Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

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Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❤️
BONUS ( First Step)

14: Be mine

3.2K 166 22
By TereBin_

Soon they reached their room and Meerab walked towards the closet to check if he kept cigarettes in his pockets or not. Murtasim sensed her anger and understood what she was doing so he walked towards her and held her shoulder softly. Meerab turned towards him swiftly and looked into his eyes with anger. She wants to snap at him asking what does he want from his life? He is well-educated and still smokes. Why? 

"Brought one piece today so you will not find any cigarette here. And I will never smoke if you hate it", Murtasim said to which Meerab nodded and turned her face aside as her anger cooled down. She wondered how she changed otherwise she would have never believed him if this situation had arisen before. Her heart believed him but she is not happy with the changes she is seeing in her nature. She feels that she is falling weak in love and might convert into a weak Meerab soon if he continues his behavior like this

"Don't be angry Meerab. I... I promise I will not touch it", Murtasim pleased and dragged her towards the bed and helped her to sit comfortably on the bed. He knows Meerab finds difficulty in standing and walking so whenever he gets a chance, he helps her and Meerab never stops him because she knows she needs him so badly. Last month looked difficult for her as every time she kept on missing him and complaining about his ignorant behavior toward the baby.

As he saw Meerab lost in her thoughts, he thought she was still upset because of him and he bent in front of her and took her hands in his. Meerab looked at him and thier eyes met. Meerab felt her heartbeat rising finding him close to her. She is not yet satisfied with his comeback as they were unable to spend time with eachother and now when they have got night to spend and share thier feelings Murtasim started to smoke which she hates. She hated cigarettes from childhood as she was taught the harmful effects and Wakas also warned his relatives not to smoke at home which she heard. Also one of her uncles died which increased her hate for cigarettes but now she is scared of cigarettes. She can never lose him because he is very precious to her

"Talk to me, please. I came back just for you. Don't you want to hug me? I was dying for you", Murtasim told her desperately and moved a step closer to her. Meerab shook her head and moved her hand towards his lips to stop him from speaking further but Murtasim caught her hand and kissed the back of her palm. Meerab looked down shyly as her cheeks started to heat and her breaths became uneven. She waited for him to take steps as she still couldn't get the courage to pull him into a hug. She is not bold enough to show her emotions, she is not even expressive and could show her undying love for him because her heart is insecure. What if they got separated by destiny? No, they can't.

Murtasim noticed a change and understood that she wanted to hug him back but was hesitating. Her red cheeks and tiny smile told him to pull his wife in his embrace. Murtasim left her hand as he wanted her to hug him back and looked at her to see if it mattered if he left her hand. Just like he felt he lost warmth and her reaction looked worth watching as Meerab opened her eyes wide and then he noticed her smile fading away. He shook his head and moved his hand towards her face, he tucked her loose hair strand behind her ear moved closer towards her, and smiled when Meerab smiled with his gesture. Now she felt she got her home, and her husband back.

He held her hand tightly in his to stop her from moving back and stopped when there was an inch gap between thier faces. He looked into her eyes and found the same level of passion and love in her eyes. His body went cold and he felt goosebumps arising on his skin when Meerab caressed his hand softly and then intertwined these fingers together.  His strong hand took her into a new world and she felt herself lost in his touch. She forgot her insecurities when she felt his touch after a month.

He looked into her eyes and gestured towards her lips asking for permission. Yes, the contract is already broken but still, he doesn't feel right to move forward without her permission in this condition. He knows a few restrictions which include lovemaking but he is unaware of many things as he couldn't get time. Meerab nodded and opened her lips to let him kiss her.

(A/N: Sorry for not writing kiss in detail. For me, they are decent actors and I can't write this bold moment imagining them)

Murtasim broke the kiss when he felt her hold on his hand and hair. He held her by her shoulder and noticed her looking at the ground panting heavily. He noticed her red cheeks but couldn't see her eyes. He lifted her chin to make her face him and when she looked at him and found desire in his eyes she stepped forward and hugged him hiding her face in his chest to ignore embarrassment. She didn't know how she felt weak and how suddenly they kissed. She got flashes of lonely nights when she used to miss her husband, even though sometimes Aneela used to sleep with her but nobody can take the place of a husband and his touch is always different from others.

"I missed you ", Meerab said when her breaths became normal and her heart urged to tell him how much she missed him

"I missed you too my love", Murtasim said and kissed her cheek and then broke the hug. He made Meerab sit comfortably. Also, she woke his desires he is facing difficulty in holding himself just because of her pregnancy. He has a desire to come over to her and claim her body but he is scared to take any risk because of thier baby.

"Wow, you are changing. This time you confessed that you missed me I'm happy", Murtasim said and sat beside her taking her hand in his. She looked at him and found him smiling and wondered how can he be happy at such a small moment. She felt bad to interrupt but now she trusts him enough to open her heart. She put her head on his shoulder without removing her hand from his hold.

