My Dream Prince ( Slow Update...

By Butter8321

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Kang Y/n a cute and kind hearted girl. She become orphan at an early age and is raised by her mother who is w... More

Ep-1 ( I Miss you Appa)
Ep-2 (Going back to school)
Ep-3 ( I will protect you)
Ep-4 ( Jealousy )
Ep-5 ( Bike ride)
Ep-6 (part-1: Yn is a cheater)
Ep-6 (part 2: You are the most precious to me)
Ep-7 ( Late night hangout)
A Request
Ep-8 ( Got Caught)
Ep-9 ( Flirty Taehyung)
Ep-10 (Chim Oppa)
Ep- 11 ( He kissed me??)
Ep- 13 (Mesmerising Morning)
Ep-14 ( Dazy in trouble)
Ep-15( Farewell party)
Ep- 16 (Misunderstandings)
Ep- 17 (Birthday party)
Ep-18 (Confession)
Ep-19 ( Trust)

Ep-12 (Jimin's Farmhouse Trip)

213 10 0
By Butter8321

Taehyung pov:

I was about to go but yn held my hand again from the back by saying "taehyung you can't leave like that."Accidentally her foot slipped due to the slippery floor, and she feel along me on the top of her. My eyes widened when my lips landed on her, her reaction was same as mine. We both were looking into each other eyes with surprised face and blank mind.

After a few seconds when I didn't moved then she pushed me a little, indicating to move out of her. I then came back to reality and moved away from her. "Sorry" was the only word that came out of me that time, and I left from there immediately trying to understand the situation.

Yn Pov: Taehyung left after mumbling sorry while I was still sitting there on the floor covered with flour trying to process what just happened. My hands automatically touched my lips 'he kissed me' came out of my mouth. I was clouded in my own thoughts that I didn't even realise that someone was already there calling my name.

I came back to my senses when someone jerked my shoulder.'yn, yn , yn!!!' I looked towards the direction of the person and saw eomma standing there with astonishment.

Ms shin: yn why are you sitting here and what happened here? (She said misteriously while eyeing the kitchen)

I stood up immediately after seeing eomma Infront

of me. When I stood up she looked at me from head to toe as I was covered with flour.

Ms shin:what happened here yn? Why are you covered in flour and why there is so mess in kitchen?

Yn: eomma I...... (my mind went completely blank that what should I say to her)

Ms shin: what yn?

Yn: eomma I ......

Ms Shin: yn will you speak up? Or else will kept saying 'eomma I , eomma I' (she said with an angry face)

Yn: eomma I came here to bake some cookies. I was trying to put down the flour container from there (pointed to the cabinet) as it was to high so I stood on the stool and then my foot tripped and I .....(I said all in one breath and then looked downwards while whining my fingers)

Eomma put her hand on her forehead and looked towards the messy kitchen while shooking her head.

Ms Shin:oh God yn! You know I cleaned the whole kitchen just in the morning and you again messed it up. It looks like some kind of hurricane came here.

Yn; i am sorry eomma. It all happened accidentally. I will clean it, don't worry.

Ms shin: No! First go and clean your self and then come to help me.

She said with a bit angry expressions to which I nooded my head like an obedient child and left from there.

<Time skipped>
Author pov:

It's been four days since after that incident none of them dared to talk to each other. Yn wanted to clear all the misunderstandings but was too shy to face taehyung after that accidental kiss. She was now getting ready for her university as from today there new semester will begin.

As soon as she came out of the servant quaters, she was welcomed by a tight hug. 'how are you cupcake? You know I missed you soooooooo muccccch.....' yn pushed him harshly and said 'yah chim! Where the hell were you? I was trying to call you from past few days.' 'I was busy yn' he said with a nervous smile while ruffling his hairs. "Busy, That you even didn't get the time to receive my call or reply to my text know I have something very important to discuss with you but sometimes your phone was off or sometimes your number was busy and you say you miss me right' she said the last sentence while mimicking him and started to leave from there.

