A Trip Across...Earth?!(Earth...

By MEME-Corp

47.3K 1.7K 2.4K

You were just an average teen going through the motions of your current state of existence.Then when you got... More

Chapter 1:SNAILS!!!
Chapter 2:Infinite Parallel Universe Theory
Chapter 3:Is it,"The Mall?"Or,"Them All?"
Chapter 4:Dejavu
Chapter 5:A little help please?
Chapter 6:Not Much But It's An Honest Chapter
Chapter 8:Gang vs Gang
Chapter 9:A Trip Across...Remnant?!
Chapter 10:A Day In Remnant
Chapter 11:Shit Gets Tragic New Patek
Chapter 12 Choices

Chapter 7:Beach side Fun Buddies

4.6K 159 185
By MEME-Corp

You were at your house waiting for the others to get dressed all while watching youtube.

Y/n:Who the hell would blatantly watch this?Guy sounds dead inside.ARE YOU GUYS READY?!

Yang(upstairs):Hold on!!I'm not exactly used to these straps!

Ruka(upstairs):Maybe we should've gotten you a cup size bigger.SUCK IT IN GIRL!!

Yang(upstairs):*YELP!* HEY!!

You tried to ignore Yang's cry.

Y/n:This why I just wear shorts to the beach.All I have to do is take off my shirt and sandals then I'm ready.Tjis is more irritating than when Arisu was on my car.



Arisu:*Still dancing*


*End of Flashback*

You layed down on what was essentially your new bed the couch.

Y/n(thoughts):I guess no matter WHAT world you're in women take a while.


You opened your eyes.

Y/n:What is Ru-BEE?!?!

Ruby(blushing):H-How do I look?


Y/n(thoughts):A girl from a fictional world is my girlfriend!!And she's wearing that?!I don't wanna sound like a simp but for the love of God!!Call me Jim Carrey from the movie,"The Mask" because she is SMMMOKING!!!

Ruby:Do you not like it?


Yang:Aww!!Look at you all beet red.

Y/n:No I'm-*SPLAT!*AGK!!

Yang:Ha!I guess I look good.

She said flexing her bicep as you tried to cover your nose.

Y/n(blushing):Dammit Yang!!I just got the blood off this carpet!

Yang:Oh please what's the worst that can happen?


A book fell from it's shelf.

Y/n:You angered the passive aggressive ghost!


That's when Ruka slid down the stairs followed by Blakr who was wearing an unzipped Hoodie over her swimsuit and Weiss who had on a shirt and short jeans.

Ruka:Alright Y/n!

He noticed the book on the floor.

Ruka:Who angered the passive aggressive ghost?

Ruby:Why are you saying that Luke it's normal!?

Y/n:Ruby do you know how many people tried to rob my house only to accidentally get shot....by me?......When I turned on the lights and saw them completely?.....And pulled the trigger with no remorse and a smile on my face?



Yang:Ruka are you going like that?

Ruka:Don't worry.I have an swimsuit that'll easily outshine all of you girls.

Y/n:I doubt it.Now come on let's go.You know how Dave gets when we're late.

You all piled into the over excessive 6 door truck and began to drive off.

Yang:How many other of your,"RWBY" fan club is gonna be there?

Ruka:Well counting me and Y/n I wanna say like 10?

Y/n:Well more like 9 because freaking Troy barely ever shows up.

Ruka:He should be there.Troy and Abigail broke up.

Y/n:Oh thank god!!I hated Abigail.

Ruka:Holy fuck me too!!I just thought I shouldn't say anything because I thought you were gonna tell Troy!

Y/n:Bro me too!!

Ruby:Aww best friend moment!Those are so nice to have right Weiss?

She looked at Weiss.


Weiss stared back outside the window.

Ruby:Well said bestie!

Blake:I wonder how the others are doing.

Y/n:I'm sure they're fine.From what we saw they seem like capable people.

*In Remnant*

Jaune:We are NOT the capable people for this Professior!!

It's been nearly a month in Remnant time since RWBY disappeared.A research team had been working on site in the old abandoned village.

Nora:Oh come on Jaune lighten up!We're the first ever people that's get to travel through space!!

Jaune:Ruby and the others did it first!

Nora:But it wasn't recorded now was it?

Pyrrha:I'm all for finding our friends again.But are you sure we are the perfect candidates?

Ozpin:Stop showing your armpit we get it you're hot.


