
By Suugko

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(This story contains extremely sensitive topics) Around 20 years ago, an unknown virus plagued the Earth, one... More

Chapter 0: Part 1 - Move on
Chapter 0: Part 2 - That's in the distance, isn't it?
Chapter 0: Part 3 - My essence
Chapter 0: Part 4 - Oddities of Life
Chapter 0: Part 5 - Feels like nothing's changed
Chapter 0: Part 6 - Karma
Chapter 0: Part 7 - Healing
Chapter 0: Part 8 - A Pebble in a Rocky Ocean
Chapter 0: Part 9 - Only one way to go
Chapter 0: Part 10 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye
Chapter 1 - A Whole New Reality
Chapter 2 - Off The Map
Chapter 3: Part 1 - How the hell have you been?
Chapter 4 - Apperton, The City of Craftsmanship
Chapter 5: Part 1 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 2 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 3 - Greater Issues
Chapter 5: Part 4 - Greater Issues
Chapter 6: Part 1 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 2 - Paid Debts
Chapter 6: Part 3 - Once old, born anew
Chapter 6: Part 4 - The past never forgets
Chapter 6: Part 5 - All we were looking for
Chapter 6: Part 6 - Murky waters
Chapter 7: Part 1 - Shadows Of a Lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 2 - Shadows of a lifetime
Chapter 7: Part 3 - Shadows of a Lifetime. Leave them be.
Chapter 7: Part 4 - Pressure
Chapter 8 - Precursors of Chaos
Chapter 9 - A trip to the past
Chapter 10 - Zamaton
Chapter 11 - Blades of Chaos
Chapter 12 - Blades of Chaos II
Chapter 13 - Blades of Chaos III
Chapter 14 - Part 1: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 2: Hope
Chapter 14 - Part 3: Hope...
Chapter 14: Part 4 - Don't mention it
Chapter 15 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 15: Part 2 - Don't be afraid to say goodbye. For now.
Chapter 16 - Death is only the beginning

Chapter 3: Part 2 - Is it really that important to you?

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By Suugko

Expedition 163
Members partaking:

Warden - Stephanie Myrellie (Female)
Kohen Alcatraz (Male)
Orton Cromwell (Male)
Nali Heisenberg (Male)
Lilith Ketler Reid (Female)
Myra Stryder (Female)

Current Status:
Their long journey begins.

It's always enjoyable to exchange moments with each other in trips like this. Talking, joking around, discussing topics from light to heavy, even bickering more than usual. It takes them back to simpler times, when they were just kids.
Although... The times weren't simple at all. Full of sorrow and grief brutally implanted in their young minds by the unforgiving world they inhabit. The only commonality they share is their fruitful attempts at burrying the past underneath dense layers of humor.
It's the most they can do, since those events are still so fresh. Still so difficult to accept.
Even after all this time, the past doesn't let up.

The view of the environment is phenomenal. Even though these are only remnants of the Old World, they have been overrun by the new sickening, yet beautiful laws of nature. It has transformed the once melancholic, gray cities of the Old World into thriving forests full of colorful life, despite the conditions of its upbringing.

Nali and Kohen go around the neglected debris like children in a playground, free-running along the decaying metal beams, jumping from a chunk of concrete to another, grabbing onto ledges, pulling each other up to places they can't reach. They've turned this into their turf.
Like responsible women, Myrellie and Myra constantly keep an eye on them, to make sure they don't fall to their deaths.

Lily doesn't want anything to do with them, if they die, it's their own fault. She finds a much bigger appeal in simply conversing with Orton for a while, sharing a story regarding her parents, and how they used to take her on walks just like this one. She reveals that it was one of her favorite hobbies until they got caught up with work, and stopped paying as much attention to her.

Orton sympathizes, holding her close upon embracing her with his arm.
He understands her, makes her feel accepted, something she believes she can't receive from the person she spends the most time with, Kohen.


Around 3 hours into the walk, they decide to take one of many breaks throughout the trip. They happened to stop before crossing a bridge that stands high above a massive crater, that splits the mountains as far as the eye can see. Apparently, this place once had a striving city within it, with buildings as tall as Thibillith's walls, but because of the massive tectonic plates' movements, it has been destroyed beyond recognition, all because a select few caused 'The of the Catastrophe of the Old World' all those years ago.

So many places destroyed...
So many lives lost...
All because of greed.

