Total Drama: Lindsay X Male R...

By SkyZJ99

21.7K 492 262

You are a famous teenage actor who received an offer from Chris McLean to be apart of a new reality show call... More

Prologue: Island
Not So Happy Campers- Part 1
Not So Happy Campers- Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
New Deal
The Sucky Outdoors
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Who Can You Trust?
Basic Straining
X-Treme Torture
Brunch Of Disgustingness
Bros Unite
No Pain, No Game

Phobia Factor

1.3K 28 9
By SkyZJ99

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. Due to fan outcry, Y/N L/N was fortunate enough to come back to show. And thankfully, the views and the ratings are back to where they are. Although, we still get angry letters like, "Heather should've been kicked out of the show, not Y/N!" or, "Heather can suck my-" yeah, I'm not gonna finish reading that. Anyway, the campers had their survival skills put to the test when they spent the entire night camping in the woods. Katie and Sadie's friendship was strained when Katie's sense of direction got them totally lost. Duncan's mad ghost story telling skills freaked out the Killer Bass. (Chuckles) And, uhh, Izzy played a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear. Unfortunately, a real bear showed up, and the Gophers spent the night up in a tree, which really sucked for them. Cody peed in his pants and then it rained. Basically, no one got any sleep last night. Ultimately, the Killer Bass were the ones on the chopping block, leaving Katie without a marshmallow. Yep, the challenge was rough, all right, and if I have anything to say about it, today's will be even more brutal. Luckily, I do. What fresh horror have we planned for our campers? Find out next on Total. Drama. Island.

Scene opens up to Sadie wailing on the dock. Her best friend, Katie got voted off and now Sadie is all alone. Bridgette tries to comfort the "twin."

Bridgette: Katie would want you to keep going.

Katie keeps crying as the surfer girl sighs.

Bridgette: Come on. Let's go back and join the others.

Bridgette tries to pull Sadie, but she grips the wood on the dock to not leave, but the wood breaks off. Scene cuts to the Killer Bass sitting at the campfire pit. We hear Sadie still crying as Bridgette brings the crying girl to one of the logs to sit on.

Bridgette: (to Courtney) It was a long good-bye.

The Killer Bass notice the Screaming Gophers approaching them with Beth holding a plate of green jelly with a gummy worm inside.

Courtney: What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?

Trent: We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party, thought you might want some.

Courtney: So what? You're just being nice?

Gwen: Ok. Owen stank up our cabin, and we need some time to air out.

Owen farts.

Y/N: Come on, man. Don't you ever hold it in?

Owen: Sorry, I knew there was something funny with those chips.

Beth offers the green jelly to Courtney, but the C.I.T. backs away in fear.

Courtney: NO! I mean, no thanks. I'm good.

Duncan: What? Are you on a diet or something?

Courtney: No! I just don't like green jelly, ok?

Beth walks over to Duncan and D.J. to offer the dessert, but D.J. slaps the dessert out of Beth's hand.


The dessert flies over the Bass and hits the ground near Cody. He bends down and pulls the gummy worm out of the jelly and shows it to D.J.

Cody: Chill, dude. It's just a gummy worm.

D.J.: Sorry for tripping. Snakes just freak me out.

Y/N: That's reasonable.

Tyler pats D.J. on the back.

Tyler: I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude.

Y/N: That's... slightly less reasonable.

Gwen: You're afraid of chickens?

Duncan chuckles at the athlete's fear.

Duncan: Wow, that's- that's just lame, man.


Gwen: So suddenly, everyone's having this big share-fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear's being covered by bugs. Harold's afraid of ninjas. Even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers.

*Confessional end*

Gwen: What's my worst fear? I guess, being buried alive.

Lindsay: Walking through a minefield... in heels.

The actor gives the blonde a confused look.

Y/N: Is that a fear or a nightmare?

Lindsay cowers in fear.

Lindsay: Both!

Owen: Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff.

Izzy: I would never go up in a plane. NEVER.

Geoff: I'm scared of hail. It's small but deadly, dude.

Bridgette: Being left alone in the woods.

Sadie clutches onto the broken piece of wood.

Sadie: Bad haircuts.

Lindsay: Oh, ok. I change mine. That's so much scarier than a minefield.

Y/N and Owen share confused looks while Cody ponders his worst fear.

Cody: Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.

