Captured by the Beast [SS#2]

By KittyStarrReaper

16.1K 642 10


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 23

284 15 0
By KittyStarrReaper

Chapter 23


The next morning, we were out of the house early enough that we could watch the sunset together. It was beautiful and breathtaking as I marveled at the view. Even though we could see the sunset from the sunroom, I never woke up in time to see it, which was odd as I had always woken up before Josiah. But, now, I was able to sleep in and catch up on the sleep I missed throughout the years.

Once I finished marveling, Mizail led me through the empty tribe with his hand engulfing my own. It felt weird to see nobody casually walking the paths or selling something in the square. The few Aloreans we did see were just guards who all looked at us oddly before bowing as we passed. I had questioned Mizail on their odd behavior after the fifth time, and he informed me that they were showing respect for me as we were partially mated. He went on to say that I beared his scent or, in simple terms—after my incredulous look—I smelled like him. Our scents were mixed together after mating several times. And even though I felt kind of embarrassed, I felt a sense of pride rush through me.

We finally made it to our first destination, which happened to be the temple. It had been the largest building on the square, painted a warm beige color with a large double wooden door that seemed to be the same shade yet slightly darker. This building contained a few makeshift windows that scaled up its high walls, possibly hinting at upper floors. A grassy path, surrounded by small bushes, led up to the double doors. I had looked around for the healer's hut as Mizail had said it was near, but it was nowhere in sight.

When I questioned him on it, he stuck to his words and showed me—by picking me up and flying into the air, much to my surprise—that the healer's hut was just a flap of his wings away. But, if I were walking, it was much further than he suggested. Once he was done showing me, he led me into the temple as I glanced around at my surroundings. Unlike every home I've been in, the floors and walls of the temple were different. Instead of the smooth rock floor, clear tile greeted our feet. Beneath those clear tiles, though, were decorations of sort that looked like paint and confetti as they swirled into patterns and glimmered against the flames on the walls. Each different colored flame was encased in its own glass container upon the white walls, where various patterns were painted in their own different colors as well.

"What do the patterns mean?" I inquired as Mizail stopped in his steps while softly smiling at me.

"Each pattern—both here and there—," He pointed from the wall to the floor, "represents an Alorean that has passed on. After a sacred ceremony has been performed, members of their family would come here and paint their loved ones tribal markings onto the wall in their color." He paused while I took in all of the information before glancing down the long hall where every wall and tile were covered in patterns. "Amongst all of these beautiful patterns lays my older brother's." He confessed as I swore I almost got whiplash from how fast I turned to look at him. He was gently moving his finger over a few patterns near us with that same soft smile on his face.

"But, your mom never said anything to me about him." I sputtered out as he nodded.

"It's her way of coming to terms with it, especially around my lorno." He softly shook his head. "Shall we move on?" He asked while holding out his hand to me as I nodded before accepting. He squeezed my hand softly with that same smile on his face as I smiled back at him. His sudden change of conversation left no room to ask any questions. I understood this as I gave his hand a squeeze back before we continued down the hall, the patterns now taking a new meaning.

Focusing back on my surroundings, I noticed how the hallways seemed to loop around and curve after a few steps. There were no doors, just white walls and clear tiles covered in so many patterns. As I thought we were going to wind down the forever winding halls, Mizail suddenly stopped at a dead end where the wall wasn't covered in patterns. Instead, what looked like cavemen drawings of mountains filled the wall from floor to ceiling. Looking closer, though, I could make out well hidden writing that I've never seen before. Just as I was about to turn and ask Mizail what they meant, he slowly raised our hands towards the wall before spreading mine flat against it as his much larger one covered it.

"We wish to walk into the den of the great Goddess and the mother of all with pure intentions and curious minds." He spoke while staring at the wall as the writing beneath my hands began to squirm and move. "It's okay, my heart." He soothed as I must've looked panicked. I turned my attention back to the squirming writing as Mizail instructed me to repeat what he had just said. I did as told before the writing ran up and down the wall like giant bugs. They quickly disappeared into the bottom and top of the floor as it crumbled away into some kind of liquid.

"Mizail, what in the world was that?" I questioned while staring at the floor where the odd liquid disappeared into, never disturbing the patterns beneath it. He held my hand again before guiding me forward as I looked up just in time to see a room filled with patterns, but these were different. They were all the same color, but they weren't just on the wall and floor. They were also painted onto the ceiling in a silver color. All of the patterns seemed to lead up to a statue of a woman with large deer antlers who was positioned like she was reaching for the high ceiling. An odd looking dress was carved in great detail on the statue, almost hiding its barely visible feet.

"That was the great Goddess and mother of all allowing you both to enter." An unfamiliar voice explained as an all white Alorean with faint gray markings rounded the statue dressed in gray robes. Unlike most of the Aloreans I've seen, they were the first wingless one. "The mother of all has been awaiting your arrival." The Alorean smiled while looking between us as Mizail nodded before stepping forward, guiding me with him.

"My heart, this is the keeper of the temple, Aiyie. They take care of the temple and will help with sacred ceremonies and rituals." Mizail introduced as we stopped in front of Aiyie, who smiled at us. Though Aiyie looked like everybody else, there was no clear distinction of what their gender was, and I was okay with that.

