Entangled With My Alpha Tripl...

BlackInk702 által

2.1K 123 18

I knew that whatever he desired, I was meant to comply, and I was ready to obey him completely. Even if, it i... Több



177 11 1
BlackInk702 által

I stepped into the classroom on my first day, feeling a little nervous but also excited. As I made my way to an empty seat, I couldn't help but hear whispers and murmurs around me. I knew they were talking about me, the new omega who was lucky enough to be roommates with the alpha triplets. Some of the whispers were envious, while others were judgmental. I tried to ignore them, focusing on getting settled in and ready for class.

"There she is."  One pointed.

"You mean that thing over there got so lucky to be the roommates of the triplets?! Life is so unfair, I could have been a better option." The other statd with contempt in her tone.

But as soon as the bell rang and the teacher was yet to make an entrance, a commotion erupted. The door burst open, and in walked a group of girls, led by a beautiful blonde who oozed confidence and power. I immediately recognized her from my interactions with the alpha triplets, and my heart sank. It was Trisha, Asher's girlfriend.

Trisha sauntered over to my desk, tossing her long hair over her shoulder as she leaned in close. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she sneered. "Looks like the omega's found her way into our school. Do you even belong here?"

I tried to keep my composure, knowing that this was likely just a power play on her part. "I was assigned to be a servant to the alpha triplets," I replied calmly.

Trisha just laughed. "Servant? More like a glorified maid. Do you even know how to read or write? Or do you just bark on command?"

The other girls giggled and snickered, and I felt a flush creeping up my neck. This was exactly what I had feared. But just as I was about to respond, a deep voice interrupted.

"What the hell is going on here?"

I turned my head to see Asher storming into the classroom, his eyes locked on Trisha. There was an icy edge to his voice that made me shiver.

Trisha seemed taken aback by Asher's sudden arrival, but she quickly regained her composure. "Just having a little fun with the new girl," she said, a sly grin spreading across her face.

Asher didn't look amused. "This isn't a game, Trisha. Leave her alone."

Trisha just scoffed. "You're choosing an omega over me? How pathetic," she spat before sauntering off, her group of girls following her.

I let out a shaky breath, feeling a mix of relief and confusion. Asher had just defended me, but why was Trisha so upset? I didn't know what to make of the whole situation, but I knew that my first day at school had just taken a dramatic turn.

"Thank you." I expressed my gratitude but all I got was a cold shoulder in return. "Make sure you do the laundry as soon as you get back to the dormitory, I want no excuses." He ordered me before leaving.

I felt a pang of disappointment. I had hoped he would at least acknowledge my appreciation. But Asher was just as cold and aloof as ever.

"Why does he have to be so weird from the rest?" I asked nobody in particular before proceeding with the rest of the school activities.

I couldn't help but wonder why Asher was always so cold and distant towards me. I knew I was just an omega, and he was an alpha, but still, there was something about him that made me feel like he was hiding something.


I dragged my tired feet through the door of the dorm, barely able to keep my eyes open. Today's classes had been exhausting, and all I wanted to do was collapse into bed and sleep. As soon as I entered the room, I kicked off my shoes and flopped onto the bed, sighing in relief. The soft mattress and cool sheets felt like heaven against my aching body, and before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.

The next thing I knew, I was being woken up by a sudden splash of cold water. Gasping in shock, I bolted upright, rubbing my eyes and trying to figure out what was going on. My heart skipped a beat as I saw Asher.

He was standing in front of me, arms crossed over his broad chest, his eyes dark with anger.

"Get up, omega," he barked. "You're supposed to do the laundry and other duties today, and it's already past noon." he added.

I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep," I said, my voice soft and apologetic.

I knew I had screwed up, and I braced myself for his scolding.

Asher just scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "I don't care about your excuses. Just get to work and don't let it happen again," he said sharply.

I got out of bed, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I couldn't believe I had forgotten my responsibilities. As I walked past Asher, I could feel his intense gaze on me and his disapproval radiating off of him like heat.

I groggily made my way to the laundry room, my eyes half-open and my mind still foggy with exhaustion. I tried my best to follow Asher's instructions on how to do the laundry, but it seemed like my body was on autopilot mode and my mind was barely functioning. I loaded the washing machine with a pile of clothes, poured in the detergent, and hit the start button.

As the washing machine started to rumble, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to catch my breath. But suddenly, I felt a cold splash of water on my face, causing me to gasp and open my eyes in shock.

"What the hell, Asher?!" I sputtered, wiping the water from my face. But before I could even finish my sentence, I noticed that the laundry room was slowly filling up with water.

Panic set in as I realized that I must have accidentally overloaded the washing machine or forgot to close the lid properly. Water was gushing out of the machine and spreading all over the floor, drenching my clothes and shoes in the process.

"Asher, I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I stuttered, but he didn't even let me finish.

"You incompetent fool!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the small room. "Do you have any idea how much damage you just caused? You could have flooded the whole damn dormitory!"

I flinched at his harsh words, feeling a wave of shame and guilt wash over me. Asher's angry expression was enough to make me want to curl up and disappear.

As I stood there, soaked to the bone and feeling utterly helpless, I couldn't help but wonder if this was all worth it. Was being the roommate of the alpha triplets really worth enduring Asher's constant belittlement and harsh treatment? Was being an omega in this academy worth sacrificing my own dignity and self-respect?

But before I could dwell on these thoughts any longer, I heard a loud creaking noise coming from the door. Someone was trying to open it.

My heart racing, I turned to face the entrance, wondering who it could be. But as the door slowly swung open, I was met with a figure that sent chills down my spine. It was Trisha, Asher's girlfriend, and she had a wicked smile on her face.

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