Trent: I hate mimes, like, a lot.

Courtney: I'm not really afraid of anything.

Duncan fake coughs and says,

Duncan: Baloney.

Courtney: Oh really? Well, what exactly is your worst phobia, Mr. know-it-all?

The campers turn their heads to Duncan to hear what his worst fear is. The punk rock guy feels the pressure and tells everyone.

Duncan: Uh, Celine Dion music-store standees.

Cody: Ha, ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that.

Trent: Dude, did you say "Celine Dion music-store standees?"

Duncan covers his face in embarrassment.

Lindsay: Ooh, I love Celine Dion!

Y/N: Same here. She did a song for, "The Impossible Mission." I even got to meet her at the world premiere, she's a really nice woman.

Lindsay gasps at this.

Lindsay: You met Celine Dion?! That is so amazing!

Lindsay then gets a confused look.

Lindsay: What's a standee?

Trent: You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store.

Duncan: Don't say it, dude.

Trent: Kind of like a life-size, but flat, Celine.

Courtney smirks at Duncan.

Courtney: So if we had a cardboard standee right now-

Duncan covers his ear to not hear Courtney's remark.

Duncan: Shut up!

Y/N: That's quite a unique fear.

Duncan: Oh yeah? What's your worst fear, jerk-wad?

All eyes are on the actor. He takes a deep breath and tells them.

Y/N: Skydiving.

No one says anything for a few seconds.

Trent: Really?

Y/N: I don't like skydiving... at all.

Cody: Dude, don't you do your own stunts? I figured that skydiving would be just a breeze for you.

Y/N: I guess it comes from childhood trauma.

Gwen: Wait, wait, wait. You went skydiving as a kid? Isn't it illegal to skydive underage?

Y/N: I didn't do it voluntarily. Let me explain, do you guys know an old show called, "Viking Kids?"

Everyone groans at the mention and some even voice how bad the show was. The actor chuckles.

Y/N: I guess you all do. I was in a plane shooting a scene where... I forgot the name of the character I was playing as. Anyways, I was shooting a scene where my character is falling from the sky for some reason. They didn't tell me what it was. I kept telling the director that I didn't want to do it, but he was all like, "Don't worry, it's completely safe, just remember to pull the plug. Now get jumping kid, we're running out of budget money." The director pushes me out of the plane and I start to fall. It was definitely the most scariest thing that ever happened to me. It felt like my soul just left my body. Thankfully, I managed to pull the plug and save myself. My parents caught wind of what happened, and sued the show to high hell, and I left that godforsaken show. So, yeah, that's why skydiving is my worst fear.

Trent has a surprised look on his face.

Trent: Dude.

Lindsay places her hand on Y/N's arm to comfort him.

Lindsay: I'm glad that you didn't get hurt.

Y/N smiles at Lindsay.

Courtney: What does skydiving have anything to do with Vikings?

Y/N: I don't know, and I don't care to. The more I disassociate from the show the better.

Trent: All right, Courtney. You're afraid of something. Spit it out.

Courtney: Nope. Nothing.

Duncan chuckles and lowers the sound of his voice so only Geoff and D.J. can hear.

Duncan: That's not what she said last night.

Courtney: Duncan, did you ever consider that maybe I was just humoring you and your stupid story?

Duncan: Sure, sure, princess. Whatever floats your boat.

Courtney: Shut up!


The next morning, the campers eat their breakfast until Chris whistles to get everyone's attention.

Chris: Campers, your next challenge is a little game I like to call, "Phobia Factor." Prepare to face your worst fears!

Leshawna: Worse than this?

Leshawna pulls up a dirty shaver.

Y/N's eyes shrink.

Y/N: Does Chris mean...?

Gwen: Yep, we're in trouble.

Chris: Now for our first victims.

The host pulls a card out and reads it.

Chris: Heather! Meet us all in the theater. It's SUMO TIME!

Heather spits out her drink in shock as the liquid hits Trent.

Chris: Gwen, you, me, the beach. A few tons of sand.

Gwen gasps as she knows what's going to happen to her.

Lindsay: Wait. How did they know those were your worst fears?

Gwen realizes how they TDI crew know and face palms.

Gwen: Because we told them.

Lindsay and Beth look at each other confused.

Trent comforts Gwen while he explains.

Trent: At the campfire last night.