"I hate this change Murtasim. I want to stay strong and independent Meerab forever but your love is spoiling me. Can you accept the way I am? Your pampering will make an independent Meerab turn into a dependent one. Just like I'm becoming. I can't do anything myself alone and this belly. Please don't stop loving me because I'm turning fat", Meerab asked and bit her tongue realizing while talking about her being independent she asked him to be with her. That she knows she needs to mention otherwise she would have felt that he didn't come here because she is not slim anymore.

"I have already accepted you the way you are. Don't overthink because this is not healthy for our baby. I love my stubborn Meerab and don't care how you look and this is a symbol of our lo...", Murtasim said and stopped in the middle when he was about to say love but couldn't as he was unsure about that day. Was that because of love or lust and jealousy?

"Maybe a mistake or whatever but we love our baby and didn't our baby play as Cupid", Murtasim said and kissed her forehead after bending a little as her forehead was on his shoulder which made it easier to kiss her. Meerab nodded with a smile as she felt his love and kissed his shoulder to show her love for him. She is afraid to confess her love but she will let him know her feelings indirectly for sure.

"Then smile because I love you the way you are and you don't need to act as a good wife but please stay with me forever. And every husband does these gestures to keep his wife happy and this is your right. I also depend upon you and love this habit. I love helping you and showing my love to you", Murtasim told

"I will stay with you forever and will smile as well but first show me your smile ", Meerab asked rather say ordered because he wanted to see his precious smile first. Murtasim looked at her and then looked away as her request made him blush and he felt so happy when she asked his smile first. That made him feel loved.

"Ek baat bolu", Meerab asked and smiled when Murtasim turned his face towards her with a smile. She noticed his blushing face and felt proud that she could make her man feel shy around her and blush as well. Murtasim nodded and looked down to distract himself but when Meerab didn't say anything, he looked toward her, and then Meerab started speaking

"You are the only one who won my trust and the one who healed me. Who can touch me even without my permission I know you will never hurt me. I was broken... and wanted to die but you saved me... and asked me to come with you. That day I stopped hating you and with the passing days, I started falling for you. My life was...miserable until you entered. My life is a beautiful journey because you are traveling with me and removing hurdles... Our baby is a symbol of our love so don't ever call our baby a mistake or whatever. I... I", Meerab was taking deep breaths while opening her heart to him and her voice fumbled many times because she was facing difficulty in talking. She is an introvert and finds it very difficult to open her heart in front of someone who Holds every right on her. The guy whose one gaze is enough to send shivers in her body.

Murtasim looked at her and understood that she stopped in the middle because she was nervous so he held her hand firmly and said "Don't feel nervous Meerab. It's just you and me" Murtasim said and then added "and our baby" to correct his sentence

"I believe you the most Murtasim. I... I will lose faith truth trust and family if you break my trust. I know you will never but still I fear losing you. You are the one who will protect me and have the right to ask where was I. And want the same from you. I should know each and every detail about you. Whenever we fight, you will listen to my justification and I promise I will also. And Please be mine, no other girl should touch you ", Meerab said and noticed him staring at her. She exhaled her breath which she was holding while talking to him to look normal but deep down she was affected by his proximity. He was right beside her and she felt nervous to talk to him but she said whatever came into her heart

"So do you want me to spoil you or not? Your words are contradicting. You said you don't like these changes and now you want me to pamper you. What exactly do you want?", Murtasim asked

"I want you beside me and I love your care but want to stay as strong as Meerab ", Meerab said looking into his eyes. Murtasim nodded understanding her brought her hand towards his lips and kissed her fingers lovingly.

"My Meerab is very strong and Yes, I agree with you. I will inform you about my whereabouts and will listen to your explanation after a fight", he said and both layed on the bed hugging eachother, relaxing in a warm embrace. They talked for some time and then Murtasim brought milk for her and forced her to drink it. He forced her to have fruits as well but Meerab ate few and then left the rest fruits saying that she might vomit if she ate more which Murtasim understood as he read that in an article when he was searching about pregnancy

The next day they got ready early in the morning to go back. Meerab was reluctant to have food before traveling but in front of Murtasim, she couldn't deny it as his glare was enough to scare her. He even warned her that he would never talk to her so she finished having breakfast forcing him to eat as well. The car ride was silent as Meerab was showing anger at him for forcing her to have breakfast. He tried to calm her by purchasing chocolates and ice cream for her but nothing worked because she wanted to show attitude.

When they reached home Murtasim held her hand, Meerab tried to remove her hand but she couldn't free herself from his grip which felt like an iron chain.

"I care for you that's why I forced you to have breakfast. If not for yourself then think about our child Meerab. I'm already tensed about how ma begum will react and now with your behavior I'm afraid you will confess that you consider me your husband or not", Murtasim snapped at her when he tried to move forward but couldn't because Meerab didn't move. He can't even pull her because of pregnancy which annoys him

"I consider you as my husband but still I'm angry ", Meerab said twisting her lips to show fake anger. She was not angry as she understood his care but she loved it when he manofy her. Who will not love extra care and love? She always uses this trick to get more love from him which she knows he understands and continues because they share mutual feelings. Thier love keeps them together and happy. Both entered the mansion together and noticed Ma Begum talking with maids, Meerab tightened her hold on his hand and felt her heartbeat rising in fear. How she will react and how they will handle Ma Begum? When Ma Begum noticed them she looked shocked and walked toward Murtasim

"From where you got her?", Ma Begum asked, her mouth opened wide in shock and she checked Meerab out to see if she was for real or not.

