Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who...

Da Nobody8524

116K 3.9K 597

"You'll never guess what just happened!" "You went out into the hallway, stumbled into an interdimensi... Altro

Possible OC Face Claims (They can be whoever you desire πŸ‘ŒπŸ™‚)
Chapter 01: New Earth
Chapter 02: New Earth
Chapter 03: New Earth
Chapter 04: Tooth and Claw
Chapter 05: Tooth and Claw
Chapter 06: Tooth and Claw
Chapter 07: School Reunion
Chapter 08: School Reunion
Chapter 09: School Reunion
Chapter 10: The Girl in the Fireplace
Chapter 11: The Girl in the Fireplace
Chapter 12: The Girl in the Fireplace
Chapter 13: The Girl in the Fireplace
Chapter 14: Request From The Past
Chapter 15: The Right Moment
Chapter 16: Rise of the Cybermen
Chapter 17: Rise of the Cybermen
Chapter 18: Rise of the Cybermen
Chapter 19: Rise of the Cybermen
Chapter 20: Rise of the Cybermen
Chapter 21: The Age of Steel
Chapter 22: The Age of Steel
Chapter 23: The Age of Steel
Chapter 24: The Age of Steel
Chapter 25: The Age of Steel
Chapter 26: The Idiot's Lantern
Chapter 27: The Idiot's Lantern
Chapter 28: The Idiot's Lantern
Chapter 29: The Idiot's Lantern
Chapter 30: Becoming One
Chapter 31: The Beginning
Chapter 32: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 33: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 34: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 35: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 36: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 37: The Impossible Planet
Chapter 38: The Satan Pit
Chapter 39: The Satan Pit
Chapter 40: The Satan Pit
Chapter 41: The Satan Pit
Chapter 42: Unexpected Recruitment
Chapter 43: Task Completion
Chapter 44: The Den of Desire
Chapter 45: Love and Monsters
Chapter 46: Fear Her
Chapter 47: Fear Her
Chapter 48: Fear Her
Chapter 49: Fear Her
Chapter 50: Fear Her
Chapter 51: Army of Ghosts
Chapter 52: Army of Ghosts
Chapter 53: Army of Ghosts
Chapter 54: Army of Ghosts
Chapter 55: Army of Ghosts
Chapter 56: Doomsday
Chapter 57: Doomsday
Chapter 58: Doomsday
Chapter 59: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 60: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 61: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 62: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 63: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 64: The Runaway Bride
Chapter 65: Smith, Jones and Halifax
Chapter 66: Smith, Jones and Halifax
Chapter 67: Smith, Jones and Halifax
Chapter 68: Smith, Jones and Halifax
Chapter 69: Smith, Jones and Halifax
Chapter 70: Martha's Recruitment
Chapter 71: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 72: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 73: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 74: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 75: The Shakespeare Code
Chapter 76: Taken
Chapter 77: Searching
Chapter 78: Reunited
Chapter 79: Getting Home
Chapter 80: Gridlock
Chapter 81: Gridlock
Chapter 82: Gridlock
Chapter 83: Gridlock
Chapter 84: Daleks in Manhattan
Chapter 85: Daleks in Manhattan
Chapter 86: Daleks in Manhattan
Chapter 87: Daleks in Manhattan
Chapter 88: Evolution of the Daleks
Chapter 89: Evolution of the Daleks
Chapter 90: Evolution of the Daleks
Chapter 91: Evolution of the Daleks
Chapter 92: The Lazarus Experiment
Chapter 93: The Lazarus Experiment
Chapter 94: The Lazarus Experiment
Chapter 95: The Lazarus Experiment
Chapter 96: The Lazarus Experiment
Chapter 97: 42
Chapter 98: 42
Chapter 99: 42
Chapter 100: 42
Chapter 101: Human Nature
Chapter 102: Human Nature
Chapter 103: Human Nature
Chapter 104: Human Nature
Chapter 105: Human Nature
Chapter 106: The Family of Blood
Chapter 107: The Family of Blood
Chapter 108: The Family of Blood
Chapter 109: The Family of Blood
Chapter 110: Blink
Chapter 111: Blink
Chapter 112: Blink
Chapter 113: Blink
Chapter 114: Utopia
Chapter 115: Utopia
Chapter 116: Utopia
Chapter 117: Utopia
Chapter 118: Utopia
Chapter 119: The Sound of Drums
Chapter 120: The Sound of Drums
Chapter 121: The Sound of Drums
Chapter 122: The Sound of Drums
Chapter 123: Last of the Time Lords
Chapter 124: The Last of the Time Lords
Chapter 125: The Last of the Time Lords
Chapter 126: The Last of the Time Lords
Chapter 128: Voyage of the Damned
Chapter 129: Voyage of the Damned
Chapter 130: Voyage of the Damned
Chapter 131: Voyage of the Damned
Chapter 132: Voyage of the Damned
Chapter 133: Partners in Crime
Chapter 134: Partners in Crime
Chapter 135: Partners in Crime
Chapter 136: The Fires of Pompeii
Chapter 137: The Fires of Pompeii
Chapter 138: The Fires of Pompeii
Chapter 139: The Fires of Pompeii
Chapter 140: The Fires of Pompeii
Chapter 141: Planet of the Ood
Chapter 142: Planet of the Ood
Chapter 143: Planet of the Ood
Chapter 144: Planet of the Ood
Chapter 145: The Sontaran Stratagem
Chapter 146: The Sontaran Stratagem