Scene flashes back to last night.

Gwen: What's my worst fear? I guess, being buried alive.

Scene flashes back to the present.

Lindsay: Wait! They were listening to us?

Gwen: It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us.

Lindsay: That's like eavestroffing.

Y/N: It's actually eavesdropping.

Lindsay: That's what I said.

Before Y/N can say another word, Chris calls to Chef.

Chris: Chef Hatchett, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today?

We see Chef frying something with an evil grin on his face. He holds out the fryer to Tyler. The athlete sees something deep fried shaped like a chicken.

Tyler: Chickens give me the creeps, dude.

Tyler nervously grabs the food and takes a bite off the head. Suddenly, a real chicken pops its head out of the deep fried shell. The athlete screams at the sight.

Scene cuts to the campers standing around an inflatable pool filled with worms. D.J. barfs at the sight.

Gwen: Beth went on about how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs.

Owen faints while Y/N, Lindsay, Gwen, and Leshawna stare at the pool creeped out. Beth shrugs and hops into the pool of worms. She submerges herself deep under the worms for a few seconds until she comes back up victorious.

Chris: And Beth sets the bar way up there!

The Gophers cheer for Beth. Owen joins in for a brief second and faints again. The Gophers are now 1-0 against the Bass.

Scene cuts to Lindsay and Sadie in the main lodge. It's their turn to face their worst fear.

Sadie: Bad haircuts.

Y/N is also there. He wanted to be there for Lindsay for emotional support. Chris holds up two wigs for the girls. Owen grabs one of the wigs, puts it in his head and... does a ballerina dance. The big guy trips on one of the seats and hits his head on the stone wall of the fire place. Chris pulls the wig off of Owen. Y/N stands there completely confused.

Y/N: ...Ok then.

Chris returns to Lindsay and Sadie and puts the wigs on their heads as both girls stare at each other in horror.

Chris: Now remember, if either of you can wear the wigs for the whole day, you'll win a point for your teams. You two got it?

Lindsay: I look hideous!

Sadie: And I feel very itchy.

Chris chuckles at their suffering and turns to Owen.

Chris: Owen, follow me and we'll meet Izzy for both of your turns. You two are gonna go for a ride.

Owen nervously gulps and follows Chris. Sadie leaves to meet up with her teammates and Lindsay stays in her seat feeling miserable. Y/N sits on the seat where Sadie sat on.

Y/N: Are you gonna be ok?

Lindsay: I don't know. This is probably the worst day of my life.

Y/N pats Lindsay on her back to confront her.

Y/N: Hey, you just have to spend the whole day wearing that wig and you're in the clear. Look on the bright side, at least you're not walking through a minefield wearing heels.

Lindsay giggles.

Lindsay: That's true. You always know how to make me feel better.

Y/N: I guess I'm a natural at that.

The couple share a laugh.

Lindsay: So, are you gonna face your fear too?

Y/N's face drops a little at the mention. His heart beats a little faster as he recalls that terrible memory.

Y/N: Ummm. Let's cross that bridge when we get there. C'mon, let's see how the others are doing. That'll get your mind off the wig.

Lindsay: Ok.

Lindsay holds Y/N's hand and they walk out of the main lodge.

As the day goes by we see more of the campers attempting to face their fears. Owen and Izzy are flying on a old and busted up plane as parts of it fall off. Harold faces some ninjas in the bathroom. The nerd uses his nunchucks to defend himself, but the nunchucks hit Harold in the head and falls into the toilet. Leshawna runs away screaming from Chef wearing a spider costume since her worst fear is spiders. Heather faces off against a sumo wrestler, though the angry girl isn't really confident at her chances of winning. The sumo wrestler yells and runs towards Heather. She ducks down and cowers in fear, but the wrestler trips on Heather and bounces off into the woods. The Gophers get another point for their team.


Y/N: I was kind of hoping that Heather would get pummeled by the sumo wrestler as karma for what happened at the talent contest. But hey, our team got a point. So, you got lucky there, Heather.

*Confessional end*

On the beach, we see Gwen inside a glass box and is being buried by sand. Trent tells her that there's enough air for an hour, but she just has to stay 5 minutes in there. He hands her a walkie-talkie, in case if she panics and Trent will dig her out. Next, we see D.J. standing next to a small glass cage with a small snake inside. The Bass try to encourage the gentle giant but he still refuses. Courtney yells at D.J. to suck it up. D.J. sticks his finger out toward the snake. Instead of biting him, the snake slithers onto his finger and smiles at D.J. The Bass now have one point.