Unfortunately, ever since the incident, the city never saw brighter days, and it has perished into neglect and sorrow, much like the lands that surround it.

It is now called "Karaboon. The city split in half", where the inside of the buildings, as well as the looming dark pit underneath it, that consumed all the life this place had to offer, is visible all the way from the bridge.

Lily: "Can you believe people used to live in those cramped up spaces? All on top of each other like that... They couldn't even be loud." She crosses one leg over the other and leans onto Kohen, who is sitting back to back with her, eating a bar of chocolate.

Kohen: "It must've been boring for them.. Living such an uncomfortably quiet life, some of them getting up everyday just to go look at the same screen for 10 hours in the office, then go back home, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat the next day! It must've gotten unbearable at some point!"

Myra: "I'm sure it did Kohen. Believe it or not, there were jobs which they used to call '9 to 5' in some places. But some people just stood in front of screens doing nothing productive for days, while others had the burden to take care of them. They barely interacted with the world around them back then. Those are the ones I really feel sad for.."
Kohen: "Just listening depresses me."
Myrellie: "It wasn't like that everywhere, you know. Different continents applied different working systems for each of their countries, which were smaller portions of land divided between several people in positions of power. Those were called governments."

Kohen: "Countries and governments huh? They sound like a predecessors to Colonies and Wardens."
Lily: "Predecessors? When did you start using words with more than 3 syllables?" She murmurs to him, who shrugs.
Kohen: "Way before you were born Lilith!" He sarcastically implies, mouth full of chocolate. "I've been studying too, okay?! I'm not brainless all the time!"
Lily: "Sure thing. Don't forget, I'm OLDER than you Alcatraz! You couldn't have learned anything before me ;P"

Myrellie: "Old Colonies... I guess you could call them that. Unfortunately, those concepts are slowly disappearing. We're returning to the old ways of mankind, using the environment around us and a harsh set of survival skills to our advantage."

Everyone sits in silence for a moment.

Kohen: "Do you think the world will ever be the same as back then?"
Myrellie: "...That's a good question Kohen. But I have a better one for you." She stands up and walks towards the bridge ahead of them, leaning over the railing.

"Do we really want it to go back to what it was?"

This question strikes the group as odd.

"What is a normal world?" She follows, placing her chin in the palm of her hand, peering into the distant sky. "Isn't this world normal for us already? Isn't this what we're used to? Isn't this where we grew up?"

Kohen: "I guess so... I never really thought about it that way..."
Myrellie: "We're only calling the Old World "normal" on other people's terms. Things are different now. No governments, no countries, no universal tyranny... it's survival of the fittest."

Orton: "Do you prefer it that way?"
Myrellie: "Maybe.. But who knows? I'm just another clueless woman in all of this.."
Kohen: "What're you trying to say mom? Don't make it creepy."
Myrellie: "Sorry.. Just thinking out loud." She turns her face.

Nali returns from the bushes.
"Damn!! All I gotta do for you guys to get alll philosophical, is leave to take a piss!! Just live your lives however you can!! We don't last that long ya know?"

Kohen: "Right on brother!! Thinkin' about this stuff gets me all up in my thoughts."
Lily: "Considering your brain doesn't work 95% of the time, that's pretty impressive."

Kohen stands up.
"Listen here you stupid lunch box lookin ass!! The reason I do it is cuz you're nagging me 95% of the time!! Like you just did!!"

Lily: "All I do is tell you the facts, Alcatraz! It's not my fault your brain cells don't work as they should." She jabs, inspecting the sharpness of her military knife's blade, which Kohen snatches from her.

Kohen: "OHHH NOOOOOO LOOOOOK!!! MY BRAINCELLS TOLD ME TO TAKE YOUR KNIFEE!!!! OOOOOOH GODDD!!! WHAT A TRAGEDYYY!! HOW WILL YOU GET IT BACKK!?!?!?" He dramatically flails around, attempting to make Lily laugh.

Kohen: "Come get it pussy! Put those muscles to work!" He taunts.

Lily runs towards Kohen and attempts landing him a sweeping kick, which he instinctively jumps to dodge.

Kohen: "What the-!?"

She grabs him mid-air and flips him around, kicking him on the side of the body, which sends him head first into the floor. Luckily, he puts his acrobatic skills to the test, by gently tossing the knife in front of him in order to place his hands on the floor to break the fall, while still facing Lily. He then lands a cartwheel and launches himself towards his friend, grabbing her and pinning her to the floor.