"I will tell you first let me take her back", Murtasim said and was about to take Meerab back to their room to save Meerab from scolding but Ma Begum pulled him back angrily

"No, first ask where she was and with whom? ", Ma Begum asked looking at Meerab with disgust for her this is very odd if a woman leaves her husband for no reason and doesn't greet after coming back. She saw this for the first time as she saw normal marriages where the couple manages the household and no women leave their in-laws house.

"With your son. Anything else?", Murtasim said raising his voice on seeing Ma Begum's disgusting gaze on Meerab and his disgusting question

"Are you serious? Pagal toh ni ho gye ho? From when she was staying with you?", Ma Begum asked angrily still not recovering from the shock and received another shock that her son was staying with her. How? And if he knew her location why he didn't tell her before?

"I'm telling the truth Ma. She has been with me for the past 5 months. I will explain everything but first, let me take Meerab back", Murtasim said, and before Ma Begum could say anything Meerab said

"I will stay with you. It is my mistake and I'm ready for the punishment Ma begum", Meerab said coming in front of Murtasim. She wore lose clothes today so she knows Ma Begum will not be able to guess her pregnancy but they need to start from this topic for their defence

"Go back to the room ", Murtasim ordered but Meerab didn't leave his hand. Murtasim doesn't know how to feel now. Blessed to see Meerab standing beside him or sad because he is giving her stress in this state? What his child will learn? Fights?

"Do you realize what were you both doing? Murtasim you got so blinded with love that you forgot your mother. If she was with you then why do you keep us in the dark", Ma Begum shouted angrily and was about to slap Murtasim but stopped in the middle as she couldn't gather the courage to slap her loving son. Murtasim was her pride from childhood and she was always proud of him. Her Murtasim never lied and never broke her trust but today he not only lied but broke her trust as well. How can she blame Meerab when all her complaints are from her son, Murtasim

"I'm sorry ma ", Murtasim said and closed his eyes tightly fear of getting a slap from his mother in front of his wife but felt nothing. He opened his eyes and noticed tears in his mother's eyes.  He felt his heart bleeding as for a son seeing his mother cry is a heartbreaking moment. Especially when a mother is crying because of her son. He felt his eyes glistening with tears on noticing her hand in the air. Ma Begum never slapped him as his decisions always looked right to her and he was her favourite but now he feels like burying himself inside the ground in shame

"Ma begum I requested him to hide my existence from everyone. Please don't punish him. It's not his mistake...", Meerab said and came in front of him. Her body trembled finding Murtasim so weak and not having words to argue. Her eyes glistened with tears but she gulped her tears and tried hard not to cry in front of Ma Begum

"Meerab. I told you not to come. Jao yaha se ", Murtasim said angrily but Meerab shook her head

"I can't let anyone punish you for my mistake", Meerab said and took a step forward to talk with Ma Begum to protect her protector.

"I'm ready for punishment. Please don't...", Meerab was about to explain but Ma Begum showed her hand to both of them and turned her face aside to complete her final words

"I don't want to talk with any of you. Murtasim you died for me for hiding such a big thing from me", Ma Begum said and left towards her room to avoid further arguments as felt heartbroken. She couldn't even stand after knowing her son knew Meerab's whereabouts but didn't tell her. 5 long months and his heart never forced him to inform his old mother about Meerab?

She never hated Meerab, she just reached according to Meerab's behavior but now all her complaints shifted to Murtasim as he was not a child. Murtasim broke her trust, her pride broke her trust. First Haya, then Mariyam, and now Murtasim as well. What was the mistake in her upbringing? She wondered. How can she blame Wakas now when her own blood betrayed her? For her, this is a big thing. She knows she said too much in anger but she didn't realise what she said. She was about to lock the door but then kept it open as she wanted either Murtasim or Meerab to explain thier behaviour. Was she that bad that they were hiding from her? Isn't she trustworthy?

"She will be fine soon", Meerab said and placed her hand on Murtasim's shoulder as she noticed Murtasim's teary eyes. She knew he might start crying anytime soon so she tried to support him. Murtasim closed his eyes tightly and felt tears falling from his eyes. He knows his mistake and is guilty of it but he doesn't have courage enough to talk with Ma Begum

"It's not easy Meerab. I hurt her and now she...", Murtasim said and stopped in the middle as his voice fumbled and tears started falling from his eyes

"I'm Sorry", Meerab apologized and wiped his tears to which Murtasim shook his head

"Go and tell her you are pregnant because she will not listen to me. Don't delay, please... I will stay outside the door,... if she tries saying against you I will protect you... I know she will ignore you as well but please go and tell her the truth...", Murtasim requested, his voice fumbled and his hands were shivering due to fear from his mother. He knows his mother very well that she might be waiting for an explanation but will not listen to him which will break his heart more but he has hope from Meerab because after hearing her pregnancy news, Ma Begum might forgive them.

I tried to make Ma Begum's reaction look real. Don't know if I succeed or not

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