Ozpin:I said that the Research team managed to connect team RWBY's DNA to what we believe are the antenna's to Dr.Gersh's teleportation device.Sort of like Wifi.

Ren:What about Dr.Gursh though?Was there a reason he built a fake town?

Ozpin:We're not sure.We can't decipher his notes.It's too primitive in a way.We believe it might've been a way to hide how huge the teleportation device actually was.But thankfully his blueprints are more pictures than words.

As he said that a Bullhead landed near the site.

Ozpin:He's on time.

As the doors opened two people walked out.

Ozpin:Ironwood.I hope you had a good morning.

Ironwood:It's been about the same ever since the past 4 weeks.Has the research team made any progress?

Ozpin:I believe so.We should have Gursh's device up and running soon.

??:Good.The faster this thing starts working the faster I can find my sister.

Ozpin:Hello Winter.


She looked at the readers.

Nora:The jokes write themselves people.

Winter:I've discussed it with Ironwood.I'm leading the expedition.

Ozpin:And I believe I found your perfect squad mates

Winter looked at JNPR.Nora waved hi.

Winter:A bunch of First Years?I need people that are experienced sir!

Ozpin:They have experience.


Ozpin:They witnessed it.

He said joking.


Ironwood:Relax Winter.He's trying to keep the mood light.

Ozpin:In all seriousness.The research team had a Spectogram of the location we believe the team could have been teleported too.

Ozpin showed them.

Ironwood:This....looks like a neighborhood?

Ozpin:Indeed.If we send military grade members they'll be too out of place.Casual is the name of the game Ironwood.

Ironwood:But they're first years Ozpin-



Winter:Are you sure?!

Guy 1:I-It's a little weak but the energy of the portal is there!We just need to activate before something bad happens!

Guy 2:Bad like what?

Guy 1:I don't know lose connection?

Guy 2:I was thinking something more drastic.

Ozpin:It's now or never James.

Winter:Please Ironwood!.......

Ironwood:.....*Sigh*.....If anything happens it's on you.....Get them ready!

The research team gave them all scrolls.

Jaune:Wait don't we already have scrolls?

Guy 1:We tweaked these a little bit.We're not entirely confident.But if these work you'll be able to connect with us through the other side.

Guy 2:And try to remember the exact location where you've been teleported too.The portal should reopen up.

Jaune:There's a lot of "should work" in the rundown.

Guy 2:It's interdimensional travel stupud!!We JUST figured it out like 3 minutes ago!!

Ren:Wait so you haven't tested these yet?!

Winter:We're running out of possible time!!Open the portal!

That's when the same feeling was....well felt.The air began to blow,small blue electricity began to spark,and then in a burst of blue light it was there.The portal.






The screaming stopped.

Guy 1:Sorry sir.Jason opened up a portal to some kind of Hell on Earth landscape.Lot's of lava.

Jason:I just wanna die!

Guy 1 threw him a rope.

Guy 1:Go find a tree.


Guy 1:Alright the REAL coordinates are in.

Winter:Let's go!

They all began to run towards the portal except for Jaune who needed Pyrrha to drag him.


*With you*

You were telling a quick story on how you woke up Ruka for his birthday


Ruka:The worst part it was LITERALLY 12:00 AM at night.Ever since then I always stayed past 12 in case he ever pulls that shit again.

Y/n:Hahaha!Haaaa good times.

After a while you arrived at the beach where you immediately spotted Dave.His face said it all.

Y/n:Guess we're late.

As you looked towards Ruka you immediately saw him in a shockingly small speedo with band-aids covering his nip-


Ruka:I told you!,"A swimsuit that'll outshine all your girls."

Y/n:I'm not a girl though!

Ruka:You are from behind.

He immediately got out of the car as you turned to RWBY.

Y/n:I'm gonna kill him one of these days.And when I do help me hide the body.

You all got out of the car.Blake left her hoodie in the car as you saw her full swimsuit.

Blake:That looks a little more than 10 to 9 people.

Ruby:It's like 20.

Y/n:I don't know the others.

Ruby:Who's that one with the pink hair?

Y/n:Pink hair?


Ruby:W-What's wrong!?

Y/n:Sorry the cement is burning my feet.


Ruka brought over the pink hair in question.

Ruka:You'll never who this is!

Y/n:A femboy like you?

Troy:It's me Troy!!!


Ruka took out a picture of Troy and cropped his head off.Then he put his phone in front of Troy.