Orton: "GUYS!!" He approaches.

Kohen presses harder.
"THE HELL LILY!? I was just messing around! Fuck's gotten into you?!"
Lily: "GIVE IT BACK!!! GIVE ME MY FUCKING KNIFE BACK." Tears in her angry, focused eyes, which completely ignore Kohen's words.

He shudders.
Why is she so upset?

"Fucking fine!! It's right here!! There you go!" He holds the blade and gives it to her. "I didn't mean to upset you Lily, I was just-"
Before he could finish the sentence, Lily tackles him and presses the knife on his neck.

Myra: "LILITH!" She yelps, hoping her friend stops before having to intervene.

She stares into Kohen's eyes, who doesn't fight back, acting as a universal truce.
Lily wants to stab him, but she knows he's Kohen.
Does it matter though?
He took her knife.
But... It's Kohen..

Lily: "Do you have any idea.... of how much this knife means to me.... Kohen Alcatraz?"
Kohen shudders again, she said his full name.
What the fuck is going on with her?

Kohen: "I clearly don't Lily!! But I was just messing around!! Get that thing offa me already!! This isn't funny!!!" She starts grinning.

Lily: "It seems about fucking right for me to do!"

Orton finally grabs the growling girl, who strongly resists his attempts to lift her off their friend.

Orton: "LILY!!!" He holds her face against his chest. "It's okay!! Kohen doesn't know about it."
Lily: "LET ME GO!! I'LL KILL HIM!!" She states, pressing the knife against Orton's shoulder. "Let me go Orton. Or I'll stab you next!! Let me fucking GO!!!"
Orton: "It's fine!! He wasn't doing it to hurt you."

She attempts breaking herself free from him, but he's just too strong. And she can't stab him because, it's Orton.
She gives in, and drops her knife.

Lily: "Why the fuck... do you have to be so understanding.." She holds onto him strongly. "Fucking damnit..." Tears drop from her eyes. "I'm sorry Orton... I- I didn't--"
Orton: "It's fine Lily. Everything's fine. No one's taking your things anymore."
She cries into Orton's chest, holding onto him like she hasn't had a hug for years.

Nali glances at Kohen, who's eyes are struck with confusion, coupled with a deep sense of guilt. His expression is one that Nali hasn't seen before.

Kohen doesn't glance back at his friend.
Instead, he drops his gaze.

Upon standing up and grabbing his backpack, he begins marching to cross the bridge.

Myra watches as he moves past her.
He attempts doing the same with Myrellie, who was now gazing at Lily and the others. But he wasn't so lucky, because she grabs him by the backpack and locks her arm around his neck as soon as he's in range.

Myrellie: "Where do you think you're going all by yourself?" She kisses his temple.
Kohen: "I'm leaving." He pulls away, gently lifting her arm off his shoulders. "I'm an issue to eveyone around me. Lily doesn't even trust me enough to tell me what the fuck that was about!"
Myrellie: "That's not true, kid! You children just get mad easily. Coming from various different places, not only in life, but from this world altogether, you're bound to clash. And yet, you managed to wind up here and become friends with each other. Isn't that amazing?"

Kohen's demeanor changes immediately. Myrellie always knows what to say to cheer him up, or make him look at things differently. She's never upset when he lashes out.
How does she do it? How is she always aware of what to say?

It kinda reminds him of what Myra does, but, it's not the same. Myra doesn't explain things to the extent Myrellie does. And for some reason, every other person that tries to calm him down never succeeds.
It's only Myrellie.
His mother.

So this definitely makes him smile.

Kohen: "It's all thanks to you mom, really.. We would've never met each other if you didn't take us in." He pauses, taking a seat on a concrete block that was in front of a decaying red car.
"Why did you do that anyway?"
Myrellie: "Do you really want to know the answer?"
Kohen: "Yeah.. What do you see in us? ... In me..?"

She backs herself against the car, slightly sitting on it.

Myrellie has noticed Kohen asking questions that could turn his entire perspective on life depending on the answer. He's asked about his purpose, his family before her and what actually happened to them, the reason why other people in the Colony look at him a certain way, the reason why his friends sometimes turn on him the way they just did. The meaning of life and death.

His constant outspurts of energy are decreasing. He's ceasing to be a carefree soul. Turning darker and darker by the day. It's been difficult for him to joke around with people, since his playful approach often feels too pushy or invasive to one's personal space.