"Welcome to Sinniriel, Nuri." Aiyie greeted while turning their attention towards me as I couldn't hide the curiosity on my face. "How did I know your name?" They questioned as I nodded. Were they reading my mind at this point? "Storrerhia knows all, and as her keeper, I know who arrives here. For example, out of the four of your group, you're the second one to come and visit Storrerhia so soon. Lilium was the first. Such a sweet child." Aiyie explained with a smile as shock washed over me. Maybe I wasn't believing the whole gods and goddesses thing before, but now, I was in denial. Either Aiyie was crazy or everything they said was true. "You seem unsure. You may ask me any question as long as Storrerhia permits the answer."

"What happened to my friends?" I asked without a second thought as Aiyie's smile never left their face.

"Lilium is in the Undergrounds, safe. Wren is in the Mirage with her mate and is safe. Yareli is situated around the Black Ocean with her mate as well. And your other friend Cordelia seems to be back on Earth in some type of tightly locked building?" Aiyie questioned as I nodded, still in shock before they continued. "Your friends, excluding Cordelia, were picked up by different members of the tribes here. Do not fret. They are in safe hands with their mates and the people around them. Now, would you like to pray?" Aiyie inquired as I shook off my shock before nodding. As we stepped forward, Aiyie held out their hands.

"Will it be okay if I prayed to Storrerhia even if I'm not a believer?"

"Storrerhia welcomes all." Was all Aiyie said as I hesitantly grasped their hand before closing my eyes. I just wanted everyone to be okay and for Lily to make a quick yet smooth recovery.

"That's sweet of you, Nuri." A soft voice spoke as I quickly opened my eyes before looking around. Aiyie and Mizail had seemingly vanished, leaving me in this empty room. Looking back at the statue, I was surprised to see it had moved. In fact, it looked as if it were staring down at me. "Welcome to Sinniriel, Nuri. The child of a once powerful mage." The statue spoke as I swore my chin hit the floor from the shock. I watched as the statue stepped down from her platform with grace before lowering her hand towards me. Hesitantly, looking between her face and hand, I clambered on as she raised me up towards her face. "Now, that's better." She smiled, her features smooth against her stone face.

"Storrerhia? The mother of all?" I asked, flabbergasted as she nodded while her smile grew. "You're real! I'm talking to a goddess!" I exclaimed, the shock still washed over me in waves as her laughter surrounded me.

"I am very much real, Nuri. I'm glad to finally be able to speak with you." She spoke as confusion overtook my initial shock. "You and your friends have important roles to play."

"Roles? Is this some type of game? Are we only here to fulfill some weird need? Is anything real? Are my feelings for Mizail even real?" I asked hysterically as Storrerhia’s smile was replaced with a look of worry. "Are we even free here, or is this just another prison unbeknownst to us?"

"Nuri," Storrerhia called, "breathe easy. I did not bring you and your friends here to be trapped on my planet. Of course, your roles are important, but it's something that you make for yourself. All I wish for is your happiness. That's something that all four of you deserve. And the way you feel for your mate are your own feelings. The mate system for my planet only tells them who their mate is not how to feel. No, that's all on you. Whatever you're feeling for Mizail in this moment is of your own free will. Listen to your heart once in a while." She assured as I took a few deep breaths before her words washed over me.

"That's strange." I mumbled as she stared at me with a soft smile on her face. "I guess that's good to know, but you're mistaken about my mom. She's a fire mage." I corrected as Storrerhia gently shook her head.

"Your mother knew more than just fire mage magic. She was once a very bright and intelligent woman who strived to learn all that she could just like you." She explained as I stared up at her in disbelief. "For instance, your necklace wasn't just made with fire mage magic and spells. Your mother put her whole heart into it. A feat only done by a once powerful mage."

"But, why wouldn't she tell me? Why hide the fact of what she was?" I asked, more to myself than Storrerhia.

"Because your world was a dangerous place even for a powerful mage. But, if something were to ever happen to your necklace, I'll be there."

"Huh? What do you mean? Is something supposed to happen?" I questioned, confused but deep in my heart, I knew the answer. Storrerhia gave me a soft smile once again as she lowered me down to the ground. As I stepped out of her hand, she slowly turned and made her way back to her platform.

"A war is among us, Nuri. In the following months, things will unravel themselves. When it happens, you'll know what to do and who to trust. For now, enjoy the peace you have up until the very last moment. Enjoy the relationships you have." She spoke, almost cryptic, while rising back to her pose as I tried to piece together her words.

"A war?! What do you mean? Are you talking about the attack with Lily? What's going to happen to us?" I asked as panic quickly consumed me.

"Rest easy and close your eyes, Nuri." Aiyie's calm voice spoke as Storrerhia glanced down at me with the same soft smile on her face before I did as told. When I opened my eyes again, I was laying in Mizail's lap as he frantically called out to me.

"Nuri! Are you okay?!" He asked, panic filling his face as I sighed while closing my eyes again.

"I'm okay, Mizail." I mumbled as he gently caressed my cheek. "Let's go finish up and go home." I added while opening my eyes as he stared down at me, worried. "I'm okay, I promise." I smiled as he helped me up while I glanced around the room. The statue was back in place, and Aiyie was quietly standing off to the side with a soft yet knowing smile.

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