Ruka:It's his same figure!!.....A little bit.

Y/n:But he.....You....You were a top player in Smash bros!

Troy:Well now I just Smash bros!

He said giving you a hug.

Astolfo:And and I changed my name.Call me Astolfo.


Astolfo:Yeah!Why do you think I look like him?I just couldn't pull off the massive ponytail.

Y/n:But Astolfo isn't gay!!


That's when everyone else besides RWBY began to burst out laughter.Everyone at the party was laughing at you.

Ruka:Yeah OK Y/n.And I'm not planning fill Astolfo like a Boston Cream Doughnut behind the rocks today.


*Next scene*

You were sitting on a beach towel moping.Ruby sat next to you.

Ruby:Everything alright?

Y/n:What do you think?

Ruby:.....I....think you hate femboys.

Y/n:I don't hate them.If you wanna be a femboy twink then you do you.I just wish he told us so I could prepare myself.

Ruby:Did your heart skip a beat when you saw him for the first time?

Y/n:HE HAD A DUMPY ALRIGHT?!That's the last time I'm getting tricked like that.If they have a flat chest they're a guy!

Weiss(in the distance):YOU FUCKING WOT M8?!

Ruby:*Giggle!*Come on.

Ruby grabbed your hand.

Ruby:Come on let's go in the water and cool you off.

Y/n(childish):I hate em!

She patted your head.

Ruby:Me too....

As you amd Ruby walked to the water someone approached Yang.

Guy:Wow great hair!You look exactly like Yang from RWBY.

Yang:Oh!Thanks.But I am Yang.

Guy:Haha!Sure you are.Love the cosplay.HEY DAVE!!TOSS ME A SODA YOU FUCKIN TART!!

Yang(thoughts):Oh right!I gotta pretend I'm cosplaying.


Yang looked at you.


Ruka:Eh.I like to splash when looking at my partner.

Troy was pulling up his his bikini speedo.

Astolfo:I should know.It happened so fast.

They then both high fived each others as,"Gay Friends!!" popped up behind them.

Y/n:...H-How'd you get those words?

Ruby:That's not fair I want words!!

"Cry baby bitch" appeared behind her.


Yang then grew a Grinch smile and came up with a raunchy scheme.

Y/n:So you two love birds finally done making hentai?

Ruka:I wouldn't exactly use the words "love."More like,"I pretended he was you."

Astolfo:Whatever makes you finish stronger.

They slapped each other's asses like football jockeys.

Y/n:I'm going to fucking murder the both of you.

Ruka:You can try.


Y/n:What the-AGHK!!!


Yang tackled you as you both fell in the water.


You managed to get yourself head above the surface.

Y/n:*GAAAASP!*Yang what the hell?!

Yang:*Giggle!*Why are you so mad we're at the beach!

Astolfo:Yang?Like Yang Xiao Long?You changed your name too?Man that's some serious dedication to cosplay.You look so much like her.

He then turned to Ruby.

Astolfo:You too.You look like Ruby.

Ruby:Uh-Yeah!We just....really love that show.


Y/n:What's wrong-GYAAAAAAAT!!!

Yang was topless!!

Yang:O-Oh no!My top came off!!

She quickly looked around and then leaped onto of you



Yang:Well I don't want everyone to see my goods!!

She looked up at you while blushing.

Yang:You don't mind Y/n do you~?

Y/n:Uhhh my mind is trying to think of a good answer!

It was a feeling you never felt before!Like having live,warm,squishmallows against you.


Yang:Can you guys look for my top please!


As they began to search you tried your best to ignore Yang's personalities.All was going well....until...

Yang:So how do they feel?


Yang looked at your face with a smirk.

Yang:My boobies.

*Vine boom!*

Yang:My massive freaking titties?

*Vine boom!*


Yang:My super stuffed up milkies?

*Vine boom!*

Yang:My honker,bonker,doingy,boingy-


Ruby stomped on Yangs head pushing it under the water.



Y/n:Her head......it's on my....


*Next scene*

Ruby was tying Yang's swim strap.

Ruby:What the heck was that about Yang?He's my boyfriend you can't exactly flirt with him like that.

Yang:Yeah well....I just think that you should....(blush)share.

Ruby:Share?!What do you mean by that?!

Yang looked back at Ruby with a grin.

Yang(blushing):I care about him a whole lot.


Ruby pulled back on the swimsuit strap.

Yang:OW!!The heck Ruby?!

