By backofmindz

281 7 0

"Hi." "Hi." More

𝐎𝐍𝐄 -The start
𝐓𝐖𝐎 -Stroll
𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 -Plans
𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 -Puzzled
𝐒𝐈𝐗 -Date
𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 -Misery
𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄 -Shut
𝐓𝐄𝐍 -Confrontation

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 -Party

21 0 0
By backofmindz


June 31, 2013

It was 8:57 at night, close to when I said I was gonna send him the address. I grabbed my phone and sent him the address.


7123 Walter Springs drive.
Read at 9:00 PM


I saw he read the message, meaning he was probably already prepared to go. I was already dressed.

OUTFIT: Gold necklace with her c initial on it, long curly end braids with side part, Sunny yellow large graphic tee with huge split in the middle, blue tote bag, dark blue baggy jorts, gold hoops, sunny yellow open toed heels, gold necklace with jade crystal for the pendant and gold bangle bracelets.


I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. On the way to the party my phone started ringing.


I picked up the phone trying to keep focus on the road. When I answered the phone I heard all my friends voices. All of them, Zelly, Luna, Naomi, Trell, Evani and Jalil. They were all screaming into the phone.





"You better show up to the party." Zelly said making everyone laugh.

"I'm on the way now." I said laughing.

"K well we will see you when you get here."

"Be safe on the road! LOVE YOUU!" They all said.



I decided not to tell them I invited a special guest. I want them to be surprised, especially since I've told Zelly about him. I was almost to the house when I got a text from Amir.



I'm here.


Got it.


I made it to the house and parked my car in front of the house. It was difficult finding a spot being there was like 100 cars out there. The house was HUGE seriously. I knew I was rich but that house was HUGE. It had 2 story's that looked like 3, it was WIDE, it was black and white, lots of windows, it was your modern rich person house basically. "Who the hell do my friends know that's this rich??" I thought to myself. I walked up the ridiculously long luxurious walk way and saw Amir standing at the door waiting on me. He looked really good that night.

HIS OUTFIT: Knu Skool vans, silver tennis bracelet, black Sade beanie, graphic black and grey hoodie and black baggy cargos.

"You actually waited on me?" I said nervously.


"Was I not supposed to?" He said raising an eyebrow.


"Exactly." He said letting a soft laugh slip.

"You look beautiful." He said looking me up and down.

"Thank you.."

For a few seconds it got really quiet and awkward as I just stood there looking around. He was staring at me, didn't look away once. I started to get REALLY hot and nervous so I decided to break the silence and stares.

"Sooo should we go inside?..."

He snapped out of it and stopped looking at me.

"Yea we should.." He said beginning to knock on the ginormous black door.

After a few knocks someone opened the door and looked at us with a smile. It was a girl. I also went to high school with her but didn't really talk to her so we didn't really know each other.

"Hii! Come in!" She said smiling and holding her arm out.

Me and him walked into the house admiring all the rich modern paintings and sculptures sitting around the house. If you ever wanted to knock on wood, that house would've been horrible for that. The house was glass galore, everywhere I turned there was GLASS. Who the hell would throw a party where everything is breakable?... I didn't really care tho I just wanted to have fun with my friends.

Me and Amir made our way through the huge crowd, looking for my friends. I was holding TIGHT onto his shoulders as we made our way throughout the crowd while he was asking me where my friends were. We eventually found them in the living room playing beer pong. I let go of his shoulders and ran to hug all of my friends.

"GUYSSSSSSSS!!!!!" I said running up to them.

"CORAAAAAA!!!!!!" They said waiting on me with their arms out.

I ran into their arms and gave them a group hug. I took a glance at Amir and saw him looking at me hugging my friends with a slight smile leaning against the wall. After I finished hugging my friends they all turned around to look at him.

"Who is that?" Zelly whispered in my ear.

"You told me to bring a friend." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"That's the guy you've been telling me about????"

"Yup." I said laughing.

"Both of y'all lucky."

"See you get it!" I said laughing at her.

"Ima go finish playing cup pong, wanna come?"


"Come on then but just a sec." She said walking away.

The rest of my friends just stood there looking at him until Naomi decided to go up to Amir and shake it hand.

"I'm Naomi."


"Nice to meet you, Amir."

"You too." He said smiling at her.

She let go of his hand and walked away. The rest of my friends also went up to him and shook his hand and greeted him. Naomi pulled me over to her to whisper in my ear.

"Girl you've got good taste." She said walking away winking at me.

I laughed at her as she walked away to go finish playing cup pong with the rest of my friends and I went with her. Her, Zelly and Trell sucked so bad at cup pong and would always end up having to take 59 cups of beer or whatever before they even made a single shot so I would always team up with Evani so I wouldn't end up drunk. This time I tried to be different and team up with Zelly to be nice but once again we sucked. Equally, but still.

"You cheated bye." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"HOW." Trell said looking at me with his jaw open.

"I WAS YOU SCOOT UP CLOSER TO THE CUPS TO GET A CLOSER SHOT!" I said swatting him away with my hand.

"OMG. LIES!" He said laughing.



"YA HU!"

"NA AH!"

"Bye cheaters." I said waving away from my friends.

"Bye!" They all said in sync.

After I left my friends I went up to Amir.

"Well that's my friends for you."

"They're nice, especially Naomi." He said winking at me.

"Shut up." I said laughing and playfully nudging his shoulder.

"Let's go get a drink."