Chris and the campers watch as Trent runs away from a mime.

Chris: (on megaphone) Just talk to him, brah, and ask him to go away.

Y/N yells out to Trent.

Y/N: Try looking for a place where the mine won't follow you!!!

Trent: Like where?!

Y/N: I don't know!! Anywhere!!

Chris looks down at his wrist watch.

Chris: Ok, then, we've got 2 minutes before Gwen's done. Cody, you're up.

Cody: Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.

Scene cuts to Cody cowering in front a time bomb. Though the bomb is just three garbage cans filled with filthy crap and an alarm clock with a red wire wrapping around the bomb. Chris and Y/N stand a bit of a distance away from the bomb.

Chris: All right, Cody. This garbage bomb's going off in exactly 10 minutes. Everything you need to know to defuse it is on these schematic blueprints.

Cody: What?! No way! I can't do this!

Chris: Then uhh, haha, I suggest you find a safe place to hide, brah. Later, dude.

Chris tosses the blueprints to Cody and backs away.

Cody: Wait! You're not gonna watch?

Chris: No way. That's a live bomb, dude!

Chris runs away from the bomb but Y/N stays put.


Y/N: Sure Cody can be weird sometimes, but he doesn't deserve this. So an idea popped into my head, this reminds me of a scene in "The Impossible Mission" where my character, Ian Summers, had to defuse a bomb so it wouldn't blow up half of Istanbul. In order to get into character, I had to feel what Ian's mind's was feeling in that scene. So I figured, maybe my method could help Cody.

*Confessional end*

The actor walks up to Cody to give him some advice.

Y/N: Ok, Cody, I'll keep this brief. You remember in "The Impossible Mission," where Ian Summers had to defuse a bomb?

Cody: Yeah, I remember. How is this gonna help?

Y/N: When I was filming the scene, I had to think like Ian. It's part of getting into character. As Ian, I had to think, "Stay calm, don't think of this as a bomb, think of it as a puzzle. Block out the ticking noise and keep your eye on the prize."

Cody: That's easy for you to say, you only worked with a prop. This is the real thing!

Y/N: If this was an actual deadly bomb, this show would face a lot of lawsuits. It's not fatal, but it can pack a REAL punch. But what I said was true. Some people who defuse actual bombs would try to stay calm and not think of it as a bomb. At least try that method.

Cody looks down for a second to think. He nods.

Cody: Ok. I'll try.

Y/N pats Cody's shoulder.

Y/N: Alright. Good luck, man.

Y/N runs off as Cody looks at the bomb nervously.

Cody: Right, don't think of it as a bomb. Think of it as a puzzle.

Cody looks at the blueprints, but the ticking makes him glance up at the bomb. He nervously gulps.

Cody: A really dangerous puzzle.

The day continues as more campers attempt to win against their fears. A cardboard cutout of Celine Dion stands in front of Duncan. While the punk rock guy stands completely stiff, Courtney encourages Duncan to try. Duncan takes a deep breath and runs toward the cardboard cutout with open arms. He embraces it and the Bass cheer. Both teams are now tied 2-2. Courtney hugs Duncan praising him. She quickly realizes what she's doing and backs away, but she still smiles at Duncan. The Bass continues to cheer. With Trent, he keeps telling the mime to leave him alone, but the mime still chases him. Trent looks for areas where the mime won't follow him. He sees the dock and gets an idea. Trent runs to the end of the dock and jumps into the water. The mime stops where Trent jumped off. Just when the mime was also about to dive into the water, Trent tells him the his makeup will run. The mime nods and walks away dejected. The Gophers are 3-2 against the Bass.

Heather, Leshawna, Beth, Lindsay, and Y/N see Geoff running away screaming from what looks like a small dark cloud raining down hail on top of him.

Lindsay: look! That cloud is following him. Awwww, it's like his own baby cloud.
I want one too. Here, cloudy-cloud!

Y/N: I don't know, Lindsay. I think that cloud is a biter.

Leshawna and Beth laugh at Y/N's joke while Heather rolls her eyes annoyed.