But jimin stopped her from the back by back hugging her. 'leave me chim' she said angrily whinning like a baby. 'ynah! I am sorry. I was busy with something important.please try to understand.' He then held his ears 'please forgive your chim oppa this time. I promise I will not do this again' he said with a cutey pout. Yn was melted by his innocent pouty face so she made him leave his ears. 'okay! I am forgiving you this time but don't you dare to ignore my calls from next time ' 'okay mam! As your wish' he said while acting like a servant and pinched yn's nose' yah oppa!'

They both were laughing and giggling while someone was looking at them with an anger yet jealousy and that was no other than Kim taehyung. Yn eyes suddenly met with him and she stopped her actions. Jimin looked at her suspesiously and followed her gaze and found taehyung looking towards them.

'hey taehyung! What's up bro?' Jimin said while waving his hand towards taehyung but he ignored him completely and sit in his car and drove away. Jimin stood there dumfounded while looking towards his car vanishing from there site. He then looked towards yn and asked

Jimin: Now what happened to him? Why he is behaving like that? Did you both fight again?

Yn sign while taking a deep breath ' yeah probably!'*annoyed face* 'come, we are getting late for university.I will tell you everything on the way.' She said and they both left.

University cafeteria:

Yn told everything to dazy about her and taehyung.

Dazy: what? That much happened and you are telling me now?*surprised face*

Yn:You are saying like we were in contact from this one week. We hardly talk once for a few minutes and then you said, your mom was calling you, and you disconnected the call. After that I tried to call you some other times also but you weren't answering.

Dazy: yn I am sorry, I ....

Yn: it's ok dazy, I can understand. You and your mom must be with your uncle right.

Yn: oh sorry! In all my frustrations I forgot to ask you that how is your uncle? Is he fine now? Did he got some major injuries?

Dazy: no! He is fine now and is also discharged from hospital.

Yn: oh! That's great.

Yn doesn't know why but she felt dazy a bit nervous and upset till morning. Might be she is hiding something from her. That's why yn didn't ask her much that why she was not answering her calls; she doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Dazy: from whatever you told me, one thing is clear that he has feelings for you.*teasingly smiling*

Yn chocked on her food.

Yn:what?? Now from where these feelings came in-between??*sipping water*

Dazy smacked her head lightly with the opposite side of her spoon.


Dazy:Aish pabo! You are too naive. See you said that he was mainly angry due to the closeness between you and jimin. So it means he was jealous.

Yn: yeah so!!!

Dazy:ufff yn! Jealousy and possessiveness comes where there are feelings for someone. He was jealous because he has feelings for you pabo.

Yn: Really!!!😞

Dazy: Hmm!🙄

After university yn, dazy and jungkook were going home when all of there phones beeped at the same time. Three of them looked towards each other and saw a message in 'friends group' in which yn, dazy, yoora, jimin, jungkook and taehyung were added. The message was from jimin.

Guys guys, listen! I planned a short trip for all of us this weekend. We all are going to my farmhouse; we will take our leave on Friday evening as you all know it's quite far from Seoul. So be ready.😉

Jungkook looks towards yn and dazy ' so you both are coming right?' 'offcource we are, kook! It's been a very very long time since I went there and jimin's farmhouse is one of the most comfortable and beautiful place. I am already very excited ' she said while hugging dazy and jumping in excitement.'yeah this weekend is going to be so much fun' he screamed in excitement.

??: why you guys are being so excited? Anything special??

They all paused their excitement after hearing the deep yet aggressive voice and looked towards the owner. It was taehyung along with yoora who was standing beside him while hugging his arm like his girlfriend.

Jungkook: hyung! Didn't you checked the jimin's message in 'friends group' . We are going to his farmhouse this weekend.

Dazy: yeah so we were just discussing it.