Me and Amir went into the kitchen to get a drink and the punch was DISGUSTING. It tasted like liquor ass, it didn't have any other fruity flavor but some new fruity flavored vodka and a hint of watermelon but the rest tasted like somebody drowned the whole punch bowl with Tito's and Reposado tequila. I wasn't really a drinker, still not. I still drank it since I couldn't take shots or anything since I had to drive. The punch was the weakest liquor they had, everything else would have anybody black out drunk. I still knew I wasn't satisfied with just the punch tho since it was disgusting and I happened to see some Malibu on the counter and I used to LOVE Malibu, it tasted like juice to me so I just put it in a cup and ran with that. Me and amir started to walk away from the kitchen when he asked if I wanted to go outside and talk.


"Just to chill I guess, I don't really know anyone here."

"You don't have to tho I'll be fine, you should probably go with your friends honestly."

"No it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes Amir."

When we went outside to the backyard there was a hill and we laid on it looking into the stars. I was nervous but I just acted normal even though I felt my stomach at my feet.

"You know, no matter how far we walk, run, speed walk, whatever.. when we look into the sky, we're seeing the same stars over and over again just in rotation." He said slowly looking over at me.

" like they always find their way back to us."

I looked back at him, we were just staring in each other's eyes. His eyes wandered from left to right and up and down, fixated on my face. He raised his hand putting it on my left cheek.

"Amir I think you've had too much to drink...." I said still looking him in the eyes.

"Have I?.." He said staring into my eyes taking a heavy gulp.

Our breathing started to progress, getting faster. His face started to lean into mine. My heart was POUNDING. He was an inch away from my face when I pulled away hesitantly. He quickly moved his hand from my face and looked away from me.

"I'm sorry.."

"It's o..."

Before I could finish he had gotten up and went inside the house. I went inside the house walking around looking for my friends. I found Naomi and Trell at the pool but I couldn't find Zelly, so I just decided to go talk to Naomi and Trell. I ran up to them while they were hanging their feet in the water.

"YALL." I said touching both of their shoulders.

"Huh??" They said both whipping their heads around to me.

"What happened? You look scared." Trell said raising an eyebrow.

"AMIR ALMOST KISSED ME!" I said whispering.

"WHAT!?" They both said loudly.

"Quiet down!" I said covering their mouths.

"Sorry but what??" Naomi said.

"I'll be back, where's Zelly?"


"K be right back!" I said walking away.

I found Zelly in the kitchen and immediately told her what happened. She said she honestly wasn't surprised which was honestly true. I wanted to go home so bad, I was already feeling too drunk to drive and I had a VERY low tolerance for liquor so that cup of punch was pretty much it for me and honestly the punch was 90% Vodka and 10% juice. I was ready to go home but I knew I couldn't drive myself home and Zelly had to drive her and the rest of my friends home meaning the car was FULL. So my last option was Amir...

Zelly offered to take me but I denied knowing I would be stuffed in the car or would have to sit on somebody's lap. I went to go find Amir and he was missing. I got my phone from my pocket and started calling him.

Amir RINGING.....

He picked up the phone and I could hear he was outside.


"Amir I don't feel like I can drive home..."

"I'll take you home."

"Just like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know... nvm."

"Yea.. but I want you to be safe so I'll still take you home. Ok?..."

"K I'll meet you outside.."


I walked to the front and walked out texting Zelly to tell my friends I'm sorry for not really spending time with them tonight but I love them and her. Half way down the walk way I saw Amir. My heart started pounding. I walked up to him and he was just staring at me, standing, admiring me.

"You ready to go?..." He said looking away towering over me.


We walked to his car when I stopped in the middle of the street and thought about something.

"What about my car?"

I cared about my precious baby. I wasn't that drunk to just forget about her.

"Oh yea..."

"How about I drive you home in your car and I call myself a Lyft back to this house and get my car? "

"Sounds complicated."

"Ohhh does it?" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I said laughing slightly.

We walked over to my car and he came to my side and opened the door for me.

"Thank you.."


He looked at me smiling with the most beautiful and genuine smile ever. His smile could light up a room, a fireplace, the sky, anything. We got in the car and drove off. While laying in the passenger seat I could feel his stares and eyes on me, so I looked over at him and when I did he immediately turned his head back around. The tension in the car was thick and obvious. After being in the car for what felt like 30 minutes, I felt him gently shake my shoulder.

"Well." He said looking at me stretching.

"How did you know where I live?..."

"We literally live a few blocks away from each other."

"You're right."

Me and him got out the car and he got straight to calling a Lyft.

"I'll be out here waiting on my Lyft to get here."

"No, come inside."

"You sure?"

"Well I don't want you standing out here in the wind."

"I'll be fine I promise."

"No come in. It's fine." I said with a small chuckle.

"I guess.."

I unlocked the door and saw that everyone in the house was sleeping. Besides my dog lucky, of course.

"Everyone is asleep so PLEASE be quiet."


After sitting on the couch for 8 minutes his Lyft was here. He got up and looked at me.

"Well my Lyft is here."


I got up and gave a hug. Breathing in his scent of vanilla spice and his presence of pure warmth. I didn't want to let go until he pulled me away and looked down at me.



"I'll see you later."

"I'll see you."

We walked to the door and I opened it letting him out. Watching him wave back at me smiling and getting into Lyft. I closed the door when the Lyft pulled off and went upstairs to my room to sleep.


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