Chapter 127: Voyage of the Damned

303 11 2
Da Nobody8524

(A/N: So close and yet so far lmao)

Lovers are flames that breathe all the more deeply for being closer together, it is then they shine brighter, both within and upon one another, becoming a source of light and love in the world, showering sparks of positive chaos into the dark.


After Echo had her beloved Time Lord put his fancy clothes on like her, she had soft dancing music play in the background of the console room. The lights were dimmed by the Tardis alone. The gentle ambiance embraced the serene couple, the Doctor holding her as close as possible. As they danced in tempo with the calming song, they both basked in each other's presence and felt it paradise. Even more so when their eyes met. His warming dark chocolate gazing into deep infinity. They could both recognize the look of want in their features. Eagerly and without hesitation, they leaned in simultaneously and shared with each other a loving, consuming and overall enthralling kiss.

Before their heated actions were able to progress, however, a fog horn could suddenly be heard around them. Then, much to their surprise, a ship's bow crashed through the side of the Tardis. "Well, damn." Echo said with intense confusion.

"What? What?" he repeated, just as boggled. As a ship's bell rang, he picked up a life belt and turned it over. Much to their bewilderment, they read 'Titanic'. 

She snorted in a very unlady like manner. "Of course." she chuckled. With mild amusement, Echo went to the console and adjusted the controls a bit. As they moved, the Tardis walls reformed back to normal. Moments later, they materialized inside the ship next to a board detailing a list of shipping companies. "Come along, my love. I think we look fancy enough." then grabbed his hand and led them to the doors.

Walking into the reception area, they found people in Edwardian dress enjoying a champagne buffet. A band played a slow version of Jingle Bells. Around the perimeter of the room were golden skinned statue like robots of male angels; one moving as the curious couple walked past. They then spotted a small red-skinned alien in a dinner jacket as they approached a window. "Attention all passengers. The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol Three, also known as Earth. Population, human. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Christmas." a tannoy announced.

On a screen for everyone to see was a recording of a bald man with a thin moustache sitting behind a desk. "Max Capricorn Cruise liners. The fastest, the farthest, the best. And I should know, because my name is Max." His gold tooth then glinted in the light on cue. Moments later, the screen returned to the logo and the lady singer crooned Winter Wonderland.

The Doctor smiled down at his beloved Echo and kissed the back of her hand happily. Passing dancing couples, they mingled kindly with those that greeted them. With the desire for more information, they then approached one of the angels. "Good evening. Passengers fifty-seven and fifty- eight. Terrible memory. Remind me. You would be...?" he inquired slyly.

"Information. Heavenly Host supplying tourist information." it answered robotically.

He nodded. "Good. So, tell me, because I'm an idiot. Where are we from?"

"Information. The Titanic is en route from the planet Sto in the Cassavalian Belt. The purpose of the cruise is the experience primitive cultures."

"So, tell us. Who thought of the name 'Titanic'?" Echo asked with a mild smile.

"Information. It was chosen as the most famous vessel of the planet Earth."

The Doctor furrowed his brow, "Did they tell you why it was famous?"

"Information. All designations are chosen by Mister Max Capricorn, president Max-- Max-- Max--" Unexpectedly, the Host twitched as its voice pitch rose.

The Steward noticed and immediately hurried over. "Ooo, bit of a glitch." the Doctor commented.

"It's all right, Sir, Madam. We can handle this." Two more officers arrived and switched the Host off before carrying it away. "Software problem, that's all. Leave it with us. Merry Christmas." and walked away without another word for them. Though his quickened pace tipped Echo off to possible signs of trouble coming their way. 

Suddenly, they heard the dropping of glass after a stuck up rich man bumped into a blonde waitress; to which thoroughly distracted them. "For Tov's sake, look where you're going. This jacket's a genuine Earth antique." he spat arrogantly.

"I'm sorry, sir." she immediately apologized as she knelt down to clean the mess that had been made.

The ignorant man, however, wouldn't have it. "You'll be sorry when it comes out of your wages, sweetheart. Staffed by idiots. No wonder Max Capricorn's going down the drain." the childished fool complained. As the Doctor went to help the woman, Echo took the opportunity to confront the pathetic man. Though, the moment he laid eyes on her, desire and entitlement surged through him. "Something must be wrong with my phone... It doesn't have your number in it. If you're lucky, I'll make time for you." he attempted without shame or consideration of rejection. 