Ruby:He's my boyfriend that's,"The heck!"

Yang:Aw come on sis.Everyone needs some big sisterly love.

She said holding up her boobs as Ruby slapped them out of spite.


*With you*

Weiss:Wait I don't get it it.How is that funny?

Y/n:He turned himself into a pickle Weiss!That's what's funny!!Even Master Chief found it funny!

Weiss:You say that like I know who he is!!

Y/n(under breath):Flat bitch.


Y/n:Nice A-Cup boobs.



You both looked Ruby.

Ruby:We need to have a chat!

Ruka:She seems pissed.What did do you?

Y/n:Not sure.

You walked over to where Ruby was as she grabbed your hand.


She didn't say anything as she took you behind the rocks.

Ruka:Oh shit he's gonna fuck his crush......HE'S GONNA FUCK HIS CRUSH!!!

He got his phone out.

Ruka:What kind of friend would I be if I didn't record?Hey Astolfo!!Wanna see if Y/n's dtf?!He's way bigger than me.

Astolfo:Does the pipe make a safer place for pedophiles by removing their sins?!

*With you*

You and Ruby were standing behind the rocks.You were blushing like crazy because this is the place where the deed goes down.You could feel your face being hot.

Y/n(blushing):....Uhm Ruby?Is there a reason you brought me here?

Ruby:Yeah....Did Yang kiss you?

Y/n:...That?....Uh....I....Yeah....she said it as a thanks for saving her from the bullet.

Ruby:Why didn't you tell me?

You felt your heart sink a little.

Y/n:Well apart from thinking that it just a small thank you I....didn't want you to think I was cheating....

Ruby:Y/n.....*Sigh*Ok I can see why.Just next time tell me someone like that alright?

Y/n:Y-Yeah definitely.

As you thought the conversation was over Ruby took a step forward.

Ruby(blushing):Hey....What do you think about Yang?

Y/n:What do you mean?(Thoughts)Oh God this is how a hentai starts!!!What do I do?!I'm not prepared!!I didn't stretch!!That's what you do before you do it right!?

Ruby(blushing):Just about her in general.

You didn't kniw what to do.Your mind was shooting off one too many thoughts!!You were overwhelmed.

Ruby(blushing):If Yang stood up for you back at the mall instead of me.Would you date her instead?


You grabbed Ruby by her shoulders as your mind came to a sudden feeling of calm.





Y/n:The truth is Ruby...I like all of you guys!You're the girls of my dreams!!Not one of you will ever be more special than the other.And when you came to my world I thought that there was no way that any of you would date me!!.....

You looked at her in the eyes.

Y/n:But the fact that you're my girlfriend right now.Makes me the most happiest man in the world.


Y/n:I don't care how many sexy Yangs,Blakes,or Weiss come in this world!If I'm not dating them then I don't want em!Because you're the only one for me!!!


Her heart doki doki'd again as her face became as red as her hair.

Y/n:You're more than sexy enough fore me!!

You don't kniw why but you just had to tell her the truth and immediately regretted it.

Y/n(thoughts):WHY DID I SAY THAT LAST PART?!?!


Y/n(blushing):Ruby.....I love you!!!!


Ruby(blushing):You.....You really mean that?

Y/n:Does Ozpin admittedly look handsome for someone his age?


Ruby carefully leaned in as did you.

Y/n(thoughts/blushing):I'm prepared!!!I can do this!!

Ruby(thoughts/blushing):I'm ready Y/n...Take me....

The tension was white hot!!You both could feel each others soft breathing!


Yang:Is that so Y/n?!



Y/n(thoughts):Thank god!!I wasn't prepared!

Yang:Yeah so what?


Yang:Well I was going to try and talk to Y/n but you got ahead of me on that.And then I heard his little speech.


Yang:You found a real lucky guy Rubes.

Ruby gently held your hand.

Ruby:Thanks sis-

Yang:Too bad you're gonna have to share!


Yang grabbed you by your hips and dipped you down like a dancing instructor and gave you a big old kiss.


Yang:Well you heard him!If I'm not dating him then I can't get a piece of him.And besides after that speech.

She blushed.

Yang(blushing):I want him more than ever.


Yang:Well whattya say Y/n?What's it gonna be?Who's heart are you gonna break?



*Next scene*

You and Ruka were getting ice cream.






Ruka:......I told you Yang was gonna-

Y/n:Eat a bag of stale dicks Ruka.

*End of Chapter 7*

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