The campers are nearing the end of the day. Cody unfortunately failed due to not defusing the bomb in time. He's covered in all sorts of filthy garbage on him like greasy sludge all over his torso, a tissue box on his right foot, toilet paper wrapped around his neck, and a banana peel and a watermelon on his head. Poor guy. Gwen spent way more than 5 minutes in the glass box due to Trent being chased by the mime. Trent realizes this and quickly digs Gwen out. luckily, the goth is still alive and wins a point for the Gophers. Owen and Izzy survive the rough plane ride also earning 2 points for the Gophers. With all points combined, the Gophers lead 6-2 against the Bass. Bridgette fails her challenge due to Cody unintentionally scaring her when she was in the woods. Lindsay and Sadie are in the communal bathrooms facing the mirror, ready to take off their wigs.

Lindsay: We did it! We made it through the whole day. Are you ready?

Sadie nods.

Lindsay: One, two, three!

Both girls take off their wigs and gasp at seeing each other's hairs.

Lindsay: I totally forgot how cute you are.

Sadie: Oh my gosh. You are too.

Both Lindsay and Sadie earn 1 point each for their teams leading 7-3.

We see Y/N standing outside the bathroom waiting for Lindsay. Sadie comes out first and waves to the actor.

Sadie: Hi, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, Sadie. You look different. Did you get a new haircut?

Sadie: Oh, ha ha.

Y/N and Sadie share a laugh and she walks away to her team. Lindsay comes out of the bathroom next.

Y/N: Hello there, ma'am. Did you see a beautiful girl with a bad haircut by any chance?

Lindsay: It was me, Y/N. Didn't you know?

Y/N: I'm kidding. Congrats on winning.

The couple hugs for a bit.

Lindsay: Thanks, Y/N. I'm so glad it's finally over.

Y/N: No problem. Let's see how the others are doing.

Scene cuts to all of the campers at a chicken pen. Tyler leans on the fence and Chris explains what's gonna happen.

Chris: All right, gang, we're almost at the ninth inning. Tyler, for your challenge, you need to get into this pen for 3 minutes with these chickens.

Chris leans into the pen and opens a small box containing a chicken and a couple of small chicks.

Bridgette: You can do it, Tyler!

Duncan: Yeah, unless, of course, you're chicken.

Tyler ends up in a corner of the pen in a fetal position.

Chris: I'm not sure we're getting anywhere on this one.

Courtney: Tyler, there's only one more challenge left. Quit being such a girl. You have to do this, or we're going to lose.

Y/N starts to sweat a little, knowing that he's next. But, Cody types on his calculator.

Cody: Actually, if you do the math, you can't possibly win. The score's 7-3. So, it looks like Y/N can just turn down his challenge and we'll still win.

Y/N sighs in relief.

Chris: Not necessarily.

Y/N tenses up again.

Chris: We've got another challenge set up.

Courtney: Who? It can't be me. But I didn't-

Chris: You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions.

Courtney: NO! I mean, no thanks. I'm good. I just don't like green jelly, ok?

Lindsay: I knew it! Didn't I tell you guys, they were eavstroffing?

Courtney: Oh, who cares? It's not going to make a difference.

Chris: Let's make this interesting then. I'll give you triple points if you can complete it.

Courtney is brought to a swimming pool full of green jelly and a really tall diving board. Chef uses a paddle board to stir the jelly.

Duncan: You're afraid of jelly?

Courtney: Shut up! Only the green kind. It's like sugary, jiggly snot.

Chris: You can face your fear and dive straight into the pool of jelly or let your team lose yet another challenge.

Courtney sighs dejectedly. She approaches the latter and starts to climb.

Courtney: This is insane. I could seriously die doing this.

Gwen: Oh, that is just cruel. It's probably warm by now. Warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy. Ugh!

Y/N: Yeah, who knows where that stuff's been.

Courtney: You're not going to make me quit!

Duncan: That's it! Keep climbing!

Bridgette: They're just trying to psych you out!

Courtney reaches the top and now stands on the diving board. She looks down and sees the pool of green jelly below her and shivers in fear.

Duncan: Like you said, Courtney, it's ok if you can't do it!

Bridgette: It is? But we'll lose.

Courtney: Oh. I can't do it. I'm coming down.

Just when Courtney was about to climb back down, Duncan yells up to her.

Duncan: It's like you said, fear is only in the mind.