She gave him a bored expression from hearing the lame pick-up line. "You have no right to insult and even threaten another person just because of their lower standing. Keep this in mind for next time. It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, rather than open it and remove all doubt." then walked away, satisfied with his offended and outraged expression though had a feeling he didn't quite understand what she had said. 

"Nice to meet you, Astrid Peth. Merry Christmas." the Doctor said as his love joined them.

The blonde woman smiled a little at his unforeseeable, genuine kindness. "Merry Christmas to you both. Doctor who, though?"

"It's just the Doctor and I'm called Echo. Happy to meet you." she clarified and shook her hand.

Her smile grew as she felt a subtle desire to remain in their presence. "So, are you enjoying the cruise?"

He nodded, "We were having a date night and thought it fun. But what about you? Long way from home, planet Sto."

Astried shrugged indifferently. "Doesn't feel that different. I spent three years working at the spaceport diner, traveled all the way here and I'm still waiting on tables." she grumbled lightly.

"No shore leave?" he questioned in mild surprise.

She immediately shook her head. "We're not allowed. They can't afford the insurance. I just wanted to try it, just once. I used to watch the ships heading out to the stars and I always dreamt of being on one. I know, it sounds daft." 

The Doctor nodded in complete understanding as Echo smiled fondly. "You dreamt of another sky. New sun, new air, new life. A whole universe teeming with life. Why stand still when there is all that life out there?" he mused truthfully.

Astrid felt inexplicable relief just from hearing how accurate he spoke. "So, you two travel a lot?" she wondered aloud, her curiosity mounting. 

"Constantly." came the nonchalant answer from the entertained Echo.

Her Doctor smiled at her before looking back to the interested waitress. "Just for fun. Well, that's usually the plan. Never quite works out."

"Must be rich, though." Astrid probed, trying to figure them out to the best of her ability.

Taking her aback, he shook his head. "Haven't got a penny."

"Stowaways." Echo whispered conspiratorially.

The blonde's grin instantly grew. "No way." she denied happily.

"Oh, yeah." he added with a cheeky grin.

"How did you get on board?" she asked quietly.

"Accident, really." he explained. "We've got this, sort of, ship... thing. The defenses were left down by mistake. Bumped into the Titanic. Thought this could make date night more exciting, and here we are."

Glee shone in her eyes with the same beauty as the stars in a clear night sky. "I should report you two." she teased.

"Off you go, then." Echo playfully challenged, enjoying their new friend.

"I'll get you some drinks on the house." she said quietly and calmly walked away so as to avoid attracting attention of any kind.

After she had left them, they noticed a bunch of toffs laughing at a large woman in a purple cowboy outfit and her equally well padded companion. Without question did the travelers join the mocked couple, not an ounce of hesitation to be found. "Just ignore them." the large man tried to remind the large woman.

The Doctor looked towards the laughing bullies curiously. "Something's tickled them."

With a heavy frown, the woman answered with clear annoyance. "They told us it was fancy dress. Very funny, I'm sure."

The man shook his head in disagreement. "They're just picking on us because we haven't paid. We won our tickets in a competition." he clarified with just as much bother.

"I had to name the five husbands of Joofie Crystalle in By the Light of the Asteroid." the woman explained further. "Did either of you ever watch By the Light of the Asteroid?" Even when deeply disturbed, she still managed to be kind and courteous.

Thinking for a moment, the Doctor replied with half a thought of recognition. "Is that the one with the twins?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "That's it. Oh, it's marvellous."

Her partner, however, kept his frown. "But we're not good enough for that lot. They think we should be in steerage."

Echo smirked mischievously at her lover. "We can't have that, now can we?" she subtly urged and glanced at the nearby champagne bottle on the other table.

"Nope, unexceptable." he agreed before aiming his sonic screwdriver with his back facing the desire table.

Almost instantly did the cork pop out, spraying their expensive clothes with alcohol. Echo didn't even try to hide her laughter, to which was heard by the virtually panicking bullies. "Did you do that?" the woman asked in surprised enjoyment.

The Doctor smirked, "Maybe."

The woman beamed with nothing but gratitude. "We like you."

Beside her nodded the man. "Yes, we do. I'm Morvin Van Hoff. This is my good woman, Foon."

He happily shook their hands in greetings. "Hello, I'm the Doctor and this is my beloved Echo."

Foon laughed, "Oh, I'm going to need a doctor, time I've finished with that buffet. Have a buffalo wing. They must be enormous, these buffalo. So many wings."

"Attention please. Shore leave tickets Red Six Seven now activated. Red Six Seven." a tannoy announced before they could decline the offer.

"Red Six Seven." Foon said as she took out their tickets. "That's us. Are you two Red Six Seven as well?"

The Doctor shrugged, "Might as well be." he answered without care.

"Come on, then. We're going to Earth!" Morvin urged and happily led the way.

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