly by and wait. He needed to do something to show her that he cared.

With determination in his heart, Abhishek set out to plan a surprise for Jiya, hoping it would bring a smile to her face and let her know that she wasn't alone in her struggles. He knew her favorite places, her favorite treats, and her cherished moments from their long friendship.

As the day unfolded, Abhishek carefully orchestrated his surprise. He picked up a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a mixture of vibrant sunflowers and delicate daisies, their bright colors reflecting the joy he hoped to bring to her.

Next, he visited a bakery that Jiya frequented, ordering a box of her beloved chocolate cupcakes with creamy frosting. He knew that the sight and taste of those cupcakes always managed to lift her spirits.

With the flowers and cupcakes in hand, Abhishek headed to their favorite park, a place they had spent countless afternoons playing and sharing secrets as children. He found the perfect spot, a bench nestled beneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree, where they had shared laughter and tears throughout their friendship.

He carefully arranged the flowers on the bench and placed the box of cupcakes beside them. As he stepped back to admire his handiwork, a sense of nervous anticipation washed over him. He hoped that this small gesture would convey the depth of his concern and friendship.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the park. Abhishek sent Jiya a message, letting her know that he had a surprise for her at their special spot and that he hoped to see her soon.

As he waited, his heart swelled with a mixture of hope and anxiety. He wanted nothing more than to see Jiya's smile, to let her know that he was there for her, and that she didn't have to face her troubles alone.

Abhishek: (sincere) Jiya, you're my best friend, and I should have been there for you on your birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you.

Jiya: (softening) Abhi, it's not about the birthday wish. It's about us. Don't forget your old friends while making new memories. And you didn't had to do all this, that phone call was enough!!

Abhishek nodded, realizing the importance of the bond he shared with Jiya. That day, they rekindled their friendship, vowing to never let misunderstandings or new relationships come between them again.

As they sat in the cafe, laughter and memories flowed freely, and it was as if nothing had changed between them. Jiya knew that Abhishek's heart was big enough for both their friendship and his relationship with Riya.

From that day on, they made sure to keep their childhood friendship strong, no matter what new surprises life had in store for them.

Next week

As Abhishek and Jiya met for their planned movie day, there was a sense of comfort and familiarity between them. Jiya had poured her heart out to Abhishek the previous day, and he had listened with unwavering support, just as a best friend should.

They arrived at the movie theater, and Abhishek couldn't help but smile as Jiya playfully argued about which movie to watch. It felt good to see Jiya's spirits lifted, even if it was just a little.

Just as they were about to enter the theater, a familiar voice called out from behind them.

Riya: (excitedly) Abhi!

Abhishek turned to find Riya, his girlfriend , approaching them with a wide smile. Jiya, though taken aback by Riya's sudden appearance, managed a polite smile.

Abhishek: (surprised) Riya! What are you doing here?

Riya: (playful) Surprise! I thought I'd join you two for the movie. Hope you don't mind.

Before Abhishek could respond, Riya smoothly slid herself between Abhishek and Jiya, taking the seat next to Abhishek.

Jiya's heart sank a little as she watched this unfold, a pang of discomfort settling in. She had hoped for a day of just Abhishek and herself, a chance to rebuild their friendship without any distractions.

Throughout the movie, Riya chatted animatedly with Abhishek, her hand resting comfortably on his arm. Jiya tried her best to focus on the film, but her mind wandered, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

After the movie ended, Riya suggested they grab some coffee together. Abhishek glanced at Jiya, clearly torn between his best friend and his girlfriend.

Abhishek: (uncertain) Jiya, do you mind if we join Riya for coffee? It won't take long.

Jiya forced a smile, not wanting to be the one to come between Abhishek and Riya.

Jiya: (polite) Of course, Abhi. I don't mind at all.

As they headed to the coffee shop, Jiya couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. The easy camaraderie they had shared earlier seemed to have dimmed, replaced by an awkward tension.

Over coffee, Riya continued to engage Abhishek in conversation, and Jiya felt like an outsider, her presence on the periphery of their interaction.

The tension that had been building throughout the day finally reached its breaking point as Abhishek, Jiya, and Riya walked back from the movies. Jiya had been trying to find a moment alone with Abhishek to talk, but Riya seemed determined to keep them apart.

Jiya: (frustrated) Abhi, can we please talk for a moment?

Before Abhishek could respond, Riya interjected, her tone laced with irritation.

Riya: (impatiently) Jiya, can't it wait? We're having a nice day together.

Abhishek looked torn, caught in the middle of the two women. He wanted to address the situation, but he also didn't want to upset Riya.

Jiya, unable to contain her frustration any longer, slapped Riya hard across the face, the sound echoing in the quiet street. Riya staggered back in shock, her hand on her cheek.