Courtney stops and knows Duncan is right.

Courtney: Right. Fear is only in the mind. Fear is... only in... the mind.

Courtney jumps off the diving board and dives straight into the pool of green jelly. She lands into the pool and doesn't come back up for a few seconds. The campers are worried if Courtney got seriously hurt, but the C.I.T. comes back up screaming in pure horror and climbs out of the pool of green jelly and collapses onto the ground shivering in fear.


Chris: Well, you jumped into the green jelly, so, yeah, I'm happy.

The Bass cheer as they now take the lead with 7-12.

Duncan: Yeah! You did it, Courtney!

Chris: All right, there's one more camper left who didn't face his fear...

All eyes are now on the actor.

Chris: ...Y/N.

Y/N: I don't like skydiving... at all.

Y/N's hands start to shake as his face starts to sweat bullets. He tries to think of an excuse to not go through with it.

Y/N: I can't exactly skydive without a plane, like the one Owen and Izzy were on. Last time I saw it, it wasn't in the best of shape.

Chris laughs.

Chris: Don't worry, we've come prepared.

The host pulls out a walkie-talkie and speaks into it.

Chris: Bring it in.

Wind starts to pick up as a helicopter approaches out of nowhere and lands near the campers.

Chris: Here's your challenge, YOU are gonna take a ride on this helicopter and climb over 10,000 feet into the air and do some super fun skydiving. Does that bring up pleasant memories?

Y/N's eyes nearly bulge out of his head and his jaw completely hangs open.

Chris: I'll take that as a yes. If you can stay in the air without opening your parachute for one minute, you'll earn 3 points for your team.

Gwen: But we'll still lose.

Chris: BUT, if you can stay in the air for 2 minutes, you instead earn 7 points and your team will win invincibility.

Cody: The average time for skydiving is just 60 seconds. 2 minutes a really risky.

Chris: Fine, just last for a minute and thirty seconds. Here's an earpiece so I'll let you know how much time passes.


Heather grabs Y/N's shirt and brings his face to her angry face.

Heather: Oh, yes you are. I'm not going to face my fear and lose because of you wussing out! If you do, I'll convince everyone to vote you off this show. FOR GOOD.

Y/N lightly pushes Heather away from him.

Lindsay: Y/N, look at me.

Y/N turns his attention towards the beautiful blonde. Lindsay places her hands on both of the actor's shoulders.

Lindsay: You can face your fear. I know it seems impossible to you, me the others thought the same thing. But, we faced them and won. You're Y/N L/N; the hottest actor Hollywood has ever known. You can do this.

Y/N starts to calm down. He knows Lindsay's right. Some of the other campers faced their fears, so can he... Right?

Chris: Well, are you gonna do it? Or are you gonna chicken out?

Y/N's minds processes for a bit and comes to a final decision. The actor looks up at Chris with confidence in his eyes.

Y/N: This is Ian Summers. I'm ready for The Impossible Mission.

The Gophers roar in excitement.


Chris: All right, get your parachute and let's give the folks at home one heck of a finale.

Scene cuts to Y/N inside the helicopter ascending into the air. He looks out the window and sees Camp Wawanakwa below him. Dread starts flowing within his mind and heart.

Y/N: Oh God, what am I doing?

Pilot: You're about to go skydiving. Don't tell me you thought this was the lazy river.

The pilot laughs at his own joke.

Y/N: That would sound better than this.

Chris: (through earpiece) All right, Y/N. You're at the drop zone. As soon as you jump, I'll start the stopwatch. I'll let you know when when you reach both the minute mark and and minute thirty mark... maybe.

Y/N: F**k you, Chris.

Chris: (through earpiece) Hey, hey, hey. Keep the swearing to a minimum, kids could be watching this show.

Y/N rolls his eyes and hangs onto the side of the helicopter. He looks down and just when he was about to faint, he quickly composes himself and tries to mentally prepare himself.

Chris: (through earpiece) Anytime now, this a half-hour show.

Y/N groans. He takes a deep breath and jumps off the helicopter. Chris watches Y/N through his binoculars.

Chris: And down he goes, timer starts now.

Chris holds a stopwatch, he presses a button and the clock starts ticking. The Gophers look up with worried looks. Even Heather is worried, though she's more worried about losing than the actor's safety. Chris brings his walkie-talkie to his face.