Jungkook: you are coming? Right

Taehyung: No jungkook! I have some other planes on this weekend.*scoffed*

Jungkook: but hyung, you can postpone your plan. You know na jimin just come for two weeks, and he will get back to USA by the end of next week. He called all of us so sweetly. He would mind if you wouldn't come.

Taehyung: Hmm! Let's see.

Jungkook: yeah please postpone you....

Yn: leave kook! Why are you forcing him if he doesn't want to come with us. He doesn't cares about anyone feelings at all. *taunting him*

Taehyung: oh really!

Yoora: mind your language yn.

Yn: mind your business yoora.*rolling eyes*

Yoora: you....

Taehyung: think whatever you want yn. I don't care; I am not going to cancel my plans at any cost*agrresive tone*

He said, and take his arm out of yoora's grip and went towards parking lot to take his car.

Yoora: what the hell yn! You just ruined my Tae tae's whole mood and listen if he is not coming than I am also not coming.

Dazy: yeah! We will enjoy more without you. Isn't it yn?*highfigh*

Yn: offcource*highfigh*

Yoora: you....

Before yoora could say something jungkook stopped her and ask her to leave.

Yoora: I will see both of you later*anger*

Yn and dazy:okay! bye bye yoora.*waving hands with teasing smile*

Jungkook: com'on guy's stop it!

She then went towards taehyung's car, sat at passanger seat and drove away with him while glaring towards dazy and yn with grudge.

Yn: we?? She is the one who started first.

Dazy: jungkook! Today just tell me one thing. Is she really your biological sister??

Jungkook: dazy!!!

Yn: yeah kook! You both are siblings but with completly different personalities. You are so sweet, loving, caring and kind hearted and she's just......

Jungkook: okay okay! I understood. No need to say further*teasing tone*

We all giggled at his cute reaction.'wait here , I will take the car from parking lot' he said with his cute bunny smile and left from there.

Dazy: yn! Wasn't yoora to much close to taehyung??

Yn signed and said 'i don't want to talk about them dazy. He even didn't listened to me that day and kept saying whatever was coming in his mind. If he doesn't care about me so I also don't care about him'.

<Time skipped>
Friday evening:
Yn pov:

I was getting ready as half an hour ago jimin called me that he is on his way to pick me up with others. I was setting my hairs when I heard jimin's car horn. I hurriedly checked my self last time in the mirror, took my bag and left.

I went out and saw jimin on the driving seat, jungkook beside him and dazy at the back seat. I went towards the car and sat at the back seat with dazy. I greeted all of them.

Jimin: thanks guys for coming up. It would be more better if taehyung would also come with us. I tried to call him but even he didn't picked it up. Might be his 'some other plans ' are more important than his friend.

Jimin oppa said this with disappointment. At that time I become really mad at that crack head, jerk, Kim Taehyung. He really hurt jimin feelings unknowingly because of some stupid reasons and his ego.

'Don't worry chim; we are going to enjoy more without that jerk. Hurrrrrrrry!' 'Hurrrrry' jungkook and dazy said along with me in excitement to which jimin oppa laughed loudly. Finally he laughed; I just did it to light up his mood a bit but still my angerness towards taehyung didn't decreased a bit.

'That jerk really loves to spend his time with his so called baby yoora that's why they both didn't came up.' I cursed him mentally while rolling my eyes. Although I say 'i don't care' but deep down I do, I was definitely feeling jealous when I saw that yoora clinging with his arm like his girlfriend that day.

'Ufff yn! Jealousy and possessiveness comes where there are feelings. He was jealous because he has feelings for you pabo. Suddenly from nowhere dazy's saying came into my mind and a shy smile came on my lips but wait if she was right then what's up with yoora.why she is almost seen everywhere with taehyung these days.Dazy was right he is getting too close to yoora these days. Oh god this dazy sometimes say something else than sometimes something else.'God knows what's going on between them right now?' I asked myself with a scoffed face, and closed my eyes while resting my head at the back as journey was going to be quite long.

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