Even though she has been able to answer most of his questions with ease, some of them, that regard himself and the friendship with those around him, are deemed slightly more troubling to find the appropriate answer to.

Myrellie: "Well. Think about it this way. If there were several stray cats and dogs that had no place to go, and you just so happened to have an empty room in your house, would you take them in?"

Kohen ponders for a moment.

Kohen: "I guess I could.. But I'd rather have a baby one that grows up with me."

Myrellie's expression shifts. Kohen's answer doesn't upset her, but it's definitely way better than what she was expecting.

Myrellie: "I can't blame you for thinking that way. Getting a pet from birth is the preferred choice, since you're the first person that baby gets to meet. It'll grow up along with you. But personally, if there's a chance to pick the strays, I'll take it every time."

Kohen: "Really?? Why would you do that? What's special about the strays?"

Myrellie: "Nothing, Kohen." She closes her eyes. "It's really simple. The strays were abandoned.. Showed love and affection, then discarded to live with only memories of the times they were happy. And now that they have nothing, all that's left is suffering and loneliness. They have nothing to do but wander around aimlessly until they grow too weak to move on, and eventually perish. They have nowhere else to go besides death, do they?"

Kohen reacts.

Kohen: "Unless someone has a spare room for them..."
Myrellie smiles, then pats him on the head.
Myrellie: "There you go kid!! You're starting to get it!!"
"Your friends. They're just as troubled as you. They do have their little quirks, but they're all trying to cope with their own losses up to this point, just the way you are."

Kohen stares at his friends in thought.
"Hey mom.." She hums. "Does their sudden change in behaviour have anything to do with my problem?"

There it is again. Myrellie turns serious.

"Am I gonna be this way forever?" He frowns. "Fucked up and hated because of these shitty marks around my neck?"
"Are they the reason why my parents died too??" He looks at her, calm yet powerful stare.
"Are they the reason my sister was killed in front of my eyes? In these very arms?" His tone intensifies.
"The reason why all the people I ever came across while growing up ran away from me as soon as I showed these things to them? What the fuck are they?"

"Why did I have to be the one who's like this?"

"Am I even human?"

Myrellie's eyes cannot be seen behind her glasses, since the light is reflecting off the lenses.
She stares at Kohen, then at the sky.

Long pause.

Myrellie: "Who knows? Maybe you are, maybe you aren't." Kohen stares. "Maybe those marks are the reason you've had many obstacles to overcome, as well as the reason a lot of things went wrong."

Kohen frowns, clicking his tongue.
He shoots up and walks towards the edge of the bridge, gently placing his hands down on the railing, as he stares into the split city.
Myrellie sneaks behind him shortly after.

Myrellie: "But you're the only one who can do something about them, aren't you?" She smiles at him. "The fearless Kohen Alcatraz, human or not, is always the one on top of the world!!"

Kohen scoffs.

"It's The Ifrit.. Kohen Alcatraz.."

Myrellie pats him on the shoulder as she walks beside him.
She leans onto it and wraps her arm around his waist, since he's taller than her.

"The Ifrit Kohen Alcatraz. The strongest scout around!" She comforts. "You're the only one I know for a fact can overcome anything Kohen. You're my kid after all!" He lands her a side-glance as she stares into the distance, such a serene expression on her face.

"I know that whatever adversity you face.."
"You'll always come out victorious."

She stares at him with a smile.


Kohen: "Pff... You're such a dumbass mom.." He hugs her by the shoulders.
"Thank you.."
"I don't know what I'd do without you."

Kohen smiles.

Orton pops up behind Myrellie, resting his hands on her shoulders.
Myrellie: "You alright Orton?" Hand over his, showing a certain level of affection towards him as well.
Orton: "Of course!" He sits down next to her. "But I'm more concerned about this guy. You holdin up okay Al?"
Kohen: "Yeah.." He shifts his gaze. "When am I not?"

Orton frowns, exhaling after.
"I know man. Things have been tough on you lately. Actually, I don't remember the last time they weren't," He stands up to approach Kohen. "But hey. At least we can deal with it together. Everything's better with friends, ain't it?!" He shrugs, walking towards the railing and looking down into the split city.

"Just look at all of this Al! There are thousands of places like this around the world!! Who the hell's gonna make us explore stuff like this if you're wearing a long face?" He peers over.

"I only want to do it if you're there for the ride!"