Chris: Can you hear me, Y/N?

Y/N: (through walkie-talkie) AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Chris: Well if you can, you've got 45 seconds until you reach the one minute mark.

Up in the sky, Y/N screams his lungs out as he's falling at such a high altitude.


Y/N: This was so much worse than that first challenge we did. Sure I fell 1,000 feet, but this was 10,000 feet more. I had to figure out a way to keep myself from fainting or pull the parachute cord prematurely. I remembered the song Celine Dion did for the movie. So, I thought I should sing it, that way I could stay calm...-ish.

*Confessional end*

As Y/N continues falling. He tries to compose himself the best he can. The actor clears his throat and sings.

Y/N: What's left to say?
These prayers ain't working anymore
Every word shot down in flames
What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?
I'm losing my voice calling on you

Back on the ground, the campers hear Y/N singing through the walkie-talkie.

Trent: Is he... singing the movie's theme song?

Lindsay cups her own face with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Lindsay: He is. He sings like an angel. Just like Celine Dion.

Y/N: 'Cause I've been shaking
I've been bending backwards 'til I'm broke
Watching all these dreams go up in smoke

Chris: Alright dude, you made to the minute mark. You feeling like pulling the cord?

Y/N keeps singing.

Y/N: Let beauty come out of ashes
Let beauty come out of ashes
And when I pray to God all I ask is
Can beauty come out of ashes?
Can beauty come out of ashes?

The Gophers and even the Bass give a round of applause. Y/N hears the clapping through his earpiece.

Y/N: Did you all hear that?

Chris: Yep. Every lyric of it.

Leshawna: Dang boy, you've got some lungs.

Lindsay: You sound amazing, Y/N!

Y/N covers his face embarrassed. He thinks that maybe dying in a skydiving accident doesn't seem bad after all.

Chris: Ok, Y/N. You've reached one minute and thirty seconds. I suggest you open your parachute, like, NOW!

Y/N's mind snaps back to his current predicament. He looks down and sees that he's dangerously getting close to the ground. The actor screams and quickly pulls the cord and the parachute pops out of the pack. Y/N holds onto the steering lines to land hear the campers. He finally reaches to the ground with his body completely frozen. Chris runs over to Y/N and raises the actor's hand in the air. The Gophers win 14-12.

Chris: The Screaming Gophers win invincibility!

The Gophers cheer for Y/N while the Bass look down defeated.

Chris: So tell us, Y/N. How does it feel to finally face your fear?

Y/N's body tips over to the ground.

Chris: Well, there you have it. The Gophers win invincibility this week... again.

Owen picks up Y/N and stands him upright, The Gophers continue to cheer for him.

Lindsay: You did it, Y/N!

To everyone's surprise, Lindsay brings Y/N's lips to hers. Y/N snaps out of his frozen state with shock in his eyes. He eases into the kiss and wraps his arms around Lindsay's waist. The kiss lasts for a few more seconds and the couple pulls away.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess I did. Thanks to you.

Lindsay gives a warm smile.

Y/N: Now, about that date.

Lindsay: Oh, right, that. Do you have anything in mind?

Chris: I do. As for your reward, you all get to spend a one day trip to... West Edmonton Mall.

The Gophers cheer in excitement. Y/N raises his fist in the air.

Y/N: To the Screaming Gophers and our never-ending winning streak!

Gophers: To the Screaming Gophers!

Chris: The boat that will take you all to the mall will be at the dock.

The Gophers run to the dock. Later, we see Y/N and Lindsay standing on the front side of the boat as the ship sails through the river.

Lindsay: This is gonna be so much fun! I can't wait to buy some cute clothes.

Y/N: I hear the waterpark is really fun. Thanks again for helping me, Lindsay.

Lindsay: You helped me with my fear. I just wanted to help you too.

Y/N: You're too kind. Hey, do you want to maybe go out as more than friends on this date? I-it's up to you, of course.

The blonde cups her hand on Y/N's face.

Lindsay: Does this answer your question?

The couple makes contact with their lips once more as the boat rides off down the river.

Trent: Hey, has anyone seen Owen?

We see Owen sinking into the green jelly.

Owen: Ha ha! Gwen's right. It IS warm.

The big completely submerges himself into the green jelly, enjoying the warmth.

(A/N: Apologies if the end was a bit cheesy.)

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