Riya: (angry) How dare you!

Abhishek's face turned crimson with anger. He stepped between the two women, his voice raised.

Abhishek: (furious) That's enough, Jiya! You've gone too far. You're just jealous, aren't you? Jealous of Riya, jealous of the attention she gets, jealous that I'm with her.

Jiya was taken aback by Abhishek's accusation, her eyes filling with hurt and disbelief.

Jiya: (voice trembling) Abhi, that's not true. I just wanted to talk to you, to clear things up.

Abhishek, fueled by his anger, wasn't listening. He continued to berate Jiya, pushing her emotionally.

Abhishek: (accusatory) You're trying to steal my fame, Jiya. You're always trying to take what's mine. Well, not this time.

In the heat of the argument, Abhishek lost control of his emotions. He pushed Jiya away from him, causing her to stumble backward.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) Abhi, how can you say that? I thought we were best friends. I never wanted your fame or anything like that.

Their argument continued to escalate, with Abhishek defending Riya and accusing Jiya of ulterior motives. Jiya, hurt and betrayed by Abhishek's words and actions, couldn't believe what she was hearing from her childhood best friend.

The night that had started with the hope of rebuilding their friendship had turned into a painful confrontation, leaving both Abhishek and Jiya emotionally wounded and questioning the future of their relationship.

Jiya found herself immersed in a sea of sorrow, her heart heavy with the weight of her fractured friendship with Abhishek.

Where abhishek is also very emotional thinking
Whether their relationship will stay or not?

In the quiet of her room, Jiya sat down to pen a heartfelt letter to Abhishek. She knew she had to express her feelings and let him know that, despite their recent turmoil, she cherished the memories they had created together. With each word she wrote, her emotions flowed onto the paper, carrying the weight of her love and nostalgia.


Dear Abhishek,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to talk to you in person, but the words seem to escape me every time I try. It's hard for me to express the mix of emotions I've been feeling lately.

I want you to know that I'm not angry with you. I understand that sometimes misunderstandings happen, and our recent argument was a painful one for both of us. I want to cherish the beautiful memories we've created over the years, and I hope you do too.

Do you remember the day we took our first picture together? It was a warm summer evening, and we were both so young and carefree. We had laughed, talked, and shared our dreams as the sun dipped below the horizon. That picture captured a moment frozen in time, a moment when our friendship was at its purest.

I remember all our adventures, the late-night conversations, and the silly jokes that only we understood. Those memories are precious to me, Abhishek, and they always will be. They remind me of the incredible bond we shared, a bond that I believe can withstand any storm.

But, life takes us on different paths, and I have to embark on a journey of my own, one that will take me somewhere very far. It's a journey I need to make, not because I want to, but because circumstances have led me to this decision. I m going very far from you...

Please take care of yourself and your dear mother. She's a wonderful woman who has always treated me with love and kindness. Be there for her as you've always been, and I know she'll find solace in your unwavering support.

I'll carry the memories of our friendship with me, like frames in a gallery of my heart. They will always bring a smile to my face and warmth to my soul. And who knows, someday, when the time is right, we might find our way back to each other, our bond stronger than ever.

I hope you enjoy your life with your lady love

Until then, Abhishek, know that I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. May life's journey bring you joy and fulfillment.

With deepest affection and gratitude,



As Jiya sealed the letter, she couldn't help but shed a tear. It was a bittersweet farewell, a testament to the enduring love and friendship she had shared with Abhishek. She left the letter on his desk, hoping that someday, he would read it and understand the depth of her feelings.

As Abhishek read Jiya's heartfelt letter, tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't hold back the flood of emotions that surged within him. Her words touched his heart deeply, and he felt a profound sense of loss and regret for the way things had unfolded between them.

Each sentence in the letter carried the weight of their shared memories, reminding him of the beautiful moments they had once cherished together. The image of their first picture together, the laughter, the late-night conversations – they all came rushing back to him, filling him with a sense of nostalgia and longing.

Abhishek realized how much he had taken their friendship for granted and how important Jiya had been in his life. Her decision to go somewhere far had shaken him to the core, and he understood that he had hurt her deeply with his recent actions.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he clutched the letter tightly in his hand. He wished he could turn back time and undo the hurtful words he had spoken. He wanted to reach out to Jiya, to apologize and make amends, but he knew it was too late.

In that moment, he realized the depth of his love for Jiya and the irreplaceable void her absence would leave in his life. He vowed to cherish the memories they had created and to learn from his mistakes, hoping that someday, their paths would cross again, and he could tell her how much she truly meant to him.

Ahhh!! How was itt guysssss!!!!!! I dont know how it came out to be but I tried my bestttt!

Anddd should I continue this one short by adding one more part to ittt???

Jaldi se comment down!!

Love love lovee🩷

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