Kohen takes a moment to process what he said, then cackles, smiling eagerly as he approaches his close friend, to give him a firm handshake and a hug.
"Damn you Orton!! You always know what to say to me!! You both do! Myra as well!"

Orton suddenly blushes, although his expression turns slightly sour afterwards.
"Yeah.. Myra knows what to say most of the time.." He scratches the back of his neck. Eyes closed. "I mostly just try to follow her example when talking, it's something new I'm trying. Don't wanna talk like a punk all the time."

Kohen: "Good on you man! It's working out pretty good so far!"

He peers over his friend's shoulder, a milder stare plagues his face.

"How's Lily doing?"

Orton: "She's okay. Myra's trying to calm her down."
Kohen: "What was that all about? I've never seen her act that way towards anyone!"
Orton: "Well, all she told me was that she used to go on walks like this with her parents, but I don't think that's the reason she reacted like that."
Kohen: "How'd you know what to say?"
Orton: "I said what made sense really. Since the issue was you taking the knife, and considering how territorial she got over it, I assumed it was probably something we don't know about. I said that on a hunch, and it ended up being what ultimately calmed her down."

Myrellie: "Your hunch was more than just right. The reason behind this outburst has to do with something she asked me to keep from the rest of you." She approaches, soles popping on the floor.
Kohen: "Regarding what exactly?"

Myrellie: "Her parents."

Kohen turns pale. Reminding him that he doesn't even know what his own parents looked like. It's an intrusive thought he couldn't avoid.
It's unfair that Lily even gets to keep something from her family.
The only thing his parents left for him was his sister, who he doesn't have anymore.

It makes him blame himself for the omens of battle he carries, in the form of tattoos.
Why are all this feelings popping up all of the sudden?
Why are they coming around so frequently?
Why only now?

Something's brewing inside of Kohen's heart.
Infecting his very soul.


Myrellie: "They left her this knife as a parting gift."
Orton: "A knife of all things... There must be something incredibly special about it."
Myrellie: "Right on." She sits on top of the red car once again, putting her left leg over the right knee.
"It's the knife they've had in their family for generations. Used to sever the umbilical cord of newborns instead of the normal medical scissors."

Kohen: "Why would they do that?"
Myrellie: "It's because her parents had their own hospital when they were alive. Whether we like it or not, to her, that knife is the reason she's walking here today. It's said that it holds the bonds between the mother and child of each generation that is born.
Orton: "I presume she was also conceived with that knife"
Myrellie: "Yes, precisely what I just said."

Kohen: "So she feels a connection to her mom... That's why the knife is so important to her.."
Myrellie: "Bingo, likeee I just said!"

Kohen: "Despite being a pretty concept, it's still kinda gross." He states, putting his tongue out.
Myrellie: "You were probably conceived with a pair of shears Kohen." She smirks.
Kohen: "NOT funny! DIDN'T laugh!!"

Myrellie: "Either way, they taught Lily about several topics as she was growing up, since going to school with a virus on the loose was out of the question at the time. But that's a topic for another day.

That knife is far older than her, and her parents told her to treat it with the utmost respect. It's everything that is left of her family."

Kohen stares over his shoulder, to see Lily sitting on the floor while talking to Myra, who is observing the landscape below, next to her. Even though she's a pain in the ass sometimes, Kohen never thought that by having a family, she might feel more lonely than he does, who had to grow up by himself from the beginning.

They're equally bad outcomes.

Kohen: "So... You're saying that, in a way, what remains of Lily's ancestry.. Her blood.. And her entire family.. Is all held in that knife?" He ponders.
Myrellie: "You can put it that way, yes. It's full of emotion."

Kohen: "If I knew that earlier, I wouldn't have taken it, ya know....

Why didn't she tell me..?"

Myrellie: "That's something you should discuss with her."


Kohen: "Hey mom..." He stares at her.
"What if that knife isn't all that's left of them? What about her as a person? She has that family's blood running through her veins. And since you said many children were conceived.. Isn't there a chance Lily might still have relatives out there?"

Myrellie: "Hmm... It's possible.. Although I haven't heard anything about that."
Kohen: "Maybe that's just another secret she's holding."
Orton: "I wouldn't pry if I were you Al. We already know too much we should've heard from her."
Kohen: "Shoot, you're right. What do you think mom?"

Myrellie: "..."

"We'll have to ask her ourselves."

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